Home Roses The man's on time. Can pain during intercourse in men be the norm? Erectile dysfunction - maybe a problem in the head

The man's on time. Can pain during intercourse in men be the norm? Erectile dysfunction - maybe a problem in the head

What happens to us during orgasm? This question interests many. Let's try to figure this out.

When a man enters what sexologists call the arousal plateau phase, the pleasurable state that immediately precedes orgasm, a small amount of lubrication is released from the penis. You should be aware that this fluid often contains live sperm, so that a woman is able to become pregnant even before her partner ejaculates. And this is the verdict for the well-known method of contraception by removing the penis before ejaculation.

This fluid plays the role of a lubricant, but modern researchers believe that this is not its main function. True, they are still not able to definitely answer what it is really intended for. But for a woman, the appearance of this lubricant means that the partner is trying to control his ejaculation in order to bring the woman to orgasm, since this fluid is most often not released during masturbation or oral sex when it comes to achieving ejaculation as soon as possible.

As a man approaches orgasm, he begins to breathe heavily or even moan, the heart begins to beat at a frequency of 110 to 175 beats per minute (at a rate of 72 beats). Movements (movements of his penis) become more frequent, he squeezes his wife more tightly to increase the depth of penetration. And finally, he can't hold back an orgasm - the inevitability of ejaculation, to use the official name - and two to five seconds before orgasm, the following happens.
    - The prostate gland contracts rhythmically, forcing the liquid, which is the basis of sperm, to go to the exit. Here add their secrets located on the path of the vas deferens glands. As the mixture is formed, the sperm stored in the ejaculatory ducts is added to the urinary canal and joins the general mixture, completing its formation.

    The internal muscle that controls the exit from the bladder contracts and closes the bladder so that sperm does not enter it, and also pinches the urethra behind the sperm, so that it has only one way - forward, through the body of the penis.

    The extrinsic bladder muscle relaxes (unlike all other abdominal muscles) and allows semen to fill the wide part of the urethra, much like fluid fills the wide part of a pipette. After this part is filled, the muscle contracts sharply, and the seed is ejected through the penis.

At the same time, two large muscles at the base of the pelvis begin to contract tonically, giving a greater speed to the excreted fluid. If there are no obstacles on its way, then the sperm can fly in the air a distance of 60 to 90 cm. If you are interested in accurate scientific data, then I can report an average speed of 45 kilometers per hour.

    Usually semen is ejected in three or four doses, about once a second. Then the spasms stop, and the erection of the penis quickly weakens.

If we talk about comparing the emotional experiences of men and women, then usually men say that they get the greatest pleasure at the moment of the very first ejection of sperm, especially when it comes to sexual intercourse after a long abstinence. The second and third spasms no longer give such intense pleasure. On the contrary, women claim that the last burst of orgasm gives them the greatest pleasure, and not the first. If they experience two or three orgasms in one sexual intercourse, then they say that the latter are much stronger than the former.

Men are incapable of multiple orgasms- after the first orgasm, their genitals are in the stage of resistance, which lasts from 15 minutes to several hours. During this period, the stimuli that played such an important role in the preparation of orgasm - especially the massaging and sucking of the penis - are not only not pleasant to him, but can also be annoying.

If you have not had time to reach orgasm by the time your partner ejaculates, then his sudden loss of interest in erotic stimulation can upset and upset you. However, you will have to come to terms with the physiological and psychological fact that your partner loses erotic interest in you after reaching orgasm.

That is why it is very important for women to explain to a partner and encourage him to consider ejaculation not as the end of sexual intercourse, but only as part of it. Sexual intercourse cannot be considered complete if both partners have not achieved satisfaction and have not shared the pleasure that they aspired to and deserved.

It may be that after a man has an orgasm, a woman is unwilling to achieve her orgasm with some other kind of stimulation and prefers to wait until the man is capable of another erection. And if this happens, then here the woman should make every effort to achieve her orgasm in the first place. It may happen fifteen minutes later, and the next morning, but this second act must be regarded as part of the first, and now it is the woman's turn to be satisfied.

And do not consider this a manifestation of self-centeredness - your partner should get as much pleasure from your satisfaction as you yourself.


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An erection has disappeared - this is a rather difficult situation not only for a man, but also for his partner. Often, women, instead of helping, further aggravate the situation with inadequate reactions and actions. But in many cases, it is the correct behavior and participation of a woman that can contribute to solving the problem.

