Home Vegetables What symptoms appear in the first days of pregnancy. What are the early signs of pregnancy? Condition like pregnant

What symptoms appear in the first days of pregnancy. What are the early signs of pregnancy? Condition like pregnant

In a woman's life, there comes such an exciting moment when she can't wait to find out about her "interesting situation", but the period may be quite short to make an accurate diagnosis.

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In order to understand in more detail, consider the main signs in the first days of conception, which may indicate the onset of pregnancy.

The first signs of an interesting situation

After conception, the fertilized egg starts moving towards the uterus on the very first day to begin development. This time is not yet pregnancy and is about 5-10 days.

The main early sign before a missed period is an increase in body temperature

During this period of time, it is very difficult for the expectant mother to diagnose any sensations in herself, since the egg takes the first steps towards the pregnancy itself.

After the egg has settled securely in the uterus, the process of formation of the umbilical cord and placenta begins - this moment can be safely called the true onset of an "interesting situation".

In the first days when the implantation of the embryo occurred, after conception, pregnancy symptoms such as:

  • swelling, soreness of the breast;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • early toxicosis;
  • minor discharge;
  • the temperature rises;
  • fatigue;
  • minor discomfort.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the symptoms.

  1. Immediately after conception, swelling and soreness of the breasts appear - these are the first symptoms of hypersensitivity of the mammary glands. A barely noticeable touch can become painful. In the early stages, colostrum may begin to stand out from the nipples.
  2. Painful heaviness in the pelvis - there may be slight discomfort, there may be sensations of fullness of the uterus. For the body of every woman at such an early date, sensitivity to a new position manifests itself very individually.
  3. Early toxicosis - the expectant mother already feels unwell, nausea, she may not like food that seemed tasty before pregnancy, taste preferences may change. There may be an exacerbated reaction to familiar and new odors.
  4. Discharge - you can find a slight discharge of a brown, reddish or yellow hue, they appear in the first days of conception, and pass through the day. This indicates that the embryo has attached to the uterus.
    But it is also important to know that such a sign may indicate a possible threat of interruption of the "interesting situation" if the discharge is plentiful and accompanied by pain. In this case, an urgent appeal to a specialist is necessary.
  5. Violation of the temperature regime - in the first days, the body temperature can drop sharply, and then rise until the placenta begins its active work after conception. The first three weeks, an elevated body temperature of up to 37 degrees can be considered the norm. Such a jump occurs due to the release of a large amount of estrogen during pregnancy, which leads to a decrease in temperature, and then the release of progesterone, which leads to an increase in body temperature.
  6. Fatigue and malaise - the reason for this is reduced immunity, fever, general weakness. So the woman's body reacts to the embryo as something foreign, and tries to fight it. According to statistics, this period of malaise lasts the first 2 months, then with greater production of estrogen, the condition of the expectant mother returns to normal.

Each week is characterized by growth and the next stage

Early baby development

Although pregnancy did not officially occur from the first days of conception, these days are the most significant and make a huge contribution to the development of a new life. The child begins to form internal organs, nervous, respiratory, digestive systems. What happens in the first days with the embryo after conception - we will consider it step by step.

  1. After the zygote is formed, the development of the unborn child begins. From the first day of conception, a fertilized egg begins to make a difficult path to a source of nutrition, where it can fully develop. The ovum makes its way through the fallopian tubes, moving with the help of villi located on the inner surface of the fallopian tubes.
  2. On the second day, the egg is still moving towards its target, the process is accompanied by continuous cell division at a very intense pace.
  3. On the third day, the number of cells reaches 9.
  4. By the fourth day, the fertilized egg takes on the shape of a berry, similar to a blackberry. The egg is still moving towards the uterus. It is from this day that all vital systems, as well as the internal organs of the unborn baby, begin to form through embryogenesis.
  5. With a continuous process of cell division, cells - blastomeres - begin to form inside the fetal membrane. Their enzymes play the role of dissolving the uterine lining, helping the embryo adhere firmly to the uterine wall. On the fifth day, the fetal egg enters the uterus, is fixed there by launching its fibers into the endometrium, merging with tissues and blood vessels. Increases the level of the hCG hormone.
  6. On the sixth, seventh day, the level of progesterone in the expectant mother rises, the body temperature rises. The child continues its continuous intrauterine development, but still feeding only on its own resources.
  7. By the eighth, ninth day, the neural tube begins to form in the fetus, the placenta develops, which will be transformed for the next twelve weeks.

Complete reunification of the embryo with the uterus occurs on the fifth day within forty hours. The strongest connection between the body of the mother and the unborn child occurs on the twelfth day, when the baby begins to fully receive placental nutrition.

Possible dangers of the first days

The most crucial period throughout pregnancy is the first trimester - it is he who needs to be given special attention in order to prevent unwanted risks.

In the early days of conception, the main dangers are:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • improper development of the embryo;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

The following pathologies can provoke these risks.

  1. Cold.
  2. SARS.
  3. Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted.
  4. Alcohol, smoking.
  5. Discharge from the vagina, accompanied by pain.
  6. Severe pain in the pelvis.
  7. Stress.
  8. Physical activity, trauma.

