Home Vegetables Punctuation in my opinion. "In my opinion" is separated by commas or not? Meanings of introductory words

Punctuation in my opinion. "In my opinion" is separated by commas or not? Meanings of introductory words

There are rules in the Russian language, the formulation of which turns out to be rather complicated, it is difficult to reduce it to some elementary scheme (for example, the rule for spelling adverbs). At first glance, the rule for punctuation marks for introductory words, phrases and sentences consists in a single wording - they are distinguished on both sides of the letter by commas. However, in reality, the difficulties associated with the use of introductory words and phrases in texts lead to a huge number of errors in the written work of schoolchildren and applicants.

The standard errors associated with punctuation in introductory words are the following:
The word that is introductory is not highlighted;
A word is highlighted that is mistaken for an introductory word, but is not;
The writer inaccurately uses punctuation marks when including an introductory word in the text.
In the first paragraph of this article, you can find four cases of using the rule for punctuation with introductory words, although the introductory word in it is one - "for example." The word "however" is not introductory in the proposed context, performing the function of the union "but", the combinations "at first glance" and "actually", considered by many writers as introductory, are not such at all.

So, what words will be introductory and what are the features of using punctuation marks in introductory constructions?

Introductory words are called words and sentences that are not grammatically related to the general structure of the sentence. Introductory words are not members of the sentence, they cannot be questioned. Introductory sentences and plug-in constructions are not included in the general scheme of the sentence, they are comments that are not related or not closely related to the general meaning of the sentence. Both introductory words and introductory sentences are isolated, that is, the writer uses a distinguishing punctuation mark - paired commas, dashes, brackets.

Below we will try to understand the specifics of the rule for the use of introductory words and phrases in the text. In order for everyone to check how accurately he understood the proposed section of the rule, exercises for self-analysis will be offered after each fragment. Our exercises are somewhat different from those offered in most tutorials. These are not separate phrases, but a coherent text, not quite traditional in content, but extremely rich in introductory combinations, which will allow you to more effectively work out the passed section of the rule.

Basic rule: the introductory word or phrase is separated by commas on both sides.

The main mistake of most writers is associated with inaccurate knowledge of the list of introductory words. Therefore, first of all, you should learn which words can be introductory, which groups of introductory words can be distinguished and which words are never introductory.


1. introductory words expressing the speaker's feelings in connection with what was said: fortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to annoyance, to horror, to misfortune, what good ...
2. introductory words expressing the speaker's assessment of the degree of reliability of what he said: of course, undoubtedly, of course, indisputably, obviously, certainly, probably, perhaps, right, maybe, should, it seems, apparently, apparently, in essence, in fact, I think ... This group of introductory words is the most numerous.
3. introductory words indicating the sequence of thoughts presented and their connection with each other: firstly, so, therefore, in general, it means, by the way, further, however, finally, on the one hand ... This group is also quite large and insidious.
4. introductory words indicating the techniques and ways of shaping thoughts: in a word, in other words, in other words, or rather, more precisely, so to speak ...
5. introductory words indicating the source of the message: they say, in my opinion, according to ..., according to rumors, according to information ..., according to ..., in my opinion, I remember ...
6. introductory words, which are the speaker's appeal to the interlocutor: see (whether), know, understand, forgive, please, agree ...
7. introductory words indicating an assessment of the measure of what is being said: at most, at least ...
8. introductory words showing the degree of commonness of what was said: it happens, it happened, as usual ...
9. introductory words expressing the expressiveness of the statement: apart from jokes, it’s funny to say, to be honest, between us…

Writers' mistakes are associated, first of all, with the incorrect characterization of the word as introductory, in other words, with the isolation of a word that is not introductory.

The following words are not introductory words and are not separated by commas in the letter:
literally, as if, in addition, all of a sudden, after all, here, out, hardly, after all, ultimately, hardly, even, precisely, exclusively, as if, as if, just, meanwhile, almost, therefore, therefore, approximately, approximately, moreover, moreover, simply, decisively, as if... - this group includes particles and adverbs, which most often turn out to be erroneously isolated as introductory.
according to tradition, according to advice ..., according to instructions ..., on demand ..., by order ..., according to plan ... - these combinations act as non-isolated members of the sentence - On the advice of her older sister, she decided to enter Moscow State University. By order of the doctor, the patient was put on a strict diet. According to the author's intention, the novel was to cover the period up to 1825.

