Home Roses Application for snills for a newborn baby sample. Insurance certificate of state pension insurance. Get snills in the Russian pension fund

Application for snills for a newborn baby sample. Insurance certificate of state pension insurance. Get snills in the Russian pension fund

If earlier the insurance number of an individual personal account was assigned to citizens Russian Federation only after they reach the age of majority, now SNILS can be obtained immediately after the birth of the child. In this article we will tell our readers what this number is for and how you can get it.

SNILS is a green laminated card indicating the individual account in pension insurance, last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender of its owner, as well as the date of assignment of an individual number. On this account, throughout the life of its owner, information is recorded regarding his official labor activity, and absolutely all contributions that have ever been paid to mandatory pension insurance. By the way, the size of the pension of its owner will depend on these charges.

Many parents of young children have a question about the urgent need to obtain this document for their children. After all, they still have a long way to go to work, and even more so to receive a pension. The fact is that recently it is SNILS that has been playing big role when providing free medical care children, in the provision of free medicines and medicines, the provision of free treatment in sanatoriums and the provision of other similar social assistance. After the birth of a new citizen of Russia, you can immediately receive SNILS. To do this, his parents or legal guardians need to contact the nearest branch of the FIU with the following documents:
  • Original and copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • Passport of one of the child's parents;
  • Application form for obtaining SNILS.
In order to get an insurance number for a child who is already 14 years old, parents and his guardians are no longer required. To a young man You will need to personally appear with a passport to the nearest pension insurance department and fill out an application with your own hand or bring an already printed one with the entered data. The application is being filled in in block letters black helium paste. Letters must be legible, without errors or corrections. The surname, name and patronymic are written in the nominative case.

The processing time for your application will not exceed two weeks. For the finished document, you will need to appear personally to the recipient or his parents. For more detailed information you can contact the electronic portal of State Services.

SNILS - insurance number of an individual personal account. This is an eleven-digit code that is recorded in the Pension Fund. Formality should be observed in order to save your child from unnecessary trouble in the distant future. A package of documents for SNILS is usually collected by parents and handed over to the Pension Fund. Children who have reached the age of 14 can independently deal with the design of SNILS.

In general, there are four ways to obtain SNILS:

  1. The documents are transferred to the Pension Fund by the parents or legal representatives of the child and after a while they take the pension certificate. The presence of the child when registering SNILS is not required.
  2. A child from the age of 14 can submit documents himself and receive a pension certificate.
  3. The documents can be collected and submitted by the administration of the educational institution.
  4. According to an interdepartmental agreement between the registry office and the Pension Fund, when registering a child, information is transferred to the Pension Fund, where SNILS is automatically issued.

Documents for obtaining SNILS

The following documents must be submitted to the branch of the Pension Fund at the place of residence:

  • Passport or other identity document of the parent who applied with the application.
  • Birth certificate of a child under 14 years old.
  • Application form ADV-1, certified by the parent. Some branches of the Pension Fund fill out the questionnaire themselves upon presentation of a passport and birth certificate.
  • A teenager who independently draws up SNILS, presents his passport and fills out a questionnaire.
  • An insurance pension certificate must be issued within three weeks.

SNILS questionnaire for a child

The ADV-1 form, along with other documents, is submitted to the bodies of the Pension Fund. You can see a sample of filling out the questionnaire on the Pension Fund website.

It is required to fill in the appropriate fields with the following information:

  • Surname, name, patronymic of the child.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Place of Birth.
  • Citizenship.
  • Address permanent place residence.
  • Contact number.
  • Identity document data (birth certificate, if the child is under 14, or passport).

The questionnaire must contain the date of completion. If the child is over 14 years old, he signs the application, for the rest of the children the signature is put by the parent or other legal representative. The questionnaire form is issued by the branches of the Pension Fund.

Why issue SNILS?

