Home Helpful Hints English assignments use of english. XI All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English. Tips for successfully passing each part

English assignments use of english. XI All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in English. Tips for successfully passing each part


It's great if you decide to take the FCE exam (First Certificate of English). This is the 1st serious document - after PET and before CAE - allowing you to live, study and work in an English-speaking country. In my article, I will try to describe in detail what difficulties you may encounter and what “secret strategies” for passing the exam you can take note of.

Why take this exam at all?

1. Firstly, FCE officially confirms the qualification of English proficiency at level B2 (Upper, or Higher Intermediate - ABOVE THE AVERAGE level - according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Language Compensation (CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference - this system of foreign language proficiency levels used in the European Union and developed specifically for grades in exams and in teaching English.

2. Secondly, The exam has no statute of limitations and does not need to be confirmed.

3. Thirdly, passing the FCE will give you an extra reason to add "professional value" to yourself and "show off" that value to your employer. The exam will also be a great line on your resume.

4. Fourth, as already mentioned, it provides an official and internationally recognized opportunity to live and work abroad.

What you need to know before taking the FCE?

1. It is important to know two things:

1) First, the timing of the exam;

2) Secondly, your current level of English (here you can give a link to the level determination test, if it is used in).
These two factors will help you decide on a specific exam preparation plan.

2. It is better to prepare not just within the framework of the general course, but according to the FCE textbooks specially written in order to prepare for the exam. And, as often happens, you can know the language perfectly, but “stumble” when completing tasks, not knowing the format and structure of the exam and not having information about exactly which tasks are included in the exam and how to complete them.

The textbooks below are similar to standard textbooks from British publishers (Oxford, Cambridge, Pearson) and consist of Student's Book (a student's book that is used for class work), Workbook (a workbook for homework) + audio. You can also go absolutely free.

Here are the popular publications:

1) New Success at First Certificate;
2) Exam Maximizer;
3) Objective First Certificate;
2) First Certificate Avenues;
3) Fist Certificate Master;
4) FCE Gold;
5) Common Mistakes at FCE. (A very good format with a list of typical grammatical and lexical errors, and this book, if desired, you can go through on your own).
6) Tip: you can use books for a detailed study of grammar and vocabulary, their important nuances, called Grammar for FCE and Vocabulary for FCE.

7) You can also read the FCE Sample Papers. The collection contains samples of examination papers and Past Papers - works of past years. FCE Trainer offers typical examples of work collected "under the cover" of one textbook.

FCE is a paid exam. Its cost of the exam depends on the center of delivery and can be about 10 thousand rubles.

It is necessary to prepare for the exam carefully and in advance, up to the entire academic year. Special training programs have been developed in language centers, and the practice of conducting them has existed for a very long time.

What determines your success in the exam?

1. Success depends on language abilities, which, of course, can be different and which you may or may not develop.
2. From your motivation.
3. From the ability (precisely) to take exams: knowledge of the format, having practice (see FCE Sample Papers), ability to concentrate, self-confidence and, corny, factors such as good sleep the night before, proper food and lack of health problems.
4. From the ergonomics of the workplace for which you are preparing (yes, yes!):

Create a comfortable atmosphere for yourself:
1) with all necessary stationery;
2) clean and uncluttered;
3) adequately lit;
3) calm, with no distractions;
4) with comfortable chair and work table.

5. From the ability to work and study correctly, to correctly build your work plan and work program, from the correct system for recording notes.

Approximate preparation plan:
1. Design a training schedule that suits you.
2. Take a break as often as needed, for example, for 15 minutes.
3. Avoid distractions.
4. Select the appropriate mnemonic techniques - techniques. Try a few to find the one that's right for you. (Here you can give a link to an article about memory, which we published earlier).
5. Your ability to read and process printed information effectively is paramount.
6. You must learn to prioritize the things you do.
Following these tips and others like them will teach you to be more “productive” (by the way, a very popular concept in the business environment right now).

Learning Skills You Need to Master

1. Note-taking skills - writing skills. Needed for taking notes and completing tasks in the Listening section. So, for example, professional translators engaged in oral translation have a special form of recording sound information, where each symbol serves as an abbreviation of a certain thought.

