Home Helpful Hints Secretary with intimate accompaniment Tverskaya. Secretary with intimate accompaniment. Looking for a girl for a serious relationship

Secretary with intimate accompaniment Tverskaya. Secretary with intimate accompaniment. Looking for a girl for a serious relationship

Stress in the office, chronic fatigue, irregular working hours - this is a standard situation for the head of a large enterprise. In this case, it is very important to be able to relax and fully rest. For a person who is used to working all the time, this is not easy to do. A secretary with intimate accompaniment can be a good solution in such a case. Services for finding a reliable girl who is able to perform direct duties with high quality and help the boss relax are provided by the Love-Chance recruitment agency.

Mini-portrait of the applicant

The first thing I would like to clarify is that we are not associated with an escort, there are no representatives of the oldest profession in our resume database, on the contrary, our business is absolutely legal. Our recruitment agency recruits elite qualified personnel who professionally approach the performance of their direct official duties and can combine them with personal relationships with the manager. It is very difficult to find such people; only experienced agencies can do this task. Judge for yourself, we are approached by respectable persons who present special requirements for your personal assistants:

  • availability of higher education (often specialized) and experience of successful work in a similar position (preferably in medium and large businesses);
  • knowledge of several languages;
  • possession of the skills of cultural business communication (oral and written), including with foreigners;
  • complaisance, readiness for intimate meetings with the boss (strictly by mutual consent);
  • excellent external data.

The functions of a personal assistant are:

  • performance of direct duties of the secretary;
  • work with documents;
  • communication with customers, partners and employees;
  • greeting office guests, serving tea/coffee;
  • accompanying the chief on business trips, at conferences and meetings;
  • organization of trips, planning of the working day

To be or not to be?

The answer to the question is obvious: to be. A good secretary with intimate accompaniment is a luxury employee, as he has undeniable advantages:

  • versatility. A beautiful assistant will perform her duties with high quality, and at the same time, such a girl will not say “This is not part of the range of my duties” in response to a request to have dinner together, but simply agree to have a good time;
  • discipline. We recruit candidates who are not prone to spreading rumors in and out of the office. They are fully aware of their responsibility and are not prone to adventures;
  • not burdened by family. The husband and children can wait for the usual secretary of the house. We give preference to unmarried women. An employee with additional services will be at your disposal even after the end of the working day.

"Love-Chance": 5 arguments in favor

  1. Guaranteed privacy. Both parties sign an appropriate contract, which contains a clause on non-disclosure of information to third parties.
  2. Solid work experience. Our agency has been on the market for 10 years, we are one of the first in Moscow to start qualifying for elite personnel.
  3. High-quality performance of the task. We are looking for secretaries in accordance with the parameters set by the customer. This includes not only professional skills, but also external data.
  4. Regular recruiting, which allows you to pick up a girl in 1 day.
  5. Compatibility check within three months. If during this period you realize that you will not be able to work together, then we will replace the secretary free of charge.

So, it was a very long time ago, I'm 19, I'm still hanging between heaven and earth in terms of self-determination in life. The courses of secretaries-typists, completed on the basis of vocational education, allowed me to get a job somewhere, until my thoughts were in the right direction. Stumbling through government agencies, I, quite by accident, read an ad - a secretary is required for a private company. And went to the interview.

A small office for two offices - in one director, in the second accountant and head of the garage. The rest is a huge platform with a bunch of fuel trucks - the company opened its own gas stations, carried various fuels, in general, at that time, a very profitable business, with a director - a tough businessman, although he did not wear a raspberry jacket, but he was an avid hunter, a drunkard, had a wife and did not hide his mistress. I saw all this a little later, after two weeks of my work. This director, a man of about 55, somehow indifferently examined me from head to toe and said - I actually never thought of taking on a secretary, but the business is developing, somehow it’s not solid, you fit. And he gave me a small corner in the corridor, where a table with a typewriter fit (they hadn’t really heard about computers yet), a telephone and a hanger.

