Home Useful tips Applying for a mortgage - step-by-step instructions. What to do if you don’t have the money to continue paying your mortgage loan. Documents for obtaining a mortgage: Sberbank

Applying for a mortgage - step-by-step instructions. What to do if you don’t have the money to continue paying your mortgage loan. Documents for obtaining a mortgage: Sberbank

If you don’t have your own funds, then purchasing real estate through a bank loan becomes more relevant than ever. In this article we will look step by step at how a mortgage is issued today.

Mortgage lending is a complex process that requires a serious approach to get it right. You need to carefully think through every step, this will help you avoid problems and errors during registration. A mortgage requires compliance with certain conditions, or rather step-by-step instructions.

Applying for a home loan includes several stages:

  • Determine what down payment you can make.

That is, calculate how much of your own funds you have available and how much you can spend specifically on buying an apartment. Today, banks offer mortgage loans with installments starting from 15%, in some you can get a loan without this payment at all, you can read more about such programs.

The more of your money you contribute, the better. For clients who initially pay at least 30% of the cost of the purchased home, lenders offer more attractive conditions, since they trust more. A large down payment requires a simplified registration procedure, that is, the bank will need a limited list of documents.

  • Find the apartment you want to buy in advance.

This does not mean that you need to choose a specific housing, it is enough to monitor current prices for real estate to have an idea of ​​what kind of real estate you can qualify for.

  • Select a bank and mortgage program.

This is the most main stage, where you will get acquainted with a variety of banking products, clarify their conditions: the size of the down payment, terms, interest rates, requirements for applicants, requirements of lenders for real estate. The most profitable offer on housing lending you can find at this link.

Find out which additional expenses you will have to bear, for example, whether there is a commission for issuing funds, for opening and maintaining an account, for opening a safe deposit box, etc. In many banks you will encounter insurance, which will also require additional costs. Read more about mortgage insurance in this article.

  • Gather documents for a mortgage.

Check with your potential lender about what paperwork you will need to provide to receive the loan. Usually the list includes a passport, a second document, insurance certificate, birth certificate of children and marriage, certificate 2-NDFL and a copy work book. You can first familiarize yourself with the list of documents using the example of Sberbank - in this article.

  • Fill in the form

Today, the vast majority of banks allow you to fill out a form not only in a company branch, but also remotely via the Internet. Some even provide discounts. Sberbank, for example, has even created a separate portal called House Click for remote application submission, online settlements and transaction registration.

After submitting all the papers, the bank begins to consider your application; the process can last from a couple of days to two weeks. At this time, your solvency is reviewed, documents and credit history are checked.

  • Choosing an apartment and collecting papers on it.

If the bank has approved your application, then start looking for an apartment. The seller will need to request documents for housing (certificate of state registration of the right to an apartment, BTI documents, certificate of absence of debt on utility bills and other papers). Full list You will receive documents for the apartment from the bank.

  • Appraisal of the apartment, which is carried out by an independent appraisal company accredited by the bank.
  • Mortgage risk insurance – life and health insurance, title insurance, property insurance. Property insurance in banks is mandatory, the rest depends on the chosen program and lender.
  • Sign the purchase and sale agreement. On a certain day, you sign a mortgage agreement with the bank, a purchase and sale agreement and deposit money in a safe deposit box.
  • Register the sale and purchase transaction by going with the seller to the registration office.

That's it - now the home is yours! Start settling in, but don't forget that you now have a mortgage to pay. This step-by-step instruction displays all the stages that a borrower goes through when applying for a home mortgage.

Some advice for potential borrowers

And finally, I would like to give a few practical advice for those who decided to acquire their own home with the help of a mortgage:

  • if you don't have a credit history yet, i.e. Before this, you have not applied to banks for a loan, first, get a credit card or a product loan in a store,
  • close all existing debts so that there is no refusal due to debt,
  • Make calculations in advance on the websites of the banks with which you would like to cooperate. Look at the ratio of your income and monthly payment, the latter should not exceed 30-40% of your wages, otherwise refusal will come,
  • to get a higher amount, involve co-borrowers (many lenders allow up to 3-4 people),
  • Do not waste time collecting documents from your place of work. The more certificates you have confirming your solvency, the higher your chances
  • in order to save money, try to take part in government programs

The housing issue is pressing for many Russian families. Taking into account real estate prices and the income levels of our fellow citizens, saving to buy your own home can take decades.

In this situation optimal solution is taking out a mortgage loan. Of course, the borrower pays interest to the bank, but lives in his own apartment, not a rented one. The process of obtaining collateral is quite complicated and takes a lot of time. Let's look at how a mortgage is issued step by step and analyze the conditions offered by Russian banks.

