Home Useful properties of fruits When is the 19th lunar day. Should I change my old job for a new one? Work on this lunar day

When is the 19th lunar day. Should I change my old job for a new one? Work on this lunar day

The symbol of the 19 lunar days are: "Web" and "Spider". These symbols speak for themselves. This day is contradictory, difficult and dangerous. The spider acts as the creator of fate. The spider symbol carries both vice and virtue. Today you are a warrior, a fighter. The 19 lunar day seems to be testing you for strength, whether you are able to hold the conquered positions, to pass all the tests. Non-conflict, prudence, endurance, patience are the prerequisites for your behavior.

Today, the moon, even not very confident in herself, makes it possible to conquer fear. Be honest with yourself, do not fall into the net of self-deception, think over your every step. Be responsive, correct, attentive to others. Don't be selfish, don't think only about your own interests. Your deeds on the 19th lunar day are evaluated by the Higher Forces. Having been tempered in the struggle of this day, you will gain wisdom, your personality will become stronger and brighter. It all depends on your actions and thoughts.

19 lunar day carries such qualities as self-discipline, self-improvement. But on the other hand - self-destruction, evil, lies. And so, it is necessary to avoid the set networks, to avoid the provocations of this day.


Heavy energy on the 19th lunar day is unfavorable for doing business. You can easily succumb to someone else's influence, get entangled in the cleverly placed networks of your competitors. It is recommended that you only deal with current affairs. You can only plan new things with great care, but not start implementing them.

Even making new acquaintances is dangerous. You cannot carry out serious financial transactions on the 19th lunar day, you cannot borrow, you cannot repay debts, you cannot conclude contracts, you cannot allow yourself to be entangled. Do not carry out any dubious manipulations with money, do not take risks. Limit contact with management, resolve only minor issues.

You shouldn't deal with court cases on this day.

Since the 19 lunar day is fraught with deception, do not fall for adventurous offers, do not pay attention to any rumors. You should not deal with real estate issues, court cases on this day. It is better to postpone all these problems for another more favorable day. Do not brag about your successes - you can lose everything. Only pure deeds and pure thoughts should take place. The energy of the 19 lunar day has a beneficial effect only for creative people, art workers, scientists. They will experience a creative take-off.


It has long been known that our physical health directly depends on our spiritual condition. The 19 lunar days are intended for cleansing the soul and body, for getting rid of negative emotions, for forgiving offenses, for repentance.

Thus, on the 19th lunar day, you need to do your spiritual development and self-improvement. Diseases of 19 lunar days are not considered life-threatening, but they are rather long-lasting and sluggish. Do not overuse pills. Strive to stick to a diet, eat only fresh foods, as there is a possibility of food poisoning. Physically, it is not recommended to overload, the day is considered traumatic.

For people with an unbalanced psyche, 19 lunar days are considered critical. You can not be nervous, quarrel, irritated, conflict. Stressful situations must be avoided. To strengthen the nervous system, a contrast shower is recommended. For relaxation, a small feast with the use of dry red wine is allowed. On the 19th lunar day, the appendix, rectum and sigmoid are especially vulnerable.

If an attack of appendicitis or constipation occurs on this day, this indicates that you carry a lot of negative, harmful thoughts in your soul. We urgently need to work on ourselves, cleanse the intestines and rectum, cleanse ourselves of astral dirt. It is useful to clean not only yourself, but also the living space around us.

19th lunar birthday

On the 19th lunar day, people of two levels are born: low and high. Low-level people are insidious, treacherous, schemers, liars, often with an unfortunate fate. But if, when working on themselves, they overcome the shortcomings, then they will be wise and durable.

High-level people are highly moral, modest, kind, pure in soul. They are often not understood by others, they are closed. Fighters for the truth grow out of them.


On the 19th lunar day, increased sexual activity is observed, therefore only moderate sex is allowed. And it is best not to practice sex on this day at all, since conception is not desirable.

Women need to be extra careful. There is a high likelihood of violence. On the 19th lunar day, instead of sex, water procedures are recommended: a contrast shower, swimming, playing on the water, swimming in the sea or ponds. It is better to postpone sex for a more favorable time. During this period, engage in your spiritual development, moral cleansing.


