Home Useful tips Exotic fruits. Papaya and its beneficial properties. Green papaya

Exotic fruits. Papaya and its beneficial properties. Green papaya

Brief overview -

  • Stores in North America sell predominantly Hawaiian papaya fruit; look for organic fruit only, as most Hawaiian papaya is genetically modified
  • The range of its beneficial properties is extremely wide: from preventing cancer, reducing pain and preventing cardiovascular diseases to possibly lowering blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.
  • This versatile and delicious fruit can be eaten for breakfast and lunch, added to salads and desserts.

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From Dr. Mercola

In one study, participants who consumed fermented papaya for six months experienced a 40 percent reduction in one biomarker of DNA damage due to oxidative stress, accelerated aging, and cancer development.

  • Prostate cancer

    The high levels of antioxidants and vitamins in papaya play a significant role in preventing certain types of cancer. One study found that a combination of green tea and lycopene may help prevent prostate cancer. And papaya is rich in lycopene.

  • Improved digestion

    Papain is a digestive enzyme that helps break down proteins. People living in the tropics have long used papaya to treat constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. The fruits are easily digestible and their high fiber content helps improve intestinal health.

  • Seeds and pulp have anti-cancer properties

    While the fruit itself is delicious, the soft interior and seeds are also edible. One study found that benzyl glucosinolate compounds found in the seeds and pulp have cancer suppressive properties.

    As the study showed, the highest concentration of such compounds in the pulp is before ripening, and in seeds its level is the same at all stages of ripening

  • How to choose the right papaya

    Papaya is a fruit that can ripen when picked at your home. Look for papaya that is greenish or yellow in color. In two to three days it will ripen in your home, but not in the refrigerator.

    A fully ripe papaya is bright yellow and soft to the touch. Do not buy fruits that are too soft, with damaged or darkened skin in places.

    When the papaya is fully ripe on your windowsill, you can place it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator, but for no more than a week - then it will become too soft to eat. Another way to bring the fruit to maturity is to place it in a brown paper bag. It will retain ethylene, a gas released during the ripening process, and the fruit will ripen faster.

    Make sure there are no heat sources near the bag, otherwise the fruits will begin to rot rather than ripen. As mentioned, it is very important to find organic papaya - not only to avoid exposure to pesticides, but also due to the widespread availability of genetically modified papaya.

    How to cook papaya

    Ripe papaya is most often eaten fresh. Peeled and seeded, it is cut into slices and served like a melon. Sometimes a few seeds are left on them to add some spice. The pulp can be cut into cubes and added to fruit salad or salsa. Firm papaya can be seasoned and baked like vegetables. When fully ripe, the fruit can be pureed and prepared into a sauce for desserts.

    You can also cut the papaya in half, scoop out the inside and seeds, and stuff the middle with raisins, strawberries, walnuts and raw grass-fed yoghurt for a healthy dessert (just don't eat too much of it to avoid consuming too much fructose). The fruits can also be added to fruit cocktails or smoothies, or used to decorate salads for dinner. All in all, there are plenty of ways to enjoy this tropical powerhouse—take your pick!

    Toxicity and allergies

    Since the 1960s, research has been conducted into the effects of the papaya plant on the fertility of men and women, as well as pregnancy. It turns out that latex on the plant (and its concentration is higher on immature fruits) has an abortifacient effect in animal models. Additionally, the fruits appear to influence the menstrual cycles of laboratory animals. For obvious reasons, these results have never been tested in humans.

    Clinical reports of papaya fruit allergy are very rare. If they do occur, the most common clinical symptoms are: itching and swelling in the mouth or runny nose. Papaya plants contain chitinase enzymes, which may cause a cross-reaction if you are allergic to latex and latex-containing products.

    Although papaya has many health benefits, the most important thing for preventing disease and achieving good health is an overall healthy diet. My optimized nutrition plan can help you change eating habits and develop new ones that will support good health and optimal energy throughout your life.

    Papaya is native to America and Southern Mexico. The fruit appeared in the countries of Southeast Asia in the 16th century. It is believed that traders from the Philippines brought it here.
    Papaya is popularly called melon or breadfruit tree. She received the first comparison for the similarity in shape and consistency with melon, and the second for the aroma of bread emanating from it when baking over a fire.
    The fruits grow on very unusual palm-like trees, the height of which is from 5 to 10 m. Their trunks stretch very quickly and produce fruits already in the first year of development. For this reason, papaya was called “the tree of the impatient gardener.” But the lifespan of the plant is only about 5 years.

