Home Useful Tips A letter to a friend about unrequited love. How to write a kind and gentle letter to a loved one, a man? My love is real

A letter to a friend about unrequited love. How to write a kind and gentle letter to a loved one, a man? My love is real

About unrequited love

Sweet pain in power
I'm not tired of repeating:
To be unloved is not a misfortune
The worst misfortune is not to love.
(O. Martynenko)

We choose, we are chosen
How often it does not match.
I follow you with a shadow
I'm getting used to the mismatch.

(M. Tanich)

Do not seek the happiness of being loved, -
know how to love when you are not loved.
(E. Evtushenko)

About unrequited love

Let it be unrequited
If only to love
Only if it would not be without a trace
Walk on the ground.

Herbs in a thick infusion
Breathe in the hut
If only downtime
Don't know the soul.

Sky or land
Following the beloved -
The same as in the future
Get a ticket.

To live secretly, in disgrace.
But at any moment
Grow out from under your feet
At her scream.

Not grief for me
The fate of the beast
It smelled like the sea - the sea,
And the earth is the earth.

I will live like a bird
Sing like a stream.
Just not to lose
Sleepless nights.

Let the unrequited
Let, let!
Somehow and with this
I'll be reconciled with my nose.

I don't complain about anything
If only to love.
Come on unrequited -
So be it.

However, well willingly
To climb the fire?
We'll see
There is time!

(A. Yashin)

I love another one

Summer evening is lush
Summer evening again ...
I can hear your voice:
"I love another one".

Hearts bitter thrill
Full of the spell of the past ...
A quiet babble is heard:
"I love another one".

Shut up, idle murmur!
Away, reproach! Not a word!..
Heard, heard a whisper:
"I love another one".

(V. Bryusov)

Oh, when would I call mine ...

Oh, when would I call mine
even your shadow!
But I dare not even your shadow
say: I love.

You have passed inaccessible to heaven
among the mirrors
And your image above the ghostly abyss
trembled for a moment.

He went away, as if into an empty vastness,
Deep into the glass ...
And again for me - hopelessness,
Longing and haze!

(V. Bryusov)


We flew in the alleys of light,
We flew near the water
Golden leaves fell
Into the blue and sleepy ponds.

And whims, and dreams, and thoughts
She trusted me with hers,
Anything a girl can think of
About a still unknown love.

Said: "Yes, love is free,
And a man is free in love,
Only that only the heart is noble
That he knows how to love forever. "

I looked into her big eyes,
And I saw a pretty face
Framed where the trees are golden
They merged with the waters into one ring.

And I thought: "No, love is not this!
Like a fire in the forest, love - in fate
Because even without an answer
From now on I am doomed to you.

(N. Gumilev)

I'm not sorry that I was not loved by you

I'm not sorry that I was not loved by you, -
I am not worthy of your love!
I'm not sorry that now I'm tormented by separation, -
I love being apart hot;

I'm not sorry that I poured and drank myself
Humiliation bowl to the bottom,
What to my curses and to tears and prayers
You remained cold;

I'm not sorry that the fire, boiling in blood,
I burned and tormented my heart, -
But I wish I once lived without love,
But I'm sorry that I loved little!

(A. Apukhtin)

Coming to you ...

To come to you
so again
listen attentively
in a voice;
and sit on a chair,
hunched over
and say no
the words.
To come,
knocking on doors
freezing, wait
answer ...
If you find out
this is,
then probably not
believe me
then of course
if you want to laugh
“This is stupid
“To me too - enamored!"-
and you will see
and you won't sit on
Laughter will ring
river ...

Well, okay.
Well, laugh.
I love you
(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Begging for love - naivety ...

Begging for love - naivety,
That is doomed to misfortune.
Love is reciprocity
But how rare she is!
(N. Dorizo)

... But if the girl's heart is not nice

... But if the girl's heart is not sweet,
She loves another, and she is waiting for another, -
Whatever songs I dedicate to her,
Then the word is powerless to your love!
(G. Tsadasa, lane by N. Grebnev)

I knew that you would pass by these windows ...