The 19 lunar day for marriage is considered unfavorable. It is not necessary to fall into the nets of the marriage union, it is not recommended to throw nets on another person. Don't get caught in the catcher's net. Divorce on this day is also undesirable, since divorce is far from an act of high morality. Divorce shows that you have not stood the test of life.

The moon on the 19th lunar day favors cautious and prudent loners. Communication during this period should be minimized. Weddings - do not play, relationships - do not find out, new acquaintances - do not start. All these restrictions are in order not to be influenced by others and not to become addicted.


Dreams of 19 lunar days should not be given much importance. They sometimes come true, sometimes they are empty, sometimes they are prophetic. They must be interpreted scrupulously, but without fatalism and not literally.

For example, if you dream that you are stealing something, this does not mean that you actually have a tendency to steal. Although it happens that the subconscious mind reveals the darkest sides of a person in a dream. In order not to go down the wrong path when interpreting dreams, it is best to use professional reference books.

A haircut on the 19 lunar day is a favorable procedure. She carries positive emotions. You will look more attractive and your mood will improve.

Haircut on the 19 lunar day is a favorable procedure

And positive emotions and good mood are the key to a long life.


Stones of the 19th lunar day: labrador, jet, chrysolite, green garnet. Minerals of this day transfer their energy to a person, enhancing or diminishing his emotions and character traits.

19th lunar day. A day that makes it possible to chop off the "black tails" of the past

On the nineteenth lunar day, channels open, connecting us with the past. The day calls to look back and reflect on those with whom we were unfair and who hurt us, forgive our offenders and ask forgiveness from the offended, to correct mistakes made in the past that distort our present and create problems. Each person has memories that he cannot get rid of - suffering, resentment, fears, humiliation, insults ... Such moments of the past are connected with the present energetic threads through which strength leaves us.

Everyone knows from his own experience how difficult it is to get rid of all this dirty trick. But today is a special day, and getting rid of the accumulated negativity is easier than ever. "What does negative emotion have to do with money?" - many of you will be surprised. The same as joy! But if joy and abundance attracts, then resentment, disappointment, envy, hatred, despondency and anger, on the contrary, repel him. Of course, we all experience such feelings from time to time, this is normal, but if they get stuck in us for a long time, torment the soul for years, they become a serious obstacle to monetary luck. Money, like people, is drawn to joyful, positive-minded people, they do not like embittered and dissatisfied with life.

On the 19th lunar day, a very heavy, unfavorable energy soars in the air. This day is called "Spider" or "Web". There is a great danger of falling into a trap - to succumb to intoxication, glamor, make a mistake, get confused, fall under the influence of others. On this day, very many dishonest people will want to pour "poison" into your soul. Therefore, it is better to limit contacts, and not use the phone without a serious need. Try not to make responsible decisions, not to conclude contracts, not to repay debts, not to borrow and not to take upon yourself or impose any obligations on others, otherwise you will throw a "net" on yourself. Be careful about your actions and other people's ideas (the latter is fraught with deception) and do not sort things out with anyone. You can't get angry, swear and show pride, otherwise you can get stuck in some unpleasant story, from which it will not be easy to get out of it later.

So, today, as in other dangerous days, we are not engaged in attracting money, but we are destroying the attachments to the past that suck the strength out of us. And rituals of forgiveness, charmed water and herbs will help us in this - choose what you like.