Task 1. Put the missing punctuation marks. Try to figure out which groups the introductory words used in the text belong to.

To my shame, I do not read serious literature, preferring detective stories to it, and between us talking romance novels. Firstly, it seems that I do not always correctly grasp the author's intention, but I can follow the ups and downs of the plot of a crime story well. Secondly, I am absolutely not interested in describing the fictional experiences of the characters, so I usually skip almost half the book. Apparently, I'm just one of those people who, to put it mildly, should not read "serious" literature. In addition, this literature, in my opinion, is often written by people who have not fully realized themselves in practical activities, in other words, unemployed, and detective stories are created by former and current employees of the competent authorities, who, you see, have proven their right to understand the essence of what they describe. Of course, from the point of view of style, these novels unfortunately seem to be written off from one another, but on the other hand, the plots can, without any doubt, excite even a distinguished philologist.
For example, novels about the everyday life of police officers cannot but captivate. According to literary critics, these books are allegedly devoid of artistic merit. Therefore, reading such a work does not essentially develop our intellect, but believe me, the pleasure from the process of complicity in the investigation of a bloody crime essentially adds so much adrenaline that the intellect rises, as it were, by itself. It happens that the reader, before the heroes of the novel, guesses who, according to the author's intention, commits a crime. Perhaps it is this illusion of your superiority over the policemen participating in the action that, among other things, gives you a sense of involvement in the novel's plot, while unfortunately no one can even virtually imagine himself as one of the heroes of a postmodern novel.
Further, any detective reader knows that evil will eventually be punished and, needless to say, justice will prevail. Thus, these books provide an opportunity to hope for the triumph of good, and in my opinion this alone is a fairly good reason for the publication of such works that, in essence, do not interfere with anyone. Maybe many will not agree with me, but agree, we all know people who have never mastered "War and Peace" and are unlikely to remember the content of the novel "Oblomov", but to be honest, even my friends professors and academicians often spend their leisure time leafing through new detective.

Depending on the context, the same words can either act as introductory words or as members of a sentence:

MAYBE and MAYBE, MUST BE, IT SEEMS act as introductory, if they indicate the degree of reliability of the reported - Maybe I'll come tomorrow? Our teacher has been gone for two days; maybe he got sick. You must be the first time you meet such a phenomenon. I think I saw him somewhere. These same words can be in the role of predicates - What can a meeting with you bring me? How can a person be so optional! This should be your own decision. All this seems very suspicious to me.
OBVIOUSLY, POSSIBLY, SHOWN turn out to be introductory if they indicate the degree of reliability of the statement - Do you obviously want to apologize for your act? Next month I may go on vacation. You don't seem to want to tell us the whole truth? The same words can be included in the composition of the predicates - It became obvious to everyone that we had to look for another way to solve the problem. This was made possible thanks to the coordinated actions of the fire brigade. The sun is not visible because of the clouds.
PROBABLY, CORRECTLY, EXACTLY, NATURALLY turn out to be introductory when indicating the degree of reliability of the reported (in this case they are interchangeable or can be replaced by words of this group that are close in meaning) - You probably (=should be), and you don’t understand how important it is to do it on time. You, right, are the same Sidorov? She certainly was a beauty. All these considerations, of course, are only our assumptions. The same words turn out to be members of the sentence (circumstances) - He correctly (=correctly, the circumstance of the mode of action) translated the text. I don't know for sure (=probably a modus operandi), but he must have done it to spite me. The student accurately (=correctly) solved the problem. This naturally (=in a natural way) led us to the only correct answer.
BTW is an introductory word if it indicates a connection of thoughts - He is a good sportsman. By the way, he also studies well. This word does not act as an introductory word in the meaning of "at the same time" - I'll go for a walk, by the way I'll buy bread.
BTW turns out to be an introductory word, indicating a connection of thoughts - Her parents, girlfriends and, by the way, best friend are against the trip. This word can be used as a non-introductory word in the context - He made a long speech, in which, among other things, he noted that he would soon become our boss.
FIRST OF ALL, as an introductory word indicates the connection of thoughts - First of all (= firstly), is it necessary to raise such a delicate topic at all? The same word can act as a circumstance of time (=first) – First of all, I want to send greetings from your parents. It must be said that in the same phrase "first of all" can be considered as an introductory, or not, depending on the will of the author.
REALLY, DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY will be introductory if they indicate the degree of reliability of the reported - From this hill, indeed (= exactly, in fact, without any doubt), the best view opened. Undoubtedly (=really, really), your child is capable of music. He has certainly read this novel. - or at the reception of the formulation of thoughts - That, in fact, is the whole story. The same words are not introductory if they appear in other meanings - I really am the way you imagined me (= in fact, in fact). He was undoubtedly a talented composer (= no doubt, actually). She is certainly right in offering us such a simple way to solve the problem (=very, quite right). I didn't really have anything against the school, but I didn't want to go to this one (= in general, exactly). The words "really" and "unconditionally", depending on the intonation proposed by the speaker, may in the same context be either introductory or not.
THUS, NEXT, THEN, FINALLY, IN THE END as introductory words indicate a sequence of thoughts - And, then, she turned out to be a celebrity. Next, we will talk about our findings. Thus (=so), our results do not contradict those obtained by other scientists. She is smart, beautiful and, finally, she is very kind to me. What, after all, do you want from me? Usually sentences containing the above words complete a series of enumerations, the words themselves have the meaning "and more". In the context above, the words "firstly", "secondly", "on the one hand", etc. may occur. "Thus" in the meaning of the introductory word turns out to be not only the completion of the enumeration, but also the conclusion.