2. Learn to be a good listener: according to statistics, only 50% of students are such, and even of them 20%/30% misperceive information.

3. Be positive, genuinely inquisitive (a matter of motivation!).

4. Develop mindfulness and ability to concentrate!

Tips for successfully passing each part

According to Paul Newson, the author of numerous YouTube tutorial videos, advice like “read the instructions carefully”, “watch the time”, “take it easy”, “just enjoy the process” sounds pretty decent, but, unfortunately, does not always work ... (We need a more specific strategy. Let's try to analyze and summarize the advice of teachers working with FCE.

Reading and Use of English
Types and content of tasks:

Use of English (tasks 1-4) checks grammar and vocabulary.
Reading (5-7) assesses reading skills.

Use of English
Types and content of tasks:

Part 1 Multiple choice cloze: 8 tasks
Here you need to fill in the gaps in the text by choosing one of the four words.

Part 2 Open close: 8 tasks
Fill in the gaps in the text. Answer options are given.

Part 3 Word formation: 8 tasks
We fill in the text with words that are suitable in meaning, forming the correct form from the proposed single-root words.

Part 4 Key word transformations: 6 tasks
You will transform a sentence by including a given word or phrase in it.

Types and content of tasks:

Part 5 multiple choice
Choose the correct answer. Options are offered.

Part 7 Gapped text
You need to fill in the gaps in the text.

Part 8 Multiple matching
You need to match the statements with the information contained in the text.

Preparation Tips:

1.General advice: necessary develop analytical skills, learn to analyze the language and "play with it", since the main cognitive (thinking) skill required for almost all tasks on Reading is logical thinking.

You can not be able to speak fluently, but have a developed logic - despite the fact that language and logic are mainly responsible for one hemisphere - the left, the use - beautifully, rhetorically - implies the work of the right hemisphere, responsible for figurative thinking. I say this responsibly after classes with a boy who studied mathematics in depth, who completed tasks faster and sometimes more correctly than me

I’m talking now about “contextual and grammatical connections” - contextual and grammatical connections between sentences, that is, how they are connected, what words (context) and grammatical means (linking words - words or linking structures, using the same time, pronouns one, etc.)

2. We stick to certain strategies for reading and understanding texts in a foreign language. It is not necessary to read word for word.
1) First, we go over our eyes, catch the main idea (“reading for gist”);
2) Then we read the questions and try to find answers to them in the text (“scanning reading”).

3. Good advice - underline key words both in questions and in the text, this is "relevant" for all assignments, and is especially relevant for Part 6 and Part 8.

4. PAY ATTENTION TO YOURSELF QUESTION S, on the details contained in them.

5. Be attention- there are always "distractors" in the text - distracting tactics deliberately used by examiners and designed to confuse us. For example, the same words in questions and a piece of text, this pushes you to choose this particular piece of text, although it does not fit in the MEANING, but another one does - read CAREFULLY, be confident in your abilities, do not be distracted and remember: “You can be deceived) ".

6. Don't jump to conclusions: for example, the text says that "Mary and John were happy all their lives." The student assumes - "They are married." Stop. Why? Can't they be happy being each other's colleagues? Or friends? ... Again, language "traps" are specially placed everywhere, which you can fall into if you think in a standard way, or, conversely, imagine non-existent. Be careful.

This part tests your writing skills in a variety of genres and styles.

1. Essay. The assignment is given a title and two ideas related to the title. The topic is related to everyday life and does not require special knowledge.
You need to write an essay according to the topic, expressing your opinion on the title using these ideas. You express a third, now your own idea related to the title. The number of words that you must use in the essay is indicated.

2. Situationally conditioned writing task of different genres - article, email / letter, report or critical review (review).
The number of words, the context, the purpose of the work and the target audience of the written message are indicated.

How to improve your writing skills you can read

Preparation Tips:

1. Before starting work, make an essay plan. This can take up to 25 minutes.
(It will take 50 minutes to copy the text into the form).
2. Clearly know the boundaries and criteria of each genre. Choose the right name, follow the style.
3. Write 2 essays every week.
4. There is a “Dos and don’t of Writing” at the end of every FCE preparation book. Read them carefully.
5. Read in English, note the peculiarities of the language!
6. Find information or ask the teacher about the criteria for grading the written assignment.
7. After finishing your essay, CHECK IT!