    The fruit is oblong, oval or pear-shaped, its skin comes in green and yellow-red shades, inside there is pinkish flesh and a cavity with many seeds. One papaya weighs about 3–7 kg. It has a lot of varieties, more than 1000 are already known. Its shape and color depend on the variety of the fruit. For example, the Kek-Dam variety is oblong with yellow-green skin and sweet orange flesh. And the Coco variety is a large, orange, almost round fruit with red flesh.

    Taste and smell of papaya

    It’s not for nothing that papaya is compared to melon; the pulp is very similar in taste. And the smell is similar to the aroma of raspberries.
    Of course, there are as many opinions as there are people. For some, taste associations of this fruit are associated with carrots, pumpkin, apricot and even various flowers.

    How to choose papaya

    You can buy papaya at the market all year round, but it tastes best in spring and autumn. When choosing a fruit, first of all you need to pay attention to its appearance. The fruit must be whole, without cuts or cracks. Even if there is slight damage, you should not take such papaya - this can lead to rapid spoilage. The richer the color of the peel, the sweeter the fruit. And at the same time, it should be smooth, without dark spots. They indicate overripe fruit. The smell of fresh papaya is sweetish, but not overpowering. The ripe fruit is slightly soft to the touch. When choosing yellow-orange varieties, it is better to choose fruits with pinkish sides.

    How to eat fruit

    It is better to try the fruit raw for the first time. The easiest way is to split the papaya in half with a knife, remove the seeds and eat with a spoon. In this case, the peel does not need to be peeled. The second option is to cut into slices like a melon. It is best to consume it before meals or even with them, because papaya has a beneficial effect on the absorption of food. The fruit has a very tasty combination with orange, lemon and lime juice. Papaya seeds, dried and ground, can replace black pepper. They are very healthy and have a very unusual taste. You can also eat papaya fruits dried or roasted.

    How to store papaya

    In order for the fruit to be stored longer, it needs a cool temperature. It is best to put papaya in the refrigerator, this will help extend its freshness for a week. But it is strictly not recommended to freeze the fruit and keep it at room temperature for more than three days.
    And if, on the contrary, it is necessary for the papaya to ripen faster, you should place it in a paper bag in which the banana will lie. Its maturation time will accelerate several times.

    Composition and beneficial properties

    Per 100 grams of fruit there are about 40–60 kcal (depending on the variety). The organic substances contained in papaya are glucose, proteins, fiber and fructose. Minerals - iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sodium. The fruit is also rich in the composition of its constituent vitamins (C, A, D and B).
    The main benefit of papaya lies in its antiviral, antimicrobial, antipyretic (due to the salicylic acid included in it), anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties. The fruit can cure many skin damage (wounds, burns, eczema, fungi).

    The enzyme contained in papaya, papain (protease), helps digest food and cleanses the body of toxins and waste. Its action is similar to that of gastric juice. Papain has the ability to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates until they are easily digestible. Papain is used for diseases of the stomach and intestines (ulcers, gastritis, heartburn). A large amount of the enzyme is concentrated in unripe fruits. Papaya is one of the best anthelmintics that is suitable even for small children.
    And the substances that the fruit bark extract is rich in have the ability to destroy cancer cells and fight various tumors.
    Fruits are recommended for anyone who has liver problems, high acidity, or asthma.

    An extract made from papaya leaves removes cholesterol from the body, perfectly breaks down fats and promotes weight loss. For those who want to lose weight, they should definitely include this fruit in their diet.
    Papaya is the best antidepressant; it is especially good at helping girls cope with bad moods during PMS.
    Almost all components of the fruit have been used in medicine - fruits, seeds, leaves, bark. They are used to make medicinal tea, medicines, extracts, make decoctions, and extract juice.

