Home Helpful Hints Lesson topic. The development of speech. Presentation of a journalistic text, including a description of a work of art and architecture. Speech development lesson "presentation according to the text" how the hut is built "" Dictation how many corners in a village hut

Lesson topic. The development of speech. Presentation of a journalistic text, including a description of a work of art and architecture. Speech development lesson "presentation according to the text" how the hut is built "" Dictation how many corners in a village hut

Stage I - theoretical.

Task: each group, with the help of a theorist, presents the rules: 1st group- OCHP and punctuation with them; 2nd group- generalizing words for OCHP; 3rd group- grammatical norms when using OCHP (the theorist prepares a memo "Mistakes in combinations of homogeneous members" in advance and distributes it to representatives of other groups).

Stage II - practical (task for practitioners).

1st group.

Assignment: punctuate, emphasize OCHP, highlight conjunctions.

1. Chelkash was barefoot in old plush trousers without a cap in a dirty cotton shirt with a torn collar.

2. A cloud approached, soon it began to rain, but not for long.

3. An expression not so much of pity, but of gloomy concern appeared on the face of the general.

4. For a whole life later, if he did not tell, then he remembered this story.

5. When I was leaving the mountains, I realized that there are snow and rains and fogs and snowstorms in the mountains.

6. Crimson rowans stood on the slopes and from a distance looked like a blazing fire.

7. The essence of a person is best expressed most gratefully and most perfectly through his deeds through his work and creativity.

8. Never, under any circumstances, allow yourself to be arrogant or conceited.

9. No matter how frosty or creaky, it doesn’t hurt painfully.

10. It was joyfully younger both in heaven and on earth and in the heart of man.

2nd group.

Task: put punctuation marks, make sentence schemes.

1. Everything agitated the gentle mind the flowering meadow of the moon, the glittering in the chapel of the decrepit storm, the noise of the old woman, the wonderful legend.

2. In the forest and in the fields, everything was covered with snow.

3. White clouds forest stretching on both sides of the road, the noise of a mountain river flowing not far away, all this could not but please the eye and ear of the traveler.

4. The sky became multi-colored whitish pink red crimson.

5. Here the Nightingale began to show his art, began to click, whistled in a thousand frets, pulled, shimmered ...

6. And the horses and the cabbies covered with matting and the houses of the street were all especially nice and significant to me.

7. Light penetrated through the windows, either the radiance of the sky or the radiance of the lake.

8. All of a sudden, everything around and this gray faded sky and wooded hillocks and firs frozen in an eternal bow and a hungry golden eagle became dear to me.

9. Forests and oak forests, birch forests with picturesque lakes and oxbow lakes are increasingly attracting citizens.

10. His tanned face was typical of the natives, prominent cheekbones, a small nose, eyes with a Mongolian fold of the eyelids, and a wide mouth with strong teeth.

3rd group.

Assignment: using the materials of the memo “Errors in combinations of homogeneous members”, edit exercise. 284.

II. Mutual assignments.

Opponents offer tasks to representatives of other groups (work of the whole group).

Homework:§ 40–46, ex. 280; prepare for the control work on the section "Homogeneous members of the proposal."

Lesson 60

Control work on the section
"Homogeneous members of the proposal"
(complex text analysis)

Goals: consolidate the ability of complex text analysis; to control the degree of assimilation by students of the material about homogeneous members of the sentence and generalizing words, punctuation with them.

Lesson type: control.

During the classes

Comprehensive analysis of the text on the topic "Homogeneous members of the sentence."

I option

5. Build a sentence diagram 14.

(1) March is the first spring month. (2) It is named so in honor of the myth..logical god of war Mars, who (in) the beginning was worshiped by the ancient Romans as the god of agriculture and cattle..breeding.

(3) The name has been preserved among many peoples. (4) It came to Russia from Byzantium.

(5) Since ancient times, March has been distinguished by holidays and rituals. (6) In Russia, for the feast (d) nick, they released ..kali liver ..e in the form of larks of the faces ..creating the flow of spring. (7) They built (un)approachable snow or ice fortresses. (8) Those who met the spring were divided into two groups. (9) One defended the fortress, the other stormed it. (10) Laughter didn’t see jokes..look for a minute (in) the course of .. all day.