1.Interview. The total time is 2 minutes.
The examiner will take turns asking questions of you and your task partner. Topics are general and standard - work, free time, hobbies, family, etc.

2. long turn. Each candidate conducts a monologue for 1 minute.
Before you a couple of photos and a question to them. You answer it in detail within 1 minute. Then, within 30 seconds, your partner gives his comment.
After that, you switch roles.

3. collaborative task. Total time - 3 minutes
Before you material with the task. You need to build a conversation with your partner, during which you will discuss the proposed options - for 2 minutes, and during the last you will come to a compromise.

4. Discussion: 4 minutes generally.
On a topic that logically follows from the previous task, you again need to conduct a dialogue ...

Implementation tips:

Part 1
1. Evaluation begins from the moment you enter the office - do not forget about good manners!
Greet the examiner in an appropriate manner and try to answer ANY questions correctly, not just the ones in the assignment.
2. Answer not too short, but not too "long".
3. Remember that the question must match the question.
4. Do not be silent, do not hesitate if you do not know the answer.
5. Be careful with humor - no racist jokes or ridiculous flirtations with the examiner.
6. Show all the richness of your vocabulary.
7. Lies are allowed. If you don't know what to say, think of it.
8. Speak slowly, clearly and understandably.
9. Answer 2-4 short sentences for each question.

part 2
1. Do not waste time describing each picture, the main thing is comparison.
10 sec - briefly describe what is in the pictures.
45 seconds - for comparison and reflection.
2. Don't stop until the examiner stops you.
3. Try to connect the imagination: start with some fact from your life related to the content of the pictures; find connections between them - they can be the most unexpected, make your story interesting and creative.
4. Don't stay too long on one picture.
5. Again - a lot of people make mistakes in this direction - do not digress from the topic and do not go very far from it: answer a specific question.
6. Use a variety of "linking words".

Part 3
The general rule is that the conversation should sound NATURAL, imagine that you are gossiping at the cooler in the office)))
1. Allocate 2 minutes for the task itself and 1 minute for the conclusion, as an answer to the examiner's question.
2. Use vocabulary to express
3. Should you help a confused partner? Yes, the task should sound "beautiful".
What to do with too arrogant and overly talkative "comrade"? Politely ask to insert your remark: “Excuse me, can I just butt in here?” Joke))) - “Excuse me, can I just say something here?”.
4. Listen carefully to your partner.
5. "Share the topic" - pass the topic to each other, that is, you must juggle it like a ball, as subtly and masterfully as possible.
6. Don't spend too much time on one item.
7. It is not necessary to “come to a final compromise” right there! Tastes differ/ So many men, so many minds.
8. Always argue your point of view, this is very important!

The most common mistakes in this part:
- too simple language;
- the task is not logically completed, or, as they say, "the topic is not disclosed";
- there is no conversation as such, says mainly one, no "masterly juggling" with the topic.

Part 4
1. When you answer, always give reasons for your answer.
2. Your speech should sound all 4 minutes - speak until the examiner stops)
3. Correspondence of information in the answer to the question.
4. Wide shaped, from different areas of life
5. Listen to your partner.


1. multiple choice: 8 tasks
Dialogue or monologue and questions to it; There are 3 answers to choose from.

2. Sentence Completion: 10 tasks
Monologue approximately 3 minutes long. You must fill in the gaps in the tasks with suitable words from the monog.

3. Multiple matching: 5 tasks
5 monologues of different people lasting about 30 seconds. After listening to them, you choose which 5 statements out of 8 presented correspond to which monologue.

4. multiple choice: 7 tasks
A conversation of 2 or more people sounds (its duration is 3-4 minutes). As usual, you choose one option out of three available.

All tasks in Listening are played 2 times. Topics do not contain complex highly specialized vocabulary

Preparation Tips

1. Standard advice: get in the habit of watching movies only in the original + series and shows, American, British, Australian, New Zealand - this develops the skill / habit of concentrating on sounding speech and listening comprehension. Game of Throne in the original is an opportunity to meet, learn to recognize and understand different accents.

