Home Useful properties of fruits At what temperature does candle wax melt? Useful properties of beeswax - use in traditional medicine and cosmetology. How to store raw materials

At what temperature does candle wax melt? Useful properties of beeswax - use in traditional medicine and cosmetology. How to store raw materials

is a unique beekeeping product, the properties of which have been known for a very long time. Its composition is incredibly complex, so it is often used for both domestic and industrial purposes. But most often for use it must first be melted. And since the melting point of beeswax is only 63-68 degrees, it is not difficult to do it just at home. The main ways to melt it better are described below.

The use of beeswax is almost limitless: it is used in cosmetology, industry, and medicine. Since its melting point is relatively low, it should not be stored near heating appliances. It is also undesirable to store it in a place where direct sunlight falls.

To melt beeswax, you must follow certain rules, thanks to which this product will retain all its beneficial substances. To begin with, it should be noted that it cannot be melted directly on fire. This process is best done in a water bath. Already at a temperature of about 35-40 degrees, its structure becomes plastic and it can be given any shape.

Wax does not dissolve in water, so separate dishes are needed to melt it. It is necessary to place pieces of the product in it, and place the container itself in a pot or basin with water, which should subsequently be sent to the fire. When the temperature rises above 62 degrees, the melting process will begin.

It is worth noting that at 100 degrees the bee product begins to boil. But this should not be allowed, as the structure of the natural product is destroyed.

It is also important that it interacts with some metals. If it melts in a metal bowl, then the fatty acids present in it will react with some metals, releasing salts. And in order to maintain the high quality of the product, it is necessary to use a stainless steel container when melting or choose an enameled product. Do not allow melting in copper or iron utensils.

Melting methods at home

Beeswax is often used to make candles. It is used for cosmetic procedures. It is also mixed with creams and balms. In order to melt the wax, you can use one of the existing methods. Our article presents the easiest ways.

On a water bath

In order to melt the wax at home, it is necessary to prepare a metal container, preferably enameled, in which the main component will be placed. To speed up this process, the bee product can be divided into pieces or grated. The container in which it will be located should be equipped with a convenient handle. This is necessary so that at the appropriate moment you can remove it from the heat without bringing it to a boil.

Next, you need to put another pot of water on the fire and lower the container with wax into it. Thus, by subjecting the product to heating in a water bath, one can slowly reach the optimum melting point. It is very important to constantly stir it to prevent burning. This approach will ensure that a homogeneous mass is obtained.

In the microwave

To melt the wax safely and quickly at home, you can use the microwave. To do this, the right amount of product is taken, crushed or grated, and then placed in a glass dish that is suitable for use in a microwave oven. At the same time, it is highly undesirable to cover the container. The melting temperature in this case will be much higher, so it will take less time to dissolve the wax. However, it is necessary to monitor how it dissolves and prevent it from boiling.

In a double boiler

Beeswax is an extremely resistant product to external influences and can retain its properties and appearance for decades if optimal conditions and temperature are created for this. Another way to melt it involves the use of a double boiler. To do this, fill its lower part with water by 2-5 cm.

Next, you need to take a bowl and put a bar of beekeeping product in it, and then send it to a double boiler. This process can take up to 3 minutes. up to an hour, it all depends on the size and amount of wax. Do not leave the steamer unattended. During melting, it is necessary to add water from time to time. When the process is completed, the wax is poured into molds and used at your discretion.

Preparations for melting wax

There are drugs that help dissolve the wax. It is worth noting that this happens best when they contain fatty essential oils, turpentine and gasoline. Wax also mixes well with all kinds of fats and paraffin. Benzene deserves special attention. In addition to acting as a derived raw material for pharmaceuticals and organic dyes, it has been successfully used in the dissolution of wax.

It is absolutely insoluble in alcohol and glycerin.

Video "Remelting wax in a water bath"

On the video you can see in detail the whole process of melting the bee product.

PARAFFIN, a mixture of solid hydrocarbons of a limiting nature, which are released from oil, as well as from the products of the dry distillation of brown coal and oil shale. Paraffin is also found in wood, peat and coal tar and is occasionally found in essential oils and resins of some plants. Paraffin was first discovered by Buchner in oil from Lake Tegern (Bavaria, 1820) and by Reichenbach in wood tar (1830). The production of paraffin began in 1850 in England from the products of dry distillation of Kenel coal and oil shale (Jung), later in Germany from brown coal (Hübner). At present, the main mass of paraffin is extracted from paraffinic oils (USA, as well as the USSR, Romania, Poland), while the former raw materials for paraffin production - oil shale (Scotland) and brown coal (Germany and other European countries) - have departed in this area for second plan.

Paraffin production is carried out at special paraffin plants and mainly consists of the following operations. First of all, they get the so-called. paraffinic distillate, for which paraffinic fuel oil is subjected to distillation. The distillation is carried out on a battery of the oil battery type and is repeated twice, since after the first distillation the distillate is obtained in a state that is not very suitable for the subsequent extraction of paraffin; only after the second distillation, the latter completely passes into the crystalline state and is easily filtered.

