Home fertilizers 2 person plural. Personal pronouns. Hairstyles for different face shapes

2 person plural. Personal pronouns. Hairstyles for different face shapes

The morphological category of a person is the most important in the Russian verb system. Personal forms help to determine who is acting: the speaker himself (the subject of communication), - walking, my; speaking with others: walk, wash; interlocutor (addressee of communication) - walk, wash; interlocutor with others: walk, wash; not participating in the dialogue (object of communication) - walking, washing, walking, washing. The face is one of the most inconsistent signs. Therefore, the student is often faced with the question of how to determine

Leisurely Analysis

The verb has three faces: 1. walking 2. walking 3. walking; 1. I am silent 2. you are silent 3. you are silent.

They differ not only from each other, but also in the plural: ( read, read, read; build, build, build). is not correlative in meaning to the singular: writing- the speaker is acting write- someone else joined the speaker. It is not yet clear how to determine the person of the verb? And we are not in a hurry. For now, memorize three properly Remember all pronouns by person: 1st person: I, we; 2nd person: you, you; 3rd person: he, (she, it) they. Learn to find the appropriate meaning for a particular verb. For example: verb are flying. The rest is up to you: if you don't like it" I'm flying" or " it's flying", look for more!

Other meanings

Personal forms of the verb, in addition to those indicated above, may have other meanings. For example, the 1 person plural form can become "author's we", that is, imply 1 person singular: We already touched definitions of verb tense, now let's get started to the analysis of actors. Although it sounds different here: I still trying to explain... The form of the 1st person plural in emotionally colored speech is sometimes used in the meaning of the 2nd person singular: Oh what we got big!(referring to the only child present). Verbs of the 2nd person singular appear in the meaning of the 1st person of the singular in generalizations: You you won't understand, seven Fridays a week. Everyone must use the replacement in the 2nd person singular plural - as a sign of respect: You wonderful play on a violin! Also, personal verbs can become indefinitely personal or generalized personal - with an unknown actor or if the action applies to everyone at once and to no one in particular: Taking off your head, through your hair don't cry (generalized-personal); Football on TV transmit (indefinitely personal).

Determine the person of the verb

We proceed to the most important thing - how to determine the person of the verb. The first step is to ask the verb a question that is appropriate in meaning.

1 person: what do i do? and what are we doing? (pronouns I, we) I walk, we walk.

2 person: what are you doing? and what are you doing?(pronouns you you) you walk, you walk.

3 person: what do they do? and what are you doing?(pronouns he/she/it, they) walking, walking.

The verb table will help you remember even faster how to determine the face of the verb. Draw it and practice, sign with a pencil invented examples of verbs, erase, and start again.

About the wealth of the Russian language

We have so many verbs that from time to time we will come across inappropriate for this table. What is it, how to determine the person of a substandard verb? It's a matter of time. In the literal sense - time. Define it! And you will see that the verbs that are in the past, as well as the indefinite form, do not have a person! Here is the infinitive (indefinite form): verb be treated. me (me) it's time to heal. But just the same, always it's time be treated and to you (you), and them (they) and so on. The same story happens. It is enough to substitute the correct pronouns and ask appropriate questions, the verbs will be determined immediately and will be obedient in later life!

The person of the verb is one of its inconstant features and its most important category, with the help of which it is possible to determine who performs the action described by the verb. Therefore, in tasks in the Russian language at school, students often need to determine the person of the verb. In the course of morphological analysis, it is important to be able to accurately determine the permanent and non-permanent features of the words of a given part of speech. Person is an inflected grammatical category of a verb. To determine it correctly, it is important to remember the recommendations, follow the given algorithm.

Determine the person of the verb. A few recommendations
Simple tips will help you correctly determine the person of verbs. Try to remember them.
  1. To get started, try asking questions about the verb:
    • first person verbs: what am I doing? what do we do? (write, write);
    • second person verbs: what are you doing? what you are doing? (write, write);
    • third person verbs: what does it do? what do they do? (writes, writes).
    As you have already noticed, two types of questions are asked for the verbs of each person - for the singular and the plural.
  2. One of the easiest ways to determine the person of a verb is to substitute the corresponding pronoun. You will need to remember the pronouns of all three persons in order to be able to apply this method well.
    • 1st person: I, we. For example: I walk, we walk.
    • 2nd person: you, you. For example: you walk, you walk.
    • 3rd person: he, she, it, they. For example: he studies, they study.
  3. It is also important to remember the formal features of the person of the verb - the verbal personal endings.

    A good option is to create your own table with examples. Draw it on a separate sheet of thick paper, come up with your own examples for each ending and insert them into the appropriate lines. So you can quickly remember all the endings and in the future it is easy to determine the person of the verb.

