Home Helpful Hints What to do money problem. Money problems. Lack of basic financial literacy

What to do money problem. Money problems. Lack of basic financial literacy

If you want to earn money, work. If you want to make a million, you have to work hard. And if you want to get rich, you need to come up with something else.
/folk wisdom/

How to work, make a career and earn money for living, for a comfortable lifestyle, being at the first level of owning money, tell any other sites dedicated to personal finance.

How to make a million, ideas for a million, we discuss in the rubric

But in fact, there is a third, completely different from the first two, ways to solve money problems. With this method, money is simply taken out of thin air in the literal sense of the word.

Probably, every person would like to do what he loves. He did what he liked, enjoyed life. At the same time, periodically, not necessarily even every month at the same time, it is possible at any time in arbitrary amounts, a certain amount of money was brought to his account or personally in an envelope.

Do you know such a dream?

Maybe yes. There is one small flaw in this dream that prevents you from realizing it.

Usually indulging in such dreams, we believe that we want to do nothing. In the picture that we draw for ourselves, when we think that someone is bringing us money, we usually lie on the couch, indulging in bliss, watching a zombie or climbing on the Internet in freestyle, in search of sites whose content and meaning interests us insofar as -insofar as.

It is this visualization and this understanding of the picture of the appearance of money out of thin air that prevents us from solving our money problem.

Money, as elements of payment, appears only if there are relationships, mutual agreements between people.

It's just that in the world around us, where there is us, a sofa and a TV, money cannot appear. In order for them to arise, we need some kind of relationship with other people.

In order for these relationships to arise, we can simply enter into an act of direct communication and demand payment for our communication, it does not matter what our profession is called: prostitution or psychology, but we simply charge money for simply communicating with people.

We can wedge ourselves into some associations of people, into some systems of relationships between people, and take a certain position there, a certain place, after which we will receive money due to the work of the system in which we are included. This is often referred to as work.

We can also create our own communication system. Those. we can start to engage in some activity, producing something useful for the world around us, which other people will consume with pleasure, because we will produce the value that they need.

As a result, our relations with the outside world, with people, are born from our activities, and money is born. I want to pay attention, if you are familiar with, you should already understand my next remark. If you are not familiar, then be sure to subscribe to the newsletter and get the first lessons, where it is explained in detail what it is.

1 level of money ownership.

If you are at the 1st level of money ownership, where money is equivalent to you, any of the proposed three ways of building with the outside world brings you exactly as much money as you cost, how much you value your value.

Moreover, you do not just evaluate, but evaluate, being under constant close pressure from the outside world, which strives to prove to you that your personal and produced value is insignificant.

This is the main problem of people of the 1st level, who cannot create their own productive activity, start generating value for others, because the first thing they face is the barrier of rejection, this is the internal setting that no one needs what they produce.

Naturally, no one needs what they produce, and no one is ready to pay for it. Therefore, it is much easier to integrate into the already existing system of human relationships, come to work and get the level of equivalent that they cost. Again, pay attention, getting a job, we sell ourselves, and for some reason this rule has steadily entered the heads of many people, we assign ourselves an equivalent and sell ourselves for this equivalent.

Level 2 money management

Level 2 free productive activity is decoupled from the opinions of the people around it, it is decoupled from the equivalent, which allows you to do magical things.

In particular, it makes it possible to evaluate the values ​​that I produce not by means of an equivalent, i.e. since I spent 5 hours on this work, it means that I should receive such and such amount of money, but by arbitrary application of any multiplier. As a result, my work can be valued several times higher than the work produced at an equivalent level by any other person, only by the fact that I have proved to the people around me the value of the product I produce.

Perhaps all of the above arguments sound too complicated, because they are theoretical. Almost everything looks very simple. A person at level 1 works to earn money. A person at Level 2 works because he loves what he does, and the results of his labor are sold for any price he sets, and this price is completely inconsistent with the labor that he put into the production of his product.

Levels 3 and 4 of money ownership

At the 3rd and 4th levels of money ownership, a person practically does not expend any effort at all, for an external observer it looks exactly like this, but at the same time he operates with colossal amounts of money, because he receives money as a rent, as a percentage of the work of the system of human relationships he has established. And so if you want to earn a lot of money, work a lot. Do you want to become rich, i.e. extract money in the amount you need, sign up for and master the 2nd level of money ownership.

