Home Fertilizers Sergey lazarev who is the mother of his son. Sergey Lazarev showed the face of his son Nikita for the first time. Sergey Lazarev in the program "Honest Word"

Sergey lazarev who is the mother of his son. Sergey Lazarev showed the face of his son Nikita for the first time. Sergey Lazarev in the program "Honest Word"

35-year-old Russian singer Sergei Lazarev is an idol for millions of his fans. And, of course, fans are interested not only in the work of their favorite artist, but also in his personal life. However, Lazarev always tried to hide everything that happens in his personal life.

It was known that for four years, from 2008 to 2012, Sergei met with the famous TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtseva. Their relationship was often the reason for publications in the press. Apparently, after parting with Kudryavtseva, Lazarev realized that it was better to hide this side of life from the public. The singer became very closed in this matter. Neither about his beloved, nor about the future heir, he did not talk in an interview.

Being a public person, it is almost impossible to hide your family for a long time. But the pop singer managed to hide the fact that he had a son for two and a half years. Lazarev admitted his paternity only at the end of 2016.

Immediately, the singer's fans wondered who was the lucky woman who gave her son to one of the most desirable men in the post-Soviet space. But here, too, the fans had to be disappointed. For a long time there was no answer to this exciting question. In the show business crowd, there were rumors that Lazarev had a girlfriend with whom he lived and was planning a wedding. But the rumors remained rumors.

From whom the child of the singer blurted out Philip Kirkorov. Moreover, he did it on a show with Sergei's former lover Lera Kudryavtseva. Philip Bedrosovich said that, like himself, Lazarev used the services of a surrogate mother. The boy was born in 2014. His father gave him the name Nikita. By the way, around this time, the singer got a tattoo on his neck: the Latin letter N.

When it was no longer possible to hide, Lazarev spoke about his son and how he was raising him. So, in the first week of Nikita's birth, he did not even leave the house.

The gay music scene is sure that the singer has a family and a child, whom he hides because of superstitions.

V the end of the past of the year 34- summer Sergey LAZAREV dumbfounded public news, what yet two with half of the year back at him was born a son Nikita, whom he from of all hid. Many then singer not believed and counted, what this is regular PR. "To me seems, if would Lazarev really became father, we would learned about this straightaway, a not across two with half of the year, - spoke US v interview open homosexual - musical critic Sergey SOSEDOV ( ). - Quicker Total, this history, how and novel with Leroy KUDRYAVTSEVA, he invented, to nothing not spoke about his sexual orientation ". After of this singer, apparently desiring to convince of all v reality his paternity, started periodically lay out v "Instagram" Photo with son. Truth, faces boys he not showed. V frame attended only legs or hands baby. A if appeared head, she was fully closed hat or hooded. V the result this is not only not dispelled doubts, a vice versa, spawned succession new rumors and speculation.

Version 1

For example, in a show party they started talking like a secret child, whom Lazarev showed in parts, you could see it in full and with an open face on Instagram with the director of the department for work with artists of the Muz-TV channel - 27 years old Nicholas Popova... This young man, who came to Moscow from Vologda a few years ago and quickly made a career on television, began to post pictures with a cute fair-haired baby on his page only this year. And to the thoughts of subscribers, who he is a child - a son, nephew or someone else, he did not answer. But, judging by other pictures in his profile, in recent years Nikolai has often spent time in a company with Lazarev. And even more often with his close friend and business partner - 32 years old Dmitry Kuznetsov... Moreover, he was photographed with him not only decorously sitting in drinking establishments, but also taking bizarre acrobatic poses against the backdrop of palm trees. The increased attention to Kuznetsov even attracted the wrath of some of Lazarev's radical fans on the Muz-TV employee.

Seeing a new tattoo on Lazarev's neck, many decided that it was in honor of his son. Photo: Instagram.com

Nick, I understand everything, you like Dima, but maybe you won't take him away from Sereni? - wrote under one of the joint photographs of Popov and Kuznetsov a certain Yuliya Samoilov(juliyasamoylova9292). - They are family. Don't touch a married man! Find yourself another! You follow him everywhere. He only loves Seryozha !!! Don't take it close to your heart! You are also a very cool guy, but they are very dear to me !!!