I knew that you would pass by these windows
And I was waiting for you to take a look at least once
And for a long time I admired alone
How you carelessly continued on your way.
I watched, feeling more with my heart
Hair of familiar golden smoke.
And you passed without noticing me
But she rewarded her with her profile.
(O. Martynenko)

N. D.

But it's worth tet-a-tet to stay with you,
How, how, how have you put together a hope,
Forgetting yourself, you have to rush
Into the overgrown pond of their retrospectives.
And runs away to nowhere today
And burns the soul of this day
Such a fire of unrequited love
Which only hate relatives.
But life began to warm up in the womb
And there is no straighter and more chosen path.
And I whisper to the only one to the grave:
“My love, forgive me,
(O. Martynenko)

I remember the day ...

I remember the day
When, we languish with ailment,
I was on fire
And he was breathing heavily.
You came up
And put her hand
On the forehead -
And the headache was gone.

I was ready
Take any torment
Give what to me
Subject on Earth,
If only you
I held my hand like that
My whole life
On a fiery brow.

But you left
And never came back
And carried away
Hair with curly smoke.
Love is gone
Suddenly, when I woke up ...
And there was no love.

She was,
I know it for sure
At least,
I loved you,
Yes, and I love
Though I hide from others
Beat your heart
And your spiritual ardor.
(O. Martynenko)


I will be long
Drive the bike.
I will stop him in the deep woods.
Narva flowers.
And I will give a bouquet
The girl I love.

I will tell her:
- Alone with another
You have forgotten about our meetings
And therefore, in memory of me
Take these
Modest flowers! -

She will take.
But again at a late hour
When the fog thickens and the sadness
It will pass
Without looking up
Without even smiling ...
Well, let.

I will be long
Drive the bike.
I will stop him in the back meadows.
I just want
To take a bouquet
The girl I love ...
(N. Rubtsov)

What was, what was ...

What happened was:
the sunset is glowing ...
She fell in love herself -
no one ordered.

I don't scold my friends
I don’t reproach my relatives.
I freeze in the warmth
but in the cold I burn.

What was, what was ...
I could not hide.
I forgot my pride -
in front of everyone came up.

And he answered me:
“Don’t cry, I don’t tell you.”
It's not your fault
I love another ...

What was, it was!
And - there is nothing.
I love as I loved
him alone.

I cry - I don't cry:
He won't tell me.
And grief is not the sea.
It will pass. It will hurt.
(M. Agashina)

It's raining in our city

It's raining in our city
He walks day and night
You don’t wait for my words, you don’t wait,
I love you in silence.

The rain is knocking on the roofs
So that all the roofs are moaning,
Everything is silent about me, everything is silent,
You won't hear me.

I love high
Wide, boundlessly,
May this be all to you, this is all
Absolutely not necessary.

Will be in my life
So many meetings and goodbyes
There will be a lot, so much rain
Maybe there will be sorrows.

Everything will beat the same
Rain on roofs and willows
I will love the same, and love,
Unchanging and true

High, high
Wide, boundlessly,
May this be all to you, this is all
Absolutely not necessary.

(E. Evtushenko)

Studied together

We studied together. For ten whole years
Keeping in the shadows, embarrassed and shy,
I kept dreamed of revealing a secret to you
I wanted to express all my tenderness to you.

It seemed to me that I was too pathetic:
The boy is clumsy and shaggy,
I didn't reveal the secret even then,
When the school certificates were handed over.

That day you looked at me too
The important moment seemed to come,
But I decided, keeping love in my soul,
Silence until graduation.

I saw: I'll come to you then
And I will express how the dreamer lived before,
Who were you in my cool destiny
My love, my dream, my hope ...

And yesterday, leaving the house in the morning,
I walked alone across the bright meadow across the river
And over the cliff I met you two -
You and your spouse.

