Home Trees and shrubs The best jokes for April 1st in the office. Options for drawing colleagues on the first of April. Raffle with box

The best jokes for April 1st in the office. Options for drawing colleagues on the first of April. Raffle with box

April 1 is definitely the most difficult day of the year. And, naturally, we need to work proactively so as not to become a victim of April Fools' pranks.

Making fun of colleagues or loved ones on such a day is sacred. The main thing is to choose the right pranks and jokes for April 1st.


If you are the first one to come to the office, then you have the cards in your hands on how to make all your colleagues feel like April Fools.

To warm up, you can put a box on the closet with a catchy inscription - Sex or Condoms (or some other intriguing name). The first one who can't resist and reaches out to take the box out of the closet will be in for a surprise. The box should have no bottom and can be filled with confetti and tinsel or some other small “garbage” that will certainly fall on the head of the most curious colleague on April 1st.

Another harmless joke in the office is to stick telephone handsets with double-sided tape and, of course, immediately call your colleagues. You can also glue stacks of paper, small objects and other office “rubbish” to tables. Alternatively, you can very easily make fun of April 1st by covering your computer mouse with the same tape so that it stops working. Believe me, my perplexed colleagues will “move” the mouse around the table for a long time before they realize to pick it up and look.

In a modern office on April 1, there are no jokes related to computers. While the person leaves for at least a couple of minutes, press Ctrl+Esc, Esc, Alt+"-" (i.e. press Alt and the - key), Alt+F4. The Start button on the computer will disappear, which will probably puzzle your colleague for some time. You can return it only by restarting your computer (if you have Windows 9x installed).

Arrange a brainstorming session for your colleagues for April Fool's Day and write an announcement that everything needs to be urgently delivered to your office if they have not undergone labilization. It’s unlikely that everyone knows that in fact the scary name is just the pronunciation of speech sounds through the rounding of lips extended forward. Anyone who comes to you in good faith will be taught to say “April 1st, I don’t trust anyone!”

Place a saucepan of water (carefully saved from home) on a colleague’s desk, cover it with a sheet of paper and turn it upside down on a flat table. You remove the paper - and voila: you wait for your colleague to pick up and remove the ownerless pan. The same option will work with a glass jar. Even seeing that it is full of water, a colleague will still have to remove it from the desktop, the question is - how to do this?


You should also definitely play a prank on your family on April 1st and do it very simply, and with a great effect.

Small dirty tricks on April 1 will definitely help you start April Fool’s Day in an extraordinary way. In the bathroom, you can glue toothbrushes to the bottom of a glass and then watch with rapture your sleepy relatives who won’t understand what’s going on. On April 1, you need to set your alarm clock earlier - at least 30 minutes.

You can carefully paint your nails so as not to wake him up for your husband or boyfriend. Then wake him up later than the appointed hour and send the latecomer out to work. In a hurry, he may not notice the fashionable manicure.

A traditional prank for households is to cover the soap with clear nail polish in advance, and on the morning of April 1, you can watch with rapture as the person being pranked tries to lather the soap, but to no avail.

You can give your loved one or children some socks in the morning that you have sewn in the middle in advance. Surely, you will be amused and amused by this kind of “torment” on April 1st.

A little more effort will be required on your part if you want to scare your family. Tint the faucet divider with liquid dye. Preferably red for added effect. Then in the morning on April Fool's Day, bloody water will flow from the tap.

You can prepare an original breakfast for your children and husband - serve juice with a straw. But instead of juice, make jelly in advance (with a straw inserted into it). Watching family members amusingly drink juice on April 1st is really fun.

You can scare your family by putting an unusual jar in the refrigerator. Preparing this giveaway couldn't be easier. You pour water into a jar, print out a sheet with someone’s face on it and put it in the jar. The effect of a voluminous head in a jar in the refrigerator is unlikely to leave your family indifferent.

April 1 is a favorite holiday of those who are fans of everything positive, cool and value a sense of humor. This day is especially loved by those who love to make fun of their friends, relatives or just acquaintances. Considering that in 2016 April 1 is Friday, a working day, many people actually spend the entire day within the office walls.

But, in order to satisfy your desire to make fun of someone, you can do this in the office, choosing colleagues as your “victims”. How to prank your work colleagues on April 1st? There are a lot of funny and at the same time harmless jokes for the occasion. Which ones can be carried out?