  • If there is SNILS, the child is included in the state register, and he gets access to social programs and put social guarantees... Thus, the national project "Healthcare" provides for free provision of medicines for children under three years of age who are undergoing outpatient treatment.
  • Teenagers often earn extra money during summer holidays signing labor contracts. When officially registered, employers are required to make deductions of the appropriate contributions, and this requires SNILS.
  • You can receive documents or services through the portal of public services by entering the SNILS number.
  • Social payments for disabled children are much easier to issue through identification by SNILS number.

In case of loss of an insurance certificate (SNILS), a person must contact his employer and provide the required list of documents to restore a previously issued certificate. In order to re-issue a lost document, a person needs to fill out the ADV-3 form of the established sample.

Form ADV-3

ADV-3 is an application for the issuance of a duplicate of an insurance certificate, which is filled out only if an insurance certificate containing a person's SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account) has been lost.

In 2016, it was approved new form ADV-3. In this regard, before starting to fill out the application, you must have its current form.

In the program - Documents PU 5 available electronic service, which allows you to create this form and check its correctness. You can fill in ADV-3 manually or using computer technology. To do this, you need the ADV-3 form itself. The form can be downloaded below.

The table in the form of ADV-3 must be filled in printed, in big letters, blue ballpoint pen(in case of manual filling), strictly one character in one cell. To fill out an application for the issuance of a duplicate of the insured person, one should be guided by the established rules prescribed by the FIU for filling out ADV-3. A sample of filling is presented in this article.

If errors are made in the form, the FIU will refuse to re-issue SNILS when verifying the data.

ADV-3 must be submitted to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by the employer of the insured person. This form consists of two blocks - one is filled in by the employee, the second - by the employer. The form can be completely filled out by the employer's authorized services, for example, the accounting department or the personnel department. Once completed, it must be verified and signed by the insured person. If this is not possible due to a long business trip or illness of an employee, the manager can certify the document.

Obtaining a new SNILS to replace the lost one

An application for a duplicate is sent to the FIU along with a copy of the lost insurance certificate (if any) and a list of documents in the ADV-6-1 form. Then, within one calendar month the application is being considered by the FIU. Next, a decision is made to reissue the certificate. If accepted positive decision, it is sent to the employer with an accompanying sheet. The employee is issued a new document within one working week, with his signature on receipt in the statement, which is then returned to the FIU.

How to get a duplicate SNILS if you are not working

If the insured person temporarily does not work, then in order to issue a duplicate of the insurance certificate, he must independently contact the FIU. To do this, you must have with you the original passport and a copy of the lost certificate (if any). At the PFR branch, you will need to fill out the ADV-3 form and leave the documents for consideration. The decision will be made within one month.

Form ADV-3. A sample of filling in the required data:

The section is filled in by the insured person:

  1. Exactly the data that was indicated in the lost certificate is entered. Mandatory filling: full name, gender, date and place of birth.
  2. The column "changed data" in ADV-3 is not filled in.
  3. Citizenship of the person, residence and residence addresses, contact phone number. Please note that these items are filled in if there have been changes in this information.
  4. Data of the person's identity document. Mandatory field to be filled in.
  5. Date of completion.
  1. SNILS of a person who was assigned to him during registration with the FIU and was indicated on the lost certificate;
  2. Information about the length of service and the income of the person. If this data has already been transferred to the FIU, it is necessary to cross out - it was submitted, if not - it will be presented.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, every citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a citizen of another country or a person who does not have any citizenship, permanently or temporarily residing (or staying) on ​​the territory of Russia, is subject to registration in the (OPS).

It is currently desirable to register in the OPS system all citizens, including servicemen and persons serving in law enforcement agencies, people who do not work and do not have.

For insured persons in pension fund RF, personal accounts are opened, on which information is generated about their work, length of service, insurance periods and transferred contributions, pension points, and individual (personified) accounting of all incoming information is organized. All these data are used by the FIU when insured event for . Such cases may be:

SNILS - what is this document and why is it needed

Each insured person is assigned a unique life-long and a document confirming registration of the established form is issued - (green card), which contains information about the insured:

  • insurance number;
  • date of registration in the FSA system;
  • personal data.

