Home Useful properties of fruits How to store olive oil in a tin. How to properly store olive oil at home. Common types of olive oil

How to store olive oil in a tin. How to properly store olive oil at home. Common types of olive oil

Everyone has a different relationship with olive oil. If some consider it just a fashionable product, then in the Mediterranean countries it is added to almost all dishes. After all, it is in Greece, Italy, Spain that olive trees grow, from the fruits of which oil is squeezed.

Beneficial features

Despite the high cost of olive oil, the locals consume it in large quantities. It can be seen, therefore, that they do not suffer from high blood cholesterol or cardiovascular diseases. The fact is that olive oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and at the same time cleanse them.

In addition, the oil is rich in useful trace elements and vitamins. If you use the oil regularly, then the level of sugar in the blood, bad cholesterol decreases, and the biliary tract is also cleansed.

But still, you should not treat it as a panacea and argue that it is more useful than other vegetable oils.

If you compare olive oil with other vegetable oils, you can see that there are more omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in flaxseed. And vitamin E in olive is less than in sunflower.

But if olive oil is still used for food, you need to know that it can be of different quality, which depends on the method of processing.

Common types of olive oil

  • extra virgin olive oil. The most useful and expensive olive oil, which is obtained by cold pressing from the highest quality fruits. This oil retains all the useful substances that are in fresh olives, as well as their taste and smell. It is believed that the fatty acids of this oil are similar in composition to the fats found in human milk. It is best suited for salads and other dishes.
  • fine virgin olive oil. This oil is obtained from inferior quality olives, but also by cold pressing. It differs from premium oil in a less pronounced aroma.
  • olive oil. This oil is refined, with a small percentage of natural cold-pressed olive oil. Almost odorless, therefore suitable for frying, as well as salad dressings. It does not change the taste of products, so it can be added to any dishes.

How to choose a quality product

  • Olive oil has a short shelf life, so read the information on the label first. It should contain the date of not only production, but also bottling, as well as the company responsible for the quality of the product. Do not buy oil, the shelf life of which is coming to an end.
  • If you are not sure about the quick use of the oil, you do not need to purchase it in a large container, since over time its useful properties decrease sharply.
  • It is impossible to determine its quality by the color of the oil, because it can be either yellow-brown or yellow-green. It depends on the place where the olive grows, the variety, the ripeness of the fruits and their processing.

How to properly store olive oil

The quality of the product is affected not only by the method of its processing, but also by the storage conditions: light, temperature, air, as well as the container in which it is poured.

Temperature regime

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Many, having bought a bottle of olive oil, immediately put it in the refrigerator, thinking that only there it will be safe and sound. But after a few days, they notice that the transparent and liquid oil suddenly thickened, and at the bottom appeared flakes and sediment of an incomprehensible type. Then the question immediately arises, what is it and whether such a product can be eaten.

In fact, such a metamorphosis that occurs with chilled olive oil does not affect its quality in any way. Unless the appearance deteriorates, but in a salad it does not look very good. And the solid fats that are part of the oil are to blame for this.

To return it to its former consistency, it is enough to leave the bottle at room temperature. When the oil warms up, it will return to its original form. Some housewives dip the bottle into hot water, thereby speeding up the process. But in this case, the quality of the oil may deteriorate, because the temperature regime is violated.

Bottom line: olive oil is stored at room temperature, but away from heaters and gas stoves. The optimum storage temperature is +14-16 °C. Such conditions can be in the pantry, basement, built-in closet.

How light affects storage

If you store olive oil in the light, then undesirable processes begin to occur in it, worsening its quality. It spoils and becomes rancid.

Bottom line: the product is stored in a dark place so that light does not fall on it.

How air affects storage

If the olive oil is not tightly closed and air enters the bottle, then an oxidation process occurs and the oil deteriorates. If the lid is not tightly closed (or without it at all), the oil will absorb foreign odors, which will also affect its quality.

Bottom line: the oil should be stored in a well-closed container so that air does not get inside.

What container is needed

Manufacturers who monitor the quality of their products also take care of which container the oil is poured into.

High-quality olive oil is produced in glass bottles or tin containers with a well ground lid.

Do not store oil in plastic or iron containers, so that an undesirable chemical reaction does not occur.

If the oil runs out, and the bottle is large, you need to pour it into a smaller container to prevent filling the empty space with air.

Outcome: olive oil is stored in a dark glass bottle or in a stainless steel container with a well-closing lid. The volume of the container must correspond to the amount of oil.

