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Fear in an adult, what to do? Signs of fear in a child and ways to independently treat a baby at home. Prayers and spells against fear and the evil eye in a child

Treatment of allergic reactions in children is complicated by the fact that not all drugs can be given, since many of them have side effects that can significantly worsen general state baby. In order to avoid complications, special allergy drops are used for children, which block the production of antihistamine and do not have pronounced adverse reactions.


The treatment uses drops of a new generation based on metabolites (3rd generation antihistamines).

The antihistamine Cetirizil is an active substance that contains drops for allergy symptoms for newborns, which have a strong antiallergic effect.

Children under one year old are allowed to use:

  • Zodak is prescribed from the first days of life, 5 drops 2 times a day. The product has a therapeutic effect for itching, seasonal or year-round rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Zyrtec can be used in children older than 6 months, is not addictive and relieves allergy symptoms well, does not contain sorbidol and alcohol, and therefore does not provoke abdominal pain. May cause decreased attention and drowsiness.
  • Fenistil is used from 1 month of life, the effect occurs 15 minutes after administration, relieves itching, dry cough, nasal congestion and allergic rashes.

Effective nasal drops for allergies in a child over one year old:

  • Vibrocil is a remedy with antiallergic and vasoconstrictor properties, used topically to treat diseases of the ENT organs.
  • Prevalin - both for the prevention of allergies and for the treatment of its symptoms (itching, watery eyes, nasal congestion). Action time: 4-6 hours.

Children over 2 years old can use antiallergic drugs not only in the form of drops, but also in the form of a spray.

  • Avamis is prescribed for symptomatic treatment of patients suffering from allergic rhinitis. It is used intranasally, relieves symptoms 7-8 hours after instillation, the effect lasts for 3 days.
  • Nasonex is used for the treatment and prevention of rhinitis caused by allergens. Active 12 hours after administration, the therapeutic effect lasts for 72 hours. The product reduces the production of histamine and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Children over 4 years old are prescribed:

  • Flixonase is a glucocorticosteroid spray that relieves allergy symptoms. It has anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties, blocks the production of histamine and other mediators of the allergic reaction.
  • Cromohexal (spray) is an antiallergic drug that relieves the runny nose. I spray 1 time into each nostril 4 times a day. Treatment should be continued for the entire period of action of the irritants (seasonal manifestations of the disease). In the chronic form, it should be alternated with other drugs to avoid addiction. It is recommended to use drops based on metabolites, for example, Zodac or Zyrtec.

For increased tearing, children are prescribed eye drops for allergies, for example, Cromohexal, Lecrolin or Optanol. Active substance Such drugs are antihistamines, which help relieve itching and tearing immediately after instillation.

Vasoconstrictor drops are used to treat allergic rhinitis during pregnancy. plant origin, for example, Pinosol. Rinse your nose well with sprays based on sea ​​water– Aquamaris, Humer, No-sol and others.

Reviews and opinions

“For allergic rhinitis in a 4-month-old child, the pediatrician prescribed Fenistil. The allergy symptoms went away instantly, the only drawback was that the baby became capricious and sleepy, and began to wake up every 2 hours at night. The doctor attributes this behavior to side effect to the central nervous system, says that after completing the course of treatment everything will return to normal.”

Vostrikova Yulia, Rostov-on-Don.

“The child is 2 years old, from about seven months of age we began to worry about seasonal allergic rhinitis, we use Zyrtec drops, since it does not affect the psycho-emotional state. Before that, they were treated with Fenistil, but it made my son moody.”

Anna, Stavropol.

“My daughter is 4 years old. Since she was a year old, she has been treating her runny nose exclusively with Vibrocil. IN Lately it doesn’t help us, because it’s persistently addictive, the pediatrician prescribed Zodak. These drops help quite quickly, but due to the presence of an antihistamine they affect activity, she is a little capricious and not as active as usual.”

Maria Manilova, Chelyabinsk.

“My son suffers from an allergy to pollen. Seasonal rhinitis is our big problem, since it occurs not only with nasal congestion, but also with lacrimation. We take antihistamines, and use Prevalin as an internal drug; we put it in our nose when we go outside. Lasts on average 6 hours.”

Nika, Moscow.

Select the section Allergic diseases Symptoms and manifestations of allergies Diagnosis of allergies Treatment of allergies Pregnant and lactating Children and allergies Hypoallergenic life Allergy calendar

An allergic reaction can occur in children even in early age, so it is important to know about its possible symptoms at all stages of a child’s life.

Most often in children first two years of life Allergy has skin manifestations:

  • rash on buttocks,
  • rash on cheeks,
  • conjunctivitis,
  • Blisters may appear on the body.

After 3 years, respiratory symptoms may appear:

  • cough,
  • nasal congestion,
  • laryngitis,
  • bronchospasm,
  • other.

This sequence of symptoms is called "allergic march" when some manifestations give way to others and become more dangerous.

