Home Helpful Hints What do the stars on the wrist mean. Various meanings of the symbol "Eight-pointed star. What does a star tattoo mean?

What do the stars on the wrist mean. Various meanings of the symbol "Eight-pointed star. What does a star tattoo mean?

Today, among the younger generation, you can meet a huge number of people who have tattoos on their bodies. Different images can carry different symbols, personify life cycles, processes, and so on. Very often people choose the image of stars as a tattoo. But what does this mean? Let's figure it out.

star symbol

A star as a tattoo is quite a popular phenomenon. The meaning of the star tattoo depends, first of all, on the variety of the latter, as well as on its location. Such drawings are in demand among both men and women, as they are easy to perform and quite beautiful. Very often, a star is applied as the first tattoo.

In fact, the star has an ancient meaning, it can be found in different religions and cultures, but it is not tied to them, so this symbol is universal.

Stars in ancient cultures

The star is a symbol of eternity, high ideals. In ancient times, it was believed that each person has his own star, which is born and dies with him. This connected the fate of a person with this and laid the foundation for the development of the science of astrology.

The star is a symbol of plurality, order. But this image depends on the shape, number of angles and color.

Number of corners

The meaning of the triangular star tattoo is displayed in the Bible. This symbol represents the All-Seeing Eye, the Providence of the Lord. The quadrangular star is a symbol of light, it indicates the right path and is associated with the cross, while the five-pointed one represents the image of a man from the Cosmos and acts as a talisman. In ancient Egypt, it denoted the ascent to the beginning and was used as a hieroglyph, which was present in such words as "teacher", "enlightenment" and so on. The meaning of the tattoo "star inverted" speaks of black magic and evil spirits.

The six-winged star of David, or (two intersecting blue triangles) was a talisman, in Hebrew it meant "God-protector". This symbol was previously used to protect against evil and represented the primacy of God over the entire universe. It is generally accepted that this image arose after the victory of David over Goliath, after which he became the king of Israel. The white six-winged one represents the East, the mystical side of man, his perfection. The octagonal star is a symbol of the cross (double four-pointed star), abundance, and the nine-winged one is the stability that everyone aspires to. It is also an image of the nine worlds and good health. The twelve-pointed star is an image of perfection.

The meaning of the star tattoo in some variations

The starfish has long been used as a talisman against the water element, so it was mainly made by sailors. denotes some important event in a person's life, future changes. Magic and miracles, the fulfillment of desires displays a star located in any constellation or next to the crescent. Masons, on the other hand, believed that a star burning in a flame personifies the mystical center, the energy of the Universe.

Location of the tattoo

The meaning of a star tattoo on the arm, namely on the wrist, is a symbol of lesbians. And if a woman places it on another part of the body, it can act as an accessory or a simple decoration in order to attract attention.

In the thieves' world, a hexagonal star, called the "Wind Rose", is placed on the forearm under the "shoulder straps". Its carrier must have thieves' concepts. Also often jailers put stars on their elbows. This means that the person "will not give a hand to the cop." Tattoo has the following meaning: a person will never submit to the law and will not kneel before him. If the image is applied to the collarbone, this indicates that its carrier is an authoritative recidivist thief.

Today, the most popular place for tattooing is the shoulder. This is very beneficial, because such images can be hidden under clothing, they do not fade in the sun. Since this part of the body has a pronounced contour, stars on the shoulders can turn out to be very beautiful. A tattoo, the meaning of which is expressed in a symbol of power, luck and self-sufficiency, looks advantageous on the shoulder.

A tattoo today can be applied to various parts of the body and act as an ornament, or it can carry a certain semantic load. When choosing this or that image, you need to get acquainted with the information about what it is, because today the same tattoo can have several meanings. A star, no matter how many angles it has, always represents infinity and the Universe. Since ancient times, it has been considered a good sign that brings good luck. In the case when it has clear bold contours and a fairly bright color, this may indicate that the star is a common symbol of beauty. Be that as it may, the twinkling of the stars has always agitated the human soul, evoked dreams, awakening secret desires. All this has led to the fact that the star today represents a dream and hope.

The Star of Chaos is an amulet that has magical powers. It is believed that it can protect against evil forces. However, these are not all the meanings of the talisman.

