Home Vegetables I want tangerines during pregnancy. Can pregnant women eat tangerines. How to choose a quality product when buying

I want tangerines during pregnancy. Can pregnant women eat tangerines. How to choose a quality product when buying

Pregnancy is a difficult period for every woman. At this time, the expectant mother often changes her tastes for food. Often a woman wants food that she never even took into her mouth before. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body. Some women may become strongly attached to a particular product. This is wrong, in everything you need to observe the measure. And we must not forget that some products, if consumed excessively by pregnant women, can harm both the health of the woman herself and the baby. Can pregnant women eat tangerines and oranges? Let's talk about this in more detail.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to eat a tangerine or other citrus fruit during pregnancy. These fruits contain substances that are beneficial for the body. But an important principle in this period is moderation.

Composition and useful properties

Tangerines have many health benefits. In large quantities, this fruit contains vitamin C, as well as vitamin D, which is very necessary for the body in the winter with little sunshine, vitamins B, A, E, P, folic acid. In addition, the fruit pulp contains various minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, silicon, rubidium, cobalt, molybdenum and others. Mandarin is a low-calorie product, 100 grams of it contains from 34 to 50 calories (depending on the type of fruit, its size and ripening level).

If the expectant mother adheres to a generally reasonable diet, then tangerines during pregnancy will be useful. What are the benefits of these fruits? So, tangerines:

Can pregnant women eat tangerines in the first trimester?

During this period, they are especially useful, because the body of the future mother needs folic acid so much - a substance that prevents the possibility of miscarriages, is responsible for proper hormonal activity, and contributes to the proper formation of fetal systems and organs.

Tangerines have a mild diuretic effect. Using them, the expectant mother can easily eliminate edema, which occurs in 95% of women in the second half of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, tangerine oil is also useful for women. During this difficult period, many systems and organs are under great stress, and the skin is no exception. At about 4 months of pregnancy, stretch marks appear on the abdomen, hips, and chest. With regular use of tangerines, skin elasticity increases. During pregnancy, it is useful to massage with mandarin oil. Its active ingredients help firm the skin, relieve muscle tension and fatigue.

Since tangerines can relieve attacks of nausea, then with toxicosis you can eat a few slices of fruit or drink an infusion of their peel, as well as have an aromatherapy session with tangerine oil. The smell of tangerines enhances the production of endorphins, helping to relax.

Tangerine oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is part of many creams, helps to give the skin elasticity.

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Selection and storage of tangerines

A wide range of tangerines on the market will confuse any buyer. How to choose these fruits to guess with quality and taste. Indeed, during pregnancy, tangerines, and other products should only be of high quality.

So, let's start with the taste of citrus. It depends on the country of origin of the fetus and its quality.

Georgian tangerines small in size, their peel is thin, yellow in color, there are small bones in the pulp, their taste is slightly sour.

Turkish tangerines similar to Georgian ones - they are small in size, have an orange or yellow smooth peel, sweet and sour taste and pulp with stones.

fruits from morocco sweet enough. They are pitted, have a bright orange skin and a slightly flattened shape.

The sweetest Spanish tangerines. They have a porous, bright orange skin and are larger in size. But the cost of such fruits is higher than the rest.

There are other varieties of tangerines that are less common on the market. These include:

  • tangerines or Thai tangerines - their peel may be green, but they are distinguished by the presence of sweet pulp and juiciness;
  • clementines are a hybrid of a blood orange and a tangerine, the fruit of which is very juicy, bright orange in color;
  • mineola - a variety of tangerines crossed with grapefruit; the shape of such fruits is pear-shaped, the peel is bright orange, they have a pronounced sweet taste.

Let's get acquainted with the rules that will help you choose high-quality tangerines:

  • The ripened fruit has a juicy peel - if you press on its surface, juice will appear.
  • The well-peeled peel speaks of the ripeness of the tangerine, its color is uniform.
  • Quality tangerines have a good aroma.
  • The ripeness of a fruit can be determined by the ratio of its size and weight. A ripe tangerine visually looks larger than it weighs. That is, the fruit may seem very heavy, but if you take it in your hand, you will be convinced of the opposite.
  • The presence of cracks and dark spots on the surface of the fruit indicates its low quality.