Depending on the feedstock, the paraffinic distillate has a specific gravity of 0.848-0.875 and boils over a wide range, capturing Ch. arr. solar and spindle fractions. The content of paraffin in it is 5-12%. Before starting the paraffin distillate for crystallization from it, b. removed water and mechanical impurities (dirt). To do this, the distillate is pumped into special settling tanks equipped with coil heaters to accelerate the settling. When water and dirt are removed, the distillate is pumped into huge continuously operating crystallizers-coolers with a cooling surface of up to 50 m 2 or more. The most applicable are coolers with double pipes: distillate is pumped through internal 6 inch pipes, and in order to facilitate the movement of the solidified paraffin along with the distillate, inside these pipes there is an auger driven by a special chain wheel; externally, these pipes are surrounded by 8-inch well-insulated pipes, and coolant (cold brine) from special refrigeration units is periodically pumped through the annulus. If you do not supercool the paraffin distillate, maintaining its temperature at about 0 ° C, then it completely retains its mobility; using plunger pumps, it is fed to filter presses and the main part of the oil is separated. The success of its separation from the crystallized paraffin depends on the quality of the distillate, the temperature and pressure at which filtration occurs, the duration of the process, and other factors. Filtration takes place through a dense cotton fabric covering the press chambers and passing through itself only oil, but not paraffin crystals. Under the influence of pressure, which in good filter presses can be brought up to 50 atm, the filter press chambers are gradually filled with paraffin crystals, while the oil descends into the squeeze oil receiver and can serve as a raw material for processing into lubricating oils. At the end of the filtration, the filter press is unloaded, resulting in cakes paraffin slack. Often slack contains a significant amount of oil (up to 50% of the slack weight) as a result of insufficient filtration. In such cases, the gach is melted, cast into new forms, after cooling it is wrapped in a special cloth made of camel hair and pressed on hydraulic presses using pressure up to 40 atm.

After this operation, they begin to clean the slack with sulfuric acid, then with caustic soda and water (washing) in mixers of the usual type, but with heating, because when cleaning the slack, b. in liquid state. The temperature is maintained at ≈70-75°; acid consumption reaches 4-5%. The task of cleaning slack is to free it from resinous substances, the presence of which is undesirable during the next important operation in the process of paraffin production - slack sweating. The process of sweating gacha in order to further free it from oil is carried out in special sweating chambers, consisting of a number of shallow boxes, installed in 8-10 pieces. one above the other on special racks, in a well-insulated room. In the latest installations, the usual dimensions of sweat boxes are 15-18 m long and 3 m wide; their bottoms are in the form of reverse gentle pyramids; their useful capacity is from 5,300 to 6,300 liters. Each drawer is provided with a grating made of light corner or tee iron, carefully leveled. A mesh of galvanized wire with square holes of 6.25 cm 2 is placed on top of the grate; next - the second grid of brass wire, having 50 holes by 2.5 cm, and finally above - water coils for cooling paraffin. The boxes are first filled through special pipes with water slightly above the grid level, then molten paraffin is pumped into them until a layer 15 cm thick is formed. By passing cold water through coils, the paraffin is cooled and turns into a solid mass; then they drain the water from the boxes, close the chambers and begin to let hot water into the coils, maintaining the temperature in the chambers slightly below the melting point of paraffin. Under these conditions, the oil remaining between the paraffin crystals begins to sweat, flows down through the screens and through the drain holes in the center of the boxes is discharged into tanks for storage and further processing; along with the oil, some of the paraffin also leaves. By carefully raising the temperature in the chambers, it is possible to deepen the sweating process until the oil is almost completely removed and paraffin is obtained with the desired melting point, after which the paraffin is melted by passing steam through the coils and lowered into the drain tank. The whole sweating operation of each load takes 40-48 hours; for some varieties of paraffin, this time may be. reduced. The loading of each chamber is about 30 tons. Raw paraffin after the first sweating has a melting point of 40-49 ° and finds a variety of industrial applications. If a higher melting point wax is required, it must be subjected to a second perspiration. As for, finally, the sweated oil, depending on the content of solid paraffin in it, it is subjected to secondary sweating under appropriate temperature conditions, preliminarily subjecting it to either secondary distillation as necessary, or immediately putting it into crystallizers and filter presses. Paraffin, obtained after sweating, usually has a yellowish color and an unpleasant kerosene taste and smell. If it is necessary to get rid of these shortcomings and obtain purified (refined) paraffin, it is subjected to additional purification - bleaching with strong sulfuric acid (oleum or monohydrate), followed by washing and treatment with floridin, after which the paraffin is colorless, devoid of taste and smell and stable to light. Paraffin is packed either in barrels in the form of shavings or in slabs by casting using special casting machines. The size of the current production of paraffin from oil can be seen from the following data (in thousand sh):

In the USSR, only at the end of 1927, the first paraffin plant (in Grozny) began to operate, which in the first year produced 4,000 tons of paraffin. In 1931, the production of paraffin at this plant would be. brought to 13,000 tons. In addition, there is a successfully operating plant (Moscow) for obtaining a special kind of paraffin from ozocerite, known as ceresin.

