Home Helpful Hints How to make a rooster out of cardboard step by step instructions. How to make a voluminous rooster out of paper for the new year with your own hands in stages. Tools and materials for making a paper cockerel

How to make a rooster out of cardboard step by step instructions. How to make a voluminous rooster out of paper for the new year with your own hands in stages. Tools and materials for making a paper cockerel

A bit of astrology

The rooster will try to test many for strength, especially those who rely only on luck, and not on their own strengths and capabilities. The Fire Rooster will come into its own from January 28 and will rule until February 15, 2018. The Rooster himself is bright, sociable and elegant. In the coming year, the color of the Rooster and the element that it represents will be reflected in all our undertakings and life moments. The color of 2017 is Red, and the element of fire suggests an incredible desire for excellence, striving for high achievements and unsurpassed heights.

A bright year awaits us with a lot of impressions and events!

For needlewomen, it is worth preparing for the coming year. We have collected in the article several interesting and useful master classes that will definitely help you prepare gifts for your loved ones, decorate a house for the upcoming 2017. So, how can we please the Fire Rooster, win him over and make the coming year easier, more enjoyable and more productive?

DIY red rooster

We invite you to arrange a holiday - a party in the style of a red Rooster. To do this, you need to decorate your home, prepare it for a party in an original and symbolic style. For such a decor, small details of the interior are suitable, which will allow guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the holiday, plunge into a fairy tale and enjoy the coming New Year.

To make it, we need:

3 plastic bottles, 2 plastic plates, 5-6 plastic glasses in red and yellow, 2 disposable spoons.

The tops of plastic bottles must be cut off and sealed with tape, as shown in the picture.

From disposable plates we make such a wonderful tail for our Red Fire Rooster.

From the remains of the plates we make wings and attach the head of the Rooster, made, for example, from a pool ball.

We sew a dress for the New Year's party

What else is important for holding such a party? Of course the costumes! You can just dress in red - this color is a symbol of the coming year and the Fire Rooster will really like it. There is still time to sew a beautiful red dress for yourself, so you will be original, and the Rooster will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Well, let's take one of the master classes as an example. You will understand that sewing a Rooster to decorate your home, or as a gift to guests and loved ones, is not so difficult. A little love for needlework and a desire to please loved ones with the originality of your gift.

Sew a rooster pillow.

This pillow is perfect for your New Year's party! Guests can comfortably sit on these pillows and then take them home as a keepsake of the 2017 meeting!

And so, let's get started:

Here we will sew such a Cockerel, really handsome!

For tailoring we need:

  • Yellow fabric (you can take any other color, or make several different ones) 25 by 56 cm
  • Some fabric for decoration (red and polka dots)
  • Threads, needles
  • Scissors
  • Filler (Hollofiber)
  • Sintepon
  • 2 large buttons

DIY rooster as a gift

All of the above ideas you can use both to decorate your holiday and for gifts for the New Year.

By the New Year 2017, it is customary to make a variety of crafts. But it is best to make this day - a symbol of the New Year from handy materials. Indeed, if you have an unnecessary plastic bottle or an egg box at home, then you should not throw these things away. They will come in handy for you to create a beautiful craft - Rooster, which is very easy to do with your own hands. If you are interested in how a rooster craft should be made from an egg box, then this article was created especially for you. Here you will see the process of creating such a thing.

How to make crafts from egg trays - a rooster

Your rooster will have a complex shape. Therefore, it can be installed on a shelf. On the Internet you can find a huge number of crafts that you can easily make with your own hands. But our craft will please you with its originality. To make a similar craft, prepare:

  • the egg cartons themselves,
  • newspapers and balloon
  • PVA glue,
  • glue moment and acrylic paints.


From this article you can learn how to make a rooster from egg boxes. To create crafts, prepare cells with elongated cones. They will be used to feather the rooster.

