Home Useful properties of fruits How to transfer a child from one garden to another. How to transfer a child to another school? Step by step description of the procedure and recommendations

How to transfer a child from one garden to another. How to transfer a child to another school? Step by step description of the procedure and recommendations

Schooling is the first serious stage in the life of a developing personality. This is a place where the child not only gains knowledge, but also socializes in the circle of teachers and peers. As a rule, the process of adapting to new living conditions takes a long time. Moreover, sometimes there are situations when it becomes necessary to transfer a student to another school. And again the child is forced to adapt.

Reasons for transfer

The transfer to another school may be associated with the desire to deeply study individual subjects.

When transferring a child from one school to another, the parents face the main task: how to make the change of educational institution the most painless for their child and for themselves. It all depends on the reasons that caused the need to move to another school. The most common motives for changing educational institutions are:

  • change of the family's place of residence (in this case, the child not only changes the school team, but in general the whole usual way of life - the environment, the house);
  • the initiative of the parents or the child himself, caused by the desire to gain deeper knowledge in certain subjects;
  • conflicts with teachers or classrooms.

In the first case, you should talk to the child more often so that he does not feel lonely in the new conditions of life. Also, if possible, you need to periodically meet with old friends, classmates or communicate with them on social networks. Do not worry that this will slow down the addiction to school or the classroom - children adapt very quickly, so soon your student himself will give up too frequent communication with former classmates - he will simply have no time to do it.

If the transfer to another school is caused by a desire to improve the quality of education, then you need to carefully consider how easy it is for the child to master large volumes of material. If necessary, it is better to resort to the help of tutors so that the transition to a new school does not provoke a decrease in the child's academic performance and self-esteem.

More than 70% of all students who transfer to other schools do so for the purpose of in-depth study of individual subjects.

In conflict situations, it is better, of course, to try to find a compromise, but if this is not possible, then a change of educational institution may be the way out. And then the parents should make sure that such situations in the life of their baby do not recur again. To do this, together with the child, you need to understand the causes of conflict situations and the ways that help to avoid them.

What is the transfer procedure

Before writing an application to a new school, you need to talk to the principal

When transferring to another school, parents must draw up an ethically correct statement of the reasons for the transfer for the principal and teachers, and this is done both in the former and in the future school. The issue of settling formalities is also important. The procedure for transferring to another school consists in the sequential implementation of a number of points:

  1. A visit to the director of the school to which you are going to transfer in order to find out the rules of admission, requirements for students and the quality of educational services in the institution.
  2. Drawing up an application for admission.
  3. If you transfer your child to a specialized educational institution, then you will need to pass exams. Based on their results, you will be announced about admission to school or refusal. If no introductory tests are required, you can proceed to the next step.
  4. Talking to the homeroom teacher and school principal about the reasons for leaving. Be extremely polite and tolerant in wording, as required by ethics of conduct. In addition, this way you will avoid additional problems - the school administration must give you a characterization of the child. And any conflicts can affect its content.
  5. Drawing up a letter of resignation.
  6. Settlement of issues related to the library. In the event that some textbooks are lost, you will need to pay a fine, otherwise you will not be signed by the bypass sheet, which means that your medical documents will not be returned.
  7. Written confirmation from the school to which the child is transferring that he will be admitted to the new educational institution. This can be a certificate or an email if schools are geographically located far from each other.
  8. Obtaining a report card, characteristics, medical documents from the previous school and processing these documents in a new one.

This is a general plan for transferring a child from one school to another, but it should be noted that these requirements may vary slightly in different regions and cities. The package of necessary documents for admission to a new educational institution remains unchanged:

  • Application for admission;
  • Report card for the last school year and current grades (if transferring the child in the middle of the year);
  • Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child from the class teacher, certified by the director.
  • Medical documents (results of annual examinations of specialists, vaccination card).