HCG - the "hormone of pregnancy" appears in the blood of absolutely all expectant mothers

Therefore, it is so important to take care of yourself in advance and be extremely sensitive in the very first days of pregnancy.

To prevent threats, in the first days after conception, you should walk a lot in the fresh air, avoid overheating, hypothermia, stress, eat right, and follow a healthy lifestyle.

How to find out about the "interesting situation" in the early stages?

It is extremely difficult to determine an “interesting position” in short periods - only a week after conception. In the first days after conception, you can listen to internal sensations.

Consider the main ways to check pregnancy:

Method for determining conceptionDescription
Pregnancy testThe probability that this method will show the correct answer is high on the fifth day - then there is a sharp release of the hCG hormone. It is important to understand that from the first day of conception, using a pregnancy test, you can hardly see a second strip on it - the hCG level is still low, which will not give an accurate diagnosis.
Laboratory study (blood test for hCG hormone)With the help of an analysis for the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, it is possible to more confidently diagnose the presence or absence of an “interesting situation”.
Examination by a gynecologistWhen the uterus prepares to receive the embryo, it enlarges and swells. The cervix acquires a bluish tint, becomes loose, moist. This method of determination is valid for 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.
OvulationFirst you need to determine the possible days of conception from the menstruation calendar. To determine the starting point for a possible day, subtract 18 days from the shortest menstrual cycle. To determine the end of your fertile period, subtract 12 days from your longest period. This interval will be the most favorable for conception.
Possible individual sensations

Toxicosis can occur a week after conception, and after a few weeks

Every pregnancy is different for different women. Finding out if pregnancy is present on the first day after conception is almost impossible. But you can listen to your inner feelings and intuition.

  1. There are such rare cases when, due to their high sensitivity, some expectant mothers can observe signs of conception of an embryo even in the first days. They seem to feel the presence of a baby inside themselves, so they are firmly convinced of this.
  2. Not everyone has symptoms such as nausea, nervousness, apathy - they may not be at all throughout the entire period. In the early days, they also cannot unambiguously indicate the reliability of conception.
  3. If, however, the symptoms manifest themselves in a far from favorable way: severe pain, prolonged discharge with blood, then you should immediately consult a doctor - this can threaten the unborn baby.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

The first signs of pregnancy Pregnancy is a mysterious process, especially at the very beginning, when very impatient women want to know about its onset even before the delay in menstruation. The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages can be confused with the phenomena of premenstrual syndrome, but laboratory and instrumental research methods will help confirm conception. Why is it so important to establish the presence of a long-awaited pregnancy as early as possible? To reconsider your lifestyle and diet, if this has not been done in advance, to exclude, if possible, harmful factors and prepare to become a mother.

The process of conception: how it happens

Conception is a series of processes that follow after fertilization, as a result of which a new organism is born and continues to develop in the female body, that is, pregnancy occurs. Several factors precede the onset of pregnancy:

The time interval from the moment of sexual contact to implantation takes 7-12 days, so it is premature to talk about the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages of 1 week after intercourse.

Diagnosis of pregnancy at an early stage

Diagnosing pregnancy at the earliest stages is quite difficult, since the first symptoms, which both a woman and a doctor can regard as an onset of pregnancy, are also possible with various pathologies. Disorders such as premenstrual syndrome, disruption of the endocrine organs, neuropsychiatric diseases, or an overdose of certain drugs are not excluded.

But if a happy moment has occurred, then the first signs of pregnancy, which confirm its presence, are laboratory and instrumental studies. Early signs of pregnancy are due to hormonal changes (the production of hCG and progesterone).

Of the laboratory methods that confirm pregnancy, the determination of hCG in urine and blood serum is used. Determining the level of hCG in the blood can be carried out 14-21 days after intercourse, when conception has already occurred, and the embryonic trophoblast begins to intensively synthesize hCG. An increase in the level of the hormone in the blood is determined in a special laboratory.

pregnancy tests

Pregnancy test Such tests are an alternative to laboratory determination of hCG levels and are carried out at home. It is recommended to carry out the test no earlier than 4 - 5 weeks after coitus, that is, after a delay in menstruation. But it is possible to find out about pregnancy even earlier, even before the expected menstruation, subject to a long (35 days or more) menstrual cycle. The test is based on the detection of hCG in the urine.

Test rules:

  • conduct a test with morning urine (morning urine is concentrated, which means that the content of hCG in it is higher);
  • do not increase fluid intake if the test needs to be done during the day (urine is diluted and the hormone concentration decreases);
  • before performing the test, carefully study the instructions and act according to it;
  • do not use expired tests.

A false positive result when testing for pregnancy is possible in the following cases:

  • 1 - 1.5 months ago there was an abortion, miscarriage or childbirth (hCG is not immediately excreted from the body);
  • expired expiration date;
  • treatment with hCG-containing drugs (pregnil, horagon);
  • trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma).