Forgiveness meditation

1. Retire to a quiet room and ask your family not to disturb you for 30-40 minutes. Take a comfortable position - lying or sitting, relax, close your eyes.
2. Focus on how hard your life is, how unhappy and unlucky you are, how little money you have, and how many problems you have. Penetrate this state, concentrate on it, strengthen, kindle it in yourself.
3. Imagine yourself sitting in an empty movie theater. It is twilight in the hall, the screen is empty, but you know that the film will begin now, and this film is about you. You don't know what exactly it will be about, so you are both curious and anxious at the same time. Anxiety gradually builds up and turns into despair. You feel that all the good things that were in your life are irrevocably gone ... Yes, in reality, there was nothing really good, you see in your past only troubles, disappointments, failures, humiliations, resentments ... moments, taking you deeper and deeper into the past, to youth, childhood.
4. And then someone's faces appear on the screen, silhouettes begin to flicker ... You peer and at first start to recognize someone in vague and indistinct images. Before you are people with whom you had to meet in life: some of them offended, humiliated, insulted you, you were unfair to others. If it is these people who have come to you now, it means that both you and them need it, and you must talk to everyone.
5. Imagine that you are on the screen and become a participant in the film. Approach each person and sincerely tell them something like this: “You once did something wrong to me and hurt me. But now it's in the past, and I forgive you! .. " If there is a person in front of you who has already died, tell him the same: “I came here to forgive you and say goodbye. I forgive you!" Likewise, ask for forgiveness from those who have been hurt by you: “I acted unfairly with you, offended you. Now all this is left behind. Please forgive me. I did it by accident, not wishing you harm. This will never happen again. "
6. Go from person to person, do not linger with anyone for a long time, but talk to everyone, even those whom you cannot remember, who seem unfamiliar to you. Listen to everyone and forgive or ask for forgiveness.
7. If you feel like crying, do not hold back. Tears will bring relief.
8. Mentally tell yourself something like the following (the text can be changed at your own discretion): “I visited the past, but it happened only because I wanted it ... The past is gone forever. All the bad things that happened in the past no longer have anything to do with me. There have been mistakes, resentments, griefs, disappointments in my life, but I live, and I have the strength to live on. Now I am not what I was before, and I will never be the same. I already have everything I need to be happy. Every day my life is getting better, happier, happier. "

Likewise, you can work through situations in your past in which you were traumatized. Perhaps at one time you could have said something, but did not say, or, on the contrary, you said too much, you could have done something, but didn’t, or, on the contrary, “overdid it”. Replay such a situation in your mind in all the details, and at a critical moment, do not act as before, but as you think is right now.

If relief does not come, meditate on forgiveness every 19th lunar day - until the mental pain subsides. But after achieving results, do not stop there; Repeat the meditation from time to time: it will help you maintain good mental well-being and prevent the accumulation of new grievances.

Water, salt and herbs to protect and heal the soul

If you feel that you are not yet ready for the rituals of forgiveness - this may well be, because they require determination and considerable expenditure of mental strength - limit yourself to charged melt water with salt or herbal infusions. I would recommend drinking them in any case: the 19th lunar day, as well as, and, are dangerous with the evil eye and damage, but we do not need all these "delights".

How and from which herbs to prepare the infusion

We do this with water. Put half a teaspoon of salt per liter. Any salt will do, both sea and ordinary, table salt. Stir the contents of the glass clockwise with a non-metallic spoon or wooden stick for several minutes, saying:
I forgive everyone, I cleanse my soul; hatred, resentment, anger, envy, I drive out; I attract strength; I protect from all evil.
With herbs (a list of cleansing herbs and recipes are given below), we do the same procedure, only we place them not in water, but first in a non-metallic container.

There are two ways to prepare the herbal infusion.
1. Pour dry charged herbs with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour in a dark place. Filter.
2. Fill the vessel with cold melt water (it is very good if the vessel is red, this is the color of active protection) and expose to sunlight for 2-3 hours. Filter. Cleansing and protective properties are:
initial letter,
black pepper,
Red pepper,

Choose any - those that are at hand or in the nearest pharmacy (the more herbs are included in the mixture, the better, but, in extreme cases, you can do with one or two) and mix on a whim, or use ready-made recipes.

Cleansing infusion No. 1
1 part pine needles
1 part cumin
1 part bay leaves
1 part dill seeds
1 part anise

Cleansing infusion No. 2
2 parts oak bark
2 parts thyme
1 part rosemary
1 part eucalyptus

Cleansing infusion No. 3
2 parts chamomile
2 parts lemon zest
1 part parsley
1 part black pepper

Cleansing infusion No. 4
2 parts valerian
1 part calamus
1 part dill seeds
1 piece of drop cap
1 part cumin

Cleansing infusion No. 5
2 parts fern
2 parts juniper berries
2 parts rosemary
1 part cumin
1 part yarrow

Three ways to use infusions

There are three ways to use infusions and salt water.

Method 1.
Drink a glass 3 times a day at regular intervals. If you do not like the taste of the infusion, put a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of honey in it.