This talisman was not created by the ancient peoples in honor of some deity, like many similar amulets. This is a modern amulet that was invented by Michael Moorcock, an English science fiction writer. In his works, this star denoted chaos.

Despite the fact that this is the invention of the writer, the star of chaos has become very popular with magicians, sorcerers and shamans.

They began to use it for various rituals. The fact is that it turned out to be a very powerful amulet. Firstly, because of the number of rays of the star, and secondly, because of its name.

For the ancient Greeks, chaos meant the beginning and end of the world. He was at the very beginning even before the birth of peace on earth. The ancient Greeks believed that he would remain in the end, when all things perished. Chaos is a force of nature that can destroy everything in its path. No one can fully understand its essence. However, the power of chaos can be touched and felt by using things associated with it. Among them is the star of chaos.

How is the star of chaos connected with religions

Despite the fact that this amulet arose quite recently, one can see its connection with religions, in particular, with Christianity. The fact is that the eight-pointed star is the only star that is used in this religion. Such pure rays were not chosen by chance. It is associated with the eighth day of the Lord - this is the time after the Last Judgment, the time of eternal life.

A star with eight rays can be seen on the icons of the Mother of God. Most often, she was depicted on the forehead of the Virgin or on her shoulders. In addition, the image of a star is found on the altar icons. It is believed that the star that led the Magi to the newborn Jesus also had eight rays.

The eight-pointed star also has a connection with paganism. She was a symbol of the supreme god Svarog. In this case, it had the following meaning - the primordial light, the light of goodness and purity.

In addition, eight-pointed stars are also used in Buddhism.

This means that, despite the fact that the star of chaos is the invention of a modern science fiction writer, it can have powerful magical powers. Therefore, it can be used as a talisman.

The meaning of the talisman

The amulet star of chaos has the following meaning - it helps to reveal magical abilities in oneself. In addition, the talisman reveals the gift of clairvoyance. It also helps to establish a connection with other worlds.

All this means that the talisman is not intended for everyday use. It is recommended to be used only by people who are associated with magic. You can wear an amulet in the form of jewelry, or you can make a tattoo with the image of this star of chaos.

If we talk about the everyday meaning of the talisman, then it helps to reveal creative abilities in a person. It gives inspiration, which is especially appreciated by writers, composers and artists.

Creative people often make a tattoo with the image of this amulet. It is believed that then the star of chaos will always give fresh ideas, and the muse will never leave the owner of such a tattoo.

In addition, the amulet makes the owner sociable. Thanks to this talisman, it is easier for a person to find a “common language” with others. With its help, you can find like-minded people to implement a joint venture. That is why the amulet can be worn by politicians and businessmen.

In addition, the amulet helps to understand your soul. It allows you to find harmony with yourself and completely subjugate the chaos that reigns inside the owner of the talisman.

The Star of Chaos, like any other amulet, grants protection. It protects a person from premature death and any evil witchcraft, as well as negative energy directed against the owner of the talisman.

The star of chaos helps desires to be fulfilled and achieve their goals, bypassing all the obstacles that stand in the way.

Symbol tattoo

The chaos star tattoo is one of the most popular tattoos of our time. As already mentioned, it is often made by people who are associated with magic or creative people. In addition, such a tattoo is performed by people who want to control their destiny.

Such individuals know what they want and always achieve their goals, and the image of the star of chaos helps them in this. In addition, such a tattoo is done by freedom-loving individuals who are not used to living by generally accepted rules. In this case, the tattoo is a challenge to the public.

In itself, the image of an eight-pointed star symbolizes abundance. Therefore, such a tattoo also attracts wealth and prosperity. In addition, this tattoo gives protection from evil forces.

The Chaos Star is a modern amulet invented by a science fiction writer from England, as already mentioned. Despite this, the talisman has magical properties and is used to develop creative abilities, clairvoyance, etc.

Star tattoos are extremely popular among both girls and guys. Since it is not difficult to perform and at the same time very beautiful, many choose it as their first tattoo. A sketch of a tattoo with an asterisk can be drawn even by a novice artist.

The star is an ancient symbol used in many cultures and religions. The meaning of a star tattoo is luck, prosperity, success and fulfillment of desires.

