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Education in Belgium. Education in Belgium for Russians. List of required documents

It is the oldest university in Scotland and the 3rd oldest in the whole of the UK - after Cambridge and Oxford. It is located in the small old Scottish town of St. Andrews, in which almost 9 thousand out of 17 thousand inhabitants are students and teaching staff.

The university is known as the most international in Scotland and one of the most international in all of Britain. According to official statistics, foreigners here are 45% (from about 100 states, mostly from the USA).

It is especially popular with the offspring of influential American and English families who come here for the "British spirit". But not only for him, but also for quality education. Thus, according to The Guardian rating, the University of St. Andrews for 2 years in a row (2015 and 2016) is confidently holding the third place in the United Kingdom.

Structure and system of education

The institution consists of 4 faculties - arts, science, theology and medicine, which are divided into schools and departments. One of the best in the world is the department of international relations. Its level is confirmed, among other things, by the fact that it operates the Center for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence - the only such institution among all universities.

As in most other higher education institutions, here you can study for a bachelor's and a master's degree. Bachelor's degree is the first stage, which lasts 4-5 years according to a fairly lightweight program. So the results of the initial 2 years of study do not affect subsequent grades at all, because. at this time, young people are not so much engaged as joining their new status. Master's programs are entered after receiving a degree and study for about a year.

student life

Here she is in full swing. Be sure to mention interesting customs. For example, first-year students choose their “academic parents” from senior students who take care of a newcomer so that he joins the team and gets acquainted with university realities. That is, they not only and even not so much help their "sons" and "daughters" in their studies, as they arrange parties for them and take them to taverns.

And every year in October, the so-called “raisin weekend” and “raisin Monday” are celebrated, somewhat similar to our initiation into students. These days, "children" thank "moms" and "dads" with gifts (until the 19th century it was a pound of raisins - hence the name), various games and quizzes are held, and in the end everyone dresses up in funny costumes and shoots shaving foam in the square Saint Salvator.

Another tradition is this - on one of the streets in front of the church, an anagram is laid out on the pavement, on the site of which a heretic student was burned in the Middle Ages - therefore, whoever touches it with their feet will not receive a diploma ... But if you still end up with it come, you must swim in the North Sea on May 1st at dawn. And since there are quite a lot of people who stepped on the image during the year, every May Day night a cheerful gang joyfully walks around the city, and in the morning they throw themselves into almost icy water.

Various sports are also very popular here, especially golf. Which is not surprising - after all, the city is considered its homeland, and prestigious competitions are regularly held here with the participation of Hugh Grant and Tiger Woods themselves.

Admission conditions

Graduates of schools with 11 years of education will often need to take a one-year foundation course for admission.

Students who require a Tier 4 visa need to have at least a 6.5 English proficiency on the IELTS test.


The infrastructure includes 7 student, 5 graduate and 4 single hostels, which together can accommodate about four thousand residents. A room in a hostel is guaranteed to all those who come from other countries, who submit all the necessary documents on time. Moreover, at first they are even obliged to live in hostels, and they can rent an apartment only after the end of the 1st year and later.

You can choose the option, both with power included (more expensive), and without it (cheaper). There are also rooms with both shared and private facilities.

Belgium calls itself the “heart of Europe”, and for good reason: it is located in the very center of the political, financial and cultural life of the continent. Master's programs in management from three Belgian business schools are included in the list of the best in Europe.

Higher education in this country is provided by institutions of the university and non-university sector. Universities concentrate on scientific research and broad academic training of students, while university colleges focus on vocational education. For creative specialties, there are academies of arts.

Duration of Belgian university programs

In Belgium, the Bologna system operates with three levels of education: a bachelor's degree can be obtained in 3 years, a master's degree in 1-2 years (in medical specialties - in 3-4 years), a doctorate in 3 years.

Education in Belgium in English

Education in Belgium is conducted in three languages; Some 200 Belgian undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs are offered entirely in English.

Admission to Belgian Universities

For admission to the first year of the Belgian bachelor's degree, a school certificate issued in the CIS countries is sufficient. Entrance examinations are held only in such specialties as medicine, engineering and art. There are no uniform rules for admission to universities in Belgium, so it is better in each case to clarify the details at your faculty. Belgium is a rare country in which a certificate of knowledge of the language of instruction is not required upon admission. Although this saves you the hassle and expense of taking the exam, keep in mind that without knowing the language, you will only stay at the university until the first session. In addition to the certificate, you will have to provide the admission committee with certificates of financial resources and good criminal record.

