Home Useful tips How to sew a summer hat for a child. Children's panama hats. Four master classes on sewing How to sew a double-sided Panama hat

How to sew a summer hat for a child. Children's panama hats. Four master classes on sewing How to sew a double-sided Panama hat

Most needlewomen think that sewing a children's hat is quite complicated, but sewing a children's headdress is one of the simplest types of sewing, while a stylish hat does not require a lot of fabric and can be easily made from various scraps. The DIY bucket hat for a boy is double-sided, so the little fashionista will like it. However, when choosing fabric, you should not forget that the finished Panama hat should be easily blown, but at the same time not deformed and be rigid, so the best option for sewing would be denim, corduroy or light fabric with a lining.

Required materials and tools:

  • 1/4 meter of main fabric;
  • 1/4 meter of fabric for the second side;
  • 1/4 meter of lining fabric;
  • scissors;
  • pattern;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • sewing supplies;
  • sewing machine.

Cutting out the details of a boy's hat

To make a beautiful children's hat for a boy with your own hands, print out the pattern on a printer. Cut out the necessary parts from paper. Attach them to the main, lining and stiff fabric, trace with tailor's chalk and carefully cut along the outline. Cut out an applique of your choice from another fabric and sew it on using a sewing machine. Use your child’s interests for decoration: for example, you can sew a soccer ball or the emblem of your favorite team in the form of an applique.

Sew the sides of the Panama hat

Take the two side pieces from the main fabric and stitch along the sides, leaving a small space on the sides. Glue the lining fabric in the middle. Cut the bottom and top edges of the sides. Repeat with other side pieces.

Sew the top and sides

Now take the central circle for the top of the panama hat and attach it from the wrong side to the side parts. Place lining fabric on the circle. Carefully stitch along the top edges of the top and side pieces.

Stitching the fields

Then take the brim pieces from the main fabric. Place them with the short sides together and stitch them on the machine. Glue the lining fabric in the middle of the wrong side. Trim the top and bottom edges of the brim. Attach to the wrong side of the hat and side parts of the brim, stitch along the bottom edge using a sewing machine. Turn right side out. Repeat steps 2-4 for the back side pieces.

Sew the details

Once the two pieces of the hat are sewn together, place them right sides together, sew along each edge and leave a small hole. Turn the hat inside out through the hole. Iron and double stitch along the bottom edge of the hat. DIY Panama hat for a boy is ready!

And they are described in detail in separate articles. Today we will look at the models and patterns for children's hats, which resemble the shape of a cap.
Having studied the things that are sold on the market and materials from the Internet, I have accumulated a certain number of sketches, which we will analyze today in the article. Caps are made from rectangles and triangles. You can read how to process a triangle-based hat in the article about scarves. But the product from a pattern in the shape of a rectangle is processed differently, so today sew a hat with a ruffle.
Let me remind you that for all summer hats only natural fabrics are chosen: calico, linen, cotton, cambric, madapolam, poplin.

Making a ruffled hat

To construct a drawing, you need to measure the Ogolova and make a calculation. The Og measurement is taken with a measuring tape, covering the forehead and the back of the head. If you use Og = 52 cm, then it will be size 52. In Fig. 1 you can see that the construction starts from a right angle at point B.
BH = 20 cm is a constant value that is equal to the height of the finished cap.
BB1= Og:2= 52:2= 26 cm. Draw a rectangle and cut it out.

Open the caps

1. Fold the fabric in half.
2. Apply baby hat pattern narrow side of the rectangle to the fold. Pin to fabric and draw seam allowances. On the side - 1.5 cm, on the line to the forehead - 2.5 cm, but along the tying line - 8.5 cm. Fig. 2. If you put the fabric in one layer, then you should draw the pattern directly onto the fabric and you will get a rectangle measuring 20 cm x 52 cm. And then add an allowance to it.
3. Cut out the cut piece.

Sewing a hat with a ruffle

1. Sew the side edges of the cap using a closed hem stitch. Seam width 1 cm. Press seams. Fig.3

2. Sew the bottom edge of the cap with a closed hem stitch. The seam width is 2 cm. Secure the ends of the stitches. Press the seam. Fig.4

3. Finish the top edge of the cap with a closed hem stitch. Seam width 4 cm. Secure the ends of the stitching. Fig.5

4. Baste, departing 2cm from the top fold.

5. Sew on a sewing machine next to the basting. Pull out the temporary thread. Iron the top of the children's Panama hat. Fig.6

6. Mark the location of the finishing ruffle. Place the braid on the front side, first bending the edges and stitch it.

7. Pull a narrow ribbon or braid through with a pin. Iron the finished product.

I described a method for sewing a hat, where the ruffle is sewn onto the finished product. But in the photographs you will see that the part can be cut lengthwise and the lace can be inserted so that the gap is visible through it. In this case, the processing of such a children's panama hat begins precisely from this node.

