Home Trees and shrubs Creative mood. The inner spiritual world of man. Feelings that create and destroy

Creative mood. The inner spiritual world of man. Feelings that create and destroy

Every person sooner or later begins to think about the meaning of life, about what contribution he makes to his life and the existence of the people around him. We all want to be useful, beloved relatives, to receive recognition, to take place in this or that activity. The achievement of these goals is largely facilitated by the understanding of the need to develop and strengthen the creative principle in one's life. Many people gradually come to take it as a basis.

If you turn to the explanatory dictionary, you can find out that the creator is the recreator, the one who creates life according to his great desire to do it. However, the main idea here is not to act contrary to social guidelines, to live by one's own rules, not agreeing with the opinion of the majority, but to direct all one's strength and energy towards revealing one's creative potential.

So what does it mean to create? The meaning of the word goes back to building a life filled with special meaning. In this article, we will try to answer questions about what components creation includes and what it is in the most general case.

Openness to new experience

A person who is ready to accept the changing conditions of his own existence always strives for renewal. It does not matter what it will be - an acquired specialty, gaining knowledge, studying any subjects. The main thing is that such a person is not afraid to take risks, does not feel guilty about spending money on himself. By creating life around him, a person becomes truly happy.

Why is it important for us to embrace new experiences? The point is that we are constantly learning. If what we have learned is pleasant, then, as many believe, we can be proud of our achievements. If this circumstance is not very approved in society, then most likely the person will not accept the new experience, will hide it and, as a result, will not get anything useful from it.


What can be compared in strength with the happiness that the creator experiences when he managed to complete the work? Many have creative impulses, but only a few are actually ready to work on developing their talent. A creator is, first of all, someone who is not afraid to take risks. Loyalty to one's ideals is a criterion that promotes talent and helps to manifest extraordinary abilities. If a person has a clear plan for developing and becoming himself as a wonderful author of books, paintings or musical creations, then he will succeed much faster.


We could not live on this planet alone. A person is so arranged that even with a favorable set of circumstances, he still needs help, the participation of another. Even if a little support, a word spoken in time, a smile, a look - all this more than once helped to maintain faith in oneself, perk up in difficult situations.

Many believe that charity is the lot of very rich people who can and should share with those who are much less fortunate. Meanwhile, true help is always born in the heart, that is, inside a person. Everyone can be useful to his neighbor. To do this, you need to have faith in yourself and an open heart.


The creator is the one who is in harmony with himself and the whole world, which means that he has integrity. Such a person is aggravated; he will not allow himself to be offended by anyone. It is impossible to manipulate him, he is so wise and self-sufficient that ill-wishers bypass him.

Integrity means the desire to live in harmony with the laws of the universe. A person with harmony is able to give and sincerely care for others. She is completely devoid of selfishness, but has individual goals, ambitions that she wants. That's what it means to fully create. The meaning of the word here is seen as the ability to be oneself, without masks and false pretense.

Love of life

A happy person is a generous person. He wants to share, he is overwhelmed from the inside with a sense of abundance, and he himself rejoices at the same time. His face lights up when he communicates with other people, animals, nature, the whole world. Such a person spends a lot of time both in interaction with others and in solitude. He knows no fear of being alone. Spiritual practices, meditations - this is his strength, the center of personality, creative visualization.

He who truly loves life will never harm any creature. He mentally and practically (that is, in fact) makes certain attempts to maintain the well-being of the whole world. This includes the protection of natural resources, concrete assistance to people.

Thus, the creator is a person who recreates life, a happy, whole, internally filled person, one who can renounce his own egoism at the right time and serve as true participation for the benefit of others.

There are character traits that destroy a person, and there are traits that create a Human and strengthen his internal system.

For example, traits such as pride, stinginess, lies, revenge, judgment, contempt for people, cruelty, blindness, self-satisfaction, fears seem to preserve the system in the state it is in rather than destroy it.

Vengefulness, meanness, forgery, conscious betrayal, corrosive fears, fears that haunt, a feeling of powerlessness, falsehood, breaking one's word, deceit, failure to fulfill one's duty, greed, narcissism, the desire to get everything just like that, without labor - a freebie, how else is called - these traits seem to destroy a person and negatively affect the fate of his family.

Do you have any of these character traits?

Honor, honest attitude, keeping a given word or oath, fulfilling one's duty, observing given obligations, the ability to sacrifice, a noble deed, the ability to sympathize, understand the pain of people, support them, joy, lightness, trust, humility, generosity, the ability to do more, what is required - these features create and develop a person, create positive karma for him and his family. Such a person and his kind begin to flourish.