Olive oil shelf life

High quality extra virgin olive oil can be stored for about a year. The remaining oils should preferably be used within six months.

Note to the owner

  • To improve the taste of the oil and give it a piquancy, it can be insisted on spicy herbs. For this, thyme, oregano, basil, marjoram and other spicy plants are used.
  • In order not to open a large container of oil once again, for daily use, part of the oil is poured into a smaller container.
  • Refined oil is used for frying, as it does not burn and does not foam. And for dressing salads, it is better to take unrefined.

In modern supermarkets and via the Internet, you can buy products that are called a real storehouse of valuable trace elements and qualities. Among them is an extraordinarily healthy and tasty olive oil, which, if you know how to store, can work real miracles in the human body. This is worth talking about, because growing and processing a crop is not as difficult as saving it without loss of useful properties and taste.

Why do we value olive oil?

This product of natural origin is of great value, primarily because of its excellent taste. It unobtrusively emphasizes the taste of salads, is indispensable in the preparation of various sauces, including mayonnaise, and is suitable for frying.

But the main thing is its healing properties. Olive oil, unlike others, can be used even with ulcers and other violations of the process of digestion of food - it will not harm the condition in any way, on the contrary! Naturally, this can only be argued with respect to a real, “live” product obtained by minimal industrial processing.

It must be stored under all conditions so that it does not go rancid and lose its healing power and turn into a completely useless low-quality product.

Rule 1. You should take care of the safety of the product already at the stage of its purchase

So, if the oil initially does not meet quality standards anywhere, no tricks will help.

To choose a truly valuable and useful product, you need to remember a few important points.

  • It cannot be taken for future use, even if an unprecedented discount has been announced for it in the store, since it is not stored for a long time.
  • Before putting a bottle of oil into your shopping basket, you need to carefully read the label - the manufacturer and the packer must be registered in the same country.
  • The date of manufacture is fundamentally important - if the oil is more than 6 months old at the time of purchase, it is better to leave it in the store.
  • It is best that the lid on the bottle is twisted and not plugged, because tightness is one of the main requirements for storing olive oil.
  • The color of the product does not depend on its quality, but solely on the variety of olives, therefore this is of no fundamental importance.

Rule 2. Shelf life: the less the better

Of course, this applies to all products without exception. But in the case of olive oil, this rule becomes even more relevant, because it is not so much about preserving gastronomic, but healing qualities.

So, even if, according to the information on the bottle, the shelf life of olivaoil is 2 years, you need to keep in mind that after 9 months after production, it will gradually lose its usefulness. Of course, it will be possible to fry on it for a long time, but it is hardly worth expecting healing power from such an oil.

The ideal shelf life of olive oil is 3-12 months, but up to 1.5 years is acceptable. But it should be borne in mind that the more time passes from the moment of its manufacture, the less useful it will become.

Rule 3. The oil must be provided with airless space.

In other words, the ideal option for its preservation is maximum tightness. The fact is that, entering into a chemical reaction with air, the oil begins to gradually oxidize. As a result of this, by the way, completely natural chemical reaction, an unpleasant bitter aftertaste appears in it. In addition, olivaoil is a strong absorbent, that is, it is able to absorb strong odors, while losing its natural one.

If the bottle is open, its contents should be used as soon as possible, maximum within a month. And, of course, the vessel during all this time must still be properly closed.

Rule 4. Light is the enemy of olive oil

Those who often buy olive oil could not fail to notice that the most expensive and high-quality varieties of olive oil are sold in dark glass bottles or tin containers. Of course, this is not accidental: sunlight causes unwanted chemical reactions, due to which the product quickly loses its quality.

With this in mind, it is best to keep it away from light, including artificial. When asked where to store olive oil, the answer is unequivocal: in a dark and cool closet.

Rule 5. Attention to the temperature regime

There is an opinion that a bottle of magic oil is best kept in the refrigerator. However, this is a dangerous stereotype! The ideal temperature for this product is 12-16 degrees Celsius. True, if the temperature suddenly rises to 25 degrees, this will not lead to its deterioration in the same way as a decrease to 12 degrees, however, frequent heating and cooling are harmful to it. Especially - stay in the refrigerator!

Incidentally, as a result of forced rapid cooling, a precipitate may appear in the bottle. But you should not worry about this, because this is an additional confirmation of the high quality of the product. In addition, if the oil is heated to room temperature, it will disappear, but it itself will not lose its healing qualities. However, such temperature "experiments" should also be minimized.