Rules for storing tangerines :

  • Tangerines must be stored in a special compartment of the refrigerator designed for vegetables and fruits at a temperature of + 4 to + 6 Cº.
  • Do not store fruits in plastic bags.
  • Examine the peel and make sure it is intact. If there are cracks, the fruits will dry out. Remove tangerines that have begun to rot.
  • Sometimes, in order to prolong the life of fruits, they are lubricated with vegetable oil.

Tangerines and breastfeeding

Is it possible to eat tangerines while breastfeeding? This question worries many women who feed the baby. But in the first months of feeding, while the main food of the crumbs is breast milk, it is better to refuse citrus fruits altogether, as they can provoke diathesis. As the child grows older, you can try tangerine, but you need to start with 1-2 slices and carefully monitor how the child behaves. Unlike oranges, tangerines are less allergenic due to their rubidium content.

Harm and contraindications

Although tangerines have many beneficial properties, in some cases they can harm the body.

We have already found out whether pregnant women can eat tangerines. But in everything you need to know the measure, so as not to overdo it in the desire to enjoy citrus fruits. It is enough to eat a few fruits a day to benefit from them. If tangerines are abused during pregnancy, a newborn may develop an allergy to him, which can manifest itself immediately after birth or with age. Therefore, it is better to eat tangerines actively in the first half of pregnancy. Since it is during this period that the vital organs of the fetus are formed, therefore, useful vitamins and minerals will be needed for proper development. Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, be more careful about the use of citrus fruits and in no case abuse them.

  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • cholecystitis;
  • various forms of hepatitis;
  • nephritis;
  • having an allergy to citrus fruits.

In the presence of one of these pathological conditions, tangerines and pregnancy are not compatible, as they can harm the health of the expectant mother.

Tangerines in folk medicine

Traditional medicine advises taking decoctions of tangerine peel as an antiemetic for toxicosis. To do this, grind the tangerine zest, take 6 tablespoons of it, pour 1 liter of boiled water, cook it all for 5 minutes. Strain and take 3 tablespoons before meals several times a day. In order to use such a zest, it must first be cleaned well. Very often, fruits brought from abroad are treated with various chemicals for the possibility of long-term preservation. Therefore, before using fruits, be sure to wash them well to get rid of dirt, various acids, wax and other substances.

Mix mandarin and olive oil, rub this mixture into the skin. Thanks to this, after childbirth, no stretch marks will be scary for you.

If during pregnancy you really want tangerines, but you can’t eat them, you can inhale the aromas of tangerine oil in a weak concentration.

For migraines, dilute tangerine and olive oil can be rubbed into the temples. This is how you manage headaches.

So, now you know whether it is possible to eat tangerines during pregnancy. Do not forget that these fruits have the ability to accumulate harmful substances in themselves, so if they are abused, unpredictable consequences can occur. Also, rubidium, which is found in large quantities in tangerines, is useful only in small doses. In large quantities, it can only harm. Therefore, observe moderation and enjoy the taste of tangerines!

The use of mandarin increases the metabolism in the body, improves appetite, provides the necessary vitamins in large quantities. Mandarin is a dietary product loved by many. Many women during pregnancy have a desire to eat tangerines, they just want a huge amount. This makes you think, is it possible, and in what quantity, to eat tangerines and citrus fruits in general? Can their use harm the mother and her child?

Is it possible for pregnant women to get involved in tangerines

Tangerines are useful for strengthening the body and the digestive system. These fruits have an antimicrobial effect, and the content of vitamins and organic acids will provide the future baby with the substances necessary for development.

Beneficial features:

  1. The fruit called mandarin contains a lot of vitamin C. It helps protect against colds.
  2. They rid the body of toxins, have a diuretic effect.
  3. Increases metabolism, which helps to cope with excess weight.

But it should be borne in mind that mandarin, like all citrus fruits, can provoke an allergy if you use it as much as you like. Doctors advise pregnant women not to abuse these fruits.

Tangerines contain a lot of vitamin C, and its excess in the body can provoke allergies. But, as practice shows, there is no direct dependence on whether the expectant mother ate tangerines, and how much, during pregnancy, or not.

Benefits of citrus fruits during pregnancy

Citrus fruits contain many vitamins that are extremely useful for the normal growth of the child, for the proper formation of his nervous system. This helps folic acid, which is found in oranges in large quantities. Eating citrus fruits is good for the digestive system. These fruits contain fiber necessary for normal bowel function. But, everything should be in moderation, and the use of citrus fruits is no exception. Eating such fruits in large quantities, you can earn heartburn.