Merry, you carried the child,
And I watched, pierced with aching pain
How my dream went, crumpled flowers,
Happy someone else's love.
(P. Misakov, translation by V. Gordeichev)

Unrequited love
I. Kvashe

Unrequited love is terrible
but to those for whom the whole world is just a stock exchange, a fight,
unrequited love is ridiculous
like the profile of Cyrano de Bergerac.
One of my businesslike tribesmen
told his wife at the Sovremennik theater:
"Well, what did you find in Cyrano?
What a fool! I, for example, would never
I didn't suffer so much because of some woman ...
I would find another - and all the cases. "
In the haunted eyes of his wife
something a widow peeped through.
From the husband of perlo
- the seams were already cracking!-
deadly spiritual health.
Oh, how many of them, such big guys,
suffering from the absence of suffering.
There are women for them: there is no beautiful lady.
Isn't I myself in some way?
Yawning, we play like a game of cards
into greasy, worn out passions,
afraid of tragedies, true passions.
Probably, you and I are just cowards,
when we customize our tastes
under what is more accessible, simply.
More than once the inner bastard whispered to me
from the dirty subconscious darkness:
"Eh, brother, this
- complex material ... " -
and I cowardly escaped into the uncomplicated
and maybe a great opportunity
lost unrequited love.
The man who played everything smart
relying on reciprocity dishonored.
Oh, chivalry of sad Cyrano,
you have moved from men to women.
In love, you are either a knight or you
do not love. The law is adamant:
in whom the gift is not unrequited love,
in that there is no gift of God's love.
May God know the grace of suffering,
and trembling unrequited, but beautiful,
and the sweetness of the hopeless expect,
and the happiness of stupid loyalty to the unhappy.
And, secretly drawn to rebellion
against his frozen soul,
in half-love, entangled, wandering
with longing for unrequited love.

( E. Evtushenko)

I love or not - hopelessness is easy for me ...

I love or not
- hopelessness is easy for me:
May I never be yours
And yet sometimes such tenderness
In your eyes, as if I am loved.

You will not live with me, you will not suffer with me,
And I will pass like a shadow from the clouds;
But you will never forget me
And my distant call will not freeze in you.

We dreamed of an unknown joy
And we knew in a dream that it was a dream ...
Still, a painful sweetness
There is for you and that I - not him.

(D. Merezhkovsky)

Be unloved! My God!

Be unloved! My God!
What happiness it is to be unhappy!
Walk home in the rain
With a face lost and red.

What a torment, grace
Sitting with a bitten lip
Die ten times a day
And talk to yourself.

What a life to go crazy!
Stagger around the room like a shadow!
What a blessing it is to wait for a letter
Month by month - and do not wait.

Who told us that the world is at our feet
Lies in tears, agree to everything?
He is indifferent and cruel.
But it is truly beautiful.

What to do with my grief?
Sleep. Take cover with your head in the night.
If I were not happy with him,
I would stop loving you. Do not be afraid!
(A. Kushner)

Unrequited love

Unrequited love
- the quiet ringing of the dawn,
All paid for at the real price.
Don't take care of yourself, you give yourself
So forever destined for you.

Hopeless love - the sky on your shoulders,
Why did you take it in full, than repay in return?
I don't know why there is light and fear in my heart,
And why does the arrow fly into the golden mirage?

Unrequited love, hopeless
Like a forest wilderness, roadless.
Hopeless love, unrequited
And if she were your selfless.
(R. Kazakova)

I don't want anything from you ...

I don't need anything from you -

Let the rain flow down like a stream

from the roof.

I'm happy to hear the sound of rain

I hear.

I don't need anything from you -

Let only a warm blow from the South


I'm already happy from the fact

That somewhere near you live

in the world.

I don't need anything from you -

I am all your adversity and sorrow

I'll take myself - you only one

Let them only pass.

And for me that is already enough:

To know that you are happy that

you live loving ...

Let your heart not ache like that


I don't want anything from you!

(V. Antsiferova)

Now they don't die of love ...

Now they don't die of love -
mocking sober era.
Only hemoglobin in the blood falls,
only for no reason a person feels bad.

Now they don't die of love -
only the heart junk at night.
But don't call the ambulance, mom,
doctors will shrug their shoulders helplessly:
"Now they don't die of love ..."
(Yuri Drunina)

Mismatch - bitter verdict!

Why does everything happen like this in life?
- bitter verdict!
- burns out from just one thought
In a different
- the fire does not light up ...

You loved me - I knew it!
You whispered tender words to me
There was so much warmth and light in them,
But the head did not turn, nevertheless.

