Home roses What vitamins should not be taken. Vitamins in tablets: benefit or harm? Is there any super product, the most useful

What vitamins should not be taken. Vitamins in tablets: benefit or harm? Is there any super product, the most useful

Do I need to drink vitamins, for example, active people require more from their body, which means they need more nutrients. You can get almost everything you need in nutrition through a well-designed diet. But for the rest, vitamin complexes can be one of the most important supplements.

If you are an athlete, athlete, or someone with an active job, do you need to take vitamins? You probably need more nutrients than some couch potato. And no, I'm not just talking about macronutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. You can get most if not all of your daily needs from a good diet. But in the area of ​​micronutrients, which you also need, you may be deficient. This is where multivitamins can help.

A good multivitamin usually contains a wide range of micronutrients, including B vitamins, vitamins C, A, D, E, and K, and minerals such as potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Even if you are absolutely meticulous about food preparation, you may still need help meeting your micronutrient needs in these categories.

Here's how multivitamins can help and how to get the most out of the ones you're already taking.

More Activity Means More Micronutrient Needs

Intense exercise is good for you, but it also requires more from your body. When you are active, your body needs micronutrients to maintain fluid balance, maintain a healthy metabolism, and build and repair muscle. Sweating alone can deplete your stores of essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, and magnesium. Low levels of these minerals can lead to cramps, fatigue, dizziness, and low blood pressure. It can also negatively affect your athletic ability quite quickly.

Nutrients such as B vitamins, copper and iron help your body maintain the metabolic rate your body needs to support intense exercise. And when you increase the frequency or volume of exercise, you increase your body's need for these micronutrients.

Are you getting enough micronutrients from your diet?

Let's hope that if you are an active person, then you pay attention to your diet. You eat both a wide variety and a lot of leafy greens, a lot of different fruits and vegetables. You consume enough protein and just the right amount of carbohydrates and fats. But if you don't (or maybe you're not sure), there's a good chance you're missing out on some important vitamins or minerals.

If you always eat the same foods (chicken and broccoli, anyone?), you are always getting the same nutrients and possibly missing out on others. A multivitamin may be just what you need to keep your body functioning properly.

This does not mean that you can compensate for a poor or restricted diet by simply taking a multivitamin. Vitamins are not food! The foundation of any active person's life should be a well-balanced nutrition plan.

Diets for weight loss can reduce the intake of micronutrients

Do I need to take vitamins while following a weight loss diet? If you start reducing your food intake for weight loss or competition preparation, you can also reduce your nutrient intake. Lack of zinc, iron, and certain vitamins can lead to fatigue, trouble concentrating, and increased susceptibility to disease.

Regardless of why you restrict calories, it's up to you to make sure your diet doesn't leave important gaps in your nutrition. If you don't eat animal protein, you may need a multivitamin with the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of vitamin B-12, zinc, and iron.

If you're on a lactose-free diet, look for a multivitamin with calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and potassium.

Find the right multivitamin for you

What vitamins to drink in the spring or in preparation for competitions can be more accurately determined after tests that show a shortage, or maybe an excess of certain vitamins in the body. If you are considering taking a multivitamin, there are a few recommendations to consider. You can talk to knowledgeable friends, nutritionists or a pharmacist to get a recommendation. You can just pick a multivitamin off the shelf and see how it works. Or you could see a healthcare professional to help you determine which vitamins and minerals you're missing.

Multivitamins today come in all shapes and sizes. For example, a prenatal multivitamin contains more folate to meet the specific needs of pregnancy. Some multivitamins designed specifically for women contain extra iron and calcium. To get the most benefit, find a multivitamin that suits your individual needs. Read the label to avoid possible allergens or restrictions.

In most cases, you need to take a multivitamin once a day. Try pairing them with high-fat foods to increase absorption.

Is it possible to drink vitamins constantly?

If you are taking a water-soluble multivitamin, your body does not store excess nutrients and can excrete them in the urine. But even so, continuous overconsumption can lead to nerve problems, kidney stones, etc.

