Home Roses Lyubov Tolkalina believes that sexual harassment is “wonderful. Tolkalina was justified because of the scandalous statement about Jolie and her colleagues Lyubov Weinstein

Lyubov Tolkalina believes that sexual harassment is “wonderful. Tolkalina was justified because of the scandalous statement about Jolie and her colleagues Lyubov Weinstein

Which many famous actresses have already been accused of sexual harassment, commented on and Russian stars movie. Many directors and actresses condemned the producer’s behavior, but the statements of Lyubov Tolkalina caused the greatest resonance in society.


In an interview with the website, which interviewed several filmmakers, Tolkalina said that she does not find Harvey's behavior reprehensible and sympathizes with him. “They [the women who accused Harvey Weinstein] didn’t act like girls. Because sexual harassment is great honestly. And if you have a role, then what difference does it make how you got it? It seems to me that, on the contrary, there should be some kind of solidarity. Everyone feels good - he feels good, they feel good, and the audience, most importantly, feels good. Such wonderful roles appeared. In general, how can a man be accused of sexual harassment? Isn’t that what he exists for? If he has power, which he uses in this way, then good,” Medusa quotes the artist.



Lyubov also noted that women themselves are to blame for violence against them: “A woman, you see, is always to blame for a man’s sexual harassment. If you are real woman and if this happened, then you will never tell anyone about it. Because it seems to me that this brings down both you and him in the eyes of the public. Why do this if we are friends, well, from the very beginning... Honestly, I’m very upset for him, I wouldn’t do that. You know, there are worse things in the world that can happen to women.”


The celebrity said that any actress could refuse the role when faced with harassment from the producer. And if she agreed to this job, she had to remain silent until the end. “Well, give up the role. It seems to me that it would be a shame to refuse them such great roles that they got through him. That's why it's not fair, girls, you can't do that! It’s wonderful when someone with such enormous power sexually harasses you, doesn’t it? It seems to me that the only big mistake they made was to talk about it. I sincerely think so. A woman should never put a man in an awkward position - this is the quality of her femininity... It seems to me that the whole world, the whole history of creating great films is always the director’s romance with the actress, one way or another. Where is the line between sexual harassment and an affair, please explain to me? In general, there are so few men left in the world with a capital “M” that it seems to me that hitting him now with this napalm... It’s insulting. He won’t want anyone else, poor fellow,” Lyubov noted.


The actress’s words caused indignation, and Tolkalina decided to explain herself. Lyubov published a post on Instagram in which she stated that her statements were taken out of context. “Can I really think that sexual harassment and violence are wonderful... Can at least one living person say this? For what? Why? A phrase taken out of context onto the shirt of your newspaper - without my consent.<…>In my interview it was said that it doesn’t matter to the viewer how you got the role. To the viewer!!! There's a difference, right?" — the artist was indignant (The author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. — Note ed.).

After the high-profile case of harassment and rape, in which American producer Harvey Weinstein is accused, Russian actresses and directors told what they think about it and howthe situationaffairs in the domestic film business. Among them was Lyubov Tolkalina, who stated that “sexual harassment is wonderful,” and for them a man exists in the world.

Against the backdrop of the scandal with producer Harvey Weinstein, who, the publication Meduza asked Russian actresses, producers and directors about harassment in the domestic film industry. Anna Chipovskaya commented on the situation, Zhora Kryzhovnikov, Agniya Kuznetsova, Lyubov Tolkalina, Roman Volobuev and Evgenia Brik. And Russian readers had the most questions about Tolkalina’s commentary.

The actress said that all the women who accused Weinstein of harassment or rape “didn’t act like a girl,” and the sexual harassment itself was “well, that’s wonderful, honestly.”

