Home Vegetables Archive of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Where exactly can they send me? To what country

Archive of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Where exactly can they send me? To what country

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (Russian Foreign Intelligence Service) is an integral part of the security forces and is designed to protect the security of the individual, society and the state from external threats. The SVR carries out intelligence activities in order to: provide the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly and the Government with the intelligence information they need to make decisions in the political, economic, military-strategic, scientific, technical and environmental fields; providing conditions conducive to the successful implementation of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of security; promoting economic development, scientific and technological progress of the country and military-technical security of the Russian Federation.

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Fradkov Mikhail Efimovich Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Born on September 1, 1950 in the Kuibyshev region. Graduated from the Moscow Machine Tool Institute, Academy of Foreign Trade. Since 1973, he worked in the apparatus of the economic adviser to the USSR Embassy in India. After completing a business trip abroad in 1975, he worked for more than 15 years in senior positions in the system of the USSR State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (GKES) and the USSR Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. Since May 2000, the first deputy secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, oversaw issues of economic security. In March 2001, he headed the Federal Tax Police Service. On March 5, 2004, he was approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On October 9, 2007, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service. Candidate of Economic Sciences, has the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Speaks English and Spanish.

Structure List of structural subdivisions of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia: - Office of the Director; - Protocol department; - Academy of SVR (AVR); - Bureau of Public Relations and Mass Media (Press Bureau); - Operational departments; - Department of analysis and information; - Department of Foreign Counterintelligence; - Department of Informatics; - Management of scientific and technological revolution; - Office of Opertechnics; - Department of Economic Intelligence; - Operation and maintenance service.

Directions Five main directions of intelligence: 1. Political; 2.Economic; 3.Defensive; 4. Scientific and technical; 5.Environmental. In the field of political intelligence, the SVR faces the following tasks: -Obtaining proactive information about the policy of the main countries in the international arena, especially in relation to Russia; - Protection of national interests of the country; - Tracking the development of crisis situations in "hot spots" of the planet that can pose a threat to the country's national security; - Obtaining information about the attempts of individual countries to create new types of weapons, especially nuclear ones, capable of posing a threat to the territory of Russia and the CIS countries; -Providing active assistance to the implementation of Russia's foreign policy. In the field of economic intelligence, the Foreign Intelligence Service is faced with the task of protecting Russia's economic interests, obtaining secret information about the reliability of our country's trade and economic partners, the activities of international economic and financial organizations that affect Russia's interests, and ensuring the country's economic security. In the line of scientific and technical intelligence, the tasks of the Foreign Intelligence Service are to obtain the latest achievements in the field of science and technology, especially military technologies that contribute to strengthening the country's defense capability.

Powers 1. Establishment on a confidential basis of cooperation relations with persons who voluntarily gave their consent to this; 2. Implementation of measures to encrypt the staff and organize its activities using other departmental affiliation for these purposes; 3. Use for the purpose of secrecy of documents that encrypt the identity of personnel, departmental affiliation of units, organizations, premises and vehicles of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation; 4. Interaction with intelligence and counterintelligence services of foreign states in the manner prescribed by this Federal Law; 5. Creation of organizational structures (divisions and organizations) necessary for the functioning of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation.

Personnel Service of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia To make a decision on the possibility of considering a citizen as a candidate for military service (work) in the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, he must submit: 1. his own completed questionnaires (main and additional); 2. color photograph 4x6 in size; 3. photocopy of the passport (pages with photo and registration); 4. photocopies of the diploma of professional education received and its appendix; 5. A photocopy of an extract from the record book (for persons who do not have a completed professional education). The specified documents must be sent by registered mail by Russian Post to the address: Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, PO Box 510, Main Post Office, Moscow, or personally transferred to the Press Bureau of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, located at: Moscow, st. Ostozhenka, 51/10.

The Academy of Foreign Intelligence of Russia The Academy of Foreign Intelligence is a higher specialized educational institution that provides training and advanced training for officers of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service and other special services, scientific and pedagogical personnel, and conducts research and methodological work on specialized topics. Individuals, citizens of Russia, who are ready to serve their Fatherland, who have higher education, are under the age of 30, who are physically healthy, who have the ability to study foreign languages ​​and have a sufficient level of general education, political, scientific and technical training and general culture. Suitability for study is determined by a number of criteria, the most important of which are: patriotism; awareness of the intention to work in intelligence; a high level of general educational and cultural training, a broad outlook, the ability to logically express one's thoughts in writing and orally; good health and good physical fitness.