    Uses of papaya

    Cosmetology. The role of papaya in cosmetology is very significant. Papaya and its papain are used all over the world for the production of cosmetics. These include creams, ointments, medicated soaps, hair masks and shampoos, various scrubs and lotions. It is used to combat acne, warts, age spots and freckles. Papaya is able to heal wounds and cracks, relieve inflammation and swelling, eliminate calluses and warts. Fruit extract is the best remedy for oily skin, as it is able to regulate sebaceous metabolism, tighten pores, and improve metabolic processes.
    The enzymes contained in papaya normalize the elasticity of the skin and smooth its surface. The pulp of the fruit is used as masks for rejuvenation. It has whitening and exfoliating properties. Papaya extract, containing papain, has the ability to slow down hair growth, so it is often included in depilatory creams and gels.
    The fruit can also help fight dandruff and whiten teeth.

    Cooking. Ice cream and fruit salads are made from papaya. Juices made from it energize and refresh well. The fruit is added to various cocktails. Papaya, thanks to its papain content, has the ability to soften the toughness of meat. Therefore, if you prepare a meat dish and wrap it in papaya leaves, the taste and aroma will be magical. The fruit goes very well with any seafood. And green papaya is used as a vegetable and added to soups. Very often in eastern countries, the fruit is used to decorate the table. Various figures are cut out of it, in the form of exotic flowers and leaves.
    And the Thais prepare the national salad “Sam Torn” from the green fruit (they mix papaya fruits with shrimp, chili pepper and garlic). Bake with meat and vegetables. And, of course, they eat it with rice (salsa dish).
    Papaya is dried and eaten as dried fruit. At the same time, it does not lose its beneficial properties.

    Contraindications and harms of papaya

    First of all, the harm of the fruit lies in individual intolerance. People who have allergic reactions to the fruit should also use papaya with caution. An unripe fruit is very dangerous, since the alkaloids it contains can cause serious poisoning of the body. If you consume papaya in large quantities, you can cause changes in skin color, and in particular, yellowing.

    Interesting facts about papaya

    In ancient times, Asian women used green papaya fruits as a contraceptive and as a method of getting rid of pregnancy.
    People believed that papaya fruits could cure unrequited love and reduce pain from emotional distress.
    In 202, the International Journal of Nutrition published the top 20 best foods. Dried papaya was included in it.
    Harrison Ford, while participating in the filming of Indiana Jones, suffered from attacks of intervertebral hernia. Relief from this disease came after the injection of papain, obtained from papaya.
    The papaya trunk does not have the ability to become woody, which is why the tree grows very quickly. Inside, the core of the trunk is loose in a young plant, but completely empty in an old one.
    The tree is supported only by its strong bark, from which strong ropes and cords are made in the east.
    Papaya has a male and a female tree. The task of the former is to pollinate, and the latter to produce fruit. But in nature there are known cases when a male individual produces fruits, and they grow in a special way - in a long chain. People consider this to be something magical, and people use these chains in their rituals to scare away evil spirits.
    Another feature of the papaya tree is the so-called cauliflory. This flowering does not occur on the branches, as it usually occurs, but directly on the tree trunk. Accordingly, papaya fruits grow in the same way.

    Papaya fruit puree can be eaten even by infants. This fruit is considered very important for the development and growth of children.

    The juice contained in unripe fruit is poisonous to the human body. It causes sharp pain in the abdomen. It is very simple to determine whether papaya juice is dangerous or not: in green fruits it is white in color and thick in consistency, and when the fruits ripen the juice becomes watery and transparent, losing all harmful substances. There is a legend that in ancient times in Southeast Asia, this juice of unripe papaya was used to make a potion for enemies and mix it with food.

    Today we will talk about another exotic fruit - papaya (melon tree or breadfruit), talk about its beneficial properties and contraindications, learn about how it grows and where. One of the informal names is “the tree of the impatient gardener”, because Fruiting begins already in the first year of growth, and the typical lifespan is on average 5 years.

    This culture has been known for many centuries, if not thousands of years. There is evidence that papaya was cultivated by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations. However, in Russia, papaya is not particularly in demand and is very rarely found on sale in regular grocery stores. Therefore, she is perceived as a curiosity. Next we will tell you in more detail about papaya and its beneficial properties and contraindications.

    Where does papaya grow?

    It is a mistake to think that papaya is a fruit. From a biological point of view, it is a berry. Its original homeland is South America and Mexico, where it is often called “fruit bomba”. Papaya now grows in most regions where there is a suitable climate for it. In the Russian climate you will have to work hard, but in a suitable climate it grows on palm-shaped trees and belongs to the genus “Karika”.

