Home Grape How to remove age spots during pregnancy. Pregnancy mask and what to do with it. Causes of skin pigmentation in pregnant women

How to remove age spots during pregnancy. Pregnancy mask and what to do with it. Causes of skin pigmentation in pregnant women

Many women expecting a baby are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as age spots during pregnancy. This cosmetic defect is also known under the names "chloasma", "melasma", as well as hyperpigmentation of the skin. Pigmentation during pregnancy appears as spots of various shades of brown (sometimes red), which are located on the nasolabial triangle, chest, abdomen, forehead, neck, sometimes even on the back. What causes skin pigmentation during pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of skin pigmentation in pregnant women

Types of pigmentation during pregnancy

Pigmentation during pregnancy can appear in a variety of ways. For example, in women with fair skin, the spots are likely to be quite pale and mild. But the owners of dark skin are a little unlucky: their "mask of pregnant women" looks much brighter and more saturated.

Pigmentation on the belly during pregnancy - this is a brown stripe that stretches from the pubis to the navel (it is also called the “Alba line.” This vertical stripe predominantly occurs on the abdomen in the second trimester.

A lot of aesthetic discomfort can cause breast pigmentation during pregnancy, as well as spots on the face, which are of the correct or irregular shape. As a rule, the size and shape of the spots is determined by individual factors.

It is considered a common occurrence and pigmentation of the nipples during pregnancy. Their color changes from pink to dark brown. It is believed that the darker color of the nipples after childbirth helps the baby quickly find breasts to satisfy hunger.

By the way, do not worry that the spots on the body will persist after childbirth. A woman's body functions in such a way that pigmentation after pregnancy disappears very quickly. Only 4-5 months after giving birth, not the slightest trace of unsightly brown spots remains.

Age spots during pregnancy: is it possible to avoid them?

If there is a concern that pigmentation may occur during pregnancy, or it has already manifested itself, then you should use the following tips. With their help, it will be possible to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon, as well as to minimize it somewhat.

First, it is recommended to organize a nutritious meal, which includes:

  • Mandatory presence in the diet of oranges and liver dishes, which contain a significant amount of folic acid necessary for the pregnant body;
  • Avoid heavy and fatty foods, the use of which significantly increases the load on the liver, which leads to the appearance of age spots;
  • Inclusion in the diet of fish dishes, cereals, fruits, light meat, herbs. It is advisable to steam all dishes to preserve their beneficial properties to the maximum;
  • Decreased intake of salt, sugar, coffee and strong tea.

Secondly, it is strongly recommended that a pregnant woman spend more time outdoors, do gymnastics, etc. An active and healthy lifestyle has a beneficial effect on the normalization of metabolism, hormonal levels and promotes the elimination of toxins. Consequently, age spots during pregnancy may not appear at all or may fade significantly.

Thirdly, if there are spots on the chest during pregnancy or on other parts of the body, then you can use folk remedies to reduce their intensity.

Folk remedies to combat pigmentation during pregnancy

  • Using natural bleaching agents such as strawberries, cucumbers, fresh parsley. You can squeeze the juice out of them and then wipe the desired area of ​​the body with it (you need to let it dry, do not rinse it off). Due to the high intensity of the effect of parsley, it can be left on the body for no more than 10 minutes;
  • Kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and yogurt have proven themselves excellently as bleaching agents. They should be applied to the problem area for 15 minutes, then washed off with boiled water. After such a procedure, red spots during pregnancy usually lose their saturation;
  • For the face, you can make a lotion from lemon (juice of one fruit) and honey (2 tablespoons). It is recommended to keep the mixture laid on cheesecloth for 20 minutes, then wash thoroughly;
  • Broth of elderberry, celandine and parsley is also allowed to be applied to problem areas;
  • It is advisable to limit the time spent in direct sunlight. To go out in the sun, it is worth using hypoallergenic sunscreens, where the protection factor is 15 and above (the best option is cosmetics for children).


Pigmented spots during pregnancy is a common phenomenon, which is caused by a complex of reasons. Among the main factors are changes in hormonal levels, a lack of folic acid, and a dark skin type. To reduce the intensity of the manifestation of pigmentation, it is worth using proven folk remedies that are completely harmless to the expectant mother and her baby. And remember, age spots will surely disappear soon after giving birth.

