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Many of us have heard that chocolate is very good for the brain. Even a small piece of tile is enough to improve memory and concentration, which means you can successfully pass an exam or an important report. About which chocolates are most useful for the brain and why, you will learn from this article.

What does chocolate do to us?

To the question of whether chocolate is healthy, you can answer with firm certainty that yes. Dark dark chocolate is considered the healthiest because it contains the largest number natural cocoa beans.

It is noteworthy that during the Second World War, it was this confectionery product that was included in the diet of American soldiers. Bars with a similar recipe can be seen today on the shelves of supermarkets - these are the famous Hershey's bars.

To understand how chocolate affects the brain, scientists from around the world have conducted various experiments. As a result of the experiments, some curious facts were clarified.

  • Improved cognitive performance
    The ability to learn and good concentration is higher in those people who regularly consume chocolate in moderation. This is due to the flavonoids contained in cocoa beans. Even with chronic lack of sleep and overwork, this product allows you to activate brain activity and show good results on exams. In addition, flavonoids, when regularly taken into the body, can be considered a prophylactic against the development of dementia and other age-related changes in the brain.
  • Prevention of premature cell aging
    Chocolate is good for the brain due to its high content of antioxidants, which protect against the effects of free oxygen molecules. The effect of such molecules on the body is very destructive. Just as wrinkles appear with age, nerve cells are falling into disrepair. It is cocoa beans that neutralize the harm of oxygen molecules, prolonging the life of cells.
  • Mood boost
    Chocolate bar in a moment of sadness and irritability helps to restore a cheerful outlook on life. This happens due to the release of hormones of happiness - endorphins. The feeling of joy and euphoria quickly replaces sadness, and the person feels happier. Thanks to complex substance phenylethylamine contained in cocoa beans, sweet tooth even has a feeling of falling in love, since the effect of the substance on the brain while eating dessert is similar to meeting with a loved one.
  • Memory improvement
    Dark chocolate helps the brain improve short term memory and even increases the mental capacity of older people. It does this by increasing blood flow to the brain. British scientists have proven that during the first 2-3 hours after eating a confectionery, memory, concentration, reaction speed improve, quick wit increases in sweet tooth. That is why it is recommended to eat some high-quality chocolate before the exam in order to get the brain to work actively.

How to use it

Despite such an impressive effect from the use of this popular confectionery, you should not regard it as a panacea. Development of new complex types activities, reading popular science literature, talking to intellectuals - all this will have a better effect on the state of your brain than daily absorption of chocolate bars while watching a frivolous series.

Also pay attention to the quality and type of product used. It should be good dark chocolate in reasonable doses (several slices). Otherwise, a slight improvement in cognitive abilities will be blocked by the risk of developing diabetes and obesity.

Chocolate is the most delicious, fragrant and favorite treat for many of us.. Of course, in large quantities it can be harmful to the figure, but the beautiful half of chocolate lovers tries to forget about this so as not to spoil the pleasure, and, I must say, they do it right! After all, besides this, chocolate is also very, very useful.

However, today we will talk about how chocolate affects brain function. It is often said that chocolate promotes higher activity and is a good remedy for lack of sleep. This is true.

Moreover, this is confirmed not only by chocolate lovers, who discovered this property of their favorite dessert in practice, but also by respected researchers from the Reading Institute in England.

They did a very interesting test.

30 men and women between the ages of 18 and 25 agreed to this experiment, and this is what happened.

Their thought processes worked within the average range, none of them had any special intellectual inclinations or supernatural abilities.

So they were offered 40-50 grams of chocolate to track the effect of a fragrant dessert on brain activity.

It turned out that during the consumption of dark chocolate, their mental abilities increased by approximately 62–67%, which not only surprised, but also greatly pleased both the researchers and the participants in the experiment.

This effect lasted for about an hour., after which it began to gradually decrease and in three and a half hours the intellectual activity of the children became the same, exactly the same as before the experiment.

After some time, they were offered to taste the so beloved by many milk chocolate. And then it's time to get upset for those who love this sweet dairy treat- the same portion milk chocolate increased brain activity by 20–25%, And The effect lasted less than two hours., after which the indicator of mental activity of the experiment participants returned to their previous positions.

On the one hand - the catastrophic injustice of nature, but on the other - everything in a jiffy explained with scientific point vision.

Researched from Reading explained that brain activity is stimulated by increased blood flow to the brain, which is provided by an increase in the amount of flavanol in the body (flavanol is found in cocoa beans). In milk chocolate, these useful particles are much smaller, moreover, they are almost inactive, because they do not like the effects of milk, which is added (albeit in dry form) to each bar of milk chocolate.

During use milk chocolate mental activity increases exclusively thanks to carbohydrates, which also have the ability to stimulate the brain, although their effect is much lower, and for the figure they are, to be honest, dangerous.

However That's not all that scientists from Britain determined.

Beyond Stimulation mental abilities, flavanol, which is contained in cocoa, also improves eyesight, providing better blood flow to the retina. However, everything is a little more complicated here - thanks to chocolate, visual acuity does not improve (that is, you will not see further), but it is noticed clear improvement in visual clarity, especially useful in poor visibility– during twilight, in fog or snow.

A lot of people have mixed feelings about chocolate. On the one hand, this delicacy has certain beneficial properties for the body. But, on the other hand, its use can harm the figure or even health. These effects are more dependent on the amount of product consumed. But not everyone is aware that chocolate is good for the mind. How does this manifest itself and is it possible to substantiate this assertion?

Is it really that useful?

Compelling Evidence

American researchers conducted a study in which 60 elderly people (about 70 years old) took part. Some of them had impaired blood supply to the brain and decreased reaction speed and memory. Participants ate a serving of hot chocolate daily. Other cocoa products were banned.

