Home Roses Ivan tea with cherry leaves. Ivan tea with cherry leaves “Live Balance. By the way, cherry leaves are used not only in tea. They are also very often used as bath brooms. After such a broom, the body will look fit, and all pains have passed

Ivan tea with cherry leaves. Ivan tea with cherry leaves “Live Balance. By the way, cherry leaves are used not only in tea. They are also very often used as bath brooms. After such a broom, the body will look fit, and all pains have passed

About the product

What is Ivan tea

The scientific name for Ivan-tea is narrow-leaved fireweed, and foreigners call it Russian tea. Outwardly, Ivan tea is a tall plant covered with pink small flowers of extraordinary beauty. The people also call it "fiery" or "fire" grass for its incredible ability to grow on the ashes and contribute to the revival of the earth and other plants. The magical healing properties of fireweed are effective not only for nature, but also for humans.

The benefits of a miracle plant

The extraordinary properties of fireweed lie in the fact that its use can increase the endurance of the human body in front of high loads, also, its positive effect on the vessels of the brain is noted: Ivan tea perfectly fights headaches, migraines, inflammatory processes after strokes, concussions, meningitis. Traditional healers have long used the miracle plant to strengthen the body of patients after serious illnesses: chronic colds, pneumonia - he can do everything. With the help of fireweed, you can cure such ailments as snoring, severe cough, pain in the liver, worms, gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, catarrh of the stomach. The positive effect of decoctions and infusions of ivan tea for the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, and skin rashes is noted.

The beneficial qualities of cherries

A large number of benefits contained in cherries make it possible to use it in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking. Cherries are rich in vitamin C, folic acid, iodine, antioxidants. Due to its ability to strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, it is also called "heart" berry. Cherry helps the body to increase resistance to cancer and slows down the aging of cells, is useful for the thyroid gland, for bronchitis, for the treatment of gums.

Taste qualities of Ivan tea with cherry leaves

The composition of the drink includes cherry leaves, pre-fermented. Thanks to this processing, the cherry leaves become reddish-brown and have a rather active characteristic aroma, and the smell and taste of cherries with notes of the refreshing aftertaste of willow tea remain and are quite pronounced even in the finished drink.

Where is fireweed

Ivan tea is not only a very useful plant, it is also unpretentious in terms of growing conditions - it can be found almost everywhere: not only in the ashes, but also in clearings, wastelands, swamps, in the forest, near water bodies. Experts recommend collecting fireweed away from roads, cities and industrial enterprises in environmentally friendly places for these purposes. To create a magnificent blend with cherry leaves, we use ivan tea, collected exclusively from ecologically clean areas of the Ryazan region.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool dry place, away from strong odors at 70% relative humidity.

Shelf life: 2 years from the date indicated on the package.

Net weight: 50gr.

Fermented processed leaves of Ivan-Chaya (Willow-leaved fireweed), cherry leaves.

Pour boiling water over the tea and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. 1 h / l for 200 ml.

Re-brewing is possible.

Cherry- red beauty with juicy pulp and liquid sweet and sour taste. Ivan tea in combination with cherries becomes more astringent and leaves a viscosity on the tongue. In Russia, cherry has long been known as a plant-healer, as it has restorative and life-giving properties. Ivan tea in combination with cherries becomes more astringent and leaves a viscosity on the tongue.

Surprisingly tasty and aromatic cherries have long won the love and recognition of the Russian people.
Ivan tea with cherries is also loved and popular. This drink is rich in vitamins. In particular, vitamin C predominates in it. Moreover, there is more of it in Russian tea with cherries than in lemon! Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and helps maintain overall health. Thanks to this, Russian tea with cherries restores tone and revitalizes.

Useful properties of Ivan tea with cherries:

  • Mild natural soothing effect;
  • Cherry leaves contain coumarins, citric acid, tannins, which increases the positive effect of the drink on the body;
  • Promotes the normalization of blood clotting, is useful as a prophylactic agent against the development of strokes and heart attacks;
  • There is a lot of amygdalin in the berries and leaves of cherries - this is a biologically active substance that has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of heart disease and reduces the frequency of heart attacks;
  • Tea has an antiseptic effect, improves metabolic processes. This effect is due to the presence of citric acid in the tea. In addition, quercitin is present in cherry leaves, which has antioxidant properties and accelerates the process of removing free radicals from the body;
  • The presence of tannins gives the drink a disinfecting property, giving it an anti-inflammatory effect.

Every day, Russian Ivan-tea with cherries can be consumed by all people, with the exception of those who have an increased acidity of the stomach.

  • fermented fireweed leaves 70%
  • - dried cherry leaves 20%
  • - cherries 10%

Good day everyone!