What is the danger of worsening erection for relationships in a couple

- one of the most serious tests for any couple, regardless of the duration of the relationship and the age of the partners. Many women tend to believe that the cause of men's problems with erectile function lies in the loss of their sexual attractiveness and seductiveness. The consequence of this may be the development of certain complexes and the lack of desire for intimacy, or attempts to make sure that other representatives of the stronger sex are female attractiveness.

The unwillingness of a man to see a doctor and start treatment can also worsen the relationship between partners. Such behavior from a female point of view may mean the presence of another connection, although in fact it may be caused by an elementary prejudice against discussing one's intimate problems with a stranger.

A prolonged lack of sexual satisfaction negatively affects the mental state of both partners, complicating an already rather difficult situation. To save the relationship and cope with the problem, the participation of both partners will be required.

What women should know about male erection

The emergence of an erection is a complex process in which the nervous system, blood vessels and smooth muscles of the penis participate. Initially, under the influence of sexual arousal, the brain transmits signals to the nerve endings of the penis. Due to this, blood flow increases, which fills the cavities of the cavernous bodies of the organ. With the normal functioning of the reproductive system, the penis becomes larger and hardens.

Improper functioning of one of the systems causes erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system, or prostatitis. That is why it is important to be examined by a specialist.

Certain medications can cause the disorder. After the end of their intake or replacement with more suitable analogues, the problem resolves itself. Affects the sexual function of a man and the regularity of sexual contacts. Too violent sex life or long breaks equally negatively affect erection. In addition to the physiological factors listed above, some mental factors also affect the ability to have sexual intercourse. So, after several unsuccessful contacts, men may develop a fear of intimacy. Fear of not being up to par does not allow you to relax and leads to subsequent failures. As a result, the desire for intimacy may, in general, disappear.

Sometimes erection problems in men occur during sexual intercourse in extreme conditions or unusual surroundings. One of the reasons may be a decrease in sexual interest in a partner. In any of these situations, you can find a solution that will help maintain a sexual relationship.

A woman should know herself and convince her partner that partial erectile dysfunction does not mean impotence. This is a temporary phenomenon, which, with timely access to a specialist, can be successfully treated.

A man lost potency - what should a woman do and what should not be done?

According to the observations of psychologists, erectile dysfunction in men causes almost the same feelings in both partners: disappointment, dissatisfaction, fear of rejection, awkwardness. The problem is that many couples fail to openly discuss the current situation, and as a result, each is left alone with their difficulties and experiences. If it suddenly happened that the partner does not have an erection, it is very important at this moment to find the right words for support, analyze your feelings together and think about what to do next.

Separately, we should dwell on the most common mistakes women make. So what should wives not do?

If the husband started having problems with erection, first of all it is necessary to reconsider the way of life. For the full functioning of the male body, a certain set of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients is necessary. Try to reduce the amount of fatty and spicy foods as much as possible. Zinc-rich foods must be present in the daily diet. Sea fish, shrimp, honey, eggs, celery, parsley have a positive effect on male power.

Some foods, such as meat, require high energy costs from the body. Keep this in mind when planning your romantic dinner menu.

Of great importance is also a good sleep, the absence of stress and negative emotions, the rejection of bad habits.

After consulting a doctor, you can use decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. They will not give an instant effect, but with regular use, you can achieve a certain result. For this purpose, ginseng root, nettle, aloe, and marsh calamus are used.

Erectile Dysfunction – Could it be a Head Problem?

If a man suddenly lost his erection during sexual intercourse, but involuntary arousal occurs in the morning and at night, this indicates the mental causes of the disorder. In this case, you can try to diversify your sex life and change established habits. Do not forget about your appearance.

If you suspect that the dysfunction is due to self-doubt, remind your partner that you can please a woman without the participation of the penis. It is necessary to convince the partner that an erection is an optional condition for intimacy. As a rule, after several such acts, men cease to be afraid of the impending failure, and the erection is restored.

In some cases, if the problem cannot be solved on their own, a visit to a psychologist or sex therapist may be necessary. The task of a woman is to set her partner up for the need to visit a doctor and hold him. Sometimes, for greater effectiveness of the impact, the participation of both partners may be required, you need to be prepared for this as well.

Chronic problems with potency - when should a husband be sent to a doctor?

If a guy or a man has erection problems, the disorder comes on gradually. At the same time, involuntary morning and night erections are not observed either.