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Chloasma, or age spots, is a phenomenon that occurs in most women during pregnancy. Yellow and pale brown spots can be localized on the face, neck, abdomen and chest. Why does chloasma occur during pregnancy and is it possible to get rid of age spots on the skin?

Chloasma causes

Chloasma is a limited skin hyperpigmentation that occurs predominantly in women. The cause of this condition is the overproduction of the pigment melanin, which is present in every person's body. It has been noticed that expectant mothers with dark skin are more susceptible to this pathology than fair-skinned women. At the same time, light skin in itself with or without freckles cannot be a guarantee of protection against the appearance of chloasma.

Pigmented spots can appear at any age, but most often they occur in women during pregnancy. The restructuring of the hormonal background leads to the fact that the body of the expectant mother begins to actively produce the pigment melanin. This dark pigment is unevenly distributed throughout the skin, leading to the appearance of yellow and brown spots of various localization.

Hormonal disruption is not the only cause of chloasma. Pigmented spots can occur for a completely different reason, and pregnancy will only accelerate their manifestation on the skin. There are several factors that provoke the development of chloasma in women:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • tanning bed abuse;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • deficiency of vitamins (folic acid, vitamin C);
  • taking certain hormonal drugs;
  • chronic diseases of the liver, ovaries, thyroid gland;
  • metabolic disorders.

There is an opinion that age spots appear in women expecting the birth of a girl. Popular rumor claims that the girl takes the beauty from her mother, changing the color of her skin. In fact, this is not at all the case. There is no relationship between the development of chloasma during pregnancy and the sex of the fetus. Women who are pregnant with a boy are just as likely to suffer from age spots as those who are expecting the birth of a girl. It is not possible to predict the sex of the fetus based on such dubious data.

Chloasma Symptoms During Pregnancy

The first age spots can appear even in the early stages of pregnancy. In the first trimester, most women experience darkening of the skin around the nipples and labia. A strip of pigmented skin becomes noticeable, going from the pubis to the navel. In some expectant mothers, spots appear on the neck, in the décolleté, on the inner thighs and even on the back. The pattern of spots and their location are individual for each pregnant woman.

In half of all cases, age spots are located on the face. This phenomenon is called the "mask of pregnant women" and is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of this period. Pigmented spots on the face usually appear in the second half of pregnancy and last until the very birth. The spots are localized on the cheekbones, cheeks, wings of the nose and on the forehead. In some cases, chloasma is located symmetrically, in others its distribution defies any logic. In rare cases, spots are found on the chin and above the upper lip.

Pigmented spots with chloasma of pregnant women can be colored in all shades of yellow and brown. Sharply outlined formations reach sizes from 0.5 to 3 cm and often merge with each other. Pigmented spots don't itch, flake off or cause any bother. Chloasma is an exclusively cosmetic defect that does not pose any danger to the health of the woman and the condition of the fetus.

How to get rid of age spots?

In most women, age spots remain on the skin throughout pregnancy and disappear on their own shortly after the birth of a child. In rare cases, stains remain for life. No woman is ready to put up with such an outcome. Many expectant mothers, not wanting to endure spots on the face and other open areas of the body, are trying to get rid of the manifestations of chloasma. Can this be done at home without harm to the fetus?

It is impossible to completely get rid of age spots during pregnancy. Hormonal changes throughout the nine months will provoke excess production of melanin, and brown spots will appear again and again. While waiting for the baby, you can only slightly reduce the intense color of age spots and reduce the risk of new formations on the skin. What do I need to do?

  1. Avoid direct sunlight. In the summertime, do not go outside during the peak of solar activity (from 11 to 15 hours). Remember to wear a panama hat or wide-brimmed hat to protect your face from the sun's rays.
  2. Use high SPF sunscreen.
  3. Do not use tanning beds during pregnancy.
  4. Take good care of your skin throughout your pregnancy. Use only quality moisturizers for your face and whole body.
  5. Use makeup with caution during pregnancy. Give preference to proven quality products.