Cost and Scholarships to Study in Belgium

Education in Belgium is heavily subsidized by the state. For citizens of the European Union, the cost of one year of study at a university is about 800 euros. For other foreigners, this amount is higher: from 2.5 to 4.5 thousand euros. A year of study at university colleges and academies will be from 200 to 500 euros for citizens of any country. For accommodation and other expenses, you need at least 600 euros per month. There are several scholarships available for international students covering tuition and living expenses, but most of them are for postgraduate programs. When looking for scholarships, it is worth asking such organizations as the Flemish and French communities in Belgium, the Belgian cooperation. As for part-time work, foreign students are allowed to work up to 20 hours a week. In order to stay in Belgium to work after receiving a diploma, you need not only an invitation to work, but also confirmation that there was no worthy applicant for your place - an EU citizen.

Higher education in Belgium is rightfully recognized as one of the most prestigious. In 2004, this country joined the Bologna process and organized a system of higher education in the form of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies, thanks to which the diplomas of Belgian universities became recognizable and widely demanded throughout Europe.

Since the population of Belgium is divided into linguistic communities: French, Flemish and German, this state willingly accepts foreigners for training and gives them the opportunity to study at a university in their desired specialty.

The most prestigious universities in Belgium

Universities in Belgium according to the type of management are divided into public, private and Catholic, which are run by the country's religious parties. Here is a list of universities teaching undergraduate and graduate students in Belgium:

  1. Leuven Catholic University(Catholic University of Leuven) is the first institution of higher education in the country, today 55,000 students study here. Tuition per year is $1,500.

  2. Ghent University(Ghent University) - 27th in the world ranking of universities, the first French-speaking university in Belgium. Leading areas of education: biology, chemistry, physiology. Tuition per year - $ 1300.

  3. Louvain Catholic University(Catholic University of Louvain) - 29th in the world ranking of universities. The most demanded educational direction in this university is statistics and related disciplines. Tuition per year is $4,500.

  4. Brussels Free University(VUB)Vrije Universiteit Brussel - famous for its research activities in the humanities and social sciences. It has two branches: French-speaking and Dutch-speaking. The cost of training is 1591 dollars.

  5. Liege University(University of Liege) - 49th place in the world ranking of universities, the leading areas of education are the natural sciences, pharmacology and veterinary medicine.

  6. Antwerp University(University of Antwerp);

  7. Université Libre de Bruxelles;

  8. Institute of Tropical Medicine(Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp);

  9. University of Mons;

  10. University of Namur;

To study at universities in Belgium, you need to know French well, since the entire educational process is based on it.

Benefits of studying at Belgian universities

Successful students from Russia and CIS countries choose Belgian universities for several reasons:

  • High level of education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 42.2% of Belgians under the age of 30 have a tertiary education, while elsewhere in Europe the percentage of the population with a tertiary education is only 30%. Belgium is ranked 19th in the ranking of countries with the highest level of education according to the international PISA program and 18th in the UN Education Index. Students from the Flemish part of the country are considered especially successful.

  • Diversity of languages ​​and cultures. Belgian universities have students who speak Dutch, English, French and German, and this is a great opportunity for intercultural communication and broadening one's horizons. Belgian universities take an active part in Erasmus programs, therefore they are popular with students from EU countries and beyond.

  • Budgetary cost of education. Compared to countries such as the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK, the cost of studying in Belgium is quite acceptable for the average foreign student. On average, studying at a Belgian university costs 4,000 euros per year, and in state universities this amount sometimes does not exceed a thousand euros per year.

Getting higher education in Belgium gives the student the opportunity to find a job in any European country, as Belgian diplomas are quoted throughout Europe.

Cons of studying in Belgium

Despite the huge number of advantages, Belgian universities also contain some disadvantages that can confuse foreign students:

  1. The language barrier. If you do not speak English or French well enough, you may have serious difficulties with the educational process.

