Home Useful properties of fruits Fishes. River perch. Fins perform different functions. Which fins are involved in turning the body of fish

Fishes. River perch. Fins perform different functions. Which fins are involved in turning the body of fish

Fish are aquatic animals adapted to life in fresh water and sea water. They have a hard skeleton (bone, cartilage or partially ossified).

Consider the features of the structure and life of fish on the example of river perch.

Habitat and external structure of fish on the example of river perch

River perch lives in freshwater reservoirs (slowly flowing rivers and lakes) in Europe, Siberia and Central Asia. Water exerts a noticeable resistance to bodies moving in it. Perch, like many other fish, has a streamlined shape - this helps it move quickly in the water. The head of the perch smoothly passes into the body, and the body into the tail. A mouth with lips is placed on the pointed front end of the head, capable of opening wide.

Figure: external structure of river perch

On the top of the head, two pairs of small holes are visible - nostrils leading to the olfactory organ. On its sides are two large eyes.

perch fins

Bending the laterally flattened body and tail either to the right or to the left, the perch moves forward. When swimming, fins play an important role. Each fin consists of a thin skin membrane, which is supported by bony fin rays. When spreading the rays, the skin between them stretches and the surface of the fin increases. On the back of the perch are placed two pin fin: front big And rear smaller. The number of dorsal fins varies from species to species. At the end of the tail is a large two-lobed tail fin, on the underside of the tail - anal. All these fins are unpaired. Fish also have paired fins - there are always two pairs of them. Pectoral paired fins(front pair of limbs) are placed at the perch on the sides of the body behind the head, ventral paired fins (rear pair of limbs) - on the underside of the body. plays a key role in moving forward tail fin. Paired fins are important when turning, stopping, moving slowly forward and maintaining balance.

The dorsal and anal fins give the fish body stability when moving forward and sharp turns.

Integument and coloration of perch

The body of the perch is covered bony scales. Each scale with its anterior edge is immersed in the skin, and with its posterior edge rests on the scales of the next row. Together they form a protective cover - scales that does not interfere with body movements. As the fish grows, the scales also increase in size, and you can tell the age of the fish from them.

Outside, the scales are covered with a layer of mucus, which is secreted by the skin glands. Mucus reduces the friction of the fish's body on the water and serves as a protection against bacteria and mold.

Like most fish, the perch's belly is lighter than its back. From above, the back merges to a certain extent with the dark background of the bottom. From below, the light belly is less noticeable against the light background of the water surface.

The coloration of the perch's body depends on the environment. In forest lakes with a dark bottom, it has a dark color, sometimes even completely black perches come across there. In reservoirs with a light sandy bottom, perches live with a light and bright color. Perch often hides in thickets. Here, the greenish color of its flanks with vertical dark stripes makes the perch inconspicuous. Such a protective coloring helps him hide from enemies and better watch for the victim.

On the sides of the body of a perch from head to tail is a narrow dark lateral line. It is a kind of sense organ.

The perch skeleton consists of a large number of bones. Its basis is the spine, which stretches along the entire body of the fish from the head to the caudal fin. The spine is formed by a large number of vertebrae (perch has 39-42).

Figure: Skeleton of a river perch

When the perch develops in the egg, a chord appears in place of the future spine. Later, vertebrae arise around the notochord. In an adult perch, only small cartilaginous remnants between the vertebrae remain from the notochord.

Each vertebra is made up of body And upper arc ending with a long upper process. In their totality, the upper arches, together with the vertebral bodies, form the spinal canal, in which the spinal cord.

In the trunk section of the body, they are attached to the vertebrae from the side ribs. There are no ribs in the tail section; each vertebra located in it is provided with a lower arch, ending with a long lower process.

In front of the spine, the skeleton of the head is firmly articulated - scull. The skeleton is also in the fins.

In paired pectoral fins, the skeleton of the fins is connected to the spine by bones shoulder girdle. The bones connecting the skeleton of the paired pelvic fins with the spine are not developed in the perch.

The skeleton is of great importance: it serves as a support for the muscles and protection for the internal organs.