Now, knowing how to and should store the healing olive oil, we will be able to extend the period of its consumption in a natural way. The main thing is to protect the precious glass bottle from air, light and temperature fluctuations and not to go into excessive savings. It is better to buy less oils, but do it more often.

I love olive oil. I use it almost everywhere! Would you like to learn more about this very useful product? Read my full review of all things Italian olive oil!

Olive trees began to grow several thousand years ago. They are especially popular in the Mediterranean countries. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean use olive oil in almost all dishes.

Quality vegetable oil is one of the tastiest things in the world, and one of the most important ingredients for sauces, salad dressings, and mayonnaise. To get to know the oil better, it is worth experimenting with oils from different countries: oils from Greece, France, Spain and Italy not only have different tastes, but also different characters.

Facts about olive oil

Where did olive oil first appear?

  • Olive oil comes from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. The olive was grown in Syria and Palestine as early as 3000 BC.

What does extra virgin mean?

  • This is the best quality extra virgin olive oil. It is produced by a method in which the olives are lightly pressed to extract the highest quality olive oil. It has a delicate fruity taste and color ranges from pale yellow to green.

When is extra virgin olive oil used?

  • Mainly to add flavor and aroma to salad dressings. However, in Mediterranean countries it is also used instead of cream.

What is the best way to store olive oil?

  • In a cool dark place, preferably not in the sun.

How do you know if the oil has gone bad?

  • It has a noticeable rancid odor. Olive oil can be stored in a cool, dark place for 2-3 years, but opened oil should be used within 1-2 months. It is better not to store walnut oil in the refrigerator, as it spoils faster.

If olive oil has been stored in the refrigerator, it becomes cloudy or precipitates. It can be fixed?

  • Either leave the bottle in a warm room, or hold it under warm running water - it will become clear again. This process does not affect the taste and quality of the oil.

Why are some oils darker or greener than others?

  • The color of the oil depends on the soil and climate of the area where the olives are grown. Green oil turns yellow with age.

Where is the most aromatic olive oil made?

  • In the hot regions of the Mediterranean.

When is the best time to buy oil?

  • In Mediterranean countries, it is produced from December to February. As a rule, the year is not put on oil bottles, but some small producers put the date on the label.

How to choose a good olive oil?

  • Experiment - this is the only way to discover different varieties of oil. As with wine, the price and the name on the labels are a good indicator of quality. Cheap olive oil does not taste good, better then use sunflower.

What kind of olive oil to use in salad dressings?

  • Extra virgin - buy it in big jars if you can, it's cheaper.

How to make flavored olive oil?

  • Herbs and spices can be added to the oil bottle to add flavor to the oil. Herb bottles look very nice.

How to make garlic olive oil?

  • Add four to five cloves of garlic to 1 liter of oil.

When do gas stations use sunflower, vegetable and nut oil in gas stations?

  • It's a matter of taste and price.

Why is olive oil so expensive?

  • One factor is the time it takes to harvest the olives. They are harvested in winter and usually by hand. Each tree produces about 8 kg of olives, and it takes 5 kg of olives to produce 1 liter of oil.

How to choose the best olive oil?

  • When choosing an olive oil, try to take something that has been made more recently. Good olive oil must have a production date and its shelf life should not exceed 18 months.

How to store an open bottle of oil?

  • Store purchased olive oil away from the stove and definitely not in the refrigerator. It should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius. For example, in the closet.

How to use olive oil?

  • Use it correctly: do not keep the bottle open for a long time, quickly pour the required amount of oil and close it again with a cap.

What color is the best olive oil?

  • A good oil can be a variety of shades of yellow and green. At the same time, it cannot be said that the taste qualities in any way depend on the shade.

Which country produces the most delicious butter?

  • Olive oil is produced in Spain, Italy and Tunisia. All these countries have their own characteristics of its production. However, it cannot be said that oil is better in one country than in another. It is worth trying all manufacturers.

Can you heat olive oil and cook with it?

  • Yes, you can. It is best to fry in refined oil, its combustion temperature is 240 degrees Celsius. Good unrefined oil can be heated up to 170-180 degrees. It can be used for baking in the oven or in a slow cooker - in general, anywhere where you can specify the cooking temperature.

How to choose real olive oil?

