Home Roses How to live when everything is poison: lethal doses. Briton dies because of Coca-Cola Died of Coca-Cola

How to live when everything is poison: lethal doses. Briton dies because of Coca-Cola Died of Coca-Cola

WuzzUp presents to your attention a list of the most ridiculous deaths, which, well, simply should not have happened, but still it happened. These people are simply out of luck, bad luck or is this how natural selection works? ..

1. Lethal dose of Cola

A resident of New Zealand, who for several days drank a lethal dose of "Coca-Cola" for the human body - 10 liters.

2. Faith didn't help

The pastor who assured the parishioners that the power of his faith could save him from any snakebite. As a result, he never succeeded.

3. Selfie with a pistol

A man who really wanted to take a cool selfie with a gun. It all ended with the fact that instead of a button on his mobile, he pressed the trigger of a loaded pistol and pierced his head!

4. Solar diet

A Swiss woman who really wanted to lose weight. She decided to sit down on an outlandish "solar diet": there is nothing, but only to expose her body to the sun's rays. Her death was terrible - death from hunger. No one can still understand where this diet came from.

5. Exhibitionism kills

One guy from Portland was doing push-ups on the road at 4 a.m. and was hit and killed by a car. Push-ups are a useful exercise, but not on the road!

6. Deadly Vaseline

Trying to enlarge her breasts at home, one of the residents of Argentina shortened her eyelid. To make her breasts look more attractive, she gave herself several injections of petroleum jelly (!) And how can such a person get into the head ?!

7. Battle Rooster

A battle rooster with a blade tied to its paw seriously wounded its owner. Not wanting to go to jail, the man tried to hide from the police and the ambulance that arrived with the police. Having lost too much blood, he died.

8. Apple juice

The young smuggler who got drunk on dissolved methamphetamine. This daredevil wanted to powder the brains of the border guards, passing off the drug for apple juice.

9. Valuable phone

In China, two people lost their lives through an ill-fated mobile worth more than $ 300, and four were hospitalized with serious injuries. How did they manage to do this? It's simple: they wanted to get the already mentioned phone from the dry closet. Do not try to do the same, even if your cell phone also ends up in the dry closet, because the substance they use there is very toxic!

10. Everyone drowned, but they saved the chicken!

In Egypt, a teenager fell into a well, rescuing a chicken that had fallen there. His brothers and sister came to his aid, but, unfortunately, their "rescue mission" was not crowned with success - they also fell into the water. A couple more old men arrived, whose lives ended in the same way. When the bodies of all the dead were taken out of the ill-fated well, a chicken was with them - safe and sound.

11. Couldn't cope with the temptation

One very extravagant lady came up with a special way to lose weight. She reduced her stomach to such a size that only one walnut could fit in it. And all the same, I could not grind myself: I poured heavily. After such a hearty meal, her stomach could not digest everything, and the food just got stuck in the esophagus. The woman, by her stupidity, died of suffocation.

The case of the death of 30-year-old New Zealand citizen Natasha Harris, who was previously suspected of fatal Coca-Cola poisoning, has been closed. The pathologists delivered their final verdict, ruling that the woman had indeed died of a carbonated drink "overdose", according to Nine News.
According to doctors, the mother of eight children Natasha Harris died of a heart attack, which was caused by the fact that the woman drank about 10 liters of Coca-Cola every day. Earlier it was reported that a New Zealand resident was discovered by her roommate Christopher Hodgkinson on the floor of her own bathroom in February 2010. Harris eagerly gasped for air with her lips, her lover immediately called an ambulance, but she arrived too late.
The investigation, which, to put it mildly, did not affect the reputation of the Coca-Cola company in the best way, took almost three years. Representatives of the company still deny that excessive consumption of the drink they produce could lead to such disastrous results. Coca-Cola said in an official statement that the company's management is "deeply disappointed" that the doctor focused his attention on their product, although with the naked eye it is noticeable that Harris led an unhealthy lifestyle and dozens of factors could have influenced her death.
However, coroner David Crerar said that the woman's too much love for soda resulted in Harris consuming 11 times more sugar every day. The pathologist added that shortly before the death of a mother with many children, all her teeth fell out. By the way, a 25-year-old Australian, whose love for cola led to the acquisition of a false jaw, recently faced a similar problem.

