Home Roses Presentation on the topic "weaving from newspapers." Creative project "weaving from newspaper tubes" Weaving from newspaper tubes presentation

Presentation on the topic "weaving from newspapers." Creative project "weaving from newspaper tubes" Weaving from newspaper tubes presentation

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 3 in Sovetsky village" of the Sovetsky district of the Republic of Mari El Creative project Weaving from newspaper tubes Completed by: Class of correctional and pedagogical support Supervisor: Furzikova A.V. Shipitsyna L.A. Morozova N.S. Morozova O.A. Contents I. Introduction Purpose of the project Project objectives Project product Relevance Research methods Novelty Interdisciplinary connection II. Work on the project stage 1. Preparatory stage 2. Main stage 3. Final III. Conclusion IV. Resources used Purpose of work:

  • Master the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes
  • and show the aesthetic significance of products made from this material. Tasks:
  • find and study literature on this topic;
  • study the history of weaving techniques;
  • conduct research into the needs of the product;
  • master the simplest techniques of weaving from newspaper tubes;
  • recycle old newspapers,
  • using creativity and imagination;
  • analyze the work done.
  • Project product:
  • Basket woven from newspaper tubes
Relevance It’s a pity for trees that die for the sake of newspapers and magazines, because people, after reading them, simply throw them away. In order to get a pack of newspapers only about a meter thick, you need to cut down an adult tree 10-12 meters high. Every year the need for paper increases, and the supply of wood from which it is obtained decreases. The forest needs to be saved now. Our work is about paper. So necessary, necessary, familiar and close, magical and beautiful. This good companion of writing, literature, and thought keeps a sad secret - every second tree cut down on Earth dies for the sake of making paper. Interdisciplinary communication Novelty Technology Weaving of decorative products Development of speech. Computer Science Mathematics Material selection Newspaper Glossy magazines White office paper Conclusion: We will make tubes from newspapers; in our opinion, this is the best option, which is confirmed by the study. Project work Stage I: Preparatory
  • Questioning.
  • Collection of information
  • about the history of weaving and the properties of various paper materials.
  • Analysis of the conducted
  • research.
  • Technology Study
  • creating wickerwork.
  • Activity planning
Questionnaire(15 people participated in the survey)

Conclusion: Many students have homes

wickerwork, but the guys didn’t think about it,

how the baskets were made.

Most people wanted to learn this craft.

children surveyed.

From history Looking at wicker items of amazing beauty and perfect form, we admire the skill of their creators. Humanity has not reached undoubted heights in this craft in one day - the art of weaving is more than 8,5 thousand years old. Scientists believe that man learned weaving much earlier than pottery. In ancient times, human life was unthinkable without wickerwork from the very moment of birth to death. The mother rocked the newborn baby in a cradle made of grass, the human bed was nothing more than a mat - a woven rug, and was escorted to another world in a coffin woven from willow twigs. The dishes and utensils were made from willow twigs, woven into baskets and all kinds of vessels. All simple belongings were stored in them: seeds and crops, game and fish, provisions and clothing. During World War II, wicker baskets were attached to parachutes to deliver supplies from the air. Many people probably have no idea that the pioneers of aeronautics took to the skies in light wicker baskets attached to balloons. This tradition is still alive today. Project work Stage II: Basic

  • Product selection
  • Making tubes
  • Basket weaving
  • Finished product painting
  • Varnish coating
Preliminary cost calculation.

Conclusion: having calculated the cost of one product, we came to the conclusion that the resulting products have a cost that is significantly lower than similar ones in stores and markets. Therefore, our products justify themselves at the initial stage from an economic point of view.

The production of the basket required the following costs: Calculation of material costs M3: Price of materials Ts1 = 311 rub. Material costs also include electricity calculations. It includes: Operation of an electric lamp: T=0.1h. The price for 1 kW is 2.97 rubles C2 = 0.1 x 2.97 = 0.297 rubles M3 = 311 + 0.297 = 311.3 rubles. Labor costs (Rop) The master's payment per hour is 29.75 rubles. It took 10 days to make the basket, 2 hours a day. Therefore C1=(29.75*2)*10=595 rub. I calculate the total cost using the formula: C = M3 + Rop + Ao + Zdr C = 311.3 + 595 + 0 + 0 = 906.3 I can sell my products at a price of 906.3 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of baskets.


