Home roses Pharmacy alcohol tincture. Tinctures to have in your first aid kit. Drug addiction of Belarusian pensioners

Pharmacy alcohol tincture. Tinctures to have in your first aid kit. Drug addiction of Belarusian pensioners

We are so used to grabbing a bottle of drops from a pharmacy that we don’t even doubt: they will only bring benefits. But is it really so?

The burden of lightness

Before the eyes of many colleagues of the design bureau, the tragedy of the intelligent, educated 45-year-old Elena, a clever and beautiful woman, unfolded. She was so responsible, so rooted for her work and cared for her family and children, that she often broke down, unable to withstand the endless tension, stress and emotional stress. To control herself, the woman began to drip valerian, hawthorn and motherwort in alcohol to calm her down. Before important events, she relieved stress with these means. And at first, no one noticed her problems.

But trouble happened - her son got into a car accident, received numerous fractures, miraculously survived. In a small dose, drops quickly ceased to help. Elena is firmly addicted to “light” over-the-counter drugs from a pharmacy. Lost her job. She was treated by narcologists. Now with great difficulty returning to normal life.

People grab hold of the “bubble” for various reasons. Someone to calm the heart, and someone after a heavy drinking bout. There are those who switch to such tinctures after giving up drugs. Former drug addicts lose sleep for a long time, so they find salvation in high doses of sedatives on alcohol and phenobarbital.

Pharmacy alcoholism: early in the morning

Moreover, these funds are very affordable. In any round-the-clock pharmacy, even at night, it is not a problem to purchase all kinds of medicinal infusions of hawthorn, St. miracle cure for all diseases. But this is the same alcohol, only in a more attractive shell, which is not particularly advertised. Although the use of herbal tinctures prescribed by a specialist in the prescribed dosage can be a help to the main therapy, their consumption in uncontrolled quantities is unacceptable: in addition to alcohol intoxication, accumulation of the active substance in the body can occur, which is very dangerous.

The pharmacy in the metropolitan microdistrict Uruchcha-6 is located in the same building as the store. It is very convenient for residents of nearby courtyards - in one fell swoop you can stock up on groceries and grab something for health. But the administration of the supermarket, probably, such a neighborhood is not to their liking. Quite an extensive wine and vodka department suffers losses. The well-known public with proudly raised heads passes by the hospitably open doors and counters filled with bottles, rushing to a green sign with a white cross. A citizen urgently needs to improve his health after a sleepless night, but wet bills clenched in a fist are not enough even for a “scoundrel” of vodka. But on a bottle of alcohol-containing tincture - completely.

The trash can on the porch is full of mini-glass containers. 40-year-old Nikolai leaves the pharmacy and immediately “recovers” with the help of the contents of a dark glass bottle, as they say, without leaving the cash register. Catches my reproachful glance.

This is the medicine, - he is trying to humor. It can be seen that the interlocutor did not solve the moral dilemma for himself yesterday. - Yes, and how much I drank, just a gram! You do not think, I'm not a "bruise" some finished. Well, I can’t go into the cafeteria now and buy “invigorating” goods there - I live here half my life, all the sellers know me ...

It is a shame for a person to fall into the category of alcoholics, so it is “encrypted”. I must say, quite effective. Nicholas is neatly dressed, clean-shaven. And it reeks of him not with a suffocating fumes, but with that very pharmacy - quite pleasantly and a little sympathetically. Taking a breath, he makes the final “volley”, carefully placing the bottle near the overflowing trash can.

"Lamivit". Volume - 100 ml. Those who really want to heal will certainly be interested in the copper complex of chlorophyll included in the preparation and, for example, vitamin A. Nikolay is more interested in the accompanying ingredients - 95 percent alcohol and a flavor that hides its smell. Lemonade, and more!

The morning dose of "Lamivit" specifically for Nikolai is one bottle. Roughly speaking, half a bottle of vodka costs only 12 thousand rubles.

In the center, there will probably be more of them. Especially where duty pharmacies work around the clock. Demonstrates an assortment especially revered by locals - in addition to the popular “Lamivit”, hawthorn tincture beckons with its degree (70%) at 8 thousand rubles per 50 ml. Here, over-the-counter alcohol-containing bottles of motherwort, calendula, sold without a doctor's prescription:

- Do not even look for “Muscovy”. We don't hold. I only heard from colleagues that now they sell out in whole packages.

What is Muscovy? The Internet provides comprehensive information. Relatively new brand. 100 milliliters of almost pure alcohol (96%) can be bought at a price of just over 12 thousand rubles. The popularity of the tincture is also given by the official definition - “balm”, which for some is firmly associated with a delicious alcoholic drink.

No special stigma

Psychiatrist-narcologist Vyacheslav Petrov, who for many years saved people after hard drinking, says:

Based on my experience of working with patients who are addicted to alcohol, I will say: when a person smells of alcohol, others look at him disapprovingly. And if with heart drops, then with undisguised sympathy, they say, he feels bad. Many of those who drink these tinctures are still working, socially active, they are not allowed to appear at work "under a degree", and even more so to drink at the workplace. In uncontrolled quantities, these drugs are used by people who are already dependent on alcohol. They are not particularly different from the rest. Such lovers, as a rule, need at least a couple of bottles to feel intoxicated, and to eliminate the discomfort of withdrawal, one bottle is enough, sometimes even on the way to work.

Since the cost of alcohol is low, pharmaceutical companies make good profits, and pharmacies are also not at a loss. People seem to be treated, but the therapeutic power of these drugs is very insignificant, says Vyacheslav Petrov. If a flavoring agent, identical, for example, to valerian or hawthorn, is added to alcohol, the effect for such “sick people” will be the same. Because for people who use these drugs in bottles, and not in drops, the main thing is the degree. For those who want to be treated, there is an alternative - for example, drugs in tablet form containing an extract of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, etc. prescription, as well as expert, informed work to clarify this question: what is the therapeutic efficacy of these tinctures? Or maybe they have long been morally obsolete as medicines?

Depending on the drop

I agree with my colleague and psychiatrist-narcologist, head of the 4th narcological department of the Minsk City Clinical Narcological Dispensary Valery Kravets, in whose practice there are a lot of memorable cases:

Every week we get at least 2-3 people who abuse such tinctures. Many of these patients are women. They all want to get rid of addiction, but such treatment is a difficult and lengthy process, because it is a chronic mental illness. Such poor fellows are usually trembling and chills, sweating pestering, their hearts are pounding, blood pressure jumps.

Here are some drops for you! It would seem that they are bad? The problem is that a person who seeks salvation in such funds for alcohol is waiting for a permanent effect. At first, this is how it happens - even a small dose that works for only a few hours helps, and then the number of drops has to be increased.

Unlike drug addiction, such addiction unwinds more slowly, which is why people do not notice changes in their condition, explains Valery Kravets. However, if we compare alcohol and alcohol tinctures, then addiction develops faster with sedatives due to the side effects of seemingly harmless herbs. After excessive doses, people experience apathy and anxiety, and more severe than after drinking alcoholic beverages.

The doctor recalled a case from practice, how a respectable family - husband, son and daughter - brought their mother, a very beautiful and well-groomed woman, for treatment. She was so hurt that she was not given a new role in the theater that she often began to take “drop by drop”. Lack of demand in the profession sowed depression, depression and despondency. The woman was plagued by exhausting insomnia. At first, the actress drank motherwort and hawthorn, but later got hooked on barboval to sleep. Her eyes dimmed, her skin became pale. The lady looked so unimportant that it was immediately noticed in the theater. There were problems at work. With the existing role in the play had to say goodbye.