It is important to know

If treatment is not started on time, hypersensitivity can develop into serious illnesses such as bronchial asthma, autoimmune diseases, eczema and even lead to disability.

Therefore, self-medication is very dangerous. The attending physician should prescribe and control the dosage of the drug!

Tablets for food allergies in children

It occurs as a result of children's hypersensitivity to certain foods. The reaction is based on immunological mechanisms, the main of which is the IgE-mediated reaction. According to experts, every fifth child suffers from food allergies.

More than 50% of food reactions are related to eating chicken eggs, fish and cow's milk.

Photo: Development food allergies on the child's face

Manifestations of food allergies:

  • Gastrointestinal tract: regurgitation, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea or constipation.
  • cutaneous: urticaria (in most cases), atopic dermatitis.
  • respiratory system: allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma
  • systemic manifestations: anaphylactic shock

Drug treatment of food allergies is carried out if it is not possible to eliminate the allergen from the diet or it is impossible to identify it.

Antihistamines can be used to treat food allergies. They are divided into 3 generations:

  • 1st generation has a sedative effect: Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenkarol.
  • 2nd generation(sedative effect less pronounced): Claritin, Fenistil
  • 3rd (new) generation(virtually no sedative effect): Cetirizine and Telfast

Particular attention should be paid to allergy pills for children under one year of age.

Majority antihistamines Should not be used by infants as they may cause unwanted side effects. Among them:

  • sweating,
  • chills,
  • thickening of bronchial secretions,
  • tachycardia and extrasystole,
  • epigastric distress,
  • constipation,
  • insomnia,
  • increased excitability or, conversely, drowsiness.

Therefore, only specialists can prescribe them, and self-medication is dangerous.

Drugs approved for use in infants and young children

Active ingredient (Name)Release formApplication
Diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine)
  • Rectal suppositories,
  • Injection,
  • Pills
Suppositories and injection solution are allowed for children over 1 month, tablets only after 3 years
Promethazine (Pipolfen)
  • Solutions for injections,
  • Dragee,
  • Pills
It is allowed to be used by children older than 2 months, tablets - only after 6 years.
Dimetinden (Fenistil)
  • Drops inside
  • Gel for external use
  • Capsules

Drops are allowed to be used from 1 month

Capsules are allowed after 12 years

External forms can be used from birth as prescribed by a doctor (with caution!)

Cyproheptadine (Peritol)Available in tabletsApproved for use from 2 years
Mebhydrolin (Diazolin)Available in tabletsDivide the tablet into pieces and grind into powder, use from the 1st year

Allergic cough medications

Allergy symptoms are very diverse and one of these symptoms is an allergic cough. This cough itself is not a disease; it is the body’s response to the influence of antigens produced in response to allergens entering the body.

What is the essence of such a cough?

Photo: Allergic cough is often one of the most severe manifestations of allergies in a child

When an allergen (for example, quite often an allergic reaction is observed to house dust and pollen) enters the respiratory system body, it is recognized by the cells of the immune system and if a malfunction occurs in them, then a harmless substance is detected immune system like an enemy. And in response to it, immunoglobulin is produced in lymphocytes, which enters the fight.

A cascade of reactions is launched in which special cells produce inflammatory mediators, one of which - histamine - causes allergy symptoms: itching, swelling, cough, etc.

What is the difference between an allergic cough and other types of cough?

  • The cough is not lingering, does not go away until the etiological cause is removed
  • has seasonality
  • worsens after contact with an allergen
  • no fever or other signs of a cold

Video from ShDK

Useful video from Dr. Komarovsky School about children's allergy medications:

There are many allergy medications on the pharmacological market, we have selected them for you best pills from allergies for children and gave a description of the main points for each.

Skin manifestations of allergies are among the most common in children, especially infancy. It is important to know what products should be used at such a tender age.

List of children's antihistamine tablets

Medicines in this group competitively block histamine receptors (a mediator of inflammation), thereby inhibiting the effects that it causes. There are three generations of these drugs.

Photos of drugs can be enlarged by clicking.

1st generation

The first generation has a pronounced sedative effect.



2nd generation

Drugs of this type have virtually no sedative effect, act quickly, exist big choice means and forms.



3rd generation

The new generation of tablets does not have a sedative effect and does not affect the heart.




Their antiallergic effect is due to a decrease in the number of basophils and a direct effect, namely inhibition of the secretion of mediators of the allergic reaction.

Other drugs

In addition to antihistamines and hormonal drugs for allergies, sorbents, calcium preparations and others are also used.

Calcium gluconate

The most preferred and most harmless allergy pills are Loratadine for oral administration and Azelastine in the form of eye drops and nasal spray. They almost do not cause drowsiness and do not affect mental and physical activity.

Quantity side effects not as great as other drugs.

