Home Blanks for the winter Loans to non-working pensioners without guarantors. Cheap consumer loans with low interest rate for retirees

Loans to non-working pensioners without guarantors. Cheap consumer loans with low interest rate for retirees

Despite the fact that many financial institutions set limits on loans for retirees (unemployed or employed), this category of borrowers may well rely on borrowed funds. Loans for retirees are issued on different terms depending on the bank. Lending programs for the elderly differ in the amount of funds issued, the duration of the contract, interest rates, and requirements for the package of documents. Almost all proposals of Moscow banks provide for documentary evidence of income. In some cases, a pension certificate is sufficient. The most loyal conditions for pension loans are provided to working pensioners who have a positive borrower history. It is assumed that the client had no past due debts in the past.

Many banks offer loans for retirees with a low interest rate, especially if the loan is collateralized. The encumbrance at the request of the client can be assigned to any liquid property. One of the most common requirements for a loan for pensioners is to attract guarantors, but this condition is not mandatory in all banks in Moscow.

The Vyberu.ru portal contains all the offers of Moscow banks that provide loans to online pensioners. We have selected the best offers on rates and conditions, you just have to choose which loan to take for retirees. Consider which banks provide loans to non-working retirees and choose the best deal.

What banks provide loans for retirees?

Despite the widespread belief that banks prefer not to lend to retirees, it is not difficult to find a suitable lending program for retirement-age clients. Many banks in the Russian Federation have launched lending programs for pensioners - it is enough to prepare the necessary documents: an original passport, an application form, a certificate from the pension fund and, if the citizen continues to work, a work book. Banks are loyal to retirees - this is one of the most reliable groups of clients, for which preferential loan terms are often provided.

What loan should a pensioner take?

A huge number of promotions and special programs for retirees allow you to find a profitable loan for any income level. As a rule, clients of retirement age are provided loans with a loan collateral and the need for a guarantor, however, you can also find unearmarked loans. Promotions have been extended for proposals for car loans for retirees, as well as mortgage loans with a minimum loan duration. You can find a profitable loan program for retirees with Vyberu.Ru: the portal contains all the offers from Russian banks that work with retirement age clients and provide their services on preferential terms.

The most delicious age of a borrower for banks is 24-45 years old, that is, they are solvent and have already achieved good career growth with a stable salary. But there are banks and other organizations that provide lucrative consumer loans to retirees, usually up to 70-75-85 years old. We have collected for you 9 banks and express loan services, in which those who do not work, but only receive a pension, can take cash.

Banks and MFOs lending to pensioners over 65

In different regions, there are different profitable banks with preferential terms for pensioners. In the south of the country, in Rostov, Astrakhan or Krasnodar, contact Pervomaisky Bank, in Moscow and the region - to Interprombank, and you can get 100,000 rubles per year at a rate of 8.9% at Sovcombank in any city where there are branches, that is almost throughout the Russian Federation. Free loan up to 15,000 - in CreditPlus, and the largest amount in MFOs - in Mig Credit.

Sovcombank - 8.9% and 100,000 on the day of circulation

  • Amount: Up to 100,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate: from 8.9%;
  • Term: a 12 months;
  • Age: up to 85 years old;
  • Set of documents: passport + SNILS.

Sovcombank has a lucrative retirement loan program with a rate of 8.9% per annum, and is almost the only bank in which retirees can take out a loan up to 85 years old only with a passport and pension certificate. He also issues cash to other borrowers without a certificate of income.

Gazenergobank - more than 1 million rubles. by passport

  • Amount: Up to 1.3 million rubles;
  • Term: Up to 5 years;
  • Interest rate: From 11.9%;
  • Age: up to 70 years old;
  • Set of documents: according to the passport.

Gazprombank does not have a very high maximum age at which a pensioner can take a concessional consumer loan, but it is issued only with a passport and you can get a large amount of up to 1.3 million rubles. But you should only apply with a good credit history and no delinquencies on current loans, if you do not want to be refused.

