Home Roses The simplest paper helicopter models. How to make a paper helicopter with your own hands. We glue the paper helicopter model

The simplest paper helicopter models. How to make a paper helicopter with your own hands. We glue the paper helicopter model

Children are very fond of playing with various models of equipment - cars, planes, helicopters. And a helicopter made of paper with your own hands will become not only a favorite toy, but will, of course, be a legitimate reason for pride. There are many techniques on how to make a helicopter out of paper - these are origami, and paper models of helicopters that completely repeat real flying cars. In any case, to make a paper helicopter does not require expensive materials and great skills, and the choice of technique for its manufacture is determined by the age of the child and the amount of free time.

Origami paper helicopter

We will need:

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • ruler.


  1. Divide a sheet of paper into a square and a rectangle, bending the corner. The square part will be used for the fuselage, and the rectangular part for the propeller.
  2. Take a square piece and fold it in half and diagonally. Note the inflection lines.
  3. Let's add a triangle from the square, putting the sides inside for this.
  4. Bend the side corners of the triangle to the center.
  5. Bend the side corner to the vertical axis.
  6. Bend to the right the upper part of the right petal, while marking the line of inflection.
  7. Straighten the corner and fold down.
  8. Bend the folded corner to the right.
  9. Fill the corner into the formed valve.
  10. Let's repeat all these operations for the second corner.
  11. Let's turn the workpiece over to the other side and do the same operations for folding and filling the petals.
  12. We inflate the workpiece through the hole, as a result of which we get a cube.
  13. Using a ruler, press the top face of the cube and fold it inward.
  14. Connect together the top edges of the cube and get the fuselage.
  15. For the screw, take the remaining rectangle and bend it in half lengthwise.
  16. Fold the resulting strip in half across. Unfold the top and fold in half again. Then we divide into two parts those quarters of the sheet that are adjacent to the center.
  17. Let's bend the blades in different directions - the screw is ready.
  18. Let's bend the corners of the fuselage in different directions.
  19. Insert the screw into the slot formed. Our helicopter is ready to fly.

Kirigami Paper Helicopter

We will need:

  • a strip of paper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • clip.


Bend the propeller blades so that they are perpendicular to the fuselage. The helicopter is ready to launch.

Helicopter paper model

This is perhaps the most time-consuming option of how to make a helicopter out of paper. As a result, we will get a beautiful bright paper model of a helicopter that will not be able to fly, but will be a good gift for dad, grandfather or older brother.

Finding yourself some exciting activity at home is allowed if you take a little paper and build a small model of a helicopter. It is allowed to do this by connecting fantasy and inventing a model yourself, and it is allowed to use our advice.

You will need

  • paper
  • razor or sharp knife
  • plasticine
  • match
  • scissors


1. Cut out a rectangle of 80 by 70 mm from paper. We mark the wings and cut them with a razor blade or knife along the ruler. We turn the rectangle into a cylinder, glue it. We bend the wings. We stick a piece of plasticine to the front of the helicopter. It is allowed to apply yellow-black transverse stripes to the body of our toy. Adjusting such a model is quite primitive, like an ordinary paper glider. If our helicopter is pitching (turns its nose up), you need to add a piece of plasticine, if it dives, reduce it.

2. The second model is unimaginably primitive. Easier is probably impossible to come up with. A match will serve as the fuselage, and we cut out the propeller from paper. First you need to carefully split the match, then insert the screw into it. We bend the blades and our helicopter is ready to be launched from the balcony or from the window. The model will glide down, and if we are lucky and it meets an updraft of air, it can fly up. In a few minutes, this helicopter model can be made out of paper. Everyone knows how the maple seed dives. This model will also work according to this thesis.

3. We take a paper sheet, a notebook is allowed. We draw the silhouettes of a helicopter on a sheet, cut it out. We bend a sheet of paper twice so that we get a double strip, which we then wind around the base and fix with the help of glue. We'll get a helicopter load. It remains only to attach a screw, also cut out of paper. For the screw, you need to take thicker paper than for the hull. Now it is allowed to make a huge helicopter. To do this, it is necessary, observing the proportions, to increase the size and take more thick paper.