2. Do not listen to recordings with headphones when listening to recordings. It is recommended to try different volumes, as well as different distances from the speech source.

3. Begin to underline key words without paying attention to the speaker reading the task. 45 seconds is not enough to read the questions carefully.

I will cover the assessment criteria for the exam in the next article, but for now - get ready! And they will always help you in preparation)

The article was written by teacher Ekaterina Semyanina.

listening. listening

You will hear a story about Mickey Mouse. Determine which of the given statements A1 - A4 correspond to the content of the text (1 - True), which ones do not correspond to the content of the text (2 - False) and what the text does not say, that is, based on the text, you can not give either a positive or a negative answer ( 3 - Not stated). Circle the number of your choice of answer. You will hear the recording twice.

A1. Gertie the Dinosaur was the first cartoon character in cinema history.

A2. Walt Disney gave Mickey Mouse his own voice.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3. Walt Disney produced his first black and white Mickey Mouse film in 1928.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4. Children did not like Mickey Mouse at first.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

You will hear a humorous description of the driving rules in England. Determine which of the following statements A1 - A4 correspond to the content of the text (1 - True) which do not match (2 - False) and what the text does not say, that is, on the basis of the text, neither a positive nor a negative answer can be given (3 - not stated). Circle the number of your choice of answer. You will hear the recording twice. You have 30 seconds to complete the tasks.

Mickey Mouse - a cartoon hero.

Cinema "s first cartoon character was Gertie the Dinosaur. She first appeared on the screen in 1909. Since then, a long list of cartoon stars have followed Gertie into the movies.

The greatest cartoon-maker in cinema history was Walt Disney, who has often been quoted as saying, "It all started with a mouse." It "s true. Mickey Mouse has become an international cartoon superstar. Without him, Disney could not have made his own dreams come true. Many artists worked on Mickey"s appearance and personality because Disney couldn't draw Mickey Mouse himself. They tried hard to make Mickey look angry, sad, scared or happy. They changed his body a few times until they found the ideal shape for his head, body and ears. Until 1946, Walt Disney provided Mickey's voice himself.

Disney produced his first black and white Mickey Mouse cartoon in 1928. It was a great hit with both children and adults. Since then, Mickey has starred in about 120 cartoons - often joined by the four famous characters: Donald Duck, Minnie, Goofy and Pluto. They have made Mickey's adventures more colorful and amusing. They have also become children's favorite cartoon characters all over the world and "Disney" is still the best-loved name in children's entertainment

You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds.) Now you will hear the text again.

This is the end of the task... This is the end of the Listening Test.

2. Reading. Reading

1. Read the story.Say what sentences are True and what are False and also point out what sentences contain the information that is not mentioned in the text. If it is True-put letter (T) next to the sentence. if it is False-put letter (F) and if the information is not mentioned – put (Not Stated)

(Indicate "T" those sentences that match the content of the text, "F" sentences that do not match, and "Not Stated" if such information was not in the text.)

Reggie, a robot.

Reggie is a robot. He has a computer for a brain. The scientists who designed and built Reggie had lots of problems to solve. The biggest one was finding a way to control how he moved. After lots of thought, they designed a control system using the computer and a pair of microphones.
They fixed the microphones to the side of his head so that electrical signals could be sent from the microphones to the computer.

Lastly, they programmed the computer to make Reggie: go forward when they blew a whistle once, stop when they blew the whistle twice, turn round when they blew three times.

At first, everything went well. Reggie moved exactly as he was supposed to. But then, one day, a disaster happened.

It was the ice-cream seller, Ernie's fault. He stopped his van in the street outside and blew one long blast on his whistle to let everyone know he was there. And Reggie moved forward... straight through the window on the fifth floor! It took scientists a year to make a new Reggie out of the broken body of the old one. They had to make sure that he would never again have the same kind of accident! And so they redesigned him.

Reggie Mark II has photocells fitted to the front of his head and touch pads to his hands.