SKB-Bank - 11.9% without debts and delinquencies

  • Amount: From 51,000 to 1.3 million;
  • Term: Up to 5 years;
  • Interest rate: From 11.9%;
  • Age: up to 70 years old;
  • Set of documents: passport, SNILS + proof of income.

It also issues cash loans to pensioners only up to 70 years old, but requires a good credit history. With delays, you are more likely to get rejected. But on the other hand, no additional documents will be needed except for a passport and SNILS and makes a decision on the application on the day of application. True, for a low rate, they will require a 2-NDFL certificate.

Interprombank - pension loan from 12% in Moscow

  • Amount: From 45 thousand rubles. up to 1 million;
  • Term: From six months to 3 years;
  • Interest rate: From 12%;
  • Age: up to 75 years old;
  • Set of documents: passport + confirmation of pension and registration.

It willingly gives out profitable loans to pensioners up to 75 years of age from 12%, but there are several important conditions. The most important thing is only for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. You must have a temporary or permanent registration in the capital - the bank will check this. You can receive a pension not only by age, but also by seniority.

Pervomaisky - up to 7 million from 14.9%

  • Amount: Up to 7 million;
  • Term: Up to 5 years;
  • Interest rate: From 14.9%;
  • Age: up to 75 years old;
  • Set of documents: 2 documents.

In the southern part of Russia, for example in Krasnodar or Rostov, pensioners under 75 can also take out cash on credit at a favorable interest rate of 14.9% with a guarantee of this rate. To do this, contact the Pervomaisky Bank, having issued and received a preliminary decision today. In addition to the passport, you will need a second additional document, for example, a pension certificate.

Your Money - up to 75 years old up to 1.5% per day

  • Amount: From 1,000 to 25,000;
  • Term: From 1 to 30 days;
  • Interest rate: Up to 1.5% per day;
  • Age: up to 75 years old;
  • Set of documents: only a passport.

Of the advantages - a relatively small loan rate for MFOs and a quick decision to receive money. To receive a loan, you will need a bank card of any bank, for example, the one to which you receive a pension (money will be transferred to it), as well as a cell number for an SMS confirmation code.

Mig Credit - instant loan according to the passport

  • Amount: From 3000 to 99500;
  • Term: From 3 days to 48 weeks;
  • Interest rate: From 0.27% per day;
  • Age: up to 75 years old;
  • Set of documents: your passport.

The lowest interest rate among MFOs in Mig Credit - starts from 0.27% per day. They transfer money to a card or transfers from Unistream or Contact, you can pay off in the same way. The first time they can issue up to 55,000 rubles, the next time you can count up to almost 1,000 thousand. Plus a long loan term, although it is better to pay off in MFOs the sooner the better. There are preferential pension programs.

Is it possible to take out such a loan if you are not working?

Yes, Sovcombank or Interprombank issue lucrative soft loans, including to non-working pensioners. But you may be required to provide information on your pension. The higher it is, the better conditions you can get. And for MFIs, work is not needed at all.

Who is more willing to issue retirement loans?

Banks that have special offers specifically for this category of citizens. These are Sovcombank, Gazprombank, Sberbank and many other large banks. It is better to find out in advance where there are preferential loans and apply there. You can also go to the bank on whose card you receive your pension. But remember that Sberbank (namely, it issues pensions to the majority of pensioners) is far from the lowest interest.

The maximum age at which it is possible to receive funds in some banking institutions is 55, 60 or 65 years. There are companies that give loans to retirees, but this does not apply to non-working retirees. Therefore, one of the requirements is proof of income and a certificate of employment.

But even for non-working pensioners, there are certain proposals. As a rule, banks give loans to those people of retirement age who receive the due payments to the card of this institution.

With the corresponding proposals entered the market:

  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Sberbank;
  • Tinkoff;
  • Renaissance.

