Home Beneficial properties of fruits IV. Determining the main idea of ​​the text. V. Vocabulary work. Spelling preparation

IV. Determining the main idea of ​​the text. V. Vocabulary work. Spelling preparation

Question: Determine what idea is revealed in the text. Write down the part that provides evidence for this idea. Underline the sentence that serves to connect the first and second parts of the text. Write down the number of vowels and consonants in the highlighted words. Here is the text: Which SOUNDS do we use more in Russian - vowels or consonants?!!!

THIS is what scientists say about it. Let’s take several words in a row from any sentence that have a hundred sounds. Among these sounds, approximately sixty will be consonants, and forty will be vowels.

THIS MEANS that consonant sounds predominate in our speech.

I wrote the highlighted words

in capital letters

  • Determine what idea is revealed in the text. Write down the part that provides evidence for this idea. Underline the sentence that serves to connect the first and second parts of the text. Write down the number of vowels and consonants in the highlighted words.
  • Here is the text: Which SOUNDS do we use more in Russian - vowels or consonants?
  • THIS is what scientists say about it. Let’s take several words in a row from any sentence that have a hundred sounds. Among these sounds, approximately sixty will be consonants, and forty will be vowels.
  • THIS MEANS that consonant sounds predominate in our speech.
  • I wrote the highlighted words in capital letters!!!
  • 1) What number was divided by 7 if the quotient was 6 and the remainder was 4?

2) What number was divided by 12 if the quotient was 5 and the remainder was 3?

3) What number was divided by 23 if the quotient was 3 and the remainder was 8?

1. Work on proverbs and sayings. (Ex. 112.)

– Explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings. 2. Work on the text “Ball in the Window.”.)

– What proverb or saying do you think expresses the main idea of ​​this story? ( A friend in need is a friend indeed

V. Theme of the text and title.


A poem by V. Orlov is written on the board.

The hedgehogs have grown

Hedgehog –


But mom is afraid

Pet the baby

(“Hedgehog”, “Friendly Family”, “Prickly Child”.)

– Read the poem and determine its theme.

– What words helped you do this?

– There are several headings for this text. Which of these titles do you think was invented by the poet himself? Explain your choice.

- Title and write down the poem. Underline the synonymous words.

- Stork, stork, long-legged,

Show me the way home! The stork answers:,

- Stomp right foot.


left foot

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot,

Then with your right foot,

Then with your left foot,

Then you'll come home. VI. Lesson summary..)

– What is the main idea of ​​the text? ( The main idea is the main thing that the author wanted to say.)

– Name the features of the text. ( Topic, main idea, connection of parts of the text, connection of sentences in each part

Exercise 113.

Lesson 33. Essay based on materials excursions to the park


develop the ability to summarize observational materials.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Communicate the purpose of the lesson.

– Recently we went to the park. What do you remember most?

– Let’s think together about how to talk about our impressions in an essay.

– The theme of our essay is “Autumn has settled in the park.”

III. Discussion of the content of the essay.

– Name the signs by which we know that autumn has settled in the park.

– Remember how the trees in the park have changed.

Beautiful in the autumn park! The maple leaves are like toys on a Christmas tree. There are red ones, there are yellow ones, there are green ones. A breeze blew and golden maple rain began to fall. And the beautiful rowan tree put on festive red beads. The willow drops its yellow leaves into the pond. And they swim like goldfish. Aspen leaves fly like little parachutes.

– Tell us about flowers and grass.

– What does the pond look like?

– Which bird did you see in the park? What can you hear in the autumn park?

IV. Discussion of the structure of the essay. For example, about the fact that we are not waiting for autumn, but it comes unnoticed.)

– What can you talk about in the main part? ( Describe the trees, grass, flowers, pond, bird sounds.)

– How to finish an essay? ( Express your opinion on what you saw.)

V. Vocabulary work. Spelling preparation.

VI. Self recording text in notebooks.

VII. Examination.

Lesson 34. Working on mistakes,
admitted in the essay

Goals: develop the ability to correct errors in the construction of sentences, the use and spelling of words; consolidate the ability to determine the topic of a text, find a sentence in the text that expresses its main idea.


develop the ability to summarize observational materials.

