Home Useful properties of fruits Characteristics of a student for military registration. Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office: samples and how to write. Personal data of the conscript

Characteristics of a student for military registration. Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office: samples and how to write. Personal data of the conscript

The class teachers of the graduating classes are obliged to submit to the military registration and enlistment office the characteristics of young people (usually this is required in the 11th grade). In rare cases, this can be done by the head teacher or headmaster of the school, as well as by any teacher who personally knows the recruit.

However, not everyone knows how to correctly compose this characteristic: what to write, what words and phrases can be used, and what not to write in any case. In the article, we will consider examples of the correct spelling of characteristics, draw up a plan. It is very convenient when the military registration and enlistment office itself sends a form that must be filled out. But in most cases, the class teacher writes the characteristics independently.

So, the characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office should describe the social and psychological aspects of the personality, since a psychiatrist will study it with special attention, whose conclusion is important for determining whether a young man is fit for the army or not.

It also includes information about academic performance, social activity, behavior, relationships at school and in the family. The characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office for the student can be free form, however, there are some rules and points that must be prescribed without fail.

Rules for drawing up characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office

  • writing on a standard A4 sheet;
  • use of the official letterhead of the educational institution.
  • using a pen with black or blue ink;
  • written in a third person;
  • in the present (or not so long ago).


  • The name of the document ("Characteristics of the military enlistment office").
  • Full name, year of birth, nationality, education (kindergartens, schools).
  • Brief information about the family (name of parents, date of birth and place of work). You can also note material well-being, the presence (if any) of registered mental illness and alcoholism.
  • General health.
  • The character of the conscript (how observant, coordinated, teaching, responsible, how developed memory, reaction), behavior (including in difficult situations), relations with family and peers (whether he enjoys authority, in what relations he is with teachers), social extracurricular activity (sports and other competitions, Olympiads, events, public works, sections over the past three years).
  • School performance, attendance at additional courses.
  • Type of temperament, best sides and skills, favorite subjects at school (You can highlight those that are given to him best and worst of all). Check if the student smokes or drinks alcohol, has had problems with the police.
  • Subjective conclusion: is the student fit, in your opinion, for the service, if so, in what branch of the army you recommend him.
  • The purpose of issuing the document ("for presentation to the admissions office of the military enlistment office").
  • Signature of the class teacher, headmaster and seal.
  • Date.

All these data must be relevant, the student must be described in the present tense. Remember that if you are appointed as the person responsible for writing the student's characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office, you are directly responsible for what you wrote, and are responsible for the accuracy of the information that you provide.

When writing a student's characteristics, it is necessary to highlight its positive aspects, and, if you deem it necessary, to point out disadvantages in a neutral way, if they are significant.

Characteristics of a student or student is one of the mandatory documents that a young person must submit to the military registration and enlistment office. It should give a clear idea of ​​who a person is in ordinary civil life.

It is believed that the characteristic greatly affects which troops a future soldier will fall into: in fact, this is one of the few ways to understand what a person is. If you describe any skills of a student useful for the army, it is highly likely that he will serve in specialized troops, and not in a regular construction battalion. Also, this document remains in the archives, in the personal file of the conscript. Therefore, it is worth treating filling out this document with full seriousness and responsibility.

to the military registration and enlistment office per student

The characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office is written by the educational institution in which the citizen is studying, or studied until recently. Thus, a characteristic can be written to the military registration and enlistment office at school, in an educational institution of secondary specialized or higher education. The need to submit this document arises, inter alia, from the Instructions for the preparation and conduct of activities related to the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation who are not in the reserve, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense dated 02.10.2007 No. 400.

The characteristic to the military registration and enlistment office from the school should contain information about how the recruit converges with the team, whether it has difficulties with adaptation. It describes the most typical traits of a student's character (aggressiveness, activity, tendency to depressive states, sociability, etc.). The characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office for a student should reflect his academic achievements, for example, participation in the Olympiads, the general level of academic performance, aptitude for certain subjects. The characteristics indicate his sports achievements (if any): participation in competitions, interschool sports camps, classes in sections, the presence of medals and other awards.

Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office should not be "inflated", contain a large number of details. The writing should be concise.

Sample characteristics for the recruiting office from the school

Here is an approximate sample of the characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office per student:

Secondary school number 1, Novosibirsk

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

city ​​military commissariat

Characteristics of the student

Sergey Sergeevich Ivanov, born in 2003, has been a student of secondary school No. 1 since 2010.

During his studies, he showed himself as a conscientious student who does not allow discipline violations and missed classes. The student's average grade point is 4.5. He takes an active part in the social life of the school, takes part in competitions in team sports. As part of the school team, he repeatedly won prizes in mini-football, volleyball and basketball.

He enjoys well-deserved authority among his peers, shows delicacy and tact when communicating with others. Contacts with students from other classes. He is polite and friendly with teachers and classmates.


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……... the year of birth.

…… has a fairly high level of academic performance, systematically acquires the necessary knowledge and skills, takes care of the constant improvement of his educational level. Has a well-developed spatial imagination. Learning motivation is highly developed.She plans to receive higher education. Moral and volitional qualities are developed, does not miss classes for disrespectful reasons. The teachers are characterized as a hardworking student, disciplined, responsible.All orders are carried out on time and in good faith.

There are no negative features of character and behavior. Conflict-free, reasonable, calm, friendly, modest. Disciplined, hardworking, responsible. He is polite with teachers. Respected by classmates. A reliable companion, always ready to help.

He is brought up in a complete family.Family relationships are friendly, based on mutual trust and support.Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their son, the best moral qualities are instilled - respect for elders, politeness, kindness and decency.


Head teacher ____________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... .. of the city ... ... ..

…… the year of birth.

…… during the years of study at this school he showed average abilities. She is not conscientious enough to study, she does not always do her homework. There are missing lessons for no good reason. In the classroom, he is inactive, he does not always care about the assimilation of the missed material. He is self-critical of successes and failures in academic work. Needs stimulation of knowledge. Skills for planning work and educational activities are poorly developed. She tries to fulfill the requirements and recommendations of teachers.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity.Pays attention to sports training, leads a healthy lifestyle, attends the sports section.No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

In the team of students he enjoys respect and authority, tries to avoid conflicts, has many friends, both among the students in the class and in other classes. Sociable. In dealing with teachers, he is polite.

The student is brought up in a complete family, respects parents, values ​​their opinion.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... of the city ... ..

.. the year of birth.

During his studies, he showed himself as a conscientious student who does not allow discipline violations and missed classes.Has a good learning ability. He copes with academic subjects at "good" and "excellent".There is motivation to study, she plans to get higher education. Moral and volitional qualities are developed. The teachers are characterized as a hardworking and conscientious student, disciplined, responsible.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle, goes to sports clubs.No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

By nature - calm, tactful, tries to avoid conflict situations. In dealing with classmates and teachers, he is polite and friendly.He is sociable, easily finds a common language with peers and teachers.Has many friends. He enjoys well-deserved prestige among his comrades.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... .. of the city ... ....


Born on 28.08.2001.

He treats classes without interest, requires constant supervision from teachers, does not do homework systematically. There are missing lessons for no good reason.

The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle.No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

He treats social activities with indifference, tries to avoid mass events.

Relationships in the team of peers did not work out: does not show interest in other students, does not try to maintain friendly communication with them. In relation to the team, he is indifferent.

In relation to elders, she does not behave respectfully enough, she can argue and be rude in response to comments from teachers.Relationships with individual teachers are of a conflicting nature: they show negativism towards the teacher, do not fulfill his requirements, and respond insolently and rudely.

Quite secretive by nature. Uncommunicative, often impulsive, has difficulty adapting.

He is brought up in an incomplete family, lives with his mother.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... of the city ... ..

Born on 23.08.2001.

.. during the years of study at this school showed average ability. She is not conscientious enough to study, she does not always do her homework. In the classroom, he is inactive, he does not always care about the assimilation of the missed material. He is self-critical of successes and failures in academic work. Needs stimulation of knowledge. Skills for planning work and educational activities are poorly developed. She tries to fulfill the requirements and recommendations of teachers.