Today I would like to talk about poverty or scenarios such as constant money problems. Such a serious and very exciting situation, to one degree or another, has affected each of us at least once. At the same time, several typical schemes for the development of a “local” financial crisis can be distinguished:

  1. A person does not have money, and he has to constantly be in a state of survival, poverty.
  2. A person has money, but he experiences discomfort, and maybe even fear that he may lose his wealth, property.
  3. Frequent problems with money (tax authorities run into, government agencies, "roof", traps of scammers, etc.).

This problem in one form or another is often found among my clients and relatives. What can I say, I used to have a lack of finances. I realized that this topic is one of the most relevant, because it is foolish to deny that we live in a material world where money is needed everywhere and everywhere.

Where do the “roots” of money problems grow from?

One of the main directions in my professional activity is human resources and the scenarios that these resources create. And they can create not only constructive scenarios, but also destructive ones, which we absolutely do not want to see in our lives.

I also work with birth trauma and scenarios. If you look at any situation from the point of view of the generic system of psychogenetics or from Jung's point of view about the collective unconscious, then you can understand how scenarios and certain states are transmitted from ancestor to descendants.

A person lives what his ancestor lived (poverty with its inherent habits and actions is very often "inherited" as a pattern) or is afraid to live it on an intuitive level. Thus, he can run away not only from negative scenarios, but also from the money that these scenarios can bring (a completely opposite situation can also take place).

All this is transmitted to us by the attitudes, patterns and patterns of behavior of our parents. We can experience some kind of trauma in childhood associated with money (their presence or absence), and on an unconscious level, from the experienced, lived, to abandon them, begin to despise the material.

I'll give you an example. A child in childhood found money, spent it on sweets that he brought home. And his parents yelled at him, did not believe that he had found a banknote on the street, accused him of stealing and punished him. For a child, this is stress, and he can conclude that money is painful, bad, unsafe.

Believe me, at that moment, the parents got out their fears that the money was stolen or someone would look for it, they would report it to the police, they would find the finder and they would have problems. That's about how parents lay their fears, attitudes, patterns in children. And they, by virtue of their immature psyche, can perceive information in a twisted version (any money, other people's, their own, is generally a great evil, from which one must run like fire).

I will give an example of another parental setting. Mom and dad are sure themselves and convince the child that you can’t earn big money, you can only steal it, and stealing is bad. Then an understanding arises in the head of a little man that he will never be able to become rich, because for this he will have to break the law and his moral principles.

This is how attitudes and patterns are transmitted from our parents at the verbal level. But we still communicate with each other on a non-verbal level, where mom and dad can lay all this in us at the level of the individual unconscious. There is another option for transferring scenarios of poverty and the states and fears associated with it - at the level of the collective unconscious.

We adopt from a kind not only genetic diseases of the body, but also certain feelings, scenarios. In general, we often live not our own life, but the life of our ancestors, whether we like it or not, this pattern is transmitted to us. For example, dispossession took place in the tribal system. And what the ancestor lived then, his thoughts, conclusions and, together with them, actions, we begin to repeat.

By the way, in the example of dispossession, the money problem is seen at once on three levels, which I listed at the beginning of the article. Suppose an ancestor was a gentleman or a merchant, he had not only money, but also power. At some point, they came to him and took everything away, he lost his funds, property, status, that is, the whole life he lived. Close people could turn away from him.

If we now project what he experienced then, then this will make us understand much of what we are living now, experiencing problems with money. After dispossession has taken place, a person feels betrayed, rejected, unnecessary, he is hurt and scared, because not only wealth and power are lost, but also confidence in the future and, possibly, the whole meaning of life.

And from here the three scenarios I mentioned can already follow:

  1. He decided to give up, give up, because he might not have the strength to fight and defend his own. He decided that it was scary and unsafe. Then the descendant in this life also initially refuses money on an intuitive collective unconscious level.
  2. He was somehow able to save, hide property or restore what was acquired over time. Then the ancestor may have a strong fear of loss. His descendant can work successfully, make good or even very good money, save savings, but at the same time he will experience constant discomfort, which may lose what he has acquired (they will rob his house, the bank will go bankrupt, etc.).
  3. The ancestor then resolved the issue, but by some forceful method, for example, with the use of weapons and murders, then it is postponed on an intuitive collective unconscious level that money needs to be fought for, they need to be defended or won back, and by any means. Then in the life of a descendant, constant conflicts with people with law enforcement agencies are created.