These fruits are contraindicated for pregnant women:

  • With a stomach ulcer;
  • With gastritis;
  • With diabetes mellitus.

In the early stages, citruses remove nausea with toxicosis, thanks to fiber, they help with constipation. It is worth remembering that tangerines and oranges can cause such unpleasant reactions as rashes and itchy skin, especially if you pray compositions of them on the skin. These allergies can happen even after eating more than 2 fruits a day.

Grapefruit contains much more vitamin C than other citrus fruits, but is less likely to cause allergies.

It is worth listening to your body, and not getting too carried away with citrus fruits during pregnancy. But, if you eat these fruits in moderation, they will only benefit the health of the baby and the woman herself.

What are good tangerines in the early stages of pregnancy

Mandarin protects against colds, intestinal disorders. These fruits help to cope with swelling. Mandarin (but not tangerine seeds) contains substances that are useful for the formation of teeth and bones of a child.

But, you need to understand that tangerine is beneficial if used in moderation.

This fruit very often causes allergic reactions, even in people who have never suffered from allergies. That is why you can not eat it as much as you want. Passion for tangerines may well lead to diathesis, and even worse, to severe forms of allergies in a child. All this manifests itself after the birth of the baby.

Using tangerine during pregnancy:

  • You need to carefully monitor your body;
  • Check for itching and flaking of the skin;
  • See if any rashes have formed.

If such reactions appear, then it is better to say goodbye to this delicacy for a while. In order for tangerines to be beneficial, it is enough to eat a couple of pieces a day. But, it is best to take breaks in the use of mandarin.

Is tangerine good for pregnant women?

Vitamin C deficiency occurs during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. And very often women try to fill it with tangerines. Useful and safe is the use of no more than 2 pieces per day. If there is no allergy to these fruits, and no reactions appear, the amount can be increased. Of course, there are benefits of eating tangerines during pregnancy. But, you need to eat them with an eye on the body's reaction to these fruits.

What benefits:

  1. Mandarin pulp has useful properties as a source of vitamins.
  2. Benefits bring and tangerine oil.
  3. Tinctures and tangerine juice.

Tangerine oil is used to protect the skin from stretch marks. Relaxing massage with tangerine oil relieves muscle tension very well. Tangerine juice is very useful due to calcium and magnesium.

Tinctures relieve nausea, help with colds, and promote digestion.

Tangerine peel is used for tincture. It can prolong the effect of painkillers. The smell of mandarin can cause the production of hormones of joy. Even if tangerines cannot be eaten due to allergies, you can also benefit from their aroma.

Juicy tangerine: help with toxicosis

Many women experience toxicosis during pregnancy. Our lifestyle and rhythm of life contribute to this state. Nutrition and ecology also contribute to the appearance of toxicosis. Walking, proper nutrition will help to alleviate the condition.

Eating citrus fruits is very good at helping to get rid of nausea. In the first place among them is tangerine. For many, this fruit is the most reliable remedy for toxicosis, and the only salvation from nausea and vomiting.

To get rid of vomiting and bouts of nausea, use tincture of tangerines. It is made from fruit peel. The peel is crushed, poured with hot water, and insisted for a while. Drink in the morning and 1/3 cup in the evening.

Dried tangerines also cope well with toxicosis. In general, this delicacy is loved by many. It is consumed as dried fruit and is often added to various desserts. In dried tangerines, most of the vitamins remain, and a sufficient amount of calcium, and folic acid is preserved.

The use of tangerines during pregnancy is very useful, provided that there is no allergy, and negative reactions do not appear. Tangerines provide a pregnant woman with vitamins D, B, K, and of course, much-needed vitamin C. Tangerines also contain mineral salts. Eating these fruits removes nitrates from the body. Tangerines fight inflammation and colds due to their antiseptic properties. The mesh covering the mandarin slices contains substances that prevent the formation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

Ascorbic acid assists in the fight against bacteria that can negatively affect the fetus. It is necessary for the normal formation of bones, development and growth of the baby. The elements contained in tangerines remove excess fluid, assist in the elimination of edema.

Tangerine oil is an excellent body care product. Oil prevents the appearance of stretch marks, and relieves muscle tension during pregnancy. But, despite all the advantages, a measure is necessary in the use of tangerines. Even for non-allergic people, large amounts of tangerines can trigger allergic reactions and result in a baby being born with an allergy. The downside is that tangerines can increase acidity, leading to heartburn and other discomforts.