(11) March is not always warm in Russia. (12) Sometimes at the beginning of the month frosts return. (13) And yet, little by little, the snow melts. (14) Everywhere along the ravines on the slopes of the hills they shine in the sun, merging into (not) large swamps of streams. (15) In the forest h..schobs on the edges of the groves (s), rustles are heard everywhere. (16) It falls from the branches melted snow freed .. waiting from the snow captivity of the tree .. I. (134 words.)

(According to the materials of the "Calendar".)

II option

1. Insert missing letters.

2. Insert missing punctuation marks.

3. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which homogeneous members of the sentence occur.

4. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which there are generalizing words with homogeneous members.

5. Build a sentence diagram 4.

How the hut is built

(1) How many s..new huts were cut down in Russia! (2) For centuries, the pores of carpenters setting up huts have been knocking. (3) And even now they are knocking - they are growing in the villages of ruddy (n) resinous five-walls. (4) In forest-rich regions in Kareli .. in Siberia .. in the Urals .. it is easier to build housing .. out of wood.

(5) The heat in it is dry and clean.

(6) From century to century, so ..pores knocked, and from generation to generation a warehouse ..was m .. craftsmanship of craftsmen-carpenters.

(7) Have you (never) ever (not) been interested in how the Russian (s) hut was built? (8) Logs are superimposed one on top of the other, windows are punched (c) the roof is shingled or planked at the top. (9) Curious structure! (10) The ends of the logs are connected “in a paw” holding each other like a finger .. gossip (n) hands. (11) Hidden in each log are round wooden spikes. (12) They also strengthen the wall.

(13) They build a hut from mighty s..new logs. (14) But the huts do not look gloomy and heavy, they are slender le .. ki cheerful. (15) Everything in them is decorated with wooden (n) r. (16) Beauty huts stand on the village street and compete with each other in grace and richness of the n.. row. (152 words.)

(According to E. Shim.)


I option

(1) March is the first spring month. (2) It is named after the mythological god of war, Mars, who was originally celebrated by the ancient Romans as the god of agriculture and cattle breeding. (3) The name has been preserved among many peoples. (4) It came to Russia from Byzantium.

(5) Since ancient times, March has been distinguished by holidays and rituals. (6) In Russia, for the holiday, they baked cookies in the form of larks, personifying the arrival of spring. (7) They built impregnable snow or ice fortresses. (8) Those welcoming the spring were divided into two groups. (9) One defended the fortress, the other stormed it. (10) Laughter, jokes did not stop for a minute throughout the day.

(11) March is not always warm in Russia. (12) Sometimes frosts return at the beginning of the month. (13) And yet little by little the snow melts. (14) Everywhere: along the ravines, along the slopes of the hills - they shine in the sun, merging into small swamps, streams. (15) In the forest thickets, on the edges of the groves - rustles are heard everywhere. (16) It falls from the branches of melted snow, freeing the trees from the snow captivity.

3. 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15.

II option

How the hut is built

(1) How many pine huts were cut down in Russia! (2) For centuries, the axes of carpenters who built huts banged. (3) And even now they are knocking - ruddy resinous five-walls are growing in the villages. (4) In forest-rich regions: in Karelia, in Siberia, in the Urals, it is easier to build housing from wood. (5) Warm in it, dry, clean.

(6) From century to century, axes were knocked, and from generation to generation the skill of skilled carpenters developed.

(7) Have you ever wondered how the Russian hut was built? (8) Logs were stacked one on top of the other, windows were pierced, the roof was shingled or planked on top. (9) Curious structure! (10) The ends of the logs are connected “in a paw”, holding each other, like the fingers of entwined hands. (11) Hidden in each log are round wooden spikes. (12) They also strengthen the wall.

(13) They build a hut from mighty pine logs. (14) But the huts do not look gloomy and heavy, they are slender, light, cheerful. (15) Everything in them is decorated with wooden carvings: the porch, the architraves, and the balconies. (16) Beauty huts stand on the village street, and one with one they compete in the elegance and richness of the outfit.

3. 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16.

Lesson 61

Work on bugs

Target: trace frequency errors and work on correcting them.

Lesson type: correctional.