Approximately this is how certain scenarios are formed and systematically repeated, which are repeated from time to time in our family, reaching us. Since one of my main areas of activity is working with systemic feelings, states, scenarios, I have studied this topic very deeply. I have worked through many unconscious scenarios of clients.

On this topic, I created my personal program of work to change the state of a person, his personality and life, and to open up resources in him. For example, from a scenario of poverty, a constant problem with money, fears of their loss, you can get a resource of confidence and peace of mind regarding everything related to the material sphere of life. And you can also get a resource of financial well-being, success.

I can safely say that we live much more than what we do not want to live in our lives. We are not even aware of it, as it sits deep in our individual and collective unconscious. But it is precisely this that creates in our lives what we do not want to see. And we do not understand why we live it. And this applies not only to the topic of money, power, strength, but everything else.

We do not understand why in our life there are problems not only with money, but also with our relatives and friends. We want to change this, but we can’t do it, because we want it consciously and do not take into account the influence of attitudes and patterns that lie in the unconscious.

So, if you want to achieve some goals or fulfill your desires, but it doesn’t work out in any way, you should look into your unconscious, change scenarios and states there, and only then they will come into our lives. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, what is hidden in us.

In my practice, I work with the unconscious - collective or individual. This is effective because it allows not only to remove the symptoms of the problem, but also to determine its roots, causes and eliminate them, which will help prevent the occurrence of a specific undesirable situation in the future (in this case, we are considering problems related to money).

Since our unconscious belongs to us, we can work with it on our own. And the work will certainly bring results. If you do not know where to start and how to proceed, I am ready to help you. Together we can work deeper into your problem, “take it apart” and solve it, that is, achieve what you yourself want to see in life and get rid of what you don’t want to see.

From myself, I would like to wish everyone less destructive scenarios and more love, happiness, understanding and success in all endeavors.

If you feel like getting a little excited, let's talk about this hot topic.

What do you think is the main reason for the emotions that are so characteristically expressed on the faces of passers-by, metro passengers, visitors to shops and markets? Basically, this sadness is money. Or rather, their absence. Maybe you want to look at the world through the dark glass of your limousine? Or sit on the balcony overlooking the sea, leafing through a magazine about a beautiful life? But instead, you constantly have to save, knowing that money is sorely lacking.

It's no secret that in recent years, many women are trying to gain financial independence. If you are trying different ways to earn money on your own (for example, you are in private practice, trading, transactions, network marketing, part-time work, you own your own business, you are a contract manager, etc.), then you know very well that your earnings depend on , mainly from your activity and efforts. So let's talk about you.

Let's explore ourselves
Let's try to answer the question: why don't you have enough money? Or you had them, but left in an unknown direction. Or maybe in the famous, but for some reason they are in no hurry to return. Or money did not appear on your horizon at all? In general, why do you have problems with money, but no money itself?

The first thing that comes to mind is that there is a financial crisis in the country, the economy is collapsed, with my education (age, appearance, etc.) they won’t be hired anywhere, now you can only steal a lot of money, but not earn money, there is no job in your specialty, you can get a job only by pull, but I don’t have it, etc. However, we will not consider these reasons today.

Why? Because it is futile and, except for another irritation, will not bring you anything. And you won't have more money in your wallet. In addition, this is too convenient a way to relieve oneself of responsibility and shift it to the circumstances of our difficult life. And if you look deeper, then this is not the reason for your poverty, but your position. Because if everyone thought something like this - they scolded the authorities, officials, democrats, etc., then there would probably be no wealthy people at all. And they are. Very few are really rich. But there are many quite wealthy citizens who can afford what, perhaps, seems unattainable for you today. And these are not the descendants of the Rockefellers, as you understand.

Of course, you can disagree with us, but then you will have to remove all claims to your financial situation - since a prosperous future is closed to you. We offer you a way more difficult, but also more productive.

