Home Helpful Hints Soars in dreams in a dream and in reality. In a dream and in reality, always with you! Psychological point of view

Soars in dreams in a dream and in reality. In a dream and in reality, always with you! Psychological point of view

Clean - and fresh to see in a dream portends friendship and universal respect, reconciliation with the enemy, the discovery or search for a lost or stolen thing, victory over envious people, winning litigation, a happy journey.

In a word, this dream has the kindest and most favorable meaning.

The air is impure, foggy, gloomy, which means grief, illness, obstacles, in short, it has a completely opposite meaning to the previous dream.

The air is quiet and fragrant portends: a quiet life, pure morals, honest and pleasant societies, success in business and a happy journey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Nameless dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Fly

If you dreamed that you were hovering high above the ground, get ready for family troubles. Fly low - there are some ailments ahead. A dream in which you are flying over dirty water encourages you to devote more time to your business. Competitors will take advantage of your inattention.

Flying over ruins can be a symbol of boredom.

If you are looking at green grass from a height, then temporary difficulties await you, which will soon be replaced by good luck.

A dream about a space flight to the Moon and other planets promises global cataclysms - wars, epidemics, famine.

A dream in which you fly on black wings portends bitter disappointment.

If during the flight you fall, then in life you are in danger of falling. But if at the last moment you woke up, then you will be able to cope with problems.

For a young woman, a dream in which she flies from one city to another and lands on the dome of a church means that she has to defend her ideas and beliefs. She is also in danger of deteriorating health.

If she dreams that she was shot, then she should beware of the machinations of enemies on the way to success.

D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “We often fly in a dream - this is a significant event, and sometimes we fly, so to speak, spontaneously, and in other cases we see a lucid dream and consciously choose to fly. But, as a rule, the flight is always accompanied by a boundless sense of freedom.

During spontaneous flights, you have to make certain efforts - like wings, wave your arms to stay in the air. However, many dream that in soaring they are picked up by an unknown force. Usually such dreams occur when we really want to travel or in anticipation of a danger that requires an escape. In the process of lucid dreaming, we slowly rise into the air, hovering above the ground. We choose to fly because we feel we can do it. This is one of the types of astral, out-of-body experience.

Thanks to these flights, the sleeper rises above circumstances, choosing profitable and safe promising directions.

Interpretation of dreams from

“The flight of thought is very much hindered by the fog in the head”
Not my aphorism

Why don't people fly? No, this is not a quote from the Classic. Well, we are smart, we can answer this question ourselves with our inherent omniscience. No we can not? Then you need to be more modest, talk more quietly.
People have always been looking up. From birth. When we were little, we wanted to become taller, when we were already grown up, we wanted to become even “higher”. To fly up to “where is paradise, where is pleasure…”, I’m talking about paradise islands, a yacht, young… It’s not necessary, let’s skip it… When it becomes clear that all this cannot be achieved, it remains to dream.
With these thoughts and dreams, I walked in the morning and did not immediately realize that I was walking along a path in the forest. The forest is next to us, it is called Elk Island. Why was I brought here? Like went for a walk around the house. Forest... Path... No one... okay, let's move on, where it will lead me, I wonder!
Stop! What is it?
- How are you here? What kind of wind? What do you want? Can you pass? Exactly, I'll kill you! - my “girlfriend” stood in front of me in the middle of the path and looked at me from the bottom up.
I raised my hand with my index finger outstretched, "Fluff!" - No reaction!
- Durra, not "Bunch", but "Fluff"!!! - No reaction!
"Oh, it's finally here!" - The crow slowly turned around and, gaining momentum, like that mountain eagle, flapped its wing and took off. I follow her up.
- It's like this?! I'm flying, right? Hey! Wait, where am I?
I'm flying, my brothers, I'm flying!!! Yes, not just flying, but higher and higher! Hands to the sides, legs behind, right palm across - went to the right ... well, that's sorted out, you can taxi.
The forest is under me, my home, Moscow ... I can’t find my way back that way!
The clouds are gray, fucked up the sky, earthlings!!! Maybe whistle over Switzerland? Al to go to Greenland? No, then over the States, maybe someone will forcibly put him on permanent residence?
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu''''''''''''''''''''''s of the plane!!! Leveled up. I didn’t understand: what kind of faces are all on the same face with flattened noses and bulging eyes ... They are looking at me. ABOUT! So this OK effect lenses! The portholes are like magnifiers! ABOUT! Normal face. Pilot! We look at each other, I see a finger at the temple twists. A familiar gesture! I, too, do not bast ... raised my middle finger and ... Sharply down ... I forgot about control. Where is the crow, brute, where did it lead you, huh ?!
The press strained, legs-tail lifted, it worked! I'm going down! Moscow, here is our dear district: filthy, i.e. smoky, i.e. smoked. Forest, familiar path. Slap! It will be worse with a landing ...
- Misha, fell asleep or what? Listen further: and that doctor tells me that the pills are not 50, but 100 milligrams ...
- Val, am I walking here with you?
- No, you are walking somewhere with another, and you are walking with me now! What, time to go home? "walked up"?
- You're on your own again! I'm flying now! Over Moscow! With that crow, remember, which had to be killed with a shotgun?
- Okay, it's time to go home, swallowed oxygen, it happens, it will pass.
"Karrr" - it echoed somewhere nearby. “Where is she, my talkative, would confirm at least!”
Maybe oxygen really ... but he flew, he flew. Fact!
Whom to tell, they will not believe, they will also hide in Gannushki, I will be silent like a fish! No, like a fish you don’t need it, it wasn’t enough to get into the sea-ocean!
Here they are, what dreams bring to! "Why don't people fly?" They fly, you just want to!