All of them follow an individual approach when considering applications.

What banks give a loan to pensioners?

Both working and non-working pensioners are ready to give loans to those banks that want to attract more borrowers. For example, you can borrow money from the National Savings Bank. Here they are ready to conclude an agreement with those individuals who are unemployed, but who have not reached the age of 67.

Under the program of consumer lending in cash, the NBS proposes to take from 30 to 300 thousand rubles, regardless of the items of expenditure on which the money will be directed. They give finance at 19% per annum.

Also, non-working people of retirement age can be given money in the following organizations:

  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Primsotsbank;
  • Pushkino.

They contain proposals for both those individuals who receive an old-age pension and those who receive a disability pension.

Loan to a pensioner at 12 percent per annum

Many are interested in the question of which bank gives loans to pensioners at 12 percent per annum. Such an interest rate is a huge find not only for non-working individuals with retirement status, but also for other people. However, Sovcombank has a similar promotional product.

If, on a general basis, they give money to people under 85 at 29% per annum, then under the terms of the last promotion in the bank, you can get up to 100 thousand rubles at 12%. An option with this rate will be included in the agreement if more than 80% of the funds will be used for the specified purpose.

Does Home Credit Bank give loans to retirees?

Loans to retirees at Home Bank are issued at 22.9% per annum. A person with this status can receive financial assistance in the amount of 25 thousand to 150 thousand rubles. The term of the agreement will be from one to four years. According to the terms, there is no need to provide security, even if the individual is not working.

Express credit bank, Renaissance, Alfa bank - conditions for obtaining a loan for a pensioner

Non-working individuals of retirement age can contact one of the three above-mentioned banking institutions. For example, on the Orient Express they are ready to issue 200 thousand rubles for 5 years at 16.7%.

Alfa-Bank has no profitable consumer programs today. Non-working persons of retirement age can be obtained only through the express program, where the average rate is 37%, and the amount is 10 thousand - 250 thousand.

In the Renaissance, they provide up to 200 thousand rubles at a rate of 15.9 to 28.3% for a period of 2 to 5 years. The age limit is 70 years old at the time of loan repayment.

What banks give loans to non-working pensioners?

The following banking institutions have consumer lending programs under which non-working pensioners can receive money:

  • VTB-Bank-Moscow;
  • Renaissance;
  • Citibank;
  • Post Bank;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Tinkoff;
  • Interprombank.

The minimum interest that can be counted on when contacting these organizations is 14.9%.

What banks give a loan to pensioners at a small interest rate?

Among the entire list of existing proposals, it is worth highlighting three programs with the lowest percentages:

  • Credit Bank of Moscow - from 14; (Inappropriate without collateral);
  • VTB-Bank-Moscow - from 14.9% (Cash);
  • Interprombank - from 15% (Pension).

These organizations operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. In them, the unemployed are provided with no more than 500 thousand rubles.

Up to 75 years old

Which banks give loans to non-working pensioners under 75? Not many organizations work with non-performing borrowers. At this age, you need to try to contact:

  • Sberbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Bystrobank.

Upon individual consideration of the application, there is a possibility of a positive decision.

Up to 70 years old

It is quite possible to get a loan for pensioners in Moscow. To do this, you need to contact the bank that offers this program. Today, more and more credit institutions are willing to provide loans to this category of the population, since they are distinguished by a high level of responsibility.

According to the current legislation, money can be borrowed only by persons who meet the following requirements:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • the presence of registration in the region of registration of the loan;
  • availability of a stable source of income (pension).

Do they give and to what age

Depending on the bank, a cash loan in Moscow for pensioners can be obtained up to 70 years old, up to 75 years old or up to 80 years old. It is required to provide a passport, pension certificate and a certificate of pension from the FIU to receive money. However, it should be understood: the higher the age of the borrower, the more difficult it is to get a loan.

For working retirees, the approval rate is higher.