Press Bureau of the SVR To inform the public about its activities and maintain contact with public associations, mass media (media) and citizens, a Press Bureau has been established within the structure of the SVR. The press bureau is headed by the head - Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich, who reports directly to the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service. The Press Bureau holds press conferences, briefings, film and video screenings for media representatives, interacts with the authors of publications on intelligence topics. Contact information: Address: Moscow, Ostozhenka 51/10 Phones: (499) , Fax: (499) Press office: SVR:

Contacts of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, Moscow, Main Post Office, PO Box 510 Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Tel: (499) , (499) Fax: (499) web: svr.gov.ru

Federal Law "On Foreign Intelligence" No. 5-FZ of January 10, 1996; On defense On the status of servicemen On state secrets On operational-search activities The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service is the main body of foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation. The headquarters of the service is located in Yasenevo. The place of the Foreign Intelligence Service in the system of state bodies of Russia

of the Russian Federation”, which is “designed to protect the security of the individual, society and the state from external threats using methods and means” determined by federal legislation. The Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service is personally responsible for the objectivity and reliability of intelligence information obtained by the Foreign Intelligence Service and reported to the President.

In accordance with the presidential decree "On Measures to Counter Terrorism" dated February 15, 2006, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) was established, which included the Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. Structure In accordance with the Law "On Foreign Intelligence" dated 10

January 1996, today the organizational structure of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has been built, including the following operational, analytical and functional units (departments, services, independent departments). In general, the structure of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service is as follows

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia

o Group of consultants

o Office of the Director

Protocol Department

o Secretary of State

First Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia

Deputy Director for Human Resources

Deputy Director for Science

o Management of scientific and technological revolution

o Operations Department

o Informatics Department

o SVR Academy

Deputy Director of Operations

o Operational departments

Deputy director for material

technical support

o Operation and Support Service

In addition, for the first time in the practice of the Russian special services, a Bureau for Public Relations and Mass Media was created. The Board of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia also functions, which includes deputy directors, heads of departments.

Goals and objectives The SVR is designed to protect the security of the individual, society and the state from external threats. The SVR carries out intelligence activities in

purposes: to provide the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly and the Government with the intelligence information they need to make decisions in the political, economic, military-strategic, scientific, technical and environmental fields; to provide conditions conducive to the successful implementation of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of security; to promote economic development, scientific and technological progress of the country and military-technical security of the Russian Federation.

To do this, the federal law "On Foreign Intelligence" grants the Foreign Intelligence Service powers, including confidential cooperation with persons who have given their consent. damage to the environment. The procedure for using these methods and means is determined by the laws and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation. Intelligence information is provided to the President of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation and the federal executive and judicial authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations determined by the President. The heads of the Foreign Intelligence Service are responsible

personal responsibility to the President of the Russian Federation for the reliability, objectivity of intelligence information and the timeliness of its provision. __

The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation is a special service that performs the functions of the main body of the foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation. The SVR of Russia was established on December 18, 1991. Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation - Fradkov Mikhail Efimovich. The official website of the Foreign Intelligence Service - http://svr.gov.ru/ - contains basic information about the department, its structure, powers, and anti-corruption issues.

The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation is one of the executive authorities of Russia. The activity of the Foreign Intelligence Service is directed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The main functions of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service are related to protecting the security of the state and society from threats from the outside. The methods and means by which the Foreign Intelligence Service carries out its activities are determined by federal legislation. At the same time, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service is an integral part of the forces that ensure the security of the state, as defined by federal law.

The Foreign Intelligence Service is authorized to conduct operational-search activities, and also provides for military service for employees in its ranks.

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service carries out activities to obtain especially important intelligence information, which the department reports to the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation bears personal responsibility for the reliability of the information, the objectivity of the facts and data presented.

The SVR of Russia, in order to ensure state security, sets itself the following goals:

  • - providing the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly and the Government with the intelligence information they need to make decisions in the political, economic, military-strategic, scientific, technical and environmental fields;
  • - providing conditions conducive to the successful implementation of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of security;
  • - assistance to economic development, scientific and technological progress of the country and military-technical security of the Russian Federation.

Agreements with ARPOiS RF

The Association of Law Enforcement and Special Services Workers has been building relationships with state authorities and administration, other social institutions throughout the entire period of its existence. Given the significant socio-political weight of the ARPOiS RF, the huge potential of its leaders and great business activity, over the years a large number of cooperation agreements have been signed with various ministries, departments, public organizations, unions, associations and other forms of organizations.

Agreements with relevant ministries and departments were concluded taking into account the strategy and tactics of the Association's development, clarify mutual interests and prescribe a specific program of action. These agreements do work, satisfying the mutual need for cooperation. Each large subject of relations (ministry, department, etc.) is assigned a specific curator from among the leadership of the Association, its vice-presidents, members of the Presidium.