Raffle “Wrong Mouse”

This prank will be especially fun if a colleague at work is not very computer literate. The task is very simple, choose the moment when your colleague is away, and quickly change the function of the mouse buttons in the settings of his computer, switching to the “left-handed” mode. When the colleague returns, he will not be able to understand what is happening and why his mouse suddenly went crazy. In an attempt to improve his work, he, of course, turned to his colleagues for help, who would already be dying of laughter at that time.

Joke on the boss

If your boss has a good sense of humor, you can make fun of him with the whole office. To do this, you need to agree in advance with your colleagues to bring several outfits to work. You should take turns running into your boss’s office on different occasions, while constantly changing your clothes. The boss will not immediately understand what is going on, and this will discourage him. But the good mood from watching the fashion show will remain with him throughout the day. The main thing, of course, is that the joke does not interfere with the productive work process, otherwise the boss may think that he hired circus performers.

Fun with electrical appliances

If the office has a small kitchen or just a kettle, coffee machine or microwave. Before colleagues gather in the office, in the place where electrical appliances are located, you need to put up a notice that from today all electrical appliances work only through voice control. For example, to turn on the kettle, you need to say “Turn on the kettle,” and to get a cup of aromatic coffee, say “I want a double espresso,” to turn on the lighting, say “Let there be light!” It will be very funny when colleagues try to turn on the device and are perplexed. Some will even start yelling at the equipment. It's funny to watch adults talking to a teapot.

Computer monitor prank

Another computer prank to confuse colleagues and doubt that the technology works. You should take a screenshot of your colleague’s desktop in advance, then set it as desktop wallpaper. Then, right-click on the desktop and select the “Show desktop icons” function and uncheck this function. As a result, an unsuspecting colleague will click on false icons on the desktop and not understand what is happening. As always, to make it more fun, the main thing is to watch what is happening and watch the reaction.

Other jokes

Other options for pranking your co-workers on April 1 include the following simple jokes:

  • Exciting colleagues with the news that salaries will be delayed;
  • Start a rumor that there will be no bonus this month;
  • Approach your colleague with a very serious and excited look, and inform him that the boss is calling him to the carpet;
  • Place a sign on the toilet: “Sorry, due to renovation work, the toilet is not working. The nearest working bathroom is in the next building”;
  • Request a report from the accounting department for March 32.
  • Say that the office is poisoning rodents and insects, so every employee must wear a respiratory mask. The boss will be surprised at the sight!

Pranking work colleagues

Just let’s agree: forget about the hackneyed jokes that were popular even 30 years ago... Well, really - who in our time will seriously react to “your back is white” and “the boss calls you to the carpet - it will be a headache”? Get creative with the process!

It’s difficult, time-consuming, but worth it: how to prank your colleagues in the office on April Fools’ Day

Organizing such a prank will require a little effort and material investments, but believe me, it’s worth it! At least because colleagues in the office will not immediately understand that they are being played.

Often, people who sit side by side in an office for a long time have similar preferences. For example, in music: try listening to your friend’s favorite radio station day after day - and after 218 days you yourself will be humming a song that seemed stupid just yesterday. Or the latest press: during your lunch break, having nothing to do, you willy-nilly look at a printed spread someone has opened, and a day or two later you ask to read the newspaper yourself.

Therefore, if most of your colleagues read the same newspaper, you should offer them an “emergency special issue.” It’s probably not worth reminding that this is an original joke for colleagues on April 1st. And you must pick up the extraordinary issue of the tabloid from the printing office the day before.

What to write on newspaper pages? Anything – whatever you think will excite and engage readers. The main thing is that they take the information seriously. And your task for the whole day is to continue the joke and stir up interest in the news that captivated them.

Since there is a possibility that a certain note may pass by a colleague, we strongly recommend putting a few “sensations” in the newspaper - something that will attract the attention of the office community!

Unconventional pranks on April 1st for work colleagues: everyone will laugh heartily

Are you not interested in the newspaper idea? Let's go further. Here are some original options for pranking your work colleagues on April Fools' Day:

  • Enter into a “conspiracy” with the person responsible for regular e-mail newsletters. Send the news to everyone at their work addresses: management allegedly purchased new equipment controlled by voice commands. And now, in order to make a copy of the document, the smart machine should be told about it - loudly, clearly, with intonation.