Each of us, probably in childhood, let out paper planes from the balcony or a match with a paper “screw” on top, which played the role of a small helicopter. These are such primitive crafts that they were allowed to be made in just a couple of minutes, but how many sensations they delivered to children. Let's remember childhood and make a small glider.


1. Let's take a few matches, cut them off and put them together for the fuselage of the future glider. Paste the matches with thin (say, cigarette) paper so that they stick. We cut out the wings of the desired shape, the keel and the stabilizer from thick paper. We put everything in place (as with a genuine glider), if necessary, attach a piece of plasticine to the plane so that it does not tumble in the air.

2. Unfortunately, the likelihood of such a glider made of paper and matches is very limited. All similar models fly at low speed and with a decrease. They behave capriciously in the air and require early adjustment. Installing a motor (say, a rubber motor) will change the situation for the better, healing the speed. However, in this case, you will have to adjust the airframe again. We will make an improved model of a glider with a motor, which will be able to fly on its own, more excellently.

3. Such a model can be made in no more than 30 minutes. We take a match, which will play the role of the fuselage of the glider, on both sides of the match we make small indentations. In them we will then insert the rear hook and the front bearing of the screw, which can be made of soft wire. It is allowed to take such a wire from a damaged resistor by tearing off its “legs”.

4. We wrap the junctions of the wire screw and the hook with the fuselage-match with a thin thread and coat with Moment glue. After which they are allowed to be inserted into a match. We will make a screw with a knife, having properly planed a small rail 45 mm long, 4 mm thick and 6 mm wide. Let's skip the wire axle severely in the center of our screw, and bend the end of the axle with a rubber motor hook.

5. It remains to be done and put on our glider and the rubber motor itself. To do this, you need to pull out a couple of threads pulled out of a traditional underwear gum, twisting them for 100-120 cycles. We put the "motor", hooking it on the hook and screw. The glider is ready, now it is allowed to launch it. And it will fly at an absolutely decent speed.

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Radio-controlled models are fascinating not only for children, but also for adults, and in order to enjoy playing a radio-controlled model, it is not at all necessary to purchase an expensive toy in a store. You can make a radio-controlled helicopter with your own hands, and in this article you will learn how to do it right.

You will need

  • construction foam, model drawing, motor, glue, paint


1. Go to a hardware store and purchase a sheet of foam plastic (construction foam) 25-30 mm thick. Find and download a drawing of the selected aircraft model, and then find and purchase a motor that fits this model. You can buy a motor that is suitable for traction in a model shop or in various online stores.

2. The motor is installed together with the screws. It is possible that your motor has 30A power, and the battery, which you also get additionally, has 28-30A. The larger the battery capacity, the longer your flight duration will be.

3. To simplify the process of finding specific parts and electronics, purchase them all at once at a time in a specialized online store for aircraft modelers and radio-controlled models.

4. Transfer the downloaded and printed drawing to the penoplex. Circle the samples and carefully cut out the details with a cutter. Glue them with super glue or modeling glue to make a finished model of an airplane or helicopter. Sand the surface of the aircraft with fine sandpaper to make it look neater. Reinforce some of the connections with duct tape and tape the wings on the underside.

5. Clearly following the instructions, install all purchased electronics on the model. Mount the motor on a special frame made from a wooden plank.

6. Decorate the plane - paint it with modeling paints, stick stickers, paint the propellers in a contrasting color.

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A helicopter is a rotary-wing aircraft in which the lift and thrust necessary for flight are created by one or more rotors, also called propellers, driven by one or more motors. Many falsely assume that with their own hands model do not make a helicopter. Our recommendations will prove otherwise.


1. It should be noted that in the practice of aeromodelling, models of helicopters with a single-rotor scheme are most widely used. Consider the simplest model helicopter under the name "fly". In fact, it's not even a helicopter, but rather a "flying propeller". This model only according to the thesis of the flight it resembles a prototype, however, the “fly” clearly shows how a real helicopter stays in the air, which is why it is very expensive for aviation enthusiasts.

