Home Useful properties of fruits Download a postcard for the expectant mother on mother's day. Happy mother's day pictures with congratulations download. Postcards are beautiful animation. Card-panel with flowers from corrugated paper for Mother's Day

Download a postcard for the expectant mother on mother's day. Happy mother's day pictures with congratulations download. Postcards are beautiful animation. Card-panel with flowers from corrugated paper for Mother's Day

To congratulate mothers, grandmothers on Mother's Day, different cards with congratulations and wishes are usually used. But with a free download of cool collections of pictures with inscriptions or short poems, you can easily congratulate all the mothers you know on their holiday.

Using the links below, it will not be difficult to find postcards with Russian and English congratulations.

It can be colorful images for computers, phones. All the pictures below for Mother's Day 2018 can be sent to friends and colleagues. Good and touching wishes will help to beautifully congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and express their respect.

Also they can be used for Mother's Day decoration of school and kindergarten.

Small congratulations in a couple of lines are a great way to express love and respect. That is why beautiful pictures with inscriptions can be used to congratulate all mothers and grandmothers on Mother's Day 2017.

A selection of postcards with inscriptions for congratulations on Mother's Day 2018

Cool pictures are suitable for congratulating familiar women no worse than colorful postcards with poetry or prose. In the next selection, you can download simple, but very beautiful drawings that you can send to your mother, grandmother or girlfriend.

Touching and cute, funny poems help to convey their feelings to loved ones. And with the help of such congratulations, it will not be difficult to express gratitude and wish long life to all the mothers you know. The following selection includes original pictures with Mother's Day poems that you can send to your mom or women you know.

Free selection of funny pictures with poems in honor of Mother's Day

By clicking on the link below, you can download cool and beautiful pictures for free to congratulate real mothers-heroines on their holiday. You can send poetic wishes in instant messengers, social networks. They are also suitable for printing and handing to familiar moms when they meet on the eve or on the day of the holiday.

Beloved mother is the closest and dearest person for everyone. Therefore, on Mother's Day, both small and adult children want to give their mothers maximum attention. Cool postcards with inscriptions and poems will help them beautifully express gratitude and give unforgettable emotions. You can download free beautiful pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day in the following selection.

A selection of beautiful pictures for Mother's Day for free download

The pictures offered in the selection can be either simply sent to your beloved mother, or supplemented with personal wishes and thanks. They can also be sent along with original video postcards. Colorful animations will help cheer up the recipient and sincerely please her with kind and warm words.

Many friends after marriage and the birth of children do not stop talking, no matter what. Such faithful and kind friends, ready to support loved ones at any moment, should also be given enough attention on Mother's Day. To do this, they can send beautiful and funny postcards. You can download free pictures with congratulations to your girlfriend on Mother's Day 2017 in the selection below.

Free pictures with congratulations for girlfriends happy mother's day 2018

Colorful funny pictures with good wishes are suitable for sending to all your friends. Unusual postcards and cute drawings will help you wish your loved ones all the best: health, kindness, success and true female happiness.

Children's congratulations on Mother's Day can be considered the most touching and sweetest for every woman. Therefore, educators and teachers can help the children in choosing cool congratulations for their beloved mothers. Funny and cute pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day from children can be presented at a holiday at a school or kindergarten.

Cards with children's congratulations on Mother's Day for free download

The selection of pictures proposed below with congratulations to beloved mothers from children can be used not only for printing and handing. For example, colorful funny pictures are suitable for decorating a kindergarten. With their help, you can create an unusual decor for a holiday in a group or assembly hall, which will be appreciated by both mothers and grandmothers.

On Mother's Day, children can give their beloved mothers not only touching, but also funny pictures. Cute drawings are perfect for raising the mood of your loved ones and help to give them an unforgettable experience. You can pick up cool pictures on Mother's Day for children in the following collection. To download it for free, you just need to follow the link and download the archive.

Free selection of funny pictures and cards for Mother's Day for kids

Original postcards for children can, if desired, simply be printed and used to congratulate mothers. And you can, under the supervision of your father or grandmother, stick your photos with your mother to such a postcard and please her with an unusual and beautiful craft. For these purposes, it is recommended to choose simple postcards with inscriptions or small rhymes.