A false negative result is also possible if:

  • the test was performed too early (fertilization has occurred, but implantation has not yet);
  • the threat of abortion (the level of hCG in the blood drops);
  • violation of the test instructions;
  • drink plenty of fluids before the test;
  • renal pathology;
  • arterial hypertension.

In any case, after a negative result, the procedure should be repeated after a few days.

Ultrasound procedure

Determination of pregnancy by ultrasound in the early stages The conclusion after the ultrasound is another sign of early pregnancy. However, in too early terms, ultrasound cannot serve as a 100% guarantee, since the future embryo, until it has reached a certain size, the doctor may not notice. When performing this instrumental study, in addition to confirming pregnancy, the following indicators are revealed:
  • localization of the fetal egg (in the uterus or in the tube, ovary, etc.);
  • determination of the viability of the embryo (is there a heartbeat);
  • the presence of the embryo itself in the fetal egg (detection of anembryony).

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear? As already noted, not earlier than 7 days after sexual contact.

The following signs allow you to suspect pregnancy even before a missed period:

Implant retraction
This sign is determined by the chart basal temperature, which is measured in the rectum. Only the woman who carefully and for a long time (at least 3 months) keeps a graph of the temperature curve is able to identify this sign.

On the eve of ovulation, the temperature drops by 0.2 - 0.4 degrees, but from the moment the egg leaves the follicle, the temperature rises sharply and becomes higher than 37 degrees. At this level, it lasts for about 12 - 14 days, and before the onset of menstruation, it begins to decline. Before the introduction of the egg into the endometrium, the production of progesterone decreases somewhat (after all, it is towards the end of the menstrual cycle), since the body is not yet aware of the fertilization that has occurred. But as soon as implantation has occurred and connections have been established between the fetal egg and the mother's body, the trophoblast begins to produce hCG, thanks to which the body is rebuilt to the pregnancy maintenance program. That is, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone, which supports the further growth and development of the embryo, and, accordingly, the basal temperature rises.

Later, after a delay in menstruation, the basal temperature exceeds 37 degrees and indirectly confirms pregnancy.

implantation bleeding
The process of introduction of the blastocyst into the thickness of the uterine mucosa may (but not necessarily) be accompanied by small bleeding. Blood discharge is due to the destruction of the walls of the vessels of the uterine mucosa. Do not expect obvious and too noticeable selections. There may be a bloody or pinkish discharge in the form of a couple of drops on linen or toilet paper. Implantation bleeding should be expected within 7 to 12 days from the date of sexual intercourse. If there were no “suspicious” discharges, this is not considered a pathology, just as it does not confirm or deny a possible pregnancy.

Feelings in the lower abdomen
After implantation, the blood supply to the genital organs, in particular the uterus, changes. The blood flow to the pelvic organs, in particular to the uterus, increases significantly, which improves its blood supply and provides the fetus with nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, for many women, one of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay is a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. Light tingling and even sipping are also possible, which is not a pathology (after all, the uterus begins its increased growth).

For the same reason (increased blood flow in the pelvis), hemorrhoids may appear or worsen, or veins in the legs may appear (the first sign of varicose veins). Undoubtedly, hemorrhoids and varicose veins are more likely to occur in the second half of pregnancy, when the uterus is already of considerable size and compresses the inferior vena cava, but in multiparous people, these phenomena can appear very early, even before the delay.

Unstable emotional state
Before the onset of the expected menstruation, most women, unaware of the new life that has arisen in them, become absent-minded and forgetful, or, on the contrary, too irritable and aggressive. Unexpected tears are suddenly replaced by laughter and vice versa. The reason for this is progesterone, which is produced to maintain pregnancy. But the lability of the psyche is quite possible with premenstrual syndrome, therefore, only those women who have had no PMS symptoms before can suspect pregnancy based on this symptom.

slight malaise
For a very short time, a woman may feel signs of a cold: mild malaise, fatigue, headache. A slight increase in body temperature is also possible, which, again, is associated with the action of progesterone on the thermoregulatory center. As soon as the embryo is fixed in the uterine wall and begins to actively "cooperate" with the mother's body, there is a decrease in immunity in the mother's body, which prevents the rejection of the fetal egg as a foreign body.

Feelings in the chest
This symptom can also be attributed to the phenomena of PMS. From the moment of conception, sensations in the mammary glands change dramatically. That is, before a woman did not feel her breasts at all, but now the slightest touch to her breasts causes pain. Swelling and swelling of the breast is also noted.

Arterial hypotension
A decrease in blood pressure is noted from the first days of pregnancy. Under the action of progesterone, the tone of smooth muscles decreases, including the muscle layer of the vascular wall, which leads to relaxation of the vessels and an increase in their diameter.

Frequent urination
Urination from the first days of pregnancy becomes more frequent, but remains painless. This symptom is due to the action of the same progesterone, increased blood supply to the pelvic organs, including in the bladder and kidneys, which increases renal filtration and urine production. Frequent urination persists until the very birth (in later periods, frequent visits to the toilet also provoke the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the bladder).