2. "Fly" consists of 2 parts: a propeller and a rod. Start by making a screw. From softwood, make a rectangular bar 160x25x8 mm. It is allowed to take linden or alder. On the wide side of the bar, draw two mutually perpendicular center lines, and drill a hole with a diameter of 5 mm at the point of their intersection. Place a sample screw on top, circle both blades with a pencil.

3. Cut off the excess sections of the bar with a knife. Process the bar with a file so that there are no irregularities.

5. The blades of the "fly" must be thin. In symmetrical sections, they must have an identical angle of inclination and an identical shape. Significantly, the slope should decrease towards the end of the blades. The mass of the blades, unconditionally, must be identical, which is achieved by careful processing, which is better to carry out several times. The blades can be processed with sandpaper.

6. Next, cut out a rod with a diameter of 6-5 mm. Sharpen one end slightly and insert into the screw hole. It should fit tight and be comfortable for arm length. More often than not, the rod is made 1.5 times larger than the diameter of the screw.

7. Job done, start testing. To do this, give the rod a vertical position, holding it between the palms. Force it to rotate rapidly with the movements of the palms. After that, unclench your hands, and the screw, under the influence of lift, will rush up. If, at the moment of launch, the axis of rotation is slightly tilted, the “fly” will fly in a given direction.

Everyone knows how to assemble a light paper airplane, but in the distance, not everyone knows what paper it is allowed to fold not only conventional aircraft, but also gliders that can fully fly. Glue out paper the glider is not difficult - in addition to paper parts, you will have to use additional wooden slats. A glider of this design consists of a wing, a fuselage, a keel, a stabilizer and a weight for balance.


1. Prepare materials - you will need a thick sheet paper, ruler, scissors, pine slats 200x3x2.5 mm, as well as felt-tip pens and PVA glue. To draw the details of the airframe, draw a grid with a cell side of 10 mm and overlay a scan of the details on the grid.

2. After that, transfer the grid in natural size to a sheet of dense paper, copy the silhouettes of the parts and cut them out with scissors. Paint the details, and then take the rail for the fuselage and make marks on it at the locations of the stabilizer, wing and keel.

3. Glue the balance weight to the nose of the fuselage, and then carefully glue the remaining parts, making sure that the model does not warp when gluing, and maintain a straight and neat appearance.

4. Glue the wing to the fuselage, install the stabilizers. Glue the details along the previously applied marks and lines in order to avoid asymmetry and distortions.

5. Wait for the glue to dry completely, and only after that start testing the finished glider in a calm room atmosphere. Raise the glider in an outstretched hand and launch it with a slight push, pointing slightly downwards.

6. Watch the glider's trajectory - if it begins to dive, fold up the trailing edges of the wing and keel, and also reduce the load. If the model takes off steeply upwards, after which it begins to fall down just as steeply, increase the load. A properly made glider should fly on a level trajectory for several meters.

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In order to get a fascinating toy, it is not at all rigorous to go to the store. Everyone can make a paper helicopter with the help of improvised means. They are allowed to interest a curious child or to please a group of friends.

You will need

  • paper or cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • clip.


1. There are several methods to make a paper helicopter, let's start with the simplest. Take a sheet of traditional A4 paper, and freehand draw something similar to the image shown in Figure 1 on it. No need to be burdened by the accuracy of the lines, do everything by eye. Now cut out the resulting pattern according to the silhouette. Make an incision in the upper part to the narrowing section and straighten the resulting blades in different directions. Crumple the lower part (in the form of a circle). The helicopter is ready. He is much, slowly rotating, to rise hefty high if he gets into an ascending air stream. Otherwise, it will go down rapidly rotating, which is also very beautiful.

2. The next type of helicopter is much more beautiful and smoothly descend. For its manufacture, it is better to take not paper, but cardboard. When creating it, you need to use a ruler, because it requires more accuracy than the helicopter from the first option. Take a rectangular sheet of thin cardboard and make a longitudinal cut to the middle. Measure a couple of centimeters down from the end of the cut and draw a horizontal line. Cut the sheet along the resulting horizontal line a few centimeters from the entire side and wrap the resulting strips. Use a paperclip to weight and secure the tail. Now bend the blades. Your helicopter is ready, it is more resistant to gusts of wind.