The same words do not stand out as introductory in the meanings: "in this way" = "in this way" - Thus he was able to move the heavy cabinet. "Next" = "then" - Next, the floor is given to the second opponent. Usually in the previous context there are circumstances of time, for example "at first". "Later" = "then, after that" - And then he became a famous scientist. "Finally" = "in the end, finally, after everything, as a result of everything" - Finally, all things were successfully completed. Usually, in this sense, the particle "-something" can be added to the word "finally", which cannot be done if "finally" is an introductory word. In the same meanings as above for "finally", the combination "in the end" is not introductory - In the end (= as a result) an agreement was reached.
HOWEVER is introductory if it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence - It has, however, been raining for the second week, despite the forecasts of weather forecasters. How clever I am, however! "However" does not turn out to be introductory at the beginning of a sentence and at the beginning of a part of a complex sentence, when it acts as an adversative conjunction (= but) - However, people did not want to believe in his good intentions. We did not hope to meet, but we were lucky.
IN GENERAL is introductory in the sense of "generally speaking", when it indicates the way thoughts are formed - His work, in general, is of interest only to a narrow circle of specialists. In other senses, the word "generally" is an adverb in the sense of "as a whole, completely, in all respects, under all conditions, always" - Ostrovsky is for the Russian theater what Pushkin is for literature in general. Under the new law, smoking in the workplace is generally prohibited.
MY WAY, YOUR WAY, OUR WAY, YOUR WAY are introductory, indicating the source of the message - your child, in my opinion, has caught a cold. Do you think this proves something? The word "in his own way" is not introductory - He is right in his own way.
OF COURSE is most often introductory, indicates the degree of reliability of the statement - Of course, we are ready to help you in everything. Sometimes this word is not isolated if intonation is distinguished by a tone of confidence, conviction. In this case, the word "of course" is considered an amplifying particle - I certainly would agree if you warned me in advance.
ANYWAY more often it is introductory and is used for evaluation - I, in any case, would not like to remember this. These words, in any case, testify to the seriousness of his attitude to life. In the meaning of "always, under any circumstances" this combination is not introductory - in any case, I had to meet him today and talk to him.
IN REALLY, it is NOT introductory more often, speaking in the meaning of "really" - Petya is really well versed in computers. I really don't belong here. Less often, this phrase turns out to be introductory, if it serves to express bewilderment, indignation - Why are you, in fact, pretending to be a smart guy?
IN TURN, it can be introductory when it indicates the connection of thoughts or the way thoughts are formulated - Among many modern writers, Vladimir Sorokin is of interest, and among his books, in turn, "Roman" can be highlighted. Asking me to help him with his work, he, in turn, did not mess around either. The same phrase can be non-introductory in the meanings "in response", "on my part" (= when the turn comes) - Masha, in turn, told about how she spent the summer.
MEAN is introductory if it can be replaced by the words "therefore", "therefore" - The message is complex, which means it needs to be transmitted today. The rain has already stopped, so we can go for a walk. If she fights so hard with us, then she feels right. This word may turn out to be a predicate, close in meaning to "means" - the Dog means more to him than his wife. When you are truly friends with a person, it means that you trust him in everything. "So" can be between the subject and the predicate, especially when they are expressed in infinitives. In this case, a dash is placed before "means" - To be offended means to recognize oneself as weak. To be friends means to trust your friend.