Agree: everything that happens to you does not happen without your participation. From this follows a simple conclusion: whatever happens to you, you bear a certain share of responsibility for it. Therefore, if you periodically (or constantly) have serious problems with money, you should look for the cause in yourself.

The fact is that we, without knowing it, are able to block the flow of money into our lives and create difficulties in obtaining it. Moreover, this happens in addition to our will and desire, often even contrary to them. Let's look at which of our beliefs can secretly block the achievement of material well-being.

What's in your head is in your wallet
This question may seem strange to you, but still - do you think about money? Are they present at all in your thoughts?

The human subconscious mind is designed in such a way that the subject of our secret or explicit thoughts comes into our lives. It is only necessary that these reflections be more or less constant and not have a negative connotation.

What appears in our life is a direct or indirect result of our thoughts. Therefore, the reality that surrounds us is a reflection of our views on life. What is your head busy with: work, family, personal problems, children, creativity, study? Where is money in your thoughts? In other words, how many minutes a day do you think about money? Only five or ten? Maybe you remember them only when they run out? It turns out that the less you think about them, the less you will have them. With your thoughts, you actually attract - or do not attract money to you. The conclusion from this follows quite simply: in order for crispy bills to be in your wallet, you need to keep them in your head.

What does it mean to “keep money in your head”? This means thinking about them regularly. About how many you need for a comfortable life. Not at all about an abstract million dollars, which you still can’t “swallow” without harm to the psyche. And about the specific amounts you need to purchase very specific items (or pay for services).

To do this, every day count how much money you have and how much is left to earn to achieve the goal. If you don't have much money, start small. Think about the purchases that, in principle, may be available to you at the moment. If you manage to organize your thinking in this way, money will gradually begin to come to you. All of a sudden you will start noticing things that used to pass you by. There will be situations in your life that you can use to your advantage. And the least of all you should worry about is how the money will come to you: it can be an interesting business proposal, a financial reward for work, an unexpected repayment of a debt, and even ... winning the lottery! The main thing is not to start convincing yourself that this cannot be. Just in case, mentally consider all possible and even impossible options for receiving money.

Your thoughts about finances, of course, should not be negative. If the thought “there is no money and never will be” is constantly spinning in your head, then this is exactly what will happen in your life. Therefore, it will be much more useful to think like: “I need so much more money in order to buy ....”. Switch to how much you need, how you will spend it, and how much fun you will get.

Your wrong beliefs
Lack of thoughts about money is far from the only source of problems with them. Among your acquaintances, there are probably smart and hard-working people who are actively trying to make money, but all their efforts literally disappear into the sand. Perhaps you yourself are in this, not a very pleasant position. What's the matter?

The reason for this may lie in our erroneous beliefs that sit in our subconscious and prevent us from earning money. We may not even know it, but in reality we are guided by these beliefs and reap their benefits. Let's take a look at the most common misconceptions.

Only fifteen years ago we lived in the camp of developed socialism. And everyone unanimously despised money, because it had no value. The values ​​were very different. Which ones are not hard to remember. Patriotism, selfless work for the sake of a bright future, any sacrifice for the good of the people and the ideals of the party. Die yourself, but save the common cause! Etc.

Today the situation has changed radically. Money has become a very real value, but not all people were able to break the old stereotypes of thinking.

So, let's try to list what ideas can underlie your attitude to money and material well-being. Here are some of the more common misconceptions:

Money is not the main thing in life;

Money ruins a person

Why spend money in vain, and so we will manage;

Only thieves and criminals have money;

You can't earn money by honest work;

Money comes only through hard work;

You have to pay for everything, so it's better to do it that way;

It's a shame to be rich when there are poor relatives around me,

Count, don't count - there will still be no money;

You were born a beggar, you will die a beggar - such is the fate;

Big money - big chores.

In fact, these are internal principles that guide people in their actions. And since these are internal principles, it means that they determine your life, whether you like it or not. For example, the idea that “money comes from hard work” will completely block you from getting “easy” money. You can put in a lot of effort to get money, but you will always get only hard and low-paid work. And what do you want - this is your inner conviction!

Where do these ideas get into our subconscious?