No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

Regularly takes part in the labor affairs of the class and school. When carrying out assignments of a labor nature, she works in good faith. Has established himself as a good performer.

By nature, calm, modest, non-conflict, attentive. Well-mannered, friendly, always benevolent, not aggressive. Relations with comrades are even. Relationships with elders are respectful, responds adequately to teachers' comments.

He is brought up in a complete family. Relations with parents are trusting, he is given independence, but they try not to weaken control over the upbringing and behavior of his son. There are no conflicts in the teacher's relationship with parents.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... of the city ... ..


…… the year of birth.

During the years of study, he showed average abilities in mastering school disciplines.In the classroom he is disciplined, he takes educational activities seriously. He does not miss lessons without a good reason, he comes to school on time, he tries to do his homework. Has a penchant for the humanities. Given his academic performance, he has an expressed interest in subjects such as literature, biology.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle.No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

Regularly takes part in the labor affairs of the class and school. When carrying out assignments of a labor nature, she works in good faith. Has established himself as a good performer.

By nature - calm, secretive, shy, balanced. He shows stability of mood, the ability to make decisions not to be led by his emotions. Thanks to the ability not to get irritated over trifles, he feels emotionally comfortable, does not conflict, knows how to find compromise solutions.

He feels comfortable in the team. He enjoys authority in the class, values ​​the opinion of the team, treats classmates kindly, and respects teachers.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________



.. the year of birth


MAOU Secondary school №… of the city ……

During the years of study, he showed weak abilities in mastering school disciplines.He had no interest in classes, demanded constant supervision from the teachers, and did not systematically complete homework assignments. Due to the fact that the teenager had absolutely no desire to study, he did not attend classes in the 9th grade. Was left for retraining. At the moment she is studying at night school.

The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle. No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

He treated social activities with indifference, tried to avoid mass events.

Relationships in the team of peers did not work out: he did not show interest in other students, did not try to maintain friendly communication with them. In relation to the team, he is indifferent.

A teenager is brought up in a complete family. There were no conflicts in the teacher's relationship with the parents.

Head teacher: ________________________

Student, Born on October 29, 1995, studied at the Vakhtansk secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from primary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11 classes. Currently studies at the R.E. Alekseeva.

During his studies at school, he proved himself to be a conscientious student, did not miss classes without a good reason, did not violate discipline. Student has good learning ability. I coped well with school subjects.

This student can be characterized by like a disciplined person. The character of pupil calm, he tries to avoid conflict situations, tactful. He enjoyed a well-deserved prestige among his classmates. Friendly: friends were not only among classmates, but also both at school and outside it.

In dealing with adults and teachers, he is polite and friendly. Has an equal relationship with everyone. He copes with the tasks on time. In the presence of difficulties, it seeks to find a compromise option. Thinks creatively.


The young man is physically well developed. While studying at school, he attended sports sections, actively participated in sports competitions and competitions not only at the class level, but also at the school level.

Student was brought up in a complete family. Family relations are good. Parents take an active part in the educational process of their children.

Sample 2

Student, Born on 07.09.1995, studied at the Vakhtansk secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from elementary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11 classes. He is currently a student at the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy.

During his studies at school he showed average abilities. I coped with the curriculum on "good" and "satisfactory". He did not allow absenteeism and misconduct.

He did not actively participate in the creative life of the school, but took an active part in the life of the class. I always followed the rules of conduct.

While studying at school student showed himself as a modest, cheerful, comrade.

Student tries to avoid conflict situations, if this fails, then shows tact, calmness. He enjoys a well-deserved prestige among other students in his class. We have friends in other classes of our school.

In dealing with classmates and teachers, he is polite and friendly. Has an equal relationship with everyone.


The young man is physically well developed. While studying at school, he attended sports sections, actively participated in sports competitions and competitions.

No bad habits were revealed during schooling. He was not registered with the KDN.

Student was brought up in an incomplete family. Treat your mother and younger brother with love and respect. Irreplaceable assistant at home. Family relations are good. The general atmosphere of family relationships is friendly, an atmosphere of harmony and understanding. Mom takes an active part in the life of Roman.

