Home Berries Types of punishment for employees: disciplinary and material methods of punishment. The procedure for removing disciplinary or material punishment from an employee. • Interpersonal relationships in the team

Types of punishment for employees: disciplinary and material methods of punishment. The procedure for removing disciplinary or material punishment from an employee. • Interpersonal relationships in the team

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Chapter 1. Theories of employee motivation

1.1 Theory of motivation A. Maslow

1.2 F. Herzberg's theory of motivation

1.3 D. McGregor's theory of motivation

1.4 The theory of motivation V.I. Gerchikova

Chapter 2. The system of awards and incentives for personnel

2.1 The essence of the concept of staff incentives

2.2 Procedure and stages of personnel certification

2.3 Criteria effective work employees of the firm, as well as their actions deserving rewards

2.4 Two approaches to material incentives for personnel, types of awards and incentives within these systems

2.5 Other forms of material incentives

2.6 The role of intangible incentives in the personnel management system, their main forms and types

2.7 Principles and stages of building a personnel incentive system

Chapter 3. Punishments as a means of personnel management

3.1 Classification of violations

3.2 Types of administrative punishments

3.3 Rules and principles of competent construction of the punishment system





One of the main problems of modern personnel work of any enterprise is the problem of effective motivation labor activity... It is the understanding of the basic principles of motivating personnel to work in order to achieve the goals of the organization that gives the leader a powerful tool for managing the enterprise.

To create such effective system stimulating the work of the company's employees, it is necessary, first of all, to determine its main goals - to what results the organization seeks and what actions of the personnel need to be stimulated.

To begin with, let's look at some theories of motivation in order to more clearly understand where the reward or punishment system that helps to develop the employee and the organization originates. What theoretical methods of rewards and punishments will be useful in practice.

Many managers consider salary to be the main way of influencing personnel. But then the question arises: why, in the first place, from corporations that do not have a remuneration management policy, the best workers who have a sufficiently high salary leave? Let us consider what other methods of influence, besides material ones, have high motivation for high-quality work and increase employee loyalty to the company.

It is assumed that any actions of the employee entail either positive, negative or neutral consequences, depending on how the employee performs the work assigned to him. These consequences act through the consciousness of a person. AND important point is that for the same incentives different people react differently and with varying degrees of intensity. The paradox is that the same results can be obtained both through reward and through punishment. Therefore, a correct assessment of the personality of employees is very important here. For the study of personnel psychology, a number of psychological disciplines are used: general psychology, labor psychology, engineering and social psychology.

The aim of this work is to study existing species and the forms of rewards and punishments for the employees of the enterprise, and the rationale for these measures. In addition, we will consider the principles of building an effective system of personnel motivation at the enterprise.

Chapter 1. Theories of employee motivation

Speaking about theories of creating an effective personnel motivation system, let us focus on the four most popular studies, the authors of which are A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, D. McGregor and V.I. Gerchikov.

1.1 A. Maslow's theory of motivation

The basis for the construction of a labor motivation system within the framework of this theory is the popular hierarchy of needs of A. Maslow. Maslow's classification is based on the priorities according to which, in his opinion, human needs are met.

Primary needs

1. Physiological needs (eg food, water, sleep).

2. The need for security, that is, in environment that does not contain a threat to life, health, etc.

Social needs

3. The need to belong to a certain social group, in love and affection, that is, the need for approval from other people and in warm relationships with members of their group.

4. The need for respect (the need for authority, self-respect, self-esteem).

5. The need for self-expression - in the full use of their capabilities, achievement of goals, in personal growth.

Maslow argues that any person satisfies his needs, starting with the primary and moving up the hierarchy. However, the lower needs are not always fully satisfied before other needs become important. Some people, according to Maslow, cannot surpass a certain level in their development and choose a lifestyle that meets only the needs of the lower levels. The workings of the participants of the training “Personnel management in project activities”, Which are structured within Maslow's theories are presented in the table (Appendix 1). These developments relate to incentive methods of motivation. Methods are divided into activating - that is, those that generate certain needs and, in fact, satisfy these needs. Activating methods are very important, because with their help we can form the needs necessary for the organization, thereby developing employees. Obviously, this approach to motivation will be more productive, since we ourselves generate certain needs and then satisfy them.

According to Maslow, depriving employees of any way to meet their needs will be the punishment.

1.2 F. Herzberg's theory of motivation

This theory of motivation is also called the “motivational-hygienic” model of F. Herzberg. In his opinion, there are two groups of motivation factors:

1. Hygienic factors - factors that are taken for granted by employees and do not additionally motivate more efficient and intensive work. However, in the absence of any of these factors, demotivation occurs, employees will consciously or intuitively be ready to leave the organization as soon as they get an opportunity to improve working conditions. These factors include:

* Clear policy and objectives of the organization

* Wage

* Employment guarantees

* Interpersonal relationships in a team

* Working conditions

2. Motivators - factors that stimulate more productive activities and “feed” the loyalty of employees to the organization. These include:

* Success, high results

* Recognition of merit

* Promotion, career

* Increased responsibility

* Opportunities for professional, creative and business growth

When developing an incentive system for personnel according to Herzberg's principles, it should be remembered that first you need to ensure the presence of hygienic factors, and then move on to motivators. The second does not work without the first.

1.3 D. McGregor's theory of motivation

D. McGregor's theory of motivation is based on a person's attitude to work. “X”, “Y” and “Z” are perfectly different models motivation, focused on different levels of needs, respectively, the manager must apply very different incentives to work, depending on the type of employee.

Theory "X" is based on the following premises:

· People initially do not like to work and at every opportunity avoid work;

· People do not have ambition, and they try to get rid of responsibility, preferring to be led;

· Most of all people want security;

· To force workers to work, it is necessary to use coercion, control and the threat of punishment.

This theory describes an employee who can only work under supervision. Obviously, in this case, it would be more appropriate to give priority to punishments. Employees of this type need clear performance standards, regulation of all procedures, behavior at work, and a strict control system. And the slightest deviation from the standard should be punished.

Theory "Y" is the opposite of theory "X" and is focused on a completely different group of people. The theory "Y" is based on the following premises:

* social needs and a desire to work well prevail in people's motives;

* unwillingness to work is not a hereditary trait of a person. A person can perceive work as a source of satisfaction or as punishment, depending on the working conditions;

* responsibility and obligations in relation to the goals of the organization depend on the remuneration received for the results of work. The most important reward is that associated with satisfying the need for self-expression;

* an ordinary person seeks to take responsibility;

* people are inherently willing to use their knowledge and experience, they do not need to be controlled.

For this type of employee, rewards are more suitable. The main stake should be placed on expanding responsibility, granting full-fledged powers.

Theory "Z" says:

* the motives of people combine biological and social needs;

* people prefer to work in a group;

* there must be individual responsibility for the results of work;

* more preferable is informal control over labor results based on clear assessment criteria;

* a slow service career is preferable, as well as staff rotation with constant self-education.

This theory describes a good employee who prefers to work in a group and have a stable perspective over the long term. The main methods are incentive. For this type of employee, constant evaluation and reward based on its results are important. Training and development, building a professional and service career is of interest.

1.4 The theory of motivation V.I.Gerchikova

Russian psychologist, doctor of sociological sciences, professor V.I.Gerchikov shares external influences on a person (incentives) and his internal attitudes (motives). The main idea of ​​his theory is that, in one way or another, stimulating a subordinate, it is necessary to take into account his internal motives of work.

According to Gerchikov, according to internal guidelines, there are five types of labor motivation:

1. Instrumentalists. For such a person, the content of the work is not important, he sees work as a tool for making money. With such an employee, the maximum return is possible only with good pay.

2. Professionals. For these employees, the content of work is primary, and wages are secondary. Recognition and moral motivation are the best tools to reward these employees. But the inability to do what you love is the worst punishment.