Let's consider how to sew a hat , which is suitable in size for children from one to 4 years old. It is similar to the cap described above, but there are differences. Namely, lace is sewn between the fabrics, there is a peak and the bottom is decorated with bias tape made from the same fabric as the main product.

Children's Panama Hat Pattern drawn without seam allowances.

They will be the same as in the cap, only at the bottom of the cap you need to give an allowance of 0.5 cm. The visor is cut double and a sealant must be glued to the bottom one to give rigidity.

Based on these models, you can schematically draw options for panama hats.

After analyzing the images, we come to the conclusion that based on a rectangle or triangle you can create different hats for children.

I also suggest watching a video that shows how to sew a similar Panama hat.

Create for yourself and your children with love! Good luck!

Literature: Labzina A. Ya. and others. Didactic material on service work 4th grade. Teacher's manual. M. Education 1983.

The main task of every mother is to protect her child. We all, every day, protect our kids from any surprises. With the arrival of summer it appears the need to protect the child's head from the sun. The only way - . And this can be done beautifully and inexpensively. This article describes in detailthe process of creating a charming panama hat that will not only protect your beloved baby, but also decorate any outfit. In addition, it will save the familybudget. The information contained in this article is intended for home use only. This describes my personal experience, and is not intended to teach sewingprofessionally (this is taught in special educational institutions for 5 years). My task is to help mothers like me to create beauty for their children with their own hands. If my experience is for someoneit will come in handy, I will be very glad!



The Panama hat consists of a head and stitched flares. The head consists of four wedges. If desired, the Panama hat can be lined. The padding in the fields is made of non-woven fabric, calico or adhesive fabric.

Open it up.

The parts of the top, lining and lining are cut in the oblique direction of the fabric threads.

Number of cutting details.

wedge - 4 pcs.

fields - 4 pcs.


fields - 2 pcs.

Preparing the pattern.

1. Check that the scale on your printer matches: in the printer settings, set the document printing scale to 100% (without scaling); print a square 10*10 cm; Use a ruler to check if the print is correct.

2. Print the pattern sheets on a printer and connect them along the marks in accordance with the numbering. Numbering 1(1) means: the first digit is the row number, the second digit is the sheet number in the row.

3. Cut out the pattern pieces.

4. The parts are given with seam allowances; the dotted line shows the actual contours of the parts.

5. Cut out the parts from the fabric.

Head processing.

1. Take two wedges, fold them right sides inward and sew with an even seam 1 cm wide without tension.

2. Iron the seams and stitch them at a distance of 0.2 cm from the stitching seam.

3. Repeat the operation with the remaining 2 wedges.

4. It turned out to be two parts from two wedges each.

5. Place these two pieces right sides together so that the seams meet exactly in the center of the head.

6. Sweep from the center first in one direction and then in the other direction.

7. Sew the center seam.

8. Unstitch the central seam in the same way as the previous ones, iron all seams.

Field processing.

1. The fields can be prepared on adhesive fabric, non-woven fabric or calico.

2. The spacer is cut 0.5 cm smaller along the outer edge than the top of the margins.

3. Stitch the ends of the gasket with a 1 cm seam.

4. Iron the seams.

5. Connect the ends of the fields together and sew with a 1 cm wide seam.

6. Iron the seams.

7. A gasket piece is placed on the part of the top of the brim from the wrong side.

8. The outer edge of the spacer should extend from the edge of the margins at a distance of 0.5 cm.

9. Baste the gasket in three places - along the edges and in the center.

10. The seams of the top and the lining must match.

11. Fold the top and bottom of the brim right sides together, matching the seams.

12. Baste along the outer edge and stitch with a 0.5 cm wide seam.

13. The seam of the brim seam should fit close to the gasket, but not on it.

14. Trim excess fabric at the seam, leaving no more than 0.5 cm.

15. Turn the fields right side out.

16. Sew the margins in several places (along the outer edge, in the middle, and along the inner edge), straightening the joining seam so that it is exactly in the middle and does not go to either side.