I really wanted to be together then,
I waited for you to come into my dreams,
Yes, only I could not love ...
We turned out to be different, alas! ...

And our summer has gone away,
And with him love and tender words ...
Only my eyes are left in sorrow
And a wonderful dream where I reigned ...

(E. Sherman )

Inconsistencies in love

Over defenseless hearts?
And those who are in love with us are very sensitive,
They are unloved by us.

And those to whom they have become attached with all their hearts,
Hopes are destroyed by indifference.
And like a blizzard is blowing cold
To restless souls.

And feelings like tangled cards
In an uncollectible solitaire game.
And the sun of happiness stretches towards the sunset,
Under the cry of a rainy romance.

The days and nights dragged on sadly,
And hearts are tormented in languor.
For hundreds of millions of loneliness
As a verdict - a mismatch.

Love does not obey reason
It's hard to fight the passions
Why is fate playing a cruel joke
Over defenseless hearts ... ???

(Dime Smiles )

Unrequitedly in love ...

You knock on the window of the heart with the rain
But it's all in vain: you know they won't let you in
That being together is not given to you by God,
That the raft of hope will take you into the vastness of sadness.

You knock on the closed window as the rain
But this heart is wide open for another.
Understand: not yours ... not destined!
Don't guess at you on daisies.

You kiss the closed window in the rain
With claws of drops clinging to love in vain ...
But the views of black and white cinema
Completed, alas, with unrequited love.
(N. Samoniy )

Even if she doesn't need you at all

Even if she doesn't need you at all -
Know, half is not yours!
Why freeze your heart with a cold
And screaming "Mine!" Into the void?

Go away - doesn't mean giving up at all
Which means
- find your own;
After all, if you don't part right away,
The crows will destroy the thoughts ...

Better so, let it not be needed -
Than to be a disgraceful husband all my life;
To know that you are not her life ...
You will fall out of love and forget!

(N. Samoniy )

Love has no expiration date

From afar, in the distance
Without disturbing you,
I will love! And in advance
I resign myself to the fate of a passer-by.

I will love nevertheless!
Contemptuous of both time and conventions,
I will love with inspiration
No expiry date and no expiration date!

(G. Petrova )

You - my love

This sadness, this pain and tenderness,
Well, where, tell me, did they come from?
I accept as inevitability
Your inaccessible lips.
I accept it as a gift from God
Like the glow of the moon in the night
You are my love, touchy,
At least shout to you, don't shout ...
I am rejected by dumb parting
But madly in love with you!
I'm a lifelong sweet flour
I will be rewarded enough!

(I. Fetisova-Mullerson)

Equinox day

For this woman I am a friend
Just a friend, no more.
Distant forest semicircle
Crowns the field.
In the sun of the temple dome
They burn like candles.
Thank you that fate gave
I will meet this!
The cool wind is chilling
And strokes the skin.
To say what's ahead
We both can.
We won't have a damn thing
I know exactly!
My love for you is pure
And blameless.
There are clouds in the autumn sky
They sail slowly.
And my head is light
And so sinless ...
Alas, I'm not the one who is destined
It is predicted for you!
So let me be with you
Tied only by friendship!
And the bird of prey soars
In a stream of light.
And the equinox reigns
Over the entire planet.
And time wants to rest
Go to sleep
And continues on the eternal path
To the solstice.
(A. Volt )

I'm trying to stop loving you ...

I'm trying to stop loving you
I discover flaws in you
So that with pain painfully sweet
Suddenly forget everything in the world again!

To see when I'm on my way
Your image is in the sky above the road.
Heaven is not only for God!
You, too, are almost a goddess!

So that again, a second before sleep,
It seemed you are standing at the door ...
And I will believe in a beautiful mirage.
And the whole room is lit up ...

And waking up, again to realize
That I'm in love with you without an answer ...
This thread did not tie us!
I can’t break it!
(A. Volt )

All will pass. We'll meet sometime ...

All will pass. We'll meet sometime
Like simple good friends.
Are you, Tanyusha, to blame
That I was in love with you?