The latter value is especially relevant when depicting shooting stars. Such a pattern often occupies a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, but at the same time it looks elegant and discreet.

Star tattoo designs are incredibly diverse. Previously, a starfish tattoo was common among sailors. She was associated with protection from the evil forces of the water element.

The six-pointed star of David (the seal of Solomon) has a deep religious meaning: the absolute power of the Creator over the world.

The pentagram (five-pointed star) is very popular in protective symbolism. The Celts personified it with harmony and magic, and the inverted pentagram serves as a symbol of the satanic church. The ancient Egyptians depicted a five-pointed star on the graves, and Pythagoras considered it a sign of mathematical superiority.

Tattoo stars with a crescent moon are often stuffed by Muslims as a symbol of Islam. Eastern myths identify stars with magic and miracles.

It should be noted that the tattoo of stars on the wrist is a hallmark of lesbians, and the image of a star under the collarbone is a symbol of an authoritative recidivist thief.

Star tattoo video

Whatever the sketch of the star tattoo, the main thing is that it be unique! And below are more photos of star tattoos from different masters for your inspiration.

The tattoo has been known to mankind for thousands of years. During this time, this kind of art has undergone many changes in the technique and styles of drawing patterns on the skin. This is a certain cipher that serves as a hidden sign "friend / foe" for a wide variety of groups of people. One of these symbols is the “star” tattoo on the shoulders. The meaning of such a drawing is widely known among people serving sentences in places of imprisonment or released from there. What is the interpretation of the considered symbol, we will consider in more detail.

The sacred meaning of the star sign

The sign of the star has a certain mystical essence. It is one of the most ancient symbols of many cultures and religions. The meaning of the symbol for many centuries now is peace and the pursuit of perfection. And it is also an eternal symbol of inexhaustible energy, good luck and getting rid of worldly fuss.

To make yourself a similar pattern on the skin, you should understand what the star tattoo on the shoulders, wrists, legs and other parts of the body means. After all, such a tattoo has a powerful energy potential.

A shooting star speaks of a dreamy nature. She pushes a person to fulfill his desires. After all, they are sometimes thought of when a star falls! On the wrists, a similar symbol is pricked by women of non-traditional orientation. The Star of David speaks of a desire for dominance.

Number of beams

The five-pointed star is the desire for harmony. The inverted pentagram is often used by Satanists.

The seven-pointed star has a magical meaning, like the number 7 itself. This magic will be with a person for a long time, like the tattoo itself.

The eight-pointed star signifies life in abundance.

The nine-pointed star of the ancient Celts symbolized health and prosperity. Such an image bears a similar meaning today.

However, the criminal tattoo of the “star” on the shoulders carries a special meaning. Its meaning is always changing. However, the basic message can still be understood.

Criminal tattoo

In Europe, the tattoo became widespread in the 18th century after the travel of James Cook. He spoke in his reports about the inhabitants of Oceania, who applied drawings to their bodies with needles and special pigments. From this period begins the era of tattoos in the Old World.

One of the directions of such drawings was a criminal tattoo. Tattoos such as stars on the shoulders mean a special rank of a person in his environment. This is a kind of personality passport that speaks of status.

If you know how to decipher such signs, you can learn a lot about a person - from his origin and life path, to habits, inclinations and beliefs. This number includes the stars on the shoulders. Tattoos, the meaning of which helps to understand the nature of the individual, have always aroused interest among the uninitiated.

The history of criminal tattoos

In forensics, the study of thieves' tattoos has received very little attention. In the Soviet years, a system for registering signs on the body of criminals was introduced, designed to identify them. Tattoos such as stars on the shoulders, in their meaning, were supposed to inspire fear in ordinary people. Although their presence often became the reason for arrest.

But even the fear of going to prison did not stop people with a criminal past from deciding to get a tattoo, for example, stars on their shoulders. Tattoos, the meaning of which was very well known in the prison world, were justified, because with all the risk, such iconic marks gave special privileges.

Lombroso was the first to speak about the essence of a tattoo as a sign of personality degradation. This erroneous opinion, when more seriously studied, showed that the meaning of the stars on the shoulders and other designs was of an imitative nature. Such drawings were naive and quite simple.