Do you have any of these character traits?

Traits that preserve a person or destroy him, as a rule, pursue momentary gain. In this state, a person thinks only about himself and nothing else, he cares only about his own interests, the achievement of his own benefit. This is a sprint, and very soon, if not immediately, this person is faced with the results of his actions, reaping the rewards. Laws begin to operate - it is clear what.

Actions that create a person can be called running a long distance. They have no immediate benefit. The correct results of actions, which are determined by creative character traits, often appear only after a few years - after three and after seven.

Suffering can often be present in the lives of such people, but this is only because they are constantly fighting injustice, opposing "a deceitful, corrupt, cruel world where evil reigns." That is, in essence, they live in a world of good and evil. Hence the struggle, hence their suffering.

And the last. Very often, and maybe always, a normal person in his actions, in business, in relationships is guided by the "win-lose" rule, that is, he strives to win, win, benefit primarily for himself, and lead his partner to a loss. Even games are built on this principle. That is, a person learns this strategy of behavior from childhood.

But there is a win-win strategy. This is when both parties win in relationships, in business, in inheritance division, in disputes, in ideology, anywhere. This is when, while observing your own benefits, you consciously think and care about the benefits of the other side, about its gain too.

Could you then establish peace with your loved ones and the nature around you?

Imagine that you are tightly tied with a belt to another person. You stand close to each other, face to face. This is, in fact, your position in relation to your loved ones, business partners, nature. Any of your actions regarding this person will instantly respond to your own actions.

Try to hit him between the legs, and then try to run about your business. Try to fool him, leave him in the cold, and then, satisfied, go about your own business. Try to just ignore what he needs now, take care of only his own needs.

What would be your first step if you started using the win-win strategy in your life?

By the way, did you know that there are board games for children that teach you to think and act in this way? They have been produced in the West for fifteen years already. In the early nineties, I tried to start making them in our country as well (under the name "Alternative Games"), but failed - or then it was not yet time for them.

The strategy of such games is that all players are forced to take into account the position of each other and sacrifice their momentary interests, otherwise everyone will lose. It is impossible to win such games alone - everyone must come to the finish line together.

What is he? What do we fill it with?

And if now, not to take into account all the diversity of perception, we can say that a person is able to fill his world with feelings or emotions. Although few people wondered what the difference is between emotions and feelings. Most likely, people believe that emotions are needed - this is a fairly stable stereotype.

In fact, there is no greater destroyer than emotions. They can destroy not only health, but also human life. Is it hard to believe?

Let's understand what emotions are. Emotions. - merciless destroyers. They have the power to destroy the inner world of man. They are capable of causing significant harm to the world of another person. One of the main reasons for the destruction of human subtle bodies is envy. Envy is the cause of the greatest amount of damage, no matter if they are committed mentally, or by various ritual influences. Such as magic or sorcery.

Man is a vibrational being. Everything in the world, any object emits vibrations. These are vibrations of physical and subtle bodies: vibrations of thoughts, feelings, events, spiritual path, human energies. There are only two kinds of vibrations in the Universe: vibrations of creation and vibrations of destruction. It is emotions, whether we call them aggression, hatred, condemnation, resentment, fear, jealousy, envy, pity, that are streams of destructive vibrations.

Perceiving the world through emotions, a person loses freedom, undermines his health. And there is no need to talk about happiness in this case.

Everything in the WORLD is interconnected, the WORLD influences a person, and people influence the surrounding WORLD. When a person realizes the destructive power of emotions, takes them under the control of his will, and is freed from them, then he becomes a Creator. The creator of your health. Creator of your world. Creator of your life. A life in which there is happiness, harmony, integrity.

A person becomes an Individuality and is able to live and act in accordance with his Destiny. It is freed from the personality in itself, the basis of which is the self. The process of individual development of a person is associated with liberation from emotions and fullness of feelings.

It is feelings - streams of creative vibrations that can make a person successful. Talented and even brilliant.

A life filled with feelings is the Path of Happiness. The path of creative realization of Man. His spiritual potential. Man chooses his own future.

The inner spiritual world of man filled with feelings. basic feelings: ACCEPTANCE, CONFORMITY, UNITY, HARMONY. This is the Key of the SPIRIT of a person — a creator.

Feelings are creative. Create a New World of Man, Create a New Way of Life.

Life by feelings - inclusion in the Creative Transformation of the WORLD.

The levels of interaction, their Integrity and Harmony are determined by the inclusion of a Human in the Creative Transformation of the WORLD.

The transformation of LIFE begins when you enter into the highest vibrations. (HIERERCHY OF LIGHT: 179)

What is Transformation?