During the classes

Collective work on common bugs.

Individual work on the mistakes made.

Homework: finish the job. Vocabulary: compatriot.

Lesson 62

Comparative characteristics of two familiar faces,
text structure features

Goals: to consolidate and develop the ability to create a text - a comparative description, based on the rules of comparison, establishing similarity (general) and difference between objects, build a statement based on a typical scheme.

Type of lesson: speech development.

During the classes

I. Working with a dictionary word:compatriot.

Lessons № 14,15

Topic: Presentation "How the hut is built"

Goals: preparestudents to writingpresentation of the text; prevent speech, spelling and punctuation errors; to teach in detail to state the text, to improve the ability to reveal the topic and the main idea of ​​the text.

Course of lessons

    1. Preparatory workbefore writing the essay:

a) The word of the teacher.

The text for presentation is taken from the book by Eduadr Yuryevich Shim "Wooden Book". She talks in a popular and intelligible way about wood and wood, about how a tree serves a person.

It may seem strange that in our age, when people have learned to build high-rise buildings, spaceships, nuclear ships, the writer starts talking about what kind of device an ordinary peasant hut is. What is there to surprise a person, what is he to learn here, how to get rich?

We cannot properly appreciate the present if we do not know the past. We will not be able to deeply know and love our Motherland if we do not see and understand how she lived before.

The art of building a hut is devoted to that chapter from the book of E. Shima, which we make the source text of our presentation.

Already the title of the chapter "How the hut is built" indicates the thoughtfulness of this building. Using a prefixco- instead of prefixon- , common for this verb, helps to convey the unity of all the details of the hut (compare the meaning of the prefixco- , for example, in these words:unite, assemble, gather, assemble ). In addition, an obsolete verbbuild up here it is more suitable for the modern, widely used construct (build a hut, but build a shopping center )

b) Expressive reading text by the teacher comprehension its content.

How the hut is built

How many pine huts were cut down in Russia! For centuries, the axes of carpenters who erected huts have been knocking, and even now they are knocking - ruddy resinous five-walls grow in the villages.

This is understandable: in forest-rich regions, it is easier to build housing from wood. Warm, dry, clean.

From century to century axes knocked, and from generation to generation the skill of skilled carpenters developed. Have you ever wondered how a Russian hut was built? It seems to be nowhere easier. Logs were stacked one on top of the other, windows were pierced, the roof was shingled or planked on top. Not a palace, not a high-rise building, - a small tower-teremok. But it is also an interesting building.

Just think about it: how, for example, do walls hold up? After all, they were grown without nails, without staples and iron bolts, but they stand unshakably! Here is the first carpentry trick: the ends of the log are connected “in a paw”, holding on to each other, like fingers of intertwined hands. Hidden in each log are round wooden spikes that also reinforce the wall.

And take into account how everything is sorted: the bottom is the thickest logs, up - thinner and thinner. One log is laid with the butt to the right, the second - with the butt to the left. This makes the wall smooth and stable.

Usually pine wood is not used for art crafts. But look how Russian craftsmen used our simple pine. We have huge two-story huts in the North. Their walls are made of mighty pine logs. But the huts do not look gloomy and heavy - on the contrary, they are slender, light, cheerful. Wooden carvings adorn their porches, window trims, and balconies.

Beauty huts stand on the village street, as if under lace capes, and one with one competes in the elegance and richness of the outfit.

in ) Finding out the lexical meaning of words:

    five-wall - a large hut, divided by a main wall;

    butt - the thick end of a log;

    a spike - generally a protrusion, a needle, here a kind of wooden inner nail;

    crown (from twist) - in this case, a horizontal row of logs in a log house;

    tes (from hewing) - thin boards;

    tesina - one board of tesa (singularity suffix -in-a );

    shingles (from tearing, chipping) - a thin long board;

    platband - a plank frame of a window or doorway (single-root wordsface, face, disguise - view).

G) Text conversation.

What qualities of our people can we talk about after reading this text?

Give a general description of the text (type of speech, style, theme, idea)

2. Re-reading the text by students to themselves.

3. Collective drawing up of the plan.

1. Many huts in Russia.

    Advantages of a pine house

3. The hut is a curious building:

1) How to hold on to the wall?