I didn't do anything at all. It seems to be joyful - you are paid money (albeit a penny) and you don’t have to do anything. I answered the phone, maybe once a month I typed some order and cleaned the director's office after his drinking with friends. His wife came, passed me without looking, then his mistress came - a bright, vulgar girl, sat down on the windowsill and told me about what restaurants they dined yesterday, what fur coat and what clothes she bought, what business people she met and other crap from his very "cool" life.

I was not interested, I listened with half an ear, solving some of my problems. At that moment in time I was in love and personal love questions filled most of my thoughts. So six months passed. All I did was listen to my mistress and walk in the yard, watching huge fuel trucks come and go. The men smiled, sometimes chatted with me, but everything was somehow detached. Although I didn't pay much attention. The only person - the head of the garage spoke to me in a very fatherly way, prompting and telling stories from life. I listened to him, the man was aged and obviously had seen a lot.
And then one day, already in the evening, the director, decently drunk, rushed into the office, ordered him to make sandwiches and tea, collapsed on the sofa and started chatting with someone on the phone. I quickly organized what I needed, went into the office with a tray, and it was dark there. Trying to hold the tray with one hand, the other began to grope for the switch, but then the director jumped up from the sofa, pressed me against the wall and with the words - I didn’t understand something, you’ve been working for me for six months, but I still didn’t sleep with you, I tried to actively slap me, for which he received from me a tray on the head. And at that moment the light came on, his mistress flew into the office, wildly rolling her eyes, and pushed me out into the corridor, shouting all sorts of obscene words along the way. As I understood from the further scandal, she followed him and immediately realized that he had gone to me. She didn't even notice that he was sitting, mumbling and rubbing the back of his head, she just stood and yelled at him. The head of the garage flew into the corridor, looked around, looked at the head of the director, cursed, pulled me by the arm, put me in the car and quickly drove me home (I lived nearby).

When I arrived at work the next morning, I found out that I had been fired. It was insulting to tears, although there was no desire to stay here after this. And another moment that struck me to such an extent that I remember it to this day. Everyone looked at me with such condemning glances, they directly erased me into powder - the accountant turned away, the men-carriers laughed in the corner. I couldn’t understand what was the matter - I went to my “friend” - the head of the garage, and then he told me that I was a stupid girl, I didn’t have to immediately sleep with the director, at least wait until he broke up with his mistress, for a long time it went to this, she was very greedy. None of my oaths and assurances, which were not in my thoughts, did not have the proper effect - it turned out that everyone in the company was sure that the director took me for only one thing - to replace my annoying mistress.

I’ll be honest, I cried at home for a long time, in general, the sense of justice in me is so strong that even the slightest hint of a lie is like a knife to the heart for me, and such accusations almost drove me crazy. I immediately imagined why the people avoided me so much, communicated so laconicly - after all, they thought that I was just a girl to satisfy the director's sexual needs. I have never been so disgusted at heart - the first job and such a shame. It took me a long time to come to my senses after that. Many, many years have passed, this office is still standing there, of course, the director is no longer alive and the owners are different there, but every time I drive by, I feel sick ...

We are a dating agency + recruitment agency for the selection of secretaries with intimate accompaniment in Moscow.

Our girls are very beautiful and educated. At the bottom of the page you can submit a photo request.

Approximately, this is how the girls from our database look like.

Dating agency Temptation.

Now, a little about us. Our company is called agency Temptation and we have been working since 2011. We started with recruiting. Now we work more as a dating agency. We provide services not only to Moscow, but also to other cities of the world. Our clients are successful men over 35 years old. They are united by one thing - the lack of a girl nearby. The girl can be anyone. It can be a secretary with intimate accompaniment in Moscow, if you want to find an employee and a lover in one person. It may just be a mistress or a kept woman. These girls want to date a successful man and want him to support them financially. There are girls who are not interested in financial support, but they just want to meet a successful man. Such girls are 70%.

Looking for a girl for a serious relationship.

The most popular service. A serious relationship is not necessarily a wedding. It's just a permanent relationship with one person. Girls from this category are the most decent and reliable. They are interested in men, about 15-25 years older than themselves. It is important for them to have a good relationship with each other and spend joint leisure time, joint trips.