At what percentage and who can take: conditions and requirements

The interest rate depends on the bank itself and on what amount is required and for how long. Insurance can reduce the amount of overpayments, as they reduce the risks of the bank. To receive money on credit, you must meet the standard requirements specified above. If the amount is large enough, then a surety or collateral is required. Residential real estate or a car is accepted as collateral.

The minimum interest rate for consumer loans is 11.5%. But it is basic.

There is a system of allowances, which is indicated in the documents for internal use. In particular, it states the following:

The maximum loan term is 7 years, but more often banks lend money to pensioners for up to 3 years.

Reviews: which banks are more willing to give loans

  • Renaissance Credit Bank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Sovcombank;
  • Home Credit Bank;
  • East Bank.

Review of offers

There are a lot of offers on the market. must be chosen based on the interest rate and the number of branches in the city.

Working and non-working

Working pensioners have an additional source of income, so it is easier for them to get money on credit. To apply for a loan, you will need to attach a certificate of income in the form of a bank or in the form of 2-NDFL to the package of documents. There are no requirements for the minimum length of service in the last place of work for pensioners. Loans to non-working pensioners in Moscow and other cities are issued on an equal basis with those who still work, but the likelihood of issuance will still be lower.

Due to the availability of additional income, the maximum loan amount can be increased.

It is calculated using a special formula based on the borrower's income. The offers for both categories of citizens are similar, the only difference is in the maximum amount.

Sovcombank offers

This bank was the first to start issuing loans to pensioners. There are favorable conditions and a high percentage of approval. you can get a loan on the following conditions:

  • the minimum rate is 11.9% per annum;
  • the maximum amount is 100 thousand rubles;
  • the term of the contract is 1 year.

It is necessary to provide a passport and pension certificate.

The maximum age of the borrower at the time of loan repayment is no more than 85 years.


At Sberbank, it is difficult for pensioners to borrow money. The maximum age at the time of loan repayment should be no more than 65 years. here are the basic terms of lending:

  • rate from 11.9%;
  • the maximum amount is 5 million rubles;
  • the term of the contract is up to 60 months.

When receiving a pension through this structure, you can get a reduced rate.

Loans from Rosselkhozbank

The only problem with this bank is the lack of service offices. But the conditions here are very favorable:

  • rate from 10%;
  • the maximum amount is 500 thousand rubles;
  • loan term up to 60 months.

The borrower must be no more than 75 years old at the time of debt repayment.

VTB offers

Here you can apply for a loan until you reach the age of 65 on the following conditions:

  • the maximum amount is 3 million rubles;
  • rate from 11.9%;
  • maturity up to 84 months.

If the salary or pension does not go through this bank, then the maximum loan period is reduced to 60 months.

Post Bank

Here it is possible to get a loan on the following conditions:

  • rate from 12.9%;
  • the term of the contract is up to 60 months;
  • the maximum amount is 1 million rubles.

Repayment can be carried out at any distance of the Russian Post.

What other banks can I contact?

Which one is better to choose

Where it is better to apply depends on the pensioner himself. It is recommended that a pensioner apply for a loan in Moscow to various banks online. After a short interview, experts will tell you whether they are ready to lend money. Having several approvals, the pensioner himself will choose with whom it is more profitable for him to cooperate.

How to get a loan in Moscow banks for a pensioner

To obtain a loan, a pensioner must follow these steps:

  • leave an application on the bank's website or in its branch, which indicates the level of income, contact, passport and personal data;
  • pass an interview with a loan officer;
  • to get approval;
  • provide a complete package of documents, which may vary depending on the bank;
  • get money.

Usually a passport, pension certificate and income statement are required.

But in some banks, the income statement is an optional document that you do not have to provide. The lack of this information increases the risks of the lender, so he can issue money at a higher interest rate.

When applying for a credit card with a grace period, you can use the bank's money at any convenient time. If the limit is restored before the end of the grace period, you will not have to pay interest.