Signs of early toxicosis
Nausea, perversion of taste and smell, intolerance to various odors, salivation - all these phenomena are related to early toxicosis, although they are also possible with a number of other diseases (poisoning, pathology of the digestive tract, infection). Symptoms of early toxicosis are not so often observed before the delay of menstruation, and even after the fact of pregnancy is established, not all women have.

Is a missed period a pregnancy?

Delayed menstruation is not considered a reliable sign of pregnancy, especially in those women whose menstrual cycle was marked by irregularity. Before you run to the doctor with joy or in a panic, you should wait at least 5-7 days (counting from the first day of the expected and not occurring menstruation). Then take a pregnancy test, taking into account all the rules. If the result is negative, it is recommended to repeat the test after 3, at least 1 day.

In addition to a positive test, other signs of pregnancy are possible:

  • early toxicosis became more pronounced or only manifested itself;
  • soreness of the chest, its engorgement and swelling;
  • the appearance of a venous pattern on the mammary glands;
  • skin problems (the appearance of acne, even if it was not there before);
  • increased vaginal discharge, they have become creamy and milky in color;
  • sipping in the lumbar region and / or lower abdomen;
  • constipation, which is replaced by diarrhea (the action of progesterone);
  • drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • possible fainting (as a sign of arterial hypotension);
  • increased appetite or its complete absence (in case of toxicosis);
  • tendency to edema (swelling of the face after the legs, slight swelling of the arms and legs);
  • darkening of the white line of the abdomen and areola;
  • basal temperature is steadily elevated (above 37);
  • the appearance of headaches and migraines;
  • change in libido (strengthening or weakening).

To finally dispel doubts, you should visit a doctor. During a gynecological examination (even in the early stages of pregnancy), the doctor reveals the following signs that indirectly confirm the "interesting situation":

  • darkening of the skin, up to dark brown, of the external genital organs;
  • softening of the neck, changing its color from pale pink to cyanotic (bluish);
  • softening of the uterus, some increase in the early stages is possible, and later the enlarged uterus is well palpated according to the timing of the delay (8 weeks - a female fist, 10 weeks - a male fist, and so on).

To establish the final diagnosis, the gynecologist will prescribe an ultrasound scan (preferably with a transvaginal sensor), and in controversial cases, he will recommend donating blood for hCG.

The first probable and reliable signs of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy in the first days of conception are quite rare. Various changes in the body are much more noticeable when the embryo is a few weeks old. But let's look at all these noticeable and not so symptoms in more detail.

The likely signs of pregnancy in the first month are, basically, not the results of any medical procedures or tests, but the personal feelings of each individual woman. Experienced mothers who have given birth more than 2 times say that they themselves, without doctors, can easily determine an interesting position in themselves, for example, by breast size before the expected onset of menstruation, by nipple sensitivity, increased or decreased sexual desire, mild nausea, etc. And all this even then, as doctors say the impossibility of a correct diagnosis. But still, the signs of pregnancy in the first days of the delay are not reliable evidence of the emerging life. However, they cannot be left unattended. So, the very, very first feelings of the expectant mother.

1. Fatigue, insomnia, frequent mood swings, change in eating habits, etc. A lot has already been written about the latter phenomenon, but scientists are still inclined to the hypothesis that in this way the mother's body takes care of the child. For example, for the development of a baby and maintaining the immunity of a future mother, vitamin C is required, but not in very large quantities. Where is vitamin C found? In fruits, mainly in citrus fruits. That's why we see pregnant women buying kilos of oranges and tangerines. However, you need to be careful with this, as citrus fruits are one of the most allergenic foods on our table. From 1-2 fruits a day, of course, there will be no harm, but you definitely shouldn’t overeat them. By the way, vitamin C is also found in our “local” berries and herbs. For example, there is a lot of it in the wild rose. Do not be lazy - collect and dry these berries in the summer, then for a whole year you can make healthy and tasty rosehip tea for your loved ones and yourself. And from herbs, you can recommend fragrant lemon balm, it should also be used in the form of a decoction.

The fatigue of the expectant mother and mood changes, as symptoms of pregnancy in the first week, are also due to protective reactions. This is more often observed in women engaged in too nervous or physically hard work, which, without reducing the load, can provoke spontaneous abortion. Insomnia is more often caused by fear or vice versa by a strong desire of a lady to become a mother.

2. An increase in the amount of secretions from the genital tract. Firstly, in very rare cases, expectant mothers at the time of the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus may experience scant, barely noticeable bloody or brownish discharge. For reference: implantation occurs approximately one week after conception, and conception occurs in the middle of the cycle. The duration of the menstrual cycle of the average woman is 4 weeks, which means that these discharges should be expected no earlier than a week before the expected start of menstruation. By the way, it is from this moment, more precisely in the near future, that more obvious symptoms of pregnancy appear before the delay - such as a positive or weakly positive pregnancy test as a result of an increase in hCG. But more on that later.