Those same cars and a children's pen. Photo: Instagram.com

If anyone does not know, Dmitry Kuznetsov is a successful businessman, co-founder and head of SkyJet, SkyPoint and Avia Catering, which organize and provide private air travel for VIP clients. Two and a half years ago, together with Lazarev, he opened a confectionery for dogs and cats "Poodle Strudel". And last fall, he headed a public catering enterprise for people - the company "Riga Coffee". It is curious that its founder, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities), was the 46-year-old director of the Center for Current Politics Alexey Chesnakov, in the past - Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party. As Alexey Alexandrovich once stated in an interview with the Russian News Service, he also had a stake in SkyJet and SkyPoint, but he refused it. In general, no one would mind having a partner with such serious connections as Kuznetsov.

Native legs are so pleasant. Photo: Instagram.com

Who says I'm taking pictures with Lazarev's son? - Popov was surprised, to whom we turned for explanations. - This is incorrect information. And whose child is in the photographs with me ... But what's the difference! As for the statements about my relationship with Dmitry Kuznetsov ... I'm just not very comfortable talking.

Seryozha photographed this baby the other day during a flight to Cuba. Photo: Instagram.com

Version 2

A child from Nikolai Popov's Instagram was not the only candidate for the role of Lazarev's son. Other children found on the pages of people from his inner circle were also declared as such. They even found a boy, who, like the heir to the singer, was named Nikita. True, he had quite real parents - a guitarist from the Lazarev collective Edward Sharonov and his wife Anastasia. But the hunters to reveal the secret of Lazarev were not at all embarrassed. And they, with a blue eye, put forward the assumption that it was the son of the guitarist who was allegedly captured in the pictures with Sergei.

Dima and Kolya are having a great time together. Photo: Instagram.com

Edik sometimes takes his wife and son on tour, - the fan of Lazarev assured Nina Sovranskaya, who wrote to us in the editorial office. - Recently they went with him to Turkey. And after that, a photo of Lazarev appeared on the beach with children's hands on his stomach, holding a toy car. Yes, Edik's son was born not more than two years ago, but much later. But they are unlikely to carry with them a whole crowd of little Nikits.

Nikolai POPOV does not want to "shoot up", who he is this cute tomboy. Photo: Instagram.com

Unfortunately, attempts to find out what Eduard Sharonov thinks about all this were unsuccessful. At first, guitarist Lazarev willingly responded to our appeal in one of the social networks. But when the essence of the question was explained to him, he fell silent, like a partisan under interrogation. One could only guess whether his silence was a sign of agreement with the above, or whether there was no answer from him for some other reason.

Eduard SHARONOV with his wife and son

Version 3

The version with the son of the guitarist could be believed only on the condition that they would have done this Nikita with Lazarev together, that it would be their common creation, - the PR manager stood up for the singer Ivan Irbis, former lover Ivana Shapovalova and Enrique Iglesias... - I don’t think Sergei would pass off someone else's son for his own. If he did not have any child, it would be impossible to hide this for a long time. This is not a relationship with Leroy Kudryavtseva dream up. And Lazarev even made a tattoo on his neck in the form of the first letter of the name Nikita. I am convinced that he really has a son. Most likely, it was created with the help of a surrogate mother. This technology is usually used by men who love men and therefore do not have women. Vaughn Cristiano Ronaldo the surrogate mother has already given birth to three children. Any person wants to reproduce. And Lazarev is no exception. Perhaps he does not show the boy's face, because he is superstitious. Like all artists.

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Recently, the well-known domestic singer Philip Kirkorov visited Lera Kudryavtseva's program "Secret for a Million", in which he spoke about the son of Sergei Lazarev, whom he had been hiding from the public for a long time. It turned out that the boy was born of a surrogate mother.

According to Kirkorov, surrogacy is a way out of a situation when, for one reason or another, people cannot become parents on their own.

“You can save yourself from loneliness in this way, and there is nothing terrible and indecent about it. My example was followed by a wave of surrogacy in the country. Statistics show this, ”Kirkorov said.

The paparazzi became aware of this when the artist was noticed while visiting one of the Moscow churches with his family. In the frames next to Sergei - his mother and a little boy who holds the singer's hand. Lazarev plays with the baby and puts him in his car. As we found out, the child next to Lazarev is his son named Nikita. Now Nikita Lazarev is two and a half years old.