  2. Cost of living in Belgium. In addition to tuition fees, the student will have a lot of household expenses related to food, as well as living in a hostel. The cost of living in Belgium is about 8,000 euros per year.

  3. A high passing score for many specialties, especially medicine, chemistry and other areas related to the natural and technical sciences.

Main directions of higher education

The leading areas of study in Belgian universities are science and technology, medicine, politics, journalism, as well as theology and religious studies. Belgium is famous for its scientists who made the greatest discoveries in the field of physics and chemistry, including Georges Lemaitre, the founder of the Big Bang theory. Belgian scientists have received three Nobel Prizes in medicine, as well as one prize each in physics and chemistry.

For those who want to pursue a career in journalism, Belgian universities offer internships at the headquarters of leading international organizations. It is known that Brussels bypassed Washington in terms of the number of successful journalists, so those who want to become "sharks of the pen" tend to enter Belgian universities.

Despite the fact that Belgian society is secular, much attention is paid to the study of various religious movements in the country, and religious authorities are responsible for the development of Catholic churches. Belgian universities are an opportunity for future philosophers, theologians and religious scholars to conduct a variety of research, develop their own theories and communicate with like-minded people in different religious movements.

Graduates of Belgian universities associated with religion teach at universities, and also realize themselves in scientific and philosophical activities. No less popular in Belgium is the direction associated with fine arts and music. Many Belgians and Belgians are fond of music and fine arts, so this direction is popular.

There are several art academies in Belgium that graduate artists, photographers, fashion designers, sculptors and designers, as well as musicians. One of the oldest art schools in Belgium is the Royal Academy of Fine Arts - a branch of the University of Ghent. Those who want to connect their lives with music should pay attention to the Liege Conservatory, which offers a huge number of educational programs that train vocalists, musicians and conductors.

How to enter the University of Belgium for Russians

To enroll in a Belgian university, a Russian applicant must have a certificate of secondary education with him. Further, everything depends on the specifics of the educational institution where the student is preparing to enter. For example, to enter a medical or technical university, you will need to pass exams in special subjects such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

If a Russian student enters an art academy, he will be asked to take entrance tests. Depending on the policy of the university and the specifics of the course of study, the admission committee may require the student to have a certificate confirming the knowledge of English or French. All admission requirements must be inquired directly from the educational institution.

Documents for obtaining a visa

As soon as a student is enrolled to study at a university, he needs to proceed to legally live and receive education in this country. Submission of documents for a class D visa is carried out in person at the Belgian consulate at the place of residence of the applicant. Appointment for submission of documents is made a few days before the procedure. Before submitting documents, it is necessary to collect in advance the originals and photocopies of some papers:

  • Visa application form with completed fields and signatures (two copies);
  • Valid passport (more than 12 months until the expiration date of which is left);
  • Documents that confirm the student's admission to a higher educational institution (for example, a certificate from the university on admission to the faculty);
  • If education will be held in a non-full-time form of education - proof that this training is preparation for full-time and the main occupation of the future student (curriculum and letter of recommendation);
  • Documents providing access to education (certificates, diplomas, a list of marks - an appendix to a diploma or certificate);
  • Bank statement confirming the availability of funds for life in Belgium;
  • Medical certificate on the state of health;
  • Medical insurance with a coverage of 30,000 euros for the entire duration of the visa;
  • Certificate of no criminal record from the police.

Copies of documents and originals are provided to the diplomatic mission of Belgium, which the applicant then receives back. All documents (except passport and insurance) must be legalized and apostilled. Translation of documents must be legalized twice: as a separate paper in accordance with the procedure set out in the country of origin, and then - at the Belgian consulate.

Capital: Brussels

Official language: Dutch, French, German

Main religion: Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)

Population of the country: 11 358 952

Currency: Euro (EUR)