Employees of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia have the direct right to be members of the ARPOiS RF, to receive legal, social and professional support from the Association, to enjoy all the rights provided for by its charter. Also, members of the ARPOiS of the Russian Federation from among the employees of the Foreign Intelligence Service have a unique opportunity to directly address the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation with questions relating to their professional interests and employment.

President of Russian Federation date of creation December 18, 1991 Predecessor First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR
USSR Central Intelligence Service
The activity is managed by President of Russian Federation Headquarters Russia Russia: Moscow : Press Bureau - 119034, st. Ostozhenka, house 51, building 1; The main complex is near the village. Bachurino, Settlement Sosenskoye, Moscow Khlebnikov forest park (Moscow region, Mytishchi district).
55°35′02″ s. sh. 37°31′04″ E d. HGIOL Number of employees Classified (according to some sources in 1990-1992 - about 11,000 people, in 2008 - about 13 thousand people) Director Naryshkin Sergey Evgenievich key document Federal Law "On Foreign Intelligence" dated January 10, 1996 N 5-FZ Website svr.gov.ru Media files at Wikimedia Commons

The headquarters of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service is located near the village of Bachurino in the Sosensky settlement of the Novomoskovsk district of Moscow, bordering the Yasenevo district. The complex of the Academy of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia is located in the Khlebnikovsky forest park (Moscow region, Mytishchi district).

The activities of the SVR of Russia are managed.


In December 1991, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service proclaimed itself the official successor to the First Chief Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (PSU KGB of the USSR) and (CSR of the USSR).

The SVR of Russia emphasizes its historical role as a continuer of the traditions of the special services of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union: VChK SNK RSFSR - GPU NKVD RSFSR - MGB - KGB. As a result of the collapse of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the question arose of a radical reorganization of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation on the basis of the abolished Central Intelligence Service of the USSR (CSR USSR).

Also, the activities of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia are regulated on the basis of:

Place of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia in the system of state bodies of Russia

The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation is a federal service, an executive body of Russia, the management of which is carried out directly by the President of the Russian Federation. This status of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service was established by Decree No. 1185 of 10/07/1992 by President Boris Yeltsin.

  • political intelligence- searching for and receiving data of a proactive nature about the foreign policy intentions of foreign powers, international and socio-political organizations, leading foreign political leaders; conducting operations and activities that contribute to the goals of Russian foreign policy in the international arena.
  • economic intelligence- obtaining information on all issues of the economic activities of foreign policy players and their economic and financial structures, the market conditions for currencies, raw materials, precious metals, etc., of interest to Russia, as well as organizing and conducting events aimed at creating a favorable environment for Russian foreign economic interests, for the development of effective foreign economic cooperation, the conclusion of profitable trade and economic transactions and agreements, etc.
  • scientific and technical intelligence- obtaining data on foreign scientific and technological achievements with a priority in the field of monitoring the activities of foreign states in the development of fundamentally new types of weapons, in order to maintain Russian scientific and technical thought at the modern level, justified selection of the most promising areas of development and programs of national research centers , increasing the technological equipment of industry, etc.

Official Russian sources

The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SVR of Russia), according to the federal law of the Russian Federation, is designed to protect the security of the individual, society and the Russian state from external threats.

The SVR of Russia carries out intelligence activities in order to:

  • providing the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly and the Government with the intelligence information they need to make decisions in the political, economic, military-strategic, scientific, technical and environmental fields;
  • providing conditions conducive to the successful implementation of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of security;
  • promoting economic development, scientific and technological progress of the country and military-technical security of the Russian Federation.

To this end, the Federal Law "On Foreign Intelligence" (January 10, 1996 No. 5-FZ) grants the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation powers, including confidential cooperation with persons who have given their consent to this.

In the process of intelligence activities, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has the right to use overt and covert methods and means, without causing harm to human life and health and causing damage to the environment. The procedure for using these methods and means is determined by the laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation.

Intelligence information is provided to the President of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive and judicial authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations designated by the President of the Russian Federation.

The leaders of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service are personally responsible to the President of the Russian Federation for the reliability, objectivity of intelligence information and the timeliness of its provision.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Measures to Counter Terrorism" dated February 15, 2006, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) was created, which included the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

The general leadership of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation (including the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service) is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.