In this case, recovery may take much longer, as treatment of the disease that caused the dysfunction will be required. It happens that even after the treatment there is no improvement. This is absolutely no reason to despair, as modern medicine offers many ways to restore male power. These are methods of physical influence, and drug treatment. In the most extreme case, surgery and prosthetics can be applied.

Erectile dysfunction is a temporary disorder that is successfully treated today. The main role of a loving woman is to support her man during this difficult period of his life. Together it is much easier to cope with the problem and return the joy of intimate communication!

To many, the male orgasm seems much easier than the female. Physiologically, it is associated with an increase in the penis during an erection, as well as with the ejaculation of sperm. Men, as a rule, reach the peak of pleasure during sex faster and easier than their partners. Therefore, it is important for a real man not only to achieve orgasm, but also to do it at the right time - in order to give a woman the opportunity to experience strong sexual pleasure herself.

male orgasm

Much more has been written and said about the female orgasm. At the same time, experts seem to lose sight of the male one, because it is simpler. Some even believe that the sexual sensations of the fair sex are much deeper than those of their partners. On the other hand, male orgasm is no less valuable than female.
Studying the exclusively male part of this phenomenon, four phases of sexual reactions during intercourse can be distinguished. The first is the phase of lust and erotic arousal as a result of a reaction to visual, tactile or gustatory stimuli. In second place is the phase of sexual arousal, manifested in the erection of the penis and the rise of the testicles.

A man's orgasm is preceded by the so-called "plateau phase" - the third phase of the physiological sexual response. In the "plateau" phase, the hyperemia of the genital organs increases, and the excitation is kept at a constant level. The last phase of sexual intercourse is orgasm, ending with ejaculation.

What does a man feel during an orgasm?

When a man enters the "plateau" phase, he already knows that seconds separate him from ejaculation. "Plateau" - a very short period during which the male testicles increase. Due to the increase in blood pressure, breathing and heart rate increase. The muscles of the whole body tense up, and occasional grimaces often appear on the face due to strong excitement. During the “plateau” phase, the muscles of the anus and buttocks are strongly compressed.
If a man feels that he has almost reached the state of complete bliss, he usually begins to enter his partner faster and stronger. At the moment of the onset of orgasm, his sperm begins to flow into the lumen of the urethra, which only increases the pleasure experienced.
Then spasms of the urethra and penis begin, and it comes to ejaculation. The second aspect of the feeling of pleasure in men is related to the amount of sperm ejected - the more, the greater the pleasure of sex. That is why orgasm during the first sexual intercourse, as a rule, is felt much more intense than subsequent ones.

Decreased male arousal after orgasm.

Sexual arousal in a man decreases sharply immediately after achieving pleasure. The most noticeable sign of a decrease in arousal in a man is an intense thinning of the penis. The respiratory rate returns to normal, the heart rate stabilizes, and the world around ceases to “revolve”.
After an orgasm, some men very often experience hunger, thirst, or a need to smoke. Others, in turn, are so tired after intense sex that they take a comfortable position and fall asleep. At this stage, a typical phenomenon for men can be called a "period of disobedience" - the impossibility of repeated sexual arousal for a certain time.
A man is simply not able to continue sexual activities immediately after achieving pleasure, and if so, then with great difficulty. That is why it becomes important for an experienced man to satisfy his partner during intimacy much earlier than reaching his own orgasm.

Orgasm is a reaction of the nervous system, sexual ejaculation. Both of these reactions are usually -- but not necessarily

  • combined with erection, both can cause - but not always cause
  • sexual satisfaction.

However, erection, orgasm, and ejaculation are usually linked. Along with the rhythmic movements of the penis, sexual arousal increases. Frictions become deeper, the frenulum and coronal groove of the penis get more and more intense irritation, sexual sensations reach a maximum. The increasing excitation caused by constant rhythmic stimulation becomes irreversible, just as an irresistible desire to sneeze arises when the nasal mucosa is irritated. Immediately before orgasm, the rhythm changes: the frictions become sharp and frequent, or they stop altogether if further arousal is no longer required.

In the pre-orgasm phase, external stimuli can block some reactions: for example, an unexpected noise can cause an erection to decline. The onset of orgasm depends on many factors.

The great "O" is not always so great. Feelings can range from overwhelming physical pleasure and emotional intensity to feeling no more intense than we experience when we sneeze. The strength and depth of sensations are not constant for this man. Orgasm is changeable, like human life.