2) Other carpentry tricks.

3) Why the huts in the North are “slender, light, cheerful”7

    Huts are beauties.

4. Prevention of speech and grammatical errors:

PronounHow many in the first sentence could be replaced by other options:a lot, a lot, a lot.

Which of the options conveys the desired excitement, is closest to what the author gave? (third option)

What stable combinations emphasize the duration of time? (from century to century, from generation to generation)

Such combinations in our speech are quite widespread, give examples. (day after day, month after month, year after year)

Pick up synonyms for the word craftsman (This is an outdated word, it is appropriate in a story about ancient times)

What verb form throughout the text helps the author to focus the reader's attention? (Imperative form of the verb: think, accept, look, put)

Which of the words unwavering and unshakable ) in the author uses? Why? (unshakably - a word of high book style, and unshakably - ordinary, neutral ) What are these words called?(synonyms )

Determine the lexical meaning of wordsfake and forgery . (Craft - a small product, a fake - a likeness, a fake) these words must be distinguished. What are their names? (paronyms)

Choose a synonym for the wordcompetes. (competes ). In the text, the word rivals cannot be replaced by the usual word in modern use.

Replace with a synonymone with one (one with the other)

5. Warning of spelling errors.

a) Explain the spelling of the following words:

grow, wooden, wondered, construction, grown, woven, gloomy, balconies, heavy, carving, top, bottom, top, right, sorted

6. Punctuation warning:

Find complex sentences in the text. Build a diagram of the second sentence. What punctuation marks separate simple sentences in a complex one?

Find sentences with homogeneous members in the text. Explain punctuation marks.

Explain the use of colons and dashes in the sentences of the fourth paragraph.

7. Reading the text for the third time

8. Presentation of the text in drafts.

How many main huts were cut down in Russia! For centuries, the axes of carpenters who erected huts have been knocking, and even now they are knocking - ruddy resinous five-walls grow in the villages.
This is understandable: in forest-rich regions, it is easier to build housing from wood. Warm, dry, clean.
From century to century, axes are knocking, and from generation to generation the skill of craftsmen-carpenters has evolved. Have you ever wondered how a Russian hut was built? It seems to be nowhere easier. Logs were stacked one on top of the other, windows were pierced, the roof was shingled or planked on top. Not a palace, not a high-rise building - a small tower-teremok. But it is also an interesting building.
Just think about it: how, for example, do the walls hold up? After all, they were grown without nails, without staples and iron bolts, but they stand unshakably! Here is the first carpentry trick: the ends of the logs are connected “in a paw”, holding each other like fingers of entwined hands. There are round wooden spikes hidden in each log. They also reinforce the wall.
And take into account how everything is sorted: the bottom is the thickest logs, up - thinner and thinner. One log is laid with the butt to the right, the second - with the butt to the left. This makes the wall smooth and stable.
Usually pine wood is not used for art crafts. But let's see how Russian craftsmen used our simple pine. We have huge two-story huts in the North. Their walls are made of mighty pine logs. But the huts do not look gloomy and heavy - on the contrary, they are slender, light, cheerful. Wooden carvings adorn their porches, window trims, and balconies.
Beauty huts stand on the village street, as if under lace capes, and one with one competes in the elegance and richness of the outfit.


Lexical and spelling work

Five-wall (five-wall) - a large hut, divided by a main wall;

butt - the thick end of the log;

Thorn - ledge, a kind of wooden inner nail;

shingles - a thin long board;

casing - (single-root words countenance, face, disguise, appearance)- a plank frame of a window or doorway.

The author seeks to convince the reader (the goal of the journalistic style) that the peasant hut is far from being a simple structure. The wise secrets of construction are revealed: everything is done wisely, everything is calculated by centuries of experience. The writer himself admires and makes one admire the Russian masters, not only because the huts are durable, but also because the Russian man managed to make them slender, light, cheerful, decorate them with wooden carvings, which the author compares with a lace cape. The entire text is stylistically sustained in the key of a lively conversation; for this, various speech means and techniques are used (addressing the reader, colloquial words, set phrases, the presence of short simple sentences, exclamatory and interrogative).