Method 3.
The solar plexus is associated with the 19th lunar day in the human body. It is through him that all sorts of negativity penetrates into our energy body. If today you feel discomfort in this area or pain in the abdomen, it means that foreign energy has "settled" in your biofield. To pull it out, rub the abdomen with a palm soaked in chilled infusion, making movements in a clockwise direction around the solar plexus (it is located 2.5 cm above the navel). The hand should move from below and to the right, first up, and then horizontally to the left and down. One complete revolution is made per second. The duration of the massage is 5-7 minutes.

I am sure you took advantage of the opportunities that the 19th lunar day provides, and it became at least a little easier for you. Forgiveness rituals can also be addressed on, and lunar days. During these periods, a natural cleansing process takes place in our body, their background energy itself contributes to the discharge of negativity.
Keep in mind that today, as with all bad days, it is important to take care of your health at home. It is best to combine cleaning at home with cleaning, but if you do not plan to do it today, limit yourself to energy cleansing (see).

The energy of the day is very difficult today. On the 19th lunar day, energy vampires wake up, waiting for their prey and not averse to snacking on your energy. This is the day of dark magic, its influence is very adverse and strong. It is necessary to avoid abandoned dark rooms, corners, rubble. If you feel unwell in any house or room, it is better to immediately retire from this place. You do not need to communicate with unpleasant and unfamiliar people, as well as meet new people.

On the nineteenth lunar day, pride, envy and anger awaken in many people, all the base feelings and instincts that lie dormant in us under the layer of morality, morality and education. Depression rolls in, fears and self-doubt intensify. On such a day, the likelihood of deception and self-deception is very high. You can easily believe and convince yourself of something that doesn't really exist.

The 19th day of the moon is ideal for cleansing. Today you can cleanse almost everything: thoughts, souls, bodies, energy at home, etc. This day is considered ideal for getting rid of old grievances that have settled in our minds. After all, we have invisible energy threads with every person we have met. And the more and stronger the offense, the more energetically connected you are with it. And through these connections our vital energy leaves, and every person needs it so much for development and a happy life.

Dreams today carry valuable information from the future events of our lives.

Love and relationships

This is not the right time for romantic meetings and dates, the 19th Lunar day is very difficult, so it is better to postpone them to another day. Today it is very easy to be mistaken and deceived and is completely unsuitable for dating.


Today it would be very good to carry out energy cleaning and general cleaning of the house, to clean up the accumulated rubble, to throw out old and unnecessary things, to clean up where you rarely clean up. It will renew the energy of the home and bring fresh and clean vibrations.


On the 19th lunar day, it would be good to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, go on a diet, or start a new cycle of physical exercises. The sigmoid colon and the appendix are vulnerable today, so it is not recommended to carry out surgical operations on them.

Business and money

For business and career, this is a neutral day. You should not only deal with money matters, as there is a high probability of self-deception and today it is easy to become a victim of fraud. It is not recommended to repay debts on this day, as there is a great risk of getting into new ones. It's a great day to work in a creative direction.

Theory and practice of cleansing from sexual relations on the 19th lunar day

The time has come that you are cleaning your consciousness.
And they came to the purge of the former. Some have heard of this technique - some have not.
Someone did this ritual - some did not. Someone believes this - some do not.
This is a very deep work. But it's time to start somewhere.
Now we have such a time that there are no prohibitions on sex, there are no boundaries, we are convinced that a woman should please her man, try everything. In fact, of course, there are prohibitions. There are laws of life, there is higher knowledge. If a woman allows debauchery in her life, this very destructive energy is stored in her womb. This leads to female diseases, and affects the morality of the children she is just about to give birth to.

There are cleansing techniques for all ex-men. Even if he was the only one. Even if there were a lot of them. Today we will concentrate on cleansing from the past.

Some women believe that the more men there are, the more successful their lives are. True, this knowledge is not for everyone. The majority will respond to this knowledge.

In our youth, we are not interested in this. And they are interested in completely different things. After going through pain and suffering, we are looking for how to help ourselves. In our youth, we do not understand a lot. We should have been taught this. But you see what happened to our culture. Therefore, we have to learn it ourselves.

We will do the practice of cutting off sexual intercourse.