Star tattoo

In the ordinary world, a star tattoo is a very popular design.

Superstitious celebrities put on such images to attract even more popularity. They try to hide their tattoos in the form of a star on their shoulders and other parts of the body under their clothes, but in rare cases they are still ready to show their body designs. Among celebrities, there is a completely different meaning, different from the criminal interpretation of what the stars on their shoulders mean.

Ordinary people also quite often choose such symbols to be applied to the body. Such a tattoo is also used to bring popularity and fame to life.

The meaning of prison tattoos

An innocent tattoo, inflicted for the sake of fashion, is interpreted in a completely unexpected way in prison. Wrong symbolism can cost a short-sighted man in the street health, and even life.

Prison tattoos - stars on the shoulders, the meaning of which is far from criminal reality, people mistakenly regard as a sign of thieves in law. Such tattoos can be found in a fairly large number of people. They are united by the ability to confirm their right to wear the described pattern.

The right to such a prison tattoo as the stars on the shoulders, the meaning of which is so often found in various sources, is given to people who have earned a certain authority. In addition to thieves in law, stars can also be worn by people who openly oppose the prison administration and the camp regime.

Application method

Previously, tattoos were made in prisons with a needle and a substance containing soot. The pigment was obtained from the burned soles of boots. Understanding what the stars on the shoulders of the convicts mean, it should be noted that the application technology, like the meaning of the drawing itself, has changed over time.

In the future, they began to use ink from ballpoint pens as paint. For the image itself, a special stamp was used. The needles were stuck into a thick piece of rubber so that they protruded by 1-2 mm. They were dipped in paint and imprinted into the skin with one movement, leaving a certain pattern.

Subsequently, special machines from electric shavers began to be used. Instead of a needle, they took strings from a guitar.

Star Configuration

A star can have a different number of rays. Usually their number is from six to ten. Tattoos in the form of stars on the shoulders most often have eight rays.

Something else may be depicted in the center of the picture, such as a skull, lightning, other stars or signs. Each drawing has a special meaning. For example, if a skull is depicted in the center of the “star” tattoo on the shoulders, this means “execution will correct me,” and there are also decodings such as “born for suffering” or “come what may.”

If there is an image of lightning inside the star, this stands for “davi cops”. This is a warning that such a person is quite aggressive towards the prison system and is not afraid to show it. The swastika in the center of the picture means the statement "beat the communists."

Prison stars and creed

The “star” tattoo on the shoulders, the meaning of which changes depending on the configuration, can often speak of nationality, religion. Muslims serving a prison term can prick a crescent moon inside the star. The Jew, instead of the eight-pointed variety, will fill the star of David.

Although those who occupy a high status in the criminal world do not adhere to any religious precepts. They have their own code, their own rules of conduct. Their faith says: "What a thief can do, a fraer can't." They simply do not care about faith in its usual sense. Such people are also called "negative". By examining what the stars on the shoulders mean, it is safe to say that people with similar patterns on the body express their unwillingness to live by the rules. Even after being released from places of detention, such people do not give up their beliefs and at any moment are ready to confirm their life status with the help of aggression.

Recently, there has been an increasing opinion that the stars on the shoulders resemble shoulder straps. No self-respecting criminal would agree to wear the badge of a law enforcement officer. Therefore, even the one who once stuffed such a stamp on his shoulders, today seeks to close it with other drawings.

Having considered many interpretations of prison symbols, one can come to the conclusion that a great variety is inherent in such a prison attribute as a tattoo of a “star” on the shoulders. Its meaning is constantly changing, but most often such a symbol distinguishes a rebel person. He challenges the system and doesn't live by the rules. He will never give up his criminal worldview, so you need to be extremely careful with such people. To date, the popularity of the presented symbol is declining, as the stars on the shoulders resemble shoulder straps. In criminal circles, there is nothing more shameful than wearing the symbols of law enforcement officers.

The meaning of the star tattoo in the modern world

Today, among the younger generation, you can meet a huge number of people who have tattoos on their bodies. Different images can carry different symbols, personify life cycles, processes, and so on. Very often people choose the image of stars as a tattoo. But what does this mean? Let's figure it out.

star symbol

A star as a tattoo is quite a popular phenomenon. The meaning of the star tattoo depends, first of all, on the variety of the latter, as well as on its location. Such drawings are in demand among both men and women, as they are easy to perform and quite beautiful. Very often, a star is applied as the first tattoo.