Psychiatrists had a chance to work with this woman twice. The first time the treatment did not go smoothly, the second time it was more successful. For a year and a half, the former patient has not asked for help. And although there is an opinion that female alcoholism is more difficult to treat, specialists achieve the best results with patients, because they are more motivated to save their families, not to lose children and work, and also beauty, which is also very important for them.

But still, more often these funds, like a needle, are used by people with physical and mental health already destroyed by alcohol, poorly provided for, sighs Valery Kravets.

More dangerous than vodka

Even more insidious are barbiturates, which quickly become addictive. And not alcohol, but barbituric acid, which they contain. In the former USSR, very strong traditions of self-treatment and low confidence in official medicine have developed, resulting in a huge consumption of over-the-counter drugs containing phenobarbital, - Professor Roman Evsegneev, head of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, is concerned about the current situation. - These are Corvalol, Valocardin, Valoserdin, Barboval, Andipal and others.

Meanwhile, phenobarbital causes euphoria. After 10-15 minutes after taking, relaxation, lethargy, slight intoxication occurs. And if you drown your troubles in a glass of these drops over and over again, a disease appears that is heavier than anxiety itself - dependence on barbiturates.

When elderly people constantly calm their hearts with the help of these drugs, they lose the ability to know the world, their memory weakens, and coordination of movements also decreases and the risk of falls increases, the professor continues. Is that why old people are so often pursued by injuries? And that's not it! There is a kind of hangover, as in patients with alcoholism, which is washed down with a new portion of phenobarbital. Therefore, it is very difficult for many people to refuse these funds.

However, these drugs, which become the first remedy for anxiety and depression, are cheap and available in every pharmacy. But the fact that they quickly cause addiction, addiction and dependence in a large number of people is known only to specialists. Therefore, the population both drank valocordin, corvalol, etc., and drinks. And in large quantities! Think about the numbers: in 2007, 2008, in 2009, more than 1.5 million packs of Corvalol were sold per year in our country. The listed drugs are among the top ten in sales, states the scientist-practitioner. Barbiturates have not been used in Western Europe for almost half a century. It is impossible to imagine that a German, a Frenchman or an Englishman, who had a heart attack, grabbed a vial of such drops. People there know that it is extremely dangerous.

All specialists who have to work, treat and save people addicted to alcohol, tinctures and phenobarbital are unanimous in their opinion: it's time to put a barrier in the way of these drugs. It is necessary to include medicines containing ethyl alcohol and phenobarbital in their composition in the list of drugs dispensed strictly according to doctor's prescriptions. Such a measure will hit the uncontrolled sales of tinctures sharply.


Mikhail Kevra, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Belarusian State Medical University:

- Near the building of the institution where I work, there are several pharmacies. This spring, when the snow melted, the entire territory adjacent to them was dotted with empty vials from tinctures for alcohol. Vodka is expensive, moonshine is illegal, and pharmacy alcohol is pure, unlike cologne, which is why such products are popular among drunkards.

By the way, both hawthorn and motherwort can seriously affect health. Hawthorn is used in small quantities as an antiarrhythmic, sedative heart remedy. If you exceed the dose, it will have a toxic effect on the heart muscle. And with prolonged use in large doses, slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure, which is also dangerous.

Motherwort and valerian have a more pronounced calming effect than hawthorn. After taking, for example, valerian tincture, the muscles relax very much. A man drank today, and tomorrow he has to go. Not knowing this, he gets behind the wheel. Since the muscles are relaxed, his reaction will be slow. Such a driver is dangerous for all road users.

These tinctures should only be taken at the recommended dose. But how many read the instructions? In the EU countries, such funds are also released. Somewhere they are sold by prescription, somewhere freely. But in the West, things are different. And we love to self-medicate, we prescribe drugs for ourselves, without thinking about the consequences. And this often ends badly, which everyone needs to be reminded of.

Anna Blazhko, pensioner:

- Such means should be in free sale. Normal people, not alcoholics and drunkards, cannot suffer because of drinkers. For example, I prepare myself a cocktail of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort on alcohol, which I occasionally drink to calm down, with a rapid heartbeat. Do we really have to run for a prescription to the doctor, waste time in line because of each bottle?

In my opinion, the pharmacist sees who he sells sedatives to, and can refuse those who want to get drunk. But this does not happen, because pharmacies benefit from increased sales, they are interested in making a profit.

Useful tinctures that you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy

1. Pepper tincture (on red hot pepper).

It is used externally as an irritating and distracting agent for rubbing with neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis, sciatica, or with freezing, coughing, rheumatism, backache.

2. Tincture of birch buds.

It is used inside 15-20 drops in water for indigestion, stomach ulcers, as well as for dropsy caused by inflammation of the kidneys, for all other types of kidney suffering, against small worms, for skin diseases, for rheumatism, colds, flu, hemorrhoids , gout, hiccups, etc. Take 20 gr. dry birch buds per 500 gr. vodka or 60% alcohol. Insist, strain, squeeze. Take orally from 15 drops to 1/2 teaspoon in water before meals.
Externally, the tincture is used to treat wounds, ulcers, acne, cuts, bedsores, rheumatism, gout, joint pain as rubbing, compresses, lotions. Kidney tincture, diluted with water 1:10, is used as a rub into the scalp to fix the hair.

3. Tincture of calendula, sophora, eucalyptus (any of the listed tinctures).

It is used orally 20 drops 2-3 times a day for: Hypertension (course of 3 weeks or more), gastrointestinal diseases, headache, rickets, cancer, insomnia, cardiac arrhythmias, shortness of breath, as a choleretic agent, to strengthen the general well-being. Calendula tincture quickly eliminates inflammation, purulent discharge from wounds and ulcerative processes and significantly accelerates tissue regeneration and wound healing. Externally used as a lotion and lubrication of wounds, ulcers, burns, acne, scratches, cuts. Gives good results in diseases of the mouth, throat (rinse, dilute with water). For eye diseases (barley, blepharitis, conjunctivitis) - lotions, rubbing. For these purposes, the tincture is diluted with water 1:10. Good results are obtained by the use of tincture of calendula in gynecological practice (for ulcers, erosion of the cervix and whites). Dilute with water 1:10 and make compresses, sprays, etc.

4. Sophora tincture.

It is applied orally from 10 drops to 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day. It is used to prevent internal bleeding of various origins, in particular in the brain and heart, retina; with angina pectoris, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, sclerotic degeneration of the walls of blood vessels, with kidney diseases, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with gastritis and ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, liver disease, typhus, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, worms, toxic capillary hemorrhages origin (poisoning with arsenic preparations, salicylates) - simultaneously with vitamin "c", tuberculosis in the early stage, kidney disease.
It is applied externally in the treatment of burns of the 1st and 2nd degree, healing is observed within 5-6 days, with burns of the 3rd degree, gradual scarring of chronic ulcers is observed. The tincture has an analgesic effect on bruises, minor injuries, wounds, furunculosis and carbuncles, skin tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, chronic dry pleurisy, is successfully used for scaly lichen, barley on the eyelids, fungal diseases, eczema, frostbite, etc. Lubrication of the scalp with a 5-10% aqueous solution of sophora helps to stop hair loss. Sophora is used for washing purulent cavities, irrigation of wounds. Applying napkins and tampons soaked in sophora tincture, with trophic ulcers, with breasts (mastitis), etc.
Method of preparation: Pour fresh fruits (beans) of Sophora with 56% alcohol in a ratio of 1:1 (weight ratio). Insist 21 days in a dark place. Strain, squeeze. Apply as above. Dry fruits insist on vodka in a ratio of 1:2. Insist and use the same way. Store the tincture in a dark, dry, cool place.