Cleansing is a little different: on the spiritual, energetic and physical plane.

The lower chakra is the gateway to all energy. This is a place of power. During sexual contact, a bond is formed with a man. A woman gives energy to her partner - unconsciously. This energy is stored not in the physical womb, but on the subtle plane, in the subtle body. After 7 years, these energetic connections disintegrate, provided that you do not feed with emotions, memories, resentments, if you cannot forget it. With this, of course, we need to work. But

You can cut off all sexual connections in literally an hour.

Even after "once."

And the strength will begin to accumulate and recover automatically.

How many get married 2-3 times, or were there many men? Because there is no happiness. Because she married the wrong person. Because there is no strength to attract your own, ideal, which was created for you.

And the more experienced a woman is in bed - it works against her. A worthy man who will be faithful, support and in joy, looking at a woman experienced in sex, thinks “My God, where did she get experience? And how many men did she go to bed with before me? " It disgusts him. "Experience" is admired by those men who want to enjoy the body of a woman, to take pleasure in irresponsibility - that's all.

For those who still want to give birth. Look at this situation from the other side... The uterus will one day become a "baby house". To give birth to a full-fledged, healthy and morally adequate child, the uterus must be healthy, strong and clean. Healthy, strong and clean. And if there are energies of debauchery? .. Former men leave information about their karma, about their illnesses and information about their level of consciousness in the womb. All this information will be passed on to the unborn child. It's good if the men were even more or less normal, decent. And if some rascals, lustful? All this dirt is passed on to the baby.

Therefore, now many dysfunctional children are born, even morally sick. With a lot of sexual experience, women can even be infertile, have huge problems with conceiving a child. If you want to attract a new man, it's best to cleanse your ex men. So that even from the first man no information remains. "Of course" is not cleared.

The true path of a woman is purity, love and respect.

When she goes this way, you cannot imagine how life gives her great female happiness. Relationships appear that are based not only on sex, but also on tenderness, loyalty, respect and love.

By the 19th lunar day (if there is a desire, do it on a decreasing day, and repeat on the 19th lunar day).

This practice stops the uncontrolled leakage of energy through energy channels to former sexual partners.

Now decide on a man (or a list of men) for whom you will practice.

Turn on quiet music, tune in to inner work and imagine yourself from the outside.

You are standing, and opposite this man. Your ex-man.

See where the energy channel connects you.

It can pass at the level of the navel. It can pass at the level of the heart.

See this connection with your ex-man ...

Now imagine that you take a big, big scissors and cut off this energy channel.

And he seems to fall: one half - to you, the second - to this man.

You take matches and burn the remnants of this channel both from you and from him ...

Imagine that the ash is carried away by the wind ...

Now contact this person. Even if you do not remember him or do not see his face, you feel that it is him, and he hears you.

Tell him:

I came here to say goodbye to you.

Forgive me. And I forgive you. I thank you for the experience.


Imagine that you are turning from each other and diverging in opposite directions.

If he doesn't leave, you can tell him whatever you want.

You can imagine that he waves his hand and leaves. You move away from each other. And you feel that this connection is no longer there.

This is where the practice ends ...

Brief summary

You can see that the practice takes just a couple of minutes. Now we have tried to learn. It works in full - in just half an hour you can do it all.

1 Preparing a list of all men.

2 We do one by one. One by one. One came - cut off the connection, told him what you think. Further with the following.

3 We re-cut.

4 We burn with matches.

5 We speak words.

6 We turn around and leave.

Clarifications on practice

In general, the practice has a 100% success on the 19th lunar day. Every lunar day is responsible for something. On this day, it is better to cut off sexual relations.

How to make sure that this connection exists? A man and a woman are connected through different energy centers. They can be connected at the level of the heart - then the connection is especially felt.

If you don’t remember some of them ... by name or don’t remember their faces, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to feel that it’s him.

If the partner has already died, or was raped - imagine him. What level of human consciousness, even a person cannot be called, is the animal level. Even if he died, then we are all eternal souls, our subtle bodies do not disappear anywhere. The physical body only dies. We communicate on subtle planes. It is imperative to get rid of it.

If the intercourse was protected, sex is an exchange of karma. You will never protect your subtle bodies. This is a subtle connection.