I have repeatedly mentioned that I love tea, especially with various interesting additives. I also love Ivan tea, I prefer fermented tea. I really like the phyto drinks of the Marislavna trademark, I have tried many of them, I told about some of them:

Today we will talk about the most interesting drink - Ivan-tea "With rosemary and cherry".

By itself fireweed , especially fermented, is very useful:

Such a drink has an immuno-strengthening, tonic effect, cleanses the body of toxins, prevents the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially of an inflammatory nature. Promotes an increase in the body's defenses in relation to viruses. Improves endurance and potency in men. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, various age-related problems.

The peculiarity of fermented Ivan tea is that it perfectly strengthens the nervous system, without exerting a strong stimulating effect and does not particularly affect blood pressure. This tea can be drunk by both adults and children.

It is no less good for health and rosemary :

Rosemary acid- the main "highlight" is herbs - it is a powerful antioxidant. To strengthen immunity and increase vitality, rosemary offers us such valuable trace elements as zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium.

Nowadays, tea with rosemary is especially useful:

Rosemary tea is a great memory booster. Therefore, give this healthy drink to your home, busy mental work.

Ivan tea goes well with various additives. They only add useful properties to it.

Composition drink:

fermented fireweed leaf, dried cherries, rosemary herb.

As always, the tea is very beautiful when dry: clean, without impurities and other debris, a lot of dried cherries.

Scent wonderful - rich, spicy rosemary complements the classic Koporye tea, the cherry component is clearly felt.

Brewing method traditional: 1 teaspoon with a good slide, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.

Taste I really liked it - rich, but without bitterness, with a subtle sourness and rosemary astringency. Very aromatic and original!

Good both in the morning and in the afternoon. Both warm and cold. According to my feelings, it invigorates.

I ran out quickly, I'll buy more.

In a package of 100 grams, it costs 250 rubles.

Being in a cherry orchard during flowering is like being in a fairy tale. Around the incredible beauty of flowers that portend a lot of sweet and healthy berries in the future. Sometimes such gardens can be compared to little Japan at the time of cherry blossoms. When the cherry tree blossoms, the soul blossoms. The red berry is so loved all over the world that there is even a special holiday in America - cherry pie day.

Each of you, dear readers, at least once in your life tried tea with cherries. Of course, if you are not allergic to it. Cherries are delicious and healthy on their own. But we eat, as a rule, only berries. But the leaves also contain a huge amount of nutrients that strengthen our health. In order not to chew them, wrinkling your face, there is another way to get this benefit - to drink ivan tea with cherry leaves. Today you will learn something new about the berry, and also remember what you already knew about it.

It is not for nothing that we have been told so often since childhood that we do not even think about swallowing the pits from cherries. In large quantities, the bones become poison. If an adult can still eat one or two bones, then this is absolutely contraindicated for children.

Cherry was not always so available in our area. The birthplace of the plant is Persia and Asia Minor, from which various varieties began to spread throughout the world. In Russia, they learned about cherry in about the XII century, and they began to grow it abundantly only 4 centuries after that. Thanks to hard work and careful care in those days, now we have the opportunity to enjoy a healthy berry every year. And also use the rest of the plant for medicinal purposes.

Ivan tea with cherries: benefits.

In the old days, when medicine had not yet advanced so far, epilepsy was treated with the help of cherry berries. It was enough to regularly eat at least a handful and the number of attacks was significantly reduced. The berries contain a large amount of coumarins, which improve blood clotting. Therefore, they are so useful for the prevention of blood clots in blood vessels. Cherry tea is also useful for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as for lowering blood pressure.

If you are an opponent of modern medicines and think that they are harmful to the body, then cherry berries are suitable for treating the signs of a cold. Only 20 berries can replace one aspirin tablet. This is beneficial and also does not carry all the side effects that appear from the pills. On the basis of cherries, expectorants are made, so tea will help to quickly cope with an annoying cough. Daily consumption of cherries reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors and gout.

Due to the composition of the berries, Ivan tea with cherries before bedtime will act as a sedative. After a cup of this tea, sleep will be strong and calm. Such tea is also useful for improving the peristalsis of the stomach. Drinking cherry tea reduces the body's exposure to negative environmental influences.

Ivan - tea with cherry leaves.

In addition to tea with dried berries, there is also tea with leaves, which is no less useful. It saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, enhancing immunity. It is an effective medicine for colds and prophylaxis during epidemics.

In case of blood loss, tea will help you quickly recover and give you vigor. If you have stones or sand in your kidneys, tea will allow you to quickly remove them from the body, while restoring the water-salt balance. Tea with cherry leaves is a good diuretic. It will quickly remove all toxins from the body. In addition, it will help with high blood pressure.