17. Iron the brim well, first through a damp cloth, then through a dry one.

18. If desired, the margins can be stitched. Sew the fields in parallel lines at a distance of 0.5-0.7 cm from one another, starting from the middle at the back. Lay the first line, and then, without breaking the thread, gradually move on to the second and so, in a spiral, stitch all the fields.

19. Remove the basting.

20. Iron the brim again.

21. Trim the bottom of the head.

Connection of the head with the fields.

1. Mark control points on the head of the Panama hat: front, back and sides (4 points)

2. Mark control points on the brim of the Panama hat: front, back and sides.

3. Place the head on the fields with the right sides facing inward so that the control points coincide.

4. Secure at control points.

5. Baste along the edge.

6. Check that the head is not skewed to one side or the other.

7. Attach the head to the brim using an internal seam from the side of the head.

8. Iron the seam to the side of the head, cut off excess fabric, and process it with bias tape or overlock if desired.

Let's create a rosette.

1. Cut out 3 small flower-shaped pieces from 4 leaves, and 4 large pieces.

For summer: hat, cap, Panama, bandana. Patterns

Hat. At any time of the year, on the streets of the city, beaches, cafes, you can meet a representative of the fairer sex in a headdress that has come to us through centuries of thorns. We are talking about a women's hat with a brim, which is popular among women, especially in the summer, during the beach season.
It turns out that sewing a hat with a brim is not so difficult. To do this, we will need a small amount of material that you will come up with yourself, at your discretion, a hat pattern and, of course, a good mood. The hat pattern we propose consists of three parts: the bottom, the crown and the brim.
After a little time and considerable effort, you will get a completely stylish women's hat with a brim that can be worn almost anywhere. Most importantly, it will protect your head from the sun, rain, and wind.


Throughout the twentieth century, the cap was a headdress for different layers and classes of society. It was worn by leaders and presidents, punks and thieves, athletes and scientists. Everyone managed to use this headdress as the main, unshakable attribute of outerwear.
Today, absolutely everyone wears a cap: from children to pensioners and the elderly. As a rule, the caps in the city's stores are the same. There is no one that no one else has. And women want individuality. You have to search the Internet for a cap pattern and start sewing. This is what we will do now!
As for the pattern, you don’t need to look for it, it’s there. It is from this cap pattern that we will create a new headdress that no one else in your city has! This cap pattern consists of ten parts: six wedges, two visors and two bands.
It is very easy to sew a cap using the presented pattern. The main thing is to know what's what. The first thing to do is transfer the cap pattern onto paper, leaving 1 centimeter for the seams. Then you need to sew the wedges together. This will be the bottom of our cap. Then you need to sew on the lining of the cap. The most important part is the visor. It needs to be cut out and carefully sewn. In order for the cap visor to be rigid, you need to make a special non-woven insert of the same size. If you don't have it, you can use regular cardboard. Then we attach the visor to the crown. There is a band for them. That's all! The cap is ready!
So, using a cap pattern, we sewed a new headdress that can be worn whenever and wherever!


Summer in Russia can be very hot. Sometimes, you don’t even want to go outside. I just want to lie down on the couch and sleep all day. Only in the evening the sun sometimes reduces the level of exposure to its bright rays, and people roll out into the streets.
But you have to walk in hot weather, at its highest peak. Either to work, then to the grocery store, or even just to the city beach to sunbathe. Every time we go outside on a sultry hot day, we have the opportunity to get a violent sunstroke and end up in the hospital. In order to prevent such incidents from happening, people came up with a light summer panama hat, which I suggest you sew at your leisure.
Using the Panama hat pattern I suggested, you can easily and quickly sew a stylish, lightweight, and most importantly, sun-safe hat. Patterning a Panama hat will help you correctly assess all the sizes and dimensions of fabrics and materials.


The bandana itself, as an element of clothing, entered people’s lives long before the advent of berets, caps and hats. Its roots stretch back to the days of the wild west, when travelers protected their respiratory tract from dust by tying a bandana around their neck.
Today it is used more often for decorative and aesthetic purposes rather than for protection from the sun and dust. Although, to give it its due, after many years, the bandana does not cease to be one of the best headwear that interrupts the scorching rays of the sun. Using this bandana pattern, you can sew it in half an hour.
Of course, this is the time that will go into sewing the bandana itself. For sewing you need to select a material. In principle, any elastic, but not dense fabric is suitable for this headdress. It can be leather, linen, soft drape, denim. Whatever you want, the main thing is that the material meets these two important qualities.
After working with the bandana pattern, you can process its edges and apply decorative accessories at your discretion. That's all! The bandana is ready! Now you can wear it on your head, covering your head from the scorching sun in the hot summer, on your belt, on your neck or arm. The main thing is that it matches your clothing style.