    The trunk of the tree is thin and smooth, the most typical length is in the range from 5 to 10 meters, leaves up to 70 cm. The fruit itself reaches 35 cm at maturity, the minimum weight of a fruit suitable for consumption is at least half a kilogram, although truly gigantic specimens are found weighing up to seven kilograms. Growing growing fruits does not require much effort; the crop is very unpretentious.

    Currently, it grows in South America, Brazil, Cuba, Nigeria, where the tropics predominate. During the Soviet Union, there were attempts to adapt to our harsher climate, but unfortunately, they failed.

    What does papaya look like?

    There are two main types of papaya that are common. Outwardly, they are quite easily distinguishable from each other:

    • Hawaiian species has small fruits;
    • Mexican species is distinguished by large fruits.

    The papaya fruit can be visually described as follows: a pear-shaped fruit of orange color, less often yellow or green. The peel is thick and smooth. The average weight is usually 3 kg. The pulp of the fruit is green or yellow. Ripe fruit can be assessed by its pronounced, characteristic orange and red hue. They are the ones recommended for consumption. Inside the fruit there are about 700 seeds.

    It is very important to remember that the pulp of an unripe papaya fruit is penetrated by numerous microscopic tubes; milky juice moves through them; it is poisonous. In this case, there is no need to talk about benefits at all. Its danger lies in the large number of alkaloids. When ripe, the danger of poisoning goes away. Symptomatically, poisoning can manifest itself in the form of gastrointestinal upset, pain in the stomach, and various allergic reactions.

    How to choose ripe papaya

    Choosing papaya is the same as choosing any fruit. First, it is necessary to carry out a visual inspection of the fruit, evaluate the hardness of the fruit and its aromatic properties.

    The fruit should be elastic and should not be pressed under your fingers. A ripe fruit always has a uniform and rich color.

    There are no dents or any stains on the surface. Black dots and gray plaque are a sign of deterioration. The skin of the fruit should not shine unnaturally. There should be no visible damage - if you see cracks, partial absence of skin - refuse to purchase and eat. Crumpled or deformed papaya is also not a desirable purchase; rotting processes may begin inside.

    A wet or sticky surface is also not desirable; usually, this means treatment with chemicals to extend the sales period and artificially preserve an attractive presentation.

    The smell of the fruit resembles the aroma of wild raspberries. Lack of odor and excessive hardness, as well as uneven coloring indicate signs of unripe papaya; such fruit can be poisoned. Papaya can be left to ripen at home, but its taste will be lost.

    When cut, we will see juicy pulp; in the middle there is a cavity with seeds. The taste of the pulp is close to that of melon. The seeds themselves are not usually eaten, but locals use them to make a seasoning similar to ground black pepper.

    If there is any suspicion of corruption, you should refuse to purchase this copy. Only ripe and well-preserved fruit will bring benefits.

    How to eat papaya

    Dried papaya is a dried fruit. May be sold as dried without additives, or prepared as candied fruit. If it is prepared without the use of additives, then the method of blowing with heated air is used to remove the excess liquid component. In this case, the shelf life will be longer than when using sugar syrup as a natural preservative. Without added sugar, the benefits are greater, less. Can be added to yoghurts, ice cream, or simply used as a light fruit snack. It is appropriate to consider dried papaya as a dietary product, since one 40 g serving has only 20 calories, which is only 1 percent of the required daily requirement. In addition, it is tasty and healthy. The benefits of papaya are multifunctional.

    The fruits of the melon tree are tasty and healthy. Papaya tastes like the usual melon. Hawaiian papaya is traditionally consumed raw, like many other exotic papaya in culinary dishes. It is recommended to eat papaya before main courses, since the exotic we are considering has a positive effect on the human digestive system and improves food absorption. Those not familiar with papaya will wonder how to clean it? Usually, the fruit is cut lengthwise into two parts, the seeds are removed with a spoon, the peel is cut off with a knife, and cut into slices or pieces. There is an obvious similarity here with the usual melon. They say that it goes well with orange juice. The fruits can also be baked over a fire, which gives off the smell of bread.

    In general, there are a lot of recipes containing papaya: papaya stuffed with rice and meat, it is added as ingredients to fruit salads, desserts, jams, preserves. And, for example, they stew fish with the addition of unripe fruits. Often the pulp of the fruit is included in various sauces. Dried and crushed seeds are an excellent alternative to hot peppers.