To congratulate your mother, grandmother or close friend on Mother's Day 2017, you can download the congratulations in pictures offered in the following selection for free. Universal postcards are suitable for sending in social networks, instant messengers. They can also be sent in personal letters or given to familiar mothers at a meeting.

Examples of free congratulations on Mother's Day 2018 in pictures

Original congratulations on Mother's Day in pictures, if desired, can be supplemented with personal wishes and touching thanks. To do this, you just need to download the selection below for free and, when sending, sign the selected picture on your own behalf, including kind and sweet congratulations in the message.

Poetic congratulations with colorful pictures are great for sending and for personal delivery. You just need to look at the proposed postcards and choose the most fun and sincere from them. You can download free beautiful congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 in pictures with verses in the following selection.

A selection of free pictures with poetic congratulations in honor of Mother's Day 2018

Among the pictures enclosed in the selection, you can pick up beautiful congratulations for all the mothers you know. Such cards are also suitable for congratulating your mother, grandmothers and for sending to good friends and girlfriends.

Many women and men use modern smartphones when searching for postcards to send to their mothers and grandmothers. With the help of the following selection, you can download free congratulations on Mother's Day in pictures for your phone and use it for subsequent forwarding in mms messages or instant messengers. Such congratulations are recommended to be supplemented with personal wishes and beautiful stickers.

Mother's Day in Russia appeared relatively recently, but managed to gain popularity among children and adults. According to the established tradition, pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day are given on the last Sunday of November, in 2018 this is the 25th. Thousands of mothers across the country will be happy to receive beautiful pictures and postcards on Mother's Day - with inscriptions, congratulations, animation, poems and words of prose touching to tears from their beloved daughters and sons, girlfriends, work colleagues.

Beautiful pictures of Happy Mother's Day with inscriptions for mom, girlfriend

Every mother is pleased to feel the attention, care and love of her children - and not only on holidays. With the approach of the solemn date of November 25, daughters and sons are preparing beautiful pictures on Mother's Day with inscriptions in verse and prose touching to tears. You can download a bright picture to your best friend or friend for free and send a bright picture on Mother's Day, expressing the best wishes for health, prosperity in the house and family happiness.

Collection of beautiful pictures with inscriptions for Mother's Day

Cool pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day

Maternal work - at first glance, imperceptible, but important and requiring a huge return. After all, with the birth of a child, a woman has to “work” as a mother without days off and holidays, investing a huge amount of physical and mental strength. In honor of the upcoming holiday date, we have selected cool pictures on Mother's Day to congratulate mom, girlfriend, sister. The selected picture can be downloaded for free and sent on Mother's Day in an email.

A selection of funny pictures for congratulations on Mother's Day

Flickering animated pictures happy mother's day

For the first time, Mother's Day was celebrated in our country in 1988 - the holiday was organized by a teacher of the Russian language and literature, who lives in the capital of Azerbaijan. According to the Decree of the head of state, 10 years later, the date received the status of an official holiday. Since then, every year on November 25, Russian mothers receive congratulations, signs of attention from relatives and friends. We offer free download of flickering animated pictures Happy Mother's Day - from our gallery.

Choose a picture-gif with animation for Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Poems Greeting Cards

Mother's Day is approaching, which means it's time to start organizing a holiday - for the dearest and most beloved mother. In addition to a gift, you can download Happy Mother's Day greeting cards with poems for free to congratulate your beloved mother or girlfriend.

Variants of cards with congratulations in verses for Mother's Day

Touching cards for Mother's Day from children

On the eve of Mother's Day, children prepare touching surprises for their mothers, try to please them with good behavior and help around the house. You can make beautiful postcards for Mother's Day with your own hands in a kindergarten or school, as well as download from our selection - with congratulations from children.

A selection of touching children's cards on Mother's Day

Beautiful to tears pictures and cards for Mother's Day with poems and prose

Congratulations on Mother's Day are best done in the form of a bright postcard or a picture with an inscription in verse or prose. Beautiful to tears pictures for Mother's Day will create a festive atmosphere, causing a lot of the kindest emotions in all mothers.

Examples of beautiful to tears pictures of Mother's Day

The most beautiful pictures for Mother's Day with poems for women

In honor of Mother's Day, festive concerts are held, and words of congratulations from the first persons of the country sound from the TV screens. The most beautiful pictures for Mother's Day with poems from our collection are suitable for congratulations to every mother.