And if you have a role, then what difference does it make how you got it? It seems to me that, on the contrary, there should be some kind of solidarity. Everyone feels good - he feels good and they feel good, and the audience, most importantly, feels good. Such wonderful roles appeared. In general, how can a man be accused of sexual harassment? Isn’t that why he exists in the world? If he has power, which he uses in this way, then good. It’s wonderful when someone with such enormous power sexually harasses you, doesn’t it?- Lyubov Tolkalina, Actress

Tolkalina also stated that the women themselves are to blame for the harassment, for whom it would be better to continue to remain silent, because “it seems to me that this brings down both you and him in the eyes of the public.”

It seems to me that the only big mistake they made was to talk about it. I sincerely think so. A woman should never put a man in an awkward position - this is the quality of her femininity.- Lyubov Tolkalina

In addition, Lyubov does not believe that there can be a professional relationship between an actress and a director, and “making great films” is “always a romance between the director and the actress, one way or another,” she believes.

Actress Anna Chipovskaya also spoke out about women who found themselves alone with Weinstein, saying that they simply did not think with their heads at such moments.

She said that she was 20 years old at the time and he [Harvey Weinstein] invited her to help review the material and point out any mistakes, because he himself could not figure it out. Well, here, of course, you need to use your head, because I doubt that a producer like Harvey Weinstein needs an assessment of a young, 20-year-old actress about his professional activities.

Evgenia Brik also had her doubts about the certainty of Weinstein’s story.

All this, of course, is terrifying. I understand that this man had enormous power and that he probably had mental disorder. But, in my opinion, there are a lot of strange things here, and I wonder great amount questions for this story. Hollywood is a place where rumors spread in a second. And in general, America is a country where a person can be accused of sexual harassment for one wrong look.

Despite the comments of Chipovskaya and Brik, Tolkalina’s words, which are generally similar to those who discussed the Weinstein scandal, became the subject of discussion on social networks. But unlike ordinary users of social networks, Tolkalina is a public figure and a famous actress. For many, it was a shock to learn her opinion on sexual violence in general and in the film industry in particular.

Some commentators indicated that Tolkalina resorted to victim blaming. So in modern psychology and sociologists call shifting the blame onto the victim of violence from the person who committed the violence.

Actress Agniya Kuznetsova spoke in a similar vein, but she is not particularly discussed against the background of Tolkalina. She essentially also sided with Weinstein.

Women got what they wanted, and they shouldn’t allow themselves to be squeezed. If they set the condition that you need to sleep with the director in order to get the role, you either agree or refuse.

Some Twitter users, however, agreed with Tolkalina’s words.

Lyubov Tolkalina graduated from the acting department of VGIK and often appears in films and TV series. Many remember her for her role in Antikiller and Escape. In the past, she participated in the First Channel project “Ice and Fire” and in the Rossiya TV channel show “Dancing with the Stars”.

On her Instagram you can find posts with somewhat ambiguous captions.

Sometimes you can come across the opinion that ugly women are less likely to experience sexual harassment. Exactly American actress Mayim Bialik, who very quickly had to retract her words.

The other day, all of Hollywood was on edge after several famous actresses admitted that they were harassed by producer Harvey Weinstein. A man offered roles to women in exchange for sexual intercourse. Journalists asked Russian actresses for their opinion on this matter, and then released a material in which Lyubov Tolkalina expressed a non-trivial thought.


"Sexual harassment is wonderful, honestly. And if you have a role, then what difference does it make how you got it? It seems to me that, on the contrary, there should be some kind of solidarity. Everyone feels good - he feels good, and they feel good, and the viewers, most importantly, have a good time..." - the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes Tolkalina with a link to the Meduza portal. It is not surprising that a terrible scandal arose. Then the actress tried to justify herself, explaining that her words were simply taken out of context.

Lyubov said that the conversation took place in a relaxed atmosphere, she did not take it seriously. “We had a damn frivolous conversation, which was twisted and turned upside down to such an extent that my PR agent’s eyes are now bursting with horror: “Liuba, what are you doing?!” It’s all in the context. For 15 minutes of the conversation, we did nothing but , that they were having fun. I don’t deny my words, I really said them, but the context of the dialogue was not about violence. We were talking about actresses who make accusations after the fact. After all, I didn’t even say Weinstein’s name in that conversation. I was thinking about some abstract directors and actresses,” Tolkalina explained.

