Home indoor flowers Synopsis of the lesson in the Russian language “Indeclinable nouns. Synopsis of the lesson in the Russian language “Indeclinable nouns IV. vocabulary work

Synopsis of the lesson in the Russian language “Indeclinable nouns. Synopsis of the lesson in the Russian language “Indeclinable nouns IV. vocabulary work

Prochai Natalya Alexandrovna
Educational institution: KGSOU for students with disabilities Altai secondary school No. 2
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Publication date: 2017-09-08 Synopsis of the lesson in Russian "Indeclinable nouns" Prochai Natalya Alexandrovna Synopsis of a lesson in the Russian language in grade 4 on the topic: Exercises in the declension of nouns. Indeclinable nouns. The purpose of the lesson: to create conditions for the systematization and consolidation of students' knowledge and skills on the topic: "Declination of nouns."

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Synopsis of the lesson in Russian "Indeclinable nouns"

Open Russian lesson in 4th grade

Topic: Exercises in declension of nouns. Indeclinable nouns.

Target: create conditions for systematization and consolidation of knowledge and skills of students on the topic: "Declination of nouns".


Educational: consolidate knowledge about cases, case issues, the ability to determine the case of nouns; introduce the concept of "indeclinable nouns".

Correction-developing: develop memory, attention, verbal-logical thinking; Expand words knowledge; improve language skills and creativity.

Educational: promote the development of interest in learning the native language; to cultivate accuracy and organization; communication skills.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: textbooks , memos, cards for independent work, reference tables.

During the classes:

1. Organizing moment

- Guys, I'm glad to see you! Let's smile at each other, get in a good mood and do a great job at the lesson!

2. A moment of calligraphy

We will start the lesson with a minute of calligraphy, and for this we will perform exercises for the fingers. Repeat after me:

On a visit to the thumb

Came straight to the house

Index and middle

Nameless and last.

The little finger itself is a baby

Knocked on the threshold!

(Children, together with the teacher, perform finger gymnastics for the development of fine motor skills).

Now guess the riddle:

Girded stone belt

Hundreds of cities and villages.


What is the first sound you hear in this word?

What is the name of the letter that represents this sound?

So, we will write letters and connections beautifully and correctly.

We write cleanly and neatly. We follow posture.

Sh sh sha sho sh sh

I look at your letters

And I can't understand everything.

I ask you to indicate

Where can I find the best ones?

(Children evaluate calligraphy work, conduct introspection).

3. Vocabulary work

How do you understand the word highway?

(It came to us from French and denotes a paved road)

Read the word as we speak. We pronounce the consonant at the end of the word firmly.

Read spelling as we write.

- Write off, put stress in the word, underline "erroneously dangerous" places.

Let's speak a tongue twister and write it in a notebook.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

4.Updating basic knowledge

Sasha highway drying

What unites these words? What part of speech are they?

We already know a lot about this part of speech and now we will schematically fix our knowledge.

What are nouns?

How they change. nouns?

What is noun declension?

How to determine the case of a noun?

Are all nouns inflected?

5. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson

So, the topic of our lesson: “Exercises in declension of nouns. Indeclinable nouns."


(Goals: to develop the ability to determine the case of nouns on questions and prepositions of cases; we will find out if all nouns in Russian are declined)

6. Work on the topic of the lesson

We will consolidate the ability to determine the cases of nouns. You can use the memo. Let's do exercise number 115, with commenting.

(Individually at the board along the chain.)

So, guys, what skills did you practice doing this exercise? What helped you in your work?

7. Physical minute

Pinocchio stretched.

Once - bent down, twice - bent down.

Raised hands to the sides,

Apparently the key was not found.

To get us the key

Gotta get on your toes!

What does the noun Pinocchio have to do with the topic of our lesson?

(We read about Pinocchio, worried about Pinocchio, were proud of Pinocchio ...)

There are a lot of indeclinable nouns in Russian. Many words are borrowed from other languages.

1. Get to know some nouns:

coat radio

subway chimpanzee

movie cockatoo

taxi kangaroo

2. Observation of the declension of nouns.

I.p. chalk subway

R.p. chalk subway

D.p. melu subway

Vp chalk metro

etc. chalked subway

P.p. about the chalk about the subway

What part of the word usually changes when nouns change in questions?

Has the word form of the noun changed? underground?

Does this word have an ending?