5. Tincture of eucalyptus.

It has antimalarial, expectorant, strong antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory action. It is used orally for various coughs, diseases of the respiratory system, malaria, acute gastric diseases, influenza, colds. Apply tincture inside 15-20 drops per 1/4 cup of boiled cooled water 3 times a day. Externally, the tincture is used for rinsing and inhalation in diseases of the throat and respiratory tract (tonsillitis, laryngitis, runny nose, tracheitis, catarrhal and putrefactive bronchitis, lung abscesses). The tincture is used for washings and lotions, with purulent ulcers, erysipelas, abscesses, phlegmon, purulent mastitis and some purulent skin diseases. For douching with erosion and ulcers of the uterus. To do this, 1 teaspoon of tincture is diluted in 1 cup of boiled, slightly warm water. The tincture is used for rubbing with sciatica, neuralgia and rheumatic pains.

6. Tincture of biostimulants.

Ginseng, golden root, lemongrass, Manchurian aralia, zamaniha, eleutherococcus (any of the listed tinctures). Use these tinctures for general weakness, after surgery, exhaustion, shortness of breath, pulmonary tuberculosis, prolonging the life of people working with increased mental and physical stress, with overwork, with various forms of neuroses, anemia, with increased sexual impotence, to improve metabolism.
Take 3 to 20 drops 3 times a day. Morning and afternoon before meals. It is advisable to take these tinctures in the cold season, because taking these drugs in the summertime causes an increased blood flow to the head and heart. Tinctures of biostimulants are contraindicated in: severe cases of hypertension with severe sclerotic changes in the vessels of the heart and brain, with fever and severe bleeding.

Stories from our readers

She saved her family from a terrible curse. My Serezha has not been drinking for a year. We struggled with his addiction for a long time and unsuccessfully tried a bunch of remedies during those long 7 years when he started drinking. But we did it, and it's all thanks to...

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Different types of alcoholic tinctures are considered to be the “most Russian” alcohol. In the vastness of the omniscient Internet, you can find several versions of the origin of this product. It is widely believed that tinctures in Russia began to be prepared around the 10th century. Moreover, according to the legend, the first Russian tincture was made by a certain Erofey. True, initially he tried to make a drink from mint, anise and nuts according to an old oriental recipe, but in the end he got a completely different one, which, however, the Russians liked so much that they massively began to prepare tinctures. Other researchers claim that Erofey lived in the 18th century, was fond of Chinese medicine, and borrowed the recipe for the tincture named after himself from Eastern healers. It is said that Erofei cured Count Orlov of a stomach ailment with his tincture. There is a third version of the emergence of erofeich. In some regions of Russia, St. John's wort, which is part of the drink, was called erofei. Hence the name of the drink. Yerofeich tincture is still loved by many today, but this product is far from the only and not the most unique in this group of drinks.

What is an alcoholic tincture

Many perceive tinctures solely as a drug, meanwhile this is not entirely true. Tincture is one of the most popular drinks in the world.

Today, different countries claim to be the homeland of this product, and many have their own national recipes. Around the 17th century, a new fashionable trend swept through Europe: in the house of every nobleman there had to be a rich bar, consisting of drinks with different tastes. As a rule, these were tinctures. They, as today, were prepared from medicinal herbs, all kinds of roots, berries and fruit peels.

Tincture is a type of alcoholic beverage rich in essential oils and biologically active substances. Depending on the composition, tinctures can be bitter (so-called bitters), sweet (although not as much as liqueurs) or semi-sweet. The raw materials for bitters are different herbs, seeds, seeds, roots, flowers, bark or leaves of plants. This type of drink contains no more than 1% sugar. Interestingly, initially bitter booze was used exclusively for medicinal purposes. Today, this type of alcohol is a very popular component of various cocktails.

In semi-sweet tinctures, the percentage of sugar can reach from 2 to 5 units. Sweet drinks are usually prepared from fruit juice, citric acid and sugar syrup or honey. The sweetness of such a drink is measured by 20 percent. The alcohol component is pure, or.

Tinctures can be either single or multi-component. The most complex drink recipes contain up to several dozens of both fresh and dried ingredients. In addition, tinctures based on reptiles are common in the East.

Tincture not pouring

Even experienced alcohol lovers often confuse tinctures with liqueurs. Although both drinks have some similarities, there are significant differences between them. Pouring is a sweet alcohol that is made exclusively from fruits or berries. Hence the first fundamental difference - a large amount of sugar. If in liqueurs the sweet part is 28-40%, then in tinctures - from 2% (in bitters) to a maximum of 30% (in sweet varieties). The second fundamental difference between drinks is in the fortress. Sweet liqueurs are softer and never reach more than 20 degrees, while the classic tincture is a 40-, and often 45-degree drink. In addition, there are some differences in the technology of beverage production.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

For many years I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM. It's scary when a craving for alcohol destroys a person's life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and their husbands' wives. It is young people who often become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to health.

It turns out that a drinking family member can be saved, and this can be done in secret from him. Today we will talk about a new natural remedy Alcolock, which turned out to be incredibly effective, and also participates in the Healthy Nation federal program, thanks to which until July 24th.(inclusive) the remedy can be obtained IS FREE!

What is the use

If the tincture is prepared correctly, and consumed in small quantities, then this drink can be quite beneficial to health. The healing effect of the product directly depends on the components used for its preparation. Most bitters have a beneficial effect on the immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. The use of herbal tinctures in a small amount can be useful for hematopoiesis, as well as for the prevention of colds.

Cooking at home

There are hundreds of recipes for homemade tinctures, the taste and strength of which depends on the ingredients used and the aging time of the drink. As a rule, the drink is infused for 14 days to 6 weeks, but always away from direct sunlight. In the process of infusion, it is important to periodically shake the vessel with the contents. In addition, it is important that all raw materials are covered with alcohol, and no air enters the jar.

If you plan to prepare a tincture from fresh plants, then they should be crushed beforehand so that the juice comes out. To prepare this type of drink, the vessel in which the tincture will be kept is filled with raw materials by 2/3 or 3/4 (but do not tamp). If dried herbs serve as the basis, then they can fill half the jar in which the drink will be prepared. For a more concentrated raw material product, it will take longer (about 3/4 of the vessel).

You should also grind fresh bark, roots or berries before infusion. In this case, the vessel is filled with raw materials by half or a third. The same components, but in dried form, will need a little less (from a quarter to a third of the vessel in which the drink will be kept), since when wet, they will almost double in volume.

After 6 weeks, the finished tincture should be strained through cheesecloth and poured into a dark glass bottle. If the finished drink is stored in a dark, cool place, for example, in a cellar, then it will not lose its gastronomic and medicinal properties for many years.

Most popular tinctures


This bitters, rich in essential oils, was a favorite aperitif of the Russian nobility. Interestingly, in the old days, each landowner had his own proprietary recipe for making erofeich, which was kept in the strictest confidence. But still, the researchers "dug up" one of the most ancient tincture recipes.

To prepare a classic erofeich, you will need 1 part of wormwood, 5 parts of St. John's wort, peppermint and chamomile, as well as 10 parts of crushed galangal root and the same amount of anise. Of course, you can add other herbs, thereby creating your own unique recipe. But what is better not to change is the strength of the drink. A real erofeich should be at least 60% alcohol (vodka is not suitable for infusion).

Another version of Erofeich provides for a richer composition. Per liter of vodka take 0.5 g of cardamom and anise, as well as 2 g of flowers of hawthorn, apple, pear, yarrow, thyme, St. John's wort, sage, wormwood, oregano. The same number of young leaves of strawberries, lemon balm, lovage.

Krambambulya is a honey tincture traditional for Belarusians. Presumably this recipe was invented in the XVIII century. In those distant times, only the nobility could taste this fragrant, but then very expensive tincture.