Your body stores fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, K, and E. Excess amounts of these vitamins, including iron, sodium, and calcium, can build up to toxic levels and wreak havoc on your body, especially your liver.

By making sure your multivitamins contain micronutrients at or near 100 percent of the RDA, you can avoid the rare problems caused by overconsumption and nutrient toxicity.

If you're concerned about possible toxicity, talk to your doctor or healthcare professional to make sure you're taking as many multivitamins as you need.

If you are an active person, your body will thank you for taking care of your micronutrient needs. Just make sure you do it safely.

No, you don't have to do that. Vitamins are a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. They treat something specific or are engaged in some specific prevention. That is, there must be certain indications for the use of vitamins. The World Health Organization believes that a varied diet is preferable to taking complex vitamins.


There are very few such indications. Firstly, vitamins are indicated for pregnant women and those who are planning a pregnancy - that is, women should drink vitamins before pregnancy, the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and pregnant women with nutritional deficiencies. Sometimes pregnant women have such a terrible toxicosis that they cannot eat the right foods at all. Then they are prescribed vitamins. And the second category of people are children or adults who have a clinically and laboratory proven picture of beriberi, that is, the so-called hypovitaminosis.


In my practice, there was one family with beriberi. At the age of 7 months, the child began to regress in physical development - he stopped holding his head, turning over, that is, the child was completely weakened. It turned out that the parents were vegans. Mom was just a vegetarian before pregnancy, and during pregnancy she switched to a raw food diet. When we passed all the tests, the main indicators - vitamin B12, iron - the child was almost at zero. Here, proper nutrition was indispensable, the child needed vitamin therapy.

Another example - a mother brought an 11-year-old girl to the doctor. She was not interested in anything, she always wanted to lie down, she had pronounced weakness and apathy. At the same time, the child used to be very active. It turned out that she had reduced concentrations of iron and vitamin D in her blood.


Yes. If he develops harmoniously, eats in a balanced way, then most likely everything is fine.


In fact, doctors are more likely to experience vitamin overdose than vitamin deficiencies. Doctors are afraid of an overdose and prescribe vitamin D very carefully, often in an insufficient dose for a child, for example, from birth to 2 years.


Yes, from 1 month to 2 years, vitamin D preparations are recommended to be taken year-round, after 2 and up to 5 years in the autumn-winter period, the dosage depends on age. This is due to the geographical position of our country and the fact that in our region vitamin D is formed in the skin in sufficient quantities only on sunny summer days.

But even here there are special cases. People with dark skin have a lower ability to produce vitamin D because melanin acts as a barrier to sunlight. These children will need vitamin D to a much greater extent than the average child.

Therefore, the dosage should be prescribed by a doctor.

It is important to remember that pediatricians do not recommend direct sunlight for children under 6 months of age, as this increases the risk of skin cancer.


It has not been proven that vitamin C intake will somehow shorten the course of the disease or prevent the onset of some kind of infection.


No, no, vitamin C is very useful. It is involved in the regeneration of the bone skeleton and muscle tissue, has antioxidant properties, and helps strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C is essential! Only it is better to get it not in a synthetic form, but in a natural one. It is found in almost all vegetables, fruits, berries, and greens.


There is no evidence in foreign literature that garlic somehow affects immunity in viral infections, simply because it would never occur to anyone to study it. Our doctors write that it is almost a natural immunostimulant. But there is no convincing evidence for this.


It used to be very active in the past. But since it contains an unstable form of vitamin D and a large amount of vitamin A, it is currently not recommended for use.


Retinol (vitamin A) is a substance necessary for strengthening bone, cartilage and muscle tissue. In addition, it enhances immune defenses. Contained in dairy products, meat and offal, red and orange vegetables, greens.


It is necessary to eat some kind of meat product, some kind of dairy product, cereals or cereals, one fruit and one vegetable per day. If you follow this simple rule, then beriberi is unlikely to occur.