How to transfer through government services

Soon it will be possible to arrange the transfer of a child to another school through the portal of state services

In 2009, on the initiative of the Government of Russia, a project of a portal of public services was launched, which performs the functions of connecting Russian citizens with the apparatus of regional and municipal administration. Through the portal, you can not only ask a question of interest to one or another official, but also write an application for admission or transfer to another school. In order to use the online application form, you need to register on the portal, providing the following information about yourself:

  • Full Name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • place of residence;
  • passport data;
  • phone and email address.

This information is sufficient to complete the registration and use the capabilities of e-government for submitting applications, making an appointment with various institutions. To use a number of other portal services, additional data is required.

To date, the service for registering the transfer of a child to another school operates in a test mode for Muscovites. But in the near future, it is planned to make the online procedure for filling out applications for transfer to another school available to all residents of Russia. With this application form, you do not have to travel to the school several times to meet with the director, write an application, it will be enough to fill out the form on the website, and the school administration will be obliged to give an answer within 30 days. It will also be possible to apply to several schools at the same time.

Transferring a child to another school is a responsible event that requires not only a detailed choice of school, but also time. It is also very important to take into account all the nuances and peculiarities of the transition. And then the change of place of study will be hassle-free.

All parents want to have a legitimate reason to be proud of their offspring. School achievements of children are actively discussed in the family circle, among friends and colleagues. The reason for this is simple. Children are our future, which parents, with varying degrees of determination, cultivate in the present. Of course, everyone would like the road to this secure and happy future to be direct and short. But the river of life rarely flows smoothly, and situations often arise when it is necessary to think about how to transfer a child to another school.

Typical reasons for translation

  1. Moving a family to another area, city or even country for professional or personal reasons.
  2. Relationship problems: Serious conflicts with peers or worse, with teachers.
  3. Parents' expectations and ambitions are much higher or markedly lower than the school curriculum and teaching staff.
  4. The threat to the child's reputation, the deterioration of his social prospects (registration of a minor, the influence of a bad company).

Of course, a caring parent will make every effort to ensure that his child's school life is successful and happy.

So, certain circumstances force you to change schools. How to transfer a child to another school as quickly and without problems as possible? It depends on parental settings and specific conditions. Of course, you need to take into account the child's desire and at the same time, you should not rely only on his opinion. He does not like changes, they scare him, this is a property of human nature.

We determine the criteria for choosing a new school

  1. List the important criteria for the new school that it must meet. This is the location, reputation and prestige, specialization, material and technical base, the number of students in the class, cooperation with universities, a specific program, transport accessibility, the social composition of students, regular material contributions from parents, the load on lessons and homework, the presence of electives and special courses , teacher reviews, and more. The younger the child, the more important it is to be close to home and have a friendly teacher.
  2. These criteria should be weighted according to any convenient scale. It is more common to use a five-point grading system. For example, transport accessibility is important for someone, then this criterion gets "5", social composition is also important - on "4", all other criteria are passed with lower scores. This step is called ranking.
  3. Further, all the criteria must be arranged in decreasing order of importance. Anything after the top seven points can be cut off as irrelevant. The most important thing is concentrated, as a rule, in the first 2-3 points. Ideally, a transfer to another school should solve several problems at once.

Looking for information about the school

Collect as much reliable information as possible. Use the Internet, reference books, consult with friends and colleagues, visit exhibitions, study ratings. Each interesting educational institution selected must be assigned points according to important criteria. And as a result, calculate what is the final score for each school. This is how the best school for a son or daughter is chosen.

Visit to school

You need to prepare for going to school. Check in advance the availability of seats in the required class. Make an appointment with your secretary. And see everything with your own eyes. Come a little early and walk around the school. Analyze its size, appearance, well-groomed school grounds. If possible, observe the children - what and how they say. Inside the building, with a tenacious eye, appreciate the design, cleanliness and order, be sure to take a look at the stands and showcases. You will be able to understand the degree of activity of the school, which competitions and Olympiads it sends its students to. If it's a regular high school, there will likely be a meeting with the principal and class teacher. They will look at you, the parents and the student, assessing something like this: how sane mom and dad are, and what problems the child will create. The student will be asked questions about his favorite subjects and hobbies. At such "bridal shows" you need to show maximum friendliness and convince the administration of your trustworthiness and diligence.