Secondly, there may be an increase in colorless discharge, similar to those that occur during the period of ovulation. A woman expects her period, but instead of it there is only this discharge. Another interesting point - in some cases, menstruation can come on time in pregnant women. It should also be borne in mind that if the signs of pregnancy in the first days are bloody discharge (after the start of the delay), instead of "normal" bleeding, it will not hurt to check for pregnancy. But to notice the difference is quite simple, these discharges are shorter and very scarce. It should also be borne in mind that this bloody discharge is one of the symptoms of a threatened or incipient miscarriage, especially if regular, pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen, in the uterus or ovaries join the discharge. Therefore, if your position is confirmed by a gynecologist and ultrasound, you will have to keep bed rest at home or go to the hospital.

3. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. The phenomenon is quite common, and not only among expectant mothers. Every month, cyclical changes occur in the female body, and they concern the mammary glands, as well. Someone calls it mastopathy, in fact, a slight soreness of the breast before menstruation is a normal phenomenon, indicating that the woman's body is working correctly. However, if conception has occurred, the pain is usually constant and more noticeable. If you are afraid that discomfort may not be associated with pregnancy, but, say, with the pathology of the mammary glands, at least you need to conduct a breast self-examination (palpation). If the cause is a neoplasm, the pain is felt locally in any area, and during pregnancy, both breasts hurt equally. A little later, colostrum may begin to stand out from the nipples when pressed. This phenomenon is natural, but if these symptoms of pregnancy are absent in the early stages, you should not worry either. According to the state of the mammary glands, it is possible with a high degree of probability to determine any trouble, for example, a fetal arrest in development. In this case, the breast one day becomes soft, as at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and absolutely painless.

4. Toxicosis. As a rule, reliable signs of pregnancy in the early stages, which include regular nausea and vomiting, do not appear. But in some cases, especially sensitive women may experience ailments in the morning. But it's pretty easy to get rid of it. For example, in the morning you can drink a mint decoction or a decoction of lemon balm. Weak tea with lemon or just lemon is also suitable ... without tea. In general, there are a lot of ways. However, do not confuse toxicosis with poisoning. Usually, in case of poisoning, in addition to vomiting, there is also diarrhea and general malaise. With early toxicosis, a woman feels unwell only at certain times of the day and when taking any food, inhaling any odors, and not regularly.

5. Fever, fever. The body temperature may rise to subfebrile values, while other symptoms of diseases are absent. If this is about you, then measure your basal temperature. It is best to take measurements in the morning and in the rectum, then the result will be much more reliable. If you have already begun to delay or are about to begin, and the basal temperature is above 37 degrees, then it is quite possible that the reason for the conception has occurred. But these are, rather, dubious signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation ... Too many factors can affect the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat the thermometer will show. Say, if you got up at night to use the toilet, then it is likely that the temperature will be elevated without pregnancy, or if sexual intercourse was a few hours before the measurements.

6. Increased urination. As a rule, it is observed at the earliest stages and up to childbirth. These symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception are due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which contributes to some relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder, and in the last trimester, the strong pressure of the fetus on the bladder.

7. Delayed menstruation. Actually, this is the very first and reliable sign of an interesting situation. Violation of the cycle is the reason for a visit to the doctor and subsequent testing. However, not always the absence of menstruation occurs only in expectant mothers. Delays occur with strong nervous tension (for example, during a session with female students), with a sharp change in climate (from cold Siberia to hot Egypt), sudden and severe weight loss and various hormonal disorders caused by certain malfunctions in the body.

To determine the above symptoms, the presence of a doctor, the purchase of any diagnostic items and medical procedures are optional, but they are not so reliable. In addition to them, other important points must be taken into account.

1. Pregnancy test and blood test for hCG. The simplest and most affordable diagnostics for every lady. As a rule, the results are not erroneous, at least if the test is done without violating the instructions and after the onset of a missed period. The tests come in different sensitivities, but they don't differ too much from each other. The most “sensitive” ones allow you to determine an interesting position approximately 12 days after conception, that is, 2-3 days before the delay, the less sensitive ones - from the first day of the delay, so the difference is not great. Tests show a second line if the woman's urine contains the hormone chorionic gonadotropin, produced by the developing placenta - the chorion (hence the name - chorionic). When the first signs of pregnancy have just begun to appear before menstruation, you should do a test in the morning, when the hCG content is maximum, it is more reliable. A weak second strip, as a rule, also indicates pregnancy.

A blood test for hCG allows you to make an accurate diagnosis even earlier - already 8-10 days after conception. This analysis is necessarily done to women who become pregnant with the help of IVF. But if you don’t know exactly when you ovulate, just like that, for the sake of curiosity, you still shouldn’t take an analysis. This, of course, is not harmful, but it is not free and not necessary, and the results are not the fact that they will be accurate. Let's say a woman can ovulate on the 20th day, and someone on this day is already being tested for the presence of hCG, which, of course, will be negative, while pregnancy in this cycle is still possible.