No, there cannot be one such product. It is better to keep a balanced diet and expand the diet. For example, vitamin E (tocopherol) is an auxiliary vitamin for growth, an antioxidant that ensures the absorption of nutrients and strengthens the human immune system. It is found in nuts and fish. It is needed by the body in the same way as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B.


Of course, during heat treatment - if we bake an apple or boil broccoli - some of the beneficial properties will be lost, but some part will be preserved.

If you can give raw fruits and vegetables, if there are no contraindications to this, this is fine and good for digestion. But heat-treated will also benefit.


Even not ideal, not the highest quality vegetables and fruits from the store will still contain certain vitamins.


Here I am more for jars. If you buy in the market, say, a zucchini, you do not know where and how it was grown and how it was watered. If this zucchini is not from your garden, of course. And in industrial baby food, everything is thoroughly checked, quality control is quite high there. And the composition is more or less properly balanced.


It is necessary to experiment - with recipes, with serving. Whatever mothers come up with, there is endless scope for imagination.


It's OK. And this does not mean that he lacks vitamin C. Let him eat. The main thing in everything is to observe the measure. Anyway, from synthetic vitamins, we will not be able to get what we get with food. The only exception, perhaps, is vitamin D. We need it for the formation of bone and cartilage tissue. But everything else is best obtained from products.


Parents should stop further vitamin intake if symptoms such as skin rash, red cheeks, pruritus, nausea, and vomiting appear. But even if, due to mother's oversight, the child eats a jar of ascorbic acid, there will be no catastrophe. There will be a maximum of rashes, some kind of local reaction. Vitamins are most often classified as over-the-counter drugs. Everything is done in this way: even if a person eats 1 vial, there will be no deadly condition.


It must be understood that not all vitamins are combined with each other. There are subtleties here - what can be combined and what is not. You are unlikely to get hypervitaminosis, but most likely there will be no benefit either.

Of course, it’s faster and easier to run to the pharmacy, but it’s better to find time and talk with your doctor - he will tell you which vitamins you need and whether you need them at all.

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Vitamins are substances vital for normal human metabolism. Since vitamins, with the exception of vitamin D, cannot be synthesized by the human body on their own, they must be consumed for normal life. Historically, diseases associated with a deficiency of certain vitamins are well known: pellagra, scurvy, pernicious anemia, rickets and many others.

For many years, the manifestation of hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency), especially of antioxidant vitamins, has been associated with an increase in the number of cases of atherosclerosis, the development of many types of cancer and other diseases. There is a lot of theoretical and experimental evidence for this. On their basis, synthetic vitamins began to be widely used, often in combination with minerals, for the prevention of diseases. But time has passed, even more studies have been carried out on a huge clinical material, and we have slightly revised our approach to vitamins.

A modern take on vitamins

Vitamins are considered and used by modern medicine as medicines. Not "vitamins", not a dietary supplement, but a real medicine that is used to combat the state of hypovitaminosis. Vitamins have no other indications, including for the purpose of preventing diseases.

Today it is believed that under normal social conditions, in an ordinary, normal (from the point of view of a European) diet, there is a completely sufficient amount of vitamins to maintain health, I emphasize, a HEALTHY person.

When are vitamins needed?

They are necessary if a person is sick:


    patient with some metabolic disorders

    malabsorption patient

In these cases, vitamins are given to him as medicine. When we talk about healthy people who fully eat ordinary products available in Russia, then these people DO NOT need to take any synthetic vitamins for the purpose of prevention!

Vitamin A

We know that a supplemental supply of vitamin A is needed in many poor and underdeveloped countries to prevent blindness. Vision processes are closely related to retinol and vitamin A. There are a lot of drops based on them, tableted vitamins containing beta-carotene and retinol. Beta-carotene and retinol are different components of vitamin A. For a long time, doctors hoped that it would help cure cataracts and improve vision. However, studies have appeared showing that vitamin A not only does not prevent the development of cataracts, but is also fraught with very serious side effects (meaning synthetic vitamin A, but not the one that comes with food).