Transfer to the gymnasium

How to transfer to another school if it is a specialized gymnasium? As a rule, admission selection in gymnasiums and lyceums is stricter, and one conversation with the management is not enough. The exception will be the student-winner of the Olympiads of regional or city significance. An extract from the school diary will be scrupulously examined under a magnifying glass, and the applicant will be offered a test. The results will be decisive. If they are not brilliant, the gymnasium may offer to try their hand at next year.

How do I transfer my child to another elite school? This problem does not arise so often, if only because there are much fewer such establishments than ordinary ones. The main focus is on the school's impeccable reputation and financial conditions.

You are denied

If you are refused because there are no places, there is a possibility of deceit: an excellent student will be gladly taken to any, even overcrowded class. Stock up on additional documents. A good testimonial from a former class teacher will be helpful. A portfolio of works illustrating the student's creative, social or scientific activity will help to create the right impression. Consider if you can exercise your right to benefits.

How to choose a school that will be better than the previous one? After visiting different schools, systematize your impressions, weigh the pros and cons, and clarify the child's opinion.

Required documents

Now is the time to carry out the transfer to another school. For this you need the following documents. The first step is to write an application for admission to the new school. Most often, copies of the child's passport or birth certificate and copies of the parents' passports are attached to it. If the new school gives the green light, the secretariat will print a certificate on the student's enrollment form. With this paper, you need to contact the administration of the former school. Over the course of a certain time, they form a package of official papers for your child. There are two main documents: a personal file and a medical record. The personal file contains marks on the subjects passed for all academic years (along with quarter marks), the medical card contains lists of chronic and past diseases and vaccinations. This kit must be transferred to the new school, and within 2-3 days an order will be issued to enroll the child in the class.

How to transfer a child to another school if it is in another city or country? It is worth noting that in this case, the parents will not have a certificate of enrollment, so the director should be warned in advance so that the administration has time to make the necessary documents by the time of your departure.

We help the child to adapt

All children are different, each responds in its own way to a change in environment. Someone needs an hour to get closer to classmates, someone a month, someone a year. It is in the power of parents to facilitate the adaptation period for their offspring. Here are some simple but powerful adaptation tips.

  1. Observe the daily routine whenever possible. In a well-functioning rhythm of work and rest, there are fewer reasons for anxiety and anxiety.
  2. Watch your diet. You need to consume more fruits and vegetables. Avoid long meal breaks. Pamper your child with what he likes (new school is not the time for fasting).
  3. Talk to the class teacher beforehand, tell him about your "treasure". Mention the advantages with pleasure, the disadvantages - casually. If possible, at the first meeting, sign up for the parent committee or offer him your best help. This will bring you closer to the teacher, your parents, and the problems of the class as a whole.
  4. Help with lessons if needed. In a new school, the requirements and program may differ for both the better and the worse. Check your diary daily, paper or electronic.
  5. Try to listen and hear your child. Ask about what's going on in the class.
  6. Enroll the offspring in an elective or school hobby group.
  7. Send your child for a walk in the yard. This is a great place for dating and "airing" the brain.

New School - New Opportunities

The world is becoming more mobile and interesting every day. For most children, moving to another school will be a wonderful opportunity to gain new experiences, change their attitude towards learning and make lifelong friends.

And August is the last month of summer. At this time, the active preparation of children for the new school year begins. For some schoolchildren, the end of summer can be marked by such a serious life situation as transferring to another school. Recently, the procedure for transferring from one school to another has been simplified, and there are more and more reasons for this. Many schools announce additional enrollments of students, the children themselves show an increased interest in certain school subjects, which necessitates a transition to specialized schools that make it possible to study foreign languages, biology, chemistry or mathematics in depth.

In addition to these reasons, there is also a factor of change of place of residence, when the transfer of a child to another school becomes a necessary measure. But this does not mean at all that the new school should be worse than the previous one. Not at all! Moving should open up new perspectives for you and your child, so that the changes will only benefit you! In this article, we will talk about how to quickly and without hassle transfer a child to the chosen school, and how to adapt the child's psyche to the new learning conditions in order to help him quickly and easily get used to a new place.