Embassy address in Russia: st. Malaya Molchanovka, 7, Moscow, 121069

Education system in Belgium
Stage Age Type of educational institution Peculiarities
Preschool education From 2.5 to 6 years Public and private kindergartens The preschool stage lasts from 2.5 years to 6 - at this time, children attend kindergartens. It is free and optional, so the child can study at home. Each such institution is assigned to an elementary school. Various interactive classes are held in the kindergarten, where children learn to communicate, and various hobby groups are organized for them.
Primary education From 6 to 12 years old Primary School The whole process is divided into three cycles, each of which takes two years. Children attend classes in basic subjects, and the morning begins with the study of languages, writing, arithmetic, and the school day ends with creative activities. Lessons may be taught in different languages, depending on which community the school belongs to.
Secondary education From 12 years old secondary school In addition to the basic program, which is the same for everyone, you also need to choose additional disciplines, which are divided into two groups - traditional and updated. The first option is divided into 2 cycles of 3 years and involves humanitarian specialization. The second option has 3 cycles of 2 years, the first includes general disciplines, the second is aimed at choosing a profession, and the third involves only the study of subjects necessary for admission to a higher educational institution. At the same time, a student can receive a basic education for further study at a university or a professional one, after which they can go to work. Having a diploma with good grades, you can enter many universities or colleges without entrance exams.
Higher education From 19 years old University
Vocational College
Higher education is represented by colleges and universities. In college, you can get a diploma equivalent to a bachelor's degree, it takes 3-5 years, depending on the program. In universities, bachelor's studies last 3 years, a master's degree can be obtained in 1-2 years, it is also possible to obtain a doctoral degree, for this you need to study for at least 3 years.


Now more and more often you can hear about education received abroad. Of course, this requires a certain courage - to come to another country with a different culture, mentality ... The Master's program will help you avoid pitfalls, choose the right training program for you at an affordable price. And Belgium is one of the most interesting and rewarding options for that.

Belgium is an original country with beautiful landscapes and a temperate climate. Its culture is unusual in the absence of a single core, and groups are formed within linguistic communities. The state is famous for its excellent cuisine and religious freedom. Languages ​​- French, Dutch.

Studying in Belgium is affordable.

The education system is divided into four parts:

    Elementary school (6-12 years old)

    Middle school (12-16 years old)

    Secondary specialized school (16-18 years old)

    High school (18-23 years old)

There are no teachers in elementary school, there are educators, whose duties, in addition to teaching general subjects, include the task of teaching children to work in a group, attentiveness, accuracy, respect for each other, responsibility for their actions and work.

The secondary school is divided into several stages, and during the first stage, students must choose which program they want to study further and a group of additional classes, which determine which area they can study in the future.

Belgium also has a division of secondary schools into 4 types:

    · School of Secondary Art Education allows you to continue your studies at the university in the field of art.

    · Technical high schools - it depends on the type, those who graduated from the school that instills practical skills go to work, but those who have received general technical knowledge can continue their studies at the university.

    · Vocational schools - they teach specific working specialties, and additional training is required to enter the university.

    · Comprehensive secondary school - after it you can safely enter the university.

There are two types of higher education in Belgium: university and non-university (short (2-3 years) and long (2+2 years) cycles). It has a system of three levels - bachelor, master, doctor.

Education in Belgium for Russians

The “Iron Curtain” was raised a long time ago, and it is not difficult to go to study abroad, however, if you choose Belgium, then first you should decide whether you want to enter a university in the Flemish or French-speaking part of the country.

You should take care of submitting documents in advance, at least 10 months before the desired start of studies, since the number of places for foreigners is limited, and beyond that you can get into the university only for an additional fee.

Usually, a package of documents for applying to a university consists of a health certificate certified by the Belgian embassy / consulate, a certificate of good conduct, a valid passport, a diploma of higher education or a certificate of completion of 1-2 university courses with grades, confirmation of financial condition, permission to register in one of the educational institutions.

In Belgium, there are also scholarship programs where students do not need to pay for tuition from their own wallet. There are quite a few scholarship programs for international students that can be obtained for several months, but without the right to renew. If you wish, you can also receive grants for education, however, there is a rather high competition for them.

Studying in Belgium is prestigious, more and more students choose this particular country to receive or continue their education.

The main feature of Belgian education is the structure of the system, which is formed on the basis of three national language communities - Flemish, French, German-speaking. However, despite this diversity, the Belgian educational system is not fragmented. Occasionally, only some of the hallmarks of learning in favor of a particular community appear.

Features of Belgian education

National language communities play the role of the main source of funding for education. The government of the country, if it allocates any funds, it is only a small part compared to funding from the communes. For this reason, the management of the educational system is concentrated in the hands of the authorities of the communities. And all the functions of the government are setting the age bar for compulsory education and conferring academic degrees.