Since there are theoretical studies mentioned about the possible connection between hypovitaminosis and the development of oncology, the idea of ​​additionally supplying the human body with vitamins in order to prevent cancer formed the basis of many clinical trials. Patients began to be given various types of vitamins and see what happens over the course of a number of years. In particular, they gave

Vitamin A component is beta-carotene. When the first results began to come in, the doctors were horrified, and the study had to be stopped: after 5 years, in the group of people who received beta-carotene, there were significantly more cases of lung cancer (although this only applied to smokers, non-smokers hardly get lung cancer). Since then, we understand that beta-carotene is associated with an increase in lung cancer deaths among smokers. This is a proven fact. Also well known is the teratogenic (harmful) effect of vitamin A on the fetus (a child is born with defects). In older women, vitamin A increases osteoporosis...

Vitamin C

Unexpected adverse results of thousands of well-conducted studies have affected so many synthetic vitamins. At best, it turned out that the expectations that were placed on them in terms of disease prevention were not justified.

Everyone's favorite vitamin C is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to stimulate the immune system, to build connective tissue, and is involved in the healing process. It is believed that vitamin C can prevent colds, research is still ongoing on this topic. Evidence-based medicine (large studies, retrospective analyses, recent trial of 15,000 people) says the following about the theory that vitamin C reduces cancer.

Vitamin C has no effect on cancer prevention. With regard to cardiovascular diseases, the use of vitamin C also, unfortunately, does not give anything positive.

Vitamin E

Separately, it is worth talking about vitamin E. Doctors talk a lot about antioxidants, in particular about vitamin E, and recommend it to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, and infection. At first, cardiologists abandoned this delusion. A few years ago, the “first sign” appeared: in the recommendations of the Congress of American Cardiologists, a special paragraph was indicated: “We no longer recommend vitamin

E to prevent cardiovascular disease. A little later, the results of studies arrived in time, which convincingly showed that vitamin E in large doses increases mortality from all causes, and, in particular, from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The incidence rate of people was analyzed, which of the examined had diseases and which ones, how many of them were in hospitals, how many died or received disability, which of them took vitamin E. The results were compared with the control group.


    Taking vitamin E does not offer any prospects in terms of preventing cancer.

    Vitamin E can increase mortality from a variety of causes: oncology, atherosclerosis, kidney failure, diabetes, except, perhaps, thrombosis. Now help me, I rarely watch TV: do we still have advertisements for antioxidants and vitamin E in our country?

B vitamins

B vitamins, which are vital for us, are found in milk, meat, eggs, green vegetables, leaves, bananas, nuts, potatoes, all vegetables. Checking the action of vitamins also affected them. Scientists proceeded from the fact that, theoretically, B vitamins can reduce the risk of developing cancer, as they interfere with the mechanisms of DNA synthesis and the restoration of damaged DNA.

Unfortunately, in practice, such a relationship cannot be determined, there is no evidence that the intake of synthesized B vitamins is any significant in the prevention of cancer. The same was true for cardiovascular diseases: experimental evidence for the assumption that B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the vascular wall was not confirmed.

Folic acid

Of all the vitamins that we can recommend today, healthy people should pay attention to folic acid and vitamin D. Folic acid is found in vegetables, especially greens, meat, grains, nuts. She, too, had high hopes for preventing cancer, hypertension, heart disease, hearing loss, and even senile dementia.

Modern data from clinical trials are so contradictory that so far doctors have refrained from advising them to take folic acid to prevent these diseases. However, folic acid is recommended for pregnant women, but not to make the pregnant woman feel better or to keep her healthy. We are talking about the health of the unborn child, about the prevention of a congenital defect of the fetal nervous system. It has been proven that such defects are much less common in cases of folic acid intake.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the only vitamin synthesized by the human body when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is also found in foods such as: milk, fish, eggs. There is a theoretical justification for the use of this vitamin for the prevention of cancer and heart disease. But they are not enough to recommend its use specifically for this purpose.

However, for those at increased risk of osteoporosis, and therefore fractures, vitamin D supplementation is indicated along with calcium. Only a measure is needed: in the 60s in America they went too far with the addition of vitamin D to milk, and children began to be admitted to hospitals with very high levels of calcium in the blood and convulsions.