Documents for transfer to another school

The transfer of a child from school to school is carried out in 3 stages. Stage number 1 - finding a suitable school and receiving confirmation of the readiness of the educational institution to accept your child for training. If you change schools within your district, which is assigned to the school you have chosen, you cannot be refused. This is possible only if there are no free seats. If you change a school to a school located in another area of ​​your city, then enrollment will take place after all those who wish to the area assigned to this school have been enrolled. Remember that you can submit 3 applications for admission to different schools if they are located in your child's place of residence, and only 2 applications if the school is in a different area.

If you are planning to transfer your child to a specialized school, lyceum or gymnasium, then your student will need to pass an interview with teachers and a psychologist (when enrolling in primary school), testing in specialized subjects (in secondary school) or pass exams (in high school). In case of successful completion of all tests and if there is free space, your child is enrolled in the class. The new school, represented by the director, writes an order for the admission of the child to study, indicating the date of admission and the class. This order is signed by the headmaster and stamped, after which the parents carry it to the headmaster of the old school.

Together with the order to enroll the student in the new school, the parents bring the director of the old school a statement of expulsion from the school in which the child is studying. On the basis of these papers, an order is prepared to expel a student from his school, and the following documents are issued to parents for transfer to another school:

  • personal file of the child,
  • a document on the student's progress (an extract from the class journal, diaries, etc.), necessarily certified by the seal of the school and the signature of its director,
  • the child's medical record.

Further, the child's parents submit to the new school all of the above documents, an application for admission based on a transfer from the old school and the original passport of the mother or father with registration. Within 3 days, an order is issued at the school to enroll a new student.

Another caveat: when enrolling in a new school, its administration may ask you to make a charitable entrance fee. Its size should be affordable for the family, and the inability to pay it cannot be a reason for refusal to enroll. If you decide to pay this fee, then you need to do it only by bank transfer through a non-profit foundation cooperating with the chosen school. This completes the student enrollment process. Your child may start attending classes at the new school.

A child in a new school

Of course, the transition to another school is stress not only for the parents, but first of all for the child himself! Moreover, adaptation is necessary for both the youngest student and the senior pupil. As you know, a child's psyche is more flexible than an adult, so it is quite easy for a child to adapt to new conditions. The main thing is to help him in time to cope with the changes that have come. This process should involve the teachers of the new school, a psychologist, and old friends of your child. However, most of the burden falls on the shoulders of the student himself and his parents.

The transition to a new school is marked for the child by the need to join an absolutely new team for him, where all social roles and tasks have already been distributed. In addition, he has to adapt to new learning conditions - the road to school, classroom, classroom environment, etc. Most likely, at first, a child in a new school will feel awkward and uncomfortable, he may remember the old school, friends left in the class, be afraid of new teachers and it is not easy to get used to the educational process. The most important thing that parents can do during the adaptation period is to help and support their student in every possible way, listen carefully to the child when he talks about his fears, fears and experiences, try to dispel them or suggest what should be done in a given situation. During the adaptation period, the child should not make excessive demands, calmly relate to mood swings, possible withdrawal or harshness in communication at home.

How easily a child adapts to a new school also depends on his character: if a child is good at change, loves to get to know each other and easily makes contact, the transition to a new school will be an adventure for him, and adaptation will be easy. If the child is anxious or withdrawn, it will be more difficult for him to get used to.

We will give you some general tips on how to make the transition to a new school easier and easier.

Tip # 1 - try to change schools in the summer, so that on September 1, your student goes to a new school with its students. In this case, after the summer holidays, all children adapt to the educational conditions, and adaptation is easier, since not only your child, but also all other children need to join the school rhythm.

Tip # 2 - first introduce your child to the new school, come on vacation and wander around the building, meet the teachers and class teacher, introduce your child to them, and also tell the teachers about his features, strengths and weaknesses.