  4. Pay attention to an important point: for verbs in the past tense, the person is not determined! Also, you do not need to define this feature in the infinitive. For example: studied (I, you, she). Learn (me, you, her). You just need to substitute the appropriate pronouns to make sure: past tense verbs and infinitives do not have a grammatical category of person. Be sure to list this separately on your spreadsheet and provide your own examples. Then you will no longer forget this feature of the verb as a part of speech.
  5. In difficult cases, you need to use all the methods you know for determining the person of the verb. It is better to use all methods until you begin to freely navigate this grammatical category of the verb and correctly determine the person. Then it will be enough for you to use one method that is most convenient for you.
How to determine the face of the verb? Algorithm
How to determine the person of the verb correctly? You will need to remember the tips and use the algorithm.
  1. Write the verb whose person you want to determine on a separate piece of paper.
  2. Make sure the verb is in the present or future tense, not an infinitive. If you have a verb of the future, present tense, proceed directly to the analysis.
  3. Substitute the correct pronoun for the verb. Determine the person of the pronoun. Verbs are used with pronouns of the same person as they are. For example, if a second person pronoun came up to your verb, you have a second person verb in front of you.
  4. Ask a question for the verb. Find out which person's question he answers, based on this, determine the person of the verb.
  5. The most reliable way is to determine a person by a formal sign. Disassemble the verb by composition and highlight the ending in it. Remember the table of personal verb endings and write down what person this verb has.
Perform verb analysis carefully, slowly, remember recommendations, pronouns, questions corresponding to different persons, a table, follow the algorithm. Then you will correctly determine this grammatical category of the verb.

Pronouns (die Pronomen) in German, as in any other, are a part of speech that indicates an object, feature, quality or person and can replace them without naming them.
Pronouns are personal, interrogative, indefinite and negative. In this lesson we will look at the system of personal pronouns in German.

Personal pronouns: rules, pronunciation

As in Russian, German has three persons (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and two numbers (singular and plural) of pronouns. It is important to note that the German language also has a case system - there are four in total. The table below shows pronouns in the nominative (Nominativ) case.

Note that the pronoun "ihr" (you) is used when referring to "you" to a group of people. If you want to address someone formally or to show politeness, then you should use the pronoun “Sie” (you), which, like in Russian, is always capitalized.

Remember! The personal pronouns ich, du, wir, ihr, Sie always denote persons. The personal pronouns er, sie (she), es, sie (they) can denote both persons and objects.

To know which pronoun to replace a particular noun, you must know the gender of the noun. We will look at the topic of noun gender in one of the next lessons, but for now let's talk about another important part of speech - the verb.

Verb conjugation: rules, examples

A verb (das Verb) is a part of speech denoting an action, state or process. The verbs of the German language are conjugated, that is, they change in persons and numbers, tenses, moods, and have a voice. Conjugated (changing) forms of the verb are called personal forms of the verb.

  1. Person and number. Verbs have three persons and two numbers - in each person and number the verb has its own endings. Verbs that are used in all three persons are called personal. However, in German there are verbs that are used only in the 3rd person, singular (for example: regnen - to talk about rain). Such verbs are called impersonal.
  2. Time. Verbs denote actions in three tenses: present, future and past. For their expression in German, there are six aspectual-temporal forms.
  3. Mood shows the attitude of the speaker to the statement. There are indicative (der Indikativ), imperative (der Imperative) and subjunctive (der Konjunktiv) moods.
  4. Pledge shows the direction of action. Whether the subject performed the action on his own, or whether the action was performed on him.

The German verb also has three basic forms: the infinitive (Infinitiv), the preteritum (Präteritum) and the participle II (Partizip II). The verb consists of a stem and the ending "en": geh-en, schlaf-en, hab-en.

According to the type of conjugation, verbs in German are divided into:

  1. Strong verbs. They form three forms by changing the root vowel: gehen - ging - gegangen.
  2. Weak verbs. Do not change the vowel in the root during conjugation: machen - machte - gemacht.
  3. Verbs of mixed type (verbs that, when conjugated, exhibit both the characteristics of weak and the characteristics of strong verbs).
  4. Irregular and modal.

In this lesson we will look at the conjugation of weak and strong verbs. All weak verbs are conjugated the same way. This is the largest group of verbs in German. Strong verbs change according to special rules. This is a small group of verbs - it should be learned by heart (all three main forms). You can find tables of verbs in the dictionary or in any grammar book.

So, weak verbs are verbs that:

  • have the suffix -(e)te- in Imperfekt;
  • have the suffix -(e)t in Partizip II;
  • do not change the vowel in the root: machen - machte - gemacht.

We conjugate the weak verb machen (to do).

ich mach e
du mach st
er mach t

If the stem of the verb ends in -t, -d, -dm, -tm, -dn, -tn, -chn, -gn, -ffn - then in the 2nd and 3rd person singular and in the 2nd person plural, the connecting vowel "e" is added to the stem of the verb.

We conjugate the verb baden (to wash).

When conjugating strong verbs, the vowel changes radically in the 2nd and 3rd person singular:

  1. a changes to ä (except for the verb schaffen - to create);
  2. au changes to au;
  3. e changes to i, ie(except for the verbs gehen - to go, heben - to raise).

We conjugate the verb schlafen (to sleep). This is a strong verb, which means that the root vowel in the 2nd and 3rd person will change.