Paraffin properties. Purified paraffin - colorless or white, b. or m. transparent mass, odorless and tasteless, slightly greasy to the touch. Insoluble in water; slightly soluble in absolute alcohol, well - in ether, chloroform, benzene, petroleum ether, carbon disulfide and mineral oils; when heated, it also dissolves in many vegetable oils. The specific gravity of paraffin in the solid state significantly depends on the content of oil in it: purified paraffin at 15°C has a specific gravity of 0.907-0.915; for raw paraffin, after a single sweating, the specific gravity ranges from 0.881-0.905. In the liquid state, for example at 60°C, all paraffins have very similar specific gravity of 0.776-0.781. In view of the heterogeneity of paraffin, the melting point varies within certain limits; for most commercial grades, it ranges from about 10-12°C, for example, purified Grozny paraffin melts at 49-60°C; yellow at 41-58°C; American specifications divide purified paraffin in this respect into three grades:

It can be seen from this that American paraffins (purified) are a very narrow fraction; their melting point after recrystallization is really almost unchanged. The melting point of paraffin is best determined in a test tube with an immersed thermometer. Sharper than the melting point, paraffin is characterized by its pour point (in the Zhukov device), which lies between the temperatures of the beginning and end of the melting of paraffin (melting temperature range). It is extremely important that the admixture of oil to paraffin within certain limits has a very small effect on both constants (melting point and pour point). Of great importance for the characterization of paraffin is its consistency (Abraham's consistometer), since even small impurities of oil have a sharp effect on it; for example, adding 0.5% oil reduces the consistency of paraffin by 20%, adding 1% - by 30%, etc. The color of paraffin depends on the degree of its purification, as well as on the presence of oil in it. Well-purified and oil-free paraffins are colorless and do not change color in the light. Insufficiently purified paraffin has a light yellow, yellow and brownish-yellow color, and the intensity of its color in the light increases. Determination of the color of paraffin is carried out in a molten state using a colorimeter.

According to its chemical composition, paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons of the methane series of the general formula C n H 2 n+2. In well-purified paraffins, the content of hydrocarbons of other series, for example, unsaturated ones, is completely negligible, and sulfuric acid, when shaken with them, either does not color at all or turns slightly yellow. Unpurified or poorly purified paraffins, on the contrary, stain sulfuric acid. b. or m. intensively and detect a clear presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons obtained as a result of partial decomposition during distillation, i.e., upon receipt of a paraffinic distillate. Paraffin is very resistant to a wide variety of reagents, such as: acids (hydrohalic, nitric, etc.), alkalis and various bases (hydrazine, organic bases), oxidizing agents, etc. The question of the chemical structure of the hydrocarbons that make up the paraffin is still cannot be considered finally resolved: along with indications in favor of their normal structure according to the formula CH 3 (CH 2) n CH 3, there are data that suggest the presence of side chains or groups in their carbon chain. Of great practical importance is the determination of the oil content in paraffin, which in some varieties of paraffins can reach several%. The simplest, although far from perfect, method of this determination is to squeeze a sample of paraffin (15-35 g) between several circles of filter paper and a special fabric placed in a special ring at a pressure of 70 kg / cm 2 at 15.6 ° C . After scraping off the adhering paraffin, the total gain of paper and fabric is taken as the oil content in this sample. In addition, other methods for determining oil in paraffin are used (refractometric, consistometric methods and the selective dissolution method).

Application of paraffin extremely varied. The bulk of the paraffin is used to make candles (“paraffin” with an admixture of 1.5-4% stearin and “composite” with up to 30% stearin) and matches (match paraffin). Further, paraffin is used in electrical engineering as an insulator, in the perfume industry - for absorbing volatile aromatic substances (for example, from flowers), in the textile industry - for finishing fabrics, in the paper industry - for preparing waxed paper, etc., in the chemical industry - when packaging chemical reagents, etc. In addition, paraffin is used for the manufacture of artificial vaseline, various kinds of ointments and compositions (shoe cream, ointments for rubbing floors, for rust protection, etc.), as well as in engraving, in laundry and confectionery enterprises and for many other special purposes.

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  • Participant: Pinyasova Anastasia Anatolyevna
  • Head: Isaeva Marina Ivanovna
1. The purpose of the work: To investigate the thermal properties of paraffin (candles) at home, to give liquid paraffin a form.
2. The purpose of the work: To explore crystals and their properties, try to make them yourself.


I am a student of the eighth grade, the city of Kuznetsk. I am studying according to the textbook Peryshkin A.V. “Physics Grade 8”, 15th edition, stereotyped; Moscow; DROFA 2012.

I really like physics, especially me, it fascinates me in experiments to prove physical phenomena, to do experimental work, to solve theoretical and practical problems.


  1. Be attentive and disciplined, follow the rules of conduct.
  2. Place devices, materials, equipment at their workplaces so as to prevent them from falling or tipping over.
  3. Do not use broken or cracked crockery.
  4. Do not remove the thermometer from the container with the substance during the experiment.
  5. Do not overturn the vessel with hot water.
  6. Be careful not to accidentally touch hot objects during operation.
  7. Before performing the experiment, carefully study the theory and determine the sequence of the experiment.

melting paraffin

Objective: Investigate the thermal properties of paraffin (candle) at home, give liquid paraffin a shape.

Hypothesis: In the process of melting and crystallization of a substance, its temperature does not change, that is, paraffin is a crystalline body.

Object of study: paraffin candle

Subject of study: the process of melting, crystallization and aggregate properties of solid paraffin.

Research objectives:

  • Conduct experiments proving the hypothesis of my project, based on reference materials.