The benefits of tangerines during pregnancy (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that too high a content of vitamin C in the body of a pregnant woman can increase the tone of the uterus. So, do not get too carried away with tangerines while carrying a child, because this vitamin is contained in them in large quantities.

Quite often, pregnant women are drawn to tangerines, there is a desire to eat them in large quantities.

Any time of the year Early tangerine juice
When feeding, pregnant accuracy
care clothes in days

Such a desire alarms others and at some point begins to embarrass the woman herself. Then she wonders if it is possible to eat so many tangerines during pregnancy.

Useful properties of these fruits

Useful at any time of the year

People are accustomed to associate the tangerine smell with the anticipation of the holiday and New Year's magic; for the majority, this is a special smell - the smell of pleasure. But if a woman is waiting for replenishment and she is drawn to tangerines, this is no accident.

Most likely, the body lacks something, it seeks to make up for the lack of nutrients.

Consider how tangerines can be useful during pregnancy:

  • improve mood, save from depression;
  • compensate for the deficiency of vitamins (especially vitamin C);
  • rich in calcium and phosphorus, which are important for the health of teeth, the musculoskeletal system;
  • contain magnesium, which is responsible for a strong nervous system, the absence of cramps in the limbs;
  • reduce the risk of seasonal colds;
  • cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • contain few calories, help not to gain excess weight, while being a tasty and healthy treat;
  • return appetite with toxicosis, eliminate the symptoms of this disease;
  • with regular use, they are a preventive product of cancer;
  • used as a proven diuretic, help pregnant women get rid of edema;
  • The essential oil of this fruit helps fight stretch marks.

Much of the above applies to both eating oranges and eating tangerines while expecting a baby.

You can eat tangerines during pregnancy at any time of the year, but if you buy them out of season, pay close attention to the appearance of orange fruits so as not to buy rotten or moldy ones.

Impact on the body in the early stages

Eating orange fruits during the first trimester of expecting a baby (contrary to the opinion of some “knowledgeable” people) will not harm your health, so do not torment yourself with the question of whether it is possible to eat tangerines every day while carrying a baby.

In the early stages, completely harmless

Consider how these fruits affect early pregnancy:

  • serve as an excellent prevention of various pathologies of the nervous system, diseases of the brain in the embryo, since these fruits contain folic acid, the lack of which is most dangerous in the early stages of the “interesting position”;
  • a couple of slices of citrus are useful for toxicosis - almost instantly relieve symptoms of malaise;
  • protect against anemia due to the presence of iron;
  • improve digestion, help with bloating (for this, thanks to pectins, fiber, organic acids present in fruits).

If you are drawn to ripe, juicy tangerines, do not deny yourself the pleasure. But you can't just eat them.

How can you eat fruits

It is recommended to eat a couple of peeled slices per day. Better with a short break, so the tangerines are well absorbed. The fruit is useful in the form of juice (preferably freshly squeezed, cooked on your own, but no more than 2-3 citrus fruits). Basic rules for choosing orange fruits for fresh juice:

  • clementine variety - the sweetest, juiciest compared to the rest;
  • it is better to give preference only to absolutely ripe fruits;
  • the richer the color of the tangerine, the sweeter it is.

Tangerine juice is well absorbed, but do not overdo it with the amount

Signature tangerine juice recipe.

  1. Peel 2-3 fruits, remove the zest.
  2. Squeeze juice.
  3. Add zest to juice.
  4. Heat in a saucepan over medium heat for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Strain the finished drink through a double-folded gauze.

In the form of a tincture, this is an ambulance for toxicosis.

  1. Chop the rind of the tangerine.
  2. Fill with boiling water.
  3. Let's insist.
  4. Take morning and evening before meals, 50 grams.

Other methods.

  1. In the form of an oil or cream containing the essential oil of this fruit. Rub into clean skin after taking a shower to prevent and treat stretch marks - effective starting from the 2nd trimester. This oil or cream can also be used for a relaxing massage.
  2. Dried fruits. It can be added to any dish, most often a couple of dried tangerine slices are thrown into tea when brewing.
  3. Salads. Fruit salads dressed with yogurt are a tasty and very healthy treat. There is no special cooking secret: the types of fruits are at your discretion, determine the proportions by eye.