Sample 3

Student, 04.09.1995 year of birth, studied at the Vakhtan secondary school from the fifth grade after graduating from elementary school. In 2013 he graduated from 11 classes.

Student has good learning ability, but did not study to the fullest extent of his abilities, mainly at "3". Has a good visual and auditory memory, shows logical thinking. He did not allow absenteeism and misconduct.

The young man is physically well developed. He attended sports sections, took part in class sports events.

Student humble, cheerful. He is not a leader in the class, he is easily influenced by others. He has many friends, maintains friendly relations with many students of the school. He was respected in the class.

He did not actively participate in the creative life of the school, but always enjoyed working in a labor brigade.

Student calm, tactful in dealing with teachers and children.

He was not registered with the KDN.

No bad habits were revealed during schooling. Sergey was brought up in a complete prosperous family. Parents took an active part in raising their son.

The full text of the material Three samples of the characteristics of a graduate in the military registration and enlistment office, see the downloaded file.
The page shows a snippet.

The class teachers of the graduating classes are obliged to submit to the military registration and enlistment office the characteristics of young people (usually this is required in the 11th grade). In rare cases, this can be done by the head teacher or headmaster of the school, as well as by any teacher who personally knows the recruit.

However, not everyone knows how to correctly compose this characteristic: what to write, what words and phrases can be used, and what not to write in any case. In the article, we will consider examples of the correct spelling of characteristics, draw up a plan. It is very convenient when the military registration and enlistment office itself sends a form that must be filled out. But in most cases, the class teacher writes the characteristics independently.

So, the characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office should describe the social and psychological aspects of the personality, since a psychiatrist will study it with special attention, whose conclusion is important for determining whether a young man is fit for the army or not.

It also includes information about academic performance, social activity, behavior, relationships at school and in the family. The characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office for the student can be free form, however, there are some rules and points that must be prescribed without fail.

Rules for drawing up characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office

  • writing on a standard A4 sheet;
  • use of the official letterhead of the educational institution.
  • using a pen with black or blue ink;
  • written in a third person;
  • in the present (or not so long ago).


  • The name of the document ("Characteristics of the military enlistment office").
  • Full name, year of birth, nationality, education (kindergartens, schools).
  • Brief information about the family (name of parents, date of birth and place of work). You can also note material well-being, the presence (if any) of registered mental illness and alcoholism.
  • General health.
  • The character of the conscript (how observant, coordinated, teaching, responsible, how developed memory, reaction), behavior (including in difficult situations), relations with family and peers (whether he enjoys authority, in what relations he is with teachers), social extracurricular activity (sports and other competitions, Olympiads, events, public works, sections over the past three years).
  • School performance, attendance at additional courses.
  • Type of temperament, best sides and skills, favorite subjects at school (You can highlight those that are given to him best and worst of all). Check if the student smokes or drinks alcohol, has had problems with the police.
  • Subjective conclusion: is the student fit, in your opinion, for the service, if so, in what branch of the army you recommend him.
  • The purpose of issuing the document ("for presentation to the admissions office of the military enlistment office").
  • Signature of the class teacher, headmaster and seal.
  • Date.

All these data must be relevant, the student must be described in the present tense. Remember that if you are appointed as the person responsible for writing the student's characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office, you are directly responsible for what you wrote, and are responsible for the accuracy of the information that you provide.

When writing a student's characteristics, it is necessary to highlight its positive aspects, and, if you deem it necessary, to point out disadvantages in a neutral way, if they are significant.

Characteristics of a student or student is one of the mandatory documents that a young person must submit to the military registration and enlistment office. It should give a clear idea of ​​who a person is in ordinary civil life.

It is believed that the characteristic greatly affects which troops a future soldier will fall into: in fact, this is one of the few ways to understand what a person is. If you describe any skills of a student useful for the army, it is highly likely that he will serve in specialized troops, and not in a regular construction battalion. Also, this document remains in the archives, in the personal file of the conscript. Therefore, it is worth treating filling out this document with full seriousness and responsibility.

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