Muscles of river perch

Muscles attached to bones are located under the skin. muscles. The strongest of them are located on the dorsal side of the body and in the tail section.

The contraction and relaxation of the muscles causes the body of the fish to bend, due to which it moves in the water. In the head and near the fins there are muscles that move the jaws, gill covers and fins.

Swim bladder of a river perch

River perch, like any fish, is heavier than water. Its buoyancy provides swim bladder. It is located in the abdominal cavity above the intestines and has the form of a translucent sac filled with gas.

Figure: The internal structure of a river perch. Digestive and excretory systems

The swim bladder is formed in the perch embryo as an outgrowth of the intestine on the dorsal side. It loses contact with the gut at the larval stage. On the 2-3rd day after hatching, the larva should float to the surface of the water and swallow some atmospheric air to fill the swim bladder. If this does not happen, the larva cannot swim and dies.
By adjusting the volume of the swim bladder, the perch stays at a certain depth, emerges or sinks. When the bubble is compressed, excess gas is absorbed by the blood in the capillaries of the inner surface of the bubble. If the bubble expands, then the gas enters it from the blood. As the perch sinks into the depths, the bubble decreases in volume - and the density of the fish increases. This promotes rapid immersion. When floating, the volume of the bubble increases and the fish becomes relatively lighter. At the same depth, the volume of the fish bubble does not change. This allows the fish to stay motionless, as if hanging in the water column.
Unlike river perch, in other fish, such as carp, bream, roach, herring, the swim bladder maintains contact with the intestine through an air duct - a thin tube throughout life. Excess gas exits through this duct into the intestines, and from there through the mouth and gill slits into the water.
The main function of the swim bladder is to provide buoyancy to the fish. In addition, it helps fish hear better, because, being a good resonator, it amplifies sounds.

1. Tail fin creates a driving force, provides high maneuverability of the fish when turning, acts as a rudder.

2. Paired fins ( thoracic, abdominal) maintain balance and are rudders when cornering and at depth.

3. Dorsal and anal the fins act as a keel, preventing the body from rotating around its axis.

Yu. G. Aleev (1963) distinguishes four functional zones of fins in fish:

1st zone- front rudders and bearing planes; it includes the pectoral and ventral fins (if they are under the pectoral or in front of them);

2nd zone- keel; it includes the dorsal fin located in front of the center of gravity, as well as the pelvic fins, if they are in front of the center of gravity; if there is one dorsal fin (as in herring and cyprinids), this zone includes its front part, if there are several, then the first;

3rd zone- stabilizers, the role of which is played by the dorsal fin, located behind the center of gravity, and the anterior part of the anal, as well as the adipose fin (if any); in cod, for example, this zone includes the second dorsal and first anal, in salmon - adipose and anal fins;

4th zone- rear rudders and locomotor body; it includes the caudal fin and, in most fish, the back of the dorsal and anal fins; in cod, this zone includes the third dorsal and second anal fins; this zone includes additional fins that some fish have behind the dorsal and anal fins (mackerels) (Fig. 6).

Rice. Fig. 5. Functional areas of the fins and their position during rectilinear movement (A) and when turning (B)(according to Aleev):

salmon; 2 - bonito; 3 - cod.

In rectilinear motion, the fins I and II zones in most fish do not function and are pressed to the body (numbers in brackets indicate that the function of this zone for this fin is not the main one).

Movement methods. The variety of living conditions of fish determines the ways of their movement. Fish have three modes of locomotion: swimming, crawling and flying.

Swimming- the main type of movement, which is carried out mainly due to the lateral bends of the body and tail. The body of a fish with a large number of vertebrae is more strongly bent. The short body of the fish moon (17 vertebrae in total) cannot bend. Fish, in which the body structure excludes the possibility of lateral bends, swim with the help of wave-like movements of the fins: electric eel - anal; moon-fish and boxfish - tail; slopes of the chest.

Distinguish two types of swimming with side bends

1. mackerel - in fish when swimming, the tail is of great importance, with the help of which the fish repels from the water and moves forward, which accounts for about 40% of the entire driving force (mackerel, salmon).