There is no exact answer to the question of how much tangerines can be eaten. It all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular woman. Listen to your body, it will tell you what to do.

Risks, possible dangers and contraindications.

  1. You should not get carried away with fruit in the later stages: the closer the birth, the higher the risk of allergic reactions to the fruit in the mother and fetus. Negative reviews about tangerines during pregnancy are heard mainly from mothers who have very little left before meeting with the baby. The thing is that tangerines, for all their usefulness, are also powerful allergens. Yes, surprisingly, but eating them can be both beneficial and harmful.
  2. These fruits are contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, those who have previously had gastric or duodenal ulcers, those who have kidney problems, and those who are observed by a gastroenterologist.
  3. If suddenly a rash appears on a woman’s body, in order to exclude an allergy to tangerines, it is worth refusing to use all citrus fruits until the reasons are clarified.
  4. Heartburn is a frequent nuisance of the second half of the "interesting situation". It's all about excess acid: give up your favorite fruits so that your condition does not worsen.
  5. Do not eat a lot of tangerines in the third trimester, one or two fruits a day will be enough. Right now, the body is most likely to react with an allergic reaction. In addition, allergies can occur in a newborn. If in doubt, what exactly is your allowable serving of citrus fruits - do not hesitate to ask the opinion of the doctor leading the pregnancy.

Can be used while breastfeeding

If you really want to eat a couple of tangerines during pregnancy, it's not so scary. But if the baby has already been born, then you can use these fruits while breastfeeding, but with great care, observing the following rules:

  • the child is already three months old;
  • at first it is better to eat only 2-3 slices, preferably in the morning;
  • refuse to use other new products to which the reaction of the baby is unknown;
  • if there is no certainty that the baby has tolerated the new fruit you have eaten well, try this fruit again, but not earlier than in a week;
  • even with a good reaction, the recommended frequency of taking fruits for a nursing mother is no more than 1 time / 3 days.

Often women notice that they really want tangerines during pregnancy. This is not surprising, because this fruit has a pleasant sweet-sour taste and invigorating aroma, which women in a special position often lack. But if one or two tangerines eaten do not cause concern, then the unrestrained absorption of tangerines in kilograms suggests that this can be harmful to the female body. Is it possible to eat tangerines without fear during pregnancy, how are they useful and is there any reason to be afraid of negative reactions to this product?

There is no categorical ban on citrus fruits during pregnancy. Gynecologists even welcome the use of tangerines during this period, as they fill the woman's body with important antioxidants and support her immunity. True, you should not abuse these fruits because of the risk of developing food allergies. Yes, and the choice of tangerines should be treated responsibly, buying only fresh fruits.

  • If a pregnant woman consumes 1-2 tangerines a day, her body receives a solid supply of useful nutrients that she really needs. As part of this citrus, you can find saccharides that give a woman energy, pectin, which strengthens bone tissue and many vitamins necessary for the development of a baby.
  • The most important component of mandarin is ascorbic acid. In the average fetus, it is about 30 ml and this is enough to stimulate the immune system.
  • A number of minerals lead in the composition of tangerines - potassium, sodium, magnesium, as well as calcium, phosphorus and iron. These substances support the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • There is also tocopherol, or vitamin E, in tangerines. This compound is necessary to maintain pregnancy in the early stages.
  • Tangerines and B vitamins are not deprived. They take part in almost all metabolic processes in the female body, so their benefits can be described for hours.
  • Another plus of tangerines is a modest calorie content, which is equal to 44 Kcal.
  • Essential oils contained in the peel of tangerines have bactericidal properties. This allows you to benefit from tangerines even during their peeling, because the spreading aroma perfectly disinfects the air in the room.
  • Tangerines are also useful because they contain fiber. It improves digestion, relieving a pregnant woman from constipation.
  • The invigorating effect of tangerines is provided by phytoncides. During pregnancy, this citrus can replace coffee, charging a woman with vivacity and excellent mood.
  • Citric acid will also be useful, as it actively cleanses the female body of toxins, which facilitates the process of bearing a baby.
  • Elements such as choline, zeaxanthin ensure the full functioning of the brain.
  • Lutein protects eyesight, protects a woman from cataracts, and also serves as a filter of ultraviolet rays.