The cones should be cut. Cut out the corners between the petals. As a result, you will get petals. From the edges that remain, cut out double petals.

For the beak, immediately glue a couple of triangles. Parts must be glued together with the glue of the moment.

Next, start gluing the rooster out of the egg trays. Starting from the head. Your first row of feathers should have 5 ends. The second row should have 6 rows. The third row should have 8 rows. The fourth row should have 10 rows. The fifth should consist of 12 rows. The last row should have 8 petals. It should cover the back of the neck.

The next step is to make the body of the rooster. It should be created from papier-mâché. To do this, cut newspapers into strips and soak them in water. These newspapers with PVA glue should be applied to the ball. From above, the craft should be pasted over with white paper.

As soon as the papier-mâché is dry, it is worth cutting an oval in the ball. The bottom part should look like a basket. The inside should be painted white.

Now cut out the feathers that will be used for the cock's tail. They are cut out of ordinary cardboard or cardboard boxes. The length of these feathers should be 15 cm.

From ordinary cardboard, it is worth cutting out an oval that will look like a wing. Flowers and petals from cones are glued on top of this oval.

The next step is the final one. In this case, it is worth starting to assemble the cockerel. You should cut the strips and glue them into a circle. As a result, you will get a stand for a rooster. A body should be glued to it. After that, a short but dense strip should be glued to the body, which will be the holder. Attach the head to this strip. After that, glue the wings and tail to the craft.

Painting a rooster with your own hands

If you are done with the creation of the rooster, then after that you should start painting the product. For this purpose, you should use acrylic paints. And all because your cockerel will stand on the table and serve as a basket for you. You will put something in this basket. For painting a rooster, mother-of-pearl paints are best suited. In this case, the rooster will look solid on you.

For painting, it is best to use 5 colors:

  • yellow or gold
  • blue,
  • green,
  • red,
  • orange.

If you want your craft to look more textured, then while painting on the tips of the petals, you should add other shades.


Rooster from egg boxes can be varied. But in this article we described the creation of the most original crafts. And if you show a little diligence and your attention, then as a result you will be able to get a beautiful product that will become a wonderful decor in the house. Also, this craft can be a wonderful gift for everyone.

New 2017 is just around the corner. Its symbol will be the Fire Rooster. Naturally, a gift with the image of the symbol of the year is one of the most suitable options. You can quickly make a cute origami cockerel with your own hands and give it to loved ones as an independent craft or create a postcard or panel based on it.

Preparation for work

Since the origami rooster does not require too many additions, both paper and thin cardboard will work. The figure turns out to be monochrome, so it doesn’t matter if the paper is one-sided or two-sided. The Cockerel is performed on the basis of the basic forms of origami "Bird" or "Crane", and our step-by-step master class will facilitate the work.

How to make an origami cockerel out of paper

1. Take a square sheet of paper. Draw diagonals. Then fold the square in half lengthwise and across.

2. Place the square up one of their corners. If you are using single-sided paper, its colored side should be at the top - this is the future color of the whole figure. Fold the basic “double square” shape along the marked lines, as if wrapping the side parts of the sheet inward.

3. Bend up to the center of the lower sides of the square.

4. Turn the work over. Repeat manipulation. You should get a rhombus, resembling a kite in shape.

5. Unfold the sides you just folded in towards the center, grab one layer of paper at the bottom corner of the square and gently pull it up. If thin paper is used, be extremely careful, otherwise it may tear.

6. It turned out a rhombus elongated vertically. Repeat the manipulation on the reverse side of the work. The result is the basic shape of the "Bird", which was mentioned above. But our goal is a voluminous origami rooster, so let's continue.

7. Now grab the top of the diamond and bend it down. Repeat the same on the other side of the work. You again have a rhombus, similar to a kite, but now without seams and other extraneous elements.

8. Check that all the seams on the resulting figure are neatly ironed. Carefully unfold the figure without straightening the seams to the end. The plan should be a four-pointed star.