If the uterus is removed, energy accumulates in the subtle body. In any case, we are talking about subtle plans.

How do you know if the practice worked? Feels like. If you feel great affection, love, if the relationship has been long, or vice versa - strong hatred - you need to repeat.

- How many times to practice- with each one once, then you will feel that for this man you want to repeat the practice. Depending on what kind of relationship, the first time you may not let go.

If the connection is cordial, the heart may ache during working out. There was strong love, the man leaves and leaves. This connection is at the level of the heart chakra. Such a state - we want to close, our shoulders shrink, we close, we want to cross our arms. And we close our heart. It hurts. Because the connection remains. We may not feel sexual connections, but they also exist.

Matches are, of course, conditional; they are a delicate work at the level of our imagination. We do not see the subtle world. But we can do the job like that.

If there was no sex, only kisses - no, here is only what happens after sexual contact.

If during the practice we felt connections in all energy centers, we also re-cut.

Men feel when connections are overlapping. They may start calling, they will want to renew this energy intake.

The position “I will not cut off, because I want to return the former” - does not allow a woman to meet a new man at all. When we say this, we are limiting the actions of the universe. Moreover, we are acting against the laws of life, and this does not give a positive result in our personal life. You can be happy not only with him, but also with the other.

Based on the audio recording of the "Happy Women's Club"

Energy of the day: active day

Lucky number 19 lunar day: 1; element of the day: Water.

Happy color of the 19th lunar day: blue, aqua and azure.

Stones: labrador, chrysolite, olivine, green garnet, boiled down, red onyx.

Part of the body: umbilical center.

Happy day of week 19 lunar day: Friday.

Lucky direction 19 lunar days: North.

The predominant form of 19 lunar days: wavy lines, smooth transitions, asymmetry.

The symbol of the 19th lunar day: Spider, web, golden spider, Rakhna spider.

Keywords: increased self-control, the danger of injury, checking the assimilation of past "lunar" lessons, transforming their negative qualities into positive ones, the time of liberation from everything unnecessary, putting things in order.

Guardian Angel of 19 lunar days: Faelam - Spirit of Promises. The ruler of compromise. Angel of the dark valley. Faelam reconciles the irreconcilable and protects people from new conflicts. He will reward you with inspiration and can make you famous and popular in the field of various arts. This guardian angel contributes to the development of all new beginnings or deeds. He gives such qualities as diligence, courage, sociability, determination, courage.

Basic properties of the day

The nineteenth lunar day is a very dangerous time, one of the most conflicted days in the entire lunar month, the tension just "is in the air", a single careless word or glance is enough to immediately flare up a terrible scandal or quarrel with grave and tragic consequences.

In a sense, we can say that this day is a test of strength, which must be endured at all costs, otherwise you will lose everything that you have achieved in the previous lunar days. The Moon Goddess needs to prove that you truly deserve all the gifts she has given you this month.

As you know, you need a lot of strength to climb to the top, but to stay on it you need several times more strength. Today you are required to show everything that you are capable of, how realistically you show endurance, patience and mercy to others and how correctly you react to the difficulties that arise. A person is tested in how much he is ready to fight for his life values, whether this is really the need of his soul, or just words, self-deception.

The main motto of the nineteenth lunar day is "pan or disappear!" Overcoming this period with honor will become a hero. Remember the words of the philosopher F. Nietzsche: "What does not kill me makes me stronger!" This is the time of real warriors who are not afraid of difficulties. In short, these lunar days make the strong even stronger, and the weak even weaker. But the Moon even gives a coward a chance - on the 19th lunar day, you can overcome your fear with one willful effort, it is enough not to be cowardly once and openly look reality in the eyes. The choice, as always, is yours ...

Now there is a high probability of falling into the bait of self-deception, imagining yourself as someone who you really are not. For this reason, today more than ever, it is necessary to be honest with oneself, for, as Makarevich sang, "... and it will be the easiest to deceive oneself."

19th lunar day- On the nineteenth lunar day, you must first think well before doing anything. This is the period when your every action is of global importance. How you relate to the world, so the world in the future will relate to you.