(From: Lesson plans in the 8th grade. Volgorad: "Brothers Grinin", 2000)

Option number 2 Read the text carefully and complete tasks A1 - A6, B1 -B14. How the hut is built

Mark on a 5-point scale

Part 2.

Option number 2

Read the text carefully and complete tasks A1 - A6, B1 -B14.

How the hut is built

1) How many pine huts were cut down in Russia? 2) For centuries, the axes of carpenters who erected huts have been knocking, and even now they are knocking, ruddy resinous five-walls are growing in the villages.

3) This is understandable: in forest-rich regions it is easier to build housing from wood. 4) Warm in it, dry, clean.

5) From century to century, axes knocked, and from generation to generation the skill of skilled carpenters developed. 6) Have you ever wondered how the Russian hut was built, how the logs are stacked? 7) It seems to be nowhere easier. 8) Logs are stacked one on top of the other, windows are pierced, the roof is shingled or planked on top. 9) Not a palace, not a high-rise building, - a small tower-teremok. 10) But it is also a curious structure.

11) Think about it: how, for example, do the walls hold up? 12) After all, they were grown without nails, without staples and iron bolts, but they stand unshakably! 13) Here is the first carpentry trick: the ends of the logs are connected “in a paw”, they hold each other like fingers of intertwined hands. 14) Round wooden spikes are hidden in each log. 15) They also strengthen the wall.

16) And take into account how everything is calculated, sorted: the bottom is the thickest logs, the top - thinner and thinner. 17) One log is stacked with a butt to the right, the second is butted to the left. 18) From this, the wall is even and stable.

19) Ordinary pine wood is not used for art crafts. 20) But look how Russian craftsmen used our simple pine. 21) We have huge two-story huts in the North. 22) Their walls are made of mighty pine logs. 23) But the huts do not look gloomy and heavy - on the contrary, they are slender, light, cheerful. 24) Wooden carvings adorn the porch, window frames, and balconies.

25) Beauty huts stand on the village street, as if under lace capes, and one with one competes in the elegance and richness of the outfit.

26) Therefore, the Russian peasant hut can equally be considered a monument of building art, and folk life, and folk art. (According to E. Shim)

For each task A1 - A6, four possible answers are given, of which only one is correct.

Answers to tasks A1 - A6 write.

1) to give the text a conversational intonation.

2) to show that the hut is a reasonable, carefully thought-out structure, verified in all details.

3) to convince us that building a hut is very easy.

4) to convince the reader that the hut must be built together.

A2. Which statement distorts the content of the text?

1) A hut is a structure that does not require high skill.

2) Huts in Russia should be two-story.

H) Russian peasant hut - a monument of building art.

4) Concrete high-rise buildings should replace wooden structures.

A4. Indicate the meaning in which the word "five-wall" is used» (offer number 2)

1) a large hut, divided by a main wall

3) a hut built of thick logs

4) wooden house

A5. Which sentence contains information about the carpentry experience of the Russian people.

1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 7

A6 . Select the sentence that contains METAPHOR.

1) 1 2)3 3) 6 4) 9

Answers to tasks B1 - B14 write down in words or numbers, separating them, if necessary, with commas.

IN 1. From sentence 23 write out antonyms.


IN 2. From sentences 21 - 24 write out the word with alternating root vowel.

IN 3. From sentences 19 - 22 write out the word in which the spelling prefixes depends on the voicedness / deafness of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.

AT 4. From sentences 1 - 4 write out the word, spelling H in which it is determined by the rule: “In a short participle, one letter is written H».


AT 5. From sentence 22 below, write down all the numbers with which the employed are numbered, highlighting introductory word.

But the huts do not look gloomy and heavy, (1) on the contrary, (2) they are slender, (3) light, (4) cheerful.


AT 6. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write the number(s) representing the comma(s) between the parts compound suggestions.

And take, (1) how everything is calculated, (2) sorted: the thickest logs are at the bottom, thinner and thinner at the top.

Beauty huts stand on the village street, (3) as if under lace capes, (4) and one with one competes in the elegance and richness of the outfit.

AT 7. In the sentences below, all commas are numbered. Write the number(s) representing the comma(s) between the parts complex subordinate suggestions.

For centuries, the axes of carpenters (1) putting up huts (2) have been knocking, and even now they are knocking, ruddy resinous five-walls are growing in the villages.