Research methods:

  • Literature study
  • Conducting experience
  • Analysis of results

Paraffin- a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons C 18 -C 35; melting point 40-65°C; insoluble in water and alcohols, soluble in aromatic hydrocarbons. It is obtained from oil, used in a mixture with ceresin for the manufacture of candles. It is known that one of the characteristics of crystalline bodies that distinguish them from amorphous ones is a certain melting point. In other words, when a crystalline body reaches its melting point with constant heating, its temperature stops rising for a while, and only when the whole body becomes liquid does its temperature begin to rise again.

Description of the practical part

We need two paraffin candles, water, a saucepan, a thermometer, a glass cup, a knife, wax crayons or acrylic paints, and a mold. We rub paraffin candles on a grater or finely chop with a knife. Pour into a glass beaker. We take a saucepan, pour water into it and put it on gas, put a glass of paraffin in the same place, wait for the water to heat up enough, remove it from the stove, and the paraffin starts to heat up. The temperature of the wax rises with time until melting is reached. From the moment the melting begins, the temperature of the paraffin does not change until the entire substance has turned from a crystalline to a liquid state, at which point, I record the melting temperature of the paraffin with a thermometer. Further, the temperature of the liquid paraffin rises, and then begins to decrease. I pour the mold I prepared, make a toy. So, in the course of my experience, I proved and justified the purpose of my first work. The melting temperature of paraffin did not change throughout the entire melting process and coincided with the table value. Therefore, if paraffin has a constant melting point, then it is a crystalline body.

Reporting table and graph for paraffin crystallization.

My work with paraffin did not end, but only gave rise to a new start, now everyone in the family walks with perfectly clean hands. In the process of searching for information, I found interesting lessons on making homemade soap, which I now make colorful and different, it cheers me up.

Comparison of paraffin and wax

What is the difference between paraffin and wax? Wax does not burn, it only melts with the formation of large droplets. Paraffin, on the contrary, burns completely. When burning paraffin, soot is released. Wax, when burned, does not leave soot stains. I know that candles are found both paraffin and wax. But wax, as a rule, has a yellow-brown color, and paraffin is white, if dyes are not added to it. Wax during long-term storage is covered with a whitish coating. Paraffin crumbles when cut, but wax does not, it is cut off in whole pieces. Natural wax has the ability to cause allergies. Pure paraffin practically does not cause allergic reactions.

Having searched for information about paraffin on the Internet, I found many interesting ways to use it in economic activities.

Here's what I was able to find out: paraffin therapy is gaining more and more popularity due to the physical properties of paraffin and its availability. Paraffin warms the skin, helping to open pores and remove toxins. Skin tone is enhanced by cleansing and moisturizing. It becomes smooth and velvety.

Therapeutic effect of paraffin

  • with injuries and diseases of an inflammatory nature.
  • in diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  • with bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, liver diseases.
  • with varicose veins;
  • for skin diseases, trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite, wounds.

The more I delved into the process of studying the properties of paraffin and its application, the more I learned a lot of new things. After scrolling through a bunch of videos on YouTube, I came across a video about tricks on bicycles, skateboards and a scooter. In order to make elaborate wheelies, bunny hops and manules, paraffin wax is needed to rub the surfaces on which they are performed. It is needed to increase the slip of bodies.

It turned out that paraffin is also a substitute for expensive lubricants for bicycles. Lubricating the chain with paraffin is not a new idea. There are also industrial solid chain lubricants, which are a solution of paraffin (or other wax-like substances) in a volatile solvent. Liquid slurry from the bubble easily penetrates into the gaps, then the solvent evaporates and a solid lubricant remains. Such lubricants cost absolutely indecent money, although the source materials, not only are cheap, are also available.

But this is not all the properties of paraffin, we know that "there is no evil without good", and with paraffin. For example, paraffin lipsticks are very harmful, because they do not allow the skin to breathe and evaporate moisture, the lips become dry.

Candles can, instead of a cozy atmosphere and the desire to enjoy your favorite aroma, pose a danger to our health. The fact is that a huge number of aroma candles do not contain natural essential oils, which really have a beneficial effect on our nervous system, but artificial flavors that, in the process of burning, are capable of releasing toxins. Doctors compare such an effect with prolonged inhalation of cigarette smoke, the benefits or harms of which cannot be discussed.

As I already said, on the Internet, I saw a lot of its properties discovered for myself for the first time, but this shocked me. If you cut the paraffin and place it in a test tube, and then heat it until it completely disappears and wait until it boils, and finally, put the liquid substance in water, you get a real “explosion with a fire show”. It happens like this, when the test tube comes into contact with water, its bottom cracks. Water, in turn, instantly penetrates into the cracks formed and evaporates from the heat of the paraffin, the resulting steam pushes the paraffin out of the test tube, which mixes with air and ignites spontaneously.

The favorite delicacy of childhood is "Chupa-Chups", and before it there were "Petushki" lollipops. Knowing the processes of melting and crystallization, I decided to make sugar candy myself.

Sugar caramelization

Sugar is a sucrose (vegetable disaccharide) almost in its pure form - it is a carbohydrate consisting of fructose and glucose. Its name comes from Sanskrit - the word "sarkara" was translated as sand.