And that my heart was beating like a bird
This is not your fault either.
Because how can you not fall in love
If you are beautiful and smart?

How not to fall in love with these eyebrows?
Into the gentle sadness of beautiful eyes?
Into an intelligent conversation without idle talk,
Conquered by whom you have been more than once?

Into the light thoughtfulness of a smile.
Tender cheekbones agonizing bend.
From which I almost fell into a mistake,
From which I almost died!

Into humor an unexpected peppercorn,
That sometimes friends are so amused.
And in a tiny little devilry
Hidden in the depths of my soul

And a little bit more to blame
Thin waist is yours ...
All will pass. We'll meet sometime
Like simple good friends.
(A. Volt )

This fall, this fall ...

This fall, this fall

They suddenly began to disturb me.

We were friends trustingly,
But suddenly I felt:
Friendship between man and woman
More dangerous than TNT.

Don't look at me with alarm.
I will remain a friend in the future.
But the poet, apparently, is supposed to
Burn in unrequited love.

And don't trust me for a moment
If I say: love is not needed!
After all, suffering for inspiration
Small, in general, the price!

This fall, quiet fall
The cranes fly, ringing screaming.
And your eyes are brown with green
They suddenly began to disturb me.
(A. Volt )

Unrequited love

I loved you for a long time, tenderly, passionately,
Undivided, secretly, with all my soul.
How hard it is to be silent and how dangerous!
I seem to be ill with you.
I was looking for you in other men.
You were there like a ghostly ether.
I wrote poetry to you at night,
Hoping that there will be peace in my soul.
I loved you for a long time. Begged
Take love back to heaven!
Love is gone. And somehow it became empty
She took a piece of the soul.

(Nina Shester )

Unrequited love

Unrequited love
Divides the soul into two parts.
Blood oozes from one, upstairs

An unrequited feeling always becomes a heavy cross for a woman, which she has to carry through her life. Sometimes it is difficult even to express the depth of your feelings, the beauty of everything that languishes in a woman's heart. That is why, poems about unrequited love for a man sometimes help to express emotions and reveal the beauty of their feelings in front of the stronger sex.

Why do we need beautiful poems about unrequited love?

Finding suitable poetic lines is sometimes very difficult, because everyone's feelings are different, like the romantic stories themselves. Why are poems about unrequited love necessary?

  • They help to confess their feelings in time, and do it beautifully.
  • Sometimes such works help to cope with depression, because the girl understands that many have experienced such a personal tragedy.
  • Poetic works tell a beautiful love story and therefore can be a source of inspiration.
  • Poems will help you stand out from the army of male fans, attracting his attention.

It is very important to choose the right work here. If you send your beloved the first poem that comes across, it will not always be able to express the full depth of emotions, desires and feelings. All men are different, and some might like metaphorical poetry with a ton of different epithets. Another man will like a simpler verse, but which has its own flavor and depth. It is important that the girl also likes the work, because in a few lines she must eloquently declare everything that torments her heart.

That is why, in order to find the right poetry, there should really be a lot of poems about unrequited love for a man. After reading several poetic works, a woman will be able to choose exactly those lines that perfectly reflect the depth of her feelings.

Our site offers the richest catalog of beautiful poems about non-mutual feelings. Here you can find romantic works with meaning, you can find lines of tenderness and an expression of boundless devotion. Mutual feelings do not necessarily have to be sources of depression. Sometimes such emotions become a source of inspiration, forcing a person to perpetuate their thoughts and romantic dreams in poetry on their own. If he doesn't get to create a beautiful verse on his own, our site is always ready to provide a huge variety of such works!

Unrequited love is an emptiness inside ... You love him, you want to shout about it ... But nothing ... Silence in response ...

Like a fool, I refresh the page again and again and wait for his message ...

I am ready to give my life for you, but the terrible fact interferes, you are there, and I am here. It hurts to lose a loved one ...

I don’t want to remember it, feel it, remember it, because it HURTS!

Leave your tears, you can't do otherwise, smile girl - the proud don't cry. And in spite of the offense, you have to laugh, let your heart break from pain! Hide those bitter tears from everyone in the world. You are the mistress of life, not a mimosa bush!