3. Patriots. These people, first of all, want to be needed by their organization, work in the interests of a common cause. Employees with patriotic motives are best influenced by methods of moral motivation, encouragement of the entire team and the success of the company as a whole.

4. Hosts. Such employees voluntarily take responsibility for everything (from a piece of wallpaper that has fallen off to financial and organizational issues). The best encouragement for them is the ability to perform responsible work, the worst punishment is the inability to influence decision-making, detachment from the management process, the need to follow other people's instructions without discussion. The owners do not like to be commanded. Such employees are suitable for a work area for which they are fully responsible.

5. “Lumpen” - another name “avoidant - a category of people who do not strive to work at all and do only what their boss will not punish them for. Their only desire is to do as little as possible, and not be touched at the same time. The best way motivation for this group is a clear and tough system of punishments.

Gerchikov believed that pure types are rare in every person. More often, there are two or even more types of motivation in a certain ratio.

So, we are familiar with some theories of motivation and now we can move on to the methods of motivational influence. Motivation can be positive - rewarding employees and negative - punishment. Also, motivational influences can be divided into material and non-material.

Chapter2 . System of awards and rewardsstaff

2.1 The essence of the concept of staff incentives

Work with the personnel of an enterprise is a rather complex system that includes a number of critical factors... These favors include material incentives for staff through a variety of bonuses and bonuses, as well as non-material forms of appreciation for excellent work (announcement of gratitude, promotion, etc.). Staff incentive methods vary depending on what and to what extent the manager wants to mark the employee.

What is the essence of rewards?

Reward is a method of motivation based on rewarding the hard work of employees, which evokes positive emotions and feelings in them. Encouragement belongs to the group of moral and psychological methods of motivation. This approach can be expressed in both tangible and intangible form. It is indispensable for the operational motivation of personnel, when it is necessary to consolidate the desired behavior or employee attitude to the matter. The effect of motivation depends not so much on the value of the reward as on the strength of the emotional impact on the employee. A properly thought-out incentive scheme helps to achieve sustainable and long-term employee motivation. It is important to choose a convenient time and place for the award, to think over the scenario of the procedure. Of great importance is information about the personal characteristics of a distinguished employee, an individual approach. So that the encouragement is not perceived as an ordinary everyday situation, which is carried out automatically. The manager's expression of appreciation and respect for the employee must be sincere. Condescension and hypocrisy will always be noticed and the effect of motivation can not be expected.

2.2 NSprocedure and stages of personnel certification

How, then, can you determine without a doubt whether a person is worthy of a reward? In order to assign the appropriate incentive, it is necessary to know what each employee has achieved, how much he has increased the level of his labor efficiency, what innovative ideas and solutions he was the author of, etc. For this, many enterprises use a personnel assessment system. However, the personnel appraisal procedure has a problem that often interferes with its sufficiently effective implementation. This problem is the staff's fear of this procedure itself. People are afraid of any assessments, because they are sure that any such event is designed to reveal them. weak sides find flaws in the work. The main reason fear is the expectation of some kind of punishment for mistakes, non-compliance with standards (deprivation of bonuses, positions, lack of salary increases). Therefore, during certification, employees feel squeezed and constrained, which means they cannot fully demonstrate their creative potential and reveal their abilities to the end. In this situation, one of the main tasks of a manager is to rid employees of this fear. It is important here not to use attestation as a tool of punitive measures, but to emphasize that this procedure is associated with identifying the strengths of employees and it is aimed at the use of incentives. best employees.

The employee assessment procedure is a very important part of the entire process of working with the personnel of an enterprise, which requires clear and skillful planning. The processes of preparing and conducting certification activities are often the responsibility of HR managers. It is they who must determine the main assessment criteria, as well as the scale by which it will be carried out. At the preparatory stage for the assessment, HR managers develop and present to the manager the most effective methods for conducting assessment activities. After that, HR managers prepare some already defined and clear instructions for the heads of departments, who will be directly involved in the assessment of employees.

The next stage is already taking place under the authority of the department heads. Thanks to the specific set of documents and instructions received from the HR department for conducting certification, department heads have a clear plan of action that they must follow in order to obtain the most effective results. The task is to bring this plan to life. After the action plan is outlined, you can go directly to the very certification procedure.

The last stage of the personnel assessment procedure is to summarize, that is, a direct analysis of the information that was obtained in the process of researching the work of employees. In summing up the results, both the heads of the departments themselves and the personnel managers should participate. This is the most difficult and time-consuming part of the certification, on the basis of which the reward system is directly built.

There are two generally accepted criteria, according to which personnel certification is carried out in the first place - work efficiency and compliance with one's competencies.

2 . 3 Criteria for the effective work of the company's employees, as well as their actions deserving rewards

The first criterion - work efficiency - is important if the manager is considering the possibility material incentives, that is, the accrual of a bonus or bonus to one or another employee. Such a bonus will be awarded precisely based on the results of work, that is, after the employee has completed certain tasks and achieved certain goals. Naturally, before making an assessment according to this criterion, it is necessary to formulate these very goals for the workers so that they strive to fulfill them. At the same time, the very fact of achieving this goal is not so important as the means and ways that the employee found in the process of achieving them. The bonus should be awarded precisely to those employees who found the most effective ways to accomplish tasks, developed their own plan, showed Creative skills... After all, any encouragement should celebrate the most valuable and productive employees, and not everyone who simply performs work tasks.

The second criterion is an assessment of competencies, in other words, an assessment of the suitability of the position held and the employee's prospects in terms of career growth. This criterion comes to the fore when the manager wants to rotate personnel, when it is planned to promote or transfer to another position of any employee. Then, not all employees can be subject to the certification procedure, but only those whom the manager plans to raise.

Based on the above-described evaluation criteria, decisions are made on the application of the incentive system to the employee. So, those employees who received the highest marks on the criterion of work efficiency, first of all, should receive material remuneration. It can be either money or other valuable prizes or gifts from the company, which can also be an excellent token of attention. The choice of the amount of remuneration, in in this case, should be based on the capabilities of the enterprise, as well as on the needs of the employee. Much here is also determined by the degree of usefulness of the tasks solved in the certification process. This should be discussed already at the first stage of preparation for certification.

For those employees who showed themselves in the best way during the competency assessment, as a rule, career advancement and salary increases are provided, corresponding to new position... It is in this way that leaders test the capabilities of people they have identified for promotion or transfer to another position in the company. If the promotion is not planned, then such certification may end for the employee who has successfully passed its qualification improvement or category. In a situation when an employee already occupies a sufficiently high position, and there is no way to raise him, it is possible to determine a special individual bonus for him, which will be paid for him on a monthly basis. Thus, the manager can recognize the most talented and promising employees.

The appraisal method described above is effective, but not all organizations use it. In the work of small firms with a small number of personnel, certification practically does not make sense. Why reward and encourage employees here? Here are some cases of the activities of employees of the enterprise that deserve encouragement:

· For the initiative shown, creative approach, diligence in the performance of official tasks;

· Per high quality work, professional skill of a specialist, shown in the implementation of a complex project;

· For innovative ideas, rationalization proposals of a specialist aimed at improving work efficiency, business profitability, company development;

· For the high results of the employee, shown by him in a professional competition or competition, the success of the company's stand represented by the employee at the inter-industry exhibition;

· For the achievements of a specialist in professional studies, advanced training;

· For the employee's actions aimed at saving material and financial resources of the company;

· For exemplary maintenance by a specialist of the equipment, equipment, workplace, premises assigned to him;

· For active participation of the employee in mentoring, training of young specialists;

· For active search and attraction of new private and corporate clients to the company;

· For attracting qualified and successful specialists to the company;

· For exemplary implementation of the company's customer service standards, adherence to the dress code;

· For maintaining a healthy lifestyle by the employee.
Encouraging employees to lead a healthy lifestyle, on the one hand, helps them get rid of bad habits, and on the other hand, it saves working time at the enterprise. Heavy smokers, for example, spend at least one hour of their working time on smoke breaks every day. The incentive is more often provided in the form of additional paid days to the employee's next vacation.