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Anyone of any age may need extra cash. And given that the size of pensions in Russia, as a rule, is small, pensioners are more likely than others to need financial assistance from banks.

Having taken out a cash loan at a bank, they can afford rest in a sanatorium, repairs, purchase of household appliances, etc.

Most of the citizens of our country believe that it will be impossible to take out a cash loan upon retirement. It used to be so, but now a lot has changed in the policy of banks.

What do banks pay attention to when cooperating with retirees?

By considering a retiree as a likely borrower, organizations assess their health and age. According to statistics, the average life expectancy for men is 65 years, for women - 77 years.

Therefore, it will be difficult, but possible, for a citizen over 70 years of age to take a cash loan for a long term, especially a non-working person.

The next thing to look at is the state of the loan applicant's credit history. If it is negative, then the chances of getting a cash loan, especially for non-working people, are extremely small. Likewise, if it is absent. That is, if earlier loans were not formalized and not repaid, then the reliability of the applicant for the loan has not been proven.

If a pensioner works and can take a certificate of income at the workplace, then the chances of getting a loan will increase significantly. After all, this is a kind of money back guarantee. It will be difficult to take out a cash loan for a non-working pensioner, especially if his age is over 70 years old.

Changes in the field of cash loans for pensioners

Recently, financial organizations have begun to develop and issue special programs for citizens of the Russian Federation of retirement age, including those who are not working.

What influenced this?

1. Changes in the situation in the financial market. In 2016, the number of borrowers from banks significantly decreased, and the size of loans issued decreased by almost 2 trillion rubles. Therefore, banks are interested in increasing their client base, including at the expense of retirees - unemployed and with work;

2. Possibility to insure a bank loan in cash, which significantly reduces risks;

3. Reassessment of clients' solvency. Along with the fact that young Russian citizens may lose their jobs or increase their expenses for starting a family, reducing their ability to pay, pensioners are more stable. If we talk about non-working citizens, then they have a permanent, state-guaranteed income, albeit insignificant;

4. Responsibility. According to statistics, older people are more responsible than young people. They are more serious about their obligations, including credit.

Algorithm for issuing cash loans

For non-working pensioners, you can take out a cash loan as follows:

Which banks issue cash loans to non-working pensioners?

Consider banks where they issue cash loans to non-working pensioners with a low interest rate and minimum requirements for a package of documents.

Among them:

1. Sovcombank;
2. "UBRD";
3. "Renaissance Credit";
4. "Tinkoff Bank";
5. "Bank OTP";
6. Sberbank;
7. "Post Bank";
8. "RosselkhozBank".

Sovcombank is considered the best credit institution for the elderly, where non-working pensioners can take out a cash loan under several programs:

"Pension +" - allows non-working people to take up to 200 thousand rubles in cash for up to 3 years. Moreover, if you provide a certificate of income, you will be given 100 thousand rubles more. Overpayment will be 29.9% per year;

"Pension Express +" - allows non-working citizens to take out a small cash loan - up to 30 thousand rubles for 18 months. The annual interest rate is 39.9%.

Working pensioners are given a cash loan on standard terms: 100 thousand rubles for 1 year. Moreover, the annual interest rate is 12%. You can become a borrower if you have registration in the region where the Sovcombank branch is located, as well as work experience at the last place of work - 4 months or more.

The maximum age of pensioners of Sovcombank borrowers, including those who are not working, at the time of repayment of a cash loan should not exceed 85 years.

The next bank where non-working pensioners are given a cash loan is Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Here you can take a cash loan in the range of 20-600 thousand rubles for a period of 1 to 7 years. The interest rate is determined individually, starts at 15%. The age limit for a non-working borrower is 75 years.

The bank that issues a cash loan to non-working pensioners on the day of application is "Renaissance Credit". Here elderly people can take the program "Pensioners". According to its terms, the credit limit is 150 thousand rubles, the loan term is no more than 5 years, and the interest rate is in the range of 21.9-27.9%. The maximum age for a non-working borrower is 70 years.