Compulsory education in Belgium covers a period of 12 years. Children start school at the age of 6 and complete the compulsory school course at the age of 18. At the stage of compulsory education, it is possible to enroll in one of three types of schools:

  1. Schools of language communities.
  2. provincial public schools.
  3. Budget schools from the Catholic Church.

Free Catholic schools prevail. They are chosen by most Belgian families. There are also private schools. As a rule, these institutions offer highly specialized education, as well as special education for children with disabilities. Regardless of the type of institution, the school year begins on September 1 and ends at the end of May.

Preschool education system

The period of pre-school education in Belgium should most likely be called pre-school education. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of educational institutions are part of primary schools. The upbringing of children, accordingly, is carried out with a bias towards preparation for primary school. Meanwhile, pre-school education is not included in the period of compulsory education.

As soon as the child turns 2.5 years old, he is sent to a preschool. 90% of parents do just that. Only 10% of Belgian children are sent to private kindergartens or stay at home.

The recruitment of children's groups is carried out upon reaching the required age limit. As soon as the child turns 2.5 years old, the educational institution is ready to accept him, regardless of the season. True, in those regions where the administration is carried out by the Flemish community, the number of enrollments in preschool groups is limited to six during the year.

Belgian preschools work on the informal principle of education. There are no approved and established programs here, just as there is no practice of checking the level of knowledge. The main goal of the educational process is to develop mental and creative abilities in children. Preschool education in Belgium teaches proper communication, independence, self-expression.

... My daughter has been studying at such a school since she was 2.5 years old. I am very pleased. Great material and technique. She is still in the Clayter class, but I hope that she will also be in the main school at this school. Everything depends on the child. Many children are not suitable for teaching in this way ...


Primary education in Belgium

From 6 to 12 years old, children go through elementary school. The six-year period of primary education is divided into three stages, each of which covers 2 years of study. Students are taught counting, reading and writing skills. In addition, knowledge is given in the field of biology, history, religion. They also teach music lessons and labor lessons.

Classes in elementary school usually start in the morning and end in the afternoon. The standard schedule is from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, including an hour and a half for lunch. On Wednesday, the school day lasts until lunch (until 12:00). Days off - Saturday, Sunday.

Schools in Brussels and the municipalities of the Flemish community begin to teach French from the first year of study (rarely from the second). Other Flemish schools begin to give French lessons only at the third stage of education (5-6 years of study). True, students, if they wish, can take such lessons already at the second stage (3-4 years).

Schools in the French community are also mandated to teach English or Dutch on a mandatory basis. The specific choice of language depends on the type of school. In turn, the schools of the German-speaking community must ensure the teaching of French as a compulsory subject of the educational process.

... Language courses in a simple school are divided into 10 parts. The first 6 parts are free. But you need to go through only the first 2 parts. It happens "intensive" - ​​one course is completed in 2 months. Super "intensive" - ​​for 1 month. And it happens that they study only on weekends and take this course for a very long time ...


Secondary education in Belgium

After six years of elementary school, the next cycle of compulsory education begins - secondary school. The standard age for students entering secondary school is 12 years old. Here, too, the learning process is divided into three stages, each lasting 2 years. The structure of the Belgian high school is built from four main types of education:

  • base average,
  • technical average,
  • vocational,
  • artistic.

Basic secondary education

The priority of basic secondary education is to prepare students for the transition to higher education. For 6 years of study, the basic secondary school prepares for admission to any Belgian university (college) and, accordingly, to similar educational institutions in other countries. Here the main disciplines are:

  • Latin language,
  • ancient Greek,
  • French, Dutch, German, English, Spanish (optional),
  • physics,
  • chemistry,
  • geography,
  • biology,
  • maths,
  • economy,
  • psychology,
  • sociology.

Technical secondary education

Technical secondary education is divided into groups of transitional and qualification education. Each is aimed at studying technical aspects or gaining practical skills. Regardless of the specific group of education, students are taught the following disciplines:

  • math,
  • several foreign languages
  • history,
  • geography,
  • applied Science.