2eel (serpentine) - in fish, when moving, the whole body bends in waves. This is the most economical type of movement, while the swimming speed is low (lamprey, eel, loach).

Rice. 5. Types of swimming a) mackerel, c) eel

Rice. 7. The movement of fish with the help of wave-like movements of the fins (according to Aleev):

1 - moon-fish; 2- box; 3 - electric eel; 4 - flounder.

Those fish in which the body structure excludes the possibility of lateral bends (bodywork, bluehorn, seahorse, needle-fish, moon-fish, electric fish) swim with the help of wave-like (undulating) movements of the vertebrae: electric eel; moon-fish and boxfish - tail; stingrays - chest

There are two types of swimming with the help of lateral bends

Fish swim at different speeds. The fastest is swordfish, capable of speeds up to 33 m/s, tuna swims at speeds up to 20 m/s, salmon - 5 m/s.

The speed of movement of fish is also dependent on the length of the body, in accordance with this, the speed coefficient is determined (the ratio of the absolute speed to the square root of its length ( V/L).

According to the speed of movement, the following groups of fish are distinguished:

1) very fast (swordfish, tuna) - speed coefficient about 70;

2) fast (salmon, mackerel) - 30–60;

3) moderately fast (mullet, cod, herring) - 20–30;

4) slow (carp, bream) - 10–20;

5) slow (steers) - 5–10;

6) very chalky (stickleback, moonfish) - 5.

Fish of the same species can swim at different speeds. Distinguish:

1. Throwing speed(speed factor 30–70), which

develops within a very short time (when frightened, throwing at prey).

2. cruising speed(speed factor 1–4) at which the fish swim for a long time.

The speed of fish movement depends on the structural features (body shape, scale cover, presence of mucus), physiological state, water temperature and other factors. Slowly swimming fish are characterized by a high body and large scales (cyprinids), as well as an eel-like, ribbon-like, spherical body shape. Fast-swimming fish have a well-streamlined body shape, small scales, a thin muscular caudal peduncle, often with lateral keels (swordfish, tuna), a strongly developed, almost symmetrical high caudal fin, additional fins behind the dorsal and anal fins (tuna, mackerel bonito). Many fast-swimming fish have peculiar fairings: fatty eyelids (mullets), elongated scales on the tail (black-backed herring), etc.

fish swim in a horizontal position, however, differences are observed in some species. The seahorse moves upward along a helical line, working with its dorsal and pectoral fins, and wave-like bends the caudal stalk, devoid of a caudal fin. The cranktail, gathering in flocks, swims in an upright position. Cirrus catfish of African rivers swim slowly at the surface of the water with their belly up. Passive movement of fish (fish-stuck) can be attributed to special forms of swimming.

Crawl on the ground is one of the ways of movement of fish, which is carried out mainly with the help of pectoral fins and tail (creeper, monkfish, multifin, jumper, gurnard). So, the jumper lives in the mangroves and spends much of his time on the shore. On land, it moves by jumps, which it makes with the help of its tail and pectoral fins, and feeds on terrestrial invertebrates.

Flight (air soaring) characteristic of a few flying fish that live in the pelagial of tropical and subtropical waters of the oceans. These fish have long and wide pectoral fins that act as wings. The tail with a strongly developed lower blade is the engine that gives the initial speed. Having jumped to the surface of the water, the flying fish glides over the water surface for the first time, with an increase in the speed of movement it breaks away from the water, flying at the same time a distance of up to 200 and even 400 m.

Laboratory work

Fins and types of movement of fish

Purpose of the lesson

Consider the forms, types, location and structure of fish fins using the example of sturgeon (Russian sturgeon, beluga) and bony fish (perch, crucian carp, bream, sea flounder, etc.)

Material and equipment

Frozen fish: Russian sturgeon, goldfish, perch; sea ​​flounder, bream, etc.; fixed material of sturgeons and teleosts, dummies, posters and drawings; metal cuvettes, tweezers, scalpels, dissecting needles and scissors, calculator (computer).