Get ready...

Orgasm in a man goes through two stages: emission and ejaculation. They follow each other so quickly that it is often difficult to separate them. In young men, there is a clearer boundary between these stages, but if the orgasm is short, they cannot be distinguished. As men age, both stages of orgasm merge. Such a "single-phase" orgasm lasts longer than a youthful two-stage orgasm.

At the emission stage, spermatozoa are ejected from the seminal vesicles into the vas deferens; combining with other liquid components, they form sperm (male seed), which is thrown out during ejaculation.

During emission, the urethra expands and lengthens. The contraction of the muscles of the genital organs begins, accompanied by a feeling of pleasure. At the moment of maximum sexual tension comes an orgasm. Spinal reflexes are activated. The longer it takes to reach this peak, the more sperm accumulate in the urethra.

The pressure generated in the dilated urethra promotes reflex closure of the bladder. The prostate gland and seminal vesicles contract and, following the spermatozoa, rhythmically eject their secretions. All this lasts 1-4 seconds. The feeling of impending ejaculation intensifies...


The second stage is ejaculation. Nerves reflexively set in motion the muscles surrounding the root of the penis. These muscles contract in time with the contractions of the urethra every 0.8 seconds - at the same frequency as the genitals of a woman. During each contraction, the secret of the prostate is ejected into the urethra. The body of the penis helps push semen out of the urinary canal; as a rule, there are 3-10 shocks. The number of thrusts depends on the man's age, state of health, time elapsed since the last ejaculation, etc.

The muscles involved in ejaculation are so strong that semen can be ejected a very long distance. The record recorded by science is 30 cm. During ejaculation, sensations are caused both by contractions of the genital organs and directly by ejaculation.

The onset of ejaculation can be slowed down to achieve multiple orgasms. It takes skill. Some men can delay ejaculation by consciously controlling their reactions, others need to press on a certain spot in the perineum.

Orgasm subjugates the body and mind. No other activity of the organism leads to such intense excitation during the implementation of this activity and such complete relaxation upon reaching the goal. The degree of pleasure received by a person during an orgasm can be different. The strongest sensations are usually characteristic of the first orgasm, during which the maximum amount of sperm is ejected and the sensations last longer.

What happens during an orgasm?

  • The body of the penis fills with blood as much as possible and increases in size.
  • The head of the penis does not become as elastic as the body, but also increases and darkens due to blood flow.
  • The opening of the urethra is moistened with the secretion of the Cooper glands.
  • The volume of the testicles increases by 50-100%, they are pulled up.
  • Blood pressure may rise from 100-120 to 220 mm Hg.
  • The pulse quickens from 60-80 to 100-150 beats per minute, and in some cases up to 180.
  • The respiratory rate increases, sometimes by 3 times.
  • Muscles tighten to such an extent that often any touch can cause a cramp.
  • Mimic muscles are brought together, the face is distorted by a grimace. The fingers and toes curl.
  • During orgasm, the thinking ability is blocked.
  • In 60% of men, the nipples enlarge, harden and become bulging.
  • In 25% of men, redness of the skin is observed. It starts in the nipples and spreads to the chest, forearms and buttocks.
  • A rush of blood to the nasal mucosa can cause an attack of sneezing.
  • 1/3 of men sweat, which covers the entire body or only the palms and feet.

Orgasm and health

Orgasm is a powerful muscle relaxant and is more powerful than drugs such as Relanium. After an illness, an orgasm can help a speedy recovery. According to some doctors, orgasm relieves moderate pain in the spine, as it causes complete relaxation of the muscles and promotes good sleep.

Orgasm is of great importance for the normal functioning of the prostate gland, since emptying it is as useful as clearing the nose for a runny nose. Regular ejaculation prevents blood stasis in the prostate gland, a painful condition similar to inflammation. It is possible that ejaculation also prevents urinary incontinence in the elderly, although this has not yet been proven.

An orgasm can be a wonderful physical exercise: the heart and lungs get a solid load. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of orgasm for a person's mental state. The result of an orgasm is a deep mental relaxation, rapprochement with a partner, strengthening of mutual feelings, self-affirmation.

Athletes of the highest category during physical activity increase the pulse, pressure and respiratory rate. All this increases much more strongly during orgasm, which is not the result of physical exertion and is not associated with various ways of sexual intercourse that require significant effort. This is directly related to the orgasm itself, the removal of gradually increasing sexual tension. With heart disease, one should not be afraid of physical exertion during sexual intercourse. Although fear is understandable, it can make it impossible to get an erection and thus deprive the body of the benefits that an orgasm provides.