On the air of the show, Kirkorov indirectly confirmed that Sergei Lazarev's child also appeared from a surrogate mother. At the same time, the ex-husband of Pugacheva answered the question of whether his friend asked to become the godfather of his son. “No, I didn't. Because Seryozha hid it even from me, although we are very friendly with him, ”admitted Kirkorov.

As it turned out, Lazarev told Kirkorov about his son after his birth. “I found out about this when his son was already born. I was happy, I perceive Seryozha in general as a younger brother, for me Serenya is a brother, ”Kirkorov noted.

The news about Lazarev's son caught not only the fans of the artist by surprise, but also other Internet users. Two months later, fans found out that the artist got a tattoo in honor of his son with the letter "N" and stopped hiding the boy from the public.

In the meantime, the artist's subscribers are wondering: who, after all, gave Sergei the first-born. Many believe that the singer's companion, who became the mother of his son, is a non-public person, and therefore he does not want to shine on her. Others are sure that a surrogate mother gave birth to the baby Lazareva - just like Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva with Maxim Galkin at one time. Indeed, since Sergey parted with TV presenter Leroy Kudryavtseva four years ago, not a single woman has been seen with him.

- In order not to breed even more rumors, I want to officially confirm that I am really happy to be a dad and raise my son for 2.5 years. But I really ask everyone to respect the privacy of my family, me and my son, and to preserve our right to privacy. Thank you for understanding! - wrote Sergey in his blog shortly before the New Year.

Let's note. that very little is known about the personal life of the popular singer. Earlier, Sergei Lazarev was credited with a romantic relationship with the leading Lera Kudryavtseva. However, not only media representatives, but even their fans had little faith in this relationship. However, as the TV presenter's mother said in a recent interview, the romance between Leroy and Sergei actually took place.

“Seryozha is wonderful! I love him immensely. I probably have never met a more caring and gentle boy. Of course, they upset me when they said they were breaking up. After all, everything was for real there: love, sex, and plans for a long, happy joint future. But ... it turned out, how it happened, ”stated Lera's mother.

By the way, in his previous interviews, Lazarev admitted more than once that it is very important for him to take place not only as an artist, but also as a father. And Sergei's mother has long hinted to her son that she is ready to babysit her grandchildren. By the way, it is Valentina Viktorovna who is the biggest fan of the singer and supports him in everything.

How good it is when everything secret becomes clear. So the famous singer Sergei Lazarev hid for almost two and a half years that he had a son, but now that the public has learned about his existence, he can safely publish his photographs and tell how he is growing.

Sergey Lazarev, who is overwhelmed with paternal feelings, is sure that his heir will be able to take part in the international pop song contest "Eurovision" in 2038. He himself took third place at the main song contest of the country last year with the song “You Are the Only One”.

Recall that Lazarev has a son, fans learned at the end of last year. Photo reporters captured the singer with his mother and boy at the gates of the temple, from which they were leaving.

It is still unknown who the baby's mother is. Many believe that a surrogate mother gave birth to a child to Lazarev. Sergei never went out with his son and never showed him anywhere. According to people from the singer's entourage, it was Sergei's deliberate decision not to publicize the family event. As Sergey Lazarev explained to reporters, he really is a happy father, but he flatly refused the rest of the comments.

“This is my personal life, which I would not like to make public,” snapped the artist. Sergey refused to tell about Nikita's mother - at present nothing is known about the girl who gave him an heir.

Producer Leonid Dzyunik, who worked with Sergei during the time of the Smash group, shared his opinion on this matter.

“I can admit that a surrogate mother gave birth to his son Sergei. Although I know one girl with whom he was once close friends. I, of course, did not hold a candle and cannot say, but she told me that they had passionate sex. This girl is his age, very pretty, textured, ”he said.

At the end of last year, unexpected news appeared in the media that the singer Sergei Lazarev has been a happy dad for two and a half years. The artist has a son named Nikita, whom he and his family carefully hid from strangers. The journalists of the Life.ru portal were able to reveal the secret of the celebrity, who managed to photograph the star dad with his son and his grandmother when leaving the church in Moscow.

After the public became aware of the celebrity's main secret, everyone became interested in who is the baby's mother. Sergey categorically refuses to answer this question, noting that he, like any other citizen of Russia, has the right to a secret of his personal life. However, the former producer of the artist Leonid Dzyunik told the publication "Interlocutor" that a surrogate mother gave birth to her son Lazarev. And the man confidently denied the rumors that the child from one of his fans.