What are the benefits of tangerines for women in early pregnancy

A woman in the first trimester needs a lot of vitamins and minerals, because in the first weeks all the baby's systems are laid. If a pregnant woman is not allergic to citrus fruits, the use of tangerines will be very helpful.

Useful properties of tangerines, which are important in the early stages of gestation:

  • The fruits prevent the development of early toxicosis, and if it is pronounced, they relieve nausea and reduce the number of vomiting.
  • Tangerines activate the protective properties of the body, so a woman is less likely to suffer from bacterial and viral diseases.
  • The aroma of tangerines reduces signs of anxiety, nervous excitability, depression.
  • Tangerine juice gives a surge of strength, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.
  • By increasing the acidity of gastric juice, tangerines speed up digestion, improve blood circulation in the digestive tract.
  • The presence of folic acid allows the baby's cells to divide properly, preventing abnormalities in the development of the nervous system.
  • The fruits make the blood circulate faster than they prevent oxygen deficiency. They also accelerate the absorption of iron, which prevents iron deficiency.
  • Citrus has a hepatoprotective effect: it cleanses the liver cells from harmful substances, improves the outflow of bile.

Useful properties of tangerines in the second half of pregnancy

Tangerines are also useful in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy:

  • The content of pyridoxine in tangerines ensures the smooth operation of the nervous system of the mother and her baby. Also, this vitamin stimulates the release of serotonin, so a woman always has a good mood.
  • In the second half of pregnancy, anemia and lack of oxygen often develop. Tangerines are rich in iron, which eliminates these pathologies.
  • Vitamin K is needed to improve the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis. This substance regulates blood pressure, which is especially important for hypertension. Vitamin K helps with varicose veins.
  • The presence of fiber eliminates constipation, which worries pregnant women in the second half of gestation. Tangerine pulp softens the stool, enhances the absorption of food, stimulates the passage of feces through the intestines.
  • Mandarin is able to eliminate such a phenomenon as pigmentation. But in pregnant women, age spots on the body are a common occurrence.
  • Tangerine juice reduces the production of sebum, and at the same time eliminates dehydration of the skin.
  • The complex of iodine, manganese and vitamin D nourishes the thyroid gland, heart muscle and liver.
  • Thiamine, retinol and nicotinic acid support the visual apparatus, which will face a significant load during childbirth.
  • Tangerines have a diuretic effect. Fruits remove excess fluid from the tissues, due to which the swelling of the limbs caused by gestosis disappears.

Tangerines during pregnancy: rules for use

Tangerines are classified as allergic products, so you can not abuse this fruit. It is recommended to eat no more than two tangerines per day. But it is better to eat a couple of slices, taking a short break.

You can give preference to other forms of consumption of citrus:

  • tangerine juice. From 2-3 fruits you need to squeeze the juice and drink for half an hour. After this time, most vitamins are destroyed. For fresh, it is desirable to use sweet varieties, for example, Clementine. Juice from more acidic varieties can cause heartburn and indigestion.
  • Mandarin juice. Juice of two tangerines, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tsp. grated zest, heat on gas, without boiling. Then strain and drink chilled.
  • Mandarin salad. Pour yogurt over mandarin slices and any seasonal berries and eat as a dessert.

Tangerines during pregnancy: possible harm to women

Tangerines have a number of contraindications. They are forbidden to be used by pregnant women with such disorders:

  • Increased acidity.
  • Ulcers and erosion in the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis.
  • Hypertension of the uterus.
  • Diabetes.
  • Exacerbation of nephritis and hepatitis.
  • Cholecystitis.

Risks and possible dangers:

  • In the third trimester, the allowable rate is 70 g of tangerines per day. Abuse of the fruit can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus and premature birth.
  • Tangerines can provoke an acute allergic reaction, so if a woman has a predisposition to allergies, it is better to use tangerines with caution. And if any rash or redness appears on the skin, it is better to immediately abandon them.
  • The presence of many organic acids in tangerines can cause heartburn. If a woman is under the supervision of a gastroenterologist due to any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is most likely undesirable to use tangerines.

Tangerines in the lactation period

Even if a woman was fond of tangerines without restrictions during pregnancy, after the birth of a baby she needs to be more careful:

  • You can start trying tangerines only three months after giving birth.
  • A day is allowed to use no more than three tangerine slices.
  • The frequency of use of the product is twice a week.