Believe me, this is the best option of all possible. Think about him first, then everyone else. If you were looking for this, right now send an application for the selection of a girl for a serious relationship

Search for a mistress.

What kind of girls do we have?

These are ordinary girls with appearance and temperament, which arouse a natural interest in a man. They have a good education and excellent upbringing. It is pleasant to spend time with them, and your lonely friends, after they find out where you found her, will also turn to us. More than half of our clients are word of mouth.

The lights were off in the principal's office. Drunk, he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her along. Maria, barely on her feet, sat down on the edge of the glass table - papers were scattered on it.

“Spread your legs,” the leader said in an orderly tone, and a lustful smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

She didn't seem to hear his request at first. "Does Alexander Georgievich really want to fuck her?"

He did not want to wait until the necessary signal worked in her empty drunken head - he grabbed her hips from the inside, opened them with a sharp movement.

- I'll make you cunnilingus, and you - scream. Nobody, Maryush, will hear.

The corporate party took place in the office - Bruno Mars' Uptown funk rumbled outside the door. Indeed, no one would hear any excuses or screams from the CEO's office. In the end, if any sounds were heard by colleagues, it would not give a damn, because it was 2 am at the clock. Everyone was pretty drunk. Surely most would think that what is happening outside the door is a drunken joke, nothing more.

Maria is 27 years old, she has the third breast size, narrow hips, height is about 174 cm, she has two higher educations: she is an art critic and a translator. Moreover, she graduated from both universities with honors. Four months ago, she got a job as a personal assistant to the manager, out of interest. Such a nature - you always want to change your role: after university, she worked by profession (but quickly got tired of foreigners), then she decided to become a flight attendant (in a year and a half she ruined her health due to constant flights), now she decided to become the right hand of a "big man" .

Her boss has a family - a quivering wife and two daughters, the 48-year-old top manager has been married all his life. He has unkempt suits and a completely gray head. In appearance, he can be given no less than 56. Maria says that before the New Year's holiday, he did not pay attention to her, young, so, he smiled, looking, but that's normal, right?

Then there was only oral sex and petting. At three o'clock in the morning the director called the driver, who was supposed to take them home. In the back seat of the car, Alexander Georgievich grabbed Maria by the hair and by force (without asking about her desire) forced him to give him a blowjob.

The next day, Maria came to the office with a clear goal: to get the entrepreneur at any cost. At noon, she went into his office and closed the door behind her. On the table, they had sex for the first time.

Maria believed that her life would change dramatically after Alexander Georgievich fell into her lovers, but her hopes were empty. The bonuses of the intimate assistant turned out to be joint trips to business meetings, conferences, as well as a night every two weeks in good hotels near Moscow.

To the question "Does he take care of you?" Maryusha answered in the affirmative: “Well, he takes me everywhere. And also - he gave me peonies, can you imagine?! He definitely doesn’t need a wife,” the secretary said so slyly. It is worth noting that the director of the girl was a man from the East, but, as his assistant stated, this is "not at all important" and "he will leave his family."

A typical story, in the conditions of which many can fall. But there are those who are initially ready to sleep with the leader.

In Russia, there are several agencies involved in the selection of secretaries, personal assistants for managers and domestic staff "with intimacy". As the owners of such companies emphasize, they are not engaged in escort services - they are only looking for girls who are ready "at their own request" and "without additional payments" to enter into intimate relations with the management. In employment contracts, "additional duties" are not prescribed: "service sex" is based on parole. Customers of recruitment agencies promise that clients will not force anything, and the girls, in turn, will not refuse sex.

The first to openly offer girls a job with strawberries and today the largest in the Russian market is the Ivershin's Luxury assistants recruitment agency, founded in 2006 by recruiter Peter Ivershin. less than 140 thousand rubles. At the same time, on the website of the recruiting agency itself, it is emphasized that top managers pay girls for their direct work (specified in the employment contract), and not for intimate services. Ivershin's Luxury assistants, as an intermediary between the customer and performer, receives a one-time 15% of the annual salary of an employed girl, that is, at least 252 thousand rubles for one closed vacancy.