Undoubtedly, most colleagues in the office will not fall for such a prank. But they will probably come to the room with office equipment - in order to watch the gullible staff shouting in every possible way: “Print, come on, who am I telling this to?!?”

  • Take a closer look at your employee’s (or co-worker’s) phone and remember its case in detail. Buy the same one. When you come to work on April 1, ask your colleague to give you a phone number - supposedly yours doesn’t work... And then everything depends on your artistry: have a heated “dialogue” on your mobile phone, shout and swear with an invisible interlocutor, and at some point, in your hearts, throw it on the floor ... bought a cover for the floor. Hide the device itself discreetly in your pocket. For greater effect, you can jump on the case, breaking it into tiny fragments.

In order not to get injured by your offended partner (of course, a smartphone worth several thousand will be shattered), inform her about the prank immediately, without waiting for her to go “hand-to-hand.”

  • Invite your office colleagues for an evening get-together. Announce an “adult” program: drinks, snacks. Place an expensive bottle of cognac on the table and, after pouring a glass for everyone, savor the drink in your wine glass. Don’t pay attention to your friends’ bewilderment - it’s clear that they don’t understand why tea poured into a cognac bottle does not contain a single gram of alcohol... After all, the drink is elite...

Minimum effort, maximum fun: time-consuming pranks on April 1 in the office for colleagues

Have you still not decided how you will prank your employees at work on April 1st?

  • Coat the faucet hole where the water flows with food coloring. All you have to do is open the tap and multi-colored splashes will fill the entire sink. To enhance the effect, “tinting” the water can be repeated over and over again - when another colleague, having used the WC, has left the room.
  • Disorganize the work process for all your co-workers for a couple of minutes: stick tape on the computer mouse sensor. The cursor on the screen will either not move at all, or will twitch in all directions - like crazy. But be prepared for the fact that the reason why the mouse lives an independent life will be determined very quickly.

  • You can also swap the left and right mouse buttons in the settings - for non-advanced computer users, such a simple prank will become a real puzzle for some time.
  • Bring a USB keyboard with Touchscreen from home and seamlessly connect the transmitter to your friend's computer. And then everything is simple: sit in a corner and move the cursor in one direction or the other; In text documents that a colleague fills out, add funny words; close opened folders. The main thing is not to get carried away and stop in time.
  • Does your work partner type a lot in Word or Excel? You can play a prank on him and replace the words he uses most often (report, search, application, cost, price) with funny phrases. You can do this in a matter of minutes using AutoCorrect. But be careful: no one will appreciate such a joke if a colleague has a pressing assignment, and even a minute’s delay in submitting it can cost the entire department a quarterly bonus.

It's a small thing, but it's nice...

All the ideas listed below are not jokes. Rather, these are fun things that few people will do on ordinary days (no time, colleagues won’t understand, etc.), but on April 1 they will certainly cheer up the entire office.

  • Replace plain paper in all toilet stalls with rolls with color prints: printed banknotes, a selection of funny jokes, cool pictures. Such rolls of paper are sold everywhere in joke shops - they are inexpensive, and a wagon and a small cart will give you emotions.
  • The night before, close the blinds in the room and draw some funny design on their inside, make an interesting inscription. A prerequisite for this: use special water-based felt-tip pens (many of these are sold in the stationery department, in stores with children's accessories for creativity). When leaving home, roll up the blinds. The next day, on a bright afternoon, one of your colleagues, fleeing the bright spring sun, will definitely close the shutters - and the whole office will see your creativity!
  • Bake (or buy) some scary sweets. These can be terribly realistic cookies that look like a human finger (half an almond will perfectly serve as a nail). Or marshmallows covered with “bloody streaks” (cranberry or cherry juice will serve as a blood substitute). Arrive at the office a couple of minutes before your co-workers and quickly place treats on their desks. If the sweet desserts are made to perfection, then first you will hear the screams of the female half of the office, and then - delight and praise addressed to you. Well, tea drinking at lunchtime will be a success!

  • Dress up on the first of April with your colleagues in funny masks, put funny hoops on your head - with ears, horns, a halo. Believe me, such a change in image will improve your mood 100%. The main thing is to be 100% sure that on this very day the business partners with whom your boss has been dreaming about the next contract for years will not come to the office...