The citizen must keep the certificate, if necessary, upon request, show it or provide a copy of it. SNILS is necessary for a person to account for it pension rights and also besides this to identify him:

  • when contacting a pension fund to obtain information on the state of pension savings, or on other issues;
  • when using a personal account on the PFR website;
  • to receive government benefits or social services (free medicines, vouchers for spa treatment, etc.);
  • when receiving state and municipal services in electronic form;
  • when seeking medical help;
  • when registering a child in Kindergarten or school.

Availability of a certificate from SNILS in certain cases reduces the need to provide additional documents when receiving various kinds of government services.

By this number, through the interdepartmental system, various bodies to which a citizen applied can independently obtain the information they require.

Required documents for registration in the Pension Fund

To obtain an insurance certificate, you just need passport and questionnaire approved form. The document itself can be obtained different ways:

  • In case of personal contact (or through a trusted person) to the territorial branch of the PFR or at a multifunctional service center (MFC), if there is an agreement between it and the FIU.

    It should be noted that the MFC is only engaged in accepting documents and filling out an application for obtaining a certificate, but only the bodies of the FIU issue it.

  • Through an employer when applying for a job. The employer, within two weeks from the date of admission of a citizen to work, fills out a questionnaire for him and sends him along with his personal data to the FIU.
  • Soldiers in garrisons can receive SNILS in their military unit.

Consideration of the submitted documents and registration of a certificate from SNILS takes place within three weeks. At the same time, if a citizen himself applied for a certificate, then he must also receive it himself, and if the registration went through the employer, then the employer receives SNILS in the FIU and transfers it to the insured against signature in the receipt sheet.

Insured person's questionnaire for obtaining a certificate

The questionnaire for obtaining a certificate has the established form ADV-1. It can be completed by hand in a legible typeface in block letters or on a computer.

The questionnaire contains the personal data of a citizen necessary for registering him in. All personal information entered into it must match exactly with the data of the identity document of the applicant.

In some branches of the FIU, this document is filled out by the employee of the fund on the basis of the submitted passport. The questionnaire indicates:

  1. Full name of the insured person and his gender (m / f);
  2. citizenship, date and place of birth;
  3. the address at which the citizen is registered;
  4. actual address of residence;
  5. passport data;
  6. date of registration and signature of the insured.

How to get SNILS for a foreign citizen?

Foreign citizens (or persons without citizenship) who temporarily or permanently reside or stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of those citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are among highly qualified specialists, can also register with the FIU and by contacting the territorial pension authority:

  • independently with a passport or other document that will certify his identity, a document confirming the legality of his presence on the territory of the Russian Federation and a questionnaire;
  • or through an employer with whom he has a contract.

Previously, a mandatory requirement for registration in the OPS system for foreign citizens was Availability employment contract with the employer. From 1 January 2015 this requirement canceled.

Both working foreigners and non-working people can get SNILS. Moreover, the term of the employment contract, if any, does not matter.

With regard to this category of people, there are important point : if the document proving the identity of a foreign citizen contains information on foreign language, then it is necessary translate into Russian and translation notarize.

As mentioned above, the information entered in the questionnaire must match exactly with the data of the provided document.

SNILS for a child: what documents are needed?

Currently, it is used not only to determine the pension rights of citizens, the scope of its use is expanding. Therefore, it must be obtained not only for adults, but also, and this can be done even for a newborn. Registration of a child and registration of SNILS for him is as follows:

  • One of the parents(mom or dad), or another legal representative of the child (adoptive parent, guardian, curator) personally contact the territorial office of the PFR. You must have your passport or other identity card with you, birth certificate(if the child is under 14 years old), a questionnaire in the form of ADV-1, signed by the child's representative. The presence of the children themselves, on whom the registration is carried out, is not necessary.
  • Children who have reached the age of 14 may on one's own apply to the pension fund for registration of SNILS, providing the employee of the department with your passport.

In some regions, agreements have been signed between the registry office and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which make it possible to obtain SNILS for a newborn. When registering a child's birth certificate, the registry office transmits information about him to the FIU, and the parents, when the document is ready, take it directly from the territorial fund.