2. 4 Two approaches to material incentives for staff, types of awardsand rewards within these systems

There are two fundamental approaches to the issue of material incentives for personnel:

1. An employee-oriented wage system.

2. The system of remuneration, focused on the results of work.

These approaches reflect the basic Japanese and American management models. In accordance with the first system (or the system of "life-long employment"), the purpose of the organization is not to stimulate direct results, but to motivate the employee for long-term, active and voluntary participation in solving the problems of the enterprise. The loyalty and commitment of the employee to the organization is stimulated, not work, but the employee, all his creative potential.

The level of wages is determined not by the results of labor, but by the “cost of life” of the employee, that is, by the level of consumption within the various periods of his life. The maximum salary is received by employees between the ages of 25 and 35, since at this time increased costs are associated with starting a family, having children, purchasing housing, etc. Then gradually general level wages are reduced (within the level of remuneration for the position held).

The components of the system of "life wages" are aimed at meeting the following needs of the employee:

1) Monthly wages - the needs of ensuring life (food, accommodation, rest).

2) Semi-annual bonuses - the need for durable goods, planned vacation.

3) Severance pay - old age security, start-up capital to start your own business, purchase of housing.

4) Tariff rate - the employee's age, length of service and education are taken into account. Despite its advantages, this component also has a negative trait. An employee who has worked for a certain time begins to fear that it is “easier” for the company to fire him, instead of again raise the seniority rate, and hire a younger, “cheaper” employee. Naturally, this fear does not have a positive effect on labor motivation.

5) Bonuses - rewards for special job duties, special skill, etc.

6) Additional payments of a social nature.

In a performance-based wage system, by contrast, the focus is not on the needs of the employee, but on the needs of the organization. The purpose of the system is to directly influence the results of labor activity. The remuneration received by an employee depends on individual or group differences in the performance of the activity.

In this case, payment performs a stimulating function: it turns into a mechanism of direct influence on the results of employees' work.

Components of remuneration by results:

1) Commissions.

Most effective in stimulating sales staff. The main difficulty in introducing commissions lies in reinforcing exactly the activities that the company needs. Just a percentage of the profit often does not lead to the desired results. For example, if the company's goal is to actively capture the market, then it is worth rewarding for the number of new customers; if the goal is to retain key customers - for the quality of their service (expressed in the number and volume of transactions with key customers, the absence of customer complaints about the work of sales agents).

2) Cash payments for the fulfillment of the set goals.

Mainly associated with the so-called piecework wages. This type of remuneration is most effective for those types of work in which the result can be seen. Difficulty in the way of use this method there may be a need detailed description those parameters by which the fulfillment of goals will be monitored.

3) Individual awards or bonuses.

When done right, a bonus can be a good incentive for action. The first condition for the effectiveness of the bonus is that it should not be constant in order to influence the results of activities. Second condition - the award is always given for some kind of merit, employees must understand well what exactly they are receiving the award for. And finally, the bonus is most effective if it is used as a way to express recognition, approval and respect for the employee's efforts, and not as an independent motivator (for example, a bonus system). In the latter case, the bonus can reduce the employee's intrinsic motivation and interest in the activity.

There are several options for calculating premiums.

First, there is a scoring system. If the company does not have sufficient monetary assets, it can charge a bonus in some points, which the employee can later exchange with the company for certain benefits: a voucher, additional vacation, some company's products, if the company produces consumer goods ( household appliances, cosmetics, textiles), providing a set of food products for a certain period (if the company produces food products), and so on.

The second system for calculating the bonus is based on an assessment of the complexity of the tasks facing the employee / department. For completing a task with a certain coefficient of complexity, an employee / department receives a bonus proportional to the complexity of the task. It is important to consider here not the complexity of the task itself, but rather the contribution that the completion of the task can make to the development of the organization as a whole.

Finally, the system assessing the level of task completion. After a certain period of time, the degree of fulfillment by employees of the tasks that faced them for this period (in percentage terms) is assessed. In accordance with the percentage of implementation of the plans, the bonus is calculated. It is worth noting that, unlike the first system, which is applicable to employees of any level, the last two are most effective when applied to managers and specialists.

4) Profit sharing programs.

The essence of these programs is that employees receive a certain percentage of the company's profits. Such schemes can be used individually and collectively. Maximum effect profit-sharing programs have an impact on employee activities that directly affect the company's bottom line.

5) Shares and options for their purchase. Allows employees to invest in the development of their own organization and associates individual benefit with the company's performance as a whole.

Currently, the most commonly used wage system is performance-based, although there is a tendency in the West to move towards “life-long employment,” which, if properly organized, significantly increases staff loyalty. A performance-based system is most effective when it is not monotonous. Employees quickly get used to the existing system, and it ceases to have a stimulating effect. Thus, one of the tasks of the personnel department should be a regular review of the existing system of motivation, its change and adjustment in accordance with the goals of the organization.

2. 5 Other forms of material incentives

In addition to the incentives for employees mentioned above, HR managers can offer these types of long-term and short-term payments as forms of material incentives:

Ш housing assistance (loans on preferential terms or free of charge, assistance in obtaining housing, compensation for rent);

W insurance (personal, medical, real estate, cars, property, etc.);

Ш free medical care for employees;

Providing funds mobile communications, partial payment of mobile communication costs;

Ш payment of transportation costs (travel on public transport, provision of official vehicles, loans for the purchase of vehicles, payment of gasoline costs);

Meals during the working day (provision of meals or compensation for food costs);

W partial or full payment of expenses for education and professional development;

Ш payment for entertainment (tickets to the theater, cinema, sports matches, a certain amount for visiting a restaurant, a ticket to the SPA-salon, etc.).

2.6 The role of intangible incentives in the personnel management system, their main forms and types

If you think about the motives of professional activity, then you can understand that not all of them relate to material motivation. Motives such as: recognition, self-realization in work, career advancement, relationships with management, cooperation and achievements are elements of non-material motivation. This suggests that no matter how much the employee is paid in the hope of retaining him and making him work better, as long as intangible motivation is not connected to the financial aspect, there is no need to wait for special responsibility and effort to work better.

Material incentives give money, the opportunity to satisfy their requests, desires and needs. However, everyone knows that both requests and needs increase with a regular cash income. And, if you focus only on money, sooner or later an employee may leave for a company where they pay more or some intangible benefits that are important to him are added to an equivalent financial reward.

Non-material encouragement brings a sense of significance, self-confidence, the ability to satisfy your need for self-realization. Moreover, according to research, non-financial incentives can increase labor productivity by an average of 20%.

The need for recognition is no stranger to any person. This can be attention and approval from friends, colleagues, management. This is a kind of feedback for a person, reflecting his achievements, confirming the correctness of his path to success. For many people, recognition is one of the most important motivators, not replacing, but anticipating both material reward and participation in the circle successful people... incentive reward incentive punishment

Let's consider the main forms of non-material motivation of employees.

1. The public rewards used in organizations are very diverse. The fastest is to issue gratitude in the order or send a personal letter of thanks for achievements in work.

However, any employee wants the management to appreciate his contribution to the achievement of the company's overall goal and to express his recognition in front of everyone. Measures such as

Introduction to the organization of honorary titles, for example, Best Employee of the Month (quarter, half year, year), awarded either by divisions and types of activities or by the organization as a whole.

Placement of photos of the best employees on the Board of Honor of the organization, publication of a photo and a small text about the employee's work in the news feed on the company's website.

There are also such peculiar forms of public remuneration as lunch or attending a public event (sports matches, theater, cinema) together with the head of the company. This method is great for rewarding an entire department or division of a firm.

Most public rewards, while tied to job success, are more conducive to maintaining and developing loyalty to the organization than to improving performance and efficiency.