1. You could get them from your parents, who grew up in the era of building communism;

2. You could get them from significant people at any age;

3. They may have come about as a result of your negative experiences with money.

Think about exactly what your personal erroneous beliefs about money look like. If you can, then determine where they came from. Write them down on paper.

Removing these beliefs is not easy, but it is possible. To do this, you need to come up with other ones that are opposite in content to replace them, write them down and repeat them to yourself as often as possible. And you can repeat it out loud! The main thing is that acquaintances are not worried about your condition and do not call a doctor.

Let's give an example of changing your internal, subconscious program. Let's say you find yourself with a belief like, "I'll never make a lot of money," and indeed, you never have a lot of it. Write down on paper a phrase that is opposite in meaning and begin to mentally repeat it many times: “I deserve to be wealthy! Money comes to me easily and freely in any amount!

Here's another example. If you need to spend the money that your husband has earned, this causes you internal hesitation - how can you spend what you did not earn, that is, other people's money? Try to work with a new internal setting: “There is no other people's money! I easily dispose of the general money.” Repeat it to yourself five hundred times, and all doubts will go away from you.

When you choose a positive statement for yourself, do not be shy in expressing your capabilities and do not limit your imagination! If you come up with something that is slightly untrue, then it will not be worse. It will only get better! After all, you will inspire yourself with a new belief that opens the way for you to material well-being!

Money as a source of discomfort
And here is another secret of our subconscious that prevents us from getting a lot of money. Let's say you earn money to buy some big thing. But here's the problem: your savings reach a certain amount, and then nothing. There are urgent expenses, unforeseen expenses, suddenly someone asks for a loan, etc. Why it happens?

There is another likely reason that limits your material success: you do not have money because you do not let it into you. You internally avoid them! More precisely, you are avoiding not money itself, but the discomfort that it can bring into your life.

Do you feel anxious when you have to store a large amount of money somewhere? You need to save and accumulate them, but you do not know how to do this reliably and safely. We deliberately do not give figures, because for one person "big money" is a thousand dollars, and for another - not less than a hundred thousand. Everyone has their own “discomfort threshold”, but almost everyone has it.

This problem has purely Russian roots, where there is no established banking system, the currency, the political situation, the tax system, and so on are unstable. In our country, a person has nowhere to save his accumulated money! Banks are unreliable (except glass ones). Keep at home - what if they steal? Bury in the garden or in the garage - what if someone peeps and digs up? Carrying with you is dangerous. Etc.

This situation leads to the fact that the presence of a certain amount of money leads to internal discomfort. A person begins to worry about the safety of his money, and these experiences are unpleasant for him. He seeks to get rid of them (of experiences, of course). What's the easiest way to get rid of them? Of course, get rid of the money.

And now a person, having received some long-desired amount of money, unconsciously seeks to get rid of it. How? It's not a question. The offer of such services is great. Money is loaned out, invested in the next project, given “at interest”, often without any precautions. Or they are quickly spent on the purchase of not very necessary things. One thing is important - in any way to get rid of the source of discomfort! And again go into the usual state of lack of money.

Therefore, you may not have money, because you do not let it into yourself. They are a source of discomfort for you. You do not know how you can save them and at the same time be sure that you will not be deceived.

Think about your “discomfort threshold”. Determine in advance where you will keep this amount: at home, with friends, in a safe, in a bank account, etc. Moreover, this method of storage should not cause you concern. This, of course, does not mean that it will be absolutely reliable: there are probably no such places in our country. But in any case, you will know that you have done the best that you could.

If you solve this problem with only a thousand dollars, then most likely the probability of accumulating this amount will increase significantly. If you are ready to receive and dispose of ten thousand without discomfort, you can receive them. Etc. As much money will come to you as you can accept without internal anxiety.

How do you feel about the rich?
Let's say that you consciously strive to earn more money, but at the same time you do not like rich people (especially since there is nothing special to love them for). For example, you condemn them because all the rich people you know have made their money dishonestly. Or for their stinginess. In general, the condemnation of the rich is, one might say, a Russian national game for people who do not have money. Americans, for example, play a game called: "I want to be like Rockefeller (or like Bill Gates)". And it is customary for us to scold them.