False jaw at 25: Australian lost teeth for love of soda

It would seem that carbonated soft drinks are not as harmful as alcohol. But, not knowing the measure, you can ruin your life with soda. So, an excessive passion for cola brought the 25-year-old Australian to the loss of teeth.
According to Adelaide Now, for three years, William Kennewell drank six to eight liters of sugary soda daily. The young man ignored the dentist's warnings. In the end, the teeth, blackened from caries, had to be removed, replacing them with a false jaw.
“They say that it is normal for a person to have 32 teeth, but I only have 13. And they had to be removed, - said the cola lover. - At first I was not a big fan of soda, but when I started working in the hotel business, I quickly became addicted to it. My teeth were so rotten that blood poisoning began. After the dentures were made, my health improved. "
Dr. Jason Armfield of the Australian Oral Health Research Center has called for warnings to be placed on soda bottle labels. In his opinion, this will help reduce the number of such cases. Armfield spearheaded a study that found that of 16.8 thousand Australian children aged 5-16, 56% drink at least one serving of soda or juice daily.
William Kennewell agreed with the idea of ​​writing warnings on soft drink bottles. However, he questioned how effective such a measure would be.
The Australian Ministry of Health said on this occasion that the state has already decided to reorient the health care system towards the prevention and prevention of obesity and other health problems caused by a monotonous diet and lack of exercise.

Killer cola: the love of the drink killed the mother of eight children

Everyone knows that an excessive passion for alcohol is dangerous to health, however, as the tragic incident that took place in New Zealand shows, love for the seemingly much less harmful products of the Coca Cola company can also bring to the grave. A 30-year-old woman died of a cola "overdose", Reuters reported.
Relatives of Natasha Harrison, who lived in New Zealand, believe that the young woman was ruined by her love for Coca-Cola. According to Harrison's relatives, the mother of eight children drank 7-9 liters of carbonated drink daily. At the same time, she smoked and ate quite little. According to the doctors, the woman suffered from a lack of potassium. Her heart was unstable due to the constant high levels of caffeine in her body. The cause of death of Natasha Harris was a heart attack.
Doctors have no doubt that the reason for such an unimportant state of health of a woman was her addiction to soda. According to pathologist Martin Sage, there is no doubt that excessive consumption of Coca-Cola can lead to various diseases. In some cases, when a person's condition is already poor, every drop of cola can be fatal.
The management of the local branch of the Coca Cola Company, upon hearing this tragic news, declared, oddly enough, that they never doubted the dangers of the drink they produced. Death from Coca-Cola is not unique, as the consumption of any liquid, including water, can lead to dire consequences, the company said. However, the family of the late Harrison believes that it is imperative that the packaging of a carbonated drink should have an inscription warning customers about the harm that Coca-Cola can cause.
However, according to representatives of Coca Cola, this is not necessary, since the side effect of the consumption of cola refers to the so-called "obvious risks". In many countries, manufacturers are not required to warn consumers of these dangers.
"Everyone knows that if you drink 7 liters of Coca-Cola a day, you start to have dental problems, and caffeine will make you emotionally unstable. In addition, you will gain a lot of weight. Everyone knows this, so there is no need to remind you again. about the dangers of Coca-Cola ", - believe in the company.
Meanwhile, Pepsi and Coca-Cola makers have recently been forced to change the composition of their products, as experts have recognized that it can contribute to the development of cancer.

Carcinogen found in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola

Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola producers are forced to change the traditional recipe for their drinks. Among the ingredients in soda, a substance was found that, as it turned out, causes cancer. The carcinogen is part of the caramel, which is used to color the water. If the manufacturers do not change the composition, then from next month on the labels of Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola and diet versions of these drinks, a warning about their dangers will appear.
Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola began to be produced in the United States at the end of the 19th century. The Coca-Cola brand was the most expensive in America in 2006-2010. Every second in the world they drink eight thousand glasses of the drink, according to the TV channel "Russia 24".