In a sense, astral tracing paper will be removed from your behavior today, which will then spread to your environment. That is, if during this period your main feature turns out to be a disregard for everyone, if you only think about your selfish needs, then do not be surprised when in a couple of days everyone will not care about you. You yourself have created such an energetic template, so do not blame anyone for your troubles.

It will be possible to "wipe" such a matrix only in the next lunar month, and then at the cost of many efforts, which will be crowned with success only with a happy coincidence.

On the nineteenth lunar day, you are assessed by a Higher Power, so be a hero. Having passed through the "fire, water and copper pipes" of this period, you will enter the next day renewed, and if you do everything right, then much wiser and enlightened.

The nineteenth lunar day is best spent at home, dedicating it to creativity.

It's good now to do a general cleaning in the house, throw out unnecessary things, clean up where you least want to clean, dust off where you rarely wipe it. To clean the attic, closet, cellar, sort out the contents of the boxes - in a word, to put things in order wherever possible. This will renew the energy in the home and allow new vibrations to enter the room.
It is highly recommended today to forgive those you are angry with. The 19 lunar day is the most appropriate time to "love your enemies." Don't miss this chance!

If you have a funeral or memorial service scheduled for that day, reschedule it to another day if possible. If this is not possible, be careful, the day is fraught with conflicts, especially at such events, where they almost never do without alcohol.

Paradoxically, the Tibetan astrological school considers the nineteenth lunar day to be an auspicious period for any undertakings, travels, acquisitions, teachings, initiations, blessings, interpretations and ceremonies.

This is a magical day that makes it possible to distinguish one's thoughts from thoughts imposed by outside influence, therefore the energy of the Moon on the nineteenth day contributes to the process of moral cleansing of the soul and thoughts. During this period, any person needs to carefully look inside themselves, analyze their thoughts and actions, repent of pride, lies and their illusory fantasies.

Try to remember negative ideas suggested to you by someone and break not only external, but also mental contacts with this person. Be also careful with new ideas (no one knows who suggested them), casual acquaintances (no one knows who sent them).

You should also not conclude legal contracts, including marriage contracts (you can entangle yourself with impracticable obligations). On the 19 lunar day, as a rule, there are many proposals and, if you do not work on yourself, you can get into an unfavorable situation.

Clean your apartment by wrapping it around the corners with a lamp (candle). If the Moon on this day is in the sign of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), it is better to clean the apartment with incense, i.e. smoke of incense, sage, wild rosemary, juniper, etc. In any case, you must clean yourself and the place where you live. Light a fire, sit next to it. You can clean the intestines and rectum on this day.

It is better to eat simple food from round vegetables - cabbage, turnips, potatoes, beets.

You cannot show pride, anger, envy on this day. You can't lie. You cannot repay debts and borrow, since the symbol of this day is a spider, a web. On this day, a net is thrown over a dirty person, and the process of capturing souls goes on. If a person is not cleansed, then he will react to resonant dirt, and may be caught. On this day, you cannot conclude contracts, you must not allow yourself to be entangled. As a rule, there are often many offers on this day. We must try not to do this ourselves, so as not to throw a net on another person. If you don't work on yourself, then on this day you can get stuck in the astral mud, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

Dreams on these lunar days can be scary, but this is an illusion - throw them out of your head.
From a medical point of view, the vulnerable places in the human body are the appendix and simovid colon on this day.

Business: 19 lunar day

For Businessmen this is a difficult period, there are various failures, unforeseen complications, unpleasant surprises, or nothing happens at all, at a time when it is necessary that at least something get off the ground.

Be careful with any news, especially rumors. Check each information carefully, since there is a high probability of either outright deception or the effect of a damaged phone.

On the 19th lunar day, new proposals must be accepted with caution. Whatever benefits they promise, it is better to wait a day or two, and only then, after carefully analyzing and checking everything, agree.

On the nineteenth lunar day, there is a great danger of falling into a trap, under the influence of others, to start serving other people's interests to the detriment of their own. It is very easy on this day to become a slave of other people's base instincts, there is a high probability of being drawn into some kind of adventure that has a criminal basis. If you easily succumb to someone else's influence, then generally limit contacts with strangers on this day, it is better to devote time to your family, and not to work.