Tinkoff Bank- a bank where you can take a cash loan to a non-working pensioner in 5 minutes. They issue it by online application. According to the terms of lending, the limit reaches 500 thousand rubles, the loan term is 3 years, and the minimum rate is 14.9%. The bank does not put forward requirements for a package of documents, requesting only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. At the time of debt repayment, a non-performing borrower must not be more than 70 years old.

"Bank OTP"- a credit organization, where a non-working pensioner can take a rather large cash loan - 750 thousand rubles. Debt repayment takes 5 years, overpayment will be from 14.9% per year. At the time of repayment of the issued loan, a non-working pensioner must not be more than 65 years old.

Sberbank ready to give pensioners, including non-working, the largest cash loan - up to 1.5 million rubles. It takes 5 years to pay off, and the interest rate ranges from 15 to 18.5%.

The borrower can be a pensioner who will be up to 65 years old at the time the loan is repaid in cash. Credit conditions can be made more profitable in two ways:

1. Attracting a guarantor. The cash loan will increase by 3 million rubles. The interest rate will drop to 13.5-14%. The maximum age of a non-working borrower is 75 years;

2. Providing collateral. The cash loan will increase to 10 million rubles. The interest rate will drop to 13.5-14.5%. The maturity of a loan taken by a non-working citizen will be up to 7 years.

You can take out a loan in cash on the day of applying for a non-working pensioner at "Mail to Bank". Elderly people are given the “Preferential Loan” program. According to its terms, the maximum age limit is 80 years for women and 75 for men. The bank gives out 150 thousand rubles in cash to non-working people for 3 years with an overpayment of 19.9-29.6% per year.

Reliable bank "RosselkhozBank" provides some of the most profitable cash loans. Here, a non-working pensioner can take up to 500 thousand rubles for 7 years. The interest rate for regular customers is 17.5% per annum, for the rest - 19%. The loan product is available to pensioners who will not be more than 75 years old at the time of debt repayment.

Disbursement of cash loans to retirees in microfinance organizations

A non-working citizen of Russia of retirement age can take financial assistance from an MFO:

"Turbo Loan";
"Honest word", etc.

In an MFO, it will not take a long time for a non-working citizen to arrange a cash loan. Here, different from banks, lending conditions: credit limit - from 1 to 60 thousand rubles, loan term - up to 14 days, rate - on average 2% per day.

Requirements for potential borrowers

The listed banks, which issue cash loans to people of advanced age, including those who are not working, on favorable terms, have standard requirements.


Have citizenship and permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation (sometimes - in the region where one of the bank branches is located);

Have a positive credit history;

Meet the age limit at the time of the end of the loan agreement - from 65-80 years;

Insure your life and health (optional).

Banks that issue cash loans to non-working and working retirees can soften the terms of lending in the event that there are guarantors or collateral.

What documents do I need to take?

Requirements depend on the type of cash loan:

1. Without security - application form, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, TIN, pension certificate or certificate from the Pension Fund;

2. With security in the form of a pledge - all documents listed in clause 1, as well as a document confirming the ownership of the pledged property;

3.With security in the form of a surety - all the documents listed in clause 1, as well as a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of a guarantor, a certificate of income, a receipt in which the guarantor is ready to take on the obligations of the borrower if he avoids fulfilling his obligations ...


Based on the above information, it becomes clear that it is realistic for pensioners, both working and non-working, to take out a cash loan in Russia. Moreover, it is possible to choose a program based on the terms of the loan.

Banks respect this category of borrowers, value responsibility and good faith. Pensioners have a stable monthly income in the form of pension payments.

We recommend that you carefully consider everything and evaluate your financial capabilities before borrowing money in cash. It will be useful to analyze all banking products, and then take the most profitable one.

When drawing up and signing an agreement, you should be extremely careful so as not to face hidden fees and commissions later.

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