2.Gifts are one of the types of non-material incentives, but often

costing the organization significant sums. An example of a least expensive gift is allowing an employee to sometimes shorten the working day, if necessary, while maintaining full pay. Gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, important events(wedding, birth of a child).

In Western companies, this type of gifts is widespread, such as shares of a company or an option (right) to purchase its shares in a company. Typically, this type of gift is used to reward managers and key professionals, orienting them to improve the performance of the organization, the share owners of which they become when receiving shares.

3. Social reward - a method of non-material incentives,

manifested, in particular, in such forms as congratulations on anniversaries and birthdays. These types of social rewards impact primarily on employee retention and loyalty. And such a technique as public praise for success at work motivates employees to increase their work performance.

At the level of daily communication between a leader and his subordinates, social reward can be verbal or non-verbal recognition or praise, a request for an opinion, a request for advice, even just a smile when meeting.

4. Motivation through the design of the workplace.

An integral part of the system of motivational factors in any organization are factors determined by the organization and working conditions at the employees' workplaces. The workplace factors can be divided into three groups, discussed below.

The main motivating components of working conditions are comfortable conditions provided to employees at the workplace, food and rest conditions during breaks. The organization of a personal workplace is of particular importance. Naturally, a person would be more willing to work in a workplace arranged for him personally than to share it with someone else or, in general, to sit “wherever he has to”. This factor is especially relevant for office workers.

5. Feedback is a necessary factor, which is often underestimated, maintaining a stable multilateral communication between managers and subordinates, related divisions of the company. Employees want to know what management thinks about them and how interesting they are. The manager, in turn, should be interested in how things are going at work, whether everything is in order outside of it. If the bosses receive questions and opinions from employees, this will help to find any shortcomings, to determine how else you can motivate employees.

6. Involvement in the decision making process.

Employees will respond positively if management will involve them in the decision-making process, especially those that concern them directly. This demonstrates to employees that management is interested in productive collaboration with them and respects their point of view. At the same time, managers from the first hand, without distortion, will receive information and immediately see the reactions of employees. Employees can recommend a lot of useful things, because they are the ones who work with clients. When applying this method, part of the responsibility for decision shifted to the performer. This is an opportunity for the boss to hedge against a sharply negative reaction of the staff to a new decision, and for the staff it is an excellent way to feel their importance in the company.

7. Providing the employee with the freedom to perform operations.

The task of the head is to give an assignment and accept the work done. Let the employee choose the strategy and methods of execution. The work will progress much faster without constant corrections and prompts, if there is no real need for them.

8. Continuous trainings and training of personnel.

The opportunity to learn and improve oneself in the professional field is another intangible incentive to work. Prospective professionals highly value the theoretical basis knowledge and knowledge in practice. Obviously, this approach is also a contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel for your company.

9. Joint activities not related to work.

Various corporate events, such as joint celebrations dedicated to important events in the company, traditional holidays, tourist trips, excursions. This factor is very important for the feeling of community, belonging to the team. Such events give a boost of energy to active and productive work. However, this “charge” will be long lasting in the presence of other factors of material and intangible incentives to work. You can't keep your employees on holiday alone.

In addition, the motivating factors of working conditions include flexible breaks during the working day or the provision of a free work schedule. Employees are very grateful for such a way of encouraging as providing free time, which he can spend outside the office, with family or friends (additional day off).

Also, one cannot ignore such forms of non-material incentives as mentoring, job wording (you must agree that it is more pleasant to be a HR director than a head of the personnel department).

2.7 Principlesand stagesbuilding a personnel incentive system

It would seem, what special techniques are needed in order to reward employees for excellent work? However, it should not be forgotten that rewards are a very powerful tool that affects not only the employee being rewarded, but also the employees who revolve around him. With the help of incentives, you can lead the team to conflicts up to complete disintegration, or, on the contrary, unite and unite it. Therefore, a competent personnel incentive system is needed. Taking the right approach to rewarding good performance in an enterprise can help address the following issues:

The goals of a particular employee are coordinated with the goals of the department and the entire company as a whole,

· The problem of staff turnover is solved, since highly qualified employees remain at their workplaces,

Reducing the time and funds allocated for the search, selection and adaptation of personnel in the workplace,

· A close-knit team is formed, in which everyone has confidence in their professional competence, there is a desire to work effectively for the result.

When creating an adequate employee incentive system, one should take into account the basic principles that it must comply with:

1. Simplicity and openness (everyone should understand by what criteria employees are awarded),

2. Fairness (the same result and quality of work should be rewarded in the same way),

3. The ability to check the plan and the actual result of the activity,

4. Awareness of changes in the bonus system (order, order and other documents).

The main stages of the formation and implementation of the motivation system in the organization:

Identifying the goals of the organization,

Formation working group,

Development of a plan for the implementation of incentive methods at a particular enterprise,

Discussion of the developed incentive program with top managers,

Creation of an algorithm for remuneration of labor (wage scale, grading),

Creation of indirect material motivation (bonuses),

Planning non-material incentives, taking into account the leading motives of employees,

· Preparation of documents,

Presentation and explanation of this approach to employees and senior management,

· Making adjustments, if necessary, and implementing the program in test mode,

· Implementation of the system throughout the organization,

· Make changes as impacts and results are monitored.

Even with a very effective employee incentive system, sooner or later an organization may find its employee incentive program ineffective. It is important to be able to notice changes in the mood of employees and to make timely changes to the incentive program of the company.

Chapter3 ... Punishments as a means of personnel management

3 .1 Classification of violations

In personnel management, any manager is inevitably faced with the fact that employees need not only to be encouraged, but also to be punished. No matter how well the organization of the work of subordinates is, some misconduct and mistakes will still be made. It is in the power of managers to reduce them to a minimum - this requires a system of punishment for personnel.

Violations should be classified into service and disciplinary.

Misconduct is all that concerns the performance of an employee's duties. For example, an incorrectly executed document, violation of instructions, failure to complete work on time, violation of standards.

Disciplinary violations are those that relate to labor regulations, behavior in the office, as well as outside the office (for example, at a corporate party, at a meeting with a client).

Violations of labor discipline, as a rule, are deliberate and are rarely explained by the action of external factors. In most cases, service violations are the result of imperfect management systems. This can also include the fact that the employee does not know the elementary instructions, standards, job requirements. Consequently, service violations require not so much punishment as a detailed analysis of the reasons that led to them.

A separate line in official violations is to highlight those that bear administrative and even criminal responsibility. These include theft, disclosure of commercial secrets.

3 .2 Types of administrative penalties

In accordance with labor law, employers have the right to punish personnel for violation of labor regulations and job descriptions... There are also procedures for compensation for damage caused to the organization through the fault of the employee. The law establishes the following types of administrative penalties (penalties):



Deprivation of the premium,

· Warning of dismissal and, in case of repeated violations, dismissal.

Dismissal is provided in cases where the culpable actions giving grounds for loss of confidence, or, accordingly, an immoral misconduct were committed by the employee at the place of work and in connection with the performance of his labor duties. For example:

1) repeated non-performance by the employee without good reason labor duties, if he has a disciplinary sanction;

2) absenteeism (absence from the workplace without good reason during the whole working day, regardless of its length, as well as in the case of absence from the workplace without good reason for more than four hours in a row during the working day;

3) the appearance of an employee at work in a state of alcoholic, drug or other toxic intoxication;

4) disclosure of secrets protected by law (state, commercial, official and other), which became known to the employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, and disclosure of personal data of another employee;

5) committing at the place of work theft of someone else's property, embezzlement, deliberate destruction or damage, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or by an official;

6) violation of labor protection requirements (established by the labor protection commission), which entailed grave consequences (industrial accident or accident) or the creation of a knowingly real threat the occurrence of such consequences;

To apply an administrative penalty, a written explanation of the reasons for the act must be requested from the offender (if he refuses to give it, an act of violation of labor discipline is drawn up in which the fact of refusal is documented and which is signed by several witnesses). Clear documentation of all facts of violation allows you to insure against possible lawsuits from employees demanding compensation for material and moral damage. The decision on the applicable administrative penalty is drawn up in the form of an order or order and must be announced to the employee against receipt.