There are several ways to reduce skin pigmentation at home. It is worth using folk remedies with caution. Many of the usual recipes for skin care during pregnancy may not be available. The skin of expectant mothers is capable of giving out an unwanted allergic reaction even to a product proven over the years. Using any of the methods for removing age spots, carefully monitor your condition. If rash, itching, peeling occurs, stop using this product and see your doctor.

Home first aid kit against age spots:

Natural tonics

Wipe your face and neck with natural products every day half an hour before bed. It can be lemon, cucumber, raspberry, red currant and cranberry juice. A good effect is seen from the use of sauerkraut juice and infusion of parsley and sweet pepper.


Juices prepared in advance can be frozen in a special ice cube tray. Wipe your face with ready-made cubes daily, and the result will not be long in coming. The age spots will fade, and the skin will tone. Even if this method fails to get rid of chloasma, it will be possible to at least tidy up the skin of the face, giving it a fresh and healthy look.

Whitening compresses

To prepare the bleaching solution, you can use yogurt, a mixture of lemon juice and honey (in a 1: 2 ratio), milk and sour cream (in a 1: 1 ratio). In the resulting solution, you need to moisten clean gauze and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. After the specified time, wash yourself with warm water. Be careful: in many pregnant women, honey and lemon provoke an allergic rash!


At home, you can make simple and healthy face masks. As a basis, you can take a mixture of cottage cheese and kefir, milk and sour cream (in a 1: 1 ratio) or cucumber puree. The mask is applied in a thin layer on the skin and left on for 15 minutes. After the procedure, the mask must be thoroughly washed off with warm water.

To achieve the maximum effect, all cosmetic procedures should be carried out in the evening before going to bed. It is not recommended to go outside after applying masks. Even in cloudy weather, exposure to daylight can negatively affect the condition of the skin, not to mention direct sunlight.

Many foods and cosmetics during pregnancy can trigger the development of allergies. Before the first application of any mask or compress, it is imperative to check the individual skin response. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to the elbow area or forearm. For the next two hours, the selected area of ​​the skin should not be wetted. The appearance of a rash, peeling, itching at the site of application of the whitening agent indicates the development of allergies. To be sure, you can wait a day after using a cosmetic product - in some cases, an allergic reaction does not appear immediately.


Is it possible to prevent the appearance of age spots during pregnancy? It is quite difficult to influence hormonal levels. Nature will still take its toll, no matter how we try to outsmart it. The following recommendations will help reduce the risk of chloasma in pregnant women:

  • Avoid direct sunlight six months before a planned pregnancy.
  • Refuse visiting the solarium.
  • Remember to wear hats and sunscreen during the summer.
  • Redefine your makeup and keep only proven and quality skin care products.
  • Start taking folic acid 3 months before you are planning to conceive.
  • Pay attention to your diet. Food should be varied and rich in all essential nutrients.
  • Get treatment from an endocrinologist and gynecologist, if necessary.

Such a wonderful period has come in your life - pregnancy. Every day you look at your body in the mirror with interest, noting new changes in it that relate to its shape, outlines ... And over time, you notice that they also touched the color of your skin. And this is not surprising, because during pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother works in a different way: physiological and emotional changes occur in it, the hormonal background changes.

Pigmentation sites during pregnancy

Pigmentation during pregnancy is known by many names, the most famous of which are: chloasma, melasma, skin hyperpigmentation, and "pregnancy mask". All of them exist for the name of brown spots on the face (on the forehead, chin, cheeks, above the upper lip), on the neck, décolleté, abdomen, around the nipples, sometimes their appearance is possible on the back.

Pigmentation on the face during pregnancy has a specific character and it manifests itself in the form of spots of light coffee color in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and mouth. Fortunately, these temporary skin changes resolve within 4-5 months after the baby is born (as does pigmentation in the armpits and thighs).

Also strong, or rather, the halo of the mammary glands (pinkish rims around the nipples), which, like the nipples themselves, change color from pink to brown. In addition to pigmentation, the nipples also increase in size (they become larger and more prominent).