Having tried fruits, berries and natural honey for the first time, people began to think about a way to isolate the sweet component from plant foods in order to diversify their diet. Different nations use a variety of sources for this: sorghum from the Chinese, maple sap from the Canadians, and birch sap from the Poles, Belarusians use parsley for these purposes. For us, beet sugar is considered more familiar and traditional, from which sweetness is extracted on a very large industrial scale. Although, the ancestor should be considered cane sugar.

sugar properties

Sugar has a great benefit to our body, despite the persistent opinion of an extremely negative impact. Love for sweets is practically elevated to the rank of bad habits. However, it must be understood that in moderation, sugar alone can bring a large amount of energy, and in a fairly short time. Sugar can also contribute to the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. By the way, it is useful not only for the body, in everyday life its properties can also come in handy: removing grass stains, reducing the sharpness of the dish, neutralizing odors, cleaning grease, prolonging the life of flowers in a vase . As you can see, with the right approach, each product can be extremely useful.

A grain of sugar, a crystal, can be seen with the naked eye. Crystals are solids that have a natural external shape of regular symmetrical polyhedra based on their internal structure.

a) single crystals- these are single homogeneous crystals having the shape of regular polygons and having a continuous crystal lattice (sugar crystals)

b) polycrystals- These are crystalline bodies fused from small, randomly arranged crystals. Most solids have a polycrystalline structure (metals, stones, sand, refined sugar).

Properties of crystalline bodies

  • correct geometric shape and volume;
  • certain melting point;
  • The main property of single crystals is anisotropy - the unevenness of physical properties in different directions of the crystal.

Sugar, according to our hypothesis, is both an amorphous body and a crystalline one. So what is an amorphous body?

Amorphous bodies do not have a strict order in the arrangement of atoms and molecules (glass, resin, amber, rosin, sugar candy). In amorphous bodies, there is isotropy their physical properties are the same in all directions. Under external influences, amorphous bodies exhibit simultaneously elastic properties (on impact, they break into pieces like solids) and fluidity (with prolonged exposure, they flow like liquids). At low temperatures, amorphous bodies resemble solids in their properties, and at high temperatures, they are similar to very viscous liquids. Amorphous bodies do not have a specific melting point, and hence the crystallization temperature.

When heated, they gradually soften.

Amorphous bodies occupy intermediate position between crystalline solids and liquids.


The same substance It can be found in both crystalline and non-crystalline form.

In a liquid melt of a substance, particles move completely randomly.

If the melt solidifies slowly, calmly, then the particles gather in even rows and crystals form. This is how granulated sugar or lump sugar is obtained.

If the cooling occurs very quickly, then the particles do not have time to build up in regular rows and the melt solidifies non-crystalline. So, if melted sugar is poured into cold water or on a very cold saucer, sugar candy, non-crystalline sugar, is formed.

One of my favorite hobbies is baking. Therefore, I, like any growing confectioner, know that not a single recipe will work without the addition of sugar. I also have many uses for it with little or no other products added. For example, everyone's favorite sugar candies or the recent innovation "edible sugar crystals". I use caramel to decorate my baked goods. Preparing the right and right caramel is a laborious task.

1 option: 200g - sugar, 100ml - water.

Option 2: 300 g sugar; 335 g fresh sour cream (30% fat) or cream 33% fat; 65 g butter and a teaspoon of salt.

Sugar can be used for medicinal purposes, it can have a very useful effect: cough pills, medicine for hypotension (low blood pressure), treatment of poisoning, wound healing, insect bites.

Cosmetologists have adopted a sweet product and as a result we can conduct fashionable and effective beauty sessions: 1 Peeling, 2 Scrub, 3 Sugaring.

Description of the practical part

Take 200 g of sugar and pour it into a bowl, add 100 ml of water and the "secret ingredient" a few drops of lemon juice. It is needed in order to prevent a new crystallization of molten sugar. We put this mixture on fire, stirring constantly. To turn sugar into caramel, it must first dissolve or melt, which happens at 160°C. At this stage, the caramel simply dissolves and boils. The higher the water temperature, the more active diffusion occurs. Thus, sugar dissolved in water - a physical process occurred in which sugar molecules associated with several water molecules appeared in the water. The number of molecules that can dissolve in water is limited, so eventually there will come a point where the sugar is no longer soluble. Such a solution of sugar is called saturated. The next stage is caramelization, it occurs due to the fact that at temperatures above 185 ° C, sucrose decomposes with the release of water. When the caramel begins to darken, then it should not be disturbed. Stirring will enrich the syrup with air. This will lower the temperature of the syrup. This way the sugar will not darken properly. In addition, hot caramel will simply stick to a spoon or spatula, which is very difficult to peel off. Next, there is a 3 stage transition of crystalline sugar into an amorphous body. If the cooling occurs very quickly, then the particles do not have time to build up in regular rows and the melt solidifies non-crystalline. Within a few months, sugar candies can crystallize, this can be checked by breaking the candy and we will see sugar crystals. Thus, sugar is both crystalline and amorphous.

Crystals and their properties

Objective: Explore crystals and their properties, try to make them yourself.

Hypothesis: crystals come in different types and we can make some of them ourselves.

Object of study: crystals.

Subject of study: growing crystals.

Research objectives:

  • Analyze additional material, book, Internet, on this topic.
  • Conduct experiments proving the hypothesis of our project, based on reference materials.
  • Get answers to exciting questions from the experiment.
  • Analyze the results and draw a conclusion.