Everyone is sitting on something: some on pills, and some on feelings. Someone catches up with vodka, and someone with unrequited love.

When you fall in love unrequitedly, you want to apologize to all those who were unrequitedly in love with you ...

In my opinion, it is best to find someone who will love you for who you are: bad, good, scary, beautiful, kind - as you are. After all, he will still consider you the best ... that's who it is worth being next to.

Unrequited love is useful for the poet's notebook: it fills the pages, emptying his soul.

There are such moments .. that you don't want to live at all ... but you want to cry and cry .. and strongly "LOVE" someone ... !!!

I don’t want the other to look into your eyes, I don’t want the other to say I love you! I don’t want another you to say your love, I don’t want another you to give my dream!

50% of the world's population lives without a soul mate. There are billions of us! And I sit here and am afraid that I alone am unlucky in love.

There are actions that cannot be forgiven. There are words that cannot be forgotten. There are moments after which people from the closest become nothing.

I hate bumping into yours online. Because you don't write to me anyway. As if we are close, and you are silent all the time.

Cheating is the most vile trait of a person who does not know how to love.

Walking darling? Take a walk! Nobody holds you by the horns ...

Shame on the one who cheats. Who in life loves many times, who immediately attracts the heart, and then gives a refusal !!!

I really want him to accidentally call her my name, and she exclaimed: "Who is this bitch ?!"

I am proud of those who are unrequitedly in love with me.

When you fall in love unrequitedly, you want to apologize to all those who were unrequitedly in love with you ...

Don't make a person the meaning of life. Someday he will leave.

When I see him with another, I see how she looks, how to treat him! And I understand that I am 1,000,000 times better !!!

I can take it all. And tears, and pain, and your departure to another, and the fact that he returned to me again, I will endure and forgive everything only to you alone.

"There is no love without pain!" - said the bunny and hugged the hedgehog.

He just uses me, and I, a fool, dream of a happy future with him ...

Leave, leave this light ... Leave everyone, do not look back ... Leave where there is no evil and grief ... Just once to fall asleep and not wake up.

I do not believe that I am capable of such feelings. No. Not for love. Such terrible jealousy. Painfully. I squeeze my jaw to a squeak in my teeth, just to forget. Dissolving in work ... I love, but unrequited!

Fell in love, this is when at every knock you look who came to Asya, and if it is him, you understand that you cannot write anything to him.

For a whole month I waited and hoped for a miracle that I would look into your eyes, and I would be next to you again. I wanted to feel your breath in silence, and to snuggle against your chest, on a dark night with the moon! Maybe I dream in vain, and all feelings are nonsense. Maybe just NOT FATE.

Do not love him, but be his beloved. Don't look for him, he will find you himself. Do not follow him, as others do ... If he needs you, he will come to you ...

Leave as soon as you realized that you will not be loved, do not waste time on ethereal adoration - love cannot be begged or earned, it is given for free or is not given at all!

Beautiful words ... Clever thoughts ... 24/7 online ... Only for your sake ... It's a pity that you don't appreciate ...

I will not be lost without you, I promise ... I love you, but I let go ...

There is silence in the heart, and emptiness in the soul, only fragments of love remained in the mud. What are you waiting for? Close your heart with a key and go away! - I can’t, there are still traces of hope!

How morally difficult it is to be familiar with a lot of guys and understand that you don't need anyone. After all, in the heart lives the one who does not need you.

One left - the other will come, better, believe me.

I will write you a huge confession of my feelings for you! But I will never send it to you ...

Yes ... He writes to me once a month to see if I'm dead.

I decided to confess my love to the guy and accidentally wrote to him: "z k., K. Nt, z", but he did not even try to translate and said: "Before you write, translate the language, you fool." Sadly...

When we say - "Nobody needs me", we mean that only one person is not needed, but the most necessary and important in your life!

You will never deceive me again, because you cannot deceive a person who no longer believes you ...

Darling, tell me the truth, I will understand, than then I will cry and mentally die.

LOVE - love without deception. BELIEVE - believe to the end. HATE - tell it straight. And if you Laugh - laugh in the eyes.

I just like it a lot, I just keep quiet about it, I just see him every day and just cry in the evenings.