The book by Alexander Myasnikov "Guidelines for the use of medicine" is published by the EKSMO publishing house. On its pages, Alexander Myasnikov, a hereditary doctor, Ph.D.

Many of us drink vitamins to maintain health, but it turns out that this can even be harmful. Doctor Alexander Myasnikov is convinced that healthy people who eat well do not need to take multivitamins to prevent any diseases.
Why does a person need vitamins?
Vitamins are substances that are essential for normal metabolism. All vitamins, with the exception of D, cannot be synthesized by the human body on their own, so they must be obtained from the outside, through food. We have all heard about diseases associated with a deficiency of certain vitamins: pellagra, scurvy, pernicious anemia, rickets and many others.

For many years, the manifestation of hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency), especially of antioxidant vitamins, has been associated with an increase in the number of cases of atherosclerosis, the development of many types of cancer and other diseases. But now the situation has changed somewhat.

A look at vitamins today

Now vitamins are considered as drugs that are prescribed to combat hypovitaminosis. Vitamins have no other indications, including for the purpose of preventing diseases.

Today it is believed that under normal social conditions, in a normal, normal diet, there is a perfectly sufficient amount of vitamins to maintain health.

When are vitamins needed?

Vitamins are necessary if a person:

  • alcoholic,
  • a patient with some metabolic disorders,
  • patient with intestinal malabsorption.

In such cases, vitamins are prescribed by a doctor as a medicine. Healthy people do not need to take vitamins as a preventive measure. Let's look at the dangers of using synthetic vitamins.


Vitamin A not only does not prevent the development of cataracts, but is also fraught with very serious side effects. For example, people who consume vitamin A - beta-carotene and smoke at the same time, have become more likely to get lung cancer. Since then, we understand that beta-carotene is associated with an increase in lung cancer deaths among smokers. Also well known is the harmful effect of vitamin A on the fetus (a child is born with defects). In older women, vitamin A increases osteoporosis.


Vitamin C has no effect on cancer prevention. With regard to cardiovascular diseases, the use of vitamin C also, unfortunately, does not give anything positive.


Doctors talk a lot about antioxidants, in particular vitamin E, and recommend it to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, and infection. At first, cardiologists abandoned this delusion. A little later, the results of studies arrived in time, which convincingly showed that vitamin E in large doses increases mortality from all causes, and, in particular, from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Taking vitamin E does not offer any prospects in terms of preventing cancer.


Previously, scientists believed that, theoretically, B vitamins could reduce the risk of developing cancer, as they interfere with the mechanisms of DNA synthesis and repair of damaged DNA. In practice, such a relationship cannot be determined, there is no evidence that the intake of synthesized B vitamins is any significant in the prevention of cancer. The same was true for cardiovascular diseases: experimental evidence for the assumption that B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the vascular wall was not confirmed.


Modern data from clinical trials are so contradictory that so far doctors have refrained from advising them to take folic acid to prevent these diseases. However, folic acid is recommended for pregnant women, but not to make the pregnant woman feel better or to keep her healthy. We are talking about the health of the unborn child, about the prevention of a congenital defect of the fetal nervous system. It has been proven that such defects are much less common in cases of folic acid intake.


Vitamin D is the only vitamin that is synthesized by the human body when exposed to sunlight. There is a theoretical justification for the use of this vitamin for the prevention of cancer and heart disease. But they are not enough to recommend its use specifically for this purpose.

Recently, the topic of vitamins has become so relevant that writing this article has become a necessity. Today I will tell you what role vitamins play for our body, what vitamins to take And how to take vitamins: drink courses or drink continuously? What foods can vitamins be combined with, and with which it is absolutely impossible? On all these and many other questions concerning the role of vitamins for the human body, I will try to tell in great detail in this article.