II. Familiarization with the best essays.

III. Teamwork over mistakes.

1. Errors in content: factual inaccuracies, unnecessary material (not on the topic), violation of the sequence of presentation.

2. Errors in construction: any part is missing, incommensurability of parts, repetition.

3. Errors in the construction of sentences.

4. Spelling and punctuation errors.

- Stand up please. Now we will have a physical education session. I will name adjectives if they are related to the word wind, then you must clap your hands, if you are not connected, jump on the spot. Be careful!

The teacher says the words: strong, light, gusty, crunchy, salty, sharp, affectionate, bitter, cold, sweet, warm, beautiful, homely.

IV. Consolidation of what has been learned about the text.

1. Working with text.

– I will now read the text, and you will determine its theme and main idea.

The teacher reads:

The night rain caused a blue puddle to spill between the beds. Starlings swam in it. For them, a puddle is like a lake. They fearlessly climbed into the middle, fell with their chests onto the water, whipped it with their wings, and flew up... Splashes over a puddle - a fountain.

And the starlings squeal so desperately that you can immediately understand: wow, what a pleasure it is to have a morning swim!

– What is the topic of the text? ( Starlings bathe in a puddle.)

– Which sentence expresses the main idea of ​​the text? ( Wow, what a pleasure it is to take a morning swim..)

2. Work on exercise 114.

V. Lesson summary.

– What did you learn in class today?

– What kind of work did you like to do?

– Name the features of the text. ( Exercise 116.

Composition of the word

Every consonant has noise.

When consonant sounds are formed, the exhaled air encounters various obstacles in the mouth: tongue, palate, teeth, lips. The air stream overcomes obstacles, and this produces noise.

268 . Name the words that represent the objects drawn below.

Thanks to what vowel and consonant sounds do we distinguish the meaning of the first and second words, as well as the third and fourth? Choose two or three pairs of other words that differ in only one vowel or one consonant sound.

269 . Determine what idea is revealed in the text. Write down the part that provides evidence for this idea. Underline the sentence that serves to connect the first and second parts of the text. Write down the number of vowels and consonants in the highlighted words.

Which sounds in Russian we use 3 more - vowels or consonants?

Here What do scientists say about this? Let's take a few words from any sentence that have a hundred sounds. Among these sounds... 2 approximately sixty will be consonants, and forty will be vowels.

Means, consonants predominate in our speech.

In our language, some sounds are played out in comic sentences - tongue twisters. For example: Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Tongue twisters help you master correct pronunciation some sounds.

270 . Read each tongue twister four to five times in a row: first at a slow pace, then at a normal pace, then at an accelerated pace, trying not to make a single mistake.

1. Three woodcutters are chopping wood in three yards. 2. There is grass in the yard, and there is firewood on the grass. 3. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. 4. Brush on pigs, scales on pike. 5. The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya’s dress.

271 . Give examples of tongue twisters. What sounds (or combination of sounds) are played out in them?

272 . What explains the shortcomings in Sasha’s speech? Why is S. Mikhalkov’s poem called “Sasha’s Porridge”?

      He will say:
      And you hear:
      "To the building!"
      He's in such a hurry to leave the raid
      Read, ask, say,
      It's like someone is drowning
      And he runs to save...
      When he reads out loud,
      You will barely understand:
      And he swallows sounds
      And whole words.

Possible start: When reading aloud, take your time...

274 . What idea is revealed in A. Kondratov’s text? Copy and add missing punctuation marks. Find two sentences with generalizing words with homogeneous members.

Can a child learn to speak without the help of people? Scientists have known (?) cases when children were fed and raised by wild animals: wolves, leopards, monkeys (?) bears and even... sheep. And these animal people “spoke” not in any human language, but in an animal language. Their throats emitted the signal cries of those animals that raised them: a wolf howl and a monkey squeal. With great difficulty we later managed to teach them to speak humanly.

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