The level of bringing general knowledge to the audience is somewhat lower than in the case of basic education. However, technical schools compensate for the lack of theory with enhanced practical training. After 6 years of study, a graduate of a technical school has a specialty and can enter the labor market without problems. Meanwhile, the majority of students in such schools prefer to go through one more year - the seventh year of study, improving their qualifications to a higher level.

Technical schools train specialists in the field of tourism and trade, health and teaching, as well as engineers and technicians. Studying at a technical school, in addition to special education, can be considered as a preparatory stage for higher education.

Vocational secondary education

Vocational secondary education resembles a technical school. However, there are some differences. For example, PTSO is the training of highly specialized workers. Within the framework of vocational education, directions are used where the learning process lasts more than 6 years. Widespread PTSD training programs:

  • auto mechanic,
  • jewelry business,
  • woodworking,
  • architectural construction,
  • Medical equipment.

This type of secondary education is the only one that does not provide for the preparation of students for admission to colleges and universities. However, upon completion of a 7-8 year course, students receive a technical diploma, which in terms of qualification is actually comparable to a bachelor's degree.

Art secondary education

Schools of art education combine basic secondary education and the practice of theatrical and visual arts in their activities. Several areas of study are also used here, including exclusively theoretical ones (preparation for higher education):

  • ballet Art,
  • acting activity,
  • art of dance,
  • graphic and artistic art.

Art high school, as a rule, becomes a start before studying at conservatories, institutes and colleges of acting, fine arts and other higher educational institutions.

Higher education

The Belgian higher education system is built on the basis of only the Flemish and French language communities.. This approach somewhat limits the possibilities of German-speaking applicants. They have no choice but to go to study in Germany or to enter the colleges and universities of the French community. The academic year of higher education begins in Belgium in mid-September. Beginning of the first semester 14-19 September. End of the first semester December 19-20. The beginning of the 2nd semester is February 8–13. Completion of the second semester in the second half of May.

Holders of a Belgian diploma of secondary education have a free road (without entrance exams) for admission to almost any university in the country. Entrance exams must be taken only in those universities where there are the following areas of study:

  • medicine and dentistry,
  • engineering activity,
  • administrative management,
  • artistic and artistic arts.

However, depending on the Flemish and French communities, the requirements are often different. For example, in the field of engineering, exams are organized by the universities of the French commune, while within the borders of Flanders, higher education institutions have canceled the examinations at engineering faculties.

... The exam consists of 4 parts (respectively: a test for understanding, reading, writing and speaking.) Yes, understanding is necessary to understand (news as a rule) and answer the questions in detail, consider the letter too. Conversation: evaluate tables, graphs, summarize the result and make an opinion reading-see; understanding, only the written text, in short, a lot of writing ...


The Belgian higher education system supports the Bologna process of learning. At the first stage, after 3 years of study, graduates are awarded a professional bachelor's degree or an academic bachelor's degree. In the first case, education is considered complete, in the second, completeness is considered conditional. Typically, academic bachelors continue their studies at the magistracy. A master's degree is another one or two years of study.

The award of a master's degree opens the way to a doctoral degree. Doctoral studies are entirely based on research work. As a rule, access to doctoral studies is opened to gifted students who have shown good results at previous levels of education. The PhD degree can only be awarded at universities.

…Most of my Belgian acquaintances have only graduated from the Hogeschool, which is, in principle, a higher education, but lower in rank than a university. When I ask why they didn’t go further to study, almost no one can answer. The husband honestly says that he did not pull. Getting into most universities is quite easy - but studying is difficult ...


… Hogeschool is the same as our institutes, after graduation you get a bachelor's degree, if you want a master's degree, you can study further. Unlike Hogeschool, universities are multidisciplinary and at the end of the 4-year cycle you also get a bachelor's degree, with the exception of medical and law degrees. Regarding your diploma, be prepared to take an exam in Dutch. Surely you will be asked to write a summary of your thesis ...



The cost of studying in Belgium

For native Belgians, the cost of studying at colleges and universities is relatively low. Flanders full-time students pay no more than €600 for one year of study. The cost of studying in the evening departments is even less - €340. Education fees for students in the French community are higher: for full-time students, the maximum amount is €835 per year.

Other conditions apply for foreign citizens. Immigrants also pay the basic amount, but additional fees are charged for foreign applicants. As a result, the amount of tuition fees for foreign students varies between €1900–4135 per year. The exact cost is determined by the specific university and its conditions.