During the first weeks of eating tangerines during lactation, you need to monitor the well-being of the baby. If the following symptoms appear, tangerines should be immediately excluded from the menu:

  • Rash on baby's skin.
  • Chair disorder.
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • Rhinitis and hoarseness.

Cases of the negative impact of tangerines on the health of a pregnant woman are isolated, therefore, the vast majority of women in the position are allowed to eat this tasty and fragrant fruit. But for reinsurance, check with your doctor if it is right for you to eat tangerines during pregnancy.

Video: Tangerines during pregnancy

How to eat right during pregnancy? What foods can you eat and what can't? Which vitamins do I need first? I like to eat such and such a dish, but is it possible?

Here are some of the questions a mom-to-be asks herself immediately after she finds out she's pregnant. Pregnancy changes not only the outlook on life, but also behavior, diet, habits, ways of relaxing and even sleeping.

Basically, all pregnant women try to eat as beneficially as possible for themselves and their baby. In this regard, they have many questions about the preparation of the diet and the correctness of food intake during this period. Topics have already been raised on the pages of our site, in this article we will look at how tangerines affect your body during pregnancy.

Many of us love this pleasant juicy fruit. It's easy to clean and even easier to eat. Surely, for every mandarin, it is associated with winter and the New Year, since it is at this time that the peak of its maturity comes and it hits store shelves in huge quantities.

Mandarin grows in Spain, Algeria, France, Azerbaijan, Morocco, China, Japan, Argentina. The plant comes from China, from where it was distributed throughout the world. Externally, the tangerine tree is an evergreen shrub up to 4 meters high with small orange fruits known to everyone.

It is worth noting that the pulp and zest of tangerines has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, B1, B2, P, as well as organic acids, which makes tangerine during pregnancy your main source of elements necessary for the life and development of the baby.

How many tangerines can you eat during pregnancy?

There is no single answer to this question, since everyone carries the fetus in their own way. Of course, you won't eat tangerines if you're allergic to citrus fruits. And if it is not, then the number can be completely different. In this case, one must also take into account those possible digestive problems in pregnant women, which most often occur heartburn, nausea and vomiting due to toxicosis. Therefore, if you can eat tangerines during pregnancy, this is only a huge plus. In order to provide your body, as well as the body of your unborn child with vitamins, it is enough to eat 1-2 tangerines a day. However, if you want more, there is no direct prohibition, the main thing is to monitor your condition and reaction. For someone, two tangerines are quite enough, and someone can eat a whole kilogram without any consequences for themselves.

It is worth remembering that mandarin belongs to the genus of citrus fruits, which are hyperallergenic fruits. That is why doctors do not recommend abusing tangerines during pregnancy, as this can provoke an allergic reaction in you, or, even worse, develop an allergy to citrus fruits in your baby, thereby causing him big problems in the future. Imagine what it will be like for him to grow up when all the children are bursting tangerines under the New Year tree, but he is not allowed to.

Doctors recommend “eating up” with something (including tangerines) in the early stages of pregnancy, as the baby’s organs and systems begin to form, this process is programmed by nature itself, and it is more difficult to harm him than it seems. This is the best time to start storing all the necessary substances and microelements in the body, which will be used for the growth and development of previously laid down organs and systems. That is why, in the first trimester of pregnancy, you can eat tangerines, in principle, in any volume, but starting from the middle of the second trimester, it is worth reducing their number.

Remember that during pregnancy your body is most attentive to itself, listen to your own feelings, and you will know for sure if you need this or that product. If your inner voice tells you that you need to eat something - feel free to eat, it will not harm itself.

In conclusion, here are some interesting facts about tangerines during pregnancy:

1. A medium-sized mandarin contains about 1 gram of citric acid, vitamin C, and fructose.

2. Mandarin peel contains a substance that has anti-cancer properties and inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Studies in this area have shown that substance Q40 reduces the likelihood of developing oncology by 9%.

3. Tangerines are the best remedy for eliminating winter depression.

4. Eating tangerines is an excellent prevention of colds.

5. Tangerines are a safe diuretic, which is why they are widely used by doctors to relieve, which pregnant women often suffer from.

6. The essential oil contained in the tangerine zest increases appetite and mood, improves digestion, eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis.

7. Mandarin contains a huge amount of calcium and phosphorus, thus it is an ideal building material not only for your teeth and bones, but also for your baby's musculoskeletal system.

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