Great care should be taken with the people who appear in your life on this day out of nowhere - nine out of ten will bring you more trouble than benefit. And if, at the same time, you are offered to do something that you have not done before and instead of a case proven by life experience to go to any risky deal, it is better to refuse.

Remember: abandoning the established system on the nineteenth lunar day will lead to serious destruction in life and, as a rule, to serious troubles with law enforcement agencies. In short, the shortest road to jail for money fraud opens before you.

In Business at this time, it is useful not to expand the sphere of influence, but, on the contrary, to get rid of unnecessary, fruitless directions, leaving only the most important and necessary ones that really bring profit and further development. So, for example, in a large network of any large enterprise there is always a small branch that has been idle for a long time. It makes sense to close it, and redirect the funds to another, more promising channel.

Astrologers warn: a person bragging about money on the nineteenth lunar day will doom himself to bankruptcy or risk being robbed soon. People with a lot of money now need to be "quieter than water, below the grass."

Marriage and wedding: 19 lunar day

Starting a family or having a wedding during this period is strongly discouraged. Nothing good will come of such an event. It is believed that a man who marries on this day marries only the dark side of his bride and vice versa. According to other beliefs, on the nineteenth lunar day, families create only those couples in which one of the partners is actually a succubus or incubus. For this reason, all astrologers advise to postpone the wedding for a few days.

Health: 19 lunar day

When out in nature, be careful to avoid any insects. Their bites today can cause a non-standard reaction.

The nineteenth lunar day is good for performing Shank Praksha-lana, but not for the first time.

It is advisable to cancel all workouts and classes so as not to get bruises, sprains and other injuries. At this time, you may feel strong, but this is only an appearance.

Sex and erotica: 19 lunar day

Recommendations of all astrological schools for this period - no sex! It is advisable to refuse even erotic massage. Maximum - you can restrict yourself to a bathroom, but by no means herbal. Just a bath with warm water and that's it.

Today it is better to relax, because, according to astrologers, any sex will now become rape, even if you started it with the most noble feelings and intentions.

Women on the nineteenth lunar day should be very careful - this is the period when sexual maniacs intensify their activities.

Dreaming: 19 lunar day

Dreams of this lunar period reveal to a person the "darkest", deepest sides of the subconscious. But you should not be afraid of this. If you dream that you are a sex maniac, this does not mean that deep down you are.

The main thing when interpreting dreams of the nineteenth lunar day is not to fall into fatalism and extremes. Such a dream may mean that some part of your sexual nature does not find a way out. For example, if you are a woman, then it is quite possible that during sex you play a passive role, while your nature is inherent in activity. Try to show more enthusiasm in an intimate relationship, surprise your lover with assertiveness and imagination.

In general, astrologers advise not to try to independently interpret the Dreams of this lunar period, since mistakenly drawn conclusions will direct you on the wrong path. It is better to turn to professional interpreters or psychologists working at the intersection of traditional psychology and the occult sciences.

Esoterics: 19 lunar day

The Christian esoteric tradition strongly advises to visit the church on the nineteenth lunar day, spend the day in prayer and repentance.

Some magical schools at this time held magical trials, such as the Celtic "Night of the Wild Hunt". The law of a magical trial says: if you defeat an opponent, all his power goes to you. But for this, it must correspond to your level, or better - surpass it. If the enemy is frankly weaker than you, then if you win, you will not only not gain his magical power, but you will also lose half of yours.

To protect yourself and your home, try to keep a burning candle in the house all the lunar days, and you yourself are closer to the fire - it drives away evil spirits and astral entities.

Lunar ritual on the 19 lunar day

Practice of the day: - Chopping off the bindings from the navel and chest.

  • Imagine that a thick twisted tourniquet is coming out of the navel, which people unpleasant to you clung to.
  • Cut off this rope and set it on fire mentally.
  • Tie your end of the rope mentally and tuck it into your navel. Then, put the palm of your right hand on the navel, and the palm of your left hand on top of it and sit as pleasantly as possible.
  • The same procedure should be done with a tourniquet coming out of the chest. If you do not have these harnesses, then you do not have such bindings.
  • But just in case, on this lunar day, it is good to mentally wave a fiery magic sword in front of the navel and chest in order to strengthen your protection and independence.

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