    Composition and calorie content of papaya

    The calorie content of fresh papaya per 100 g is 48 kcal. If you make candied papaya, its calorie content is 327 kcal. The content of BJU per 100 g is:

    • proteins-0.6,
    • fats-0.1,
    • carbohydrates-9.2.

    Candied papaya has a higher calorie content due to the increased sugar content if produced using syrup.

    To display the rate of breakdown of foods in the gastrointestinal tract and conversion into glucose, there is such an indicator as the glycemic index of foods, and glucose is the main source of energy. The faster this happens, the higher this index. The fresh one has a value of 58.

    As for vitamins, there are not just a lot of them, they are a whole storehouse of vitamins in one fruit, and they cannot but be beneficial. Vitamins per 100 grams are presented:

    • beta-carotene - 0.276 mg
    • choline – 6.1 mg
    • vitamin E – 0.73 mg
    • thiamine – 0.027 mg
    • riboflavin – 0.032 mg
    • vitamin A – 55 mcg
    • pantothenic acid – 0.218 mg
    • pyridoxine – 0.019
    • folic acid – 38 mcg
    • phylloquinone – 2.6 mcg

    Minerals include phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, and sodium. Again, we see that our exotic beauty and vitamin complex are very close. Thanks to this combination of vitamins, fruits are preferable to carrots for vision problems. But papain, an enzyme similar to human digestive juice, has particular benefits; we have already noted above that fruit pulp has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The composition also includes arginine, a natural aphrodisiac that qualitatively increases potency. It is worth remembering that the vitamin, mineral and chemical composition depends on the maturity of the fetus.

    What are the benefits of papaya?

    Due to the composition of papaya, its properties are varied and allow it to achieve benefits for different systems of the human body. Papaya seeds contain palmitic and oleic acids - these acids help in the prevention of cancer.

    Papain, a natural enzyme found in papaya, helps digest protein foods.

    The benefit of papain is that it breaks down the protein fibrin, which is present in cancer cells. The plant enzyme papain prevents tumor formation and metastasis in the early stages.

    Useful properties of papaya

    • Strengthens the immune system and, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, helps the human body fight diseases.
    • Papaya fruits are beneficial for those who monitor their body mass index. There are many different diets, including mono-diet.
    • The benefits of papaya are also significant for the circulatory system: cholesterol levels are reduced, blood vessels are cleaned, and the likelihood of blood clots is reduced.
    • When used externally, it is indicated for thermal burns, skin irritation from insect bites, and eczema. Cosmetologists use the juice as an exfoliant and to level out skin inflammatory processes.
    • Speaking about the prevention of caries and reducing bleeding gums, dentists note the benefits of regularly eating papaya fruit pulp.
    • In the absence of contraindications, pieces of well-ripened berries can be offered to children over two years old; they are quickly absorbed, giving a tonic effect.
    • Overseas “melon” helps remove toxins from the body.
    • Slows down the aging of the retina

    Eating 100-200 g of papaya per day by men helps to prolong sexual life and prolong sexual activity.

    For the female body, our melon is just a godsend, rich in folic acid, which is simply necessary for the expectant mother in the first trimester. For pregnant women, the main benefit lies in the folic acid content. Consuming papaya during this time promotes healthy fetal development and prevents birth defects. Regular but moderate consumption in the early stages of pregnancy can reduce the manifestation of morning toxicosis, prevent constipation and general bowel function, again thanks to papain.

    But keeping in mind individual intolerance and, it is better for expectant mothers to consult a doctor.

    Benefits of candied papaya

    Speaking about the benefits of the exotic species in question, one cannot fail to note the usefulness of candied fruits from it. They are nothing more than chopped pieces of pulp, boiled in a strong and rich sugar syrup, and then dried. In the final product, the moisture percentage should not fall outside the range of 14-16 percent. They usually look like slices, small bars, sometimes in the form of cubes. The benefits of candied papaya are high and similar to fresh pulp, but still significantly lower than fresh fruit. If the manufacturer adds dyes, flavors or some other additives, then we have to talk not about benefits, but rather the opposite - about harm.

    The main benefit is that candied fruits preserve vitamins longer; there is also convenience - you can organize a quick and healthy snack.