On the contrary, it is introductory if it indicates a connection of thoughts - He did not want to offend her, but, on the contrary, tried to ask her for forgiveness. Instead of playing sports, she, on the contrary, sits at home all day. The combination "and vice versa" is not an introductory combination, which can act as a homogeneous member of a sentence, it is used as a word that replaces the whole sentence or part of it. - In the spring, girls change: brunettes become blondes and vice versa (i.e. blondes become brunettes). The more you study, the higher marks you get, and vice versa (i.e. if you study a little, the marks will be bad; the comma before "and" appears at the end of the sentence part - it turns out, as it were, a compound sentence, where "on the contrary" replaces its second part). I know that he will fulfill my request and vice versa (i.e. I will fulfill it, there is no comma before "and", since "vice versa" replaces a homogeneous clause).
AT LEAST it is introductory, if grades matter - Misha, at least, knows how to behave, and does not pick his teeth with a fork. This phrase can be used in the meanings of "no less than", "the least", then it is not isolated - She will at least know that her father did not live in vain. At least five of the class must take part in cross-country skiing.
FROM THE POINT OF VIEW is introductory in the meaning of "according to" - From my grandmother's point of view, a girl should not wear trousers. Her answer, from the point of view of the examiners, deserves the highest marks. The same turnover may have the meaning "in relation to" and then it is not introductory - The work is going according to plan in terms of timing. If we evaluate the behavior of the heroes of some literary works from the point of view of modern morality, then it should be considered immoral.
IN PARTICULAR, it stands out as introductory if it indicates the connection of thoughts in the statement - She is interested, in particular, in the question of the contribution of this scientist to the development of the theory of relativity. The company takes an active part in charitable activities and, in particular, helps orphanage No. 187. If the combination IN PARTICULAR is at the beginning or at the end of the connecting structure, then it is not separated from this structure (this will be discussed in more detail in the next section) I love books about animals, especially about dogs. My friends, in particular Masha and Vadim, vacationed this summer in Spain. The specified combination is not distinguished as an introductory one if it is connected by the union "and" with the word "in general" - The conversation turned to politics in general and, in particular, to the latest decisions of the government.
MAINLY it is introductory when it serves to evaluate some fact, highlight it in a statement - The textbook should be rewritten and, mainly, such chapters should be added to it ... The room was used on solemn occasions and, mainly, for organizing ceremonial dinners. This combination can be part of the connecting construction, in this case, if it is at its beginning or end, it is not separated from the comma construction itself - Many Russian people, mainly representatives of the intelligentsia, did not believe the promises of the government. In the meaning of “first of all”, “most of all”, this combination is not introductory and does not stand apart - He was afraid of writing mainly because of his illiteracy. What I like most about him is his relationship with his parents.
FOR EXAMPLE will always be introductory, but is formatted differently. It can be separated by commas on both sides - Pavel Petrovich is a person who is extremely attentive to his appearance, for example, he carefully cares for his nails. If "for example" appears at the beginning or at the end of an already isolated member, then it is not separated from this turnover by a comma - In many large cities, for example, in Moscow, an unfavorable environmental situation is developing. Some works of Russian writers, such as "Eugene Onegin" or "War and Peace", served as the basis for the creation of feature films not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In addition, after "for example" there may be a colon, if "for example" is after a generalizing word in front of a number of homogeneous members - Some fruits can cause allergies, for example: oranges, tangerines, pineapple, red berries.