In fact, the star has an ancient meaning, it can be found in different religions and cultures, but it is not tied to them, so this symbol is universal.

Stars in ancient cultures

The star is a symbol of eternity, high ideals. In ancient times, it was believed that each person has his own star, which is born and dies with him. This connected the fate of man with the astral body, and this marked the beginning of the development of the science of astrology.

The star is a symbol of plurality, order. But the deep meaning of this image depends on the shape, number of angles and color.

Number of corners

The meaning of the triangular star tattoo is displayed in the Bible. This symbol represents the All-Seeing Eye, the Providence of the Lord. The quadrangular star is a symbol of light, it indicates the right path and is associated with the cross, while the five-pointed one represents the image of a man from the Cosmos and acts as a talisman. In ancient Egypt, it denoted the ascent to the beginning and was used as a hieroglyph, which was present in such words as "teacher", "enlightenment" and so on. The meaning of the tattoo "star inverted" speaks of black magic and evil spirits.

The six-winged star of David, or the seal of Solomon, (two intersecting blue triangles) was a talisman, in Hebrew it meant "God the protector." This symbol was previously used to protect against evil and represented the primacy of God over the entire universe. It is generally accepted that this image arose after the victory of David over Goliath, after which he became the king of Israel. The white six-winged star (Bethlehem) personifies the Nativity of Christ, and the heptagonal one - the East, the mystical side of man, his perfection. The octagonal star is a symbol of the cross (double four-pointed star), abundance, and the nine-winged one is the stability that everyone aspires to. It is also an image of the nine worlds and good health. The twelve-pointed star is an image of perfection.

The meaning of the star tattoo in some variations

The starfish has long been used as a talisman against the water element, so it was mainly made by sailors. A falling star denotes some important event in a person’s life, upcoming changes. Magic and miracles, the fulfillment of desires displays a star located in any constellation or next to the crescent. Masons, on the other hand, believed that a star burning in a flame personifies the mystical center, the energy of the Universe.

Location of the tattoo

The meaning of a star tattoo on the arm, namely on the wrist, is a symbol of lesbians. And if a woman places it on another part of the body, it can act as an accessory or a simple decoration in order to attract attention.

In the thieves' world, a hexagonal star, called the "Wind Rose", is placed on the forearm under the "shoulder straps". Its carrier must have thieves' concepts. Also often jailers put stars on their elbows. This means that the person "will not give a hand to the cop." A star tattoo on the knees has the following meaning: a person will never obey the law and will not kneel before him. If the image is applied to the collarbone, this indicates that its carrier is an authoritative recidivist thief.

Today, the most popular place for tattooing is the shoulder. This is very beneficial, because such images can be hidden under clothing, they do not fade in the sun. Since this part of the body has a pronounced contour, stars on the shoulders can turn out to be very beautiful. A tattoo, the meaning of which is expressed in a symbol of power, luck and self-sufficiency, looks advantageous on the shoulder.

A tattoo today can be applied to various parts of the body and act as an ornament, or it can carry a certain semantic load. When choosing this or that image, you need to get acquainted with the information about what it is, because today the same tattoo can have several meanings. A star, no matter how many angles it has, always represents infinity and the Universe. Since ancient times, it has been considered a good sign that brings good luck. In the case when it has clear bold contours and a fairly bright color, this may indicate that the star is a common symbol of beauty. Be that as it may, the twinkling of the stars has always agitated the human soul, evoked dreams, awakening secret desires. All this has led to the fact that the star today represents a dream and hope.

Star tattoo - meaning

Depicting a star on your body has recently become very popular, since this drawing is distinguished by its simplicity of execution, extraordinary beauty and mystery. In a general sense, the meaning of a star tattoo is the personification of luck, good luck. It is able to give a person strength, inspire, increase his creative potential. But the symbolism of such a tattoo is ambiguous, and first of all it will depend on the version in which it is depicted, as well as on its location.

What does a star tattoo mean?