3. The design of the last type of helicopter was copied by man from nature. This helicopter uses the same rule as maple seeds, which are able to cover tremendous distances, freely floating in the air currents. Look at figure 3, it shows the pattern of this propeller. You need to correctly draw it on paper. If you want a larger helicopter, then proportionally increase all dimensions, but remember that the larger your helicopter is, the more thick paper you need to use. A helicopter with dimensions as in a pattern can be drawn on a simple notebook sheet. Carefully cut out the workpiece. Bend the workpiece first along the first line, and then along the 2nd. After the second fold, you will have a double strip, which you need to wrap around its base and secure with a drop of glue. Such a helicopter will be able to climb really high, the main thing is to catch the wind.

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Probably, every person in childhood let out beautiful paper airplanes from the balcony or a primitive match with a paper screw at the top, the one that was, so to speak, a helicopter propeller. Of course, any child could make such crafts, spending a couple of minutes on it, but there were so many feelings of joy that it is easy to convey in no words. Now it is allowed to recall childhood, only to make not a primitive paper figurine, but the most authentic glider, the flight of which will please not only a child, but also any adult.

You will need

  • rail, bar, ribs, wire, sandpaper, glue


1. Take paper and pencil and draw a model of the future glider. It is allowed to find models on the Internet. Prepare a rail about 70 cm long. The cross section of the rail should be 7x5 mm on one side and 10x6 mm on the other. This rail will serve as the fuselage of the airframe.

2. Take a plank of wood and process it with a file, and later sand it with sandpaper. Fasten the front edge of the fuselage to the upper ledge of your cargo (pine block).

3. Make wings for your glider. To do this, it is allowed to use primitive thin wooden slats, which are initially placed in boiling water, and then bent and fixed in the desired location until completely dry. In addition, the wings can be made of material and aluminum wire, which will be fixed at the edges. In this case, the wire should be bent in the shape of a wing.

4. Bend the ribs (wing stiffeners) with a machine. Attach them to the edges with glue in such a way that they stand even and straight in relation to each other.

5. Bend the wing diligently, moistening it in advance in hot water and holding it over any source of heat, for example, over a candle. In this case, it is important to know that the bending angles of the wing edges must be eight degrees. To do this, you need to check in the process of work the compliance of the bending angles with the drawing.

6. Bend the steel wire into a V shape and use it and a pine bar to attach your wing to the base of the glider. Attach the V-braces to the wings with thread and glue. You need to know that the front mount should be slightly higher than the rear.

7. Take 3 slats 40 cm long and make a stabilizer. for this, lightly soak thin slats in boiling water and bend. Wrap all the details of the airframe with tissue paper and assemble your unit by combining the back of the fuselage with the stabilizer. Make and fasten hooks of iron wire with thread on the fuselage. Launch your glider.

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In a modern big city, a helicopter is rare - an exceptional chance not to be late for the appointed time. It will fly around all the traffic jams, really shorten the path, and the bird's-eye view of the city will bring unforgettable sensations. That is why more and more merchants are acquiring light helicopters for private use.


1. Even those who don't have the chance to buy a rotorcraft can take to the air in a helicopter. To do this, you need to rent it for a while. Local aviation clubs are happy to provide citizens with this opportunity, because such flights bring them a good income. The equipment is rented for weddings, birthdays, they fly on tourist educational flights, hunting and fishing, for urgent negotiations and just for fun.

2. In order to order a helicopter, find an aviation club in your city, one that provides helicopters for rent. Traditionally, they advertise their services in newspapers, magazines, radio or local television.

3. Call there and make an appointment. Collect data about this flying club in advance. Ask friends and family to see if anyone has used their services more. Search the Internet in local forums for reviews of this company. At the same time, find out what you should pay attention to when ordering.

4. Arriving at the selected aviation club, ask about its license and qualifications of pilots. Specify all the details of the order in advance. Fill out the contract, indicate the number of passengers, the final point (probably the exact route), the number of landings and the time for them. Based on these data, experts will calculate the cost, flight time, and develop a route. Make an advance payment.