After a debilitating illness, a man sometimes abstains from sexual contact for longer than necessary. Perhaps, in such a situation, excessive physical activity is contraindicated, but there is no need to refrain from sexual intercourse and reduce its time.

You should choose a position that requires the least physical effort, for example, one in which the partner is on top or when the partner is on her knees and the partner is behind. Relax and indulge in joy and pleasure.

During sexual intercourse, the heart experiences almost the same physical load as when walking quickly or climbing to the second floor. If a man can walk on a 10-degree upward incline at more than 3 kilometers per hour without a significant increase in blood pressure or sudden changes in the ECG, we can assume that his physical condition is quite suitable for regular sexual intercourse. Consult your doctor about this.

Heart attacks, age-related diseases can cause depression. Get over it gradually. Try to get rid of the disease. During the recovery period, enjoy indulging in erotic fantasies. Set a date for the resumption of sexual activity. Plan everything, as in your youth, when you wanted to conquer a new charming acquaintance. If your partner is worried and nervous, try to convince her that you are completely healthy. If you don't have a partner, enjoy masturbation.

Before a love date, take a bath, shave, dress elegantly, do not forget to take care of your nails and hair. It is better not to make love in a room that is associated with your illness and can cause unpleasant associations. Buy flowers and wine. In short, get ready to have a great time. No rest, no treatment will bring as much benefit as feeling like a real man while preparing for an act of love.

Is the holiday over?

Erection decline (detumescence) occurs in two stages. First, the penis is reduced by 2 times compared to the period of excitation. The second stage can last 10 or more minutes. At this time, the penis and testicles take their usual size and fall, the muscle fibers of the scrotum relax.

Detumescence may stop at the first stage. With extremely strong arousal, the erection is sometimes delayed. In some men, the penis becomes hypersensitive, when even a light touch causes discomfort up to a complete decline in erection.

After ejaculation, there is a period of rest, which continues until the prostate gland and seminal vesicles are filled with fluid again. The refractive period is the time from the moment of ejaculation to the moment when the next ejaculation becomes possible. The length of the refractive period varies from man to man and depends on the number of ejaculations.

The older the man, the longer the sexual intercourse lasts before the onset of ejaculation. Older people can regularly and with great pleasure have sex without ejaculation at all. This is absolutely normal and does not have any unpleasant consequences. It is possible to have sex without inserting the penis into the vagina - and ejaculation does not always occur either.

On the other hand, if the lack of orgasm becomes regular and there is malaise or pain, you should consult a specialist.

Pain during ejaculation

With orgasm, there are individual sensations, everyone experiences it in their own way. The increasing intensity of sensations during orgasm leads to an explosion, during which sometimes there are almost painful sensations. The contraction of the muscles of the face gives it an expression of suffering. The movements of the palms and feet also resemble painful spasms. All reactions of the body seem to demonstrate the borderline state between pleasure and pain. Seeing parents during sexual intercourse, the child may think that they are torturing each other, so do not forget to lock the door with a key.

Sometimes only pain is felt during orgasm. Neurophysiologists believe that this happens when the brain does not respond correctly to incoming signals. Occasional pain during orgasm is not a cause for concern, but if it happens constantly, you should consult a doctor.

Pain after ejaculation is a fairly common phenomenon, which has a completely different nature. As a rule, it is rather a feeling of discomfort, heaviness, or a feeling of cramping in the lower abdomen. Such sensations are caused by intense muscle contractions during orgasm and are a normal reaction of the body to physical activity. This pain passes quickly. If she worries you, read chapter 9 carefully.

Bloody discharge during ejaculation

In the semen, bloody discharge may appear in the form of reddish fibers or dark dots, similar to grains of ground coffee. The reason is sometimes the rupture of small blood vessels caused by too violent an orgasm. If blood is rarely released during ejaculation, vascular healing occurs on its own. Sometimes particles of the partner's menstrual flow are mistaken for blood in the semen, but this can be easily verified by resorting to masturbation.

If you find blood in the semen several times in a row, you should consult a doctor - you need to be examined. Perhaps the bleeding is caused by chronic catarrh of the urethra, or the infection contributed to a slight inflammation of the prostate gland. Very rarely, blood in semen can be a sign of prostate or bladder cancer.