Congratulations in pictures for women on Mother's Day

In Russia, Mother's Day is considered a relatively "young" holiday - for the first time at the state level, the date was established only in 1998. Since then, every year on the last Sunday of November, millions of mothers in our country receive sincere congratulations from children, spouses, friends and work colleagues. Indeed, every mother deserves the warmest words of gratitude - for affection, kindness, tenderness and care. At all times, beautiful poems were dedicated to mothers, in which their selfless, all-forgiving and unconditional love for their children was sung. When preparing for Mother's Day, do not forget about flowers and a symbolic gift - let it be a cute souvenir, a lyrical song, a beautiful picture-card with a congratulatory inscription. In our selection you will find wonderful funny pictures on Mother's Day - 2017 for congratulating mothers at a matinee in kindergarten, as well as girlfriends or colleagues. In addition, here you can download any picture for free to send to the addressee by e-mail or simply install a new holiday screensaver on your phone. So, we are getting ready for November 26 - after all, it is on this date that Mother's Day falls in 2017.

Beautiful pictures Happy Mother's Day 2017 - with congratulatory inscriptions

Mother's Day is a truly international holiday celebrated in almost every country in the world. Despite the difference in dates, the common tradition of congratulating mothers and grandmothers on their important date remains. So, for Mother's Day, kids prepare beautiful postcards with congratulatory inscriptions for their mothers, and adult children arrange pleasant surprises and present gifts. On the eve of the upcoming holiday of "all mothers", we bring to your attention a collection of the most beautiful pictures and photos - they can be downloaded for free for a "virtual" congratulation or printed on a color printer. Please mom on November 26, 2017 with such a colorful picture, complemented by heartfelt verses with best wishes for Mother's Day.

Festive collection of beautiful pictures for Mother's Day in 2017

Bright pictures with poems for Mother's Day - a selection of beautiful photos

Mother's love is an invaluable gift in the life of every person. After all, only for a mother, a child always remains the best, and any of his actions will find justification with a loving heart. For several years, in our country, on the eve of Mother's Day, a festive action has been held, within the framework of which greeting cards are distributed free of charge to everyone. In addition, many entertainment events are held in different cities on Mother's Day - thematic concerts of famous performers, the presentation of state awards and prizes to mothers of large families. We have made a selection of bright greeting pictures and photos with poems for Mother's Day, among which everyone can choose the appropriate option for their beloved mother or grandmother. Supplement printed congratulations in pictures with warm words at a personal meeting - every mother will be pleased with such attention from children and just good friends.

A selection of bright pictures and photos with congratulations in verse on Mother's Day

Festive beautiful pictures Happy Mother's Day - free download for congratulations

Since ancient times, the most magnificent festivities were held in honor of the mother-successor of the family. So, in the ancient Greek pantheon, the goddess of female abundance and motherhood Rhea, the wife of the god Kronos and the mother of many goddesses and gods, was especially revered. In honor of the powerful goddess, a festival was held every spring with solemn rites and feasts. Of course, ancient traditions are long gone, but respect for the one that gave life is still one of the foundations of any society. Therefore, on Mother's Day, it is so important to give mom a particle of warmth and cordiality, to find the kindest words of gratitude and appreciation. When choosing holiday picture cards for Mother's Day, take a look at our website - here you can download any beautiful photo for free to congratulate your mother or grandmother. We are sure that such a gift will cause a kind smile and a lot of positive emotions on this wonderful autumn day.

Examples of festive beautiful pictures for Mother's Day - for free download

A colorful picture with congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 - a friend or friend

On the eve of Mother's Day 2017, you can prepare a touching congratulation for your beloved friend or good friend - a colorful postcard with a congratulatory inscription. Indeed, for every woman, motherhood opens up completely new facets of life and eternal wise truths. So, any mother will be happy to receive a picture with poems or prose words on her holiday, in which the warmest wishes for good, health and joy are warmly and cordially expressed. And most importantly, the strongest happiness for both mother and child! Such a surprise on the main maternal holiday will find a hearty response in the soul of every mom.

