Home Helpful Hints Batter with mineral water and egg. Recipe for batter for fish on mineral water. Batter for fish - a step by step recipe with a photo

Batter with mineral water and egg. Recipe for batter for fish on mineral water. Batter for fish - a step by step recipe with a photo

To properly prepare the batter, it is necessary to take into account all the proportions and viscosity of the dough. To determine the density of the dough, you need to take a tablespoon and dip it into the prepared mixture. If at the same time the spoon does not shine through the layer of dough and the entire mass flows evenly over its surface, then the mixture is ready and now you can start frying the main product.

To prepare the dish, we need to dip the dried pieces of fish in batter, after which we put them in a well-heated pan with a sufficiently large amount of sunflower oil. At the same time, there should be a small free space between the laid out pieces so that they do not stick together.


  • Cold water - 150 ml
  • flour - 5 tbsp. l
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

To begin with, we prepare all the necessary products. Peel the onion and rub it on a fine grater into a deep bowl. Pour the sifted flour there, a little salt and pepper to taste and beat in one egg.

Then mix well the whole mass. Then add cold water little by little and bring the mixture to a homogeneous state.

The dough should turn out without lumps, not thick and not quite liquid.

A simple fish batter recipe with mayonnaise

The batter according to this recipe is very tender, soft and airy, which is suitable for cooking any fish, but it is best suited for slightly dry fish.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • flour - 0.5 cups
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l
  • hard cheese - 70 gr
  • water - if necessary
  • salt and spices - optional.

Cooking method:

1. Drive eggs into a bowl and add mayonnaise, beat them well with a mixer or whisk until smooth.

2. Rub hard cheese on a fine grater and combine with the egg-mayonnaise mixture.

4. If desired, add salt, spices and, if necessary, add water to make a mass similar to store-bought sour cream.

How to make batter with egg and flour


  • Flour - 180 gr
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • mayonnaise - 130 gr
  • cold water - 100 ml
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Drive two eggs into a deep bowl. At the same time, using a mixer or whisk, bring to a homogeneous state, after which a light foam should appear on the egg mass.

2. Now add a little ground pepper and salt to taste, add mayonnaise and beat well again. If you use a mixer, then this must be done at minimum speed so that the batter does not foam further.

3. Without ceasing to stir the mayonnaise base of the whole mass, we introduce cold water into it in a thin stream, and then add flour one spoon at a time. We carefully monitor the density and thoroughly break all the lumps. Having brought to the required consistency, we stop adding flour.

Batter for fish cooked on beer


  • Flour - 100 gr
  • beer - 300 ml
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • salt -1 tsp

Cooking method:

Sift flour into a deep cup, add egg yolk, beer, salt and mix until smooth. Beat egg whites separately until white peaks.

Then we combine the dough with whipped proteins and mix well until smooth.

Here is such a quick and easy beer batter recipe that is great for frying.

Batter with milk at home

The dough with the addition of milk gives the fish a delicate taste, in contrast to the crispy crust.


  • Flour - 150 gr
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l
  • spices and dried herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We drive one egg into a bowl, pour in a few tablespoons of cow's milk there, add spices and salt to taste.

3. If desired, add dried herbs and mix again until smooth.

Recipe for air batter on mineral water (video)

The dough is tender and airy, suitable for fish, meat and vegetables. The only, but as I think, not a little important note is that the oil can splash a lot when cooking food, which is why it is better to fry in a deep and narrow saucepan. Sparkling water should be cool enough, almost to the point of ice. Someone lays one egg, but I won't.

Bon Appetit!!!

  • half a glass of chilled mineral water with gas (it is better to keep the vessel in the freezer for at least 1-2 hours);
  • half a glass of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt, spices depending on taste preferences.
  • Preparation time: 01:00
  • Cooking time: 00:20
  • Servings: 1
  • Complexity: light


  1. The mineral water batter is prepared gradually. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of the dough a little thicker than for baking pancakes.
  2. First, the egg is stirred with salt and spices, the addition of which is optional, but if you have special taste preferences, you can add cumin, basil, or even chopped garlic.
  3. Half a serving of mineral water is poured into the egg, and the flour is also gradually mixed in. When mixing, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a whisk.
  4. Having achieved a homogeneous consistency, you can pour the remaining mineral water.
  5. Once again, mix thoroughly and add flour to the consistency of the dough. Flour may require less than the stated amount or, conversely, more. It all depends on the egg chosen for making the batter.
  6. Mixing everything thoroughly, you can start frying the fish. Dip the fish in the batter, and then lay it on a preheated pan.

Batter for fish is a special dough of a liquid consistency, which is used to fry the fillet of the product. There are a huge number of recipes for making batter. Young hostesses use both ordinary cooking products, such as milk or mayonnaise, and ingredients that do not fit into healthy food at all, such as beer or vodka.

But the recipe for dough with the use of mineral water has won the greatest distribution. An important condition of the presented cooking process is the use of chilled mineral water with gas. This ingredient gives the cooked fish that crispy, but at the same time mild taste.

A batter using sparkling mineral water guarantees soft dough and fish, a well-done dish and a crispy orange crust. The airiness of the dough will pleasantly surprise you.

Fish can be eaten both hot and cold. If desired, you can prepare a side dish, but such actions are optional, since the fish in batter is quite nutritious and tasty even when used individually.