9. Bend the figure along the marked seams horizontally and place it flat on the work surface.

10. We begin to form the legs of the cockerel. Bend the central triangle to the left. At the same time, make sure that the lower edge of the part goes clearly along the border of the lower edge of the main part of the figure.

11. Turn over the work. Repeat the previous step. Please note that the legs should be bent, that is, look with sharp corners, in one direction. That is, after the work is turned over, the central small triangle now needs to be turned to the right. Let's leave the legs for a while.

12. Now it's time to form the tail and head of the rooster. This will need to be done in parallel. Bend up large side sharp triangles. Note, however, that the pieces don't just fold over, but seem to fold inwards so that the head and tail on both sides of the work look the same.

13. We form the cockerel's tail by bending one of the parts again.

14. With the help of a similar fold, we begin the formation of the head.

The New Year holidays are coming soon, and you are not in the mood at all? Then create an atmosphere of joy and fun around you by making the symbol of 2017 - the cockerel with your own hands. Plus it's a great gift idea! You can make it from anything. In the article, we will consider how to make a rooster out of paper, the most accessible material. Crafts can be made in a variety of techniques: postcard, appliqué, quilling and much more. Which way will you choose?

The simplest cockerel postcard

For such an elementary craft, you will need colored paper, cardboard, a simple pencil, a ruler, scissors and glue.

Let's make the body first. From cardboard (preferably colored), cut out a square of arbitrary size. You can make miniature or large cockerels, which will then act as a postcard. With the help of a ruler, we outline the fold line on the square. Then fold it in half. The body is ready.

Before you make a rooster out of paper with your own hands, let's prepare the rest of the elements. Cut out the head, comb, eyes, beak, wings and tail. It is better to take multi-colored paper so that the cockerel turns out bright and colorful. Glue the cut pieces in place. Cockerel is ready! Now inside the crafts you can write pleasant wishes.

If you want to hide the gluing points, then make the cockerel a little differently. Cut out two circles for the head and glue the comb and beak between them. On both sides of the square (along the fold line), make small cuts. Glue the head and tail into them. This version of the cockerel turns out to be more accurate.

How to make a rooster out of bulk paper

To complete this craft, you will need all the same materials, only you can do without cardboard.

Roll a cone out of colored paper. You can do it, for example, like this. Draw a circle on the sheet and cut it out. We mark on it one fourth part. Cut it out of the circle. Now we turn the resulting figure into a cone and glue the joints.

From colored paper, cut out eyes and a beak in the form of a rhombus. Glue in place. Now cut out narrow strips. In total, about 13-17 pieces are needed (for a comb, beard, wings, tail and legs). Fold three strips in half (but do not bend) and glue to the head. This will be the comb. We do the same with the stripes for the wings, tail and beard.

We are already approaching how to make a rooster out of paper. We fold two strips with an accordion and glue where the legs should be. Let's straighten it out a bit. Optionally, you can cut the paws in the form of circles or cloves. The playful cockerel is ready!

Rooster made of paper in the technique of "application"

With a child, you can make a beautiful application from colored paper. Choose the right colors and think about where you will stick the cockerel. Thick cardboard works best. It should not be colorful, otherwise the application will simply get lost. Stick to pastel colors like green or blue. In addition to cardboard and colored paper, you will need scissors, a simple pencil, glue and a cockerel pattern. You can draw it yourself or take a ready-made scheme.

Let's go directly to how to make a rooster out of paper in We transfer the drawing that we have chosen to the cardboard. We cut out the details from colored paper: torso, head, beak, scallop, eye, beard, wing, tail and paws. Now you need to stick the parts of the cockerel on the cardboard. It is better to start from the middle, that is, from the body. Then we glue the rest of the details, gradually moving towards the edges.

Show your imagination, add or weed. So the craft will look finished.