A drink is prepared from 3 tablespoons of liquid honey (ideally flower or buckwheat), 3 black peppercorns and the same amount of allspice, 1 cinnamon stick, 3 clove buds and 1 pinch of ground nutmeg. Spices pour 0.5 liters of vodka and 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and then insist for 10-14 days. The finished tincture is filtered into a dark bottle and stored in the cellar.


Sweet and spicy nut tincture is today considered the national drink of the Croats, meanwhile this drink was known even to the Celts. Orahovac is made from unripe walnuts, which, according to Croatian tradition, should be harvested on June 23rd. It is important to take nuts, the skin of which is still easily pierced with a fingernail. According to ancient tradition, orahovac is prepared exclusively from an odd number of fruits (small - 21, larger - 11). Each fruit is cut into 4 parts and pour 1 liter of vodka. They insist 40 days, after which the drink is diluted with water, sweetened, corked and kept in the basement at least until December 25th. Nut tincture is usually used as a digestif.


This is a traditional Ukrainian tincture of vodka and spices. The classic drink recipe consists of 1 liter of vodka, 30 g of vanilla, 20 g of nutmeg and 10 g of saffron, cloves and cinnamon. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks, then sugar is added and heated over low heat. After cooling, strain and bottle for storage.


This is one of the most famous tinctures. It is prepared from fresh horseradish root ground in a meat grinder and vodka. For a liter of alcohol, you need 6 tablespoons of gruel and no more than 6 tablespoons of honey. Infuse in a cool place for three days, periodically shaking the vessel. Then drain part of the liquid without sediment, and close the rest hermetically and store in a dark container.

This tincture not only has delicious gastronomic characteristics, but also has many beneficial substances derived from berries. To prepare cranberries, you must first grind the berries with sugar (take 200 g of each ingredient), and then add 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse the drink for at least 20 days.

Hawthorn tincture

The classic hawthorn tincture does not even remotely resemble the one sold in pharmacies today. But the classic drink is easy to make on your own. For 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, take 1 cup of dry berries, 1 cinnamon stick, a pinch of vanilla and 1 tablespoon of honey. The ingredients (with the exception of honey) are poured with alcohol and infused for 25 days. Honey melted in a water bath is added to an already filtered drink. In dark bottles, the finished product can be stored for about 3 years.


Lemon tincture, traditional for the inhabitants of the Apennines, can be prepared without much difficulty in our latitudes. All you need for limoncello is the zest of 10 lemons and a liter of vodka. The tincture is kept for 10 days in the dark. Then, chilled syrup from 3 glasses of water and the same amount of sugar should be added to the container with the lemon-alcohol mixture. After that, the mixture is kept for another 2 days in the refrigerator and poured into a dark container for storage.

Our readers write

Topic: Self cured her husband of alcoholism

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To whom: Site administration site

For 20 years she suffered from her husband's alcoholism. At first it was harmless gatherings with friends. Soon it became permanent, the husband began to disappear in the garage with his drinking buddies.

And here is my story

Once in the winter I almost froze to death there, because. was so drunk that he could not get home, it was lucky that my daughter and I felt something was wrong, we went to the garage, and he was lying near the half-open door. And it was -17 degrees! Somehow they dragged him home and steamed the bath. They called an ambulance several times, all the time I thought that this time would be the last ... Many times I thought about filing for divorce, but I endured everything ...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. literally dragged her husband out of the world. He's quit drinking forever and I'm pretty sure he'll never start drinking again. For the last 2 years he has been working tirelessly in the country, growing tomatoes, and I sell them in the market. Aunts are surprised how I managed to wean my husband from drinking. And he apparently feels guilty for ruining half of my life, and so he works tirelessly, almost carries me in his arms, helps around the house, in general, not a husband, but a piece of gold.

Who wants to wean their relatives from drinking or wants to give up alcohol himself, take 5 minutes and read, I am 100% sure it will help you!


The uniqueness of the tincture is in its Christmas tree aroma and tart taste, reminiscent of gin. The basis of the future drink can be exclusively blue berries of the common juniper, the fruits of other plant varieties are poisonous. You can determine the edibility of juniper berries by the number of seeds inside: in poisonous species there are two, in edible ones - three. For 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, you will need 12 dried berries, lemon zest, sugar or honey to taste, and about half a glass of water. Sweetener and water are already added to the finished tincture in order to bring down the degree and improve the taste of the drink. Insist drinking for at least 14 days.

On oak bark and berries

The drink prepared according to this recipe turns out to be of a noble cognac color, and resembles in taste and aroma. A drink is prepared from pure vodka without additives. For 1 liter of alcohol take 2 tsp. oak bark, 10 rose hips, 40 hawthorn berries, 4 cloves (without caps), a pinch of nutmeg, 1 tsp. black tea, 1 tbsp. l. honey, a little vanilla. Mix all the ingredients, tightly close the vessel and infuse at room temperature for 30 days. Strain, pour into dark glass vessels. In this form, the drink can be stored for about 5 years.

Any tincture without much effort and time is easy to prepare at home. As a result, it will be possible to create a chic home bar with your own hands, no worse than that of European nobles several centuries ago, and surprise guests with exquisite unique home-made drinks. But do not forget that tincture is strong alcohol, the abuse of which can give very undesirable consequences.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones are somehow suffering from alcoholism.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for alcoholism. The verdict is:

All drugs, if they gave, then only a temporary result, as soon as the reception was stopped, the craving for alcohol increased sharply.

The only drug that has given a significant result is Alcolock.

The main advantage of this drug is that it once and for all removes cravings for alcohol without a hangover. In addition, he colorless and odorless, i.e. to cure a patient of alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of medicine to tea or any other drink or food.

In addition, now there is a promotion, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get Alcolock - IS FREE!

Attention! Cases of sale of counterfeit drug Alcolock have become more frequent.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, when ordering on the official website, you receive a money back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of medicinal tinctures

The power of medicinal plants has been studied by mankind to a sufficient extent. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, we use the tops and roots of a wide variety of vegetation. Roots and herbs, stems and fruits, inflorescences and juice. Grind, dry, cook, insist. Of particular interest are alcoholic tinctures of medicinal herbs and fruits. For their preparation, alcohol of various strengths and directly vegetable raw materials are used. Ready-made tincture can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself, it is only important to follow the technology.

Properly prepared tinctures have the aroma and taste of medicinal raw materials, transparent in appearance, but extremely strong. In its pure form, tinctures are used less frequently and mainly externally. For internal use, 15-20 drops of tincture are diluted in several tablespoons of cold, but previously boiled water.

Alcohol, being an excellent solvent, removes all its benefits from medicinal raw materials. Depending on the strength of the alcohol, tinctures may store more or less. The strength of the tincture does not affect anything else. Unless for ease of use inside. The concentration of the medicinal component in the final product of different strengths is usually the same. The optimal strength of tinctures is considered “vodka” - it is stored well and tastes acceptable, especially when diluted with a small amount of water, as is usually done.

At its core, medicinal tinctures are a concentrate of a medicinal preparation, which is conveniently stored and can be harvested for future use. The average shelf life of alcohol tinctures 40-60 ° is 2-3 years.

The benefits of medicinal tinctures are completely determined by the healing properties of the plant in their basis:

  • alcohol tinctures for colds - from garlic, propolis, raspberries, honey;
  • alcohol tinctures for immunity and general tone - from eleutherococcus, echinacea;
  • alcohol tinctures for diseases of the respiratory tract - from Rhodiola rosea, ginger root, coniferous plants;
  • alcohol tinctures to improve digestion - from meadow clover, royal jelly;
  • alcohol tinctures for the cardiovascular system - from hawthorn, motherwort, yarrow;
  • alcohol tinctures for skin diseases - from propolis, celandine, calendula;
  • alcohol tinctures to relieve stress and strengthen the nervous system - from valerian, lavender, mint.