The number of angles of a star on a tattoo can tell you what this night celestial body symbolizes on the human body. So, the triangular star was also mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, such an image is directly related to religion. It is the personification of the All-seeing eye and the Lord's providences.

A star with four corners is the image of a cross. It is believed that she is able to give a person decisiveness and in difficult times can indicate a way out of a difficult situation. The five-pointed star, also known as the pentagram, is a kind of amulet that can protect its owner from evil thoughts and evil spirits. However, the inverted pentagram is a symbol of the teachings of Satanism.

The meaning of the Star of David tattoo, which has 6 angles, has a religious meaning: it speaks of the supremacy of the Lord over the entire universe. She will protect her master from earthly evil, become a kind of talisman that brings good luck and luck. Septogram - a star with seven corners symbolizes man as a perfect being. The night luminary, which has eight corners, is a symbol of abundance. A star with nine ends speaks of the desire for stability and harmony.

A star tattoo located on the shoulder means that with its help a person wants to show his self-sufficiency, luck. Usually, on this part of the body, such a tattoo depicts power-hungry personalities, endowed with leadership qualities.

Of particular importance is the tattoo star of Russia, personifying the unity of the body, spirit and human soul. It combines the feminine and masculine, the birth of a new life. The Star of Russia is a symbol of the Slavic nation, uniting divine forces with everything that is on earth.

The second name of the star of Russia is the star of Svarog, the tattoo of which also acts as a talisman. Having such an attribute on the body acquires spiritual strength and protection of God. Boundless freedom, faith, a sense of justice and honor - that's all that this tattoo symbolizes.

Thieves' tattoos and their meaning, examples of tattoo photos

Thieves' tattoos belong to the category of tattoos of the criminal world and carry a deep meaning and information about the person who has such tattoos. In the criminal environment, there is a law to which they obey thief tattoos and their meaning.

Thieves' tattoos are applied according to this unwritten law of the criminal world. It is he who determines: to whom and for what to fill the corresponding tattoo. If the tattoo was applied undeservedly, then the punishment for this will be very severe.

The meaning of thieves' tattoos on the body directly depends on the identity of the offender: what place he occupies in the underworld, the type and complexity of the crime committed by him.

In the distant past, bandits and convicts were tattooed by order of the state - in this way they were branded - a sign for life, so that everyone could see and know that this person had committed a crime.

Any tattoo in the criminal world must be earned. Starting from elite tattoos and ending with infamous tattoos, everything has its own meaning and meaning. Shameful tattoos are stuffed against the will of a person, it resembles the Middle Ages, and serves as a sign of shame for life.

Thieves' tattoos can tell a lot about the life and fate of the owner. Each symbol, each phrase printed on the zone has its own meaning and meaning. Some tattoos express protest or propaganda. Thieves' tattoos are not applied for the sake of decorating the body, they always have a criminal essence and symbolize the fate of the criminal.

Here are some thief tattoos and their meaning

Star- it is a symbol of inner power, spiritual strength.

Knife is a symbol of sacrifice, death, revenge.

Crane symbolizes the highest justice, a merciful soul.

Eagle personifies strength of mind, royalty, greatness, pride.

Epaulet is a badge of distinction for some merit.

Mother of God means that from a young age he is engaged in theft. He also wears a symbol of protection.

Subclavian stars matter denied, or a thief in law.

bug symbolizes a pickpocket. And stuffed on the hand, or on other parts of the body.

Church, depicted with domes, indicates how many domes, so many walkers or years spent.

Tiger- a symbol of cruelty and rage, anger at the authorities, the police.

The symbol of the thief is spider in the web. Creeps up - "I will continue to steal", down - "stopped stealing."

cat symbolizes a pickpocket.

Could you tell me, please, what does the "star" tattoo mean?

Recently, I began to often notice tattoos with stars in young people (I will lay out examples below) and I was very interested in their meaning, since young people apply them abundantly on their bodies. Don't tell me?