Fines (deductions from the employee's salary) can be made in the following cases:

* to reimburse the unearned advance paid to the employee on account of wages;

* to pay off an unspent and timely not returned advance payment issued in connection with a business trip or transfer to another job in another locality, as well as in other cases;

* for the return of amounts overpaid to the employee due to counting errors, as well as amounts overpaid to the employee, if the body for consideration of individual labor disputes recognizes the employee's guilt in non-compliance with labor standards or idle time;

* upon dismissal of an employee before the end of the working year, on account of which he has already received an annual paid vacation, for unworked vacation days.

In practice, methods of administrative punishment not provided for by labor legislation are widely used. : transfer to below-paid work, deprivation of the right to a part-time job, etc. Many commercial companies have systems of monetary penalties for lateness, frequent smoke breaks, careless appearance, etc. Some leaders try to use more original punishments. So, in Western firms, they often create the so-called. “Disincentive programs” : employees who have fined are forced to run backwards in the office in full view of their colleagues, nudge peanuts on the table, throw a pie in their faces in public, force them to dine in a special “black” dining room for the delinquent, and so on.

Perhaps these non-standard punishments are effective, but it should be understood that such methods of administrative punishment can be fraught with litigation and cause serious material and moral damage to the organizations in which they practice. It is also illegal to reduce established wages by imposing fines. A monetary fine as a disciplinary measure is possible if part of the staff's earnings are various incentive bonuses and monetary compensation paid in addition to the basic salary.

3 .3 Rulesand principlescompetently building a punishment system

It is very important that the administrative punishment fulfills its function and at the same time does not psychologically traumatize the employee, be offensive or offensive. By punishing an employee incorrectly, you can get exactly the opposite result. Excessive and undeserved punishment (as it often seems to those who are punished) causes resistance, aggression, unwillingness to correct and continue to work. It should also not be forgotten that an employee offended by unfair or too harsh punishment may try to take revenge on the employer (for example, by giving competitors or law enforcement agencies some confidential information of his company).

How can you punish an employee so that the offense is no longer repeated, and the employee is not devoid of motivation for quality travel. Consider the important rules of a well-placed penalty system.

1. It is necessary to understand why the punishment is applied, to see what purpose is pursued by this. Punishments, criticism, fines should always be aimed only at improving the quality of work of subordinates, preventing mistakes in the future, i.e. motivate staff. Methods of punishing workers cannot serve as a demonstration of power, humiliation of human dignity or an expression of antipathy towards specific person... Overuse of criticism, nagging and reprimanding is a way to increase employee turnover, not work efficiency.

2. The response to the misconduct should be immediate, as long as the employee remembers his misconduct. Deprivation of a bonus at the end of the month for a once uncleaned table can become for a subordinate nothing more than an insult. Of course, there are also cases when fines for damage to property or material damage caused are deducted from wages.

3. It is necessary to criticize a subordinate one on one. There is nothing worse than public censure - except for anger, it will do nothing. Also, you can not punish leaders in front of subordinates. The task of the manager is not to humiliate, but to correct. Naturally, the employee's misconduct should be criticized, not his personality.

4. The employee must learn about the punishment from his immediate superior or, if the punishment comes from an older manager, then personally from him. It is unacceptable to use impersonal punishments, such as the appearance of a punishment order on the notice board. In this case, the offense is automatically transferred to the firm. It is even worse when the employee learns about the material punishment during the receipt of the salary. Moreover, one must be very careful with material punishments. The material punishment imposed on the salary part of the income can give rise to a sharp rejection of the employee to work in this organization.

5. You should always explain why this or that punishment is imposed, and explain the desired pattern of behavior. The punishment "guess what for yourself" is meaningless, sometimes a subordinate cannot conclude what behavior he needs to avoid. In addition, he must understand how he needed to act in this situation, what he had to do.


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All people are different and have different attitudes towards work. Ideally, each person should be strictly disciplined and carry out the work entrusted to him in good faith. But it also happens: he performs his duties improperly or simply ignores them.

In such a position, the law provides for appropriate rules for punishing the employee. Disciplinary punishment is a punishment for failure to perform labor functions or incomplete implementation of them in practice.

What types are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there are the following penalties: remark, reprimand, dismissal... In addition to the main types, in some organizations, the use of others is possible: a reprimand with the addition of "strict", a warning "incomplete compliance", a transfer for a short period to a less presentable and lower-paid position.

The procedure for the application of measures is formulated in Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The bottom line is that upon revealing a misconduct, the guilty employee must immediately submit an explanation in a letter signed by him.

After two days from the day of the request for an explanation, in the absence of the latter, the employer has the right to draw up an act, where he must indicate the date of the request for an explanation and its actual absence. When an employee is unable to provide a written explanation for any circumstance, it is best for the employer to draw up a written notice to the person in order to call for an explanation. But this must be done during the working hours of the person. Next, the employer begins to conduct an internal investigation.

The order of their application

To apply a penalty, it is necessary to collect evidence of a person's guilt and only then make a decision in an orderly manner.

The order must be drawn up correctly, it must contain the necessary information:

  • position and place of activity of the culprit;
  • the essence of the offense and the articles of the law;
  • indication of the degree and severity of the violation;
  • type of punishment;
  • base.

It is important to know the time frame within which it is possible to apply a foreclosure. Term - one month from the day the offense was discovered, taking into account the time of the hospital employee, if any, and the time of coordination with the trade union.

In addition, there is one more circumstance. If six months have passed since the discovery of the fact of misconduct, then the employee cannot be punished. True, this does not apply to financial matters, for example, if a misconduct was discovered as a result of an audit. Such issues are resolved within two years.

Under the order, the employee puts his signature within three days. If a person refuses to sign, the chief prepares a new act on this matter. It must be signed by attesting witnesses, who must not have a personal interest, and a representative of the administration of the enterprise.

The employee has the right to appeal against the order on punishment in the labor inspectorate.

The employee, as soon as he signed the contract and started his direct labor functions, immediately receives the rights and obligations prescribed in the document "job description".

According to regulatory documents, he must:

  • fulfill labor obligations;
  • comply with internal regulations, labor protection standards;
  • keep the entrusted property in good condition.

Labor discipline is an important component of labor activity. It is fully regulated by the regulations of the organization. These are documents that establish the process of hiring and firing people and other features of labor relations. However, the local act of the enterprise should in no case go against the norms of the legislation.

When an employee ceases to fulfill his direct duty due to fear for his life and health, no one will prosecute him for this.

When choosing a punishment measure, it is imperative to take into account how grave the offense was, and why it was committed. Per mild violation you cannot dismiss, otherwise your decision will be invalidated in court.

You can legally fire only under the following circumstances:

  • When an employee with a penalty continues, regardless of the reason, to evade duties.
  • When there is a gross violation of discipline. This includes absenteeism lasting one working day, as well as more than 4 hours in a row.
  • Appearance at work in any category of intoxication.
  • The employee has made a secret known to him due to his official duties into the public domain.
  • In case of theft, embezzlement or destruction of property, dismissal is guaranteed immediately upon establishment of this fact in judicial procedure.
  • For violation of labor protection conditions.
  • If the employee has dealt with values ​​and has lost the trust of the boss.
  • If a person in the workplace made an unreasonable decision, and this adversely affected the financial well-being of the organization.
  • If the manager has rudely violated his job duties.
  • If the teacher violated the Charter of a general educational organization during the academic year.

In other words, in different industries, different disciplinary measures may be applied, as set out in the Charter, regulations, rules of the organization. It is not allowed to use arbitrarily invented measures.

For the punishment of civil servants, the above measures are unacceptable.

Important note: only one type of penalty can be applied for one offense.