    In medicine, papaya and candied papaya are recommended as a diuretic and antibacterial agent. With regular but moderate consumption, cholesterol levels are reduced, liver function is normalized, and the skin is rejuvenated. In folk medicine, the benefits of use for insomnia and as a natural antipyretic for influenza conditions have been noted.

    Benefits of papaya seeds

    The use of papaya seeds is also justified; they have pronounced antibacterial properties, which makes them effective against salmonellosis, E. coli, and staphylococcal infections.

    In folk medicine, dried and crushed seeds mixed with a juice are used as a remedy for liver cirrhosis. The benefits of such a composition were noted, and the dynamics of improving the condition of the liver after taking the above complex were revealed.

    They remove toxins, like the pulp, thereby protecting against kidney failure.

    But for all their benefits, their taste leaves much to be desired - bitter and pungent.

    Harm of papaya

    Allergy to papaya can occur if consumed in excess. Benefits and harms have the same sources - chemical composition, so its composition is quite rich in vitamins and minerals and each organism is special, individual intolerance is also possible.

    There is a direct danger of alkaloid poisoning from eating unripe fruits; in addition, allergic reactions due to individual intolerance can lead to anaphylactic shock.

    The fact that papaya stimulates the appetite is a double-edged sword. On the one hand - low calories, on the other - increased appetite, so you will have to decide: either you become a gourmet, or you watch your figure.

    Please remember that such a “melon” is a curiosity for us and is not familiar to our body, use it with caution. Initially, in small quantities.

    Papaya is one of the most delicious and healthy fruits in Thailand. Papaya tastes like a cross between a sweet melon and a ripe pumpkin. If you haven't tried this one yet, I recommend it! For me, papaya was a real discovery! Now this is one of my favorite fruits, like Thai mango.

    When I first tried papaya, I didn’t like it, because as it turned out later, I tried overripe papaya, which had an unpleasant specific smell. Ripe papaya has no unpleasant odor, tastes very sweet and is juicy. Unripe papaya fruit is not sweet and hard.
    There are several varieties of papaya in Thailand, but I have seen mainly two types: large and small. Small papaya is denser in consistency, almost without seeds, and has a brighter, more pronounced taste. Larger papaya has more tender flesh, seeds and a slight fruity smell.

    Prices for papaya in Phuket per 1 kg. - from 35 to 80 baht. (maybe somewhere cheaper, and I bought papaya at these prices from September to November)

    Papaya at BIG C supermarket, Jungceylon shopping center

    Papaya peeled

    Useful properties of papaya

    Papaya is used for medicinal purposes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory processes. It improves digestion, helps assimilate food, and is a preventative against viral infections. Papaya also has anthelmintic, antiviral and antimicrobial effects.

    One of the valuable preventive effects of papaya is the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Papaya contains vitamins A, B, C, E, minerals (potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, selenium, manganese), enzymes and antioxidants.

    Papaya is eaten without the seeds and skin, but there are people who like to eat papaya with the skin (not recommended). Divide the clean fruit into two halves, remove seeds and peel, and cut into convenient slices, like melon or watermelon. Sometimes we eat papaya with a spoon. We just divide it in half, remove the seeds and eat it with a spoon, it’s very convenient. Tasty!!!

    Papaya in section

    Locals use green papaya to make salads with various vegetables.
    There is the famous Thai Som Tam salad made from green papaya. It is spicy and very tasty.

    Som Tam papaya salad

    How to choose papaya

    The ripe fruit has a pleasant orange peel, without dark spots or damage. The fruit is firm to the touch, but not hard. The smell of ripe fruit is light, not pungent. If papaya gives off a specific pungent odor, it is better not to take it. She's most likely overripe. If the fruit is still unripe, then it should be left for 1-2 days in a dark place. I wish you a pleasant acquaintance with this fruit, but if you have already tried it, then you most likely have already appreciated all the benefits of papaya. I would be glad if you leave a comment about your impressions of this fruit.

    The spread of papaya around the world began from the moment when the traveler Fernandez de Ovieda took three seeds of the fruit from the Caribbean region. So, the Spaniards helped the fruit get to Asia and Oceania. Today, ababai palms (ababai is the Caribbean name for papaya) grow in all tropical climates.