5. Conclude an insurance contract, this document is indispensable today even if you have already insured your life. The fact is that a flight is an increased risk and it is not included in the data of an ordinary contract.

6. Book a flight in advance, at least 2 days in advance, remember that before you take off, you need to agree on an itinerary and get permission to fly. In addition, the car must pass technical control.

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Owning a helicopter is not easy. The question immediately arises about the place of its storage, maintenance, and most importantly, the likelihood of its use. Tea in order to lead a helicopter, you need to get a flight certificate or have a hired aviator with such documents. Today it is allowed to rent a place or a hangar in the flight club where your winged machine will be stored. In the same aviation club, it is also possible to obtain a flight certificate, having previously studied flight business with instructors. Training takes place in two stages, first they teach flight theory, and then practice. In addition, you will be taught how to make a correct flight plan, since the airspace in our country is controlled. And in order to fly, you need to apply in advance to local airlines.

Slime toys have recently become quite famous among teenagers. What only slime is not made of: flour, shampoo, glue, and also plasticine. The option using the latter material is one of the most common.

You will need

  • - 100 grams of plasticine (it's better to use ordinary, not wax);
  • - 3 teaspoons of gelatin;
  • - 230-250 ml of water;
  • - a metal bowl;
  • - plastic bowl and spatula


1. Stock up on all the materials in advance so that they are at hand. In order for the slime to turn out to be the “correct” consistency, it is necessary to mix the components in a timely manner. In a metal container, mix 200 ml of water and each gelatin, leave for one hour. At this stage, use extraordinarily cold water.

2. As soon as the gelatin swells, put the container on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat. It is allowed to simplify the task and use a microwave oven. The main task of this stage is to dissolve the gelatin.

3. While the gelatin is cooling, take 100 grams of plasticine (take the color of your choice) and keep it in your hands for five to seven minutes so that it becomes soft. Put plasticine in a plastic bowl, pour 30 ml of warm water into it and mix everything well until a homogeneous consistency. At first, it will seem that mixing plasticine with water is unrealistic, but this is not so.

4. As soon as the gelatin mixture cools down to 60-70 degrees, mix it with the plasticine mass. Next is the longest stage: stir the resulting mass until it reaches room temperature. Look at the consistency of the resulting slime, if it is thick enough, then add the remaining 20 ml of water, preheating it to 80-90 degrees, and mix everything thoroughly again.

5. The toy is ready. As you can see, it is not at all difficult to make a slime, therefore, even the younger members of the family can be involved in the process of its creation.

Assembling flying models with your own hands is a fascinating and interesting activity that can unite the family. When the first buzz of the radio-controlled helicopter, both adults and children come to the furor. Follow all the recommendations as correctly as possible - the triumph of your plan depends on this.

You will need

  • aluminum fuselage, balsa wood planks, sandpaper, glue, knife, file, pliers, remote control with USB cable.


1. Prepare layout drawing helicopter, better on a sheet of paper. Then transfer the drawings to a scale of natural size on a dense material. It can be cardboard or plywood. Carefully cut a sample from a dense material in order to correctly transfer it to aluminum.

2. The fuselage, like the blades helicopter, design from aluminum. This metal has the required strength and lightness. Attach details helicopter in metallic silhouette. Connect them all together with glue. It is important that the glue is completely dry.

3. Now it is allowed to start pasting the fuselage with balsa. Work that requires special patience, but the result will meet your expectations. Wait until all items helicopter dry perfectly.

4. Now start making blades helicopter. They must be made of aluminum, and then glued with balsa. Attach the prepared blades to the helicopter.

5. The helicopter is already ready, but we still need to make it fly. Even via the Internet it is allowed to buy a remote control with a USB cable for a radio-controlled model simulator helicopter .

6. Connect the remote control via USB to the computer. The remote control is equipped with appropriate software that will allow the helicopter to become maneuverable.

7. Install the software, in the "Settings" menu, enter the algorithm for maneuvering the small helicopter. If everything is done correctly, then the helicopter is easy to manipulate. For the design of the finished example, quick-drying paints are used.