But remember: April 1 pranks at work can have fatal consequences...

...for you - in case the jokes cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

  • Avoid harsh April Fools' jokes that ridicule shortcomings in appearance, criticize a person's intellectual abilities, and humiliate his honor and dignity.
  • Forget about jokes and pranks on April 1, involving damage to property - both public and personal - of any of the people being pranked.
  • Avoid pranks that will make your colleague feel awkward.

When organizing this or that funny situation on the first of April, always think two steps ahead - figure out what consequences this prank could have.

And finally - advice for all times: never try to find the “point C” (in the sense of laughter) in people whose sense of humor you don’t understand... It’s better not to organize an April Fool’s prank for him on this day, but to give the person a sincere compliment - more there will be benefits.

On the eve of April 1st, you have to think about how to make a successful and original joke. April Fool's Day obliges us, firstly, to be vigilant and not fall for tricks, and secondly, to come up with successful jokes and prank our friends. We joke about our peers and loved ones, and here the range of jokes is determined by personal relationships. Jokes about work colleagues should be neutral in nature, and preferably bright and cheerful. We offer 13 of the most successful prank options for colleagues.

How to prank your colleagues on April 1st:

13 cool ideas

1. The computer mouse is broken

For the joke to be a success, you need to come to the office early, before all the employees arrive, and use a neat thin strip of tape cover the infrared sensor of the mouse . Thus, the manipulator will appear broken. If the person being pranked does not understand what is going on - and as practice shows, in the morning the thought that this is a prank does not occur to him - he can contact the system administrator or technical support with a request to fix the problem. Then it’s up to you to leave everything as it is and wait for the outcome of the prank, or the whole department may hate you.

2. Upside down glass of water

This joke has already become a classic of the genre among office pranks. Imagine: a person comes in the morning, and on his desk is a full glass of water, upside down .

To start working, he will have to try to remove the obstacle and not spill water. How to do it? Very simple. Fill the glass with water. Next, cover with a piece of paper, turn it over and remove the sheet. All. Water will not pour out of the glass while it is standing still. Just make sure that there are no office equipment or important documents nearby!

3. Soap that doesn't lather

If you have a bar of hand soap in the office toilet, you have the perfect chance for an April Fool's Day prank. The result will be soap that makes it impossible to lather your hands . We will need colorless nail polish and (important!) dry soap. While no one is there, coat the soap with varnish in even layers and let it dry completely. Then we enjoy watching the results of our manipulations.

4. Raffle with cookies and unexpected fillings

Today, many offices provide employees with treats such as cookies, coffee and tea. It’s not a sin to do something with these delicacies on the first of April, replacing them with surprise cookies . To do this, you need to choose round cookies that will look like double cookies with filling. But you can already choose a variety of fillings. It could be toothpaste, mustard, mayonnaise and so on – don’t limit your imagination! It will be more fun if each cookie has a completely different content. Place the prepared surprise cookies beautifully on a plate so that your colleagues don’t suspect anything. After someone gets caught, we suggest reminding him of the famous “April 1st - I don’t trust anyone!”, join the draw and not let hungry employees in on the secret of the conspiracy!

5. April Fool's cat food

It will be a good joke if swap a box of cat food with a box of chocolate breakfast balls . For example, put pet food in a Nesquik box, and morning breakfast balls in a cat food box. There are two joke options. First: you walk around the office and eat cat food. Second: treat your colleagues to pseudo-Nesquik, observing their reaction.

6. Destroy someone else's mobile phone

For a successful prank, you need to purchase a panel in advance for the phone model that the victim has.
The following is the course of events. You ask to dial a number on a colleague's phone, citing some reason why you cannot call from your phone. For example, you just ran out of money in your account, and the call is very urgent. Next, it is important to maintain sufficient distance, since the reaction to the prank can be unpredictable. You quietly make a change and, talking into a pseudo-phone, you start swearing loudly . Then you become so scattered that you lose control of yourself and can throw the model against the wall, crush it under your feet or throw it out the window .

Keep an eye on the owner of the phone to inform him about the joke in time, otherwise you may get hurt.