The more people fall in love with you, the more lonely you feel, every day trying harder to find someone you can love.

I hate bumping into yours online. Because you still don't write to me. As if we are close, and you are silent all the time.

Two days ago we kissed for the first time, the day before yesterday we met, yesterday we parted with you ... Today you have "ignore". What will happen tomorrow, dear?

There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity ...

You know, sometimes you write a message to a person, you do not write with your hands, with your soul. You press "send" and a small fraction of the heart somewhere in the throat, and then stops and a stone in the stomach. You don't have enough rights. This user has added you to the blacklist ...

Yes, so what?! I may not be as gorgeous as she is, but my heart is not ice cold, and my head is not empty, like hers! And that makes me better!

Going with someone else does not mean being a stranger. And next to him - does not mean he is dear. And without you - does not mean not with you. Loving you does not mean that you are mine ...

It will be understood not by the one who has seen a lot, but by the one who has lost a lot. Forgive not the one who did not offend, but the one who forgave a lot. Everyone will condemn who is unable to give way to another. Only the one in whose veins the blood never boils is jealous ...

How sometimes you want to roar, yell, fight, beat, whatever and destroy everything around, but nothing remains but how to put on a mask of indifference and continue on your way !!!

So, in one second you can destroy everything. Once, and nothing else. Emptiness...

And we will be happy. Write each other gentle sms, from which goosebumps, walk, holding hands. We will get married, we will definitely have our own house, filled with children's laughter. And you will envy me all your life, meet your ugly woman, and then cry when she leaves ...

Unrequited love - it hurts so much ... It hurts when the person you love, who you need, simply slips at you.

How silly to look at your phone and wait for you to call ... Considering that you don't even know my number ...

I don’t know what I’ll do when I see your eyes ... After all, the heart says: “I love”, and the mind whispers: “I hate”!

Now he ignores me ... I wonder what he wants to prove by this?

Perhaps you will find better than me, you will find worse than me, but you will never find someone like me!

Out of hundreds of thousands of people, I can find him even with my eyes closed ... I don't remember what color his eyes are, brown, green, or maybe blue? I only remember that they made me shiver ...

I don’t like it anymore, I don’t like it anymore, I’ll just score it ... and you will choke on it.

It was not you who betrayed me, it was God who protected me from such a two-faced pig.

They say that it is impossible to live without love, but you know how unbearable it is to live when you love, but without any reciprocity!

But I’m always there, only you don’t see me, and then it will be too late when you understand what I mean to you, but I’ll just leave.

Unrequited love is when you dream that he sent a message. You wake up, rush to the computer, and there is nothing there.

I can't sleep at night, my heart is constantly talking about you.

Give your beloved a letter in which gentle words will turn into gentle lines with a kind and gentle meaning, with love and respect, with a rainbow of feelings and emotions ...

Imagine that you have fallen in love (very much!) With a man who lives, unfortunately, far from you. You have loved him for a long time. But you no longer have the strength to hide your love for him. Describe what you feel in writing. You'll feel better. It is more pleasant for him. If you love - do not pay attention to the kilometers separating you! On the contrary, let him understand that kilometers are nonsense, the main thing is feelings!

Write to your loved one

One that will melt his heart. Do you doubt what he needs? Afraid that he will not reciprocate. You should not be scared. You write!

Do not spread any negative on the lines. Try to avoid him, no matter how difficult it is for you. Saturate the entire letter with kindness, tenderness and good mood.

An example of a gentle and kind letter for a loved one

My beloved and affectionate angel! Night. I know that you are already asleep. And I am writing because I want you to learn a lot. Even what you already know ...

I love you sweetheart! You are not aware of these feelings. Maybe you can guess. You and I are very close friends. You are closer than a friend. I definitely told you about this. Sorry to repeat myself.

We've never seen each other

We have never seen each other in reality, but I am waiting for the day when you arrive. It remains to wait a little more than a month. But I will wait for you, my happiness. We agreed that we will leave everything as it is. I will not insist on anything, I will not demand anything. What matters to me is that we see each other. You know how I look forward to it….