  • To do this, you should get acquainted with a couple of signs of a good oil: it has a pleasant color, between yellow and green, and there is also a scent of fruits and herbs in the smell. Olives are on the palate.

Why is there sediment in olive oil?

  • This oil contains a small portion of solid fats, which are liquid at room temperature. However, when we cool the oil in the refrigerator, they turn into white flakes that frighten some. If this happens, then your oil is of high quality. Or at least real. So in order to distinguish genuine oil from fake, put a jar of oil in the refrigerator and see if white flakes form. If formed, let the bottle stand at room temperature. The flakes will quickly dissolve and the mass of oil will again become homogeneous.

How to choose the right olive oil?

The best olive oil is Extra Virgin. Denotes this oil, which was created from mechanically pressed olives (at the same time, chemical additives, preservatives are not used for its storage). This oil has a very high quality composition and is highly valued.

This oil is commonly used to add to prepared meals (as a base for salad dressings, for example).

Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality, natural oil with a light taste.

- Fine virgin olive oil - cold-pressed olive oil, from the best olives, has a great taste, delicate aroma, high acidity.

- Semi-fine virgin olive oil - cold-pressed oil, also has a rich taste and pleasant aroma. The acidity is higher than in the extra grade.

Olive oil itself is also produced from two types of olives.

Olive oil from unripe olives is the most expensive, produced in limited quantities from the very best olives.

Standard olive oil is made from the oil of the olive fruit.

Olio vergine is mechanically extracted from olives.

Olio di sansa di oliva is made from the remains of the pulp and pits of olives, then mixed with the vergine variety. Usually this oil is used for frying.

Refined olive oil - refined olive oil. The presence of olives in this oil is small.

Have you chosen the oil you want to buy? Now it's time to study the label of the selected product.

If there is a word "mix" - in front of you is not pure olive oil, but a mixture of several. At the same time, there may be little olive there. Real olive oil should be labeled like "Naturel" or "100% Olive Oil".

Next, look at the type of oil. Extra Virgin is suitable for dressings, and refined oil is ideal for frying. If suddenly the acidity of the product is indicated on a jar or bottle of oil, prefer the variety with the lowest.

It is better to give preference to olive oil in a glass container. It is worth taking oil in tin containers only if you purchase 5 or more liters of oil, since in this case the container is treated in a special way.

But taking five liters is appropriate only if you keep a salad bar. If you are buying oil exclusively for personal use, give preference to a liter-one and a half liter container, since over time the oil loses its nutrients, and you don’t need a large volume.

Also on the label you can see the abbreviations IGP and DOP, for which there is no decoding. Let's find out what they mean. The first is the Indicazione Geografica Protetta. That's what it is: it means that some part of the oil production process was carried out in a region that is carefully guarded and controlled. That is, for example, they collected and squeezed oil under the supervision of specialists. But they were already wrung out in a different place and under different conditions.

Now let's decipher DOP ("Denominazione d" Origine Protetta"). This means that each operation to create oil took place in the same region.

Also, the label of a good oil is provided with contacts of the manufacturing company and the importing company.

How did olive oil come about?

It is believed that it appeared more than 6 thousand years ago. People learned a special way to process the fruits of olive trees and began to cultivate them.

By the way, "olives" and "olives" are the fruits of the same tree. These two fruits differ only in their degree of maturity. The appearance of these names is associated with the peculiarities of the Russian language. For example, in English there is no such division at all. There, the fruits are divided into "black" and "green" olives.

According to researchers, the olive tree was originally distributed in Egypt and several other Asian countries. It is believed that the Phoenicians brought olives to Europe. And the "olive boom" began in Greece. They quickly learned how to press oil from small fruits, which became incredibly in demand. At one time, oil was valued like gold and was used as currency. Now, of course, you no longer use olive oil instead of money, but all its other properties are still with him.

What else, besides the delicious taste, attracted ancient people in the oil? We can say with confidence that the matter is in the amazing healing effects that the oil has on a person and his entire body.

At the same time, it brings its benefits even in small doses, which distinguishes it favorably from all other products.

Olive oil has a truly amazing chemical composition. It is the most nutritious oil of all vegetable oils, contains many unsaturated healthy fatty acids, lowers cholesterol levels in the body, which has a direct effect on the state of the human cardiovascular system, helps prevent Alzheimer's disease, produces omega-9 and omega-7 fatty acids. acids. Olive oil is also rich in linoleic acid, which helps strengthen cell membranes and mucous membranes.