Conclusion: nouns that are used in different cases, but do not change the form of the word, are called indeclinable. These words must be remembered.

For what?

3. Look at the pictures and find the indeclinable noun. (Coat)

Let's work orally. Exercise-game "Insert a word."

The shop sells different……..

Beautiful buttons are sewn to ……..

They bought me autumn and winter ………

I am satisfied with my new ……….

4. Independent work in pairs on cards, followed by verification.

And now I will read this humorous poem in full, and your task is to correct the endings in indeclinable nouns.

Somehow early in the morning with a friend we sat down in the meter.

And we went a meter away to watch a movie about a kangaroo.

He loves kinah kids, if there are kangaroos in kinah

Walks-wanders on the highway, carries a chimpanzee in a bag.

Kangaroo entered the cafe, took a free table there

And he sits at the domino with a chimpanzee and a cockatoo.

Interesting movie, too bad it's over.

Question: what words did you find strange?

MBOU « Nizhnemaktaminskaya secondary school №2»




Primary school teacher

Khafizova R.D.


to acquaint students with the features of the instrumental case;

learn to use nouns in the instrumental case correctly;

develop spelling vigilance;

cultivate love for nature; repeat the rules of conduct in public places.



Look into each other's eyes, smile. I wish you a good mood and interesting work in the lesson.

Today's lesson, in which we will continue to deepen our knowledge of noun cases, I suggest starting with survey:

What is called a noun?

How do nouns change?

Name the non-permanent features of the noun. (Number and case)

What are the constant signs of a noun. (Gender, animation, inanimateness, declension, proper and common noun)

How many cases do you know? (6)

Name the cases.







Who? What?

Whom? What?

To whom? What?

Whom? What?

By whom? How?

About whom? About what?



Open notebooks, write down the number,« Classwork ».

Clumsy and funny

At the skating rink stands with a broom.

I'm used to the winter wind

Our friend...

( Answer:Snowman )


Write down the clues

1. Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (Language).

2. The one who makes the train in transport. (Passenger)

3. An institution that collects and stores print works for the general public. (Library)

4. A road (in a garden, in a park) with rows of trees planted on both sides. (alley)

5. The state in which we live. (Russia)

What groups would you split into? (Double consonant and unstressed vowel)

What spellings met. Emphasize.









Why was the case given such a name, do you think?

And now let's open the textbooks to page 112. And check our assumptions.



Now let's do the UPR. 149.on page 113

Read the task to yourself.

What should be done?

Listen to a fairy tale(with words)

— « There lived a King. He had two daughters - princesses. And once they decided to go to the zoo, which was located near the palace. At first the princesses admiredelephant , after zebra , bear. And so they approached the terrarium and began to look at its inhabitants.

Guys, who could they see there?(Snake, snake, boa constrictor, crocodile ...)

The eldest princess stuck her hand into the terrarium. The king was delighted at firstboldness daughters. But suddenly she stroked the snake. The king cried out in fear:« It's good that now you met withsnake ».

Why it is good? (Because it's not poisonous.)

« Be smart girl , move away from the terrarium, and I will treat you to deliciousplum » . The younger princess at that time stood behindspruce because she was very afraid of snakes. The king took the princesses home and promisedautumn go to the circus with them».

Here is such a fairy tale. Read the nouns from the board.

— What did you notice? (They are in instrumental form.)


Today at the lesson we got acquainted with the mosta hardworking case who loves to create just like you.

BUT) Proverbs.

Read the proverbs.

— What topic?

What proverbs about work do you know?

How do you understand them? In these proverbs, you need to find nouns in the instrumental case and write them out in a notebook.

Put your soul and heart into work, cherish every second in your work.

Don't rush with your tongue, hurry up with your deeds.

Whoever is happy to work will be rich in bread.


Write down, highlight the ending, determine the case.

Came (with what?) with (blizzard)
Skidded (with what?) (snow)
Decorated with (what?) (silver)
Covered (with what?) (carpet)
Flew (over what?) over (forest)
Admired (what?) (snowflake)
Play (with whom?) with (Tanya and Sasha)



What holiday is coming up? ( New Year.)

All of you will go to the Christmas tree to school, to work with your parents. Recall the rules of conduct in public places.

Outdoors, at home, in a public place

Be polite with elders, remember honor,

In the theater, in the tram, in the reading room, in the cinema,

Be humble, decent, smart.