Western sources

According to published assessments by British and American sources, the current goals and objectives of Russia's foreign intelligence include: secret financing by Russian intelligence of European parties and foundations in order to "undermine the political integrity" of the European Union, introducing disagreements between EU members on the issue of sanctions against Russia and creating conditions for the lifting of sanctions, the negative impact on NATO's Euro-Atlantic solidarity, the impact on the election process in Western countries, the blocking of the deployment of US missile defense systems in Europe and the creation of conditions for the Russian energy monopoly. Among the far-right parties in Europe that have come under suspicion of secret cooperation and financing through Russian intelligence channels, according to The Telegraph newspaper, are the Hungarian nationalist party Jobbik, the Italian League of the North, the Greek Golden Dawn, the French National Front. According to the findings of Wilhelm Unge, chief counterintelligence analyst of Sweden, modern Russian intelligence officers are much more educated and usually younger than their Soviet predecessors. The goal of Russian intelligence officers, according to a Swedish analyst, is to acquire secret advanced technologies and recruit citizens of the host country.

Organizational structure

External images
Structure of the SVR

The structure of the Foreign Intelligence Service is adjusted depending on the changing situation and the tasks that arise before the organization. The head of the SVR is the director, who has a first deputy and four deputies in separate areas: for operations, for science, for personnel and for logistics.

In accordance with the law "On Foreign Intelligence" of January 10, 1996, the organizational structure of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service was built, including operational, analytical and functional units (departments, services, independent departments). It includes a mining apparatus, analytical and operational-technical units, which are combined into departments and services.

In general, the structure of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, according to information from the official website, is as follows:

  • Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia
    • Group of consultants
    • College
    • First Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia
    • Bureau of Public Relations and Media (Press Bureau)
    • Director's office
      • Protocol department
    • Deputy Director for Human Resources
    • Deputy Director for Science
      • Directorate of scientific and technical intelligence (scientific and technical intelligence)
      • Department of Opertechnics
      • Office of Informatics
    • Deputy Director of Operations
      • Operational departments
    • Deputy Director for Logistics
      • Operation and Support Service
    • Office of Analysis and Information
    • Office of Foreign Counterintelligence
    • Economic Intelligence Directorate

The Board of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia also functions, which includes deputy directors, heads of departments.



The Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation. In modern Russian history, the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia was headed by:

Full name Rank Dates (Years)
1 Primakov, Evgeny Maksimovich Civil 30.09.1991 - 09.01.1996
2 Trubnikov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich Colonel General,

General of the Army (01/22/1998)

10.01.1996 - 20.05.2000
3 Lebedev, Sergei Nikolaevich Colonel General (2000),

General of the Army (07.2003)

20.05.2000 - 09.10.2007
4 Fradkov, Mikhail Efimovich Civil (Reserve Colonel) 09.10.2007 - 04.10.2016
5 Naryshkin, Sergei Evgenievich Civil (Reserve officer) from 05.10.2016 - n. in.
External images
Headquarters in Yasenevo

First Deputy Director

This position was held by:

  • Trubnikov Vyacheslav Ivanovich (January 13 - January 10)
  • Shcherbakov Aleksey Anatolyevich (January 10 - October 31), in the late 90s he combined with the post of State Secretary of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia
  • Zavershinsky Vladimir Ivanovich (October 31 - July 11), since 2004 he has combined with the post of head of the 1st Service (political intelligence)
  • Fadeev Dmitry Leonidovich ( - )
  • Lavrentsov Viktor Fedorovich (c)

Deputy directors

Currently, the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia has the following deputies:

  • Secretary of State - Balakin Alexander Nikolaevich
  • Deputy Director - Maksimovich Mikhail Alexandrovich
  • Deputy Director - Bocharnikov V.Yu.
  • Deputy Director - Moryakov A.M.
  • Deputy Director - Head of Service Gerasimov Sergey Alexandrovich
  • Deputy Director - Head of Department - Smolkov A.N.


The Zaslon unit (OSN Zaslon SVR) was created within the structure of the Center for Internal Security of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in 1997 (in accordance with a secret decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 1997) and reached operational readiness in 1998. It included almost three hundred people who were previously engaged in special operations abroad. The division was headed by A. S. Kolosov.

"Barrier" is designed to forcefully respond to threats to the objects of the Service, Russian diplomatic missions abroad and to protect the heads of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service and the Russian Foreign Ministry during their visits to "hot spots".

In some media publications, "Barrier" was described as a reconnaissance and sabotage unit, similar to the "Separate Training Center" (OTC, Vympel group) that existed in the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, so according to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper: "A similar unit already existed in the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, however, during the Afghan war, it began to perform tasks unusual for intelligence and in 1983 it was withdrawn from the PGU of the KGB of the USSR, transferred to another department of the committee, and a few years later completely collapsed.