2. Ultrasound examination and gynecological examination. Both the first and second are relevant with a delay of more than two to three weeks. It was then that on the monitor you can see a tiny, literally a couple of millimeters fetal egg, and the doctor can accurately diagnose an enlarged uterus in connection with future motherhood. However, ultrasound at such early dates, according to indications, is done quite rarely, only with the existing threat of miscarriage, when the existing signs of pregnancy in the first week suddenly disappear for no reason (that is, with a missed pregnancy), or when there is a suspicion of ectopic localization fertilized egg. Do not worry, you are unlikely to be asked to drink water before the procedure, since they will not look through the abdominal wall, but with a vaginal sensor.

That's all the main probable and reliable signs of an interesting situation. We hope you find this information useful.

Feeling a slight malaise, a woman is sometimes in doubt: are these symptoms the first signs of pregnancy?

To be sure, you need to know exactly how pregnancy develops, what clinical picture is typical for the early stages, and how you can verify the presence of pregnancy using modern methods.

The mature egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. Under appropriate conditions, it is fertilized by the most active sperm.

In this case, fertilization may be slightly "dragged" in time. Sometimes this takes several days, since spermatozoa move at a speed of about 2 cm / hour.

From the moment of fertilization, the zygote begins to divide. From each of its cells, 2 new ones are born.

The division process is extremely fast. Already by the 8th week of pregnancy, the basic life support systems are laid in the embryo.

However, the zygote is not only divided. She needs to find a place where she can attach to the wall and continue to grow without experiencing a lack of nutrients. Therefore, the fertilized egg continues its journey through the fallopian tube, slowly approaching the uterus.

This journey takes 1-2 weeks. Only after the implantation of the embryo can we talk about the onset of pregnancy.

The first likely signs of pregnancy

While the egg travels through the fallopian tube, the woman's body is carefully preparing for pregnancy.

As a result, the hormonal background changes, which has a significant impact on chemical reactions and blood composition.

At this moment, the woman begins to feel the first signs that make it possible to judge the onset of pregnancy. They can be characterized as presumptive, since at this time the pregnancy has not yet been confirmed.

  • Pain in the pelvic area.

In the very early stages of pregnancy, the stomach most often hurts at the time of implantation of the fetal egg.

At this time, there may be a slight tingling on the side where the egg is attached.

  • Unusual vaginal discharge.

This is another early sign of pregnancy.

Their color may change somewhat. Often the discharge becomes whitish and more abundant. This happens as a result of a large production of progesterone.

If the discharge resembles a curdled mass, smells unpleasant and causes itching, it is necessary to be examined for. can sometimes provoke a miscarriage. - a sign of sexual infection.

Discomfort is due to swelling of the mammary glands. The areola of the nipple becomes especially sensitive.

Often, women complain that the pain is caused by a simple touch on the nipple. It is considered a very dubious sign.

Even in the same woman with her first child, severe chest pains can be a symptom of pregnancy, and a sign of a second pregnancy in the early stages may be, on the contrary, a complete absence of pain.

  • Change in taste.

This sign of pregnancy appears after a missed period.

Previously favorite foods cause disgust and bouts of nausea. Sometimes a woman is sincerely surprised why the sight of a fried chicken leads to vomiting, and the smell of laundry soap seems to be a heavenly aroma.

Similar signs are evidence of hormonal changes and. The adaptation of the organism proceeds according to an individual scheme. In one woman, the urge to vomit may be absent, in another, the smell and type of food leads to indomitable vomiting.

To reduce unpleasant symptoms, it is often enough to eliminate their cause by getting rid of foods that provoke attacks of nausea, as well as devoting enough time to walking and sleeping.

Severe toxicosis with repeated vomiting may be a sign of multiple pregnancy.

  • Feeling completely broken.

Many women at the beginning of pregnancy have a constant desire to cry or throw a tantrum. This condition is characteristic of almost every woman in an "interesting" position. Apathy, depression and fatigue will pass as soon as the adaptation of the body to new conditions is completed.

  • Changes in the functioning of the digestive system.

Many women will feel what a change in the intestinal microflora means. Diarrhea and constipation, bloating, increased flatulence are possible.

  • Frequent urination.

The growth of the zygote significantly affects the organs located near the uterus, in particular, the bladder. Therefore, frequent urination is observed already from the 5th week, when the uterus begins to intensively increase in size, and continues until the 12th-13th week.

In addition, the bladder now responds to a smaller volume of fluid due to the rush of blood to the pelvis.

  • Easy .

Often the malaise is accompanied by nasal congestion and chills, common for SARS.

If within a few days the condition does not worsen and the cold does not manifest itself in its full glory, it can be suspected that the change in the hormonal background that is characteristic of pregnancy is to blame.

  • Decreased tone of blood vessels.

In this case, a woman complains of weakness, dizziness and headaches.

Hypotension negatively affects the fetus, as it does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.

If hypotension can be caused by pregnancy, hypertension is a disease caused by other causes. In any case, examination and appropriate treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist is necessary.

The list of these symptoms can be supplemented by external signs of pregnancy. Already in the first week after conception, the condition of the skin may change.