According to the head of the company, Petr Ivershin, 5% of girls who are ready to work in Russia as secretaries and personal assistants to top managers agree to have sex with their boss.

- The market is stable. Regardless of the season and the economic situation in the country, two girls a day turn to our agency. That is, about 60 job seekers a month declare that they agree to have sex at work. In a crisis, applicants leave faster. If earlier they got into the database and chose our employers (provided that several offers were received) among other employment options (without intimacy), now women do not hesitate, they go to the first job that comes across, - says Ivershin. - Half of all who applied to us are girls from the regions.

According to the entrepreneur, recruiting agencies for finding employees "with a promise" differ from escort companies, because hirers first of all look at the traditional resume of applicants, and only after that - at external data.

- If rich people were looking for just a girl, they would not come to us. They need qualified personnel who could become their right hand, and, additionally, their mistresses. As a rule, girls are required with any experience in administrative work or practice as secretaries, with higher or incomplete higher education, says Ivershin. - Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is not required from every girl, it all depends on the order, on whether the employer's company works with foreign contractors. If so, then, of course, the secretary must be able to speak on the phone in the required language and translate correspondence into Russian.

There are no specific parameters by which applicants are selected for the agency's database. Each employer concludes a standard recruitment contract with the agency, and also tells recruiters about their wishes - what age a girl should be, what appearance is preferable. As Ivershin noted, none of the customers insists on certain parameters of candidates: a brunette or a blonde - it doesn’t matter.

- This is complete nonsense that everyone, without exception, would like to see girls under 27 years old and model appearance as their assistants. There are those who want a secretary over 50 years old, because it is easier to work with such a woman if the person himself is not young. Do not forget that there are 50-year-old ladies who look better than young competitors, Ivershin assures. - Nevertheless, age is still a determining factor: most customers wanted to work with girls from 20 to 30 years old.

Employers who come to agencies like Ivershin's Luxury assistant talk about the desired appearance of girls in a streamlined way - "beautiful", "sweet". But some entrepreneurs still specify their preferences - as a rule, they indicate the size of the breast of the future worker of interest.

- This is the only parameter that sometimes turns out to be fundamental for top managers. I select girls for the database myself (although I have never worked as a scout in a modeling agency) - beauty is different for everyone, as are the desires of men. For 9 years of work, I have enough experience to understand: this girl, for example, does not meet the so-called beauty standards, but is charismatic and pretty (someone may like her), and this one is short, but she has amazing eyes, tender face, etc. Everything is very individual, - Ivershin draws attention.

A good salary, different from what a personal assistant can earn without sex, serves as a motivation for women, but "that's not all."

- Money decides a lot, but not everything: it is wrong to think that career growth in the positions of a secretary or personal assistant is impossible. If the girl works really well, that is, she will delve into all the affairs of the boss, then she will be able to grow up to the administrative director in the future, Ivershin is sure.

The average age of customers for secretaries with additional functionality is 45 years. And as the entrepreneur emphasizes, the combination "mistress + assistant" is required by clients, because many top managers simply do not have time for their personal lives.

- People work seven days a week, literally live at work - they can be understood. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the manager and employee are nice to each other and they have sex. No one pays for it - everything is fair. You can compare our company with dating services like loveplanet, for example. We bring together those who are ready for close relationships at work, nothing more, - said Ivershin. - Whether some of our customers are married, I don't know - I never ask such questions. Unlike job seekers, who sometimes ask employers about this at job interviews.

Ivershin believes that intimate relationships with the leader are not very different from romantic ones.

- People are divided into two types: for some, personal relationships at work are acceptable, for others - taboo. And there is no difference in what these connections are, - the owner of the agency believes. - Of course, employers, paying attention to the experience of the candidate, even at the interview consider the applicant in parallel as a sexual partner. But this is not surprising, a lot of people evaluate their interlocutors as lovers - it all depends on how developed a person's libido is.

Ivershin meets with each customer personally to "make sure of its adequacy" and discuss the contract.