Research methods:

  • The study of literature.
  • Conducting an experiment.
  • Analysis result.

Crystals are all solids in which the particles that make them up (atoms, ions, molecules) are arranged in a strictly regular manner, like nodes of spatial lattices.

Description of the practical part

For example, copper sulfate crystals can be easily grown at home.

So, we need 110 g of copper sulfate and 200-220 ml of water, it should be quite hot 50-60 ° C, gauze, a thermometer to measure the water temperature, a seed, a jar in which it will grow single crystal. Single crystals are single homogeneous crystals having the shape of regular polygons and having a continuous crystal lattice.

First, we heat the water in the kettle to a temperature of 50-60 ° C, making sure with the help of a thermometer that the temperature is correct. Pour 100 g of copper sulfate into a jar, then add 200 ml of water to the same container. We immediately see that rapid diffusion occurs, and the liquid turns into a bluish-blue hue. Stir the resulting solution until the complete dissolution of the grains of the substance. Next, we filter the mixture through cheesecloth so that undissolved small grains do not pass into the vessel. We wind the seed, which is ready in advance, onto a thread, and the thread, in turn, onto a support, I have a ruler. We are waiting for 5-7 days for the crystal to grow and put it in a warm place. Yes, crystals do grow at home and are very beautiful.

The first day of growing crystals.

A week later.

In nature, there are hundreds of substances that form crystals. Water is one of the most common of them. Freezing water turns into ice crystals or snowflakes.

Perfect Crystals is a mathematical abstraction used by scientists to describe the properties of real crystals

real crystals- these are the crystals that we encounter in real life.

natural crystals grow in the bowels of our planet in natural growth conditions.

artificial crystals grown in laboratories or at home.

In our region, Nikolsky entrepreneurs launched installations for growing single crystals in one of the workshops of the former Red Giant plant.

“The first crystals with a diameter of 200 mm are planned to be grown in the near future. Entrepreneurs have already found a market: the Urals and St. Petersburg opto-mechanical plants have become interested in crystals. Single crystals of semiconductor and dielectric materials grown under special conditions are of great industrial importance. In particular, single crystals of silicon and some artificial alloys are the basis of modern solid-state electronics,” the press service of the government of the Penza region informs.

Application of crystals

For a long time, superstitions have been associated with crystals; as amulets, they were supposed not only to protect their owners from evil spirits, but also to endow them with supernatural powers. Based on the laws of optics, scientists were looking for a transparent, colorless and defect-free mineral, from which it would be possible to make lenses by grinding and polishing. Crystals of quartz, calcite and other transparent substances that transmit ultraviolet and infrared radiation are used to make prisms and lens-optical devices. Crystals played an important role in many technical innovations of the 20th century, in semiconductor devices, in lasers for amplifying light waves, and in medicine. A special place of crystals in the jewelry industry, Swarovski crystals in jewelry.

By carrying out these experimental experiments, I expanded my horizons on the subject and this topic. Once again I am convinced that physics is an interesting subject. The knowledge that I received will be useful to me in practice, also for passing the OGE and in high school. Now I myself know how to make soap and sugar candies, these are original handmade gifts for my loved ones. Thank you very much for the contest (free). Thank you for your attention!!!

For many people, "paraffin" is primarily a procedure in a physiotherapy room or candles used for household needs. What is this substance, thought units. But paraffin is not as simple as it seems. It has its own interesting features, its advantages and disadvantages. We offer you useful and entertaining information about paraffin, how it is obtained, how it is used, how it differs from other similar substances.

Difference between wax and paraffin

We all know that there is both wax and paraffin. Paraffin is a substance that is a wax-like mixture formed due to saturated hydrocarbons. It is an oil derivative. It is generally inert to many chemicals.

The state of paraffin is directly dependent on the ratio of the concentration of hydrocarbons in it - both light and heavy. Depending on the structure, fractional composition and melting point, it can be solid (t pl = 28-70 °C), liquid (t pl ≤ 27 °C), and finely crystalline - ceresin (t pl > 60-80 °C). The chemical composition of all paraffins should be standardized indirectly in terms of melting point and microhardness.

Wax is a mixture of simple lipids. It is very common in nature. Its melting point is in the range of 60-70 degrees. Ozokerite, known to many, is a fossil wax, which mainly consists of saturated hydrocarbons.

Burning or crumbling?

Paraffin is able to burn completely, soot is released during the combustion of paraffin. And wax is usually yellow-brown, while paraffin is white (provided that no dyes are added to it). The density of paraffin is such that if you cut it, it will crumble. Wax is not. It will be divided into whole pieces. Paraffin in its pure form almost does not lead to allergic reactions. Wax can cause redness and rashes on the skin.

Even if the paraffin is heated to a sufficiently high temperature, it does not cause discomfort. This happens due to the fact that it is able to give off heat very slowly, the skin does not burn, but warms up little by little. Wax also does not cause burns, and is also capable of warming up the body well at the place of its application.

Difficulties in working with paraffin

You can buy paraffin in any pharmacy. True, it is extremely rare, and working with it is somewhat more difficult, because it is less plastic.

The use of paraffin in cosmetics is as follows. Cosmetic companies, in addition to paraffin, can offer parafango - a mixture in equal proportions of paraffin and therapeutic mud.