We make a quilling cockerel

In this technique, narrow paper strips are used, twisted into different shapes with a toothpick or a special device. The works are very beautiful and unusual. How to make a rooster out of colored paper using the quilling technique? In principle, this is a kind of application. First you need to transfer the drawing to cardboard and think about what shape the strips will be twisted into for one or another part of the body. It can be circles, curls, drops, crescents, oblong ovals and other options.

Once all the details are ready, they need to be glued onto the drawing with an edge. Start with the outline of the tail. The strips should fit snugly against each other. Wait for the glue to dry. Now fill in the tail from the inside. Let the glue dry again. Do the same with the wing, head, legs and body of the cockerel.

table setting element

Please your children, make a beautiful accessory for the New Year's Eve - a rooster-cup! Although some adults will not refuse such a table decoration. How to make a paper rooster if we need a cup? Everything is very simple!

The base will be a plastic or paper cup. Wrap it with paper to match the future rooster. Print or draw the details: head, tail and wings, then cut out. It is better to make them double-sided so that the cup looks good from any side. Glue the head to the glass, and the tail on the opposite side. Place the wings between them. Unusual cockerel is ready!

You can drink from such a beautiful glass, or you can fill it with sweets, cookies, grapes, lollipops and other small goodies.

How to make a paper rooster mask

From colored cardboard or thick paper, assemble a cone according to the size of the head. Until you glue it. Cut out the red comb, beak and beard. From blue and black paper, make circles of different sizes. Now glue the scallop into the seam of the cone. Let's collect the eyes. Glue blue, then black circles on the cheeks on both sides. We fix the beak and beard. It remains only to make a hat holder. To do this, sew an elastic band or ribbons on the sides of the cone. The cockerel mask in the form of a hat is ready!

Remember that the symbol of the coming year is the fiery cockerel. Therefore, when making crafts, give preference to colors such as red, orange, red, golden and yellow. So you express your personal respect to the fiery rooster. Sequins and other iridescent material will only complement the image of the symbol of the year.

Now you know how to make the symbol of the New Year 2017. It remains only to choose which version of the craft you like best.

Do-it-yourself rooster made of paper

This is Petya the bully

A day cannot live without a fight.

Run away, whoever

Petya is angry in the morning!


1. Carefully cut out all the details of the craft.

Templates for making Cockerel

2. Glue the pants (2) by smearing a large white stripe with glue and carefully aligning the edges. Cut two white triangles on one side, spread them with glue and paste them inside. Bend the small white flaps inward, spread with glue and carefully glue to the stand (3) on the indicated circle.

3. Fold the legs (4) like an accordion. Then stick them on the stand in front of the panties close to them. See how you should get on the drawing of the finished craft.

4. Fold the rear claws (5) along the dotted lines, glue the inside of the green stripes with glue and glue the claws behind them to the stand behind the panties.

5. Glue the body (1) in the shape of a cone. To do this, glue the white stripe with glue and carefully align the edges so that the white stripe is inside.

6. Glue the collar (6) in the same way as you glued the torso (1). Put it on the body and glue it to it only from the side of the seam. The collar will lag behind the neck and stay only at the back, but this will add volume to our craft.

7. On the two parts of the tail (8), cut along the line of the feathers to the places marked with a dash. Bend the white stripes on both parts inward, smear them with glue and glue them together. Also smear with glue that part of the details of the tail, which remained uncut. Glue two pieces. Then glue the white stripe on the cockerel's tail with glue and glue it to the body (1) at the back to the seam.

8. Glue the head (7) by the comb and beak. Put it on the neck (1), after smearing the upper part of the neck with glue.

9. On the wings (9), cut out the feathers, carefully cutting along the line, but not completely. Glue them to the body (1) at the indicated places.

10. Glue the spurs (10) behind the small white flaps and stick them on the bottom of the pants above the rear claws.

11. For stability, glue the craft stand on a thick cardboard of a suitable size.

This funny cockerel can store various little things.

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