“Of course, he is very respectful of his fans, but he always keeps his distance from them. And, by the way, he does the right thing! You can expect anything from fans: from a bundle of torn hair to a knife under the rib! " - inform Leonid. In addition, he noted that Sergei would be a wonderful father. “Judging by the way he treats his niece and mother, I can say that his child will grow up in love and happiness!” - admitted Dzyunik.

How did Sergei gain fame in Russian show business? What's going on in his personal life?

The popular singer Sergei Lazarev has many fans all over the world - he is successful not only in Russia and the CIS countries. In the following material, we will talk about the career success and life of the performer, how he achieved fame, and what happens in his personal life.

Biography of a Russian celebrity

Sergey is a root Muscovite, was born on 04/01/1983. He spent a conscious childhood after his parents divorced. He and his older brother lived with a loving mother, who tried to do everything for the diversified development of her sons.

Lazarev went in for sports a lot from an early age. At that time, he dreamed of becoming a famous athlete, Olympic champion, trained and showed success in the field of artistic gymnastics. It was this childhood dream and persistent sports that taught the boy to achieve his goals.

At school, he showed his creative talents, it turned out that he had a great voice and good acting skills. During these years, Sergei managed to show himself in the choir, song and dance ensemble named after V. Loktev, played in the theater of B. Pokrovsky. Since 1995, at the age of 11, he joined the "Fidgets" ensemble, in which he toured extensively and performed at festivals throughout the former Soviet Union. Also in 1995 he managed to star in Yeralash. At this time, he clearly understood what his life would be connected with.

In connection with such a mobile life, Lazarev studied at several schools, but everywhere he found a common language with classmates and became a leader. He was active in extracurricular activities, was the captain of the local KVN team.

After school, the young man entered the Moscow Art Theater to Roman Kozak. Already from the 2nd year, he began to play in the theater. Pushkin; on his account there are many interesting roles. Sergei's performance was highly acclaimed by professional critics.

Lazarev has been friends with Vlad Topalov since the days of Fidget. In 2000, they decided to unite and created the duet "Smash!" It all started when the guys covered the song "Belle" from the famous French musical. She hit the air of radio stations, becoming incredibly popular. Soon the guys signed a business contract with the Universal Music Group label, and in 2002 they won the New Wave.

A year later, the duo released their album, which was sold in huge numbers - the collection "Freeway" went platinum. "Smash!" became very popular in Russia, the CIS and Southeast Asia. The success lasted until 2004 - soon after the release of the second album, the group unexpectedly broke up at the initiative of Lazarev.

He took up a solo career. Working with renowned recording studios, the singer released his album in 2005. The collection became very popular, three out of 12 singles stayed at the top of the charts for a long time. A year later, Sergei became the best performer at one of the musical ceremonies.

In 2007, Lazarev's second disc was released, for the most part it consisted of songs in English. As you might expect, many of the singles are very popular with Russian listeners.

In 2010, the following collection appeared. The fans have been waiting for it for 3 years and were very pleased: 13 singles in English and one in Russian were waiting for them. This disc became "gold" in sales. The singer collaborated with famous singers, including Ani Lorak, Timati, various DJs. The videos were filmed in Russia, Western Europe and the USA.

The 4th album, released in 2012, soon went gold. Sergey's songs appeared on sale in world famous online stores, as well as on the iTunes Store. This time he recorded a song together with the world famous rapper T-Pain.

In 2016, the man represented Russia at Eurovision, where he took third place, although, according to the audience vote, he received the first.

Lazarev also does a lot of dubbing films and cartoons. He often appeared on television as a TV presenter.

Does Lazarev have a wife?

Sergey Lazarev and Lera Kudryavtseva

Sergei does not like to talk about personal relationships, and the paparazzi are constantly looking for information.

It is known that Sergei met with TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva from 2008 to 2012. Then he closely communicated with Santa Dimopoulos, a member of the group "VIA Gra".

Now Lazarev declares that he has a chosen one, but he hides her name. Moreover, it recently became known that the singer has a son, Nikita, who is more than 3 years old.

The famous Russian performer achieved fame thanks to his dedication and talent. He does not talk about his family, but, apparently, everything is in order there. We wish Sergey Lazarev to continue to delight fans with his creativity, as well as harmony in personal relationships.

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