Task 2. In the text below, punctuate the introductory words. In the phrase in italics, all punctuation marks are missing, try to arrange them and explain what rules of the Russian language you had to use.

Pupil 6 "B" class Nikita Pryshchikov was undoubtedly lazy. Naturally, his laziness led to poor grades in school, and so he was, of course, also a loser. In general, he could sometimes fight his laziness and then, to the delight of all the teachers, he received "fours", but Nikita did not often have a desire to overcome himself. By the way, his laziness extended only to doing homework and maybe even some unpleasant household chores such as washing dishes and cleaning the room. But Nikita had time and energy for pranks, computer games and, of course, football. Actually, Pryshchikov had nothing against going to school, some lessons, in particular physical education and drawing, even gave pleasure, but mathematics and mainly the Russian language brought unbearable suffering. First of all, he did not always correctly understand the rule, but perceived it in his own way, as it seemed to him more precisely. Further, Nikita could not apply this rule in practice, which means he made a lot of mistakes. Perhaps he needed more time to understand the material, but Nikita did not have it. Coming home from school, he first of all turned on the computer and played at least an hour with an interesting and useful toy from his point of view. Then he ran into the yard and played football, demonstrating the dexterity and speed of reaction undoubtedly inherent in the boy. He really loved sports, and then the boy needs to run and jump, in the end he must grow up strong and strong. Sitting at home and reading boring books means becoming lethargic and weak, and this in turn can lead to illness. Isn't football really more important than books? Nikita expressed these thoughts to his father, and he, in turn, supported his son and protected him from his mother, who, on the contrary, considered the most important "five" in the diary.
Then Nikita rested, watched TV or played on the computer again. After that, there were just 30 minutes left for the lessons, because my mother demanded to go to bed no later than at 21.30. And it was precisely in those half an hour that Nikita was attacked by laziness, in any case, this state could only be called that. The boy listlessly went through the pages of textbooks, mainly trying to remember what was said in the class and convincing himself that he remembers everything, he closed the books. Thus, in the end, the lessons remained unfinished, and among the teachers the opinion grew stronger that Nikita Pryshchikov was undoubtedly a lazy person. You don't think so, do you?

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I see a look; In my (yours, yours, etc.) look in the sign. introductory phrase In my (yours, yours, etc.) opinion. II see mine; in sign introductory phrase In my opinion. In my opinion, the assessment is given correctly ... Dictionary of many expressions

mine; m.; MY, mine; f.; MY, my; cf.; pl. mine, mine; pronoun adj. 1. Belonging to me, peculiar to me. My house. My book. My coat. My age. My point of view. My character. // Coming from me; carried out, produced by me ... encyclopedic Dictionary

pronoun, use max. often Morphology: ad. in my opinion 1. You call mine what belongs to you or relates to you. They heard my voice and turned around. | Yesterday my friend came to see me. | My phone has been silent for the second week. | My… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

Exist., m., use. max. often Morphology: (no) what? look, what? look, (see) what? look what? glance about what? about the look; pl. what? looks, (no) what? views, why? look, (see) what? views of what? glances about what? about looks... Dictionary of Dmitriev

my- I see mine; my /; m.; unfold About a husband, a lover. Mine went to work. II = mine /, mine; my /; m. see also. my, my, my, my, in my 1 ... Dictionary of many expressions

sight- but; m. see also. at a glance, at first glance, in my opinion 1) a) The focus of the eyes on someone, what l .; gaze. To gaze at someone. Turn your eyes where... Dictionary of many expressions

Zookeeper Genre comedy / ... Wikipedia

About a Boy ... Wikipedia

BUT; m. 1. The focus of the eyes on whom, what l .; gaze. To gaze at someone. Turn your in. where l. Exchange, meet eyes. Throw in. // Eye expression. Severe, sad, confused, in love with. Missing in. Oblique in. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

LOOK, ah, husband. 1. Direction of vision to someone that n. Exchange glances. Throw in. on whom n. (quick look). At a glance or at first c. (on first impression). Take a look at someone. (intently, proudly or mockingly ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • My view of the future of the world, Lee Kuan Yew .. Margaret Thatcher read all his speeches and said that he was never wrong. Richard Nixon called him "an outstanding statesman of the world scale" ... Former Prime Minister ...
  • My view of the future of the world, Lee Kuan Yew. Margaret Thatcher read all his speeches and said that he was never wrong. Richard Nixon called him "an outstanding statesman of the world scale" ... Former Prime Minister ...

In my / your / your ... look

introductory expression

It is separated by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. ()

And it is here that I cannot fail to cite an excerpt from Solovyov's letter to me, an excerpt which, in my opinion, gives a very convincing and precise answer to all my questions. V. Nekrasov, Three meetings. The operation, however, was, in my opinion, trifling: the Jägermeister of His Highness the Duke of Alai attached his poor relative to the bank as a courier. A. and B. Strugatsky, Beetle in an anthill. Who is what kind of person, in your opinion, this Platonov? A. Chekhov, Fatherlessness.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what "in my / your / your ... view" is in other dictionaries:

    sight- but; m. 1. The focus of the eyes on whom, what l .; gaze. To gaze at someone. Turn your in. where l. Exchange, meet eyes. Throw in. // Eye expression. Severe, sad, confused, in love with. Missing in. Oblique in. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    sight- n., m., use. max. often Morphology: (no) what? look, what? look, (see) what? look what? glance about what? about the look; pl. what? looks, (no) what? views, why? look, (see) what? views of what? glances about what? about looks... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    in my opinion- I see a look; In my (yours, yours, etc.) look in the sign. introductory phrase In my (yours, yours, etc.) opinion. II see mine; in sign introductory phrase In my opinion. In my opinion, the assessment is given correctly ... Dictionary of many expressions