The best pictures of congratulations on Mother's Day in 2017 - for a friend, friend

Picture for Mother's Day - with a touching congratulation from children

For every child, his mother is the most kind, gentle and caring. After all, it is in the gentle motherly embrace that pain subsides, and all anxieties and worries fade into the background. Indeed, the connection between mother and child arises from the moment of birth and lasts a lifetime - the strength of these bonds is maintained even at a distance! Congratulations on Mother's Day from children are touching and express the most reverent feelings for a close and dear person. On the eve of Mother's Day 2017, children create wonderful themed crafts from improvised materials with their own hands, learn poems and songs - as a gift to their beloved mother. For such a wonderful gift, we offer pictures of congratulations, which can be downloaded and installed on your computer desktop, sent to the mail and phone. Of course, for the little ones, the help of a dad or an older brother will be needed - mom will be delighted with such a surprise!

Choosing a congratulatory picture for Mother's Day

Funny picture Happy Mother's Day for children - congratulations to mom from kindergarten students

In our country, Mother's Day is celebrated annually in late autumn - on the last Sunday of November. Despite the gloomy weather outside, the Mother's Day holiday is always warm and cheerful, leaving the kindest impressions in the hearts. So, for mothers and grandmothers, the most expensive gift will be sincere congratulations from loving children and grandchildren, as well as any sign of attention of a loved one. In each kindergarten on Mother's Day, festive morning performances are held with poetry readings, dances and staged numbers. At the end of the event, children give their mothers bright handmade greeting cards-pictures. Alternatively, you can use our selection of pictures for congratulations on Mother's Day from kindergarten students or younger students. It is enough to download and print any of the proposed photos and sign for your beloved mother. Such a funny picture will cheer you up and create a unique holiday atmosphere - November 26 is just around the corner!

Variants of children's pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day

Funny congratulations in pictures on Mother's Day 2017 - free download for the holiday

With the onset of autumn, mothers all over Russia are preparing to celebrate their main holiday - Mother's Day. Important events are timed to coincide with this important date with the participation of famous people of the city, artists and other celebrities. In honor of mothers, the most sincere and touching congratulations-songs on radio and television are heard - from spouses, children, work colleagues and acquaintances. Of course, the best gift for any mother on Mother's Day would be a visit from her beloved daughter or son, or at least a phone call with congratulations. If possible, arrange a vacation for your mother on her holiday, free her from worries, surround her with attention and care. May this wonderful day be remembered by mom for a long time and bring a lot of positive emotions. Pick up cool congratulations in pictures on Mother's Day 2017 to download for free and send to the mail as a "virtual" surprise. With the help of any picture from our collection, you can coolly congratulate your beloved mother, sister or girlfriend on the main maternal holiday.

Collection of funny pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 - for free download

Sincere congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 in pictures with verses (free to download)

Mother's Day is a great opportunity to express respect and gratitude to mom for life, sleepless nights and tireless care. Every mother seeks to protect her child from all troubles and protect her from injustice, and her very presence next to calms and pacifies. In the calendar of many countries, Mother's Day is marked with a festive red color - for example, in Russia, mothers are honored on the last Sunday of November. On this day, children try to please their mother not only with gifts and flowers, but also with good deeds - washed dishes, a cleaned apartment or delicious homemade pastries. In addition, words of congratulations in verse and prose are addressed to mothers - with sincere wishes for good, happiness and health. We have prepared the most heartfelt congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 in pictures, which can be downloaded for free to send to email or as an MMS to your phone. Congratulate mom with a bright picture on Mother's Day by choosing your favorite option in our holiday selection.

How to congratulate mom on Mother's Day with a free picture with verses

Happy Mother's Day - free pictures for your phone

On Mother's Day, I want to express to my mother the most sincere filial or filial feelings by picking up a few heartfelt congratulations. So, at the festive table in the family circle, you can pronounce prepared phrases in verse or prose. However, if you can’t meet in person on your mother’s holiday, then colorful “virtual” pictures will be an excellent option for congratulating on Mother’s Day. In connection with the upcoming Mother's Day, we suggest using our selection of congratulatory pictures to download for free for your beloved mother's phone. Choose to your taste and delight your mother with a pleasant gift!

So, we tried to collect the best pictures for Mother's Day 2017 - beautiful ones with inscriptions in poetry and prose, cool bright photos and postcards. With such a touching congratulation in pictures, it is best to express the best feelings to your mother, girlfriend, sister. Any picture from our collection can be downloaded for free for your phone or sent electronically on Mother's Day - from loving children and grandchildren. Happy holiday, mom!