As a result of the experiment, participants with brain disorders caught up with the rest in terms of memory and reaction. And the performance of the brain increased by 65-70% in comparison with the previous ones.

What is it that has affected the brain? Chocolate contains a large number of glucose and caffeine, which effectively stimulate the brain. But not only.

Which variety is better

Each type of chocolate has its own merits. But only dark classic chocolate is good for the mind. It contains more than 60% cocoa (80-90% in dark chocolate), rich in vegetable protein and serves as an excellent "diet" for the brain. Essential oils contained in cocoa, have tonic properties, relieve fatigue. Dark chocolate is equally effective both in bars and hot.

In milk and white chocolate, this substance is much less, so they are not suitable for brain nutrition. And there is a lot of sugar in them, which is fraught with caries, obesity, and diabetes.

How does it affect

This wonderful dessert improves thinking processes by:

  • expansion of cerebral vessels,
  • activating the supply of oxygen to the brain,
  • nourishing the brain tissue with phosphorus,
  • blocking blood clotting in the heart.

Those who doubt whether chocolate is good for the mind should know that it is positively involved in such a process as neurovascular communication. The blood flow in the brain tissues depends on its quality due to activity in some areas.

Neurologists consider the neurovascular connection to be critical in the development of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. This is explained by the fact that with a weakened neurovascular connection, some areas of the brain do not receive sufficient blood supply.

anti aging agent

  • improve blood supply to organs
  • normalize the central nervous system,
  • equalize blood pressure
  • remove antioxidants.

These qualitative changes in the body actively contribute to intellectual activity and the fight against aging. A few pieces of quality chocolate will improve your memory and increase your ability to counteract stress.

After overwork or as a result of lack of sleep, brain activity is weakened or disturbed. In this situation, dark chocolate will come in handy. It helps keep the mind clear and memory sharp.

Chocolate serves as a means of preventing strokes and heart attacks, preventing the development of blood clots. Therefore, it is not bad if you always have a chocolate for the mind with you. But if you have already had a stroke, the use of this product will speed up the recovery of mental activity.

Other useful components

From the point of view of a positive effect on the brain, the valuable ingredients of chocolate are:

  • stearic acid cleanses blood vessels,
  • phenols strengthen circulatory system, counteracting the deposition of cholesterol formations on the walls of blood vessels (which serves as a good protection
  • from atherosclerosis), magnesium controls cellular metabolism, sharpens memory, increases immunity activity.

If you consume 50 g of bitter dark chocolate every day, then the overall aging of the body as a whole, and the quality of the brain in particular, will decrease. But at the same time, one should not forget about feasible physical activity. Due to the calorie content of chocolate, weight problems can arise.

Chocolate is everyone's favorite delicacy, which can be not only amazingly tasty, but also incredibly useful, valuable for the human brain. What is its effectiveness, benefit? This question was sorted out by scientists who were able to conduct a number of studies. Scientists from Harvard were able to come to a unanimous opinion, those people who eat quality and good chocolate, live a year longer than their peers, which is good news. Oddly enough, but it contains powerful antioxidants that can protect the human brain from early aging and diseases. In addition to all this, it contains some psychotropic substances, which significantly improve a person’s well-being, and also positively affect his emotional background.

Beneficial features

The fact that chocolate is good for the brain is no secret. However, it is worth understanding what exactly chocolate is useful and important for the brain. To begin with, it is worth remembering that acne appears all over the face from chocolate, as some citizens claim. This opinion is nothing more than a myth, because it is impossible, unless, of course, a person has an allergic reaction to such a product. A simple conclusion can be drawn, if a person has skin problems, then the reasons include an unbalanced diet, restructuring hormonal background but not chocolate!

As for good, high-quality chocolate, it is able to increase a person’s working capacity, charge him with a huge portion of energy and vivacity. That is why, if you have to work throughout the night, then you do not need to drink harmful energetic drinks, it is enough to stock up on a bar of good dark chocolate, but not white or milk chocolate. Based on this statement, you should know which chocolate is good for both the brain and the central nervous system. Do not forget that it improves mood, because it contains the same components as in marijuana, but in minimum quantities. In this case, if you need to say goodbye to depression, then one dessert bar will come to the rescue!

Thanks to unique properties, this delicacy is considered excellent remedy for the prevention of stroke, heart attack. Helps prevent the formation of blood clots, which became known thanks to the research of American scientists.

It is important to know that forty grams of a quality treat contains many more antioxidants than one glass of red wine. We can safely say that it helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and fats, which greatly facilitates the laborious process of losing weight. As for the immediate benefit to human brain, then a few pieces of sweetness improves memory, increases resistance to stressful situations. That's why it's good to eat some quality treats before exams, interviews, and various speeches. Great for colds, fatigue and lack of sleep.

According to Japanese scientists, it is worth eating about thirty grams of chocolate daily, this will help you protect yourself from peptic ulcer, oncology and atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that the product prevents the formation of cholesterol in the vessels. That is why nutritionists recommend eating dark chocolate, as it can even help you lose weight. Interestingly, even developed special diets, because the delicacy contains caffeine, which causes weight loss, activation of metabolism.

Interestingly, one bar of a good dessert can be the best alternative to several Viagra pills. According to Casanova, such a dessert significantly increases sensuality. Scientists have found that chocolate has a stimulating effect on the female sex.

Many people think that chocolate is a powerful allergen, but this is another stupid misconception. To be precise, such a delicacy only increases the allergy to other products, but does not provoke it on its own.

Thus, chocolate is not only tasty, but also healthy. But it still needs to be eaten correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and effect. Do not rush to immediately chew the next piece, this is wrong and stupid. First of all, put a piece on the tongue, close your eyes and do not rush to chew, it is best to dissolve. Bon appetit!

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