Olive oil contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, K, helps the body fight free radicals, strengthens our bone and muscle tissue, and regulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Olive oil is suitable for people with liver disease, as it removes excess bile from the body. Also, as the inhabitants of ancient Greece claimed, it has a positive effect on potency.

Where and how to use olive oil?

This question is worth considering. In fact, oil is useful not only in the kitchen, but also for beauty. I use it for self-treatment and for beauty.

How to use the oil for medicinal purposes?

Compress with olive oil. This remedy is a sure way to get rid of leg cramps. Make a tincture of jasmine flowers (available at the pharmacy) in a glass of olive oil. You will need 100 g of dried jasmine flowers. You need to insist the mixture for two weeks. As a result, you will get an excellent ointment for massaging the whole body, and for the leg area in particular.

A mixture of jasmine and olive oil is great for muscle pain of any nature.

Massage oil. Massage with olive oil is an ancient remedy. The oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, gives it tone, normalizes the secretion of sweat glands, and helps the body to better remove harmful substances through the skin.

Olive oil is an ideal base to mix with essential oils. Thanks to the versatility and versatility of the oil, you can create a variety of mixtures: tonic, exciting, soothing, simply aromatic.

Olive oil in cosmetology. Many hair and skin care products contain this oil. Of course, you can always make your own at home too.

For example, a mask of grated cucumber, olive oil and mashed soft banana will soothe the skin, remove redness, make it soft and moisturized.

Olive oil is also suitable for fighting wrinkles. Make a mask of lemon juice and oil (1:1). Your skin will thank you for it!

By simply applying olive oil to the skin during pregnancy, you will protect the integument from the appearance of stretch marks.

The oil can also be used in place of baby powder for the delicate skin of babies.

A tablespoon of olive oil, taken on an empty stomach before a party, will save you from a hangover in the morning.

Of course, the versatility of olive oil is difficult to overestimate. But best of all, it manifests itself in cooking.

With the help of olive oil, you can fry, bake, marinate, preserve dishes, dress salads. Olive oil is good with fish, poultry, meat, and seafood.

Boil the pasta, heat the oil and mix it with herbs and garlic, and then pour over the pasta with this mixture. The taste will turn out close to divine!

Try this popular salad dressing. In a glass bowl, whisk together 2 large tablespoons of lemon juice, and ¼ teaspoon salt and fine black pepper. When the salt in the juice is completely dissolved, beat the mixture further, and slowly begin to pour in the olive oil. Enough 3-4 tablespoons. The oil needs to be unrefined. Store the created dip in a well-sealed, airtight container.

You can optionally add a little garlic to this classic dressing - this will change the taste, make it more piquant. You can add basil.

In general, supplements to your taste. This dressing is good with any salads, pasta, rice. She can even pour over a piece of red fish.

Olive oil is highly valued by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean Sea, it is highly praised by doctors and scientists. The taste of olive oil is amazing. It is worth having a bottle of olive oil in your home and using it more often. Olive oil is a source of health and vitality.

Quality vegetable oil is one of the tastiest things in the world, and one of the most important ingredients for sauces, salad dressings, and mayonnaise. To get to know the oil better, it is worth experimenting with oils from different countries: oils from Greece, France, Spain and Italy not only have different tastes, but also different characters.

Where did olive oil first appear? Olive oil comes from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. The olive was grown in Syria and Palestine as early as 3000 BC.

What does extra virgin mean? This is the best quality extra virgin olive oil. It is produced by a method in which the olives are lightly pressed to extract the highest quality olive oil. It has a delicate fruity taste and color ranges from pale yellow to green.

When is extra virgin olive oil used? Mainly to add flavor and aroma to salad dressings. However, in Mediterranean countries it is also used instead of cream.

What is the best way to store olive oil? In a cool dark place, preferably not in the sun.

How do you know if the oil has gone bad? It has a noticeable rancid odor. Olive oil can be stored in a cool, dark place for 2-3 years, but opened oil should be used within 1-2 months. Walnut oil is best stored in the refrigerator as it spoils faster.

If olive oil has been stored in the refrigerator, it becomes cloudy or precipitates. It can be fixed? Either leave the bottle in a warm room, or hold it under warm running water - it will become clear again. This process does not affect the taste and quality of the oil.

Why are some oils darker or greener than others? The color of the oil depends on the soil and climate of the area where the olives are grown. Green oil turns yellow with age.