General position

Fins. Their sizes, shape, number, position and functions are different. The fins allow you to maintain the balance of the body, participate in the movement.

Rice. 1 Fins

The fins are divided into paired, corresponding to the limbs of higher vertebrates, and unpaired (Fig. 1).

TO doubles relate:

1) chest P ( pinna pectoralis);

2) abdominal V. ( R. ventralis).

TO unpaired:

1) dorsal D ( p. dorsalis);

2) anal A (R. analis);

3) tail C ( R. caudalis).

4) fatty ar (( p.adiposa).

Salmonids, characins, killer whales, and others have a adipose fin(Fig. 2), devoid of fin rays ( p.adiposa).

Rice. 2 Adipose fin

Pectoral fins common in bony fish. In stingrays, the pectoral fins are enlarged and are the main organs of movement.

Pelvic fins occupy a different position in fish, which is associated with a shift in the center of gravity caused by the contraction of the abdominal cavity and the concentration of the viscera in the anterior part of the body.

Abdominal position– ventral fins are located in the middle of the abdomen (sharks, herring-like, cyprinids) (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Abdominal position

Thoracic position- ventral fins are shifted to the front of the body (perch-like) (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Thoracic position

jugular position- ventral fins are located in front of the pectorals and on the throat (cod) (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 Jugular position

dorsal fins there may be one (herring-like, carp-like), two (mullet-like, perch-like) or three (cod-like). Their location is different. In pike, the dorsal fin is shifted back, in herring-like, cyprinids it is located in the middle of the body, in fish with a massive front part of the body (perch, cod), one of them is located closer to the head.

anal fin usually there is one, the cod has two, the spiny shark does not have it.

tail fin has a varied structure.

Depending on the size of the upper and lower blades, there are:

1)isobath type - in the fin, the upper and lower lobes are the same (tuna, mackerel);

Rice. 6 Isobath type

2)hypobatic type – elongated lower lobe (flying fish);

Rice. 7 Hypobatic type

3)epibat type – lengthened upper lobe (sharks, sturgeons).

Rice. 8. Epibatic type

According to the shape and location relative to the end of the spine, several types are distinguished:

1) protocercal type - in the form of a fin border (lamprey) (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9 Protocercal type -

2) heterocercal type - asymmetrical, when the end of the spine enters the upper, most elongated lobe of the fin (sharks, sturgeons) (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10 Heterocercal type;

3) homocercal type - outwardly symmetrical, while the modified body of the last vertebra enters the upper lobe (bony) (

Rice. 11 Homocercal type

The fin rays serve as support for the fins. In fish, branched and unbranched rays are distinguished (Fig. 12).

Unbranched fin rays can be:

1)jointed (capable of bending);

2)non-segmented hard (prickly), which in turn are smooth and jagged.

Rice. 12 Types of fin rays

The number of rays in the fins, especially in the dorsal and anal, is a species characteristic.

The number of thorny rays is indicated by Roman numerals, branched - by Arabic. For example, the dorsal fin formula for a river perch is:


This means that the perch has two dorsal fins, of which the first consists of 13 - 17 spiny, the second of 2 - 3 spiny and 12-16 branched rays.

Fin functions

· tail fin creates a driving force, provides high maneuverability of the fish when turning, acts as a rudder.

· Thoracic and abdominal (paired fins ) maintain balance and are rudders when cornering and at depth.

· dorsal and anal the fins act as a keel, preventing the body from rotating around its axis.

Ways of movement of fish

The variety of living conditions of fish determines the ways of their movement. Fish have three modes of locomotion: swimming, crawling and flying .

Swimming - the main type of movement, which is carried out mainly due to the lateral bends of the body and tail.

Distinguish two types of swimming with the help of lateral bends of the body:

Mackerel- in fish when swimming, the tail is of great importance, with the help of which the fish repels from the water and moves forward, which accounts for about 40% of the entire driving force (mackerel, salmon).

Acne (serpentine)- in fish, when moving, the whole body bends in waves. This is the most economical type of movement, while the swimming speed is low (lamprey, eel, loach).