Any medicinal tinctures have an antiseptic effect due to the content of not so much the main medicinal component as alcohol. It disinfects and disinfects.

A clear advantage of tinctures in comparison with other forms of use of medicinal herbs (for example, decoctions and infusions on water) is a small dimension. Instead of a glass of medicinal decoction, for the same effect, it is enough to take a couple of drops of tincture diluted with a spoonful of water.

As for the disadvantages of alcohol tinctures, it is necessary to understand:

  • although we dilute them with water, it is still alcohol, and therefore it is not recommended for oral intake by children and pregnant women;
  • alcohol tinctures should not be abused and used uncontrollably;
  • it is better not to prepare alcohol tinctures yourself if there is no confidence in the quality of the raw materials or an understanding of the preparation technology.

Ready medicinal tinctures

In pharmacy kiosks you can buy ready-made medicinal tinctures. In some pharmacies, where medicines are prepared according to the buyer's prescription, you can also prepare alcohol tinctures on any necessary component.

However, the most popular ready-made tinctures include:

  • having a tonic and stimulating effect - ginseng root, magnolia vine, rhodiola, leuzea; insist on 70% ethyl alcohol, in the ratio of raw materials and alcohol 1:10; applied 15-25 drops 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • sedatives for insomnia, neuroses, cardiovascular and digestive disorders - valerian, motherwort, passionflower; insist on 70% ethyl alcohol, in the ratio of raw materials and alcohol 1:5; applied 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • increasing appetite and promoting digestion - wormwood, birch buds; applied 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day;
  • anti-inflammatory and healing - calendula, eucalyptus; used topically according to the recipe.

Medicinal tinctures are made by pharmaceutical industries in three ways - maceration, percolation, dissolution of extracts.

Maceration is a banal insistence of herbs on alcohol. In order for the process to be most complete, and the plant to give all its benefits to the tincture, in industrial conditions, dynamic maceration is carried out, aimed at the circulation of alcohol, dividing the raw material into portions, vortex mixing of the plant mass, the use of a special centrifuge and sonication.

Percolation is the continuous filtration of the extractant through the plant layer. A perculator device is used, through which an extract of the herb is obtained, and then the latter is dissolved in alcohol to the desired concentration.

An important point in the preparation of tinctures in industrial conditions is to purify the final product. To do this, it is kept at a certain temperature and driven through special filters.

Recipes for homemade medicinal tinctures

Making medicinal tinctures at home is very popular. This is convenient, since we ourselves can adjust the strength of the medicine, choose plant materials with certain useful qualities. There is a general technology for the preparation of medicinal tinctures, only some nuances and the ratio of ingredients change.

The technology for the preparation of medicinal tinctures is as follows:

  • medicinal raw materials are crushed and placed in a dark glass bottle, which can be tightly corked;
  • raw materials are poured with medical alcohol, vodka or high-quality moonshine:
    • the volume is taken 1:1;
    • weight is 1:5;
    • usually the alcohol covers the herbs, since usually the weight of dry herbs is five times less than the weight of alcohol of the same volume;
  • the tincture is kept at room temperature for 7-10 days;
  • filter and pour into an airtight container;
  • store in a cool place.

When storing tinctures, you do not need to rely on your memory. Bottles must be signed - the date of manufacture, the name of the plant, and, if necessary, the method of application.

Take note of a few interesting and appropriate alcohol tinctures in every medicine cabinet:

  • garlic tincture - it is necessary to combine crushed cloves from one head of garlic and 100-150 g of vodka, insist for a day and take 1-2 drops several times a day for colds and to stimulate the immune system;
  • propolis tincture - it is necessary to combine 10-15 grams of propolis and 200 ml of medical alcohol, shake vigorously for half an hour, and then insist 7-10 days in a dark place; take for colds, migraines and for skin treatment for injuries and dermatitis;
  • peppermint tincture - it is necessary to combine equal volumes of crushed mint leaves and vodka; insist 7 days, strain; take 10 drops for nausea and lack of appetite;
  • tincture of Rhodiola rosea - it is necessary to combine 50 grams of dry root and 500 ml of strong vodka or moonshine, insist 7 days in the dark and in a warm place, strain; apply for heart disease 10-20 drops three times a day;
  • tincture of ginger root - it is necessary to combine 400-500 grams of grated root with strong vodka in a volume of 700-1000 ml; insist 15 days in a warm place, preferably in the sun, periodically shaking the vessel, strain; relevant for bronchial asthma;
  • fragrant rue tincture - combine 100 grams of grass and ½ liter of vodka, leave for two weeks, filter; take from hemorrhoids 10 drops three times a day 20 minutes before meals;
  • magnolia leaf tincture - place the crushed magnolia leaves in a bottle and pour in enough vodka to cover them completely; after 20 days, strain, before that shake regularly; apply for hypertension in courses as agreed with the doctor;
  • walnut tincture - combine 100 grams of young (immature) walnut kernels and a liter of 70% alcohol, leave for two weeks in the sun; shake daily and then strain; use for gastritis in consultation with your doctor;
  • buckthorn tincture - place 1 tbsp in a bottle. powdered laxative buckthorn bark, pour a liter of vodka, seal tightly and infuse in a cool place for 2 weeks, shake daily; apply for constipation, 5 drops half an hour before meals;
  • white acacia tincture - 1 tbsp. place white acacia flowers in a bottle and pour 200 ml of vodka; filter after a week; take at a high temperature during the flu, 20 drops 2-3 times a day;
  • tincture of temptation - 1 tbsp. chop the rhizomes of the lure, pour 100 ml of vodka or alcohol, leave for a week in a cool place, shake; take 20 drops three times a day for thyroid dysfunction;
  • chamomile tincture - 1 tsp chamomile brew a glass of boiling water, strain after half an hour; add 10 ml of propolis tincture to the resulting broth (the recipe was indicated above) and take it orally during the day (the next day, brew chamomile in a new way) for the treatment of herpes; the same drug can be used externally.

Medicinal tinctures are highly effective in the treatment of respiratory infections, disinfection of skin lesions, rubbing muscles. Without begging the importance of these drugs in the treatment of more complex diseases, we draw your attention to the need to consult on this topic with your doctor. Do not use alcohol tinctures in self-treatment of complex organ diseases.


PHARMACY TINCTIONS FOR ALCOHOL LIST - Herbal tinctures of the Ussuri taiga in Moscow | Do not lie

By the way, I missed valerian tincture and motherwort tincture in the list. Most herbal medicinal tinctures are made on an alcohol basis. In our online store there is a large selection of medicinal tinctures for alcohol, we guarantee their quality and healing properties.

The online pharmacy of medicinal herbs offers you a large selection of various tinctures for a variety of ailments. You can separate the medicinal raw material immediately before using the medicinal tincture in order to increase the convenience of its use. If it is not possible to prepare this composition on your own, then it is quite possible to buy a medicinal tincture by choosing what is required. We present to your attention 20% Manchurian aralia tincture!

Depending on the drop

It is in oriental medicine that such a herbal remedy as astragalus membranous tincture is used. Badan tincture is used for enterocolitis, in gynecology for the treatment of erosions. There are explanations for some plants, but it’s impossible to copy everything on the forum, plus I make notes to the list for myself when I have time, because these tinctures are not in my main assortment.