Where is the most aromatic olive oil made? In the hot regions of the Mediterranean.

When is the best time to buy oil? In Mediterranean countries, it is produced from December to February. As a rule, the year is not put on oil bottles, but some small producers put the date on the label.

How to choose a good olive oil? Experiment - this is the only way to discover different varieties of oil. As with wine, the price and the name on the labels are a good indicator of quality. Cheap olive oil does not taste good, better then use sunflower.

What kind of olive oil to use in salad dressings? Extra virgin - buy it in big jars if you can, it's cheaper.

How to make flavored olive oil? Herbs and spices can be added to the oil bottle to add flavor to the oil. Herb bottles look very nice.

How to make garlic olive oil? Add four to five cloves of garlic to 1 liter of oil.

When do gas stations use sunflower, vegetable and nut oil in gas stations? It's a matter of taste and price.

Why is olive oil so expensive? One factor is the time it takes to harvest the olives. They are harvested in winter and usually by hand. Each tree produces about 8 kg of olives, and it takes 5 kg of olives to produce 1 liter of oil.

  • Shelf life: 12 months
  • Best before date: 12 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 12 months
  • Freezer time: 12 months
Storage conditions:
In a cool and dark place at a temperature of +12 to +16 °C

Olive oil is widely used throughout the world due to its beneficial properties. Such oil is recommended to be used not only in cooking, but in the cosmetic field. And if earlier olive oil was considered a kind of foreign delicacy for a domestic buyer, now almost every store has this wonderful product in its assortment.

We must not forget that olive oil is extremely afraid of light, both daylight and artificial. Due to exposure to light, not only phenols (antioxidants) are destroyed, but also valuable vitamins. Therefore, the shelf life of olive oil largely depends on whether it is exposed to the sun or artificial lighting. It is best to store olive oil away from light.

Another destructive element is oxygen. It oxidizes the olive oil, which leads to the volatilization of the aroma and the weakening of the taste. Some manufacturers are trying to combat this unpleasant situation by adding effective nitrogen gas to bottles of olive oil. Thus, with the help of nitrogen, oxygen is displaced, and the shelf life of olive oil is increased.

How and where to preserve the wonderful properties of olive oil

This popular, tasty and even healing product is not a wine that gets much better over the years. Its unique aroma and useful properties will remain the same for a long time if you know how to store olive oil after opening it and do not forget about it.

The rules of application are quite simple and easy to implement. There are recommendations from manufacturers and nutritionists, there are many tips from experienced chefs and housewives. This invaluable arsenal will help you use the product competently and profitably.

Regulatory terms and conditions of storage: everything is strict and mandatory?

The production and sale of vegetable oils on the territory of the Russian Federation is subject to the requirements of several GOSTs and SanPin 2.3.2. 1078-01, on the basis of which industry specifications have been developed.

They clearly regulate the requirements for manufacturers, in particular, obliging them to indicate the spill date and expiration date on the packaging. Compliance with the requirements directly for the use of finished products, fully applies to consumers.

The current regulatory documents establish the general principles and duration of storage of refined and unrefined products. According to the standard, it should be kept for 12 months from the day of packaging and, in simplified terms, in a dark and cool closet.

And the opinions of specialized experts on how to store olive oil in everyday life differ markedly, both in terms of time and conditions of being in the house. They claim that goods can be preserved in glass 1.5 years and even more (regarding the product of the first cold pressing), and in tin cans - less than 1 year. Some say that it should not be placed in refrigerators and frozen, because it has a detrimental effect on it, while others argue the opposite and give their reasoned evidence.

Safety in a sealed factory product is ensured by manufacturing technology, so the product will stand for a long time without loss of quality. But connoisseurs recommend opening the bottle within one year after the release date. In any case, you need to keep it in a kitchen cabinet with opaque doors and away from household heating appliances. The influence of light and heat destroys unique antioxidants and vitamins. But the package is opened - what's next?

Storing butter at room temperature

It is best to put the original glass containers separately, and pour small portions of the product into vessels specially designed for such purposes - they are easy to purchase at home improvement stores.

Small jugs with a real cork themselves suggest how to store olive oil after opening in the kitchen. Their shape is well thought out - the narrow top minimizes the possible contact of the contents with air. The vessels are hermetically sealed, look beautiful, are easy to use, and a small volume does not allow the oil to deteriorate.