7. In which ear is it buzzing?

Will need a voice recorder with a full charged battery and recording some kind of repetitive sound that is unnatural for your office. Download a buzzing sound, the sound of a falling drop, a click, a mouse scratching or other sounds from the Internet, and edit it so that this sound is repeated after a certain period of time. Place the recorder in an inconspicuous place and turn it on. Ask other employees to play along. When a colleague asks if you hear any sounds, deny everything. First, demonstratively listen, and then you can make it clear that a consultation at the clinic would not hurt. To be truthful, start the day with a joke: “And your back is white.” This way the person will think that he has already been played and will not wait for a trick.

8. Chief, there’s something wrong with your head...

We suggest playing a prank on the boss, but if the boss is a comedian himself, then the act may not work. For a joke, make an agreement with your colleagues bring a sufficient variety of clothes to the office and change them throughout the day . The prank is especially good if the boss is at work all day. Try to often go into his office for various work purposes, and each time in a new look. You can change not only clothes, but also hairstyles, and even hair color. When questions like “You were wearing red this morning?” start, shrug your shoulders and object. The prank is harmless, so you definitely won’t get fired.

9. Unforeseen vacation and crisis in the company

Prepare in advance relevant orders , where one of the points will be a message that due to the difficult economic situation in the company, an additional working day is being introduced, for example, every second Saturday, and there will be no pay for work on this day. The lunch break is also shortened by 20 minutes, and office phones or the Internet are turned off. It is possible to restore the connection provided that the employees pay for it. Ask the secretary to make an official distribution or review the order against signature. This is the harsh reality...

10. Crazy computer

Unnoticed during lunch break change the USB cables of the keyboards and mice of colleagues sitting next to you . Now computers will live their own lives, incomprehensible to their users.

11. Freeze someone else's computer

We wait for the right moment and take a screenshot of a colleague’s desktop using the “Prt Scr” key . Further set the screenshot as the background image , having previously cut out all files and folders into a secret folder on drive “D”. All. Then we can advise the pranked colleague to reboot, task manager and many other ways to repair the breakdown.

12. The refrigerator in the office does not open

Now refrigerators have the opportunity rehang the doors so that you can open the door on the right or left, as you wish. We change the side, and leave the handle in the same place. This way, lunch will not only be delicious, but also very fun.

April 1 is approaching - April Fool's Day. On this wonderful day, jokes are not only possible, but also necessary. You will have an excellent reason to defuse the situation at work, laugh with your colleagues over a particularly successful prank or joke. More and more working Russians are playing pranks on colleagues in the office...

Classic practical jokes who are located in the office:

1. Prank with a mouse

In the evening, before the next working day on April 1, stay in the office and carefully cover all optical mice tightly with tape or paper. The next morning, enjoy the expected effect when colleagues, turning on their computers, are faced with the problem of losing control.

2. Keyboard joke

Use a screwdriver to rearrange the keys on your computer keyboard. You can make a keyboard with an alphabetical layout.

3. Wires

Change the telephone wires for two warring employees, leaving the devices intact. They will receive calls that are intended for each other.

4. Dressing up

This trick is a great scam for the boss. Agree with your colleagues to take as many clothes as possible to the office. Change your outfits as a whole and make visits to your boss. He will have the thought “is he going crazy?”

5. Changes in the interior

Another draw that is suitable for a boss or another employee who has his own office. You need to prepare for this draw in advance. Replace as many items in the office as possible with their cardboard copies, you will get a new creative interior.

6. Death screen

Find a screenshot of the blue screen of death and set it as your wallpaper. Another variation of the joke is to take a screenshot of your desktop, set it as wallpaper, hide the panels and put the shortcuts in a separate folder. Restarting the computer will not help, the victim of the prank will start randomly pressing the start button and shortcuts...

7. Clip

This is an old classic joke. You just need to put a paper clip on a piece of paper, make several copies and return the paper to its place. Everyone will try to remove this paper clip from the sheet of paper.

8. Can you hear that?!

For this prank you will need a voice recorder with an external speaker. Record a repeating sound (such as your heartbeat), play it low, and hide it in a closet or desk drawer. If a colleague asks if you hear this sound, deny it. The main thing is to be unwavering and serious.

9. Cabin

Prepare boots and several pairs of underpants. Make and seat “workers” in cubicles and lock them from the inside.

10. "On the carpet"

A very popular April Fool's joke. Tell your colleague that his boss or chief accountant is calling him.

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