MVS 20.02.2013


Ella Petritskaya-Friedman

Imagine that in the morning
Get out of bed as usual.
Put on slippers.
And enjoy the silence
Take it from the chair
Yesterday's wrinkled dress...
When you suddenly feel
What wings are behind you!

Where to go
If light wings grew?
And pull to the open windows
From the heaviness of dreams!
And remember those
Who we love unconditionally.
And flew with them
Above the roofs of old houses.

Ah, this mysteriously sweet
The feeling of flying!
Forgotten fairy tale
Who dreamed more than once.
And I'm flying away
I accidentally remembered something:
hovering nearby,
And the joy of trusting eyes.

And suddenly in the morning I really
I see - winged!
What to do then?
And I forgot how to fly a long time ago ...
All timidity in a smile embarrassed
Trying to hide
I won't get away...
Though wide open
Open the window.

I became cowardly
I'm probably getting old.
Mangles the soul obsessively
Moaning fear.
But I believe that I will come to life again
And one day I will be able
Fly not in a dream
And in happy and bright dreams!

Fresh air in a dream - to good news and reconciliation with enemies.

Clean and clear air in a dream means that soon the sleeper will be able to solve his problems.

Inhaling clean fresh air in a dream is a sign that you have an excellent soft character, for which you are very respected.

See interpretation: breath.

Humid air in a dream portends melancholy and obstacles in business. Sometimes a dream predicts illness.

Musty and other unpleasant air in a dream is a sign that you are in danger.

Stagnant air hung over you - a sign of great pain and worries.

Seeing how dark, condensed air swirls is a harbinger of illness or grief in the family.

Hot air is a harbinger of evil, cold air means disappointment in love and failure in business, and damp air portends difficulties and discouragement.

Seeing air coming out of a wheel or a balloon or somewhere else means that you are doing an empty business.

Any conversation in a dream about air in general indicates the futility of your hopes or the inaccuracy of judgments on an issue that worries you at the moment.

See interpretation: sky, clouds.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

“Inflate”, “inflate a fire, a problem, a quarrel”, exaggerate the importance of something, cause misfortune.

"To breathe life into someone, strength."

"Breathe the same air with a person" community, unity. "While there is life there is hope".

"Catch only air" is nothing.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Idioms

Breathe clean, fresh air in a dream - to good relations with loved ones, to love and friendship, reconciliation with enemies.

Clean air - an honest life, the return of stolen things, a happy trip, winning a lawsuit.

Hot air - you will be inclined to evil.

Cold - difficulties in business and home affairs.

Wet, damp - fatal events will crush your will and shake your faith in life.

Dark, foggy air promises discord in love and work.

Air whirlwinds - unexpected changes.

The air, fragrant with flowers, is a quiet, peaceful life, hope, good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream- one of the ordinary phenomena and at the same time a mysterious phenomenon of our life. Until now, everything that happens to a person in this borderline state is shrouded in mystery.

Does what happens in dreams really only exist in our brains? After all, dreams are sometimes so clear that we take them for reality. And sometimes people able to control the course of their sleep. For example, the ability to fly - a pipe dream in reality - is embodied in dreams, and a person soars in the sky, performing aerobatics.

three in a boat

Researches of scientists from different countries are devoted to the borderline state, there are Internet portals for consciously sleeping people. The term lucid dreaming (translated from English as "lucid dream") reflects the state of the sleeper, who, realizing that he is dreaming, controls its plot.

Interest in this area has been around for a long time. “Sometimes when a person is asleep,” wrote the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, “something in his mind allows him to understand that everything that happens is just a dream.” In medieval Europe, the phenomenon of lucid dreaming was also not uncommon.

But the reputation of dreams - and they are always subjective and rarely fit into generally accepted ideas - was in different eras akin to the tricks of the dark forces. This topic was talked about in secret: for example, an open discussion of lucid dreams could be an occasion for a meeting with the Inquisition.

Recent history also turned out to be rich in the daring of researchers. Marie-Jean-Leon Lecoq, aka Baron d'Herve de Huchereau, aka Marquis d'Herve de Saint-Denis (1822-1892), was the first to test the method of conscious control of dreams.

He outlined his findings in the book “Dreams and ways to control them. Practical experiments "(1867). As a teenager, he noticed the ability to control the course of his own dreams and subsequently successfully applied it in reality.

Those who controlled their sleeping brain were able to control dreams. One of them was Frederik Willem van Eeden (1860-1932), a Dutch prose writer and poet, as well as a psychiatrist. He coined the term "conscious sleepers".