You can get a home loan from almost every bank. The financial institution independently sets tariffs for its services, but the process of issuing a mortgage is the same in all institutions.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Selecting a loan offer and the bank with which the client prefers to cooperate. It should be remembered that today in Russia there are a number of preferential mortgage programs for certain categories of the population. For example, military personnel, young families, scientists, teachers. If you have the right to participate in these projects, then be sure to take advantage of it.
  2. Making a preliminary decision on possible lending. Banks do not provide loans to everyone, but only to those clients who meet their requirements. Therefore, you need to find out the preliminary decision of the institution. To do this, contact the branch of the bank of your choice and fill out an application for a mortgage loan. You will also need to provide your civil passport, a certificate of income for the last six months and a copy of your work book. If the potential borrower is legally married, then similar documents will be required from his other half.
  3. Filling out the form. In it, the client indicates personal information about himself, his family, his employer, the amount of monthly income and expenses, credit history, and his property. The borrower must also specify the parameters of the loan being issued: the expected amount, term and size of the down payment. Most banks require an advance of at least 10% of the value of the purchased property.
  4. The bank makes a preliminary decision. First of all, the bank checks the client’s credit history and solvency. As a result of the analysis financial institution informs the borrower what amount and on what conditions it is ready to provide.
  5. Next, the client searches for real estate that he would like to purchase.
  6. Providing complete package documents for obtaining a mortgage:
  • independent expert assessment real estate (on its basis the loan amount and the minimum advance are determined);
  • copies of passports of all property sellers;
  • document confirming the ownership of housing.
  1. Based on the complete package of documents, the bank makes a final decision. The loan is issued only for the purchase of liquid property that is not in disrepair.
  2. Making a deal. Client signs loan agreement and repayment schedule. The purchase and sale agreement and the pledge agreement are drawn up at the notary. There is a change of ownership of the property. But until the mortgage is paid off in in full, the housing is seized.

Applying for a home loan can take several weeks. You also need to remember about additional costs.

The client pays for: services of an appraiser, notary and insurance company. During the entire loan period, the property must be insured.

How to choose the best conditions for mortgage lending?

Each bank sets its own tariffs for loans issued. Therefore, before submitting an application, you need to carefully study all the conditions. In this case, you need to pay attention to the main indicators:

  • interest rate and the procedure for its revision;
  • minimum down payment;
  • the presence of a commission for issuing a loan;
  • the amount of penalties for violation of loan payment terms;
  • the presence of insurance payments and how the refusal of insurance affects the interest rate;
  • are there any restrictions on early repayment mortgages.

If the client has the opportunity to independently choose a loan repayment schedule, then it is better to stick to the standard one. Compared to the annuity scheme, the overpayment under it will be 20-30% less.

To reduce the debt burden on family budget It is better to take out a loan for the maximum period, but if possible, repay it ahead of schedule. The size of the final overpayment on the loan depends only on the client himself.

Mortgage for secondary housing

Purchasing ready-made housing has a number of advantages. The biggest plus is that the client can move into his apartment immediately after completing the transaction. This is especially true for married couples who live in rented housing.

So let's consider best deals for secondary housing mortgages from Russian banks.

VTB 24 program

In this institution you can get a mortgage for 30 years. The minimum advance payment is 10%. The interest rate is within 10-11% per annum. If you refuse personal and title insurance, the rate increases by 1%.

A decision on the application is made within 4 days. Citizens of Russia aged from 21 to 75 can take advantage of this offer. If the client makes an advance of 40%, then there is no need to document his income. It is enough to provide a civil passport and a second personal document.

Transcapitalbank program

This bank is ready to provide a housing loan at 9.5-12% per annum. The minimum rate applies to clients of this institution. Mandatory down payment – ​​10%. If an advance payment of 30% or more is made, then there is no need to confirm employment and income.

The loan is repaid according to an annuity schedule. A decision on the application is made within 5 working days.

Russian banks offer their clients quite profitable terms for mortgages on secondary housing. But only borrowers with impeccable credit can get a loan. credit history, a stable source of income and an official place of work.

Registration of a mortgage with maternity capital

According to current legislation, women who have given birth to two or more children have the right to...

In 2017, the subsidy amount is 453,026 rubles. These funds can be spent on clearly defined purposes, for example, to improve living conditions.

If you want to use the equity to pay a down payment on a mortgage, you don't have to wait until your child is three years old.

The loan is processed according to the standard procedure. But the mandatory package of documents also includes a certificate for maternity capital and an extract from the Pension Fund that these funds have not been used previously.

After the loan transaction has been completed Pension Fund transfers money to the seller’s account within three months. Only after this does the final change of ownership of the property occur.