Cooking pink salmon is a pleasure! Whatever you do with it: boiled, smoked, salted or baked in the oven - it will be very tasty anyway. And, by the way, I forgot one more option - fried pink salmon in a pan. The easiest way, of course, in this case, is to pre-marinate it for a short time in spices and fry on both sides in a grill pan. And you can complicate your task a little and cook batter on mineral water.

Then pink salmon turns out to be very tender and appetizing, in a golden crust, delicious to the point of impossibility! Any red fish, including pink salmon, is suitable for this recipe.


  • 2 pink salmon steaks (weighing about 150 g each);
  • 0.5 cups of mineral water with gas;
  • ¾ - 1 cup flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt to taste;
  • black freshly ground pepper to taste;
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying.

From the indicated amount of products (mineral water, flour and eggs), you will get enough batter for two large steaks.


We start the process by preparing the fish. Rinse salmon with cold water, pat dry with paper towels. Cut out (if any) fins. Sprinkle the pink salmon pieces with salt and pepper and lightly rub them into the flesh of the fish. Set aside for 10-15 minutes, let the fish marinate.

Cooking batter. Crack the egg into the mixer bowl, beat.

Add mineral water, beat again.

Put salt, pepper and about half the flour. Mix with a mixer.

Then, little by little, stirring all the time with a mixer, add the rest of the flour. The dough should turn out to be about the same density as on pancakes. When adding flour, be careful not to overdo it. Pour a little, 1-2 tablespoons each, mix - and see if the dough is thick enough. Due to the fact that the quality of flour varies greatly, it takes more or less. Therefore, it is impossible to specify the exact amount of flour.

Pink salmon has already marinated by this time. Dip steaks in batter on both sides. We make sure that the surface of the fish is completely covered with dough.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it well (if you put the fish in insufficiently hot oil, it will stick to the pan). Lay out the fish. In this case, the fire should be slightly below average.

As soon as the pink salmon in batter is browned on one side, turn it over and cook again until the batter is golden.

Many housewives prepare all kinds of dishes in batter. Often different types of fish are made in this way. The article will discuss how to make a batter on mineral water for various fish delicacies.

How to cook?

Today, there are several ways to prepare batter on mineral water. Consider the most popular.

Classic recipe

To prepare such a dough, you need to pour chilled mineral water into a clean plate. After that, one fresh egg is broken there and a little salt is added.

All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a whisk or spoon until a foamy mass is obtained. Then add flour to the resulting mixture. Do this gradually in small portions, while constantly stirring it all.

The mass is again well whipped with a whisk. Dip each piece of fish into the mixture. After that, the fish can be sent to cook in a heated pan.

With green onions

To make such a dough for fish, you need to break one chicken egg into a deep plate, after which cold mineral water is poured there. The ingredients are thoroughly shaken with a fork or whisk.

Then put some salt on the plate. Still mix well again. After that, flour is gradually poured into the plate. With the help of a whisk, the products are shaken to a state of a homogeneous, thick mass that does not contain lumps.

At the end, a little more mineral water is added to the future batter. The mixture should be as homogeneous as possible. At the end, chopped green onions are added to the rest of the ingredients (you can also add chopped dill or parsley for taste). Each piece of fish is dipped into the resulting mass, after which they are sent to fry in a preheated pan.

With hot spices

To make such a batter for fish dishes, you first need to break one chicken egg into a clean cup. After that, mineral water is poured there and a small amount of salt is added. All products are mixed with each other.

At the end, curry, red pepper are added to the resulting mixture.

Instead of curry, you can use turmeric.

Later, a little flour and potato starch are put into the dough. All this is thoroughly whipped with a whisk until a homogeneous mass without lumps.

No added eggs

Mineral water batter for fish fillet can be made without eggs. To do this, first sift the flour through a metal sieve, and add salt to it. Then gradually chilled mineral water is added in small portions. Do not forget to constantly stir the mass.

All ingredients are well whipped with a fork or whisk. The mixture should not be very liquid. Pieces of fish fillet are rolled in the resulting dough and sent to a heated frying pan with hot vegetable oil. The dish is cooked until a golden crust appears on the dough.

Remember that if you want to make your fish batter as fluffy as possible, then you should add some yeast to the mass. Instead of yeast, you can also use baking soda.

Do not forget that it is recommended to mix the products when preparing the batter with a mixer or blender. If there are none, then the mixture is whipped with a whisk. The mass should be as homogeneous as possible, without clots and lumps.

When preparing dough with mineral water, many housewives advise adding various herbs and spices. After all, they can give the dish a pleasant aroma and a special piquancy.

After preparing the mixture, it is recommended to leave it for one hour to brew at room temperature. This should be done so that the gluten contained in the flour completely loses its elasticity. In this case, the dough will not dry out during the preparation of the fish fillet.

Do not forget that you need to use cold products to prepare batter. But you need to fry the fish fillet in it only in hot oil in a frying pan.

To prevent the batter from stacking off the fish fillet during frying, it must first be prepared. To do this, each piece is first laid out on a cutting board. On it they are sprinkled with a small amount of flour. If there is no flour, then starch can be used instead. And only after that the fish is dipped in batter.

If you use the most juicy fish fillet, then you need to make a thicker dough. After all, it will make a dense crust that will not allow the juice to flow out. If you use less juicy fish fillets for cooking, then in this case you can make a liquid batter that will skip hot oil.

If you want to check the consistency of fish batter, then you should simply dip a spoon into it. If the dough evenly covers its surface, then this means that the mass was mixed with the desired content of sifted flour. If the mixture has significant gaps, then in this case more flour should be added to it.

For information on how to make an air batter on mineral water, see the video below.

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