    Fruit or berry

    Papaya, also known as breadfruit or melon tree, belongs to the short-lived and evergreen trees of the Caricaceae family. Presumably, the birthplace of the fruit is Central America, from where they came to the New World shortly after the discovery of the continent by Columbus. About 9 varieties of them are known, but there is still no consensus on what papaya is - a fruit, vegetable or berry.

    The plant classifier classifies it as a cruciferous plant (as well as white cabbage), which means it can be a vegetable. On the other hand, botany defines papaya fruit as a berry that is similar in taste, size and chemical composition to melon. Those who are not knowledgeable about what papaya looks like may confuse it with coconut clusters. The difference between them is that the fruits of the melon tree are heavier (up to 1-2 kg) and elongated.

    Papaya was called breadfruit because when fried it forms a characteristic aroma and crust, like flour products.

    The ababay palm is very similar to the coconut palm

    Useful properties and contraindications

    The juice is used in cosmetology; it is drunk to even out skin tone and eliminate external defects. For the same purpose, they wipe with a moistened cotton swab or eat seeds.

    Contraindications for consumption include allergies and pregnancy: pepsin, which is part of the tropical fruit, can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

    Nutritional value per 100 g

    The low calorie content of the tropical product and its ability to quickly cleanse the body of accumulated toxins make it indispensable during diets.

    Papaya pulp, juice and seeds contain vitamins and minerals. They will help maintain the beauty of your skin and hair, restore connective tissue after injury, and even reduce excess weight. At the same time, the fruit can cause severe allergies and provoke poisoning, so it is undesirable to consume it in large quantities.

    Papaya speeds up metabolism and removes toxins, which is why it is actively used in the fight against excess weight. To lose weight by 3-5 kg, eat 8-10 seeds of a tropical fruit before breakfast. The manipulations are repeated either daily for 15 days, after which they take a break, or 2 days a week for 8-12 weeks.

    The pulp of the fruit is convenient to eat with a spoon, but it is better to remove the seeds first

    How to choose

    Papaya with signs of drying, rotting and deformation should not be eaten. Ripe:

    • Has a uniform (yellow or close to orange) peel color;
    • free from dents, bumps, black spots and gray plaque;
    • smells of raspberries, apricots, chocolate (depending on the variety);
    • does not burst when pressed;
    • does not stick to fingers.

    Red or green veins, lack of odor and the presence of black spots on the skin of the fruit indicate treatment with chemicals.

    How to store it correctly

    There are several rules for storing fruit at home:

    1. To preserve its taste, it is hidden in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.
    2. The storage location is chosen away from sunlight. Additionally wrapped in paper.
    3. Rotten and damaged fruits are thrown away.

    You can buy both ripe and green ababai at the market.

    Cracked or dented skin indicates internal damage to the fruit. This papaya is not suitable for consumption as it loses some beneficial properties and becomes tasteless.

    To speed up the ripening of green fruit, you need to put it in the same bag with a banana.

    Papaya recipes and their features

    The tropical product tastes like melon and boiled carrots. Depending on the degree of ripeness, the taste and cooking characteristics of papaya change. The hard fruit is fried, stewed and subjected to other types of thermal processing, due to which some of its nutritional properties are lost or reduced. Soft – most often consumed raw.

    In Thailand, where the fruits have become an integral part of the national cuisine, they are added unripe to vegetable salads and meat dishes. The traditional dish is rice stewed with spices and meat stuffed with green melon fruits. Ripe pulp can be a separate dish or a component of fruit purees, ice cream, cocktails and desserts. Particularly popular here is the Tam Som (or som-tam) salad, which combines pieces of green fruit, shrimp (or salted crab), chili pepper and hot pepper.

    Live, uncut crabs are added to the Tam Som salad.

    For the salad, you need to choose unripe/green papaya fruits and a few more ingredients.

    The cooking process begins with removing the skin and seeds, then:

    1. The purified product is cut into thin strips.
    2. Spicy ingredients are ground in a mortar.
    3. Add vegetables to the crushed pepper and garlic, squeeze them to form juice.
    4. The mass is mixed with the remaining ingredients.
    5. The finished salad is sprinkled with lime juice.

    The salad can be served with fried rice or as a light dish on its own.

    Som Tam in 2011 took 46th place in the TOP 50 best dishes in the world (according to CNN Go)

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