8. Between several small flying helicopter We are allowed to arrange family competitions with hitting the target (circle) or flying at speed. This is a great idea for an authentic holiday.

A toy flying helicopter is every boy's dream. Now the store shelves are lined with the most diverse radio-controlled aircraft, but tea is more exciting to try to assemble such a helicopter yourself.

You will need

  • aluminum fuselage, balsa, sandpaper, glue, knife, file, pliers, remote control with USB cable


1. First, make a drawing of a helicopter layout on a sheet of paper, and then in natural size on a dense material. Cut out a sample from a dense material, say, cardboard or plywood, so that it is comfortable to transfer it to aluminum.

2. Make the fuselage and blades of the helicopter from aluminum. This metal is best suited for the construction of a helicopter due to its strength and lightness. Dress the details of the helicopter in a metal silhouette. Glue all the details together. Wait until the glue is completely dry.

3. Proceed to pasting the fuselage with balsa. It's a tricky business, but the end result is worth it. Wait until all parts dry properly. Later, proceed to the manufacture of helicopter blades. They are also made of aluminum, glued with balsa. Attach the prepared blades to the helicopter.

4. When the helicopter is ready, the question arises of how to make it fly. This is where the computer can help us. Purchase a remote control with a USB cable for the RC Helicopter Simulator from the store.

5. Connect the remote via USB to your computer. The appropriate software is attached to such a remote control, which will allow your helicopter to become maneuverable. After installing the software in the "Settings" menu, set the algorithm for the maneuvers of your helicopter and enjoy aerobatics!

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Japanese art origami a long time ago took root in Russia. A lot of books are devoted to this technique, there are specialized sources, and on the Internet you can also find videos on assembling different models.


1. It is believed that real origami should be folded without the use of scissors or any other tools. But there is a type of origami, during the manufacturing process of which cutting of paper is allowed, the use of some additional devices. Such origami is called "kirigami". The proposed paper model helicopter collected in this technique.

2. Take a sheet of paper, measure a strip of 15 * 2 cm and cut it evenly. On both sides of the strip, draw two lines at a distance of about 5 cm from the edge and up to 7 cm in length. Leaving an indent of approximately 0.5 cm, draw another line in the middle, but on the other half of the strip. Bend the edges of the strip on both sides of the part in the part where the two lines are drawn.

3. Now take a paper cutter and run it over the mark in the middle. Bend the resulting parts in different directions - this is a propeller. Attach a paperclip to the bottom of the figure - it is necessary to separate the weight in flight. Now take the figure by the paperclip with your fingers, and with a twisting movement of your hand, run it up.

4. If you can handle this easy model, fold the harder version. Take a rectangular sheet of paper, fold it in the middle, then unfold it. Or find the middle with a ruler and pencil. Fold the edges of the paper towards the middle - they should form a triangle.

5. After that, take the edges of the triangle and fold them towards the middle again. Fold the sharp corner down to the opposite edge of the paper. On the right side of the triangle, wrap the strip 0.5 cm to the left, and on the left side 0.5 cm to the right. Wrap the resulting corner up.

6. Bend the figure in half and bend the wings. Lift the corner up - you need to attach a propeller to it. To do this, cut a small strip of paper, bend it in half. Pierce a hole in the middle and fasten the propeller to the corner. The result should be a model like this:

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Useful advice
Do not despair if you were not able to assemble the necessary figure the first time, carefully read the instructions again - everything should turn out positively for you.

Useful advice
Such primitive paper helicopter models can keep you busy for the whole evening. Such an activity of your children will be extremely amusing, who will help you and launch small helicopters from wherever it is allowed.

And do paper helicopter model.

We glue the paper helicopter model

If you are a beginner and have never glued paper models, then in the manufacture of a helicopter you only need print 7 diagrams - sweep details, cut them out and glue them.