Fish swim at different speeds. The fastest is swordfish, capable of speeds up to 33 m/s (118.8 km/h), tuna swims at speeds up to 20 m/s (72 km/h), salmon - 5 m/s (18 km/h). hour).

The speed of movement of fish is also dependent on the length of the body. Accordingly, it is determined speed factor - the ratio of the absolute speed to the square root of its length:

According to the speed of movement, the following groups of fish are distinguished:

1) very fast (swordfish, tuna) - speed coefficient about 70;

2) fast (salmon, mackerel) - 30–60;

3) moderately fast (mullet, cod, herring) - 20–30;

4) slow (carp, bream) - 10–20;

5) slow (steers) - 5–10;

6) very slow (stickleback, moonfish) - 5.

Fish of the same species can swim at different speeds. Distinguish:

1. Throwing speed(speed factor 30–70), which

develops within a very short time (when frightened, throwing at prey).

2. Cruise speed(speed factor 1–4) at which the fish swim for a long time.

Crawl on the ground is one of the ways of movement of fish, which is carried out mainly with the help of pectoral fins and tail (creeper, monkfish, multifin, jumper, gurnard). So, the jumper lives in the mangroves and spends much of his time on the shore. On land, it moves by jumps, which it makes with the help of its tail and pectoral fins, and feeds on terrestrial invertebrates.

Flight(air soaring) characteristic of a few flying fish that live in the pelagial of tropical and subtropical waters of the oceans. These fish have long and wide pectoral fins that act as wings. The tail with a strongly developed lower blade is the engine that gives the initial speed. Having jumped to the surface of the water, the flying fish glides over the water surface for the first time, with an increase in the speed of movement it breaks away from the water, flying at the same time a distance of up to 200 and even 400 m.

Working process

1. Get acquainted with the content of the theoretical material set out in the guidelines.

2. Consider the shapes, types, location and structure of the fins of fish prepared for laboratory work. Schematically depict salmon and highlight paired and unpaired fins on the diagram. Name the functions of the various fins.

3. List the different positions of the pelvic fins and give examples.

4. List and sketch the types of caudal fins in structure and in shape and location relative to the end of the spine.

5. Consider the structure of the dorsal fins of the perch, select non-branched (spiky) and branched (segmented) rays. Write down the formula for the dorsal fin of a perch and the dorsal and anal fins of a goldfish or other fish of your choice.

6. Give examples of fish with different types of swimming.

7. Using a computer calculator, determine the speed factor - the ratio of absolute speed to the square root of its length. If necessary, convert the speed to km/h.

for the swordfish(V = 33 m/s, L= 170 cm),

tuna(V = 20 m/s, L= 120 cm 20 m/s),

salmon- (V = 33 m/s, L= 70 cm).

Test questions:

1. Functions of fish fins

2. Shapes, types, location and structure of fish fins

3. Ways of movement of fish.

4. Give a definition of cruising and throwing speeds, give examples.

5. How is the fish speed factor calculated?

Vasilyeva E.D., Luzhnyak V.A. Fishes of the Sea of ​​Azov basin [ch. ed. acad. G.G. Matishov]. - Rostov n / D: Publishing House of the YuNTs RAS, 2013. - 272 p.

Ivanov V.P., Egorova V.I. Fundamentals of ichthyology: textbook. allowance. Astrakhan. state tech. un-t. - 2nd ed., add. and clarification - Astrakhan: Publishing House of ASTU, 2008. - 336 p.

Ivanov V.P., Komarova G.V. Fishes of the Caspian Sea (systematics, biology, fishing). Astrakhan. State Technical University - 2nd ed., supplement. and clarify. - Astrakhan: Publishing House of ASTU, 2012. - 256 p.

Ilmast N.V. Introduction to Ichthyology (textbook). Petrozavodsk: Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2005. 148 p.

Kotlyar O.A., Mamontova R.P., Course of lectures on ichthyology. – M.: Kolos, 2007.

Moiseev P.A., Azizova N.A., Kuranova I.I. Ichthyology: Textbook.-M.: Legk. and food. industry, 1981.- 384 p.