- It is important for me that a person is not a psychopath - I can distinguish between them, because even before I founded the agency, I worked in HR, namely, I selected top managers. I intuitively determine who I can work with: I look at facial expressions, reactions and answers to my questions. It is necessary to exclude violence from the boss - both verbal and physical.

After the agency selects a suitable candidate for the employer (and she responds to the offer), an interview is held, at which the employer gets acquainted directly with the applicant who is interested in him.

“At the meeting, both sides are already determined in their sympathies: if everything is mutual, and the competencies of the candidate correspond to the expectations of the customer, then everything works out,” says Ivershin. - Before a face-to-face meeting with a potential boss, we do not instruct girls - we only say that they come to the interview in the clothes in which they are going to come to the office.

According to Ivershin, all top managers, regardless of the area in which they work, are equally depraved.

- We have more clients in Moscow City than in other metropolitan business centers. But I can’t single out any more locations,” Ivershin said.

At the same time, the businessman said (despite the fact that at the beginning of the conversation he equated the relationship with the boss with a romantic relationship) that the recruiting company also has regular customers.

- Entrepreneurs again turn to our services on average once every 1.5 years. But after all, couples also break up - a guy and a girl have not met for years. Girls also turn to us for the second time, but rarely. It would be a stretch to call the relationships that clients get romantic. But they are also far from sex services. It's something in the middle.

In 2015, 6% of men and 11% of women in Russia experienced sexual harassment at work. Such data are provided by the research center Superjob, which interviewed 3,000 Russians. Women who were harassed at work did not easily survive these incidents: they quit or eventually lost their jobs for reasons invented by employers. The men, who became objects of desire, said that they found the “service games” interesting.

On social networks, Russian women discussing the possibility of working “with intimacy” note that an important problem for office mistresses is the risk of being fired (“if the manager gets bored in a month or two”), which means “unnecessary entries in the work book.”

Note that the main thing that they never tire of reminding on the websites of "elite" recruiting agencies is that sex will take place between a subordinate and a boss on a voluntary basis. What's more, some of these companies say that "if all goes well," the close relationship they offer with the boss "will lead to marriage, a family." So, for example, it is stated on the portal intipa.com.

Potential female applicants of this agency are charged with the role of "great women" who are ready to make men successful. Working with intimacy, according to the text of the site, is the perfect start for a girl who can be "the best lover both in bed and in life." On intipa.com, the differences between the work offered by the agency and prostitution are described in detail.

At the same time, the authors of the site note that the services of a "secretary with intimacy" are both on an ongoing basis (that is, registration according to the Labor Code) and one-time (on the basis of an agreement on the provision of secretarial or legal services). At the same time, services can be ordered for at least two hours (as indicated on the portal).

In turn, the deputy chairman of the Union of Lawyers of Moscow, Alexander Tolmachev, said that it was really impossible to hold companies "to search for secretaries with sex" liable.

- For what? They are not involved in organizing prostitution, nowhere is it prescribed that sex services will be provided for money. The girl goes to work as an accountant, an assistant - she does her job, and concurrently has sex with her boss. Yes, she initially agrees to this, but she is not paid for sex. There may be other gifts in addition. This story is all around, only some act without the help of companies that are looking for those who are ready to work with a lustful director for a good salary. The girl says that for 50 thousand rubles she will not agree to this, but for 150 thousand she can agree. After all, it is also important that many women think that "something good can turn out."

At the same time, I would say that it is better not to draw up according to the Labor Code, but to draw up a civil contract with the employer. This will allow you to leave at any time, and not to modify if something is not to your liking. And yes, it is really possible to conclude such contracts even for a couple of hours: during this time you do the work that was agreed upon, and you get paid for it.

From the beginning of this material, the romantic assistant of the director, Maria, in the second month of her close relationship with the director, decided to prove herself an "independent", and therefore "desirable woman." While her boss was in the shower, the secretary decided to reply to text messages from his wife. The wife asked: "When will the meeting end?" Maryusha wrote: "When he bathes and has sex with me again." The cunning and cruel assistant hoped that the frustrated wife would not tell her husband anything, and if she did, then the choice of the boss would fall on her mistress...