For joint pain, such a collection can be applied to the sore spot to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Like berries, the leaves have an expectorant effect, reducing the patient's cough.

For girls, and for men, the great news is that this tea slows down the aging of the body, improves the appearance. Hair, nails and skin look much better and the face shines with health.

By the way, cherry leaves are used not only in tea. They are also very often used as bath brooms. After such a broom, the body will look fit, and all pains will go away.

But back to our tea. As you have already learned, it is very useful, regardless of whether the leaves are added to tea or berries. The main thing is that there is something cherry in the cup of tea. Do not forget that each useful plant has its own contraindications and limitations.

Cherry ivan tea: contraindications.

The use of berries and cherry leaves should be limited to people with high acidity of the stomach. Also for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, obesity. Since cherry tea lowers blood pressure, it is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure. It is worth giving up such tea if you have noticed a negative reaction of the body to cherries earlier.

Tea with berries should not be drunk by those who suffer from frequent diarrhea. And tea with cherry leaves is not recommended for those who are prone to frequent constipation. This means that everyone should select cherry tea individually according to their criteria. In addition, do not forget about what properties and contraindications it has itself.

Ivan tea with cherries is a healthy drink that will quickly put you on your feet, and sometimes even replace some medicines. While red berries appeal to us the most, don't underestimate the leaves of the plant. Now that you have learned the secrets of this tree, you can get much more benefit from it.

Since now it is cloudy outside the window, and in some places also winter weather, it is rather difficult to collect cherries with leaves on your own. Therefore, we suggest that you order tea from us. You can choose ivan tea with berries, or you can opt for ivan tea with cherry leaves. In both cases, you will receive a storehouse of vitamins. And this is exactly what you need in such weather, when vitamin deficiency and depressive conditions can overtake at any moment. Moreover, the puddles are trying very hard to wet your shoes through and allow you to catch a cold. Get ready for any bad weather with our tea, then even a slight runny nose will not disturb!

Diseases of the cardiovascular system affect a huge number of people around the world. With age, the risk of developing pathologies increases significantly. To prevent serious illnesses, which often lead to irreversible consequences, it is necessary to start taking prophylactic drugs on time.

Natural and healthy Vyatka ivan tea with cherries has a tonic and healing effect, and also helps to cope with various symptoms that arise from disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

Indications for use

You can drink an aromatic, pleasant-tasting drink, consisting of cherry leaves and ivan tea, with such indications as:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • vascular disease;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • frequent heart attacks;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • avitaminosis;
  • weakening of the body;
  • the rehabilitation period after suffering heart attacks and strokes.

Beneficial features

Cherry Vyatka Ivan tea is a natural antioxidant and a source of vitamins.

A healthy drink has the following effect on the body:

  • restores metabolism;
  • inhibits various inflammatory processes;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria;
  • stabilizes the work of the heart muscle;
  • evens out heart rhythms;
  • removes free radicals from the body;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • lowers sugar and cholesterol, cleanses the blood;
  • has disinfectant properties;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevents the development of blood clots;
  • enhances immunity;
  • tones up and invigorates.

Pregnancy use

It is not recommended to take Vyatka ivan tea with cherry leaves during pregnancy. This remedy can provoke premature birth.


The herbal tea contains such natural ingredients as:

  • cherry leaves;

These medicinal plants contain flavonoids, vitamins, pectins, tannins, trace elements, coumarins, citric acid and other useful substances that have a beneficial effect on all the main processes in the human body.

Mode of application

A healing drink with ivan tea and cherry leaves is brewed in the same way as regular tea. Chopped dried herb is poured with boiling water (you can do this in a tea pot). For 100 milliliters of water, it is enough to take one teaspoon of herbal raw materials. Herbal tea should be infused for at least 15 minutes. The cooled strained drink must be consumed daily (2-4 times a day). You can drink a whole glass of tea at a time.


Before using a herbal remedy, you must make sure that there are no contraindications. It is prohibited to take brewed Vyatka ivan tea with cherry leaves:

  • with intolerance to the components of the phytopreparation;
  • with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • during pregnancy (regardless of the period).

Where can I buy?

Those who wish to buy Vyatka ivan tea do not need to go to a pharmacy. You can order a healthy drink in our online store. The site "Russian roots" presents a wide range of medicines, consisting of herbal ingredients.

For the regions of Russia, delivery of goods is carried out by mail. In Moscow and the near Moscow region, orders are delivered by couriers. You can also buy healthy herbal teas at low prices in our Moscow retail phyto-pharmacies. Looking forward to your feedback!

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