There are Indian tablets Brahmi and Mentat, you can drink Bacopa tincture. Bright and juicy citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C. They can also be used to make excellent tinctures that will decorate the festive table and delight your friends and loved ones. From such a useful and tasty berry as cranberries, you can make a large number of various tinctures. Tangerines are also used as the main ingredient in delicious alcoholic tinctures, detailed recipes for which you will find in this article.

They are ready to drink anything and cheap compote (fruit and berry wine) and moonshine, and alcohol tinctures from a pharmacy. Alcohol tinctures from pharmacies show such serious sales volumes that during the crisis the state seems to have decided to fill the waning budget through them. Someone to calm the heart, and someone after a heavy drinking bout. There are those who switch to such tinctures after giving up drugs.

But this is the same alcohol, only in a more attractive shell, which is not particularly advertised. The popularity of the tincture is also given by the official definition - “balm”, which for some is firmly associated with a delicious alcoholic drink. Every week we get at least 2-3 people who abuse such tinctures.

Pharmacy alcoholism: early in the morning

After carefully reading the explanation for each of them, you will surely find what you need. Also, in the description there are methods and dosage for their use. All offered products are of high quality and have been certified. Indifference is used as a very effective sedative. Immortelle tincture of flowers does not grant immortality, but it is able to prolong life, significantly improving its quality. As promised, I put here a list of liquid alcoholic extracts (1: 2) of medicinal plants that I can order from the NZ manufacturing company.

Unfortunately, the table is not copied from Word in its normal form, so only Russian names are in the list. And this is a serious medicine, even in Russia by prescription. Yes, the specifics are close. And it is always useful to get acquainted with the new. And consult with pharmacists. You have to try everything and see how it works. British scientists called the currant a "super-berry" due to the concentration of a large number of useful vitamins and minerals in it.

With the help of this article, you will learn the best cranberry-based drink recipes that are easy and simple to prepare at home. All recipes can be found in the article "Coffee tincture". Juicy and bright tangerines have long been associated with the New Year. But these fruits are not only an appetizing delicacy, they are of great benefit to the human body.

To control herself, the woman began to drip valerian, hawthorn and motherwort in alcohol to calm her down. And at first, no one noticed her problems. Former drug addicts lose sleep for a long time, so they find salvation in high doses of sedatives on alcohol and phenobarbital.

The pharmacy in the metropolitan microdistrict Uruchcha-6 is located in the same building as the store. Well, I can’t go into the cafeteria now and buy “invigorating” goods there - I live here half my life, all the sellers know me ...

Tincture of the root of Caspian elecampane (10%) has a large list of medicinal properties and useful characteristics. But on a bottle of alcohol-containing tincture - completely. And also almonds are great for a variety of tinctures and liqueurs, the recipes of which you can find in the article "Almond Tincture". From it you can prepare medicinal infusions and decoctions, as well as excellent alcoholic tinctures and liqueurs, detailed recipes for which you will find in this article.


The list of tinctures used in medicine as pharmaceuticals is an indication of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation dated 20-12-95 01-121500 (as amended on 31-01-97) on the classification of alcohol-containing tinctures (including balms) (2018). Relevant in 2018

font size

INSTRUCTION of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation of 20-12-95 01-121500 (as amended on 31-01-97) ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF ALCOHOL-CONTAINING tinctures (INCLUDING BALSAM) (2018) Relevant in 2018

arnica tincture,

Aralia tincture,

Tincture "Bioginseng",

Valerian tincture,

bitter tincture<**>,

ginseng tincture,

Tincture of lure,

Hypericum tincture,

Tincture of calendula,

Lagohilus tincture,

Lily of the valley tincture,

Lespedeza capitate tincture,

Tincture of Amur barberry leaves,

Tincture of barberry leaves,

peppermint tincture,

Tincture of hawthorn fruit,

Propolis tincture,

wormwood tincture,

Motherwort tincture,

Sophora japonica tincture,

Steel tincture,

Sterculia tincture,

Capsicum tincture,

garlic tincture,

Chilibuha tincture,

Eucalyptus tincture.

<*>Tincture (medical) - an official liquid dosage form, which is an alcohol, alcohol-water, alcohol-ether transparent extract from medicinal raw materials, obtained without heating and removing the extracting agent. Designed for indoor and outdoor use. It is prescribed in drops and is prescribed in small amounts (5 - 30 ml), sufficient to be taken within 10 days.<**>Bitter tincture (Tinctura amara) is a clear liquid of brownish color, bitter spicy taste, fragrant smell. Obtained from 60 parts of centaury grass, 60 parts of trefoil leaves, 30 parts of calamus rhizome, 30 parts of wormwood grass, 15 parts of mandarin peel, 40% alcohol. Assigned inside of 10 - 20 drops per reception. Produced in bottles of 20 ml.


What kind of alcohol do alcoholics buy at the pharmacy | BELLECHI

Alcoholics do nothing. They are ready to drink anything and cheap compote (fruit and berry wine) and moonshine, and alcohol tinctures from a pharmacy.

Since I work on the front line, i.e. I sell it all to the same anti-social individuals. Therefore, I know all this well, and after analyzing the information a little, we can divide what they drink into several groups:

  1. Adapted medicines.

1) Tincture of Hawthorn. Contains 70% alcohol. Former sales leader giving up his sales.

2) Tincture of Calendula. As well as hawthorn tincture contains 70% alcohol. In my pharmacy, I certainly bypassed hawthorn tincture.

3) Formic alcohol.

2. Medicines specially created for this purpose.

a) Lamivit (adaptavit). Contains 96% alcohol. And given the low cost of about $ 1.2 per 100 ml. This made him the undoubted favorite of drunkards.

b) Muscovy balm. This elixir also contains 96% alcohol and costs about the same. But what is their difference?

Comparison: Lamivit and Balsam Muscovy

As follows from the article above, their common features are the alcohol content (96 revolutions), volume (100ml), Manufacturer (Ferrein).


Glancing briefly in the instructions in the place where the application is written, we see:

Lamivit is used as a general tonic, and Muscovy Balm is exactly the opposite, a sedative.

I personally get the impression that lamivite (adaptavit) was made for modest alcoholics who, when drunk, become lethargic, and then they drank and cheerfulness went, they felt courage, etc.

But with Balsam Muscovy, the situation is different. For those who become violent when drunk, scream, get into fights, etc. And then the man calmed down and drank. Everything is fine, etc.

This article would not be complete without a ranking of the popularity of alcoholic beverages:

1) Balm Muscovy;

2) Lamivit (adaptavit);

3) Tincture of Calendula;

4) Tincture of hawthorn;

5) Other tinctures: motherwort, valerian, etc.

You should not follow their example, you see a sober lifestyle.


Tinctures that you need to have in your medicine cabinet / Be healthy

Useful tinctures that you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy

1. Pepper tincture (on red hot pepper).

It is used externally as an irritating and distracting agent for rubbing with neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis, sciatica, or with freezing, coughing, rheumatism, backache.

2. Tincture of birch buds.

It is used inside 15-20 drops in water for indigestion, stomach ulcers, as well as for dropsy caused by inflammation of the kidneys, for all other types of kidney suffering, against small worms, for skin diseases, for rheumatism, colds, flu, hemorrhoids , gout, hiccups, etc. Take 20 gr. dry birch buds per 500 gr. vodka or 60% alcohol. Insist, strain, squeeze. Take orally from 15 drops to 1/2 teaspoon in water before meals. Externally, the tincture is used to treat wounds, ulcers, acne, cuts, bedsores, rheumatism, gout, joint pain as rubbing, compresses, lotions. Kidney tincture, diluted with water 1:10, is used as a rub into the scalp to fix the hair.