When he walks close to the window, the bright light makes the photocells send electrical signals to the computer . When he touches something the pad cells also send signals. And when the computer received s the signals, it makes him stop.

Reggie hasn't had another accident but that's not surprising. Like a human, he has "senses" to help him move around.

A5. It was easy for scientists to design Reggie.

A6. A disaster happened on Monday.

A7. When Reggie touches something, he gets signals.

2. Read the text and put the events in the correct order.

Read the text and put the events in the correct order.

B1. a. The van stopped in the street and blew a whistle.

B2. b. Reggie hasn't any problems.

B3. c. Reggie could go forward and turned around.

B4. d. Reggie has a computer brain.

B5. e. Scientists redesigned him.

Use of English. Lexico-grammar tasks

1. Choose the correct answer. Only one variant is correct.

(Choose the correct answer. Only one option fits)

The price of hotels in Britain is going up faster than at any time since the war. There are a number of reasons for this but the A8 all is the Government's economic policy. Managers in factories see their standard of living so they are attracted to the idea of ​​having A9 business. A10 Britain's weather is often disappointing, the tourist industry is growing. Many people A11 like to combine a short holiday with the opportunity A12 their English. It is therefore not A13 that businessmen are buying hotels. The only thing A14 worries me is the kind of treatment their guests are likely to receive since A15 of them know anything about hotel management.

A8 1) most important of 2) more important of 3) more important from 4) most important from
A9 1) own 2) his own 3) their own 4) their own
A10 1) In spite of 2) Although 3) Even 4) But
A11 1) on the Continent 2) in the overseas 3) abroad 4) foreign
A12 I) to improve 2) to improve 3) improve 4) improved
A13 1) surprise 2) surprise 3) surprisingly 4) surprised
A14 1) that 2) what 3) as 4) who
A15 1) little 2) little 3) few 4) a few

2. Choose the correct definition for each idiom.

A 16. These drinks are on the house.

a) The drinks are horn

b) The drinks are free.

A 17. Andrew Lloyd Webber's new musical brought the house down.

a) The musical was a success.

b) The musical wasn't a success.

A 18. My mum brings the bacon in our family.

a) Mum buys the meat in our family.

b) Mum earns the money in our family.

4. Writing Letter

This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

(Here is an excerpt from a letter from your English friend)

At school we are doing projects on teenagers in different countries. What is your idea of ​​a typical Russian teenager? You will help me a lot if you could tell me about Russian teenagers. What do they enjoy? What are their most popular leisure activities?

Anyway, the weather is fine today and I'm going to try my new skateboard...

Write a letter to David. In your letter

- answer his questions

Ask 3 questions about his hobbies

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Write a letter to David. In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask him three questions about his hobby.

Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules for writing letters.

Similar information.

2010 final stage

Lexico-grammar test


The set of materials necessary for conducting a lexical and grammatical test includes:

2. Description of the procedure for conducting a lexical and grammatical test

3. The text of the task

4. Keys (for jury members)

5. Answer sheet (for each participant)

Lexico-grammar test consists of five tasks. There are 40 questions in the test in total. You have 45 minutes to complete all tasks., which includes entering answers into the response sheets.

This part of the test tests knowledge of the English language as a whole system. Tasks correspond to the advanced threshold level of difficulty B2-C1 according to the scale of the Council of Europe.

Exercise 1 text based Models for you and is aimed at testing knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Students must demonstrate the ability to practically apply this knowledge not only at the level of a single sentence, but also in the broader context of a coherent text.

Task 2 tests knowledge of phrasal verbs.

Task 3 tests knowledge of idiomatic expressions.

Task 4 is a crossword puzzle and is aimed at testing the socio-cultural knowledge of students.

Task 5 is aimed at testing sociocultural knowledge, namely the language of addresses, and, in addition, the ability to interpret addresses, translating them into indirect speech.

Evaluation criteria

Tasks 1-5: Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Spelling errors in tasks are taken into account, if there is a spelling error in the answer sheet, the point for the correct answer is not awarded.

The maximum number of points that you can get for the Use of English contest is 40 (forty):

task 1 - 10 points,

task 2 - 5 points,

task 3 - 5 points,

task 4 - 9 points,

task 5 - 11 points.