If the punishment is accepted in relation to the employee, it valid for a year from the date of publication of the order... During this period, repeated misconduct may result in automatic dismissal under Article 81. If after a year there are no more comments, then the collection is considered canceled.

At the request of the direct employer or the employee's request, as well as on the basis of the manager's petition, the penalty can be removed without waiting for the end of the year. To do this, you need to make a report. The personnel specialist has the right to make a special record of the punishment in the employee's personal file, more precisely, in the personal card. V work book such information should not be reflected.

Procedure for imposing a penalty

After the immediate supervisor has found out all the causes and consequences of the misconduct, prepared the necessary acts, he must send documents to the higher authorities:

  • Memorandum from persons related to the case.
  • A memo containing the essence of the incident.
  • An explanation of the culprit himself.
  • Explanatory notes of other persons involved in the case.
  • Document confirming the mode of operation.
  • Additional documents as needed to clarify.

If the measure is dismissal, it should be drawn up in the form of an order in a unified form with an exact indication of under which article the employee was dismissed. There are no forms of orders for the application of a penalty in the form of a reprimand or remark. They are published in free form.

Information about all types of punishments for guilty workers, about their registration and others important nuances you can watch the video:


  • An employee with a penalty may be deprived of the bonus.
  • An employee who has a penalty and has repeatedly committed a misconduct may be suspended from work, that is, fired.

The employer needs to be careful about filling out all the necessary documentation. In order to avoid difficulties with each employee, all issues related to his labor discipline should be discussed individually.

The organization is liable for violation of the procedure for the application of the penalty. In case of disagreement with the applicable measure and the employee's complaint to the labor inspectorate against the employer, a check will be carried out for violations during the investigation and application of punishment.

If the inspection finds a violation, the organization is brought to administrative responsibility. The employee will be reinstated in the service through legal proceedings, and he will receive compensation for causing moral damage. All costs of the courts and inspections must be borne by the organization. In addition, damage to the business reputation of the company will be caused, and credibility will be lost.

Employee punishment Is a measure of influence and motivation aimed at preventing repeated violations of labor discipline or work schedule. Each violation must be recorded and sanctions applied.

One of the tasks facing the employer is the timely application of measures that do not aggravate the situation. In this regard, it is important to have an idea of ​​material, disciplinary punishments and their inherent characteristics.

Types of employee punishment

There are two groups of punishments applied to employees - disciplinary (Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and material.

An employee's actions entail negative consequences in the form of a sanction if they meet the conditions:

  • Wrongfulness... Contradict the provisions of federal, regional or local regulatory legal acts;
  • Guilt... The employee is guilty of a misdemeanor and acted deliberately (wanted the consequences) or through negligence (showed frivolity, negligence);
  • Areas of action... Material and non-material punishments are imposed on an employee if the misconduct is related to the performance of labor obligations.
An interesting fact about the application of material and disciplinary sanctions to an employee:

Did you know about the existence of the “pyramid of punishments”? The system built by German sociologists is a scale of sanctions. Each employer builds a pyramid, located at the top of the "dismissal", and at the bottom of the "warning conversation". In the central part of the scale are the rest of the punishments that will be applied depending on the circumstances of the offense.

Disciplinary sanctions are imposed for the commission of a disciplinary offense, which is understood as a failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment by an employee of his duties under the employment contract.

The employer has the right to apply one of the penalties:

  • comment;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal (see).

Certain groups of employees are subject to other disciplinary sanctions (part 5 of article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
So, on the basis of the Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", along with the listed punishments, disciplinary punishments can be envisaged:

  • issuance of a warning indicating incomplete job compliance;
  • dismissal from the post of the state civil service.

The Law "On the Status of Servicemen" establishes other penalties for committing disciplinary offenses:

  • severe reprimand;
  • reduction in position or rank;
  • exemption from military fees;
  • application of disciplinary arrest.

Another punishment can be applied to athletes - sports suspension for up to 6 months.

Expert tip:

Always remember that there are "unspoken rules" for the application of punishment. Experienced management never "goes to the individual", therefore it does not punish the employee himself, but the perfect offense. It is recommended to discuss mistakes made with an employee one-on-one (see).

Grounds for the application of a disciplinary sanction - a fine from an employee

It is important that the application of a disciplinary sanction in the form of dismissal is possible only on the grounds specified in Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Absenteeism... Under it, the absence of a citizen at the place of work for more than 4 hours during the day (shift) is considered.
  2. Intoxication... Appearance in a state of alcoholic, drug or other type of intoxication on the territory of the employer is unacceptable.
  3. Disclosure of secrets(state, commercial, etc.). If the employee has information about it in the performance of his labor obligations.
  4. Theft, damage to property... The fact of the crime must be established by a court judgment that has entered into force.
  5. Violation of labor protection... Provided that the actions entailed grave consequences or the employee was fully aware of the threat of their occurrence.

Material punishment is based on a monetary component, which in practice is more effective than disciplinary sanctions (with the exception of dismissal).

The employer has the right to apply one of the following material punishments:

  • pecuniary penalty.

The use of a fine as a method of punishing employees is illegal. The actions of the employer when imposing a material penalty in case of being late for work, failure to fulfill the task on time, etc. are illegal.

Attention! The imposition of a fine is not established as a punishment measure either by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or by other regulatory legal acts in the field of labor law.

You cannot deprive an employee of a bonus if the employer does not establish a clear bonus system. If it is enshrined in local legal acts, implemented at the enterprise (production) and operates according to the law, then the withdrawal of the premium is possible, but only on the grounds clearly indicated in it.

Material punishment is applied only when the employee causes damage to the employer (Article 238 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). What is meant by it?

Damage caused by an employee to an employer

  • Reduction or deterioration of the condition of the property owned by the employer;
  • Reduction or deterioration of property owned by others, but held by the employer.

The management, taking into account the circumstances of the case, determines the damage caused and the amount of the pecuniary penalty. It is important that the employee does not return the income not received by the employer (lost earnings).

What forms of material punishment can be established by the employer?

It is not allowed to apply disciplinary sanctions to an employee that are not established by the Federal Law, charters and other provisions on discipline. However, the employer in local legal acts can fix the conditions for employees to receive incentive measures.

For example, if an employee has more than 2 or he does not fulfill the assigned tasks within the time period specified by the employer, then the employee may incur the following financial punishment:

  • Loss of the right to free office lunches (temporarily / permanently);
  • Its position is changing in the order of receiving living space;
  • Not allowed to work on a large or profitable project, etc.

One of the main rules- a ban on reducing the employee's social package, if it is established by federal or regional legislation, as well as if this condition is absent in local legal acts.

The procedure for the application of material and disciplinary sanctions

It is important to document the fact of imposition of disciplinary or material punishment in an appropriate manner. The employer has the right to demand from the employee who committed the misconduct an explanation of his act (in writing). The term of provision is 2 days. If after their expiration explanatory letter is not transferred to the employer, then the appropriate act is issued by him.

It is important to comply with the terms for bringing a citizen to justice. A disciplinary penalty is established not later than one month, which begins to be calculated from the date of establishing the fact of the act. This period does not include the period of the employee's stay on sick leave, main leave or additional leave.

A material penalty cannot be imposed:

  • At the end of 6 months from the date of the action or from the day when the manager should have become aware of the violation;
  • An exception is the establishment of the fact of misconduct when checking financial and economic activity employer - the term is increased to 2 years.

Attention! Based on part 5 of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for each disciplinary offense, only one penalty can be applied to an employee.

The application of a penalty to an employee is established by an order (decree) issued by the employer. The employee must study it and sign for 3 days from the date of its registration (except for the time of his absence from the workplace).

Practice knows situations when employees refuse to familiarize themselves with a document. In this case, the employer must prepare a document indicating the employee's refusal to study the order (order).
If dismissal is used as a punishment, then the order is drawn up in a unified form (No. T-8). The employer can issue two orders at the same time - on the application of a disciplinary sanction in the form of dismissal and on the termination of the employment contract (see).