How to control ejaculation

Many men attach great importance to the duration of intercourse; sometimes it seems to them that ejaculation comes too early or, on the contrary, too late. Let's ask ourselves the question: what does late or early mean? For whom is it too early or too late? Biologically, a man is "programmed" to ejaculate a few seconds after being aroused. However, if this happens, it is considered that he has premature ejaculation. Why, then, is it not said that a woman has a "belated" orgasm?

It is necessary to understand that the definitions of "premature" or "slow" ejaculation, in principle, are in the nature of an assessment (and negative), but do not state a real fact. This is explained by the traditionally stagnant view of sex: a woman's sexual satisfaction does not depend on her own feelings and actions, but entirely on a man. In a word, "sex is what a man does to a woman" and not "what a man and a woman do together."

The ability to control ejaculation is not innate. This has to be learned, it requires experience, which is so often lacking in young people. But the ability to control one's own body is sometimes lost, regardless of age. A man has a difficult task to regulate the level of his own arousal, while at the same time delivering maximum satisfaction to his partner. This can lead to excessive tension, which eventually develops into stress. Now premature or delayed ejaculation is considered a manifestation of a stressful state, although in reality the problem is solved simply - you need to learn how to control ejaculation.


From an early age, the child is taught that physical attraction is something shameful and emotions should be controlled. If such a "science" is driven in too tightly, in the future a man may experience a violation of ejaculation. A kind of taboo is subconsciously formed in the child, which gradually develops into an obsessive fear of losing control over himself.

Ejaculation disorders may have other causes, but the main one is the conviction that the mind should always control physical behavior. It is difficult to object anything: indeed, ignoring this truth would make everyday life unbearable - we must all be able to behave in society. Many men, even if their childhood was normal, are not able to completely relax, give up control, and "get complete satisfaction. There is nothing pathological in this. Love, time and sexual experience gradually normalize everything.

Partners make a big mistake if they set the task of reaching orgasm at the same time. For a man, this is a huge stress that requires constant self-control, in addition, he must know exactly the threshold of his partner's excitability. Since the mind "turns off" during orgasm, the desire for simultaneous satisfaction simply does not make sense. Many men get more pleasure from watching their partner's orgasm come first.

Too early?

Premature ejaculation is considered to be the achievement of orgasm earlier than we would like. In this case, it does not matter at all whether this occurs immediately after the introduction of the penis into the vagina, a little later or before it. The cause of stress is the fact that a man, against his will, is not able to control ejaculation.

According to one US study, 75% of men ejaculate approximately 2 minutes after insertion of the penis into the vagina. The British call premature ejaculation the "French disease", the French - the "English". The most common theory is that the main cause of premature ejaculation is sexual intercourse during adolescence, carried out in a state of nervous tension due to fear of being discovered by parents. In the future, these reactions become habitual and make themselves felt in adulthood. But is it possible to refer to this theory when it comes to cultures that are characterized by different views on early sexual contact?

According to other theories, there are the following causes of premature ejaculation:

  • a guilt complex fixed in the subconscious about youthful onanism.
  • failures at the first sexual contacts,
  • feelings of guilt caused by using the services of a prostitute,
  • dislike for a partner or hidden fear of her,
  • gynecophobia (fear of women)

Potency is of great importance for every man, therefore, with any violations and changes in the work of the "best friend", the representatives of the stronger sex begin to smoke nervously and only some of them run to the doctor. Why the guy does not have a penis is rather not a question, but a cry of despair from both sexes. WANT.ua reveals the reasons for the lack of erection in a guy, about which the question was repeatedly raised on the forum, but still advises you to contact a specialist, and not be treated by reading articles on the Internet.

Erectile dysfunction is an erectile dysfunction in which the volume of a man's penis, its hardness and directness are insufficient for sexual intercourse. Learn more about the problem of potency.

Why doesn't he get up

Recognition of the problem of "weak" male erection is already half the battle. So, for example, if a man had severe stress or excitement before sexual intercourse, he got tired at work, did not get enough sleep, got irritated, a conflict situation arose with a woman or sexual incompatibility - this can cause male weakness. If these causes are eliminated, the erection will be normal again.

Psychological trauma can also cause erectile dysfunction during sex. There are no obligatory fears and complexes associated with sexual relations. Childish resentment, self-doubt, stiffness, emotional upheavals of any nature - all this can affect the male when a man does not get up at the right time. You can remove psychological barriers with the help of a psychotherapist or psychologist - there is no other way to cure such problems with penis erection.