Time: 45 minutes

For questions 1-10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE WORD in each space. In the first sentence (0) is done for you as an example.

Models for you

If you are a student, unemployed or retired (0) with time on your hands and fancy doing something you have always wanted to do but never had the confidence, a bit of modeling, perhaps, or appearing in your favorite soap opera, this could be the right time. (1) .......... glamor nor good looks are necessary to (2) …….. a go of it. Modeling agencies aren't just looking for beauty; they also need normal models to appear (3) ............ TV aids, while similar candidates (4) ............ wanted by casting agencies as extras for film and TV. (5) ............ you are exceptionally lucky, you won't earn a huge amount, but it can provide the extra you need to get (6) ……. on. Nor, as some may hope, (7) ……… it is likely to lead to a new career as an actor. But most people, though, do find it enjoyable and appreciate the chance to meet people.

Since you don't need experience or training, anyone has the potential to become an extra as (8) .......... as you are reliable, available (9) .............. short notice and are prepared to do any work that comes your way. If you think modeling ismore your style, then your best bet is to approach one of the big model agencies that have real-looking people in their books. You "ll be surprised at how much demand there is (10) ........... “the average person” from the advertising world.

For questions 11 – 15 fill in the gaps by finding one verb which FITS IN THREE SENTENCES. (0) is done for you as an example.

0. Why does the teacher always _______ on me? I'm not the only one who comes late.

She decided to _______ out a red scarf to go with her dress.

Could you _______ them up from school tonight?


11. In the afternoon the rain really _______ in and we had to cancel our trip.

I took my bike to the shop because I've got no idea how to _______ about repairing a puncture.

I have a small trust fund, which was _______ up by my grandfather.

12. I think our plan to build an extension on the house is going to _______ off.

It was too hot in the shops, I fainted and it took me a minute or two to _______ round.

Don't let one little quarrel _______ between you.

13. He stole thousands of pounds from the company and managed to _______ away with it.

The idea is good, but now you should try to _______ it across to the boss. Persuade him to talk to investors.

The new machine has not arrived yet. So we'll have to _______ by without it.

14. The fire brigade couldn't _______ out the fire for five hours.

Don't tell him all the unpleasant aspects of the work - you'll _______ him off.

It's a good idea to _______ aside a sum of money to cover unexpected expenditure.

15. look at the photo. She really seems to ________ after her mother.

He watched the plane _______ off and disappear in the sky.

I won't ________ up any more of your valuable time.

For questions 16-20 combine the beginnings of the idioms (A-F) with their endings (a-h) from the box below. There are two endings that you do not need. Then match the meaning of the phrases (16-20) to corresponding idioms. (0) is done for you as an example.

Example: 0. To cost a fortune bh

a one's head round something

A to stay on

b hand to mouth

B to cost

c the back

C to get

d your own two legs

D to stab someone in

e one's toes

E to get out of

f the back of your hand

F to live from

h an arm and a leg

16. To understand the reasons - _______________________________________

17. To become difficult to control - ____________________________________

18. To be on the alert - ______________________________________________

19. To earn only just enough money for food - ___________________________

20. To betray someone - _____________________________________________

For questions 21 – 29 read the text about computers and solve the puzzle by putting the missing words into the crossword below. The first word (0) is done for you as an example.

The main advantage of computers is that it's easy to find out 0 (across) like how to travel somewhere. This means that people don't need to look in books or newspapers. However, there is too much information 21 (down). The further disadvantaged is that people 22 (down) their computers away after a few years. This results in a lot of 23 (across).

At the 24 (down) time there are a 25 (across) of advantages for children such as being able to play games. In addition computers make learning more fun. But this leads to childrenspending too much time on the computer. It is easier to stay in 26 (down) with friends by emails. Another advantage is that you can send photos. It leads to people sending emails rather than talking to each other. I sometimes think people 27 (across) on computers too much and if a computer goes 28 (down), for instance in a hospital, it might be 29 (down).

In conclusion, I think computers 30 (across) our lives in lots of ways and the advantages are more important than the disadvantages.