  • you can’t leave it in a tin just like in certain cases with green peas, squash caviar and similar canned products. The entire volume must be poured into a tightly closed glass or ceramic vessel;
  • the container must always be securely closed;
  • oil is desirable to use on average for 1-2 months after opening the factory bottle. However, some food professionals tend to stick to the deadline only in 3-4 weeks.

Advice:refrain from buying in advance. It is better to purchase goods in small quantities and small containers.

The storage temperature of olive oil is a separate issue that causes a lot of controversy and judgment. According to official recommendations, it should be kept in a dry room with a temperature range of 12-16°C. An increase in air temperature up to 25°C is allowed.

What should be done if the consumption of the product in the family is small, but you want to use it longer? Some housewives insist the oil on herbs and spices, which increases the period of its storage without loss of quality. The rest are looking for other solutions to the problem.

Storing butter in the refrigerator

In Greek or Italian families, oil is consumed in huge quantities, which cannot be said about Russian traditions. “Overseas” products in stores are quite expensive, which means that they most often appear on our table for certain reasons and not for all dishes. And we are not talking about its industrial application in cosmetology, but about its use in cooking at home and on the scale of public catering. Here the question of how to properly store olive oil is not at all idle.

We usually put perishable foods and cooked food in the cold store, but there are different opinions regarding olive oil on this matter. Our housewives noticed that at temperatures below +10°C characteristic flakes form in it and the color changes - it just becomes cloudy.

Opponents of refrigeration argue that this is an indicator of a change in the structure of the product under undesirable conditions. Don't worry, nothing bad happens in the seasoning refrigerator. It is enough to put the bottle in the room and after a while its contents will return to the original transparent color and homogeneous composition.

Reference:the original color of the “Provencal seasoning” does not indicate its quality, but is determined by the variety of fruits chosen for production.

Will the taste be reduced with temperature changes? Subtle connoisseurs assure that the difference is certainly felt and quite noticeable, but this only applies to the “extra-virgin” category - it really should not be cooled. "Virgin" and lower-grade varieties tolerate being in the refrigerator without problems and nothing threatens their "delicious" shades.

It is the external changes that lead to repeated discussions about where to store olive oil after opening the bottle - in a standard kitchen or at a low temperature until completely frozen.

Oil storagein the freezer

Freezing is considered ideal for many food items, but is it possible in this case?

The peel of fresh olives is covered with a thin layer of natural wax, which protects the fruit from pests and moisture loss. It is he who is the first to precipitate when the oil cools and freezes, without in the least affecting its merits.

Some "enterprising" manufacturers intentionally filter out the crystals (flakes) formed from the cold in order to further prevent the loss of a presentable appearance of the goods. If wax formations do not appear within a few hours from the beginning of the stay at 0 ° C, then it means that it has been filtered.

In other words, freezing can be called a kind of test for the authenticity of the product. Moreover, sediment occurs even during its transportation in the cold season. This is not a marriage, but a normal phenomenon.

Reference:manufacturers do not indicate the freezing point of oil on the label simply because each olive variety has its own parameter.

The common assertion that after freezing and subsequent thawing, the product almost completely loses its beneficial properties and aromatic taste is nothing more than another myth. Therefore, if you are interested in where you can store open olive oil for a long time and with a guarantee of quality - remember the freezer.

The exchange of opinions of specialists, laboratory studies and the practical experience of ordinary housewives testify that it is possible to freeze olive oil, and subtleties exist in the method of laying in a low-temperature chamber. The most important thing is to pour it in small portions into special molds and small containers.

Note to the owner:

  • it is very convenient to freeze the product of the first pressing in the form for ice;
  • in each cell you need to put finely chopped herbs (rosemary, thyme), add oil and put in the freezer. Such ice cubes are added to stews, soups, gravies, or used for pan frying;
  • frozen butter is also popular in cosmetic procedures - it effectively tones and nourishes the skin.

Oil in an open bottle deteriorates quickly: an axiom or a subject of dispute?

There are interesting observations from the life of the Mediterranean countries. Those who have been there know that local women love to decorate small bottles, pour olive oil of their own production into them and give them to relatives and friends for the holiday. Such a “present” is in the room for a long time and does not go rancid.

The same applies to other mandatory criteria for use: the oil container in the "southern" kitchens is placed next to the stove and is not always even tightly closed. Maybe there is some secret among the Greeks, Spaniards, Italians? Or is it all about the composition of their "man-made" oil, produced according to the national technology known only to them?