To melt paraffin, you can purchase a special device for heating. It must be equipped with a thermostat. A warming bath is also suitable.

Use in cosmetics

Paraffin has the ability to rejuvenate the skin, smooth wrinkles. During cosmetic procedures, it is slightly warmed up and the first layer is applied to the face. Subsequent layers - and there should be a total of four or five, must be applied with paraffin at a higher temperature - even 48 degrees.

The duration of this procedure is only 10-15 minutes. At the end of this time, the hardened paraffin can be carefully removed from the face. After the mask is removed, you do not need to wash your face. But taking care of your face with a night moisturizer or serum will be just right.

Here you need to pay attention to the fact that the paraffin cools down quickly, so the mask gradually peels off. It can be used many times. The fact that the paraffin must be melted before each procedure will not impair its chemical structure. True, there is an opinion that unnecessary toxins can accumulate in it, which it absorbs from the skin, and therefore it can only be used once. But here everyone decides for himself.

Get to know paraffin therapy

Purified paraffin is a completely inert substance. It will not react with any cosmetic ingredients. It will not be absorbed by the skin and is suitable for any skin type.

The melting point of paraffin is 50 o C (in some sources - 52-55 o C), while it becomes a viscous viscous mass of white color. This is how paraffin is recommended to be applied to the skin. The high temperature of paraffin does not cause any discomfort.

After applying such a mask, it will take only a few minutes, and the skin temperature will have time to increase by one and a half to two degrees. Since the temperature is elevated, the upper stratum corneum of the skin will soften, the pores will open, sweating will become more active. But the moisture will not be able to evaporate from the surface of the skin, because the paraffin remains completely impermeable. It remains on the surface of the skin, and after the procedure it is reabsorbed, thereby restoring the water balance.

At the same time, toxins no longer enter the skin, because the molecule of each toxin is much larger and heavier than water molecules.

Benefits of Heating and Cooling Paraffin

So, we already know that the melting point of paraffin is fifty degrees. This figure is suitable for various cosmetic procedures, for example, the one discussed a little higher. Due to the fact that the temperature of the skin increases, it becomes faster and blood flow. The skin thus receives more oxygen and nutrients. When blood circulation increases, the lymph flow will also increase, that is, toxins will be removed. In addition, when the temperature is raised, some of the toxic substances will come to the surface of the skin along with moisture.

When paraffin - a miracle of modern cosmetics - cools down, it also has a positive effect on the skin surface. When cooled, the mass of paraffin will decrease in volume and provide a lifting effect.

Revitalizing effect

Paraffin therapy is a truly unique restorative procedure that can restore a well-groomed look to tired skin. Liquid paraffin is used, and the therapy itself has an excellent reputation among cosmetologists and people who have turned to them for help.

Medical paraffin is able to improve the body's metabolic processes, provide a rejuvenating effect, moisturize the skin, and influence its tone. This substance also benefits when performing therapeutic procedures for diseased joints, with bruises, sprains, and some other painful conditions.

The therapeutic effect of medical paraffin is that it improves blood circulation in a diseased organ, normalizes metabolism. Paraffin applications are also used for colds accompanied by coughs. In this case, the heat emitted by it contributes to the separation of sputum, which alleviates the patient's condition.

Types of paraffin

There are several types of paraffin in industry:

Unpeeled, or match;

Highly purified technical (grades A and B);

Purified technical paraffin (grades G and D);


As mentioned above, one of the most significant characteristics of paraffin is its melting point, which is at least 50 degrees Celsius.

The density of solid paraffin at 15° (depending on its purity) can vary from 0.881-0.905 g/cm3 (this is crude paraffin) to 0.907-0.915 g/cm3 (this is purified paraffin).

How to make paraffin candles

Paraffin wax has been developed over a century ago. At that time, this invention saved endangered species of whales from extermination. Prior to this, whale oil was used in lighting lamps. When paraffin appeared, candles began to be made from it, because it was much cheaper.

Paraffin for candles is used only technical. Often it happens with aroma additives and dyes. At home, such candles are also easy to make. A wick and some paraffin should be prepared. As a wick, a thread is suitable - jute or cotton. You can even use thinly twisted cotton flagella. In a piece of paraffin, it is necessary to drill a thin hole and stretch the wick through it. The second way is to place a wick in the prepared form and add melted paraffin.

We lubricate the skis with paraffin correctly

In addition to conventional ski ointments, paraffin for skis is now widely used. It is divided according to the compositions into two types - for sliding and for fixing. True, in order to process skis with them, you need a special tool - an iron.

If a skier is sure that in order to improve ski performance (running) it is necessary to lubricate the skis only with paraffin, you need to know how this process goes. It is necessary to fix the ski in the machine, and cover the floor nearby with newspapers, film or old unnecessary cloth. Using a special iron, you should warm up the paraffin and carefully drip it onto the sliding surface. Now it is necessary to iron its surface with this iron so that the paraffin is fused into it.

When the master aligns the paraffin layer, you need to let it cool. Later, you can remove the excess with a scraper. And then you need to brush the surfaces of the skis with a stiff brush, in which the bristles are plastic or metal. This must be done so that the microrelief of the plastic is preserved. Do not be too zealous, because the depressions of the pattern can retain paraffin particles. At the very end, it is worth walking on skis with fibrilene. If it is not at hand, you can use a nylon stocking folded several times.