What did we learn in the lesson?

What did you like about today's lesson?

To sum up the lesson and evaluate your work, you need to answer the test questions.

1. a) in the instrumental case, nouns answer the question to whom? what?

B) in the instrumental case, nouns answer the questions by whom? by what?

2. a) nouns in the instrumental case are only secondary members

B) nouns in a sentence are not only secondary members.

3. Indicate the nouns in the instrumental case

A) on the way

B) with a friend

B) over water

4. Specify the prepositions of instrumental case

A) c

B) to

C) for



Outline of the Russian language lesson in the 4th grade

on the topic "Present, past and future tense of the verb" (lesson-journey)

Z. V. Ozerova,

Primary school teacher at Konyrskaya secondary school with DMC

slide 1

Topic: Present, past and future tenses of the verb

The purpose of the lesson: creating conditions for familiarizing children with the concept of temporary forms

verb and with the peculiarity of each tense form of the verb.


    to form the ability to determine the tense of the verb, the conjugation of the verb;

    develop attention, oral and written speech of students, spelling vigilance;

    to cultivate a positive motivation for studying the subject, to cultivate a culture of speech, camaraderie.

Equipment: writing on the board, travel map, task cards, test,

interactive board.

Conduct form: lesson - travel

Methods: verbal, practical, visual, partially exploratory

During the classes

    Organizing time.

It is in our power to make the lesson useful and interesting. We will work thoughtfully and attentively, we will please each other with success.

    Updating of basic knowledge.

At the lessons of literary reading, when they studied oral folk art, they gave many examples of proverbs and sayings. Please tell me why proverbs and sayings are needed?

Today at the lesson we will remember proverbs and sayings about friendship. Read the proverbs that are written on the board. Explain the meaning.

slide 2

    Money can't buy friendship.

    A friend is a person who worries, worries, worries and rejoices for your friend.

What are my underlined words?
- What is a verb?
What questions do verbs in the singular answer?
- In plural?
- Explain the spelling of verbs.

    Vocabulary work.

Write down the vocabulary word quarrel. Form verbs from it using different prefixes.

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today I invite you to take an unusual journey through the ocean of Verbs.

Before you go on a journey, you must remember the grammatical features of the verb. (Type, person, number, gender).

It's time to get acquainted with another sign - the tense of the verb.

Is everyone ready? Then go! Be sure to take with us respect for friends, mutual assistance, friendship.

    Learning new material. Primary fastening.

slide 3

    Observation of present tense verbs.

Our ship landed on some island. Let's read its name. (Reveals the name of the island). This is an island of present tense verbs. Verbs live here: sits, listens, thinks, answers, etc. What questions do these verbs answer? (What is it doing? What are they doing?) These are verbs that show that the action is happening at the moment of speech, i.e. now. Give examples of verbs in the present tense.

Change the faces of the verb WRITE and put it in the present tense.

Conclusion. Verbs in the present tense change by person.

Open the textbook on page 116, exercise 2. (Collectively, in writing).

slide 4

    Observe past tense verbs.

We learned about the life of the inhabitants of this island, we go further.

The next island is the island of Past Verbs. Verbs live here: sat, listened, thought, answered, drew, wrote.

What questions do these verbs answer? (What did you do? What did you do? What did you do? What did you do?) These are verbs that show that the action took place before the moment of speech, i.e. yesterday, last week or 5 minutes ago, etc. Give examples of verbs in the past tense.

The inhabitants of this island have prepared a task for you.


- Form from verbs in the initial form verbs in the past tense, singular, masculine, feminine and neuter.

SHINE, SWIM, FLOWER. For example: shine - shone (snow), shone (moon), shone (lake). We work in pairs, consult together.


Change the verb in the past tense according to the faces FLY

Conclusion: Verbs do not change in the past tense.


Swing, spin around
Stretch, stretch
Sit down, sit down
Walk, walk.
Stand on the toe, on the heel,
Jump on a squat
Take a deep breath now
Sit quietly, rest.

What tense form are the verbs in?

slide 5

    Observation of future tense verbs .

We swim to the last island. This is the island of Future Verbs. Verbs live here: I will leave, I will write, I will decide, I will count, I will watch. What questions do these verbs answer?

Verbs in the future tense show that the action will take place after the moment of speech, i.e. sometime. Give examples of verbs in the future tense.