To congratulate mothers, grandmothers on Mother's Day, different cards with congratulations and wishes are usually used. But with a free download of cool collections of pictures with inscriptions or short poems, you can easily congratulate all the mothers you know on their holiday. Using the links below, it will not be difficult to find postcards with Russian and English congratulations. It can be colorful images for computers, phones. All the pictures below for Mother's Day 2017 can be sent to friends and colleagues. Good and touching wishes will help to beautifully congratulate them on the upcoming holiday and express their respect. Also they can be used for Mother's Day decoration of school and kindergarten.

Beautiful pictures of Happy Mother's Day 2017 with inscriptions - a free selection of postcards

Small congratulations in a couple of lines are a great way to express love and respect. That is why beautiful pictures with inscriptions can be used to congratulate all mothers and grandmothers on Mother's Day 2017.

A selection of postcards with inscriptions for congratulations on Mother's Day 2017

Cool pictures are suitable for congratulating familiar women no worse than colorful postcards with poetry or prose. In the next selection, you can download simple, but very beautiful drawings that you can send to your mother, grandmother or girlfriend.

Cool pictures with poems on Mother's Day (a selection can be downloaded for free)

Touching and cute, funny poems help to convey their feelings to loved ones. And with the help of such congratulations, it will not be difficult to express gratitude and wish long life to all the mothers you know. The following selection includes original pictures with Mother's Day poems that you can send to your mom or women you know.

Free selection of funny pictures with poems in honor of Mother's Day

By clicking on the link below, you can download cool and beautiful pictures for free to congratulate real mothers-heroines on their holiday. You can send poetic wishes in instant messengers, social networks. They are also suitable for printing and handing to familiar moms when they meet on the eve or on the day of the holiday.

What beautiful pictures of Happy Mother's Day can be downloaded for free to congratulate mom?

Beloved mother is the closest and dearest person for everyone. Therefore, on Mother's Day, both small and adult children want to give their mothers maximum attention. Cool postcards with inscriptions and poems will help them beautifully express gratitude and give unforgettable emotions. You can download free beautiful pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day in the following selection.

A selection of beautiful pictures for Mother's Day for free download

The pictures offered in the selection can be either simply sent to your beloved mother, or supplemented with personal wishes and thanks. They can also be sent along with original video postcards. Colorful animations will help cheer up the recipient and sincerely please her with kind and warm words.

Kind picture Happy Mother's Day 2017 with a congratulation to a friend - examples of free postcards

Many friends after marriage and the birth of children do not stop talking, no matter what. Such faithful and kind friends, ready to support loved ones at any moment, should also be given enough attention on Mother's Day. To do this, they can send beautiful and funny postcards. You can download free pictures with congratulations to your girlfriend on Mother's Day 2017 in the selection below.

Free pictures with congratulations for girlfriends happy mother's day 2017

Colorful funny pictures with good wishes are suitable for sending to all your friends. Unusual postcards and cute drawings will help you wish your loved ones all the best: health, kindness, success and true female happiness.

A touching picture with congratulations from children on Mother's Day - a selection of postcards

Children's congratulations on Mother's Day can be considered the most touching and sweetest for every woman. Therefore, educators and teachers can help the children in choosing cool congratulations for their beloved mothers. Funny and cute pictures with congratulations on Mother's Day from children can be presented at a holiday at a school or kindergarten.

Cards with children's congratulations on Mother's Day for free download

The selection of pictures proposed below with congratulations to beloved mothers from children can be used not only for printing and handing. For example, colorful funny pictures are suitable for decorating a kindergarten. With their help, you can create an unusual decor for a holiday in a group or assembly hall, which will be appreciated by both mothers and grandmothers.

Funny picture Happy Mother's Day for kids - free cards for download

On Mother's Day, children can give their beloved mothers not only touching, but also funny pictures. Cute drawings are perfect for raising the mood of your loved ones and help to give them an unforgettable experience. You can pick up cool pictures on Mother's Day for children in the following collection. To download it for free, you just need to follow the link and download the archive.

Free selection of funny pictures and cards for Mother's Day for kids

Original postcards for children can, if desired, simply be printed and used to congratulate mothers. And you can, under the supervision of your father or grandmother, stick your photos with your mother to such a postcard and please her with an unusual and beautiful craft. For these purposes, it is recommended to choose simple postcards with inscriptions or small rhymes.

What congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 in pictures can be downloaded for free?

To congratulate your mother, grandmother or close friend on Mother's Day 2017, you can download the congratulations in pictures offered in the following selection for free. Universal postcards are suitable for sending in social networks, instant messengers. They can also be sent in personal letters or given to familiar mothers at a meeting.

Examples of free congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 in pictures

Original congratulations on Mother's Day in pictures, if desired, can be supplemented with personal wishes and touching thanks. To do this, you just need to download the selection below for free and, when sending, sign the selected picture on your own behalf, including kind and sweet congratulations in the message.

Original congratulations in pictures with poems on Mother's Day 2017 - free selection

Poetic congratulations with colorful pictures are great for sending and for personal delivery. You just need to look at the proposed postcards and choose the most fun and sincere from them. You can download free beautiful congratulations on Mother's Day 2017 in pictures with verses in the following selection.

A selection of free pictures with poetic congratulations in honor of Mother's Day 2017

Among the pictures enclosed in the selection, you can pick up beautiful congratulations for all the mothers you know. Such cards are also suitable for congratulating your mother, grandmothers and for sending to good friends and girlfriends.

Cute congratulations for your phone on Mother's Day in pictures - a selection for free download

Many women and men use modern smartphones when searching for postcards to send to their mothers and grandmothers. With the help of the following selection, you can download free congratulations on Mother's Day in pictures for your phone and use it for subsequent forwarding in mms messages or instant messengers. Such congratulations are recommended to be supplemented with personal wishes and beautiful stickers.

Free selection of congratulations on Mother's Day for download to your phone

A selection of postcards, located at the specified link, can be downloaded to your phone or tablet for free. So it is much more convenient and faster to create a congratulatory message to send to women you know and good friends.

Free collections of pictures and cards for congratulating mom, grandmother, sister on Mother's Day are great for a simple selection of cool images. It can be both drawings with simple inscriptions, and bright postcards with poems. They can be used to send to familiar mothers on the day of the holiday, and to decorate schools, kindergartens. By printing beautiful images and making posters out of them, you can easily decorate an assembly hall, group or class office. It's just as easy to use Happy Mother's Day 2017 pictures to send to colleagues or girlfriends. Wish cards can be sent from phones or tablets. To do this, you just need to download the images and choose from them examples with wishes that are suitable in meaning and text.

What to give mom for Mother's Day? One of the best gifts for every mother can be a do-it-yourself card for Mother's Day. And let the craft not stand out for its special accuracy and correctness of manufacture - the main thing is that the warmest feelings and the most sincere desire to please a dearly beloved, dear to the heart person will be invested in it.

Of course, there are many options for how to make a DIY Mother's Day card.

Postcard with a picture and application for mom

We bring to your attention a very touching postcard for Mother's Day, made in the technique of drawing and application. We make the base - fold a thick sheet of paper in half. Cut a hole in the shape of a heart on the front of the card. We decorate it with green paper around the edge. Cut out four hearts from colored paper.

Glue the hearts on the card. Cut out the word "mom" from paper. Glue each letter onto a heart. Glue the strings to the hearts so that they look like balloons. Decorate with paper butterflies.

On the inside of the card, opposite the hole, draw an image of a mother and a baby with a heart.

We decorate the image of mother and baby with flowers and butterflies. We write a congratulation for mom at the bottom of the card.

Our postcard is ready! It turned out to be very bright and festive on the outside and touching inside. A great gift for your beloved mom!

Mother's Day card with palms and flowers

Another beautiful card for Mother's Day is made in the form of open children's hands. We circle the palm and, according to the template, cut out the palm on the fold of white paper. We expand it. We should get two palms folded together. Glue the palms on the purple background. Cut out the palms of the purple paper, stepping back half a centimeter from the edge of the white paper.

We cut out a double heart from red paper and fold it with an accordion. Glue it to the fold of the palms.

Decorate the card with paper flowers.

It remains to glue a paper congratulation at the bottom. We will get the most tender and touching postcard for our beloved Mom. Small palms will warm mom's heart even on the most rainy days.

Paper card "Dress for mom"

For example, you can make an interesting craft that will emphasize the femininity and delicate taste of your mother - for this, we use the silhouette of a fashionable dress or other clothes as a decoration for a postcard. And to make this design element look more original, we make it in the scrapbooking style from newspaper pages.