If the skis are plastic, then it is more correct to use only factory lubricants. But if they are wooden, then the flight of fancy is unlimited. Beginning skiers usually ask the same question, which is important for them: is paraffin from a candle or wax suitable for lubricating their skis? The answer is very simple: yes, it will, but such a lubricant will not contain fluorine-containing and temperature additives that will improve the quality of sliding.

From experienced skiers you can hear very useful advice: if there is no opportunity or desire to look for branded ointments, it would be more correct to use not candle, but medical paraffin. For candles, petroleum match paraffin or stearin is used. The strength of such substances is not enough, and it will be erased from the ski surface in just two hours after the start of skiing. Paraffin medical in its properties is more resistant to abrasion, so it is more preferable.

Paraffin is a mixture of solid high-molecular hydrocarbons of a limiting nature, normal and isostructure, with a slight admixture of cyclic hydrocarbons, obtained mainly from oil, ozocerite, and also synthetically - by reduction of CO with hydrogen. The hydrocarbons that make up the paraffin are divided into paraffins and ceresins.

Paraffins characterized by a lamellar or ribbon structure of crystals include mixtures of solid hydrocarbons, which are slightly branched homologues of methane with a melting point 50-70 °, composition C 19 H 40 - C 35 H 72; boil away in the interval 40-500°. Chemically, paraffins are very stable.

Ceresins have a fine crystalline structure, melting point 65-88°, greater density, refractive index, viscosity and higher reactivity than paraffins. Ceresins are isoparaffins with randomly arranged side chains containing on average 3 each carbon atom.

Purified paraffin is a colorless product, odorless and tasteless, greasy to the touch, insoluble in water and alcohol, soluble in most organic solvents and mineral oils; soluble in many vegetable oils when heated. Density of solid paraffin at 15° depending on its purity ranges from 0.881 - 0.905 g/cm 3 ( crude paraffin) up to 0.907 - 0.915 g / cm 3 ( purified paraffin). Due to the heterogeneity of the paraffin composition, the temperatures of the beginning and end of its melting can differ by 10-12°. Poorly purified paraffin has a yellow or brown color and darkens in the light.

The chemical properties of paraffin correspond to the nature of its constituent methane hydrocarbons. At ordinary temperatures, paraffin is very resistant to acids and bases, alkali metals, oxidizing agents and halogens. When heated, paraffin reacts with halogens, when oxidized, for example,nitric acid carboxylic acids are formed, under the action of oxygen - higher fatty acids, alcohols and other oxygen-containing products.

Paraffin is obtained mainly (~ 90%) from paraffinic oils (paraffinic distillate, fraction boiling at 300-500°). The most beneficial for processing are the so-called highly paraffinic oils with a pour point of the paraffinic fraction 21° and above and with a paraffin content above 2%.

Paraffinic distillate from oil is obtained in atmospheric-vacuum tubular installations, after which the distillate is usually processed by the following methods:

- filter pressing followed by"sweating";

- dewaxing with selective solvents.

Filter pressing consists of crystallization, filtration and"sweating". Crystallization is carried out in crystallizers of various types, pre-cooling the distillate and achieving the most complete separation of solid paraffin from the oil and obtaining it in a coarse-grained form. The crystallized paraffin mixed with oil is filtered in a cooled state to separate from the oil on filter presses under pressure up to 25 atm., or drum vacuum filters. The hard paraffin cake obtained by filtering contains up to 30% oils and is called paraffin gacha. To separate from the oil, the slack is subjected to"sweating" keeping it in special chambers at a certain temperature. At the same time, the oil trapped between the paraffin crystals flows out. The raw material obtained is purified 102-103% oleum at a temperature of ~ 100° followed by neutralization with alkali and cleaning with bleaching clays.

Dewaxing is carried out using selective solvents, thus obtaining not only paraffin, but also low-setting lubricating oils. The raw material is an oily paraffinic distillate with a boiling point 350-500°, mixable at 70-90° in ratio 1:3 with selective solvent ( 30% acetone, 40% benzene, 30% toluene). The mixture sequentially passes through a series of molds with progressively lower temperatures. The crystallized raw material enters the vacuum filter, where partially de-oiled paraffin is separated, which is then mixed with cooled to +solvent to remove the oil and filter again. The resulting raw paraffin is purified by percolation.

Some varieties of low-melting paraffins, consisting of n-paraffins, are obtained by carbamide dewaxing of paraffinic gas oils, but the main purpose of this process is to obtain low-solidification diesel fuels. Synthetic paraffin is obtained by reduction of CO with hydrogen at 160-300° and pressure 10-20 atm. over an iron or cobalt-thorium catalyst. The resulting paraffin does not need additional purification.

Industrially produced petroleum paraffins are divided into technical highly purified, grades A and B, medical, technical refined, grades G and D, and unrefined (match). The most important characteristics of paraffin are: melting point - not lower than 50-54° ( match not lower 42°) and oil content - no more 0.6 - 2.3% (match 5%).

Paraffin is used in the paper, textile, printing, leather and paint industries, in electrical engineering, for medical purposes, and more. As a chemical raw material, paraffin is used to produce higher fatty acids and alcohols, detergents and surfactants, additives for lubricating oils, etc.

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