  • Do you know what the baskets were made from?
  • Would you like to have a wicker basket or vase?
Project work Stage III: Final
  • We have gained experience in collecting
  • and information analysis
  • Learned how to work
  • together
  • Mastered the technology
  • weaving paper tubes
  • Met
  • with different weaving methods
Bibliography. Bibliography.
  • http://images. yandex. ru/yandsearch? text/
  • http://best-hand-made. net/
  • http://stranamasterov. ru/node/52253?page/
  • http://best-hand-made. net/
  • http://gemmastule. ru/pletenie-iz-gazet. net/
  • http://pletenie-iz-gazet. net/index. php/

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MKOU DOD TsVR p. Mikhailovka, Irkutsk region.

Slide 2

Newspaper weaving.

Newspaper weaving is a new craft based on the traditions and technologies of wicker weaving. Weaving from wicker (willow twig) is one of the most ancient human activities. The art of wicker weaving retains its traditions in our time.

The conditions of urban life limit our ability to master traditional weaving from natural material (wicker). New technology for harvesting material makes it possible to repeat wicker products from wicker, and in appearance they are almost no different from the original products.

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Products made using the weaving technique from newspapers look very beautiful. Many people think that mastering the technique of weaving from newspapers is difficult, but in fact everything is very simple.

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Paper for weaving.

From glossy magazines - difficult for a number of reasons (gluing, dirt, hard.)

Newspaper is more convenient, the tubes are longer, more flexible, easy to extend, but you need to work with gloves (dirty and unsafe.)

From office drafts:

  • from ¼ of the sheet - rigid (suitable only for large parts for simple weaving);
  • 1/6 of a sheet of A4- (no need to paint over or, on the contrary, you can give the desired color, clean work without dirt)
  • From cash register tapes - ideal (soft, clean, but expensive.)
  • Slide 5

    Weaving from newspapers is

    • almost zero cost of material;
    • the ability to use materials of various costs, including very affordable ones, for decorating products. This refers to the low cost of food dyes used to color tubes, PVA glue, and stains;
    • New technology for harvesting material allows you to repeat wickerwork from wicker;
    • Weaving from newspapers is also a significant component of environmental culture and environmental consciousness of schoolchildren. Students gain a new perspective on (previously) unnecessary newspapers and magazines;
    • In addition, weaving from newspapers is a very affordable handicraft for any city dweller.
  • Slide 6

    Material and tools.

    You will need:

    1. Newspaper sheets

    2. PVA glue

    3. Knitting needles of different diameters or wooden spikes.

    4. Scissors

    5. Paints, varnishes

    6. Brushes for glue and paint.

    7. Basis for weaving (pot, bottle, saucepan)

    This is very important, especially at first, otherwise the weaving will be uneven and shapeless.

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    Weaving technique.

    Operating procedure:

    1.First of all, you need to wind as many tubes as possible using a knitting needle.

    (There will be something to do in your free time!)

    To do this, the newspaper needs to be cut into strips of 5x30 cm. From strips of this size you will get thin tubes for an elegant product. If you need thicker tubes, then the width of the strips needs to be increased.

    2. You need to start winding the strip by wrapping the edge of the newspaper very tightly around the knitting needle. The thickness of the tube also depends on the diameter of the knitting needle. Having twisted the tube halfway, the knitting needle can be removed

    3. Secure the edge of the newspaper with glue

    4. When the “vine” runs out, take another one and, having greased its tip with glue, insert it into the previous one.

    One edge of the tube is narrower than the second. This is convenient when we connect the tubes to each other, since this is the main action when weaving from newspapers.

    We choose one of the types of weaving and start weaving the product.

    6. I treat it with PVA glue on both sides. Once dry, newspaper work becomes stiff.

    7. And the last stage. We also coat the resulting product with acrylic varnish on both sides.

    Slide 8

    Spiral weaving.

    To get started, you need to take 3 long tubes and lay them out so that the angles between the tubes are 60 degrees. If you need a product with a larger diameter, then you need to take 4 tubes, then the angle will be 45 degrees. The number of ribs in the product and the density of the weaving depend on the number of tubes. The place where the tubes cross can be coated with glue. We continue to weave, laying the tubes in a spiral.