The insurance number for children and adolescents of foreign citizens is obtained by the foreigners themselves (parents, guardians) when contacting the FIU.

Can I get SNILS through State Services?

It would be more convenient for some citizens to register with the pension fund and receive SNILS by using the Internet through the portal of public services. Today, through this service, a lot of documents and appeals of citizens are drawn up. This is convenient because you can get the service at a convenient time, you do not need to go anywhere and sit or stand in line. However, issuing a certificate of registration in the OPS system and obtaining SNILS via the Internet is impossible... This is due to the following:

  • Registration of SNILS is accompanied by the transfer of personal data of a person to the PFR authorities, which are confidential.
  • In order to maintain confidentiality personal information you can get an insurance number only directly at the FIU, through the employer, through the MFC or the registry office (if the FIU has signed an agreement with them). Other ways of obtaining this document by law not provided.

How to find out the number of the pension insurance certificate

A citizen may need the insurance number of an individual personal account in different situations, therefore, it is advisable to carry the document with you.

In the event that a certificate from SNILS, the insured needs make it a duplicate... If a citizen has changed his personal data (for example, a change of surname), then after receiving a new passport certificate to be replaced.

In both cases, the registration procedure is the same as for. In this case, the insurance number itself remains the same, since it is assigned once for life and cannot be changed... How it can be recognized by a person who is registered in the OPS system:

  • SNILS is indicated on.
  • If you do not have a certificate at hand, but you need a number, you can get it at the PFR branch by presenting your passport.
  • SNILS can be obtained from the employer in the accounting department or the personnel department.
  • If a citizen is registered on a public services portal and has there Personal Area, you can try to get a service for pension savings by requesting "Extended notification of the state of an individual personal account"... This information must indicate the required SNILS.

One of the obligatory personal documents is SNILS, a pension policy with a unique number for each citizen. This light green card plays important role, its value only increases over the years. You can issue an individual card at any age, having fulfilled the necessary and mandatory conditions, but it is recommended to do this as early as possible. An individual personal account insurance number (SNILS) can be obtained for a minor. Why this is needed and how to issue a certificate will be described in this article.

Why does a child need SNILS?

A person's personal data is entered into the Pension Fund database, where information is accumulated for future pensions and social benefits. In terms of importance, the insurance number is comparable to the TIN, but carries broader information. The number is assigned once and cannot be changed during a person's life. If the plastic card itself is lost or damaged, a duplicate can be obtained upon request. But the information will remain unchanged, and the number will be repeated on a new copy.

The document itself contains the following information:

  • unique serial number;
  • Full name of the owner;
  • place and date of birth of the citizen;
  • gender of a person;
  • date of issue.

Personal insurance card allows you to make pension contributions and receive social benefits. But in the future, SNILS will perform increasingly wider functions of accounting and receiving social benefits, payments under various budget items.

Insurance certificate must be issued Foreign citizens, regardless of the period of residence in the Russian Federation. Until this year, it was required for a foreigner to receive SNILS when applying for a job for 6 or more months. Now this is a prerequisite for any period of official work, for which the employer is responsible.

It is required to assign an individual insurance number to children for a number of important reasons.

  • 1. For a child with a disability, obtaining a number is necessary, according to which he is registered in social lists for a retirement benefit.
  • 2. SNILS is required for registration on the State Services portal. This is the most convenient and modern way obtaining certificates and documents. In the name of a citizen registered with an insurance number, you can take advantage of many convenient opportunities without leaving your home.
  • 3. The number is used to identify the child in educational institution, accounting and control when changing schools or in other educational processes.
  • 4. Without a number, a teenager will not be able to get a job on vacation and after school.
  • 5. Participation in social and educational programs requires availability. For example, to get free dairy or drug coverage, school lunches, or other benefits.