It should be noted that purchasing an apartment using maternity capital very often occurs at a large discount. Not every seller will wait three months for all the money to be transferred to him.

The best option is to buy housing on the primary market. It will take time to put the house into operation. Therefore, the developer can wait for the transfer of money from the Pension Fund.

Mortgage lending without down payment

It is almost impossible to get a mortgage without a down payment. Most Russian banks require an advance of at least 10% of the cost of the purchased property.

But there is a way out of this situation.

For example, a client can issue consumer loan and use the funds received to make an advance.

But the borrower must realistically assess his financial capabilities, since he will need to repay two loans at the same time.

The second option is to provide alternative collateral, that is, real estate that is already the property of the client. In this case, the bank will not require an advance. But such a transaction incurs additional costs for the client. He will need to insure two properties.

Therefore, it is better to wait to apply for a mortgage and save the necessary amount of money.

How to obtain a mortgage for housing under construction

Obtaining a mortgage loan for housing under construction has a number of features:

  1. Banks issue loans only for the purchase of real estate from accredited developers. The legal service checks their documents, so there is no doubt about the legality of the transaction.
  2. While the housing is under construction, the bank holds the client’s property rights to the property as collateral. And only after the house is put into operation is a standard mortgage agreement drawn up.
  3. For the period until the borrower's rights to the property are registered with Rosreestr, the interest rate on the loan increases by 1-2%.

In general, mortgage conditions for primary housing are slightly more favorable than for secondary housing.

So, we have looked at the procedure for obtaining a mortgage. It should be noted that this transaction is quite complex, so you should not make hasty decisions. The client must carefully read the terms of the loan, realistically assess his financial capabilities and try to make as large an advance payment as possible. And most importantly, read everything you sign.

Personal finance expert Ivan Zakharov will tell you the main mistakes people make when choosing a bank, loan size, and mortgage rates:

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Buying an apartment is a serious matter. There are many parties involved in the process, although the main ones remain the buyer, the seller and the lender financing the transaction. You will also have to collect a lot of documents and, possibly, spend a lot of time agreeing on the terms of the loan. However, it only seems that obtaining a mortgage is something impossible.


The preliminary stage can also be divided into 3 parts. The first will be to find a suitable loan offer. It is assumed that before going to the bank, you are at least a little familiar with the general situation on the mortgage market, the average rates and conditions that can be offered to you. This can be done on thematic websites, resources of banks themselves, mortgage brokers or forums.

The second part is searching for real estate that you will buy on credit. At this stage you will have to decide whether you will look suitable apartment yourself or contact realtors. If you save on the services of intermediaries, then, again, you should find out on your own what requirements banks have for future collateral.

The third part is reconnaissance. It's time to visit the bank of your choice, talk to a credit consultant in advance, clarify the conditions and take a list of documents that will be required to apply for a loan.


This stage is also worth highlighting separately. It involves the process of collecting documents and submitting them to the bank for review. There will be a lot of documents:
- identification documents, Family status etc.;
- evidence of income;
- for purchased housing.

The bank, having carefully examined the evidence of your creditworthiness and trustworthiness provided by you, and having familiarized itself with your choice of housing, will issue a preliminary verdict. This is not yet the conclusion of a loan agreement, but a big step towards it.

Choosing a Lender

And here we cannot fail to say that even after securing preliminary approval, you do not need to settle on this bank. You can submit the same package of documents (photocopies) to 2-3 financial structures. This will save time in case of failure of one of them, because each bank can review mortgage documents for several weeks. And if you receive approval from all creditors, you will have the opportunity to choose the most favorable conditions for you.

Direct registration

Applying for a mortgage loan is not just about signing a loan agreement, which in itself could be a separate step. The registration includes the assessment and insurance of the purchased property, agreement on the clauses of the contract, its signing, and registration of the transaction with the relevant authorities.

In this case, you usually do not need to look for an insurer and an appraiser; banks offer those specialists with whom they themselves have worked. But it’s worth looking at the text of the agreement in person - and doing this before the day of signing, asking the bank for a form of a typical mortgage agreement. Do not rely on the consultant’s words - he may forget or keep silent about something.

Trusting mortgage processing to intermediaries and technologies

If the process seems too complicated for you, you can always ask for help. As already mentioned, when choosing real estate, you can contact realtors. Most of these specialists are familiar with the requirements that banks put forward for collateralized housing, and this is an additional time saver.

Questions related to loan documents, choosing a loan program and lender approval can be entrusted to a mortgage broker. Of course, such specialists can currently only be found in major cities, but their services are increasingly presented at a good level.