Two days later, Alexander Georgievich summoned Maria, as always, to the office. Masha squealed when she closed the door and ran traditionally into an embrace, but the director's arms hung at her sides.

- You're a stupid prostitute. Write a statement - you leave of your own free will. Relationships invented? Yes, you are personnel here, and rather stupid, - the top manager said in an orderly tone. Exactly the same when he first forced Maryusha to perform oral sex.

The secretary, in tears, began to write letters on the application form. She didn't even work. Today she sleeps with her boss again, but he is 10 years younger than before.

The profession of a secretary with intimate services, or, as they say, a secretary with intimate accompaniment, appeared in the early 2000s. in Europe. Although, of course, the work of an intimate secretary was before, only this was not said out loud. Numerous vacancies for an intimate secretary confirm that this occupation is very popular these days.

Service "corporate secretary"

Many men dream about sexual relations at their work, so they advertise: I am looking for a secretary with sex. It is exciting, exciting and can diversify intimate life, making it more colorful.

The services of a personal secretary allow you to concentrate all your efforts on your work, without compromising your intimate life. According to statistics, a leader who has an intimate secretary performs work much more efficiently. In addition, the VIP secretary significantly enhances the image of the manager.

Often, a secretary with additional services helps to strengthen family relationships, especially when the former shades of joy and pleasure disappear from home intimacy.

Secretary with additional services with photo

Finding a secretary with intimacy is not difficult. Those who are interested in ads "required a female secretary with sex services" can contact a specialized recruitment agency, such as PrimeTime.

Here you can see a resume of a secretary with additional services, sign a contract for the services of secretaries who are ready for proximity. The agency is recruiting secretaries who are not only attractive, erotic, but also educated.

Those who respond to ads: looking for a job as a secretary with intimacy - should be able to listen to the boss about his problems and experiences, getting rid of negative emotions and giving him a positive mood.

Recruitment agency specialists will help you choose a secretary with additional services, taking into account all the wishes and requirements of the client.

Job: assistant secretary with sex

A professional secretary with intimate services, reviews of which can be read in the agency, is ready to answer calls and serve tea, fill out company documents, at the same time organize meetings and even plan the boss's working hours.

A secretary with intimate services can accompany his boss everywhere and everywhere, making him a pleasant company during and after working days, so that he does not feel lonely.

A personal secretary with intimacy in Moscow will always keep the secrets of the boss and the company, so you can completely rely on him.

Service prices

Choose the package of offers that suits you best and start successful cooperation with us.

Feedback from our clients

There are a lot of scammers on the Internet, for this reason I did not even consider cooperation with any agency. However, one good friend recommended me to apply to the Prime time recruitment agency. And I decided to try, leaving a request on the agency's website. To be honest, I did not even hope that there would be a sequel. But in fact, after 15-20 minutes, the manager called me, told me everything in detail, answered all my questions. After I transferred the advance, they sent me options for candidates every day, and I chose a girl for myself within 5 days. Now we meet with her and are very happy together. I myself was convinced that the manager works for the result and very quickly! Thanks to! Anton, entrepreneur.

I want to thank the staff of this Prime Time company. You have made my life different! Now I make good money, and in general I enjoy my work. I have a great relationship with my boss. Denis, applicant

No matter how much I searched for a personal driver with the provision of personal services, there was some kind of deception everywhere. The whole case was decided by the case when I turned to Prime Time. The personal manager helped me, picked up a handsome, charming boy who fulfills all my whims at the first request. Svetlana, employer

Hiring one of your candidates has been my escape from work. Things really went up, because the secretary girl from your company helps me relax, fulfills her duties on time. Yuri, employer

I could not find a normal job due to a number of reasons. It's just a miracle that I got to this Prime Time resource. Thanks to him, I found a good employer, I revealed my full potential, became liberated and sociable. The boss in me does not have a soul, pays wages on time, often makes gifts. Evgeniya, applicant.

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