Transformation is the refinement of matter by the Energies of Feelings.

Transformation of all living things:

  • Change of vibrations to creative ones: high, higher, highest.
  • Elimination of distortions of thin bodies.
  • Purification, restoration, renewal of the physical body.
  • The birth of a luminous body.
I propose to analyze your life. This can be done in various ways. I suggest doing this with the following. Let's imagine the Wheel of your Life in the form of the following diagram, which shows the necessary conditions in a person's life. Aspects included in the components will be evaluated on a 10-point scale. We will evaluate in terms of the presence of emotions. The more emotions, the lower the score. This can be done intuitively, through analysis, or through vibration testing with a propolis pendulum.
  1. Do you have balance in your life? If you experience balance in any situations, feel free to put 10 points. If any event knocks you out of balance - put 0. Paint over this sector in red in accordance with a certain score, that is, if 10 - paint over entirely. If 0 - do not paint over at all.
  2. Is your life filled with Feelings. There are four Basic Feelings - ACCEPTANCE, CONFORMITY, UNITY, HARMONY. If you do not understand what a feeling is, then your score is close to 0. Color it in orange.
  3. Is there a correspondence in your life:
  • Human Compliance
  • Family Matching
  • Human Community Compliance
  • Compliance with Humanity
  • Compliance with nature
  • Earth Correspondence
  • SPACE Compliance
  • UNIVERSE Correspondence
  • STAR Compliance

If there are all types of Compliance - put 10 points. Color in yellow.

  1. Do you know your Purpose? Your Higher Purpose? Can you define the scale of your personality? If yes, give 10 points. Color the sector green.
  2. Are you able to relax? Right now, pay attention to the condition of your muscles. Are you tense? Then it is hardly possible to put 10 points. Color blue.
  3. Do you love the activity you are doing? And at home? Are you striving for creation, creative activity? Or are there emotions in the activity? Maybe there are fears, resentment, condemnation? Color in blue.
  4. In the center is the number 12. It characterizes the fact that all your Star systems: Endocrine, Lymphatic, Nervous, Circulatory, Brain, Respiratory, Digestive, Musculoskeletal, Excretory, Childbirth, Hematopoietic, Solar channel work harmoniously and synchronously. It is characterized by absolute health and vitality. If yes - put 10. Color purple.

Now take a close look at what you've got. Do you think such a wheel can roll smoothly through life? Not?

Recently I came to the conclusion that a person can be in two states: either he creates, or he destroys, the third is not given. And the most important thing is that this process is happening all the time, every day, every hour, every second, we make a choice with you: to create or destroy...

It may not be immediately clear to everyone what is at stake. I'll explain. Tell me what are you doing now? Read this article. Right! What is it, creation or destruction? Only you yourself can answer this question.

If you think about every word, check with your experience, analyze, argue or agree inside, then you create. If you just read fluently, thinking about something completely different, then you are destroying. Destroy your time, destroy your energy, destroy yourself!

The highest gift that we have received from the Creator is to be here and now, to live in this current moment, which is unlike any other! Only now you have a magical opportunity to taste the joy of the present moment and plunge into the infinity of what is happening here. And in a second this “now” will be different, unique and one of a kind! And if every day we weave from a thousand truly lived such “now”, you can imagine what our life will become. And most importantly, outwardly everything can be the same as before, but inside of us there will be some kind of divine music that the Creator sent us in each such “now”.

But this is only half the success! Each, I repeat, absolutely each of you came to our planet with your own creative mission. You are a masterpiece, created by a power that cannot even be imagined! You are the infinite Divine potential in human form! And each of us, before coming to the World, promised THERE what mission he would devote himself to on Earth. But, unfortunately, being born, you and I forget about our promise, and often live our lives in destruction.

What is "destruction" in my understanding? This is when we criticize another not in order to help him become better, but in order to satisfy his EGO. This is when we ask a person “how are you?” not because we are interested, but because it is customary. This is when we do the work, and inside we dream of finishing it faster. This is when we wake up, and in the head there are already thoughts about the evening. This is when we rest, and thoughts about work are in our heads. You can continue indefinitely.

Why is this happening? Because we forget with you who we are. Children remember this best of all, while society has not yet managed to impose patterns of behavior, stereotypes, complexes and opinions on them. Look at them more often, learn from them, ask them about the most seemingly difficult questions. Through the mouth of a child they speak the truth.

Remember that at every moment we are making a choice. Raise awareness of the present moment by simply asking the question: “What am I doing right now: creating or destroying?” and only in this way will the wonders of the present moment be revealed to us!

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