Causes of Pigmentation During Pregnancy

Pigmentation during pregnancy is explained by the increased work of the adrenal glands, as a result of which hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, more hormones are produced that are "responsible" for pigmentation (progesterone, estrogen, melanocyte-stimulating hormone). It usually begins in the second trimester of pregnancy when a vertical, light brown stripe appears on the belly (from the navel to the pubis), which is known as the Alba line. But it is possible that brown spots of irregular shape appear on the body of the expectant mother and at earlier stages of pregnancy.

The color of the "mask of pregnant women" also depends on the skin color of the expectant mother. That is, if your skin is light, then it will be dark, if your skin is darker, then the "mask" will be light. Girls who are prone to the appearance of freckles need to be prepared for an increase in their number, as well as for a new, more intense color. Women with darker skin are more prone to pigmentation.

You should be aware of the existence of another reason for pigmentation during pregnancy - a deficiency in the body, to avoid which, in the diet of the expectant mother, there must be oranges and liver dishes.

Prevention methods

The appearance of age spots can be reduced by using sunscreen and avoiding sunburn. The diet of a pregnant woman is also of great importance. We must not forget that heavy fatty foods increase the load on the liver, which provokes the appearance of age spots. This is also facilitated by the use of strong tea or coffee.

It is possible to reduce pigmentation during pregnancy with the help of a lactic-plant diet, the presence of vitamins in food (especially vitamin C and folic acid). Do not listen to the misconception that pregnant women can eat anything - this is not the case. If you have some abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, kidneys or spleen, meat consumption should be minimized, but fish should be eaten more often. Adequate fruits and vegetables should be present in your diet. Porridge is very useful. It is best to steam food. Try to eat less of both salty and sweet foods. Use vitamins A, E to keep your skin in good shape, which will help you with greens and green vegetables, as well as the liver.

Do not forget about the "best friends" of a pregnant woman - fresh air, movement and gymnastics, thanks to which toxins are removed from the body and metabolism is normalized. Normal blood flow helps to improve the color and condition of the skin.

You can pamper yourself with natural moisturizing and whitening masks, which are easy to prepare vegetables and fruits. To prepare anti-pigmentation products, you can use cucumbers, strawberries, yogurt or kefir (try to apply the latter on the problem area for 15 minutes, then rinse your skin with boiled water). To lighten age spots, apply fresh parsley juice, which should be applied for 10 minutes. These procedures must be carried out throughout the week. Even an ordinary decoction of celandine, elderberry or parsley can bring noticeable relief.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight; for protection from them, use hypoallergenic sunscreens with a protection factor of at least 15 (it is better to choose them from children's cosmetics). Wear wide-brimmed hats.

Do not visit a beautician on hot days. Avoid contact with the skin of harmful chemicals; use only high quality cosmetics.

The intensity of pigmentation will definitely decrease after childbirth, but it will completely disappear only after some time.

Dear future mothers, remember that nothing should excite you in such a wonderful period, because everything will pass over time, even pigmentation. Do not be afraid of changes in your body - they are all temporary and not at all harmful to you or your child. Be patient, treat everything with a smile, dream about the future and everything will be just fine with you. Enjoy your pregnancy!

Specially for Anna Zhirko

During pregnancy in the woman's body, global metamorphoses occur - a complete restructuring of the hormonal background is taking place, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. Actively produced "g pregnancy hormones"Inhibit the production of other hormones responsible for the" nutrition "and elasticity of the skin, which leads to its" starvation ". The female body throws all its strength on the developing baby, completely forgetting about the needs of the mother. Changes in the work of the adrenal glands affect an increase in the concentration of amino acids in the blood, which manifests itself on the skin in the form of a dark pigmentation... In the process of "pregnant vitamin deficiency" leather loses elasticity, its natural immunity decreases, lack of collagen has a detrimental effect on color and texture - at this time, melanin (which, as you know, is responsible for our tanning) rushes to the rescue, and he throws all his strength into saving the skin from imbalance. The skin dulls, dehydrates, becomes flabby, melanin provokes the active production of pigment, which appears on its thin surface in the form of spots.

Of course, pigmentation does not occur to everyone pregnant women, but everyone needs to be ready for its appearance, because it is easier to know about risk factors and to prevent than to start a fight when it appears. To other reasons for the occurrence age spots also include a genetic predisposition - ask your mother if she had such a problem during pregnancy - if so, the likelihood of your staining increases by 60-70%.