It is important that information about the disciplinary sanctions applied to the employee does not need to be recorded in his work book (with the exception of dismissal). The information is not indicated in the personal card, but at the request of the employer, it can be displayed in the "Additional information" column.

The procedure for removing disciplinary or material punishment from an employee

The lifting of a disciplinary sanction (Article 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) occurs upon the end of one year from the moment of its imposition “automatically”, if the citizen has not been subjected to a new punishment during this period.

It is important that the employer has the right to cancel the disciplinary sanction earlier than one year:

  • on personal initiative;
  • at the request of the guilty person;
  • in accordance with the petition of its manager directly;
  • based on the opinion of the representative body.

The early repayment of a disciplinary sanction is formalized by an order signed by the employer. It indicates the reason for the removal of punishment, a unique number and the date of the order that established responsibility.

Attention! The application of a disciplinary or pecuniary penalty can be challenged by an employee in court within 3 months from the date of its application.

Removal of the material penalty occurs when the employee compensates for damage caused to the property of the employer or property of third parties, if it was with the employer. The management can remove the pecuniary penalty early by accepting the reimbursement of the incurred expenses in whole or in part.

Other penalties (for example, deprivation of bonuses according to the system established by the employer) are removed in the manner prescribed by local legal acts. It is important that the grounds and procedure for their repayment were clearly established by the provisions of the documents.

What is more effective for an employer to apply - disciplinary or material punishment? Domestic and foreign practice shows that penalties based on the monetary element are more effective.

If the employer establishes a bonus system that provides for a reduction in the amount for being late (even by 200-300 rubles), employees will be more responsible in observing the work schedule.

Experience of foreign companies

Develop a motivation system for employees (see). Many foreign enterprises operate according to this scheme - employees are not punished for misconduct, but are encouraged for adherence to labor discipline, work schedule, performance of assigned tasks, etc.

When and what punishment is recommended? (most common situations).

Material punishment Disciplinary action
Damage to the property of the employer or third parties Failure to comply with the instructions of the employer or the immediate head of the structural unit, safety precautions and local acts in force at the enterprise (production)
Failure to comply with the established labor standard for reasons depending on the employee himself Workplace consumption alcoholic beverages, appearance on the territory of the employer in a state of intoxication
Failure to provide the required documents or requested information within the specified time frame Disclosure by an employee of a secret that has become known to him during the performance of his duties

When choosing a measure of punishment, it is important to be guided by other acts of labor legislation. Contradiction to one of their provisions is the basis for judicial challenge of the order (order) of the employer.

All types of material and disciplinary sanctions are an effective tool in the hands of an employer. Using it correctly, it will be possible to increase labor productivity, reduce costs, and prevent violations of internal regulations.

Labor discipline is an established procedure, a rule of behavior that ensures the coordinated activity of an organization in the process of joint labor of its employees.

Labor discipline is regulated by the Labor Code, other Federal Laws, VTR rules, rules on bonuses, collective agreements and individual labor contracts.

Promotions and penalties

An important element of creating the necessary conditions that ensure normal productive work in a team is not only a good organization of the production process and working conditions, but also the consolidation by the employer of a system of incentives and punishments, the procedure for their application to employees.
There is no doubt that conscientious work should be recognized by the employer. If well-performing and unscrupulous workers are on an equal footing, then the incentive for successful work is sharply reduced.


The choice of specific incentive measures, the provision of various benefits and advantages is the employer's right, although in modern market conditions it largely depends on his financial capabilities.
In the legislation, incentives are understood as the form public recognition achieved success, which expresses an official positive assessment by the employer of the employee's merits (as a rule, on general meeting in a solemn atmosphere, with the obligatory issuance of the corresponding order) and rendering him public honor.
In this regard, the nature of incentives can be subdivided into material and moral.
Moral incentives have a positive ethical impact on the employee and bring him moral satisfaction. In turn, material incentives always have a monetary value and, along with moral satisfaction, allows the employee to receive additional material income.
At the moment, the leaders of organizations do not attach much importance to the moral types of rewards. There are substantial reasons for this. Such types of moral encouragement as a certificate of honor, an announcement of gratitude, entry into the Book of Honor and on the Board of Honor were provided in the past on a massive scale and without any material incentives.
One example of effective moral encouragement is the early removal of a previously imposed disciplinary sanction, as well as inclusion in the reserve for promotion to a higher position.
The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following incentive measures, which can be divided into measures of a moral and material nature:

Measures of moral encouragement:
announcement of gratitude;
awarding with a certificate of honor;
presentation for the title "Best in Profession";
Material incentives:
issuance of prizes;
rewarding with a valuable gift.

The list of incentives given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not exhaustive. It provides only the main types of incentive measures that have become widespread in practice.
The internal labor regulations of the organization, as well as charters and regulations on discipline, may provide for other types of incentives. For example, additional paid vacations may be established, compensation for annual vacation costs, personal allowances, interest-free loans for the purchase of residential premises, it is provided for the assignment of additional, in addition to those provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, honorary titles for employees, sending the employee to special conferences, seminars, internships, creating more comfortable working conditions for the employee, etc.
Thus, the list of incentives can be supplemented depending on the needs and capabilities of a particular employer.
In addition, for special labor services to society and the state, employees can be nominated for state awards.
The list of honorary titles and the Regulations on honorary titles of the Russian Federation were approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1995 No. 1341 "On the establishment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation, approval of the Regulations on honorary titles and description of the badge for honorary titles of the Russian Federation."
The title "Best in Profession" is an industry award for special labor merit. As a rule, the assignment of industry honorary titles is carried out on the proposal of the employer by the heads of the ministries with the participation of the relevant trade union bodies.
One of the types of material incentives for employees for conscientious work is rewarding with a valuable gift. The maximum cost of a valuable gift is not limited by law and is determined by the employer at his discretion based on the personal merits of each employee.
Lump sum bonuses are also a common form of incentive for conscientious work.


Both conscientious and unscrupulous work do not go unnoticed by the employer. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer, having the powers of the disciplinary authority, in the event of a disciplinary offense by the employee, independently chooses the disciplinary measures.
The employer is not entitled to apply any measures of responsibility to employees. The choice of employer is strictly limited by the list of penalties established by law.
Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following disciplinary actions that can be applied by the employer in relation to employees who have violated labor discipline:

dismissal on appropriate grounds

The most stringent and last resort impact on violators of labor discipline is dismissal on appropriate grounds.
Compared to the previous legislation, a severe reprimand was excluded from the list of penalties.
The list of penalties, unlike incentive measures, is comprehensive and not expandable.
Additional penalties are only possible if the employee is subject to special laws. For example, in relation to civil servants, in addition to the general list penalties it is possible to apply such penalties as a warning about incomplete official compliance.
Thus, employers themselves cannot establish and apply any additional disciplinary sanctions not provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws.
However, in practice, such measures as fines, deprivation of various allowances, reprimand with a warning and other sanctions that cannot be recognized as legal are quite common.
The Labor Code of the Russian Federation grants the employer the right to apply financial penalties for employees only in one case - in case of unsatisfactory results of work. So, in case of non-fulfillment of labor standards (job duties) through the fault of the employee, the payment of the standardized part of the wages is made in accordance with the volume of work performed.
Fines, popular with some employers, are not provided for by labor legislation at all. Financially punishing an employee is possible only through the deprivation of incentive payments and benefits provided for regulation establishing a reward system.
The established procedure for the application of disciplinary sanctions serves as a guarantee of protecting the interests of employees from unjustified bringing to disciplinary liability.
It should be noted that the employer has the right to apply a disciplinary sanction to the employee even when he submitted an application for termination of the employment contract on his own initiative before committing the misdemeanor, since labor Relations in this case, they are terminated only after the expiry of the notice of dismissal.

Autonomy characterizes the extent to which the work provides the freedom and independence of the employee in setting the schedule for the work. If other people are developing the schedule, it is unlikely that the job will do well because the worker will not perceive the job as his “property”.