And take, () how everything is calculated, (3) sorted: the thickest logs are below, (5) upwards - thinner and thinner.


AT 8. Replace the phrase from sentence 13, built on the basis of the subordinate relationship of agreement "CARPENT CUT", synonymous with connection CONTROL. Write the resulting phrase.


AT 9. From sentence 24 write out grammatical basis.


AT 10 O'CLOCK. Among sentences 9 - 13 find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these proposals.


AT 11. Among offers 1 - 4 find the offer with separate definition


AT 12. Specify Quantity grammar basics in sentence 8.


B13. Among sentences 5-8 find complex unionless sentence. Write the number of this offer.


B14. Among sentences 5 - 10, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

Part 3

Using the read text of part 2, complete one of the tasks: C2.1 or C2.2

C2.1 Write an essay-reasoning "The role of synonyms in speech".

C2.2 Write a reasoning essay.

Explain how you understand the meaning of the last phrase of the text: "The Russian peasant hut can equally be considered a monument of building art, and folk life, and folk art."

5th grade
Beyond the outer hut of the steppe village, yellow fields could be seen far away. The roadside ditch is overgrown with grass with yellow and white flowers.
There was a white birch by the road. Autumn put the trees in a golden dress, and the birch became beautiful.
Snow covered fields, forests, people's dwellings. Everything froze.
But the roofs of the huts began to smoke from the fogs and rains. The snowy field gleamed in the spring sun. Flowed, the first streams spoke. Green birch along the road.
Summer has come and hot days have come. And in the silky foliage of the birch, the wind rustled carelessly. Flexible branches bent to the very ears. Life does not stand still!
6th grade
It's been a good day. A pristine silence lay over the boundless white steppes. All around the steppe stretched in ridges, hills, mysteriously covered with snow. The sky radiated a frosted glow and midday warmth. The breeze blew to your ear. And in front of the railroad was a long red-and-blue train, and two black steam locomotives coupled in a train dragged it, breathing into the pipes. Smoke hung in the air in slow dancing rings. The train rumbled through the siding without slowing down, past semaphores and half a dozen houses clinging awkwardly almost to the line itself. And again everything was quiet and frozen. No movement. Stove smoke hovered over the roofs of the houses only occasionally. Everyone fell silent. Even the children, heated by the ride, calmed down at that moment. (101)
According to Ch. Aitmatov Grade 7
After the blizzard
For two days the blizzard raged, banged on the window shutters, whistled in the chimneys, howled like wolf shutters at the gates. She buried the hedges in the snowdrifts and swept the hills.
Residents several times went out with poplar shovels, threw snow from the porch, raked a path to the woodpile. On the third day the frost crackled, crushed the snow with an ice press. There was no trace left of the rink. Clean up again? Not in the same cold.
And the evenings are endlessly long, but going for a walk is unthinkable. The hostess says that sparrows fall dead in flight from frost. The frost was breathtaking, and it was impossible to talk on the street.
It was already dark when the dog barked in the yard. Someone knocked on the wooden gate. The hostess wanted to look out into the street from the dim room, but it turned out that the windows were covered with ice patterns.
Nothing could be seen in the thick evening twilight.
8th grade
How many pine huts were cut down in Russia! For centuries, the axes of carpenters who erected huts banged. And now they are knocking - ruddy resinous five-walls are growing in the villages. In forest-rich regions: in Karelia, in Siberia, in the Urals, it is easier to build housing from wood. Warm, dry, clean.
From century to century, axes knocked, and from generation to generation the skill of craftsmen-carpenters developed.
Have you ever wondered how a Russian hut was built? Logs are stacked one on top of the other, windows are pierced, the roof is shingled or planked on top. Curious building!
The ends of the logs are connected “in a paw”, they hold each other like fingers of intertwined hands. There are round wooden spikes hidden in each log. They also reinforce the wall.
They build a hut from mighty pine logs. But the huts do not look gloomy and heavy, they are slender, light, cheerful. Everything in them is decorated with wooden carvings: the porch, the window frames, and the balconies. Beautiful huts stand on the village street and compete with one another in the elegance and richness of the attire. (152)
According to E. Shim

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