Parents should take care of receiving the card. Since 2012, providing drugs children under 3 years old are free if SNILS is issued. If necessary, the child will be admitted to the hospital, but the parents will have to hurry up quickly and issue an individual insurance number, providing it to the medical institution. In the event of the loss of the breadwinner, the child's pension will be assigned if there is a policy; SNILS will be required to receive the funded part of their parents' pensions, if there are such instructions.

If a teenager went to work and officially found a job, then the obligation initial registration the policy is borne by the employer. A personnel officer receives SNILS at the request of a teenager, delivers it to the service, where it hands it to the owner. It is forbidden to have an employee without a formalized SNILS, the same procedure takes place in an educational institution. Policies are drawn up for all children at once, the administration is engaged in the procedure. Children with Russian citizenship, foreign nationals temporarily or permanently residing in Russia can receive the card.

The government plans to issue every citizen electronic card containing all personal information about the owner for all occasions. The transition to a modern personal identity card will be carried out using the SNILS card. In the future, you will not need to present personal documents and certificates, it is enough to have an electronic passport with all the summary information. The future replacement of SNILS will include information on TIN, pension, medical insurance, passport data and much more.

The development and implementation of a universal electronic passport has been carried out since 2012; it will be much easier for SNIL owners to obtain a modern personal identifier.

It is impossible to obtain SNILS through State Services, since the information is considered confidential. The initial appeal must be made in person or through a proxy at the RF Pension Fund at the place of residence.

  • 1. For a child under 14 years of age, an application is written by parents, guardians or social workers.
  • 2. An authorized school or other educational institution can receive SNILS.
  • 3. After 14 years of age, a teenager can independently apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

On regional level agreements are concluded between the registry office and the PFR, according to which, at birth and receiving a certificate, information is automatically transferred to the Pension Fund, where parents come to receive a ready-made insurance card. This greatly simplifies the procedure, the child receives an insurance certificate from birth.

Procedure for issuing SNILS for a child

The process of obtaining a personal policy is transparent and simple, you need to come to the district office and provide the parent's passport and child's birth certificate. The form is filled in, you can ask the employee to help enter the data. The signature is put by the parent, if the teenager has a passport, then he personally signs the questionnaire. Children under the age of 14 do not have to be taken with you to the FIU; after this age, parents are simply accompanied, if possible.

By general rules the pension certificate is issued after 3 weeks, you can find out about the readiness by calling the contact numbers. There may be some delays in terms of the influx of applicants, so you should not postpone the receipt of SNILS.

When registering, you must confirm the citizenship of the child. Now, when registering, the registry office issue an insert or make a note in the children's certificate. If the mark or insert is missing, then you will need to provide a certificate from the migration service. The problem may arise if the parent's passport is expired and invalid at the time of the application. You will have to come for the certificate again when the passport is replaced.

Foreign citizens applying for an insurance number must provide a translation of their passport and accompanying documents... The translation is done in specialized notaries, where it is certified after the translation.

There are life situations, when adults do not have information whether SNILS is issued for the child. You can get confidential information by personally contacting the PFR branch by providing a certificate confirming the right. You can immediately write an application for a duplicate, providing an explanation. Employees will provide up-to-date information, whether the child is included in the unified register, whether it has an identification number.

Nobody can make you get SNILS, this is a recommendation procedure. At the same time, we must not forget that an appeal to a polyclinic, a device in a preschool and school institution will require the submission or execution of a document in an organized manner. It is preferable to issue a policy in advance so as not to wait finished document at a critical moment.

In most cases, citizens are positive about the introduction of SNILS. The document allows you to simplify the workflow in children, medical and social institutions... Having a policy allows you to count on social benefits and subsidies, for example, receiving a subsidy for school meals and kindergarten content. Some parents have a negative attitude towards control and accounting by the state, but they must understand that they are depriving their children of the opportunity to receive social assistance.

Already when the child is placed in preschool, nursery or kindergarten, parents will be required to give a copy of his SNILS. This is due to receiving subsidies for food and health insurance for the child. So that there is no conflict in the clinic, kindergarten or other government agency, parents should take out an insurance policy immediately after the birth of the child.

How to get SNILS for a child

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