(and in general for an adult too) it always starts at the wrong time and spoils all plans. That is why pediatricians recommend that you always have home medicine cabinet allergy medicine for children. Allergic reactions occur many times more often in children than in adults. It is advisable, if possible, to protect the baby from negative impact environment, products of questionable quality, polluted air and other strong allergens. Of course, this is not always possible; in addition, allergies can arise suddenly. In some cases, you cannot do without taking antihistamine for children.

Every mother should be ready to take urgent measures to normalize the baby’s condition in the event of an allergic reaction. Sometimes an allergy can threaten a child’s life, for example, if severe swelling of the larynx occurs or a severe suffocating cough interferes with breathing. Allergy medicine for children given both in such serious situations and in early stages initiation of the reaction.

The Mommies portal provides an overview of the most effective and safe antihistamines that can be used in various cases and help normalize your well-being.

Alergyx – modern antihistamine, produced using exclusively plant ingredients. It acts on the cause of the disease and relieves symptoms 10 minutes after consumption. Using the course allows you to get rid of any type of allergy forever.

When is Alergyx needed?

The drug is suitable for patients suffering from any type of allergic reactions. The product combats the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • lacrimation;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • labored breathing;
  • nasal congestion and others.

It is based on the recipes of Siberian herbalists, which have been used for more than 4 thousand years. For production, the best plant materials are selected and innovative technology is used. Alergyx has been successfully undergoing clinical trials for more than 8 years. In addition to blocking histamine receptors, it normalizes arterial pressure and metabolism, removes toxins from cells.

IN for preventive purposes The drug is used 2 times a day, a few drops under the tongue until completely absorbed. For treatment, the dosage is the same; you need to take it three times a day. Significant improvement occurs within 5 days from the start of the course.
Alergyx will free you from allergies for many years!


Regular price: 1,980 rub.
Special price for readers of the portal "Mommies": 990 rub.

Zyrtec for children It helps well with mosquito bites, relieves itching and swelling, and this drug is also given to children with a runny nose, if the mucous membranes are very swollen. Zyrtec quickly and permanently relieves skin manifestations of allergic reactions and does not cause drowsiness in babies.

Author's Note: no further than yesterday I gave Zodak for children to my one-year-old daughter. While walking we were bitten by a mosquito, and by evening the arm was swollen and a lump began to be felt. Applying anointing to the bite area twice Fenistil, and without getting any results, I decided to give the baby these drops. We drank them before bed, and in the morning the hand looked completely normal, as if there was no bite at all.

5. Suprastinex

Antihistamine The latest generation, which is based on the active ingredient levocetirizine, prevents an allergic reaction, and also perfectly relieves the most common allergy symptoms, such as itching, rash, swelling. In addition to anti-allergic, it also has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

Suprastinex released in different forms, including drops that are convenient for children to take. A single dose for children over two years old is 5 drops 2 times a day. The treatment period is determined by the doctor and can range from 1 to 6 weeks. The drug is taken before meals on an empty stomach, the drops are diluted in a small amount of water and can be washed down with liquid. Reception Suprastinexa in children may cause drowsiness and should be monitored early in treatment.

6. Fenistil

This modern antihistamine for children Widely used in both drop and gel form. Fenistil for a child- a first-generation drug, has an antihistamine and mild sedative effect, easily solves allergic manifestations on the surface of the skin: relieves itching and redness. In gel form, this remedy is used for insect bites to relieve swelling and itching. Fenistil in drops is approved for use in children from 1 year of age, a single dose is 3-10 drops, taken 3 times a day.

If you are going to spend a day off in nature or are going to the country, do not forget to take with you Fenistil gel for insect bites, which will help in any situation. This remedy is in the arsenal of every experienced Mom, because it allows you to relieve your child from unpleasant sensations.

7. Erius

Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drug, non-addictive. Tests of this medicine have shown high effectiveness for allergic rhinitis and urticaria. The active drug desloratadine will relieve your baby of discomfort.

Erius for children is available in the form of syrup, which can be given from 6 months, 2 ml once a day. Side effects include insomnia, fatigue, headache, dry mouth, and in children also diarrhea and chills. Please contact close attention on the child’s condition at the beginning of taking Erius syrup, in order to stop taking it in time if adverse reactions begin.

Please note that along with allergy medicine for children Usually some kind of enterosorbent is prescribed to quickly remove allergens from the body. It could be Enterosgel – the paste, which should be dissolved in a small amount of water, is approved for use in children. Also effective Polysorb- white and light powder, dissolved in water for administration, a single dose depends on the patient’s weight. Recently, a natural enterosorbent based on processed wood products appeared in pharmacies - Filtrum STI, which can also be used to treat children. When choosing an enterosorbent, try everything possible and choose the one that is convenient to take and easy to store, but do not forget to listen to the opinion of your doctor.

Most children stop suffering from allergies as they get older; the body adapts to environment and no longer gives such a sharp response to allergens. In order for the allergy to recede, allergy medicine for children must be prescribed by specialists. Only after effective and skillful treatment under the supervision of a pediatrician and allergist will your baby be able to forget about such an illness.

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