The T-zone of the face and areola of the nipple often darkens due to increased pigmentation. By the end of the first trimester, a dark line on the skin will become noticeable, stretching from the bottom of the uterus to the pubis.

The work of the sebaceous glands can normalize and acne almost completely disappears. Unusual signs of pregnancy include: increased sweating, brittle hair and nails.

Often the condition of the teeth worsens. All these signs appear as a result of the development of the fetus. The child takes from the mother's body the substances necessary for its own development.

You can improve your appearance by resorting to a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

It is better to consult a gynecologist who will advise which ones to take.

Personal experience

My first pregnancy came when I was 19 years old. That's not counting the two attempts when miscarriages occurred. How happy I was when I saw the cherished 2 strips on the test.

Given the fact that I was once diagnosed with infertility (and no doctor can put it 100%), I did not fanatically try to get pregnant. Probably, therefore, she did not betray special importance to the primary signs. As it turned out later, only at the 6th week of pregnancy I felt that the body began to change.

Every second girl before menstruation may have a rash on her face and pain in the mammary glands. After the end of the cycle, the pain goes away. For me, it remained just as strong, sometimes it was impossible to sleep on my stomach. Mom immediately noticed an increase in her breasts by one size. To say that I got better - no. I then dropped about 10 kg due to stress, treatment, etc.

My husband began to often reproach me for feeling unwell - I slept a lot, my appetite disappeared, I became very capricious. The last factor is not manifested in all girls. At the same time, sexual intercourse even at such an early date brought a lot of inconvenience. This worried me.

But due to my convictions, I thought that this was just fatigue due to work, lack of sleep and problems at work. Couldn't relax. and, of course, the delay. Although, according to my calculations, I got pregnant just on the last days of menstruation, some kind of miracle.

I didn’t betray much importance, because for me it was normal - hormonal disruptions, and other problems. If it were not for my mother, who believed in the power of the spirit, I would not have taken the test and found my baby at 6 weeks.

The second pregnancy was different. I was 20 years old, still young, inexperienced. Since I was breastfeeding my first child, the pregnancy came during lactation. There was no less milk, but already at 2-3 weeks I felt pain in my stomach.

This fact was used to create special strips showing the excess concentration of chorionic gonadotropin.

Too bright second line on the test may be a sign of twin pregnancy

With kidney disease or excessive fluid intake, the test may show an incorrect result. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.

A home test cannot replace medical diagnosis. Human chorionic gonadotropin contains alpha and beta hCG.

The presence of pregnancy can be judged by an increase in the concentration of beta-hCG. Therefore, already 8-12 days after the date of the intended conception, a blood test for hCG will dispel your doubts.

Every 2 days there is a twofold increase in the concentration of the hormone. Similar dynamics is observed up to 7-10 weeks. Then, the indicator begins to slowly decrease.

In parallel with the blood test, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination.

While conventional ultrasound is able to detect pregnancy 15-20 days after the delay, transvaginal ultrasound, a method of inserting a special probe through the vagina, gives a result 10-14 days after the delay.

At 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound of the abdomen can show a fetal egg. However, the definition of pregnancy is not always 100% reliable with the help of ultrasound. The reason for this may be outdated equipment or low qualification of personnel.

Sometimes pregnancy is confused with fibroids. The old equipment is simply not capable of treating early pregnancy. Even doctors warn that it is worth conducting a study no earlier than the 10th day after the delay in order to reduce the likelihood of error.

What are the early signs of a multiple pregnancy?

You can recognize it already on the basis of the first signs.

So, many women complain of excessive fatigue and drowsiness.

This condition lasts much longer than in a normal pregnancy. The body is under heavy stress, bearing twins.

To nourish the embryos, 2 times more oxygen and other substances are needed that are taken from a woman.

It is possible that toxicosis will manifest itself much earlier and more strongly. However, this symptom develops individually and a healthy woman with multiple pregnancies may not feel unwell.

Since 2 or more embryos develop, the production of hCG is especially intense. Therefore, a pregnancy test can give a bright result in the form of a bold and distinct strip.

Multiple pregnancy is determined quite accurately by the AFP test.

Alphafetoprotein is an embryonic protein that is produced by the gastrointestinal tract and liver of the fetus after the 5th week of pregnancy.

There is protein in the blood of a woman, its rate increases proportionally with the growth of the fetus. Exceeding the permissible concentration usually indicates fetal abnormalities, but may also be a sign of multiple pregnancy.

Two developing embryos provide rapid weight gain. An increase in the entire pregnancy of about 12 kilograms is considered normal. A woman pregnant with twins gains 16-21 kilograms

If ultrasound is considered a fairly accurate method in detecting a normal pregnancy, the device is not able to “view” twins in the early stages. Therefore, twins can be guaranteed with confidence only at 5-6 weeks, when you can catch the heartbeat of the embryos.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without risks and successfully end with the birth of a healthy baby, after the first signs appear, it is necessary to register in a gynecological consultation.

Of course, the period of pregnancy is a great time for every expectant mother. Sometimes a woman can plan the birth of a baby, but there are times when the onset of pregnancy is an unexpected surprise for her.