When a husband does not have a penis and the lack of erection is accompanied by itching, redness, pain in the groin area, discomfort during urination, inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms - the cause of erectile dysfunction in a sexually transmitted disease. Found similar symptoms - immediately contact a urologist or venereologist, who, after the diagnosis, will prescribe treatment and help restore and improve male erection.

Hormonal imbalance- one of the common causes of weak erections in men. If suspicions have crept in that the reason that the penis does not rise is precisely in this, it makes sense to take an analysis for testosterone levels. An endocrinologist will help in this, who will conduct an examination and prescribe therapy to increase libido. In case of hormonal imbalance, in addition to poor erection, a man may have other symptoms, including: a change in the timbre of the voice; cellulite in the buttocks, thighs and chest; cessation of hair on the body and face. But erectile dysfunction can be the only symptom of hormonal failure.

Vascular disease (endarteritis, neuroism, varicose veins, atherosclerosis)- one of the common reasons why a man does not have a penis. If you have pathologies in the incoming arteries or outgoing veins, the penis rarely gets up and only after prolonged excitement. With venous damage, the penis rises quickly, but the erection can disappear at the most inopportune moment. Blood vessels are also affected by the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Consequences of improper medication can also affect the function of the penis. The fact is that some substances that make up the medicines block the work of sex hormones, disrupt the overall hormonal balance. But with serious illnesses, you have to make a difficult choice - to drink medicine or have sex. It's probably better to grind for a while and recover than to satisfy a woman to the detriment of your health.

What to do if you don't

To solve the problem of erectile dysfunction, you can go in several ways:

  • Give up bad habits and smoking;
  • Experience the means of traditional medicine;
  • Increase physical activity;
  • Start eating right
  • Drug treatment of erection;
  • Elimination of pathology due to which a decrease in sexual function is caused.

How to strengthen an erection - to achieve the best result, approach the increase in erection in a complex way, do not limit yourself to only one point, but combine them, "surrounding" the problem from all sides, not giving it a single chance. So, you can significantly improve the functioning of the reproductive system by giving up smoking and drugs, minimizing alcohol consumption. A special condition for recovery is a good rest - sleep for at least 8 hours a day. Reconsider your views on life: get rid of unnecessary stress (we are sure that more than half of the problems surrounding you are not even worth a fraction of the experience).

A sedentary lifestyle will not lead to anything good - it's not surprising if a man sits at a computer all day and tries not to burden himself with unnecessary movements once again, that everything has fallen down and does not want to get up. Walk more often, sign up for a pool or gym. If financial resources do not allow, take an extra walk, instead of taking 2-3 bus stops. You can also go to the store on foot, and not by car (unless, of course, the nearest access to the store is 20 km from your home).

Traditional medicine is also effective in the matter when the husband does not have a penis or you want to prolong sexual intercourse. A caring spouse can easily brew healing potions to improve erection and force the faithful to drink them through I don’t want to!

Prepare the following brew: mix 500 g of honey, 500 ml of dessert wine and 500 g of finely chopped aloe leaves. Put the remedy to improve erection in a cold place for 5 days. The medicine is taken three times a day before meals, 1 tsp. 7 days. After, the remedy is taken for 3 weeks, but already 1 tbsp.

They say that it copes well with its task of restoring an erection, plus it strengthens the immune system and normalizes the digestive tract. In general, honey is present in many folk recipes for the treatment of impotence, which suggests that eat honey and you will have a surge of male power.

Nutrition is also worth paying attention to improve erection or prevent early impotence. All these fast foods, canned food, belyashi, semi-finished products, fatty and fried foods have not yet brought any benefit to anyone, but there is plenty of harm. Switch to a normal diet: eat more cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, oatmeal, liver, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, garlic, seafood, greens, bran bread, olives, nuts, fruits (especially citrus fruits) and vegetables.

If things are really bad and the guy is not worth it, you need to resort to medical treatment. Mindlessly swallowing pills just because a famous actor advertised them on TV or you heard about a miracle cure on the radio or read in the newspaper that some super-mega-cool organization has developed a unique composition of pills that cope with the most advanced cases of impotence. In any case, you will have to go to the doctor, take tests, be examined, find the reason why you don’t get up, and only then get a prescription from the doctor with recommendations and go to the pharmacy.

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