The love for the popular carbonated drink Coca-Cola has led to a serious tragedy. In the British county of West Yorkshire, a man who consumed several liters of this soda every day died of pulmonary edema.


"After conducting a forensic medical examination, it was possible to establish that the weight of the man's lungs was four times the norm- said pathologist Deirdre McKenna. "At first, doctors assumed that the death of the Briton caused a heart attack, but later it turned out that this was not the case."

Doctors found out that the man died due to severe swelling of the respiratory system, which resulted from drinking too much liquid. Relatives of the British complain that Inman voluntarily engaged in "self-destruction". Paul Inman, 30, drank too much of the popular Coca-Cola... Moreover, the Englishman was so fond of drinking sweet soda that several times a day he went to the nearest store for it, according to Life News. Relatives tried to wean Inman from his addiction, but he went against them and did not stop drinking Coca-Cola.

The situation was aggravated by the man's lifestyle. The fact is that at the age of 17 he was diagnosed with one of the forms of autism - Asperger's syndrome... For this reason, Inman had to be under the supervision of doctors throughout his life. However, he tried in every possible way to limit communication with doctors and did not go to contact them at all. Therefore, it was simply impossible to control the diet of a young man, which, in fact, led to the tragedy.

Meanwhile this is not the first time that death occurs as a result of excessive use of Coca-Cola... Earlier in New Zealand, a 30-year-old girl died of a heart attack caused by an overdose of a sweet drink. She drank at least ten liters of Coca-Cola every day. This love of the drink led to the fact that almost daily Harris consumed 11 times more sugar than she should. That could not but have a detrimental effect on the health of a woman. In addition, the pathologist said that shortly before the death of a mother with many children, all her teeth fell out.

11:42 - REGNUM

As the medieval Swiss alchemist, philosopher and physician Paracelsus said: “ Everything is poison, nothing is devoid of poisonousness; just one dose makes the poison invisible. " These words apply to all substances. Even to those habitual, which in normal doses are not critical, but in large quantities can kill a person. Where is the line when food or liquid, completely harmless, becomes a deadly poison?

The lethal dose of a substance depends on many factors: on concentration, on the weight of the person who eats, on his age, health, immune system and metabolism. For this reason, we can only talk about a risky dose of the product.

When it comes to the degree of toxicity, the most appropriate is to calculate the lethal dose as the amount in mg per kilogram of body weight that can kill 50% of the people tested. By itself, this idea already contains imprecision. There were no tests that killed fifty out of a hundred. It's about protecting life, not killing. The numbers given by food science are based on an average adult weighing 75 kg.

Caffeine: 93 espresso

The possibility of dying by drinking too much coffee is usually the subject of much talk ... before a cup of coffee. Fortunately for those who cannot live without this wonderful drink, the amount of coffee needed for caffeine to kill a person is 93 espresso.

The lethal dose of caffeine is 10 grams. However, it varies from one person to the next. In general, it is believed that consuming 150 mg of caffeine for every kilogram of body weight can kill. Following this calculation, a person weighing 50 kg can die after consuming 7.5 grams of pure caffeine, 80 kg - after 12 grams. For children, the dose is much lower (35 milligrams per kilogram of body weight), because the child's body processes caffeine much more slowly.

According to the Chilean National Coffee Association, a 240 ml espresso cup contains 65 to 120 mg of caffeine. The amount of caffeine can vary due to different types of coffee and preparation methods. Ultimately, if we assume we don't take strong coffee (65 mg of caffeine per cup), a 75 kg person could die from 173 cups of coffee. If the coffee is strong (120 mg), 93 is enough. In general, it is estimated that a lethal dose of coffee is from 50 to 200 cups, depending on the circumstances.

Symptoms of acute caffeine poisoning include tremors, vomiting, tachycardia, arrhythmias, or hyperglycemia. The recommended daily intake of caffeine for an adult should not exceed 300 mg (5 cups of espresso coffee). In any case, it is not recommended to overuse coffee. Doctors recommend that healthy adults should not consume more than 300 or 400 milligrams of caffeine per day (or 6 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight). In terms of caffeine, five cups of espresso equates to twelve cans of cola.