What is going on? On the one hand, you want money. On the other hand, you have a deep conviction that all the rich in our country are scammers. And your subconscious equates wealth and fraud. And you are an honest person. It turns out that you yourself block your path to material prosperity, because subconsciously you do not want to be like them. And no matter what efforts you make to achieve material success, they are likely to be doomed. The thought sits in your subconscious: “I am an honest person, but they are not. I don't want to be like them."

Indeed, many capitals are acquired in Russia in a dubious way, but such is our tax and legislative situation. Of course, we do not urge you to steal and deceive the state. Or go to get money in other illegal ways. In no case! We just suggest that you remove the internal condemnation of the behavior of other people. They made their choice. Let them live their lives, especially if you don't work for law enforcement or tax authorities.

Therefore, if you really want to improve your financial situation, sincerely love money and those people who have it. Look who's around you Are there people among your acquaintances who have decent amounts of money? If not, why not? Try to make friends or at least meet wealthy people, understand their value system, put on their “skin”. Are you comfortable in it, can you live in the world of wealthy people? If not, then maybe it makes sense to withdraw claims to your material prosperity?

I sincerely believe that many difficulties could have been avoided if the word "problem" did not exist. Instead of the word "problem" I prefer to use the word "experience".

Are you really in trouble?

Let's look up the definition of these words in the dictionary.

Problem: A situation that presents difficulties that need to be resolved in order to get a result; unstable or dangerous situation requiring resolution.

Experience: Active participation in events or activities leading to the accumulation of knowledge and skills.

IN Do you agree that the second definition is much better?

I know that certain situations do seem like real problems at first.

  • Here are a few that I often hear about:
  • "I have money problems"
  • "People don't understand me"
  • "I can't find a mate"
  • “I have problems with children” or “I have a difficult child”
  • "I have a weight problem"
  • "I have health issues"
  • "I can't get along with my husband"
  • "Can't find a job"

How can these challenges be turned into experiences?

First of all, you must recognize that everything that happens in your life is created by you. However, this is usually done unconsciously. I do not believe that humanity is so prone to masochism.

We always get what we believe in, hence the expression - "thought is material."

Thoughts themselves are determined by our belief system. And when something unpleasant happens to you, the opposite of what you want, it means that your mental attitudes are contrary to your needs.

That is why we say that we inevitably experience things that help us to be aware of our attitudes.

The higher being present in us always knows our true needs and makes sure that we face the problem, thereby helping us to realize that we are losing contact with our spiritual essence or the God within us, and allow unwholesome thoughts control your life.

If we perceive a problem in this way, it becomes much easier to see it as an experience that allows us to improve ourselves. The problem turns into a project that we work on.

Let's go back to the problems mentioned above and turn them into useful projects and experiences.


Anxious thoughts cause anxiety.

Thoughts of success breed success.

Be aware of your thoughts about money, write them down as they come to you, trying to do this daily.

Ask others to note what you say or what you do about money.

Decide for yourself that you no longer have problems, but only a project that aims to change the attitude towards money that is blocking the arrival of prosperity in your life. By changing your attitude and belief system, you will automatically change your behavior.


If you find it difficult to communicate with people, make a list of the fears that lie behind these difficulties and give yourself permission to have these fears.

Most likely, there was no one in your family from whom you could learn how to communicate with people. Don't criticize, don't judge yourself, and most importantly, don't try to imitate someone else in your communication, especially if you tend to compare yourself to someone who communicates easily with people.

Every project has a starting point. A contractor planning to build a house starts with a foundation. When it comes to communication, start by confessing your fears to people you have difficulty communicating with.

Allow yourself to have the limits of your capabilities and not be able to transcend those limits for the moment. Remember that once you give yourself permission to have fears, the process of transformation will begin. It is because you do not accept yourself that everything is blocked and nothing changes.


Maybe you expect too much from your future spouse? Instead of limiting yourself to a list of everything you want from your spouse, trust the Higher One within you, the one who knows your true needs.

The right person will be on your way at the right time.

However, you need to plan this project and get started. What activities can you do each week?

For example, say "Good morning" to at least three strangers with a smile.

When you meet someone new, no matter how the meeting happened, take your time to get to know that person (for at least three months) before deciding that he or she is not the right person for you.