Council number 3 - actively discuss the transition to a new school at home, talk about positive prospects, together collect the necessary school supplies so that the child does not become complex due to the lack of something necessary.

Tip # 4 - Encourage your child to communicate with old friends, showing that the old life is not over, and he can freely communicate with friends outside the classroom. It will be great if, over time, your child makes acquaintances in a new class, and you manage to unite both companies.

Council number 5 - to avoid ridicule and negative manifestations from new classmates, advise the child to be himself, not to curry favor with new classmates, but also not to be hostile to them. At first, it is best to behave kindly, but not impose friendship on anyone, but take a closer look at the new guys.

Council number 6 - if it is customary in the new class to periodically go on excursions, go to the cinema or to exhibitions, be sure to give your child the opportunity to participate in these extracurricular activities. In such a relaxed atmosphere, the easiest way to find new friends.

Tip # 7 - Go to the nearest parent meeting and try to build good relationships with the parents of the students.

Council number 8 - establish a daily routine for your student, make sure that the child eats and sleeps enough, because if he does not get enough sleep, he will fall asleep in class and not keep up with the general pace of work in the class, which will negatively affect his self-esteem. Enroll the child in the section according to his interests, so that the day is busy not only with studies, but also with interesting activities. Make sure that the child spends time outdoors for a harmonious mental and physical activity. If the baby is overly worried, consult a pediatrician and drink Tenoten baby sedative, which will help stabilize the baby's nervous system and facilitate adaptation. We wish your student a successful study!

Given the modern dynamics of life, the growing needs, the question of transferring children from one school to another does not seem incredible.

There are many reasons for transferring a child to another school.

People change their place of residence in connection with the purchase of a larger apartment, in connection with moving to another city because of a new job.

Some of the parents want the child to receive in-depth knowledge in a gymnasium or lyceum - and for this purpose they have to leave the old school.

Some have been in a conflict situation with a teacher or peers for a long time, and changing schools is the only way out of this situation.

Everything seems to be simple: the change of school should entail the most improved conditions for the child, why then should this be done? Those parents who transferred their child to another school know how difficult it will be for him psychologically, right up to becoming an outcast. But this is, of course, an extreme critical case.

Let's try to figure out how to transfer a child painlessly to another school, is it worth it, when and how best to transfer the child?

Consider the reasons for transferring a child to another school:

1.Changing the family's place of residence(as a result of the purchase of a new apartment, as a result of a change of place of work, a divorce of parents, a change in the area of ​​residence to a more prosperous one). Here, nevertheless, there is a choice: if the change of place of residence took place within the same city, then parents should think carefully: whether to transfer the child to another school or not, is it possible to travel by transport to the previous school without injuring the child with the transfer? If there is no such opportunity, then the transition to another school is inevitable.

The most difficult option is to transfer the child to another school in another city. Because in this case, the child finds himself very close to new circumstances: a new house, yard, street, city - everything is unknown. Old friends and acquaintances are far away, you can't even call for a weekend visit, you won't meet. Plus to everything - a new class, its own orders, perhaps a slightly different curriculum.

2.Changing school to profile, gymnasium, lyceum, school with any bias(sports, medical, language). In this case, the child will have to undergo a preliminary screening test, according to the results of which the school's management will give an answer: whether the child will be admitted to an educational institution or not, as well as whether there are free places and whether it is generally possible to transfer the child to this school.

3.Conflict situation in the old school... Often, the child himself asks to transfer him to another school in the presence of an acute conflict with classmates, class teacher, teachers, director.

If the situation is not resolved and the transfer to another class of the same school does not change the situation, then, of course, the parents think about changing the school.

So when is the best time to transfer your child to another school?

Basically, at any time. The most favorable transfer will be from September 1 after the summer holidays. At this time, all schoolchildren experience some difficulties in adapting to the renewed educational process, to the new load. In addition, it is likely that your child will not be the only newcomer in the class and meeting new children will be easier if there are several new ones.