Nutrition also plays an important role - if your menu lacks vitamins and minerals, the same folic acid, it is likely that the skin will use its last protective resources, which will appear on it in the form of spots.

Another reason for the appearance age spots during pregnancy stress is - the more the expectant mother is nervous, experiences negative emotions, freaks out and hysteria, the higher the risk of getting such skin problems.

Pigmented spots in a pregnant woman: where do they appear

Usually age spots the face is covered pregnant woman- forehead, area around eyes and lips, upper part of cheeks, chin. Also pigmentation can also occur on the body: the inner side of the thighs, abdomen, the area around the nipples. The spots appear most actively in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Their color depends on the skin tone of the expectant mother, but often varies from light milk to chocolate.

On the abdomen, in the area from the navel to the pubis, the so-called Alba stripe, which has a dark brown color, appears. Interestingly, every woman has this strip, but it becomes visible during pregnancy. Sometimes, dark coarse hair breaks through in the strip zone - as a result of a change in hormonal levels.


The area around the nipples, or halo, also darkens, taking on a dark brown color. Most often, pigmentation of the mammary glands appears after childbirth.

Pigmentation on the face can be of different shapes and colors - often, these are brown spots of irregular shape. In women with freckles, the pigmentation becomes finer and more saturated - each speck, which was previously barely noticeable, becomes brighter and more distinct.

How to deal with pigmentation during pregnancy?

Of course, you can't help but wonder: when will these nasty dark spots? Doctors say that in most cases, age spots, like other processes and phenomena associated with pregnancy, are of a fickle nature, and, therefore, will safely go away with the tummy after childbirth. If the spots do not disappear, modern cosmetology offers a huge number of ways and methods to remove spots. In the meantime, while you are still pregnant and want to get rid of or make pigmentation less noticeable right now, heed these tips:

Pigmented spots on the face.Chloases or age spots on the face- the main headache of every pregnant woman, because you really want to be beautiful in this special period!

What can be done: protect your skin from UV rays. The composition of your daily cosmetics, especially creams, should contain high protection - SPF 20-30 and higher. Choose special care cosmetics that may contain whitening ingredients: parsley extract, lemon, chamomile, as well as azelaic and kojic acids.

In addition, natural masks with fermented milk products, lemon juice, berries, potatoes, carrots and honey, cucumbers, the same parsley and grapefruit juice also cope incredibly effectively with chloases. The regularity of using the masks is 3-4 times a week, apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water or chamomile decoction.

Do not forget about nutrition: vitamins A, E and folic acid should be present in your diet.

Regarding salon procedures chemical peels and laser should be avoided. A light fruit peeling is allowed, which will renew the skin, eliminate pigmentation, moisturize and nourish with useful elements.

Pigmented spots on the chest and body. To combat age spots on your chest, you should:

Apply sunscreen to your décolleté every day before going outside.

Take a contrast shower.

Choose the right underwear for your current breast size.

Massage your breasts with special cosmetics. The composition of such cosmetics can include both whitening ingredients and nourishing, moisturizing oils, extracts and extracts from hops, mint, algae, olive tree, ginseng, etc.

Neckline masks with ingredients similar to those listed above.
From salon procedures during pregnancy, almost all hardware are contraindicated, and any chemical action on the skin should also be avoided. It is best to support the skin of the body with a relaxing Ayurvedic massage, as well as water spa treatments (baths, saunas and hammam are contraindicated).

Pregnancy is not only a pleasant expectation of the birth of a baby, but also many problems, for example, age spots on the skin. Which woman, let alone pregnant, does not want to remain beautiful and young? But, before starting the fight against pigmentation during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since not all means are safe for a woman and a child, and sometimes they are not effective.

What is pigmentation during pregnancy?

Pigmentation of the skin during the period of bearing a child is also called a pregnancy mask, melasma or chloasma. Pigmented spots can appear at any stage of pregnancy, but more often they occur in the second trimester, regardless of the season and age. It is characteristic that dark-skinned pregnant women are more prone to the formation of age spots than fair-skinned women.