So what do you need? Newspaper (book, magazine) page, written on both sides. You can use a sheet from a music notebook. Cardboard silhouette template for blouses, skirts and other women's clothing. If we are making a dress or a skirt, we draw them with folds, which will then help to give the model volume. It is better to draw the dress separately - the upper part and the skirt. Bows, beads, rhinestones and other small decorative items. A sheet of thick white (or milky yellow) paper, a pencil, a ruler, glue and scissors.

Print and cut out dress templates.

Dress template

First of all, we outline the clothing template on the written page. Outlining the skirt, we mark with dots where the lines of the folds should pass, and then we connect them along the ruler.

We cut out our product.

We make folds along the lines.

We give the skirt volume: with the help of a ruler, we form folds so that some of them go inside - like on a pleated fabric.

If such a craft is made in a kindergarten, we show the kids a master class on creating folds - they themselves will not be able to cope with this task.

Carefully fold a sheet of white paper in half. We glue our clothes to the title page of the future postcard.

Now let's start decorating our clothes.

We decorate it with various details - bows, rhinestones, beads, pieces of braid.

You can make different compositions: glue several tops or make one dress - as fantasy tells.

Card with top and skirt.

Using the same technology, you can make a postcard in a different style - just cut out the elements of clothing from a suitable one - for example, bright colorful colors.

Mother's Day card in the form of a dress

There is another version of the card in the form of a dress for Mother's Day. For such a postcard, we need colored and thin papyrus paper. Fold the colored paper in half and cut out a dress from it at the fold. You can glue the dress in two parts.

We fold papyrus paper with an accordion and glue it in the center in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skirt.

We bend the second half of the accordion.

We fix the second half of the accordion. We should get a multi-layer fluffy skirt.

We decorate the upper part of the skirt with a shiny paper belt. We straighten the skirt at the dress and give it volume. Inside we write words of love and congratulations on Mother's Day.

Here are some different beautiful dresses you can make for your beloved mothers. For each mother, you can choose her favorite color!

Postcards - dresses for mom

Cards with dresses for Mother's Day video:

A very effective Mother's Day card with a scrapbook apron or many layers of different materials. We glue the materials on the base according to the sample. With a ribbon we beat the frame inside the postcard and the apron.

We make out the upper part of the apron from ribbons and ribbons. Postcard is ready! You can stick a congratulatory inscription, a photo, pictures with your mother's favorite things - the flight of fancy for the scrapbooking technique is not limited.

Mother's Day Card "Scrapbooking with Flowers"

A stunningly beautiful Mother's Day card can be made using the popular scrapbooking technique. We make the base of the postcard by folding a sheet of cardboard in half. We glue on the front side a background in vintage style with stitches and roses. Roll up the edges a little.

From old wallpaper and white mesh we make three rectangular blanks. The edges of the blanks should not be smooth and “torn”.

We glue our blanks on the front side of the postcard.

Glue a round openwork napkin on top.

Glue paper flowers, leaves, ribbons and monograms on a napkin. Decorative items for scrapbooking can be found in special sets.

We glue the congratulatory inscription "Mommy". We complement the card with rhinestones.

Here we have such a tender and beautiful card for Mother's Day!

A postcard from paper and foamiran can be made using the most popular 3D postcard technique (another name for this pop-up technique). We make the basis of the postcard from thick cardboard, which we bend in half and cut out “steps” in two places.

Glue the cut out letters "mother" to the base. Then we cut out the word "mother", stepping back from the edge of the letters a few millimeters.

Cut out the word "mom"

Glue the word "mother" to the base.

Glue the word "mom" on the step

We make flowers from foamiran and glue them on the bottom of the card.

3D card for Mother's Day - ready!

Mother's Day card "corrugated paper flowers"

A card for Mother's Day with voluminous flowers made of corrugated paper will be very effective. To make it, we need two squares of purple crepe paper. Fold the squares in half. We should get two rectangles of folded paper.

We wrap one of the rectangles in a tube. We wrap the tube with a second rectangle. We fix the paper with a thread at the bottom. Unfold the top of the paper. We will get a blooming rosebud.

We take a strip of green corrugated paper. We wrap the bottom of the bud with it.

We twist the paper until a long stem is formed.