In the middle of the year, a transition is also possible (preferably from the beginning of a new quarter), but, as a rule, at the end of the year, few parents want to change schools, due to the increasing workload at the end of the annual quarter and give the child the opportunity to finish their studies at the same place.

The procedure for transferring a child to another school:

  1. Find a suitable (locally) or desired (with some bias) school.
  2. Talk to the school administration about the availability of vacancies, because the priority right to enrollment in school is given to those children whose area of ​​residence is assigned to this school;
  3. If there are free places in the chosen school, find out what screening tests (tests, exams, psychological counseling) can expect a child. Complete all prescribed procedures;
  4. Pick up the necessary documents from the previous school (personal file, an extract from the class journal about the child's attestation, a medical record), having previously written a statement about the exclusion of the child from school in connection with the transition to a new one. In the application, you must indicate the number of the selected school;
  5. Write an application for the child's enrollment in a new school, submit all the necessary documents.

The order of translation is quite simple. But how many worries, worries, griefs he conceals in himself. The child will have to part with old friends, establish contact with new guys, which is quite difficult, especially in the middle level, when the guys have already formed their own team. In addition, at this age, children develop some critical character traits: ridiculing a newcomer, making fun of him for the purpose of testing, conspiracy against the newcomer, increased aggression, opposition.

How can you help your child move to another school?

Let's see what difficulties await at the initial stage when a child moves to another school.

  • First, the new school curriculum. Even if schools are engaged in the same program and study material at about the same time, there are a great many differences in the presentation of the material and its depth, in teaching lessons, and checking home material. At first, it will be difficult for the child to enter the desired rhythm and educational process, especially since the newcomer will not always be helped by new classmates.
  • Second, building relationships with peers. As a rule, in a children's team, a wall is erected internally psychologically in front of a new member, and his rejection appears. To get through this wall for a beginner is quite difficult and takes a certain amount of time. How quickly he will enter a new society depends on various factors: character traits, sociability, inner calmness, benevolence, and the ability to avoid conflict. The classroom teacher is more dependent on a supportive classroom environment.
  • Third, longing for the old school. The child will miss his old friends, his position, authority (if he was a leader or held a worthy honorable place among peers), the previous environment in the class. Fourth, the increased workload if the child moved to another school with in-depth study of any subject, or some kind of bias. Those. first, you need to catch up with the already completed program, and then constantly engage in an accelerated pace, increasing the volume of the studied material.

How can I help my child when he is transferring to another school?

Let's try to give some tips to help tune the child in the right way if he moves to another educational institution:

  1. If the child is in elementary school, then try to get acquainted with the new school, the road to school in advance, show the child where the wardrobe, dining room, toilet are located;
  2. Get to know the class teacher, director. Talk with them about the child, tell as much information as possible about his character, characteristics, reasons for the transfer. Perhaps find out the existing order in the school and class;
  3. Regularly attend parent-teacher meetings, get in touch with other parents, participate in joint activities of the class, and outside it (attend joint trips to the theater, cinema, skating rink, performances, holidays);
  4. Arrange meetings with old friends of the child, do not stop communicating with them;
  5. If a child resists the transition to a new school, it is necessary to motivate him. Determine the benefits to be gained from the new school (better neighborhood, in-depth study of subjects, new friends, the opportunity to change the image, etc.);
  6. Praise for achievements, do not compare with other children in academic performance;
  7. Protect him from household chores for a while, communicate more with the child, ask about the day spent, about new comrades;
  8. If possible, invite new guys to visit or arrange a joint trip.
  9. Do not speak negatively about any aspect of the new and old school.

Recommendations for making a first positive impression:

  • - make sure that the child is neat, friendly, polite and neat;
  • - tune the child in a positive way, try to calm him down internally;
  • - try to establish contact with a neighbor on a desk;
  • - at first, take the position of an observer, not participate in the internal conflicts of the class, try to help classmates, but not "be smart" if the child's knowledge is higher than the rest. Otherwise, he will be perceived as "upstart" and the negative is guaranteed.