We joke when we write about love. I try not to betray my feelings. That I love - I will say at the meeting. How do you answer - I do not know. But the main thing is that I will open myself to you. Now I'm afraid ...

Kitten, you are the very best…. I'm so scared. That you will find another while we are at a distance. Once you went to the site "Vkontakte". It was a summer night. But I know that at this time you are asleep.

I had two versions:

  • First: “He is not alone. Some girl is climbing on his page. "
  • Second: “He went online to see if I was there or not. At the same time you can admire my photos as well ”….

The second came later. It’s always like that: first the bad comes to mind. Jealousy. How she pisses me off! I didn’t think she would get into me either. And she moved in and does not let go. Will it let go?

About the past

You know that I broke up with my boyfriend. And you claimed to be in his place. He called me yesterday. And I told you about this too, because I have no secrets from you. Our mutual friends say that he wants to return to me. And you found out about this. Sadly, without a smiley face, you asked: "What are you?" I thought for a long time how to answer so that you understand everything correctly. And I answered like this: “Most of all I want to meet you. If I return to it, a lot can change. " You didn’t answer me for half an hour, which seemed like an eternity…. Do you remember what you answered? You answered: "Hmm ....". I don’t know how to interpret it…. That's why I had to say that I was joking again. I polish all the words so as not to offend or hurt you.

About future

My dear, you are very, very dear to me. If I lose you, life will end. And I want to spend it with you! I want to erase all frames of friendship…. Everything! Until a single one! I want only friendship between us - love.

I dream so much to dial your number, but yesterday you dropped your mobile. He does not work. This makes it sad. I don't know the home number. I asked him, but you didn't write. Apparently scared that I would often call you? - Kidding!

I love you! I love, my dear boy. Let's be together forever? It's so sad and bad without you. All my friends see how “gray” I am when I’m not talking to you on the Internet or on my mobile. Give me a rainbow, please. My rainbow is you and your feelings for me….

I dream not to let you go…. I want your touches, your caresses, your kisses…. Do you know how I imagined our first meeting? You call me from the station, say that you have arrived and are waiting for me at the entrance. I run out of the vestibule doors, call the elevator…. You are in the elevator. You get out of it, take me in your arms and kiss me sweetly.


I forgot that we are not dating, but friends. How you want it to be different. I like it so much when you call me an angel…. Soon I will put a new status on Vkontakte: “I work as a personal angel for my closest friend. I'm not going to quit. " I'm so tired of virtual communication. Sweetheart, my beloved, come soon. I don't pretend to be much. I just want to see you. I promise that I will hold back all the impulses of passion that live in me for you. I promise I will kiss you on the cheek as we agreed. I will fulfill everything that I promised you, my beloved sun.

Patience is running out

Even now I am ready to rush to you, my happiness. I can’t stand it, I’ll buy a train ticket, and I’ll come to you. There are five hundred kilometers between us. These are huge little things. It is a pity that there is a distance between us at all. But we will overcome it, my love!

I am writing this letter knowing that everything in it is sincere and beautiful. Everything is dedicated only to you, my extraordinary dream. By the way, about sleep…. I remembered something…. We spoke on a cell phone. I said good night to you. And you hinted that I would dream of you. My dear, I really want to dream of you every night! I want to fall asleep next to and wake up…. I'm sorry I want so much. But I have the right to tell you everything as it is.

You are the man of my dreams

Yes, we have not seen each other in life, but I loved you so much…. I resisted my feeling, preferring not to believe in it. But love is very strong. She defeated me, burst out of her chest, flew into every line of this letter…. Love you…. Sorry about that if you can…. Just know, remember that you are my only one.

I am without you - a drop of dew, a rain on the glass, a grain of sand on the coast .... Be with me, my angel! I will be able to give you unearthly happiness. I only need one chance to implement such a plan.

My love is real

You will understand that I am not lying if we are together. I need you…. More than air. You are my life. Because I love you madly. Anyone who fell in love on the Internet will be able to understand me.

I'm waiting for you, my bunny. You call me that too…. And I am so pleased, so good from this. I am your sunny bunny that protects and loves you.

Continuation. ... ...

- All tender, pleasant - to a loved one

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