What reason do you have to say after the first dates: "No, it's not he (she)"?It is quite obvious that you are comparing it with your mental list of virtues, a list that is developed by the system of beliefs and fears from your past!

When you imagine your ideal spouse, you are most likely out of touch with reality, and such a spouse is unlikely to meet your true needs. In many cases, the reason to say "no" to someone is exactly the reason why one should say "yes".

The aspect of character you don't like about her or him reflects the aspect you don't like about yourself.


Difficult children are very rare. The real problem lies in how parents treat the needs of the child (I'm not talking here about the satisfaction of his every desire).From the moment you become genuinely interested in your child's needs and put aside your past attitudes about parenting, you will see a noticeable improvement in your relationship.

To hear his inner needs, tell him about your difficulties, about your desire and desire to be in contact with him.

Be intimate with your child instead of controlling and dominating them.

When you embark on a new path, ask him for help.

I know this approach will require you to be humble, but the transformation of your relationship with your child will be so inspiring that the effort is worth it.


The basic mental set that leads to excess weight is: "Let's ... I'll take it!".

You always want to satisfy someone's needs.

This approach leads to the fact that you, wanting to help someone, punish yourself as a result.

You find it difficult to please yourself. (All your energy goes into pleasing others) A person with a weight problem berates himself for enjoying food.

He tends to deprive himself of some product (a form of punishment).

If he eats this product, he then feels guilty about it, or for having eaten too much (punishes himself again by blaming). You are so accustomed to "taking everything on yourself" that it is difficult for you to accept something from others. When others give you something, you feel like you've taken something away from them, and you feel like you have to give something back, punishing yourself again.

The biggest fear behind this attitude is the fear of being ashamed of yourself or embarrassing the other person. Feelings of shame can manifest themselves in several areas of your life, for example, in how you eat, dress, in your sex life, etc. the shame you feel. Then feel compassion for yourself and begin to satisfy your needs.


When a part of your body hurts, it seeks to help you. The higher principle within you is thus sending you a message.

Any physical discomfort or illness indicates that one or more unconscious mental attitudes are hindering your development.

To quickly discover this message, first understand the function of the diseased body part and relate it to the situation in your life.

For example, for a digestive problem, the question to ask would be:

“What situation or person in my life can I not stomach?”

With this perception of the disease, you will understand that in fact you have no health problems. Instead, you experience something that helps you resolve some issue in your life.

For more information on this subject, I refer you to my book Your Body Says: Love Yourself!


You need to recognize the fact that it was not fate (good or evil) that once attracted you to your spouse. Your spouse is a tool for your spiritual development, and not just a companion in your material and social life.


You need to accept the idea that he or she is your mirror image.

Everything you criticize about your spouse is an accurate reflection of what you don't accept about yourself.

You cannot see in another person what is not in you.

Your spouse helps you get to know yourself better. Understand this, and your relationship will improve markedly.

If you say to yourself: “Yes, but he criticizes me all the time!”, Remember the proverb: “What you sow, you will reap”

Stay focused on being aware of your own criticism. The implementation of this one project alone will take you quite a lot of time.


Maybe you are expecting too much from your future work, as is the case with a person looking for a mate?

What have you done lately to find a job?

Here is the suggestion:

starting next Monday, you work full time, you go and leave your resume everywhere. You do this in person, not by phone or email.

Choose a specific street and walk along it, entering all the companies on your way.You will probably start arguing: “But I don’t want to work for the first company that comes across!”.

Who says it?Your mind (intellect) or your inner God?The higher being within you, who knows exactly what you need, need not worry. You will get exactly the job you need.

Don't refuse any offer. The job or pay may not be what you want, but accept it anyway.

It probably won't work for you in the long run, but it seems that you need this job for the short term to lead you to a new opportunity.

You will face your fears and it will be a significant experience that will open up new possibilities for you.

For any other problem not mentioned in the article, follow the same steps. Transform it into a project, into a rewarding experience. With such an attitude to problems, you can only win. And, most importantly, remember that you always have the right to choose. It is up to you to choose a life full of problems and difficulties or a life full of experience and happiness. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

©Liz Bourbo, translation by Ekaterina Kosovska

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

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