Tuition fees and all kinds of fees are set by the Flemish and French communities for each new academic year. Also, issues of financial assistance (scholarships) to low-income students are resolved annually. Every student with low financial resources can count on a scholarship. There are three options for determining the financial capabilities of students:

  1. Budget.
  2. Semi-budget.
  3. Non-budget.

The first option provides for the payment of financial assistance, thanks to which the student pays only € 80-100 per year for education. The second option also allows you to get a discount on the amount of payment if the student's family income is less than €1286 per month. In this case, the tuition fee is €330-380 per year. The third option, where the student's family income is above €1286 per month, does not qualify for assistance. The standard tariff approved by the communities applies here.

Is free education in Belgium possible for Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs

There is no completely free education in the higher education system in Belgium. Especially for foreigners. Nevertheless, there are decisions taken at the level of education management that make it possible to reduce the cost of education. These decisions concern developing countries and low-income territories. There is a special list of such states. True, Russia and Kazakhstan are not on the list, which is quite logical. But Ukraine is in this list.

The list is compiled depending on the value of the country's GDP per capita. If the indicator is in the range of $1000-3975, the state is considered underdeveloped and the cost of education is reduced for students. Usually under the same conditions as for budget and semi-budget groups.

Video about Belgian education

The most popular educational institutions

Five universities in Belgium that are popular:

  1. The University of Antwerp (Universiteit Antwerpen) traditionally occupies high positions in the rankings of the world's best universities according to Times Higher Education. For students there are 33 educational programs within the framework of the bachelor's degree, 69 master's programs, 23 postgraduate programs.
  2. University College Brussels (Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel) is a young educational institution founded in 2007. The university appeared as a result of the merger of several colleges of the European University and the Catholic University in Brussels. The educational process is conducted in Dutch and English.
  3. Brussels Free University (Université Libre de Bruxelles) - In fact, the university was founded in 1834 as an educational institution that is completely free from the state and the church. However, the modern university was formed in 1970 as a result of the division of the old university.
  4. Hasselt University (Universiteit Hasselt) - officially established in 1971 as the Central University of Limburg. The name to Hasselt University was changed in 2005. The educational institution has a good base of student campuses, which are located not only in Hasselt, but also in Diepenbeek.
  5. The Catholic University of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) is one of the oldest universities in Belgium. Founded in 1425. During the reign of Napoleon (in 1797), the university was destroyed. However, in 1834 the Belgians restored their first university. In 1986, the educational structure of the university was divided, two separate institutions were formed - Flemish and French-speaking.

Photo Gallery: Top Universities in Belgium

The Catholic University of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) is one of the oldest universities in Belgium The University of Antwerp (Universiteit Antwerpen) is included in the list of the best educational institutions in Belgium lawyer Pierre-Theodor Warhagen University of Hasselt (Universiteit Hasselt) was officially established in 1971 as the Central University of Limburg

Five colleges in Belgium included in the list of popular universities:

  1. The Leonardo Da Vinci High School (Haute École Léonard de Vinci) is a group of educational institutions in the status of a college. The year of formation is 1995. The school was formed by the merger of several educational institutions that are part of the ECAM structure - the central schools of arts and crafts. Today it consists of engineering, pedagogical, sports, technological colleges.
  2. Practical Higher Commercial School (L'école pratique des hautes études commerciales) is a university college. The school has three student campuses. Teaching is conducted in French. College graduates receive a bachelor's degree in a variety of fields.
  3. The Higher School of the Province of Liege (Haute École de la Province de Liège) unites three colleges. On the basis of the school, a high-level educational process is carried out. Graduates are awarded bachelor's and master's degrees. The scope of specializations is very rich. The lion's share with a technical focus.
  4. The National Institute of Cinematic Arts (Institut National Supérieur des Arts du Spectacle) is a unique Belgian university. The institution is something like a film academy. The Institute was founded in 1962 by three famous personalities - Raymond Ravart, André Delvaux, Paul Henri.
  5. The Royal Conservatory of Liège is one of the four conservatories of the French Community of Belgium. Students are offered higher education courses in the field of music and theater arts. The conservatory was founded in 1826 by William I.