Factory manufacturers usually indicate a general expiration date on the product. 6 months from the date of packaging. Nutritionists and doctors talk a lot about how and where to store olive oil and strongly advise you to observe the temporary regime. If the original bottle is opened, then nothing should be broken and the product should be stored in this condition, preferably correctly - the less the better.

But there is no need to become discouraged when a "force majeure" occurs, when the allotted period expires, and there is still a lot of expensive oil left. It is quite suitable for massage or preparation of handmade cosmetics - soaps, shampoos. Check out the other tips and tricks we've shared with you as well.

Delicious and healthy product with a huge scope. Sauces are prepared from it, salads are seasoned with it, fish and meat are marinated in it, and added to the dough. Of course, olive oil can be fried and heated - in this regard, it is many times ahead of sunflower and cream in terms of benefits and safety. Nutritionists advise eating it daily, because it is rich in vitamins, organic compounds and trace elements.

Of course, the question of how to store olive oil cannot but arise. Indeed, due to a lack of knowledge, it would be a pity to throw away such a wonderful product, especially since it costs a lot. Indeed, it requires special conditions. And if you are just going to introduce this product into your family's diet, or if you have a negative storage experience, be sure to study the materiel in advance.

Enemies of olive oil

Experts explain that the main factors negatively affecting this product are the following:

  • excess sunlight;
  • too low and too high temperature;
  • air.

So if you're wondering how to store your olive oil once it's been opened, remember that all you need to do is minimize the oil's contact with these factors. Do not expose it to light, watch the temperature.


Many people mistakenly believe that olive oil can be stored in the refrigerator. But those who have ever tried to do this know that when it is excessively cooled, it becomes cloudy. True, it is not difficult to return the oil to its original appearance. Just take it out of the fridge and put it in the cupboard. After a few hours, it will again become golden and transparent.

If you're looking around your own kitchen without knowing where to store your olive oil, just place it in a cabinet with doors. This is the best place. There, the oil will not freeze, will not overheat, will not be exposed to sunlight.


The vast majority of olive oil varieties end up on supermarket shelves in glass containers. In the question of how to store olive oil after opening, the bottle plays an important role. You can leave it in the same one in which it was sold, or you can pour it into a special one. Utensils for storing olive oil are usually cone-shaped, narrowed at the top. This minimizes contact with air. Ideally, the bottle should be opaque or tinted and have an airtight lid.

Shelf life

Manufacturers indicate on the label how to store olive oil. Once opened, the product must be used within a month. Therefore, it is worth counting and buying such a volume that will be used up during this time.

The oil is unlikely to turn sour in a month, but its benefits will be significantly reduced. The taste may also change. If you find yourself running out of time, try using it in your cooking instead of other fats.

Olive oil - preservative

In the homeland of this wonderful product, it is used very widely. Greek women know how to store olive oil. Immediately after pressing, it is poured into wooden barrels and glass bottles, sealed, and taken to the cellar. But the culinary traditions of the Mediterranean include a much larger amount of this product in the recipe of basic dishes than is customary with us. For a year, a family of Italians or Greeks consumes tens of liters. Therefore, a large container is optimal. When harvesting for the future, no additional ingredients are used, because olive oil is a very good preservative. Moreover, it is even used to preserve other products. For example, freshly picked olives are poured with olive oil, and they are perfectly stored for several months.

Force Majeure

But what to do if time is running out, and there is no way to work out the rest? How to store expired olive oil? In this case, you should pay attention to the recommendations of cosmetologists. Regular and homemade shampoos, dishwashing and laundry detergents, face and hair masks, and much more are prepared from this product. If you are not attracted to home cosmetology, just pour the rest into ice molds - in winter they will perfectly moisturize your face.

By the way, culinary specialists also use freezing. The same forms for small cookies or ice will do. Stuff them tightly with fresh chopped herbs, cover with olive oil and freeze. In winter, these cubes can be added to salads, sauces, soups, meat sauces. Olive oil perfectly preserves the aromas of fresh herbs, which are so pleasing in the cold season. Of course, the product will lose a significant portion of its useful properties, but it's still better than just throwing it away. In addition, even frozen olive oil is much healthier and safer than sunflower oil. In addition, this method is very convenient: it saves time and allows you to add summer flavors to dishes.

When thinking about how to store olive oil, listen to the advice of manufacturers and try not to buy this product for the future, it is better to buy as much as you can use in the near future.

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