- In the proverbs, find the verbs in the future tense and write them down in your notebook. (According to options).

    1 option. What kind of friendship you make, such a life you will spend.

    Option 2. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't reassemble it.

Change the verbdraw in the form of the future tense by persons.

Conclusion. Verbs in the future tense change by person.

This concludes our journey through the islands of verb tense.

What forms of time did you recognize today?

    Repetition of the studied material.


    Which of these words is a verb?

    a) a run b) run c) running; d) running

    What verbs does the particlenot spelled fluently?

    a) (does not) write; b) (do not) wonder; c) (not) afraid; d) (not) love

    Indicate the verbs of the 1st conjugation.

    a) build ___; b) listen ___; c) offend; d) step__t

    Which answer lists the endings of only 2 conjugations.

    a) -it, -em, -yut b) -im, -ut, -yut c) -at, -eat, -et d) -ite, -esh, -yat

Self-test: 1-b), 2-b), d) 3-b), d) 4-d). Self-esteem

slide 6

Homework. Page 117, ex. four

    Summary of the lesson.

    What did you do in class?

    What have you learned?

    What conclusion should be drawn about friendship?


Slide 7

Add suggestions:


    It drew me in because……..

    Looked interesting....

    Made me think....

    Got me thinking....

a. Konyr

Alakol district

Alma-Ata's region

Lesson topic: Particle spelling NOT with verbs

1. Developing: to expand the cognitive sphere of the student: attention, perception, thinking, speech, abilities.
2. Educational: to form the need for new knowledge; to cultivate interest in learning the Russian language, to form the skills of collective work, to form a culture of communication.
3. Educational: develop the ability to write a particle NOT with verbs.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Inclusion of children in activities.

Hello guys. Today I will teach the Russian language lesson. My name is Tatyana Alekseevna.

At the beginning of the lesson, I will remind you:
You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty (on the board).
- What did I want to say?

A student will go to the board, he has an individual task (to collect the definition of the verb from the proposed words).

Today in the lesson we will work with concentration, learn something new, useful, interesting. (a sign is posted!), we will also work in pairs (a sign is posted).
- Do you have a desire to work together, diligently?
Write down the number, great work.

Determine what part of speech is the word in which there is a checked unstressed vowel (you will catch it).
- So, today in the lesson we will expand our knowledge about what part of speech?

Let's check how the student defined the verb (reads).
- Correctly?

In the course of the lesson, completing tasks, we will collect a mosaic, not simple, cognitive.

2. Monitoring the level of preparedness of students for the assimilation of new material.
-Now you will work in pairs.
Night has come in the winter forest. Bright stars appeared.

You have clouds on your desks. On them are words from which you must make 1 sentence.
1 row - In the dark sky, the moon appeared.
2nd row - Frost knocks on the trunks of bare trees.
3 row - She does not disturb the magical silence of the forest.
Students in pairs make up a sentence.

Read the offer. Guys, you agree.
- Write these sentences in your notebook and on the blackboard.
- At the blackboard, students write down sentences with comments.
An additional task is given for each (in a pocket):
. What is a verb?
. Find and underline the basis of the sentence.
. Give a description of the proposal.

Is it possible to combine sentences by topic. How to change their order?
-Find the verbs. Read.
-What do the verbs have in common? (console)
What are the morphological characteristics of verbs? (time)
- Determine the tense of the verbs.

- I'll check how you can determine the tense of verbs.
-You must write out the present tense verbs from the text with a small letter in a column (student at the blackboard).
Good Russian forests! Green peaks rustle under the clouds. Like white beauties, curly birch trees look into the water. Oak trees sprawled across the clearings. Aspen trembles with every leaf. Quiet streams flow in the wilderness.

Mutual verification.
- Exchange notebooks and check.
- Who has any comments?

I will read the text. If you hear the verb of the past tense, the girls will clap their hands over their heads, and if the verbs of the future tense are the boys.
Let's run to the forest.
Let's listen to the story.
We waved our wings.
Circled over the fields.
And then we become lions.
They shook their heads.
We roar at each other.
They fell silent with fear.
You remember the material well, and we have another piece of the puzzle (2).