2 9

2 7

For questions 31 – 35 match the utterances (31-35) on the left to their actual meaning (A-L) on the right. The first utterance (0) is done for you as an example. There are SIX EXTRA VARIANTS IN THE RIGHT-HAND COLUMN, which should not be used.

Example: 0. L.



0. “Don’t forget you have to do it.”

31. “You really must do at least four hours’ training a day.”

32. “Please do it. It will help us to improve the atmosphere in the office.”

33. “Come on – you can do this. You are just as good as we are.”

34. “I'd do it if I were you.”

35. “Could you do it, please?”

A. She reassured to do it .

B. She encouraged to do it.

C. She warned not to do it.

D. She asked to do it

E. She announced not to do it.

F. She promised to do it.

G. She persuaded to do it.

H. She advised to do it.

I. She urged to do it.

J. She suggested doing it.

K. She decided to do it.

L. She was reminded to do it.

For questions 36-40, complete a CHAT OF BRITISH TEENAGE FRIENDS with the phases from the box below. There are SIX EXTRA VARIANTS in the box, which should not be used. (0) is done for you as an example.

Are you alright?

falling on my face

How is your night treating you?

What's up?

save me a lot of grief

had a unique opportunity to rent it online

What are you doing today?

A: Hey Mike! You look tired. (0) H?

B: Hey Matt. Completely worn out after my History exam. (36) _______________________ ?

A: The same old story. I have an exam tomorrow in my Literature course and I need a final cram session so as to avoid (37) ______________________ in the test.

B: What book do you have there?

A: Oh, it's the Da Vinci Code.

B: The Da Vinci Code? I just (38) _________________ last week.

A: Really? So you can (39) ___________________ by letting me watch it instead of reading it!

B: You'd better read it. Your professor will (40) __ ____________ which students took the easy way out by renting the film.



Use of English

This part of the test tests knowledge of the English language as a whole system. The tasks correspond to the advanced threshold level of difficulty B2 according to the scale of the Council of Europe. Students must demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency in lexical material and the ability to operate with it in a multiple choice environment. It also checks the mastery of grammar material within the framework of the secondary school program and the ability to practically use it not only at the level of a single sentence, but also in a wider context.

First task contains text that is a coherent narrative with twenty gaps. Students need to insert a word, in terms of understanding the text, relying on their knowledge of English grammar and their vocabulary. The question does not provide answer options. Missing words belong to different parts of speech - prepositions, nouns, verbs, adverbs.

The purpose of the assignment is to determine the language competence of students. Participants need to demonstrate an understanding of the content and grammatical structures of the text. Knowledge of prepositions, ways of forming the comparative degree of the adjective, passive voice, conditional sentences is checked. To choose the right word, you need to understand the structure of a complex sentence. Alternative answers are allowed.

Second task consists of 5 sentences with gaps, which must be filled in by choosing the only correct answer from the two proposed. This is a word usage exercise that involves an alternative choice of lexical units depending on the context. The proposed options are not synonymous. The connecting component is their belonging to the same part of speech. Pairs of words that English learners often confuse are selected.

The purpose of the assignment is the definition of students' vocabulary. The ability to navigate in the proposed answer options and knowledge of vocabulary is checked. To complete this task, you need to understand the combination of words in English. In some cases, the choice of the correct option may be the result of students' linguistic guess based on linguistic memory.

Third task consists of 5 sentences and a list of phrasal verbs. The task of the students is to replace the italicized lexical units in the sentences with phrasal verbs from the list that match them in meaning.

The purpose of the assignment is the determination of students' knowledge of one of the most difficult and necessary to identify the language competence of the section of English vocabulary - phrasal verbs.

Evaluation criteria: Each correct answer of the lexico-grammar test is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points you can get for this task is 30.


Part 2. Lexico-grammar test

General rules

· Before entering the auditorium, the participant must present a passport or other form of identification.

· Participants should sit in the audience at such a distance from each other so as not to see the work of a neighbor.

· The participant can take a pen, glasses, chocolate, water with him to the audience.

· It is not allowed to take paper, reference materials (dictionaries, reference books, textbooks, etc.), pagers and mobile phones, dictaphones, players and any other technical means into the classroom.