Sofia homeland

Star tattoos are popular not only among women, but also among men along with scorpion tattoos. And, as a rule, a tattoo with a star is the first tattoo, as it is not too difficult to perform.
There are so many options for the execution of a star tattoo, but they all carry a powerful symbolic meaning.

tribal star tattoo
The star is one of the oldest symbols and is found in almost all religions. The image of a star inspires a person with inspiration. Stars are universal symbols and are not tied to any particular culture or religion. They can have many different meanings for different people.
A star tattoo is a symbol of prosperity and luck. This is a symbol of the sky.

Comet and constellation tattoos.
These tattoos are very popular. They are versatile and quite beautiful. This type of tattoo is suitable for covering large areas of the body. It is a symbol of success and good luck.

Starfish tattoo.
These tattoos are mostly made by men. In the old days, starfish were wildly popular with sailors, who applied them to themselves as a symbol of protection. In such a star tattoo, there are 5 rays, which are alternately painted in white and black, thereby creating the illusion of volume. People who make such tattoos can be guides through life and will always be able to bring you out of darkness into light. In Ireland, for example, star tattoos symbolize good health. At the same time, one should not forget that gays and lesbians make such tattoos for themselves, putting them on their wrists. Don't get into a sticky situation

Semper ad meliora *

Star tattoos have an interesting history: in the past, sailors navigated the sea with the help of stars, the North Star was used as the main landmark, therefore, star tattoos have gained a lot of popularity since then.

Star tattoos were made by sailors for good luck to find their way to the sea.

Since then, star tattoos have represented dreams, hopes, freedom and lofty ambitions.

The site was abandoned by the hostess

In this case, "a similar starfall" serves only as a "decorative element" for its owner)
But, there are also tattoos that carry a semantic load. I was told, in fact, told by a person who has a tattoo "Nautical star", hereinafter ... The tattoo with the image - "Nautical star" ("Starfish"), has a long history of origin. So, even "in the days of pirates", men had such a tattoo on their chest (more often they stuffed 2 stars, on the right and left chest). "Nautical star" - has become a symbol of "finding the way", as well as a symbol of "the return of sailors home." Nowadays, such a tattoo (in addition to being a symbol of the US Armed Forces) means - aspiration and achievement, "a personal luminary in the darkness of life", "illuminates the path in the darkness." Also, it becomes a guide to the life of the person who owns it. The one who told me the essence and meaning of these tattoos says that "his starfish" has guided him on the right path more than once.
There is also a tattoo referred to as - "Wind rose" ("Wind rose"). Such a tattoo, again, since ancient times was worn by sea wolves, sailors and fishermen. Going to sea, in difficult situations (during a storm, when they went off course), they were guided by their "own vector diagram" stuffed on their chest / back)

The star is stuffed with people who go beyond the norms of society, namely, criminals. By tattoos, investigators can understand where and for what a person was serving a sentence.

The same can be done by the criminals themselves. For them, a whole hierarchy has developed in the drawings on the body: from tattoos “lowered” to tattoos of revered “thieves in law”.

The star is the main thieves' symbol.

And in no case should it be stuffed by an ordinary person. In prison, for this they will at least joke and mock, and at most they will remove it from the skin either by tearing it off or by burning it out.

The history of this tattoo is interesting. It originates from the so-called Rose of the Winds - the amulet of sailors. At a time when the sea could only be navigated by the stars, sailors believed that the image of a star on the body would help them navigate. Along with the sailors, the symbolism of the stars began to be used by pirates. And later, the warriors who distinguished themselves in battle began to fill the star as a sign of courage and masculinity.

Times passed, and the star became a symbol of a difficult life path, of its own ideology, which did not fit into the generally accepted framework.

As a rule, a star tattoo should be a pair. Two figures are located symmetrically on the shoulders, under the collarbones or on the knees. Such a tattoo is not accompanied by any inscriptions, but, depending on what is depicted in its center, the meaning may be different.

The most common star is an eight-pointed star, where each ray is divided into a black and white half and has the meaning “Crush the activists!”. Black and white are the designations of thieves and human, respectively. Often images of animals are placed in the center of the star. The cat's face, for example, is considered a symbol of a pickpocket.

The owner of a tattoo with a star must earn the right to wear it. The stars on the knees mean that the prisoner will never break down under the regime, "will not kneel." Such a person in thieves' slang is called "negative".

The stars on the shoulders and chest mean that in front of you, most likely -. Or a person who, at least, aspires to become one.

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