One way or another, having learned about the new period of her life, a woman needs to save the child and provide herself with reliable protection from diseases and negative factors.

Why is it important to recognize pregnancy early?

Very often situations arise when spouses did not plan to conceive a child in the near future, but fertilization did occur for one reason or another. Of course, no matter how healthy a woman is, she will have to reconsider her lifestyle as a whole.

It is extremely important to recognize pregnancy as early as possible so as not to harm the fetus and not jeopardize its full development.

A few facts confirming the need to recognize pregnancy at an early stage:

  • the conception was unplanned, and the expectant mother had already managed to consume products that were harmful to the fetus, or subjected the body to strong physical exertion;
  • the woman before the onset of pregnancy had contraindications to the conception of a child;
  • the expectant mother may take the opened bleeding for the onset of menstruation;
  • not knowing about pregnancy, a woman can continue taking medications that are prohibited in the first trimester;
  • timely registration will help to identify existing fetal pathologies at an early stage.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important period in the development of the fetus. It is extremely important to get rid of all negative influences on the child as early as possible. The earlier a woman finds out about pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of her proceeding without complications.

It is also important that the specialist will detect genetic developmental anomalies at an early stage.

What are the symptoms of early pregnancy

The completed process of fertilization is the reason for the beginning of the hormonal restructuring of the woman's body. The hormonal changes that occur during this period radically change the state of the expectant mother.

This period of time is very difficult to diagnose, in some women it is completely asymptomatic. But, as a rule, already in the first days after the implantation of the embryo, many expectant mothers already notice the onset of an “interesting situation”.

Symptoms of early pregnancy are:

Many future mothers do not have traditional manifestations of the onset of a new period for her, it also happens that the symptoms are completely absent throughout the entire time.

As a rule, only the early stages of pregnancy have such dim symptoms; after a short period of time, the baby will remind of itself more and more often.

It should be remembered that the appearance of at least one early sign is a signal that it is time to get rid of bad habits and stress, normalize nutrition and stop taking any medications. And also without fail, a woman needs to be registered and monitored by a gynecologist.

What are the symptoms during pregnancy

After the implantation of the fetal egg is completed, all systems of the woman's body undergo hormonal changes. During this period, symptoms appear, with the occurrence of which the expectant mother is unlikely to be able to doubt the onset of an “interesting” situation for her.

Symptoms during pregnancy:

Often among pregnant women you can hear that the symptoms give them a lot of discomfort. But any negative sign can brighten up the idea that soon all this will end and a baby will be born.

What are the symptoms of an early ectopic pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is a pathology of pregnancy in which a fertilized egg is not attached to the uterus itself, but outside it. This pathological condition is very dangerous and requires urgent help from specialists. It threatens not only with damage to the female internal genital organs, but also with the onset of bleeding.

A few signs that distinguish an ordinary pregnancy from an ectopic:

  • pregnancy tests give a negative or weakly positive result;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • constant dizziness;
  • cutting pain in the region of the ovaries and uterus;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

Unfortunately, this pathology has the same symptoms that accompany a healthy pregnancy. But still, in most cases, there are signs that will alert the woman and force her to seek medical help.

It is worth remembering that not a single such pathological pregnancy has a successful outcome.

There is an opinion that after an ectopic pregnancy, a woman remains infertile. Experts say that this opinion is erroneous. It is quite possible to get pregnant, the main thing is to listen to the doctor's recommendations and set yourself up only for the good.

What are the first symptoms of a missed pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is a cessation of the development and formation of the fetus, in other words, its death in the womb. Fetal death occurs without any symptoms of miscarriage, it can happen at any time and for a variety of reasons.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy:

  1. Allocations. In the first days after the death of the fetus, they may be of the usual white color, then, as the embryo decomposes, red streaks begin to appear in them.
  2. Termination of toxicosis. On the first day after the death of the embryo, the urge to nausea is present as usual, after 3-4 days they disappear.
  3. Change in well-being. After the death of the fetus, there is an increase in body temperature, sharp pain in the uterus and weakness.

As a rule, having felt something was wrong, the expectant mother hurries to contact her gynecologist. The death of the fetus can only be diagnosed by a specialist, based on the results of ultrasound.

Ultrasound indicators for a missed pregnancy will be as follows:

  • the heartbeat of the embryo is not audible;
  • the size of the fetal egg does not correspond to the gestational age;
  • there is a deformation of the fetal egg;
  • the fetus is not visualized.

In addition to ultrasound, a woman may be prescribed a blood test for the level of hCG. The result of the analysis during a missed pregnancy may be to identify a low concentration of hCG, or a significant lag behind the norm.

It is impossible to get rid of a frozen pregnancy on your own, all attempts will lead to bleeding.

Summing up, we can say that, ideally, it is better to plan the onset of pregnancy in advance, lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit a gynecologist. But even if such good news was not at all part of the plans for the near future, a woman needs to register on time and ensure better health protection for herself and her baby.

And in the next video - more information about the symptoms of pregnancy.

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