· During the performance of the task, the participant can leave the audience only accompanied by the attendant.

· The participant cannot leave the audience with the task or answer sheet.

Competition procedure

2.1. Before starting the reading tasks, each participant is given an answer sheet ( Answer sheet ) and briefing in Russian on filling out the answer sheets and in the order of their delivery after the end of work is carried out:

Participants fill in the field Participant " s ID number on the answer sheets.

All answers must be marked on the answer sheet. The correct option is written in the corresponding box on the answer sheet.

Corrections on answer sheets are not considered errors; however, the handwriting must be legible; controversial cases (o or a) are interpreted not in favor of the participant.

Answers are written only in black or blue ink/paste (red, green ink, pencil are prohibited).

2.2. Participants are given texts of tasks. The text of the tasks indicates the time for completing the tasks and gives all instructions for completing the tasks in English. Task texts can be used as a draft. However, only the answers transferred to the answer sheet are subject to verification. The texts of the assignments themselves are handed over together with the answer sheets after the end of the assignment, but are not checked.

2.3. The jury members in the audience must record the start and end time of the task on the board (for example, 10.15 and 5 minutes before the end of the tasks, the senior jury member in the audience should remind about the remaining time and warn about the need for a thorough check of the work.

2.4. The jury members in the audience must strictly ensure that all works are handed in, the participant's name should not be indicated on the answer sheets and there should not be any conditional marks.

Technical means

To conduct a lexical and grammatical test, no special technical means are required. In addition to the required number of question sets and answer sheets, there should be spare pens, spare question sets and spare answer sheets in the classroom.


Part 2. Lexico-grammar test

Use of English

Time: 45 minutes

Task 1

For questions 1-15 complete the following article by writing each missing word in the correct box on your answer sheet. Use only one word for each space .


Most people, however old they are, can enjoy the pleasure of gardening. Unlike other hobbies, it does not _____________ ( 1 ) whether you are seven or seventy. Another good thing 2 ) gardening is that you do not need to spend _____________ ( 3 ) of money before you start.

Many young children, especially those _________ ( 4 ) live in cities, have little or _____________ ( 5 ) idea about how plants grow. As a result, they become adults _____________ ( 6 ) love or respect for nature. Small children can begin by growing plants like sunflowers, _____________ ( 7 ), of course, adults need to help with the planting and watering.

Recently, schools _____________ ( 8 ) also helped make children aware of _____________ ( 9 ) the importance of looking after the natural environment. Many of _____________ ( 10 ) have turned part of the playground into a garden _____________ ( 11 ) the children work on a regular basis, learning about the cycle of seasons. Growing vegetables _____________ ( 12 ) peas and carrots is especially good _____________ ( 13 ) then the children can actually eat the products of _____________ ( 14 ) hard work.

Even _____________ ( 15 ) you live in an apartment block high _____________ ( 16 ) the ground you can still create your own mini garden by growing plants on your windowsills. In some cities people have turned their roofs into _____________ ( 17 ) wonderful gardens that you _____________ ( 18 ) think you were in the countryside.

If you are lucky _____________ ( 19 ) to have your own garden, you will know that _____________ ( 20 ) is nothing as wonderful as sitting among sweet smelling flowers on a summer evening admiring all your hard work!

Task 2

For questions 16 – 20 choose the best alternative A or B.

21 With identical twins you can rarely say(A) / tell(B) the difference between them.

22 you look as(A) / like(B) a man who has seen a ghost!

23 they were fascinated(A) / fascinating(B) by the view.

24 She was so anxious for(A) / about(B) her exams that she couldn't sleep.

25 I realized that I had made(A) / done(B) a mistake.

Task 3

For questionsreplace the words in italics with a suitable phrasal verb from the box below. There are three extra phrasal verbs, which you do not need to use.

carry on turn into

set in stand for

take on go over

break into do without

26 Robbers entered by force the bank yesterday.

27 No one can manage to live without water for more than two days.

28 revision the rules of the game once more.

29 We'll need winter coats now that the cold weather has started and seems likely to continue.


Part 2. Lexico-grammar test

Part 2. Lexico-grammar test


broke into

do without


carried on

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