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    Straight weave

    This type of weaving is economical, simple and quick to do. The weave goes from left to right. Take one rod and insert it anywhere between the two basket posts. Pass the bar so that it goes around one post in front, and the next one behind it, and so on until the circle is closed or until the end of the bar

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    Twisting (simple rope)

    This weaving is used mainly for making bases or for decorating the walls of products. It is performed with two rods. Take a rod, bend it in half, circle it around one of the posts so that you get two rods, the ends of which come out towards you. Then pass the left rod in front of the first post, over the other rod and behind the second post. Do the same with the other rod, placing it in front of the second and behind the third post.

    Weaving from newspaper tubes is an original pastime, an entertaining and exciting type of needlework that has become very popular recently. We were introduced to weaving techniques at a technology lesson. At first we tried to weave a simple round product, then we complicated our task and showed techniques for weaving three-dimensional figures in the form of flowerpots, baskets and boxes. We had an idea to make gifts for our loved ones and for ourselves using this technique. Since we have a group project, and the equipment is the same, we chose different types of products with their own purpose: --- Frame - for family photography; Jewelry box for mom; Basket for storing balls of yarn for grandma. Products made by hand are always highly valued, as the artist invests warmth and love towards his loved ones. There is also a good point here - there is no need to spend money on purchased gifts, because all the material is prepared from magazines and newspapers, which are put in our mailboxes, thereby we also save the family budget.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    MBOU "Secondary school in the village of Molodezhny, Perelyubsky municipal district, Saratov region" Weaving from newspaper tubes

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    Weaving is considered the most ancient craft. Weaving with vines goes back centuries. The history of basket weaving. Pieter Bruegel. Haymaking. (fragment) 1565. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna In those days, almost everyone knew how to weave baskets, without which it was difficult to run a household

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    This craft arose much earlier than pottery and gained an important place in people’s everyday life. A striking example of such an important role of weaving can be seen in dwellings, fences, various utensils, etc., built from branches. History of weaving Gazebo Wicker dwellings Fence

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    The rapid development of wicker weaving techniques began in the Middle Ages. History of weaving

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    History of weaving In our time, weaving with vines has not undergone such significant changes, and anyone can master this popular type of needlework. For weaving, you can use material of plant origin. reed straws rush corn leaves rattan

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    From material created by man, you can make almost any thing that your creative imagination can suggest. History of weaving threads wire foil newspaper tubes

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    Continuous weaving Simple weaving - single newspaper tubes are woven across one stand in the form of a continuous ribbon, layering one row over the other. For a continuous weave, there must be an odd number of posts, since an even number will not result in weave. The methods and techniques of weaving are determined by the configuration and purpose of the product, the material from which it is woven. Openwork weaving Openwork weaving from newspapers - with open cells. The types of openwork weaving from newspapers are extremely diverse. It can be simple and complex. Complex openwork can reproduce patterns of lace, fabrics and various shapes.

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    Layer weaving Types of weaving Weaving in rows Square weaving Rope weaving Pigtail weaving

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    Why weaving from newspapers? Because this is one of the “young” types of weaving, which has become widespread in recent decades, largely due to the massive development of the “World Wide Web”.

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    The reasons for weaving from newspapers are the almost zero cost of the material; the ability to weave a wide range of products from newspapers; the ability to use materials of various costs, including very affordable ones, for decorating products. This refers to the low cost of food dyes used to color tubes, PVA glue, and stains. Somewhere in the depths of my soul it pleases me to be involved in a noble environmental movement. After all, every newspaper weaver utilizes a considerable amount of waste material in his “production,” while creating something original that pleases both the author of the product and the “gifted” people.

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    What kind of paper is best to make tubes from? From glossy magazines - it’s difficult for a number of reasons (gluing, dirt, washed-out drawings, pellets when gluing) From newspapers - it’s more convenient, the tubes are longer, more flexible, easy to build up, but dirty. From office drafts: from ¼ of a sheet - rigid (suitable only for large parts for simple weaving); 1/6 of an A4 sheet is the best option (no need to paint over it or, on the contrary, you can give it the desired color, clean, dirt-free work)

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