3. Tincture of calendula, sophora, eucalyptus (any of the listed tinctures).

It is used orally 20 drops 2-3 times a day for: Hypertension (course of 3 weeks or more), gastrointestinal diseases, headache, rickets, cancer, insomnia, cardiac arrhythmias, shortness of breath, as a choleretic agent, to strengthen the general well-being. Calendula tincture quickly eliminates inflammation, purulent discharge from wounds and ulcerative processes and significantly accelerates tissue regeneration and wound healing. Externally used as a lotion and lubrication of wounds, ulcers, burns, acne, scratches, cuts. Gives good results in diseases of the mouth, throat (rinse, dilute with water). For eye diseases (barley, blepharitis, conjunctivitis) - lotions, rubbing. For these purposes, the tincture is diluted with water 1:10. Good results are obtained by the use of tincture of calendula in gynecological practice (for ulcers, erosion of the cervix and whites). Dilute with water 1:10 and make compresses, sprays, etc.

4. Sophora tincture.

It is applied orally from 10 drops to 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day. It is used to prevent internal bleeding of various origins, in particular in the brain and heart, retina; with angina pectoris, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, sclerotic degeneration of the walls of blood vessels, with kidney diseases, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with gastritis and ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, liver disease, typhus, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, worms, toxic capillary hemorrhages origin (poisoning with arsenic preparations, salicylates) - simultaneously with vitamin "c", tuberculosis in the early stage, kidney disease. It is applied externally in the treatment of burns of the 1st and 2nd degree, healing is observed within 5-6 days, with burns of the 3rd degree, gradual scarring of chronic ulcers is observed. The tincture has an analgesic effect on bruises, minor injuries, wounds, furunculosis and carbuncles, skin tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, chronic dry pleurisy, is successfully used for scaly lichen, barley on the eyelids, fungal diseases, eczema, frostbite, etc. Lubrication of the scalp with a 5-10% aqueous solution of sophora helps to stop hair loss. Sophora is used for washing purulent cavities, irrigation of wounds. Application of napkins and tampons soaked in sophora tincture, in case of trophic ulcers, in breasts (mastitis), etc. Method of preparation: Pour fresh fruits (beans) of sophora with 56% alcohol in a ratio of 1:1 (weight ratio). Insist 21 days in a dark place. Strain, squeeze. Apply as above. Dry fruits insist on vodka in a ratio of 1:2. Insist and use the same way. Store the tincture in a dark, dry, cool place.

5. Tincture of eucalyptus.

It has antimalarial, expectorant, strong antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory action. It is used orally for various coughs, diseases of the respiratory system, malaria, acute gastric diseases, influenza, colds. Apply tincture inside 15-20 drops per 1/4 cup of boiled cooled water 3 times a day. Externally, the tincture is used for rinsing and inhalation in diseases of the throat and respiratory tract (tonsillitis, laryngitis, runny nose, tracheitis, catarrhal and putrefactive bronchitis, lung abscesses). The tincture is used for washings and lotions, with purulent ulcers, erysipelas, abscesses, phlegmon, purulent mastitis and some purulent skin diseases. For douching with erosion and ulcers of the uterus. To do this, 1 teaspoon of tincture is diluted in 1 cup of boiled, slightly warm water. The tincture is used for rubbing with sciatica, neuralgia and rheumatic pains.

6. Tincture of biostimulants.

Ginseng, golden root, lemongrass, Manchurian aralia, zamaniha, eleutherococcus (any of the listed tinctures). Use these tinctures for general weakness, after surgery, exhaustion, shortness of breath, pulmonary tuberculosis, prolonging the life of people working with increased mental and physical stress, with overwork, with various forms of neuroses, anemia, with increased sexual impotence, to improve metabolism. Take 3 to 20 drops 3 times a day. Morning and afternoon before meals. It is advisable to take these tinctures in the cold season, because taking these drugs in the summertime causes an increased blood flow to the head and heart. Tinctures of biostimulants are contraindicated in: severe cases of hypertension with severe sclerotic changes in the vessels of the heart and brain, with fever and severe bleeding.


Pharmaceutical beauty products. Vitamins and tinctures for hair and skin

Women annually spend fabulous sums to maintain their beauty. From TV screens we are convinced that the more expensive the product, the more effective it is. We are used to the fact that the price of beauty must certainly be high - but this is not always justified. There are a number of inexpensive products that can maintain beauty no worse than expensive cosmetic products. Where to buy them? In a regular pharmacy!

Pharmaceutical products take care of skin and hair no worse than cosmetics!

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is a well-known antiseptic used for small wounds and abrasions. Oddly enough, hydrogen peroxide can do a good job of facial beauty. For post-acne spots, it is recommended to wipe the face with a solution of peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 1. With regular use, the skin is visibly brightened, the relief is evened out, and stagnant acne spots dissolve. Hydrogen peroxide renews the top layer of the skin and stimulates the restoration of the epidermis.

Even if you don't have acne marks, peroxide can be a good substitute for facial lotion. This will significantly reduce the risk of skin diseases: demodicosis, staphylococcus, furunculosis. Another use of peroxide is for a safe edging manicure. Wounds and cuts on the delicate skin of the fingers, treated with hydrogen peroxide, heal quickly and without a trace. In addition, it is recommended to disinfect the manicure instrument with peroxide in order to avoid rapid blunting of the instrument.

Alcohol tincture of calendula

Great spot treatment for acne. Effectively kills bacteria inside inflammation. It is recommended to apply calendula tincture with a cotton swab on an emerging pimple three to four times a day. This will help stop the pimple from growing. For oily and problematic skin, you can prepare a matting tonic yourself. To do this, you need to mix:

  • 50 ml of purified water;
  • 50 ml tincture of calendula;
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Such a tonic mattes and disinfects the skin, fights existing acne and prevents the appearance of new ones. A calendula-based mask for problem skin is also effective: you just need to mix 2 tbsp. calendula tinctures, 2 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. flour, apply a mask on the face and rinse with water after half an hour.

Another miraculous property of calendula tincture is the treatment of scars. The recipe is simple: take 1 tsp for half a glass of warm water. tincture of calendula and 1 tsp. honey. It is necessary to mix thoroughly until smooth, moisten the cut cotton pad with the mixture and apply to the scars. Keep until the cotton pad is dry. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day.

Vitamins "Aevit"

Habitual gelatin capsules can not only be consumed orally, but also applied externally. Vitamins A and E contained in capsules are among the most beneficial for the skin. You can enrich your usual creams and masks with vitamins by piercing the capsule with a needle and pouring the contents into the cream. A monthly course of vitamins is especially useful for the skin: every evening you need to rub the contents of one capsule (without cream) into especially problematic areas of the face. Vitamin E effectively fights wrinkles, and vitamin A exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis and starts the process of active skin regeneration.


This spongy freshwater plant was used by our grandmothers. Badyaga contains silicon micro-needles, which have a locally irritating, grinding and renewing effect. Badyaga effectively removes wrinkles, stagnant spots, scars and fresh stretch marks on the skin. The badyagi mask is easy to prepare on your own. Just mix the following ingredients thoroughly:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 2 tsp hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 bag of badyagi (stir it with boiling water to make a slurry).

The mass must be stirred and applied with massage movements to problem areas of the skin. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. The only drawback is that the use of badyagi is associated with unpleasant sensations: tingling, burning, the effect of needles under the skin. Similar symptoms may persist for several hours after applying the mask. In addition, the active exfoliating action provokes reddening of the skin, so it is better to stay at home on the day of the procedures.