The actress noted that she was not even aware of the Hollywood sex scandal. “The journalist came to record an interview with me - in connection with the filming of a new project for STS. We chatted about our frivolous series. And suddenly she asks: can I get your comment on the situation with Harvey Weinstein? “And what happened?” “- I clarified. I wasn’t even aware of the scandal, I was distracted by the death of my close friend Dima Maryanov. “You don’t know? – the journalist was surprised. “The whole world is discussing this now.” And literally in a nutshell she told about the situation. And she did it funny, in colors. We both started laughing wildly,” said the actress.

Posted by Tolkalinaliuba (@tolkalinaliuba) Oct 15, 2017 at 6:01 PDT

By the way, Tolkalina admitted that she was having a hard time with the death of Dmitry Maryanov and could not sleep for several nights. “It’s very difficult, because we were very close friends, I knew Dima for more than 16 years, I know his wife Ksenia very well... It seemed to me that he and I were very similar: we both felt unprotected from all kinds of manipulations and provocations. He He was funny, he always laughed at all the topics. A person needs humor in order not to be afraid of death. This was a phrase from our performance, it was his phrase. Honestly, I’m used to treating all the terrible things in life with humor. There’s a lot going on in the world now. terrible things. And the story with Weinstein in Hollywood is far from a priority problem compared to what is happening under our noses. The most important thing is that we are alive and that our friends do not leave us,” concluded Lyubov Tolkalina.

Lyubov Tolkalina, who lived for twenty years in civil marriage with Yegor Konchalovsky, like no one else, he understands the intricacies of communication between directors and actresses. And when journalists from the online publication meduza .io asked her to comment on the scandalous Hollywood story associated with her, she willingly shared her expert opinion.

“They [the women who accused Harvey Weinstein] didn’t act like girls. Because sexual harassment is a wonderful thing, honestly. And if you have a role, then what difference does it make how you got it,” Tolkalina said in an interview. - It seems to me that, on the contrary, there should be some kind of solidarity. Everyone feels good - he feels good, they feel good, and the audience, most importantly, feels good. Such wonderful roles appeared. In general, how can a man be accused of sexual harassment? Isn’t that why he exists in the world? If he has power, which he uses in this way, then good.”

Like many creative people,... And while this quality only helps her when working on roles, when communicating with media representatives it leads to ambiguous, sometimes even conflict situations. Immediately after the publication appeared on the Meduza website, the actress wrote on her Instagram: “Can I really think that sexual harassment and violence are wonderful... Can at least one living person say this?” (Post is currently unavailable.)

IN in this case the practice of approving interviews, which she was used to in other publications, played a bad joke on Lyubov. As a rule, before publication, Tolkalina completely rewrote the text, abandoning what she said when meeting with the journalist. In this case, the resource abandoned this practice, and the actress’s fickle nature was exposed. As a result, many striking statements were made:

“...A woman, you see, is always to blame for a man’s sexual harassment. If you are a real woman, and if this happened, then you will never tell anyone about it. Because it seems to me that this brings down both you and him in the eyes of the public. Why do this if we are friends, well, from the very beginning. It seems to me that this is some kind of manipulation tool. That this is some kind of unnaturalness. It's probably just some kind of order. How often we make it - by order. Honestly, I’m very upset for him, I wouldn’t do that. You know, there are worse things in the world that can happen to women. It’s wonderful when someone with such enormous power sexually harasses you, doesn’t it? It seems to me that the only big mistake they made was to talk about it. I sincerely think so. A woman should never put a man in an awkward position - this is the quality of her femininity. As Venichka Erofeev said, remember, in the novel “Moscow - Petushki”? What kind of woman is a good woman? The one who will respect. Sorry, that's not me, that's a quote."

It remains to add that in order to avoid misunderstandings, Meduza published an audio recording of its correspondent’s interview with Lyubov Tolkalina.

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