Photo Gallery: Popular Belgian Colleges

The Liege Conservatory was founded back in 1826 by William the First The Leonardo Da Vinci High School (Haute École Léonard de Vinci) consists of engineering, pedagogical, sports, technological colleges Graduates of the Practical Higher Commercial School (L'école pratique des hautes études commerciales) receive a bachelor's degree in a variety of fields of activity High-level educational process is conducted on the basis of the Higher School of Liege (Haute École de la Province de Liège)

Scholarship and grants for international students

French-speaking students, in some cases, may be granted grants and scholarships with the direct participation of the Service des Allocations d'Etudes - the service for allocating grants for education.

Students studying in Dutch are encouraged to visit the Flemish Community's education portal. It provides complete information on grants and scholarships for the Flemish community.

Various scholarships and grants (Erasmus, Tempus, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.) are also available through European education programs. However, they mainly provide student exchange programs within the EU. Thus, Russia is not included in the list of countries available for scholarships and grants.

Video about scholarships and grants in Belgium

Conditions for obtaining a visa and requirements for applicants

The requirements for applicants actually repeat the list of requirements for obtaining a visa. The Belgian authorities issue a student visa if the following documents are submitted:

  • application from a prospective student;
  • international passport (valid for at least 12 months);
  • travel documents;
  • certificate of sufficient funding for the period of study;
  • medical examination;
  • police confirmation of the absence of a criminal record;
  • certificate of the equivalent of a diploma of foreign education (for the French community);
  • copies of a high school diploma, a diploma from a vocational school, a technical school, a university;
  • certificate of knowledge of the language in which the training is supposed to take place.

All documents must be submitted additionally with copies-translations in Dutch, French, German, English.

Jobs while studying and job prospects

Students of Belgian universities are open to opportunities for part-time work in their free time. However, at the same time, young people must comply with some requirements:

  • The student must be at least 15 years of age
  • Full-time form of education,
  • have a student employment contract,
  • work no more than 20 hours per week,
  • students from outside the EU have a residence permit,
  • I have a work permit category "C".

If a student plans to work outside the campus, a category "C" permit must be issued. The document is issued for a period of 12 months and is relevant only during the study session. During vacations and holidays, students can work freely, without presenting a permit. It is forbidden to work during the compulsory training course.

At the end of 2017, there were 487 thousand officially registered unemployed in Belgium. However, until 2022, the authorities plan to create 46,000 jobs annually in order to reduce the unemployment rate. Among the unemployed are young people with a high level of qualification, but without work experience. Nevertheless, there are job prospects in Belgium. For example, vacancies remain in demand:

  • lawyers and bankers,
  • journalists and travel agents,
  • chemical engineers,
  • automotive engineers,
  • textile and glass production specialists.

Student Accommodation

Student life (in terms of accommodation and life) is organized in Belgium in almost the same way as in other EU countries. Some students use "peds" - buildings similar to campuses. Some live in public dormitories, where several rooms share common household premises. Some of the students rent apartments.

Video about a student place in a hostel

The most economical and disciplined life is considered to be inside closed campuses.. However, the living conditions there are set by the administration and these conditions are quite strict. The time of arrival and departure of students is recorded, access is limited at night. On a monthly basis, the administration sends a report to parents on the behavior of students during the period of residence.

Public hostels are more liberal in this regard, but at the same time they set a fee for services. The cost of living in a public hostel reaches 150–350 euros per month. The exact price depends on the location of the hostel and the area of ​​the rented room.. Finally, the option of renting housing in an urban area is used. In the case of a successful offer, you can get a profitable living space.

Pros and cons of studying in Belgium (final table)

Quality European educationKnowledge of four languages ​​is required for a full-fledged education
Theory goes hand in hand with practiceYou need to pay separately for the practical session.
Relatively inexpensive educationFor students from non-EU countries, the cost remains high
Rich range of scholarships and grantsBasically, scholarships and grants are assigned to master's students
Can work in your spare timePart-time work requires permission from the authorities and is limited to 20 hours a week

The opportunities that Belgium gives to foreign students attract a huge number of people who want to study in this country. Belgian education is not as expensive as in other Western European countries. At the same time, the quality of knowledge acquired at Belgian universities will provide a direct path to a serious career.

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