Important! For verbs whose stem ends in s, —ss-ß, — z, —tz in the 2nd person singular, the final consonant of the stem merges with the personal ending.

Tasks for the lesson

To reinforce what you have learned, try doing some exercises on your own.

Exercise 1. Conjugate weak verbs:

fragen (to ask), lernen (to teach), glauben (to believe), leben (to live), kosten (to cost).

Exercise 2. Conjugate strong verbs:

geben (give), fahren (ride), laufen (jump), stoßen (push), tragen (carry, carry).

Answers to exercise 1:

Answers to exercise 2.

The Russian language has a lot of grammatical categories. These include the category of person, the category of tense and mood of verbs, the category of gender, etc. The study of categories and their grammatical expressions together provides objective knowledge about the morphology of the language.

Category of a person in Russian

There are 3 persons in Russian - the first, second and third. Its forms express the relation of the action to the speaker. To correctly determine the 1st, 2nd, 3rd person in Russian, you need to know the main pronouns that express its semantics. Let's turn to the table.

So, we have 3 persons in Russian. The table above shows which pronouns to focus on when determining a person.

The 1st person shows the attitude towards the action of the speaker or speakers. Speakers are participants in an action or conversation.

The 2nd person form expresses the relation of the action to the interlocutor or interlocutors. They are also part of the conversation.

Forms of the 3rd person have a dual nature. They can express, firstly, the relation of the action to the person (people) who are not participating in the conversation. At the same time, they are indirect participants in the action. Secondly, the forms of the 3rd person in Russian express the relation of an action to an object or something inanimate.

Not all pronouns can be identified by a person. As you know, pronouns are divided into several categories: personal, reflexive (it is one - itself), possessive, interrogative-relative, negative, demonstrative and attributive. Only personal pronouns have the category of person, and they are all listed in the table above. It should be remembered that for personal pronouns, the category of a person is one of the most important, and most importantly, invariable categories.

Person category of verbs

Verbs have a pronounced category of person in Russian. It is difficult for many foreigners studying Russian to readjust, because when people change, verb endings automatically change. It is also worth noting that not all forms of verbs have faces in Russian. So, for example, in the forms of the past tense, the person cannot be determined. Let's take the verb "read" as an example. Let's try to determine his face: "I" read, "you" read, "he" read. It is clearly seen that when the faces change, the verb itself does not change. His face can only be determined in context. Compare: "I read a book." - "Paul was reading a book."

The same phenomenon is observed in the plural forms: "we" read, "you" read, "they" read. Similarly, a face can only be contextual.

An interesting phenomenon is observed in the forms of the present tense. In the 3rd person, the category of gender is erased from the verbs of the future tense. Compare: "She is painting a picture" and "He is painting a picture." If you take the verb "writes" without context, it becomes incomprehensible whether a male or female performs this action.

1st person verbs

Endings of Russian verbs are mainly indicated by endings. Verbs of the first person singular (in the present and future tenses) have endings -U or -YU. For example: write, read, call, shout. Verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugations have the same endings in the 1st person, so when writing 1st person verbs, people make fewer spelling mistakes.

2nd person verbs

The 2nd person in Russian verbs has its own characteristics. They are connected with the endings of verbs. As you know, the endings in verbs depend on the conjugation. So, verbs of the 1st conjugation have an ending -EAT in the singular and -ETE in plural. For example, eat, go. Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have the ending -ISH in the singular and -ITU in the plural. For example, call, shout. 2nd person verbs can be recognized either in a specific context or by a special ending.

3rd person verbs

As mentioned above, the 3rd person in Russian is determined by the pronouns "he", "she", "it", "they". 3rd person verbs have their own paradigm of endings. For verbs of the 1st conjugation, these are the endings -ET in the singular and -UT in the plural (he, she, it reads, they read). For verbs of the 2nd conjugation - endings -IT and -AT (YAT) in the plural - he, she, it calls, they call.

If you know the inflections that define faces in Russian for verbs, then there will be no problems with the formation of new forms. It is also worth noting that knowing the category of a person helps when writing words. Verb endings are one of the most difficult spellings in the school curriculum. Knowing the faces will help you navigate the choice of ending.


In Russian there is such an inflectional grammatical category as the face of verbs. With its help, you can find out who exactly performs a specific action. There are three persons of the verb in both the singular and the plural.

What is the person of the verb in Russian?

The face of the verb in Russian- this is an inflectional grammatical category of verbs, expressing the correlation of the action called by the verb to the participants in speech. That is, the person of the verb indicates who performs the action. The category of person is inherent in the verb forms of the present and future tense of the indicative mood, as well as forms of the imperative mood.

Meaning of the person category of verbs

In Russian, there are three faces of the verb in the singular and in the plural, expressing a different meaning of the action called by the verb.


  • 1 person verb- indicates that the action refers directly to the speaker, he is the subject of speech (I I cook coffee, me buy apples).
  • 2 person verb- indicates the correlation of the action to the interlocutor (you are reading a book, you will build a house).
  • 3rd person verb- expresses the relation of an action to a person or to an object that is not involved in speech (he goes to the cinema, she irons his shirt).


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