Bandanas, hats, caps - all these items of children's clothing are sold in stores. But you can sew a summer headdress for your baby yourself!

You will have to work a little, while away a whole evening, or even two... But in the end, you will receive an exclusive item, tailored to your child’s measurements. A Panama hat for a boy with an applique – this is exactly the kind of master class we are offering you today. Make an applique in the shape of your baby’s favorite animal, and he will love the new accessory with all his heart!

Materials and tools:

  • A piece of cotton fabric (it is better to take with a reserve - 1 per 1 meter)
  • Nonwoven or dublinin (it’s better not to take adhesive calico)
  • Jeans cut for applique
  • Threads
  • Scissors
  • Pen or pencil
  • Pattern paper
  • Sewing machine
  • Tailor pins

How to sew a Panama hat for a boy - master class:

1. In front of you is a pattern for a Panama hat. It can be used to sew a headdress for both boys and girls. The pattern consists of three parts (Panama top, side and brim) and is designed for five sizes (head volume 38, 42, 46, 48 and 52 cm). Increase the pattern to such a size that the diameter of the largest circle (the top of the Panama hat for a head volume of 52 cm) is 16 cm. This will be the actual size of the pattern. Now you can re-shoot parts of the required size: to do this, you just need to attach a regular sheet of paper to the monitor and trace the contours in the light. You can take regular A4 paper: even the largest detail of the largest size will fit on a standard piece of paper.

2. Cut out the pattern pieces from paper.

3. On the fabric, select the pattern you want to see on the top of the hat. Attach the circle pattern to this place (to the wrong side) and attach it with tailor pins. Cut out a circle taking into account seam allowances (this is an additional 5-7 mm from the pattern outline).

4. Cut out all the other parts in the same way. For a Panama hat you will need: one circle (top of the head), four side parts and four parts for the brim. You can also make your work easier by combining elements: to do this, cut out two side parts and parts of the fields together.

5. Cut out four pieces from non-woven fabric. These will be two side parts and two for the brim of the panama hat. Glue them to the fabric using an iron (iron on the cotton side).

6. Place the applique on one of the non-woven side parts. First, draw its outline on the wrong side of the jeans - let it be a fish, cat, crab or other cute creature.

7. Cut out the applique piece and attach it to the side of the bucket hat to see how the creation will look.

8. Sew the applique by machine or by hand using a stem stitch.

9. Add non-compacted ones to the compacted side parts: fold them inside out to each other. Sew these fabrics together along the edges. Thus, you will receive two full-fledged side parts: both on the front side and on the back they will feature cotton.

10. Sew these two parts together, having previously folded them with their front sides facing each other. At this stage you should get a ring - the basis of a headdress for a child.

11. It is better to sweep away the top side of this ring so that it is more integral (after all, there are already 3 layers of material here).

12. On the same top board, you now need to make short cuts every 1 cm. Instead of squares, you can cut out triangles - in both cases, this will help the fabric become more neat on future folds.

13. Turn the ring from the side parts inside out and place it in front of you, forming the base of the Panama hat. Place the cut circle on top, secure with pins, and then sweep the edges and remove the pins.

14. Sew along the basted line, sewing the crown to the side of the headdress. It turns out to be such a hat.

15. Seal the two brim pieces with non-woven fabric - these pieces will become the top brim pieces. The lower parts do not need to be sealed. Then sew the condensed and unconsolidated pieces together, placing them face to face. After this, make triangular cuts along the seam.

16. Turn the sewn part inside out: you get the brim of a panama hat.

17. Sew both parts of the fields together. If you previously cut out these parts in one piece, this step is naturally unnecessary.

18. Place the sealed part of the brim with the front side facing the base of the panama hat, align it so that the sides are evenly positioned. Sweep away these parts of the product. Then stitch along the basted line.

19. One part of the brim has already been sewn on: all that remains is to attach the bottom one. But before that, you can smooth out the fold of the margins and stitch them at a distance of no more than 1 cm from the edge. This procedure will make the margins more rigid.

20. Fold the edge of the bottom of the brim to finish the fabric and stitch it to the base of the hat. Make sure that this seam (the most difficult in the whole job!) turns out even.

21. Now you can wash the Panama hat and iron it thoroughly.
The boy's hat with applique is ready! The fish will delight the baby, and he will not want to take this useful headdress off his head!

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