Cut out a leaf from another piece of green paper. Glue the leaf to the stem. Paper rose is ready!

We make several colors according to this pattern. We put them in a napkin.

We tie a napkin with flowers with bright braid. We fold a sheet of cardboard in half - this is the basis of the postcard. We glue our bouquet on the outside. Mother's Day card - ready!

Volumetric card-book as a gift for Mother's Day

We present to your attention a voluminous postcard-book:

Mother's Day card with roses

You can make a card for mom with a heart and roses. To make it, we need thick colored paper, glue, a pencil and scissors.

Roll up red paper. We make notches on the roll with a pencil through one centimeter along the entire length. Cut the roll into notches. We should get paper curls. We fix their ends with glue.

We fold green paper in half - this is the future basis of the postcard. Glue a pink heart on it. Fill the heart with chopped curls-buds. From folded green paper we form green leaves. Card for Mother's Day with a heart and buds - ready!

A very beautiful card for mom can be made from paper. A special decoration of the postcard is a multi-layered tulip. To make a multi-layered tulip, fold a pink piece of paper like an accordion. On the fold of the accordion we draw a half of a tulip.

Cut out blanks from paper according to the pattern.

We glue the tulip blanks together, forming a voluminous bud.

We make the packaging of the bouquet from a circle, the edges of which we bend towards the center. Glue petals and a flower on the top of the circle.

We fold the “packing”, glue the petals and the flower

We arrange the bouquet on a cardboard base folded in half.

Card-panel with flowers from corrugated paper for Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, you can make a very beautiful card-panel decorated with corrugated paper flowers. The basis of the craft will be a circle cut out of cardboard or thick paper. Decorate the circle with green leaves.

Cut out a wavy blank from yellow corrugated paper.

We roll the paper into a bud. We fix with glue.

We wrap the bud with a strip of green corrugated paper. We should get a flower stalk.

We make seven such flowers and glue them to the base. On the back of the craft, you can place a congratulation on Mother's Day and even her photo. It will make a very beautiful and memorable gift.

You can make a charming card for Mother's Day with a candy inside a flower.

Mother's Day card with foamiran flowers

The basis of the postcard will be a double-folded sheet of cardboard of a gently peach color. We decorate the front side of the postcard with blue paper and braid. From the sequins we lay out a heart, inside which we write the dearest word - “mother”.

We cut out petals from yellow foamiran (foamed rubber) and color them. We will get interesting and natural halftones if we paint the petals by rubbing crushed pastel chalk into them.

Foamiran begins to change under the influence of high temperature. We heat the petals on the iron. While the petal is hot, twist it and bend it in the middle, trying to give it a natural look. Cup of foamiran Bud of petals Large roses of petals

Cut out leaves from green foamiran. We make veins on them according to the same principle - we heat it on an iron and apply it to a relief surface (you can use a real sheet). We make small notches at the ends.

Putting our composition together. We glue the buds on the stem and green leaves onto the card.

Glue large roses. Inside we write warm wishes for our beloved mother. We got a very tender and beautiful card for Mother's Day!

Quilling card for Mother's Day

Delicate and elegant card for Mother's Day is made using the technique of quilling or paper rolling.

To make this postcard, you will need special quilling paper strips. They are twisted with a wooden or iron stick, giving them the shape of curls.

This postcard is made with three-dimensional flowers and an accordion bouquet. The inscription can be made any: "Happy Birthday", "March 8" or "Mother's Day".

Card with carnations for Mother's Day

You can draw a card for Mother's Day. For example, you can depict bright holiday carnations. To begin with, we make a sketch with a pencil.

Then we paint with watercolors.

On a postcard, you can draw a bouquet of luxurious pink tulips for mom.

Children's volumetric cards for Mother's Day

A very cute and kind postcard for Mother's Day is a postcard with a picture of mom and baby flamingos. In addition to the idea itself, this card has a very interesting technique of execution - a combination of a pattern with a three-dimensional appliqué.

On a folded sheet, draw the contours of birds. After the paint dries, glue the pom pom. For the flamingo mother, a larger pompom, and for two babies, very small pompoms. The meaning of these cards is to convey the joy of motherhood to all living beings.

Postcard "hen with chickens" Drawing "mom"

The main thing is that a postcard for children should become not just a craft, but a way of expressing their warmest feelings.

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