Skornyakov V.I., Apollova T.A., Mukhordova L.L. Workshop on ichthyology: Textbook. - M.: Agropromidat, 1986.- 270 p.

Compiled by:

STARTSEV Alexander Veniaminovich

STARTSEVA Marina Leontievna

Fins and types of movement of fish

Guidelines for laboratory work

in the discipline "Ichthyology"

DSTU Publishing Center

University and printing company address:

344000, Rostov-on-Don, pl. Gagarina, 1

To get food and escape from enemies, fish must move in a dense body of water. Therefore, they all have a streamlined body shape, which makes it easier for them to overcome the resistance of water. Between the head, trunk and tail there are no protrusions and transitions and there is no clear boundary. The wedge-shaped head, adapted to cut through the water, is motionlessly articulated with the spine.

Fish that make long journeys or constantly live in the rapids have the most perfect streamlined shape - their body is valky or spindle-shaped and is equipped with a powerful tail. Fish that live in calm waters have a high body, adapted to a quick change in direction of movement. They differ in the shape of the body of fish living at the bottom (they are, as it were, flattened) and in the upper layers of water (with flat sides).

The nature of the diet of fish also affects the shape of the body. Predators have a longer and more agile body, forced to catch up with prey. Fish that eat sedentary food are shorter than predators in length, but significantly exceed their body height.

The main motor organ of fish is the tail, with the help of which they seem to repel water. In most of our fish, the tails are equipped with two-lobed fins, in catfish, burbot and some others, the tail fin is single-lobed.

In addition to the caudal fin, there are two pectoral fins located not far from the head on both sides of the body, and behind them and a little lower - two ventral fins. The unpaired caudal fin is located on the belly behind the anus. On the back there are two (perch, zander) or one (pike) dorsal fin.

Fins are formations consisting of hard and soft bone rays connected by membranes. The purpose of the tail is to help move forward.

The dorsal and caudal are a kind of keels that regulate the position of the body of the fish in a vertical plane. The pectoral and ventral fins make it easier for the fish to move up and down and during turns.

Outside, the entire body of the fish is covered with a thin flexible shell formed by bone plates - scales. Scales are of three types. In carp (white) fish - they have a rounded front edge; in the skin, such scales sit loosely and easily fall off.

Perch scales have teeth; they sit very firmly in the skin. The body of sturgeons is covered with scales with a protruding tooth in the middle.

The size of the scales increases with the growth of the fish. But this happens not due to the expansion of the already existing plate, but due to the appearance under it of a new young scale of a larger size. In other words, as the age of the fish increases, the scales increase in both width and thickness. It becomes like a stack of superimposed and fused thin plates, of which the top is the oldest and smallest, and the bottom is the largest and youngest. This feature of scale growth allowed scientists to develop a method for determining the age of fish.

The scales taken above the lateral line under the dorsal fin are thoroughly cleaned of skin and mucus remnants and placed under a loupe of 8-10x magnification. Concentric rings visible in a magnifying glass are the edges of all gradually formed plates.

But the growth of fish, and hence the growth of scales, is uneven throughout the year. In summer, the fish actively feeds and grows faster, so the distances between the edges of the plates are the widest. In the autumn, due to the slowdown in the growth of fish, they narrow. And in winter they approach so much that they form one dark ring. The following summer, new wide concentric rings appear on the record, narrowing towards autumn and winter. Therefore, the number of dark rings on the scales of the fish will correspond to the number of years of its life.

In addition to the scaly shell, the body of the fish is also covered with an abundant layer of mucus. She plays a dual role. Firstly, it protects the skin from fungi, bacteria, mechanical suspensions in water and the effects of various chemical salts. And, secondly, like any lubricant, it makes it easier for the fish to glide in the water.

A hydrostatic apparatus such as a swim bladder also helps the fish to move faster in the water column with a low consumption of muscle energy. It is located in the body cavity under the spine and communicates with the pharyngeal cavity in some fish, and with the anus in others. In order to go to depth, the fish releases part of the gas located there from the bubble.

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