Badyaga looks unpleasant, but has an amazing effect on the skin

Calcium chloride

With the help of calcium chloride in ampoules, you can independently carry out the so-called Hollywood sparing peeling. To do this, pour the contents of one ampoule into the palm of your hand, rub and apply to a cleansed face. As soon as the liquid dries, apply another layer - and so on three times. Then lather your hands with ordinary bar soap and vigorously rub your face along the massage lines with your palms. Soap will combine with calcium chloride and turn into a thick mass that will begin to roll off the face. The mass binds to itself a layer of dead skin cells, gently cleansing the face.


This substance is a conductor of any funds in the deep layers of the skin. Dimexide also warms up and heals the surface of the face. Such a conductor can be used during any procedures. For example, you can add 1 tsp. dimexide in 50 g of any base oil - apricot, jojoba or grape seed. Apply the mixture on the scalp and hair. Such a nourishing mask will help beneficial substances from oils penetrate directly into the scalp and hair scales, strengthening them.

Hot pepper tincture

Red pepper tincture is used to warm bruises and sprains. But hot pepper is also great for stimulating hair growth! The beneficial effect of the tincture on the hair follicles is intense heating and increased local blood circulation, which accelerates the rate of hair growth. For an enhanced effect, a concentrated tincture of capsicum is applied to the scalp and kept for 1-2 hours. If you have overly sensitive scalp, you can dilute the tincture with a little water. The course of application of pepper tincture is one month.

Castor oil

Another unique hair product. With the help of castor oil, you can significantly grow and noticeably strengthen hair and cilia. Apply the oil two to three times a week on the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. It is best to leave the oil overnight (or at least 2-3 hours). Surprisingly, after applying castor oil, the hair noticeably thickens and darkens. The effect is especially noticeable on eyelashes, the need for coloring which eventually disappears.


Seaweed serves as an additive in food, as well as a unique complex of trace elements for skin beauty. Laminaria has a moisturizing and tightening effect. Dried and chopped kelp is added to sour cream (in a ratio of 2: 1) and such a mask is applied to the face for 30 minutes, then washed off with water. You can also use kelp alone, as sea grass swells and becomes sticky after contact with water.

Seaweed wraps have proven themselves well. To tighten and increase skin elasticity, mix swollen band kelp with honey to a thick consistency. Apply the mixture to problem areas, wrap with cling film and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. The mask must be kept on the skin for at least an hour. So with the help of simple and affordable pharmacy products, you can successfully and without compromising the budget to maintain beauty at any age!


Experts named the most useful herbal tinctures

Among natural medicines, herbal alcohol tinctures enjoy the greatest success. Naturotherapists, who, of course, know all about herbal tinctures in alcohol, claim that in the treatment of certain diseases they give better results than infusions and decoctions of herbs.

An additional advantage is that they are very durable and can even stand for several years. Tinctures can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself, using medicinal herbs and plants and suitable alcohol for this.

"Golden" aloe

This plant is considered one of the most valuable in natural treatment. In order to prepare the liqueur, we need 3-5 year old aloe, which has not been watered for about 2 weeks. This tincture perfectly heals burns and wounds that are difficult to heal, ulcers, improves digestion, eliminates hemorrhoids, soothes insect bites and radiation burns.

We clean the aloe leaves from dust with a wet cotton swab, cut them off and put them in a cold and ventilated place for 5 days. Scroll 500 g of leaves or the whole plant through a meat grinder. Add 500 g of liquid honey and a bottle of red wine. Mix the ingredients and pour into a dark glass vessel.

It is necessary to cork it well and put it in a cold place for 5 days. After that, the tincture is ready.

During the first week, we drink 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon one hour before meals. In the second week, increase the dose to 1 tablespoon.

You should not use this tincture in the presence of bleeding, inflammation of the bladder and glomeruli and pregnancy.

Doses greater than 0.5-1 g daily should also not be used as this may cause intestinal irritation or miscarriage in pregnant women.

Nettle with birch or nasturtium

Experienced herbalists advise using this tincture for hair problems.

3 art. spoons of nettle herb and 3 tbsp. spoons of birch leaves should be poured with 3/4 liters of alcohol, half diluted with water and set aside for 10 days. After filtering, you need to rub this tincture on your hair and head.

No less effective tincture of nettle leaves and nasturtium. These components in equal proportions should be poured with vodka and left for 3 weeks. After straining, rub into hair. That's when "not a single hair will fall from your head."


Garlic alcohol tincture is an ideal cure for atherosclerosis.

100 g of garlic is poured into 200 g of vodka. The remedy is infused for seven days. The finished tincture is drunk 20 drops 2-4 times daily before the main meals.

Horseradish with oranges

In order to cook it, you need 3 - 4 oranges, 0.5 kg of sugar, 100 g of horseradish and 1 bottle of white wine.

Wash oranges thoroughly and cut into small pieces without peeling. We put them in a jar and cover them with sugar. Then add finely chopped horseradish and pour in the wine. We place the jar in a suitable container with water and set it on fire. Boil should be for an hour. After that, we filter the mixture through a thick sieve. Tincture should be consumed before bedtime, two tablespoons.

It will help those who suffer from kidney stones, improve digestion, supply the body with many vitamins and minerals - vitamins C and PP, carotene.

In order to prepare it, you need a glass of ripe rowan berries, 5 tablespoons of honey and 1 liter of vodka.

Rowan should be put in a dark glass bottle. Pour half a liter of vodka and set aside for 14 days. After 14 days, pour the liquid into another vessel, and again pour the remaining vodka into the mountain ash.

After 14 days, express the fruits, mix the liquid with honey and bottle. Store in a dark place.

Mullein and St. John's wort

Alcohol tincture of mullein will help in case of radicular and joint pains. We get the tincture by pouring 100 g of mullein flowers into 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol. It should be rubbed on sore spots.

Those suffering from trigeminal neuralgia are advised by herbalists to rub the sore spot with a tincture prepared from 100 g of flowers, buds and leaves of St. John's wort, filled with 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol.

After aging for 7-8 days, it is filtered and a purple liquor is obtained.

I was no longer bothered by dizziness, headaches and heartaches, my blood pressure also returned to normal and my dependence on weather changes disappeared. The recipe for a miraculous "cocktail" is quite simple. All tinctures that are included in its composition can be purchased at a pharmacy.

It is necessary to pour 100 ml of alcohol tinctures of peony, valerian, motherwort and hawthorn, 50 ml of eucalyptus tincture, 25 ml of mint tincture, 30 ml of Corvalol into a bottle from a dark warehouse, add 10 whole columns of cloves (sold in stores as a spice), cork and leave for 14 days in a dark place to infuse at room temperature. Shake periodically. Take the resulting remedy, 30 drops, diluted in 100 ml of water, 3-4 times a day (the last time at night before going to bed) 30 minutes before meals. Do not remove the cloves from the bottle. This tincture improves cerebral circulation, has antispasmodic, anticonvulsant and antitumor effects, helps with varicose veins and peripheral vessels, angina pectoris, tachycardia, arrhythmia, neurosis and hypertension, prevents thrombosis, stimulates hematopoiesis, eliminates the effects of stroke and heart attack. You need to take the tincture daily for a month, then take a week break, and then continue taking it. And take such courses until the condition improves.

I want to suggest a treatment parkinson's disease. If you do not change the tinctures and take them in the sequence as written, then you can completely recover from parkinsonism. So, 1 tbsp. crushed oregano flowers, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, let it brew for 7 days in a warm, dark place, strain and drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for two weeks. After that, start taking the melissa tincture. It is prepared in the same way as from oregano. Take it for 2 weeks, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. After that, for 2 weeks, take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. motherwort tinctures. Take a two-week break, taking at this time daily in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp. flower pollen, and then drink ginseng tincture for 2 weeks, then valerian tincture for 2 weeks, and the last two weeks - eleutherococcus tincture. Take each tincture 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Parkinson's disease will recede.

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