In the absence of integrity, autonomy is also impossible, since the overall coordination of the implementation of individual actions can be disrupted.

The degree of autonomy depends on the person: for any employee there is an optimal level of autonomy, which gives him a real sense of personal responsibility and does not lead to stress.

Feedback ensures that employees receive information about the quality of their work. Efficiency feedback depends on the integrity of the work. It is much easier to provide feedback on the results of a completed work than on the results of its individual fragments.

The importance of feedback is clear: people need to know how well they are doing their job. Leaders are important source similar feedback. However, the best feedback occurs when workers themselves control the quality of their own work.

Leaders must constantly consider possible ways to improve the performance and motivation of subordinates. An important role here is played by the fact that not even the most effective, but simply demonstration projects attract the attention (albeit often unreasonably) of workers.

According to McGregor's theory, any person, coming to a new job, would like to prove themselves and are full of interest in their new activities. In addition, management is committed to ensuring that employees are creative and enthusiastic about their responsibilities. However, an employee may be disappointed in his activities for the following reasons:

excessive interference from the immediate supervisor;

lack of psychological and organizational support; lack of necessary information;

lack of attention of the head to the requests of the subordinate;

lack of feedback, i.e. ignorance of the employee's results

ineffective solution by the head of the employee's service problems;

incorrect assessment of the subordinate by the head.

These factors reduce the feeling of self-confidence, the stability of their official position and the possibility of further advancement.

6.3. Encouragement and punishment

Labor stimulation. It is widely believed that to stimulate is to reward, and incentives are various types of (material and moral) rewards.

However, this is a very simplistic approach. Mass use rewards are not producing the desired results. The results of stimulation depend on many factors.

In ancient Rome, a sharp-pointed stick was called a stimulus, which was used to drive bulls. V modern understanding stimulation of labor is the induction of an employee to action with the help of rewards, on the one hand, and coercion, on the other.

So, an incentive is an external motivation, for example, the presentation of a Certificate of Merit or the issuance of a cash prize. But this is an external urge to act, i.e. it will really stimulate the employee only if it meets his internal needs and interests (suppose one person is satisfied with the presentation of the diploma, the other already has a lot of such certificates, and he remains indifferent, and the third expected a higher reward and feels offended).

Stimulation of labor as a very complex process of managing the activity of an employee in production does not contain a direct relationship between the means of influence and the nature of the employee's response.

The very first and most widespread method of punishment and reward - the so-called "carrot and stick" policy - was used for quite a long time in the administrative-command system and was effective in repetitive routine operations, insignificance of the substantive part of the work, and the impossibility of changing jobs. Gradually, it was transformed into a system of administrative and economic sanctions and incentives.

Incentives do not work by themselves, but through a person's perception, which depends on many factors - personality traits, structure and specifics of her interests and needs, the degree of their satisfaction, forms and methods of stimulation, etc. In this case, the influence of these factors is refracted through personal qualities - gender, age, education, work experience, etc. Consequently, the effectiveness of the impact on the employee can be ensured only taking into account the totality of these factors.

The key point in stimulating labor is, as already mentioned, taking into account the interests of employees: by offering the employee what he is interested in, what is in his interests and does not contradict the interests of the collective, society, one can stimulate his desire, interest to act in the interests of the labor collective.

Guided by the "pyramid of needs" developed by A. Maslow and discussed earlier, the manager must find out what need at the moment is the main one for the employee. It should be borne in mind that human needs are changing.

Often, the leader considers the primary needs to be the only important ones and does not take into account that after their satisfaction, people have other needs that are just as important to them: attention and respect from the leader, confidence in their importance, etc. When these needs are ignored, there is an increase in the number of discipline violations, dissatisfaction with the work on the part of those who were previously considered "prosperous" and who received the least attention in this regard.

Understanding the essence and mechanism of a person's labor activity, taking into account the variety of factors that shape his social behavior, will allow the leader not only to strengthen the weak links, but also to professionally manage the life of the team as a whole.

The main types of material incentives are:

1) cash bonuses for:

achievements in work;

many years of conscientious work;

2) one-time wage increments;

3) valuable gifts, etc.

The correct motivation for a conscientious attitude towards work presupposes, in particular, the use of the following principles:

an individual approach to each employee (each employee has his own needs and interests);

constant attention to each subordinate;

a well-grounded combination of material and moral measures of influence;

a reasonable choice of incentive measures that are most effective for a given person and for the given circumstances, the correspondence of the incentive or punishment to the level of labor results or the severity of the offense, respectively;



festive, solemn ritual of encouragement;

high level of production awareness of employees. The manager is obliged to thank the subordinate for good performance

assignment, or explain why his work deserved a low rating, how it should have been done, and how its deficiencies could be corrected.

The mechanism of rewards and punishments must be used psychologically soundly, without hurting the personal dignity of the employee, directing the power of the incentive to his behavior and attitude to work.

Promotions. The manager often has to restrain his pride: if, for some reason, the employee did not appear at the solemn meeting where the award was going to be presented to him, the manager should not deprive him of this award (as is sometimes the case), since the employee deserved it with his labor achievements - he must present the award to the employee at his workplace.

On the one hand, it will be pleasant for the employee, but on the other hand, he will feel that he is distracting the manager from his official affairs, so next time he will definitely come to the meeting. This is the leader's correct reaction to the subordinate's action. And in order to make the right decisions, you have to try to understand people more often, put yourself in their place.

The general wording on the encouragement of any employees "For a conscientious attitude to work and active participation in public life»Causes offense to other employees, who believe that they, too, are performing their duties in good faith

there is no consistency in their application: workers with low labor achievements sometimes receive more than high level, formalism, everyday life in the presentation of incentives are often allowed;

low quality of design and content of incentives;

lack of industrial awareness is often the reason misconception employees about bonuses, wages, rates and prices, conditions of competitions, serves as a pretext for industrial conflicts that worsen the psychological climate in the team.

Answering the question which moral encouragement is the most preferable, many workers named not a Certificate of Honor, not an entry on the Board or the Book of Honor, and not even gratitude in the order, but only the verbal gratitude of the manager - what would seem to be the easiest thing, and something that management often forgets.

It turns out that it is possible to offend human dignity and offend people with ill-conceived encouragement: in some situations, the Hall of Fame received a different name - "The Best People". But the best people are not only the best workers, therefore, for the bulk of people, such a renaming of the Board of Fame is a reason for resentment.

Assessing who is performing better or worse is easier than assessing who is a good person and who is bad.

As for the Certificates of Merit, in bookstores they are sold for cash, which undoubtedly undermines their prestige.

It should be noted that the awarding of the Honorary Diplomas, as you know, refer to the years of the first five-year plans. Documents rare for that time, they played a huge stimulating role; a beautifully designed letter, hung on the wall, was the best decoration advanced worker's rooms.

WITH since then, the living conditions of people have changed unrecognizably, tastes and concepts of beauty have also changed, and letters of letters often remain the same as they were 50-60 years ago. A person sometimes does not know what to do with such an award. Since certificates and diplomas are intended for permanent storage, maybe it is worth making them in a cover?

Coercion and punishment. The punishment is very delicate question and must be used with extreme caution. An employee, whose personal dignity is hurt by a rude remark from a manager, no longer thinks about how to avoid mistakes in the future, but about how to take revenge on the manager who humiliated him in the presence of his comrades.

How to declare a foreclosure?

If rewards should always be public, then it is necessary to punish publicly only in cases where the subordinate's misconduct is known to the entire team.

The most common punishment is oral reprimand. The leader should, as a rule, give a reprimand to a subordinate in private. First, it is necessary to emphasize his merits and merits, to express the general to him positive attitude and only then make an agreement about his omissions or wrongdoing. Such a reprimand acts, as a rule, immeasurably stronger than public "execution", which includes a variety of psychological mechanisms for protecting the individual and neutralizes the educational impact of such punishment.

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