Alarms to watch out for:

  • - the child completely refuses to go to school;
  • - the child suppresses all attempts to talk about the new school and classmates;
  • - brings a clean diary for a long time; - bruises appeared;
  • - cries at the mention of school.If parents cannot cope with the problems that have arisen on their own, it is worth contacting a specialist, a psychologist.

It is possible that the child needs to be transferred temporarily to another school. In this situation, it will be easier to establish contact with classmates, because a temporary person does not cause such negativity and rejection as a “newcomer” in general, but rather more curiosity and interest.

Anything can happen in life, people change their place of residence, are disappointed in the quality of education, quarrel with friends. A lot of subjective and objective reasons can lead to the need to change schools. How to do this and is it possible to change schools during the year?

The transfer from school to school is simple. It does not require any special conditions and requirements. There is no need to refer to "good reasons" and confirm the existence of a residence permit for a new place of residence.

Parents have the legal right to choose a school. And the procedure for transferring to another school itself is greatly simplified due to the presence of a normative act that defines the procedure for transferring (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 12.03.2014 N 177 "On approval of the Procedure and conditions for transferring students from one organization carrying out educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, to other organizations that carry out educational activities on educational programs of the appropriate level and focus "). The presence of a normatively approved procedure does not allow school administrations to act at their own discretion. Parents can appeal any discrepancy with the approved procedure.

How to transfer a child to another school

The transfer procedure to another school consists of the following steps:

    Parents can choose a new school and send a request for vacancies for admission. The appeal can be sent by e-mail.

    If the new school has confirmed the availability of vacancies, the parents can apply to the original school with an application for expulsion in connection with the transfer. The name of the host school must be indicated on the application for expulsion. In case of moving to another locality, only the settlement, the subject of the Russian Federation is indicated.

    Within three days after filing an application for expulsion, the source school must issue an order for the expulsion of the student and issue the parents with a personal file and documents containing information about the student's progress in the current academic year (an extract from the class journal with current marks and midterm certification results), certified with the seal and signature of the head.

    After receiving the documents, parents must apply for admission to the host school and attach a personal file and information about the progress in the current school year, as well as present a passport. The school does not have the right to demand other documents.

    The enrollment decision and the corresponding administrative act approving this decision must be made within three working days after the application and documents are received.

What to do if the school refuses to issue a personal file without a certificate from the host school

The parent school may not require parents to provide a certificate from the host school. This requirement is outdated and does not comply with the new Transfer Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 12, 2014 N 177. Since March 2014, the host school has been obliged to confirm the fact of admission to the new place of study. Refusal to issue a student's personal file without a certificate can be appealed as inappropriate to the requirements of the law.

Transfer to another school in the middle of the year

You can change schools at any time, including during the school year. All current grades that a child received during the year are taken into account when transferring to a new school when giving final grades.

It is more preferable for the school to arrange the transfer before the start of the new academic year. This will make it easier to deal with financial and administrative issues in terms of per capita funding, and the school will be more willing to respond.

Can a school refuse to accept a child

The only legal basis for admission to the general education class at school is the lack of vacancies. The school cannot refuse on other grounds, for example, because of poor academic performance, negative characteristics or lack of registration in the assigned territory. A refusal not related to a lack of vacancies can be appealed to the prosecutor's office and educational authorities.

What is considered a lack of free seats and how you can check it

Schools are required to provide information on the availability of free places for admission in the order of transfer upon request, including by request sent by e-mail.

Since 2016, the standard that establishes the mandatory presence of no more than 25 people in the classroom has been excluded from the sanitary rules. At the same time, in order for the learning conditions not to deteriorate with sanitary rules (SanPiN, it was established that the number of students in a class is determined “based on the calculation of compliance with the area norm per student, compliance with the requirements for the arrangement of furniture in classrooms, including remoteness of places for classes from the light-carrying wall, requirements for natural and artificial lighting. "

This means that the number of students allowed is directly related to the size of the classrooms in a particular school. The school can vary the recruitment into different classes (since rooms of different sizes can be assigned to different parallels). The education authority can confirm the presence or absence of vacancies as part of the examination of complaints from parents.

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