3. Introduction of new knowledge
a) - Look at sentence 2, remember that we are expanding knowledge about the verb, determine the topic of the lesson.
Spelling not with verbs (on the board).
- We must learn to write correctly not with verbs.
- Determine which part of speech is non-official or independent. Why?
. Does not denote an object, a sign of an object, an action of an object.
. Used to connect words in a sentence.
What other parts of speech do you know? (a diagram is posted on the board).
- Select.

Maybe, based on experience, practice, someone knows how to write a particle not with verbs?
Read the rule on page 82.
Let's add in a column through a dash, the same verbs with a particle not.
1 student works at the blackboard.

Text reading:
The noble verb did not like the proud particle. His love was sad. He said: "I love", and she told him: "I do not love." He confessed: “I believe,” and she told him: “I don’t believe.”
The particle NOT never came close to the Verb and was written from it only separately. But the Verb was constant in his feelings.

What rule did we formulate in the lesson? What does the particle not mean - affirmation or negation? We have another piece of the puzzle (3).
b) - A snowflake flew to you. It has a word written on it. Guess.

On vi do not de (children guess the word).

The student found the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary (the task is given at recess).
- I will write down: do not hate (on the board).
Children will point out what is wrong, or be prompted by a leading question.
Why is it slick? So, then there are verbs that are not written together with the particle? And in what cases?

Read the text to the student:
One day, the particle did NOT say to the Verb: “I will reciprocate if you prove that you cannot live without me.”
The verb went to wander through the dictionaries. When he returned to his beloved, she jumped away from him with a cry: “I am indignant! I hate it!" And suddenly she froze in surprise, being next to the verb. It turned out that in some cases, not only the verb, but the particle itself can NOT live without each other.

The word hate is written in a notebook, spellings are highlighted (emphasis, explanation of the prefixes not, on, remember the letter e).

Make a sentence with this word.
We have another piece of the puzzle (4).
4. Application of knowledge and skills in practice
a) Work on the textbook. Exercise 124.
- Read the text.
- Who is the text talking about? What can you say about Volodya?
- How do you understand the meaning of the word "unwilling"?
To compel - to compel, to compel to do something.
- Why didn't he captivate the bird?

Let's write down 2 sentences from this text with commenting from the spot.
3 suggestion on your own.
(4 strong students receive cards for individual work.
Recording proverbs.
(Not) talking soda in a mortar.
(Don't) buy a whale in a bag.
Write correctly, opening brackets).
b) Search activity
Words on the board:
Undecided, you don’t write, I’m not good, you don’t speak, don’t lay down, don’t love, bad weather, I don’t see, we don’t hope.
Write out the words that are spelled incorrectly, correct the mistakes.
(Do not decide, indignant, do not speak, do not see, dislike, do not hope.)
1 student at the blackboard.
Add 2 more verbs with the particle not.
We have another piece of the puzzle (5).
5. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system
a) - We have a guest in our class: Nehochuha.
Doesn't want to learn, doesn't remember the rules.
Do you remember the rule you learned today?
I'll check now.
From our dialogue with Nekhochukha, write out verbs with a particle not from a new line, with a capital letter separated by a comma (1 student at the blackboard).

Get off your chair!
- I do not want!
- You'll fall!
- I won't fall!
- Get out!
- I won't leave!
- Do you hear?
- I can not hear!
- Are you dreaming?
- I'm not dreaming!
- Are you silent?
- No, I'm not silent!
- Candy, would you like it?
- Not! Yes, I want, I want!

(I don’t want, I won’t fall, I won’t leave, I don’t hear, I don’t dream, I don’t keep silent.)
- Choose an additional question.
We have another piece of the puzzle (6).
Write a sentence with any of these verbs.

6. Summing up the lesson
- You have received the last piece of the puzzle.
Children read the proverb:
Who is much literate, and not the abyss.
Why do you think?
Were we able to achieve the objectives of the lesson? Did we get a well-coordinated fruitful work?
- I enjoyed working with you. Thank you.
7. Homework
On the back of the mosaic, homework:
Those children who received individual cards will continue and write down a story about a winter night using verbs with a particle not, you can write it on snowflakes.
The rest of the guys will make 5 sentences using verbs with the particle not.
1 student will find in the dictionary the meaning of the word "perplexed".

8. Self-analysis of students' activities
- Now, guys, you yourself will evaluate your work.
If we have fulfilled the objectives of the lesson (showing signs! And hands), then raise the stars, if you did not work at full strength - clouds.

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