Pigment spots can be localized anywhere. First of all, the white line of the abdomen (the vertical line from the pubis to the navel) and the nipples darkens. Also, age spots are located on the face (on the cheekbones, chin, nose, upper lip), freckles appear or intensify, and moles increase in size. In addition, hyperpigmentation can be on the hands (especially on the back side), in the décolleté, on the back (less often), on the labia, in the abdomen, on the shoulders, and in those places where the clothes are close to the body. In color, pigment spots can be from light yellow to dark brown, have an irregular shape and clear boundaries.

By itself, pigmentation during pregnancy is not dangerous for either the mother or the fetus, but it gives the woman a lot of aesthetic problems. As a rule, after childbirth and the end of breastfeeding, age spots lighten, and eventually disappear completely. But in some cases, age spots remain for life, that is, they worsen (appear) every spring. But it is necessary to draw the doctor's attention to the appearance of new moles or bleeding, peeling and itching of old ones (this may indicate skin cancer).

What determines the color of the skin?

First of all, the "color" of the skin depends on the content of melanin in it, the more there is, the darker the skin. There are two types of melanin: eumelanin (black skin) and pheomelanin (skin can be yellowish to brick red). The main role of melanin is to regulate the penetration of UV radiation into the skin, that is, it protects the skin from the damaging effects of sunlight.

Hemoglobin also affects skin color. Reduced hemoglobin produces a bluish skin tone, and oxygenated hemoglobin produces a reddish tint. Carotene also affects the color of the skin; the high content of this substance gives the skin a yellowish color.

In addition, the color of the skin depends on the thickness of the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). Keratinized cells of the epidermis give the skin a gray tint. It is on this that the action of scrubs and peeling creams is based (after their application, the skin looks fresh and rejuvenated).

Finally, the blood vessels affect the color of the skin. The closer they are to the skin, the redder the skin becomes.

Causes of skin pigmentation during pregnancy

The reasons for the appearance of age spots during the period of gestation have long been known:

Hormonal changes in the body

During pregnancy, hormones begin to be intensively produced in a woman's body: estrogens, progesterone and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH). Progesterone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, estrogens prepare the body for childbirth and breastfeeding, and MSH stimulates the formation of melanin.

Various pathology

Diseases of the ovaries, pituitary gland or liver provoke chloasma in pregnant women.

Taking anticonvulsants

Lack of vitamins

Specifically folic acid and vitamin E

Poor care

Unsuitable and low-grade cosmetics and perfumery products, as well as their misuse

Genetic predisposition

Increased production of melanin (in dark-skinned women)


Long-term and improper insolation (you cannot sunbathe for a long time and during the active action of the sun's rays from 11.00 to 17.00).

Prevention of skin pigmentation during pregnancy

Pregnant women should avoid direct sunlight, especially during active times. It is advisable to walk in the shade (parks or squares) and wear wide sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat.

You should be careful about the choice of cosmetics and perfumes, it is better to choose hypoallergenic products, do not use sprays, and apply perfume on the scalp and the inner bend of the elbow.

You should also give up sunburn and self-tanning creams, and use creams with sunscreen filters (the SPF factor should be at least 25 - 30).

During pregnancy, it is necessary to abandon cosmetic procedures and limit the use of coffee and tea.

In addition, food should be rich in vitamins, especially cabbage, cereals, green vegetables, beets, vegetable oils, liver and fish.

And, of course, do not forget about vitamin complexes with folic acid content.

Regularly be examined by an endocrinologist (for thyroid diseases) and monitor the state of the genitourinary system.

How to deal with age spots?

Fighting pigmentation during pregnancy is not easy and sometimes unsuccessful. It should be noted right away that you should not use whitening cosmetics, they usually contain mercury, which is harmful to the fetus and baby during lactation.

It is better to resort to traditional medicine:

  • lemon juice with honey (apply to the skin for 20 minutes);
  • whitening masks from cucumbers, strawberries, raspberries, red currants, onions, bell peppers and sour cream or yogurt;
  • cottage cheese mask (diluted with kefir);
  • parsley mask;
  • mask of peeled pumpkin seeds and honey.

Anna Sozinova

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