According to a number of Russian media reports, in 2003 the Zaslon was used in Iraq and Iran. Oleg Fedoseev, one of the three employees of the Russian embassy in Iraq, who was kidnapped and killed in 2006, was called an employee of Zaslon.

According to the Zvezda TV channel, in early April 2015, Russian Zaslon fighters evacuated the US embassy in the Yemeni capital Sana'a.

Russian Institute for Strategic Studies

The analytical center of the SVR of Russia was formed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 1992 No. 202 from the former All-Union Research Institute for Complex Problems under the State Committee for Science and Technology (VNII KP of the USSR). He had the status of a military unit.

In 2009, the institute was reorganized and reassigned to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.


  • Evgeny Mikhailovich Kozhokin (1994-2009)
  • Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov (2009-2017)
  • Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov (since January 4, 2017).

Departmental medals


Notable collaborators

see also


  1. Kolpakidi A.I., Prokhorov D.P. GRU Empire. Essays on the history of Russian military intelligence. - M. : OLMA-PRESS, 2000. - T. 1. - 462 p. - 15,000 copies. - ISBN 5-224-00600-7, 5-224-00766-6.
  2. Spionage gegen Deutschland - Aktuelle Entwicklungen Stand: November 2008. Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz. (German)
  3. Federal Law "On Foreign Intelligence" dated January 10, 1996 No. 5-FZ (indefinite) . Retrieved April 10, 2010. Archived from the original on August 27, 2011.
  4. Federal Law of November 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ "On Weapons"
  5. RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal Law "On Foreign Intelligence"
  6. , Foreign Intelligence of the Russian Federation, p. 409.
  7. Names of intelligence in various periods of activity
  8. To the 85th anniversary of foreign intelligence from the INO VChK to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (indefinite) (unavailable link). Retrieved September 8, 2006. Archived from the original on September 8, 2006.
  9. Text of Decree No. 293 of 12/18/1991, page 1

Goals and objectives. Structure and leadership. Regulations.

Goals and objectives

The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (SVR of Russia) is an integral part of the security forces and is designed to protect the security of the individual, society and the state from external threats.

The SVR carries out intelligence activities in order to:

  • providing the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly and the Government with the intelligence information they need to make decisions in the political, economic, military-strategic, scientific, technical and environmental fields;
  • providing conditions conducive to the successful implementation of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of security;
  • promoting economic development, scientific and technological progress of the country and military-technical security of the Russian Federation.
To achieve these goals, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Foreign Intelligence" provides the Foreign Intelligence Service with a number of powers. Including, the establishment on a confidential basis of cooperation relations with persons who voluntarily agreed to this, and the implementation of measures to encrypt the personnel.

In the process of reconnaissance activities, the Foreign Intelligence Service can use overt and covert methods and means that should not harm the life and health of people and cause damage to the environment. The procedure for using covert methods and means is determined by federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation.

Intelligence information is provided to the President of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive and judicial authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations designated by the President.

The heads of the Foreign Intelligence Service are personally responsible to the President of the Russian Federation for the reliability, objectivity of intelligence information and the timeliness of its provision.

The general leadership of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation (including the Foreign Intelligence Service) is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.

Structure and Leadership

In accordance with today's intelligence doctrine, Russia's foreign intelligence abandoned globalism in the 90s.

If during the period of confrontation between the West and the East, intelligence was conducted in almost all countries of the world where the intelligence services of the United States and other NATO countries were present, at present, the SVR operates only in those regions where Russia has genuine, not imaginary interests.

Russia's SVR believes that it has no major or minor opponents. In addition, intelligence is currently moving from confrontation with the special services of various countries to interaction and cooperation in those areas where their interests coincide (the fight against international terrorism, drug smuggling, the problem of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, etc.). Of course, this interaction is not comprehensive and does not exclude the conduct of intelligence on the territory of certain countries, based on the national interests of Russia.

Based on these principles and in accordance with the Law "On Foreign Intelligence", adopted in December 1995, the current organizational structure of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation was built. It includes:



Functional divisions (departments, services, independent departments).

For the first time in the practice of the Russian special services, a Bureau for Public Relations and Mass Media was created.

The Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.

On May 20, 2000, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Nikolayevich Lebedev was appointed Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service.

To discuss emerging problems and develop an intelligence policy in relation to the current situation, the Directorate of the Foreign Intelligence Service regularly meets, which includes deputy directors of foreign intelligence, heads of operational, analytical and functional units.


Constitution of the Russian Federation

Foreign Intelligence Law

Defense Law

Security Law

Law on State Secrets

Law on the status of military personnel

Law on operational-search activity

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