A few tips:

  • You can print the details of the helicopter on a black and white printer. There is no need to use a color printer, because dark helicopter model.
  • Use regular office paper, but in order to make the model more durable, print the details of the helicopter twice and make each part two-layer.
  • Use small, sharp scissors to cut small parts. To cut large parts, you can use a clerical knife and a metal ruler. Just be sure to put old magazines under the cutout patterns so as not to spoil the table.
  • In order for the bends of the parts to be neat and even, use a ruler and a non-writing ballpoint pen or a sticker. Attach the ruler to the bend line, draw a pen (sticker) along it and bend it.
  • For gluing helicopter parts, it is better to use a dry glue stick. It is advisable to buy a fresh glue stick, then the surfaces to be glued will be more durable.
  • If you plan to use liquid glue, then in order for the gluing of the parts to be neat, use a brush.

Paper helicopter parts diagrams

Paper helicopter model - printable diagram 1

Paper helicopter model - printable diagram 2

Paper helicopter model - printable diagram 3

Paper helicopter model - printable diagram 4

Paper helicopter model - printable 5 (helicopter paper model)

Paper helicopter model - printable 6 (helicopter paper model)

Very funny model! The helicopter, descending to the ground, does not fall sharply down, but circles around its axis. This happens because our model has blades. The air flows around these blades and the helicopter lands smoothly and beautifully. The model is easy to make. Its only difficulty is the need to divide the paper into equal parts with a pencil and a ruler. For a primary school student, such a task is not only feasible, but also useful. And preschoolers can do the job if you help them. Having learned to confidently fold the model, it will be possible to do without a ruler, doing all the work “by eye”.

Necessary materials:

  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Ruler and pencil
  • paper clip

Step 1

We draw on a sheet of paper and cut out a strip of paper measuring 21x5 cm. Draw a vertical line in the middle. You don’t need to draw a line, but outline it with a fold - fold the strip in half, then straighten it - that’s the lithium line.

Step 2

One third of the strip - 7 cm - bend down

Step 3

Unfold the paper, make a cut in the middle, to the fold line.

Step 4

Draw a line just below the fold line. Divide this line into four segments.

Step 5

Make cuts on both sides along the marked line, cutting a quarter of the width of the paper on each side.

Step 6

Bend one side to the center, smooth it well. Fold the other side in the same way.

Elena Goryacheva

Master class on manual labor Paper making« Helicopter»

Target: development of productive activity.


1. Improve the ability to work on a finished pattern.

2. Strengthening the ability to create from paper volumetric figures.

3. Development of aesthetic taste.

material needed for work: color paper, colored cardboard, simple pencil, glue stick, threads., beads, ice cream sticks, black marker, sewing needle.

Sequence of work:

1. Circle and cut out a cabin from cardboard of any color according to the pattern helicopter - 2 parts.

2. On a pattern of cardboard of any color, circle and cut out the chassis helicopter - 2 parts.

3. Circle around the pattern and cut out of the blue paper glass for helicopter cabin - 2 parts.

4. Circle the tail propeller according to the pattern and cut it out of red cardboard - 2 parts.

5. Circle and cut according to the pattern helicopter pinwheel from red cardboard - 2 parts.

6. Cut out a nose from cardboard of any color - 2 parts.

7. Cut out from white paper eyes -2 details.

8. Cut out small circles - decorations, from paper any color folded accordion.

Starting assembly helicopter.

1. We glue the chassis in the upper part to the middle of the uprights, bifurcating the lower part.

2. We glue together 2 parts of the cab, gluing the chassis between them from the bottom of the cab, and the thread from above.

3. On both sides helicopter glue the cab glass.

4. Glue the nose on both sides helicopter by gluing both parts.

5. On the tail helicopter glue the propeller parts glued together.

6. Glue eyes on both sides and draw a pupil with a marker.

7. We glue together the two parts of the propeller.

8. On a thread glued on top of the cockpit, we string a bead with a needle and two parts of the propeller glued together.

9. We glue circles on both sides of the cabin - decorations.

Helicopter ready.

We attach an ice cream stick to the upper end of the thread, with which you can control by helicopter.

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Purpose: to teach children to cut out the details of the application along the drawn contour, to put together a whole from separate parts, to consolidate the ability to work.

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