Since childhood, we all heard from our mothers and grandmothers that we need to eat fruits and berries in order to be healthy and not get sick. Of course, there is a large part of the truth in this - fruits are indeed very rich in vitamins and antioxidants, but not only they are far from being in any form ... But more on that later, but now let's talk about the need for vitamins, why do we need them at all ? Can't we live without them?

Why are vitamins needed?

Vitamins are substances that do not carry energy, like proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but they are vital for a person for the normal functioning of absolutely all systems and organs. Their contribution to our health is simply HUGE.

Functions of vitamins:

  • Increase the body's resistance to various diseases and infections: stimulate the production of antibodies, neutralize toxins, regulate metabolism and tissue nutrition.
  • Regulate the normal state of the central nervous system.
  • Stimulate blood formation and stability of blood vessels.
  • They help the body resist negative factors that affect the body during increased physical exertion, stress, malnutrition, etc.
  • They inhibit the oxidation processes that cause chronic diseases and early aging.

These are far from all the functions inherent in vitamins, there are dozens of times more of them, but even on the basis of the above, we can conclude that vitamins are an important aspect of our health, and any prolonged hypovitaminosis can have serious consequences in the future.

How to take vitamins

To accurately answer this question, you need to know what kind of lifestyle you lead and what kind of diet you follow. If we talk about the usual pace of life (work-home-family and fitness 2-3 times a week) and clean eating without a calorie surplus. By "the word" clean "I mean nutrition that does not include eating fast food, carbonated and fatty and sweet foods every day (an exception may be 1 time per week as a). So, if we talk about such a lifestyle, then it’s definitely impossible to do without taking vitamin-mineral complexes, permanent basis . You are probably now wondering: why is that??? Indeed, on the contrary, proper nutrition should supply us with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other useful elements. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous.

 When we reduce the calorie content of the diet due to more low-calorie and healthy foods, then AUTOMATICALLY we reduce the intake of vital components into our body - bioflavonoids, vitamins, phytosterols, amino acids and other useful substances. Yes, the quality of the food itself is becoming a thousand times better than it was BEFORE the decision to switch to proper nutrition, but the chemical and biological composition of today's products, the same vegetables and fruits, is so poor that they need to be eaten at least 5 times more than before a couple of decades ago in order to gain their daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

Of course, you can minimize this trouble - buy a house somewhere in the mountains in an ecologically clean area and grow your own vegetables and fruits, but I think that for many this step is something out of the realm of fantasy. Therefore, let's return to our reality - life in the metropolis.

Scientists have found that a sufficient amount of minor components is present in the volume of food containing 5-6 thousand calories !!! Such a caloric intake is not suitable for every professional athlete, not to mention ordinary people like you and me. Therefore, in order to be healthy, not to suffer from hair loss, aching nails, dry skin, and even hormonal disruptions (especially for women), then with the transition to proper nutrition and sports, I advise you to start taking AT LEAST two mandatory supplements - this and vitamin and mineral complex. These two supplements should be taken CONSTANTLY no need to take breaks!

Our body 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year needs building and plastic material for the formation of new and regeneration of old cells. In order for the body to work like a clock, and we accordingly feel healthy and full of strength, the intake of nutrients must go continuously EVERY DAY! No breaks needed! You eat, drink, sleep every day, not 30 days in six months. In the same way, your body needs good nutrition every day, regardless of your days of training or rest. Yes, there are specific supplements that should not be drunk all the time for an ordinary person leading a normal lifestyle without heavy physical or mental stress, but the duo OMEGA-3 + VITAMIN COMPLEX should be in the diet of any person - whether he is engaged in fitness or not - ALWAYS!

What vitamins to drink

Now various companies produce many vitamin and mineral complexes, and they are all completely different in composition and quality. In my article, I gave an example of some good vitamin companies for women, so I won’t repeat myself, but I think it’s worth mentioning those vitamins that are powerful antioxidants.

The presence of the following vitamins should be mandatory in the vitamin-mineral complex you choose.

Redox vitamins

Vitamin E- a fat-soluble antioxidant that normalizes the muscular system, protects against oxidation, the effects of toxins and carcinogens on cells, improves the blood supply to the heart muscle and the general blood supply of the body, and supports the reproductive function of both women and men.

Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant. Vitamin C reduces the risk of developing cancerous tumors of the breast, lungs and gastrointestinal tract, protects against heart disease, supports the immune and nervous systems, and promotes the absorption of iron and calcium.

Vitamin A - fat-soluble hormone. Supports visual acuity, immune system and resistance to various infections, is responsible for bone growth and normal skin condition .

B vitamins - necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, strengthen the immune system and help fight stress. With increased physical exertion, the daily dose should increase by 1.5-2 times.

VitaminD- fat-soluble hormone. It is very important for bone formation, as well as for removing lead from the body. Helps maintain a healthy immune system.

So we found out what vitamins do we need first of all, but this knowledge is not enough to become the owners of good health and getting rid of all chronic diseases. Vitamins have such a unique feature - they are very fastidious. Not all vitamins are compatible with each other, some destroy some and enhance the action of others.

Compatibility of some vitamins with each other:

  • Vitamin B1 does not combine with vitamin B2 and B3;
  • Vitamin A does not combine with vitamin D;
  • Vitamin A should be taken with vitamin E;
  • Vitamin B 12 should be taken with vitamin B9 (folic acid);
  • Calcium should be taken along with vitamin D.


Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium in the body, which is why completely fat-free cottage cheese cannot be eaten constantly, as you can eventually get osteoporosis and calcium deficiency. The thing is that 0% fat cottage cheese contains a negligible amount of vitamin D, since this vitamin is FAT-SOLUBLE, and there is NO fat in low-fat cottage cheese! This fact makes it impossible for the body to absorb calcium from fat-free cottage cheese. It turns out that you eat cottage cheese as a source of calcium, and as a result, you can also earn early osteoporosis. Therefore, choose low-fat cottage cheese (2-5%), but not completely fat-free.

When to take vitamins

Before you start taking vitamins in handfuls, you need to know at what meal and with what foods it is best to do this. Few people know that taking vitamin and mineral complexes along with fiber nullifies all your work and efforts to become healthier. The fact is that fiber acts as a real cleaner and absorbent in our body. Once inside, it passes through our entire gastrointestinal tract in transit, clearing it of excess stale "garbage" and toxins. It is not digested like all other nutrients, but rather binds proteins, fats and carbohydrates, helping the food bolus to pass through the gastrointestinal tract more easily, improving its motility. So here it is binding property and plays a key role in taking a complex of vitamins along with fiber.

Eating a portion of fresh vegetables or fruits and at the same time taking vitamins, you, roughly speaking, “flush down the toilet” all your vitamins. Fiber, which is found most of all in vegetables and fruits, does not allow vitamins to be absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the cells, but directly removes them from the body. What to do?

Vitamins are best taken in those meals when you have a protein component (cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, meat, fish). One of the main functions of proteins is transport, since albumins (substances of a protein rock) found in the blood play the role of "paravosics" that deliver all the nutrients and nutrients to the tissues and cells of the body. It is for this reason that vitamins drunk at the meal where proteins were present are 100% likely to be delivered to their destination. Even if you ate a small portion of vegetables or fruits (fiber) with protein, albumins will still deliver your vitamins to the cells.


You can talk about the importance of vitamins for hours, but without specific numbers, all efforts will be in vain. To get the maximum benefit from the vitamin-mineral complex you bought, you need to know what doses of a particular vitamin a person needs. Of course, it is impossible to name the optimal daily intake of vitamins for absolutely all people, for each person there will be their own doses.

To satisfy the need of a particular organism for optimal nutrition, many factors must be taken into account: its working conditions, lifestyle, the state of the digestive system, metabolism, hormonal levels, and much more. It is impossible to prescribe the same dose of vitamin C to a person leading an inactive lifestyle and an athlete preparing for a competition (the differences will be enormous), but the world health system has defined these recommended allowances (RDA) as follows (Tables 1, 2, 3) :

Tab. 3 Daily norms of physiological requirements for vitamins for other segments of the population*

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