I would like to mention one more innovation. In an effort to save time – theirs and the borrowers’, and at the same time their expenses, many lenders allow you to leave

If there is not enough quantity Money If you want to purchase real estate on your own, but are already tired of renting temporary housing, then it’s time to think about purchasing real estate with a mortgage. However, mortgage lending is a very complex and controversial issue that requires careful analysis to make the right decision. It is necessary to think carefully about every step, because today buying an apartment with a mortgage is a more serious decision than having a child. Instructions for obtaining a mortgage loan for the purchase of real estate When you plan to purchase a home using a mortgage loan, the procedure for purchasing an apartment with a mortgage provides for some conditions for obtaining a loan, and step-by-step instructions on the procedure will be very helpful. Where to begin? Where to contact? How to assess your creditworthiness correctly? These questions concern everyone who wants to receive mortgage

and solve the housing problem. Meanwhile, buying an apartment with a mortgage requires the potential borrower to comply with certain conditions

, or rather step-by-step instructions, because the mortgage conditions are much stricter than conventional lending. A mortgage loan is burdened with additional mandatory procedures such as insurance and valuation of the collateral property, a minimum down payment, etc. In addition, the mortgage borrower will have to buy an apartment in a new building that is accredited by his bank or look for a seller in secondary market

who will agree to the procedure for selling a home using a mortgage. Thus, applying for a home loan includes several step-by-step steps that everyone who decides to buy a home with a mortgage will have to face. And simple step-by-step instructions will help you take these steps without any problems.

Conditions for purchasing real estate with a mortgage Mortgage lending is the most popular type of loan to improve living conditions. Moreover, this process is very capacious and multifaceted, taking from 1.5 to 3 months, and each step sometimes involves new costs, conditions and requirements for the borrower. Step-by-step instructions, previously studied, will help you avoid unnecessary problems
and erroneous actions.

  1. Analysis of desires and possibilities. First of all, the borrower must soberly assess his chances. So, if he dreams of a luxurious penthouse, but at the same time he does not even have money for a down payment, then, of course, he needs to come down to earth and make sure that his desires coincide with his possibilities. So, you need to find out:
  • How much money do you have for a down payment?
  • Approximately what will the cost of housing be?
  • What is the possible monthly contribution amount?
  • How much loan will be required?
  • For how long do you plan to take out a mortgage?

2. Selecting a bank and mortgage program. If mortgage programs in all credit institutions are approximately the same, then their conditions may differ slightly; therefore, when choosing a bank, you must rely on two main criteria:

  • Are the bank's conditions suitable for the borrower?
  • whether the borrower meets the bank's requirements.

First of all, the borrower can find out General terms lending to each individual bank on the Internet. Then, narrowing the circle, go through those credit institutions that best meet his needs. At the bank branch you need to do the following:

  • Find out what documents are needed for a mortgage
  • What are the requirements for real estate - the object of collateral?
  • Mortgage interest
  • Ask to calculate monthly payments for several options for the amount and term of the mortgage
  • Availability of commissions
  • Application review period.

By issuing mortgage loans, the bank also takes risks; money is not issued to everyone. Therefore, the credit institution puts forward certain requirements and conditions for the borrower and the apartment. A potential bank client must find out whether he and his income meet the bank's requirements.

3. Collection and preparation of documents. Having chosen a suitable bank, you need to apply for a mortgage loan. Along with the application, a package of documents is provided to the credit institution:

  • Certificate of income
  • Copy of the passport
  • A copy of the work book, etc.

The decision to issue a mortgage loan can take from 2 days to 2 months.

4. Search for suitable real estate. Having previously clarified the bank's requirements for collateral housing, the borrower can begin searching for and choosing an apartment in a new building or on the secondary market. It is necessary to find not only housing that will suit both the borrower and the bank, but also a seller who is ready to work with a mortgage. After choosing an apartment, you need to bring a second package of documents to the credit institution, which will include:

  • Insurance of the collateral
  • Independent assessment
  • Preliminary purchase and sale agreement
  • Consent to the sale of all homeowners
  • Certificate of registration of ownership
  • Cadastral passport
  • Extract from the house register.

After checking all the documents, the borrower receives a loan confirmation.

5. Conclusion of a loan agreement. On the appointed day, the borrower enters into a loan agreement with the bank, as well as a purchase and sale agreement with the seller of the apartment. The seller receives his money, the bank receives the collateral, and the borrower receives the apartment and mortgage debt. After this, the documents are submitted to state registration. After 5 days, the borrower receives documents confirming the ownership of the property, but he will receive full rights to housing only after he has fulfilled all loan obligations to the bank.

Total 5 simple steps A person who wants to purchase a home with a mortgage needs to know!

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