Of course, this is pure caffeine, not all other products prepared with it. If a person drinks 12 cans of cola a day, the amount of caffeine consumed will be the least of his problems. Cola lovers face death from excess sugar.

Sugar: 2 kg

Everyone loves candy, but modern foods contain too much sugar. The problem is not so much the sugar we put in coffee, but the sugar found in many foods, such as soft drinks and sodas.

The only consolation is that the amount of sugar you can die from is so high that it will not fit into the stomach. According to experiments carried out on rats, the toxicity of sucrose is 29,700 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. If you take into account a person weighing 75 kg, then he should eat 2.17 kg of sugar with a spoon. Ah, ugh!

To achieve the average lethal dose of sugar (for a person weighing 50 kg) when drinking Coca-Cola, you need to drink 38 cans, or you need to drink more than 7 bottles of two liters of soda. Never drink soda on a bet!

One can of Coca-Cola already exceeds the daily amount of sugar recommended by the World Health Organization.

The sugar problem is not the dose that causes acute poisoning. Sugar can cause chronic poisoning. The World Health Organization recommends that only 5 to 10% of the calories we consume per day are sugar. For a healthy adult, this is about 25 grams of sugar per day. One can of cola already provides 39 grams. The list of health problems associated with a sugar diet is so long that it’s too long to list: tooth decay, obesity, diabetes, liver problems, or even pancreatic cancer.

Salt: four tablespoons

Let's move on from the sweetest death to the saltier one. How much salt is enough to kill a person? The answer is that it is quite small. There is a good reason not to drink seawater. Salt is the most toxic product even in relatively small doses.

For an adult, between 0.75 and 3 grams of salt per kilogram of body weight is enough to die. A person weighing 80 kg can die with just 60 grams of salt at once. One teaspoon of salt is already 15 grams, so the urban legend may be true: in some cases, four tablespoons of salt can kill. You will probably need more, but it's best not to risk it.

It is estimated that in the UK, each adult consumes about 11 grams of salt per day, of which 75% comes from processed foods. The fact is that most of this salt is usually excreted with the help of the water we drink.

Salt is not only deadly in its pure form. Some foods that contain sodium chloride can also be hazardous. In 2011, the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine reported a case in which a 55-year-old Japanese woman diagnosed with depression tried to commit suicide by drinking a bottle of soy sauce. Symptoms of acute salt poisoning include convulsions, cerebral edema, and coma. Do not overuse salt!

Water: 6.7 L

Water is also toxic if we drink enough of it, and this amount is much less than it seems. In fact, if anyone tried to commit suicide by drinking Coca-Cola or coffee, they would die sooner from excess water before caffeine could cause irreparable harm. According to Science-Lab, the lethal dose of water by mouth is 90 milliliters per kilogram of body weight. That is, a lethal dose of water is only 6.7 liters (13 bottles) of water.

Just like salt, water affects our body at the cellular level. If we drink too much water, our kidneys are unable to process it, the body retains water in the tissues. In most organs, cells have room to expand after absorbing large amounts of water, but the brain is not one of these zones. Excess water can cause brain edema. This is an extreme case, but unfortunately there have been several deaths.

Alcohol: 13 glasses of hard liquor

Drinking a lot is bad, we already know, but how much beer do you need to drink in order to understand that it is time to stop? Just look above to see that, in a pinch, the beer will kill us before the water, and it's all about the percentage of alcohol. The lethal dose of alcohol is 7,060 milliliters of ethanol per kilogram of body weight. In other words, half a liter of alcohol is enough for a person weighing 75 kilograms.

On the Compound Interest pages, however, the calculation of this figure is much lower: 13 glasses of strong alcohol, such as vodka (40 degrees), to kill an adult 75 kilograms. Each glass contains about 45 milliliters. It all depends on habit and physical condition. The time of admission is also very influential. Drinking all night long, the next day a hangover will remind us that the effects of alcohol are not good, even if the lethal dose is not reached.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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