Behind him, the aristocrat Mary Arnold-Foster, who was born in 1861, joined the camp of researchers. She, unlike Lecoq and van Eeden, turned to the topic of lucid dreaming already in adulthood, writing the book “Studies on Dreams” in 1921.

Each of them went to dream control in their own way. All three, figuratively speaking, ended up in the same boat with the inscription "In a waking dream." They were fluent in the pen and left their own literary legacy.

However, each of the researchers was guided by his own goal. Lecoq made his sleeping self jump down from tall buildings to see if he could imagine his own death in a dream. Van Eeden kept a diary of dreams, some of which he based on his psychological novels. Mary Arnold-Forster, with the help of dreams, got rid of her guilt for sending her sons into the hell of the First World War.

And they completed their studies in different ways. For example, Lecoq came to the conclusion that dreams are formed from patches of our memory. Van Eeden became one of the best masters of lyric literature. Mrs. Arnold-Forster has created a guide to the world of dreams.

From the diaries of explorers

Their research was continued by our contemporary, Dr. Stephen LaBerge, founder of the Lucidity Institute, USA. In Lucid Dreaming, he introduced readers to techniques he had tried at the Sleep Research Center at Stanford University.

In his research, LaBerge relied, like his predecessors, on personal experiences. He was the first to attempt, using his own mnemonic method of entering a lucid dream, to perform an unusual experiment. There have been several attempts, all unsuccessful.

“I lay in bed, waking up for the fourth time that night, and thought with anxiety about what had happened to me: have I really lost the ability after so many years? And suddenly I found myself flying high above the meadow. With great relief, I instantly realized that this was the lucid dream I had been waiting for! Continuing to fly over the meadow, I gave a second signal with my eyes and began to slowly count to ten. When I finished counting, I gave the third signal, marking the end of the experimental task. I was extremely pleased with my success and began to tumble in the air. After a few seconds, the dream melted away.

This report reminded medical historians of a paper presented in 1913 by van Eeden to the Society for Psychical Research. In it, the researcher reported on his 312 lucid dreams from 1898 to 1912.

“I dreamed,” writes van Eeden, “that I was floating above a valley overgrown with bare trees. I knew it was April and noticed how distinct and natural each branch looked. Then, as I continued to sleep, I noted that my imagination could never create a complex picture in which the appearance of each branch would change in exact accordance with my movement through the trees.

Mary Arnold-Foster also experienced flights "in a waking dream", who did not immediately learn to rise above one and a half to two meters above the ground.

“Only after watching birds and thinking about how they fly, how larks soar over the chalk mountains of Wiltshire, how a kestrel hangs in the air, after watching the strong wings of a rook and nimble swallows, did my flights in a dream begin to remotely resemble the flight of a bird. After long and frequent reflections on flying over tall trees and buildings, I found that it was becoming less and less difficult for me to climb to such a height.

Mary wrote in her diary: "Slight hand movements, like when swimming, increase the speed of the flight - I either climb higher or change direction, especially when flying through narrow places such as a door or window opening." So Mary prepared herself for her attempt to fly across the Atlantic in her sleep.

Story makers - therapists

It is known that dreams in which people fly like birds are held in memory for a long time. Which is understandable: After all, the ability to soar without wings is embodied only in dreams, and I want to prolong the feeling of flying.

But there are people who are able to consciously manipulate dreams. In flight, you can soar, dive, hover, slow down or speed up the flight, jump from the top of a skyscraper or the side of an airplane - without using a parachute or other devices.

Those who can do this say that when they move, which is unrealistic in reality, they experience a feeling of euphoria.

About half a century ago, scientists who studied the phases of sleep learned to determine from the movements of the eyeballs the moments when the sleepers consciously went out into a special space. Since then, the study of waking sleep has been recognized as scientific fact, says Cologne scientist Alfred Wiater, chairman of the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine.

However, this does not mean that this direction has become mainstream scientific. Why?

Because the study of waking sleep is borderline, explains Ursula Voss, a psychologist from Frankfurt am Main.

However, progress is evident: the study of waking sleep is now gaining much more recognition in scientific circles than before. Ms. Foss herself made efforts to do this: in early 2014, she published an article in the journal Nature Neuroscience in which she described the possibility of inducing daydreaming by influencing sleeping subjects with weak current pulses.

However, the promotion of the idea is stalled for objective reasons. Finding suitable test subjects is still difficult. After all, people who are able to act according to the principle "in a waking dream" are rare. And not everyone wants others to know about their dreams. Tested in doubt: whether to let someone into the secret territory?

It's up to the individual, of course, - comments Ms. Foss. - But, on the other hand, if a dreamer in reality is able to capture positive emotions from a dream into reality, then this can be considered a positive effect, and our experiment can be considered therapy. So we can influence the quality of life.

Research into lucid dreaming can help cure a number of illnesses. For example, get rid of obsessive nightmares. Modern scientists come to the conclusion that the sleeping consciousness, freed from the logic of wakefulness, is able to change the physical state of a person and enrich his perception of reality.

Alexander MELAMED

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