    GOSPEL. PART I- [Greek. εὐαγγέλιον], the message of the coming of the Kingdom of God and the salvation of the human race from sin and death, proclaimed by Jesus Christ and the apostles, which became the main content of Christ's sermon. Churches; a book that puts this message in the form of ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Jesus in Islam- Image of Maryam and Isa on the ancient Persian miniature of Isa during the Sermon on the Mount ... Wikipedia

    Isa ibn Maryam- This article or section has too many citations or too long citations. Excessive and excessively long quotations should be summarized and rewritten in your own words. Perhaps these quotes would be more appropriate in Wikiquote or Wikisource ... Wikipedia

    Morphology (linguistics)- This term has other meanings, see Morphology. ... Wikipedia - Hospitality * Ball * Wine * Food * Gift * Holiday * Christmas Ball (Masquerade, Carnival, Evening, Rout, Banquet, Feast) Dumas Alexander (Dumas), father Count Monte Cristo, novel, 1845 1846 Translated from French by L. Olavskoy, V. Stroeva Approaching ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Did you know that in Russian there are introductory words that are separated by commas in a sentence? If you do not know anything about this or have an idea, but incomplete, then this article is for you. Let's refresh our memory or learn the rules with us.

The Importance of Punctuation

Knowing punctuation is extremely important. Unfortunately, the average Russian does not know that “by the way”, “maybe”, “firstly”, “in my opinion” are separated by commas. And the word "probably" is not always even written with the letter "e" at the end.

When we communicate with a person not live, but via the Internet, we often encounter illiteracy on the other side of the chat. This, of course, spoils the impression of the interlocutor, because it is literate people who are able to draw our attention to their personality. If we see that all the commas are in place, all the words are spelled correctly, the thought is expressed clearly, immediately there is a desire to get to know the person better, there is a feeling that we are communicating with an intelligent, well-read and wise interlocutor.

Some people believe that literacy is unimportant in everyday communication. It's their business. Perhaps such people can impress us with something else. But if you work with clients? By communicating with them, you represent the company. Your potential client may also refuse your services if he understands through correspondence that you cannot competently build an elementary proposal.

Modern bloggers post their posts 3 times a day. And many already have several thousand subscribers. And of these, a third are schoolchildren and students who, thinking that their idol is perfect in everything, adopt the spelling of words and the style of expressing thoughts due to their inexperience. If an Instagram star becomes famous, she should think about the fact that she has a huge responsibility. You should not forget about your audience and send posts to your friends for at least an elementary check - there will definitely be at least one friend who can help.

In general, as we see, there are solid pluses in literacy. And now let's study how introductory words are written and how they stand apart in a sentence.

What are "introductory words"?

Introductory words are combinations of words or words that are not members of a sentence. With their help, we express our attitude towards what we communicate. Introductory constructions and words in writing in a sentence are distinguished by commas, and in oral speech they are distinguished intonation, that is, by pauses or rapid pronunciation.

Meanings of introductory words

They have different meanings. Consider the following table with relevant examples:

Meanings Introductory words Examples 1) Degree of confidence Confidence: Of course, undoubtedly, without a doubt, of course, definitely, really, of course, really, really, etc. Uncertainty: probably, I think, should be, I think, apparently, maybe to be, in some sense, let's suppose, it seems, let's say, I hope, one way or another, etc. Certainly, this was the best lesson in my life. - "definitely" is separated by commas Apparently, he did not like the performance, so he left a little earlier. 2) Expression of feelings Approval: fortunately, what is good, to general joy, what is even better, etc. Perplexity: surprising, strange, to amazement, incomprehensible matter, etc. Fears: God forbid, the hour is uneven, what good, etc. Regret: unfortunately, unfortunately, to great regret, worse, unfortunately, to annoyance, as if on purpose, alas, etc. however, speaking between us, I confess, in essence, in conscience, etc. Unfortunately, my friend did not wait for me, so I had to go home alone at night. - "unfortunately" is separated by commas Strange, but my stomach did not hurt after yesterday's heavy dinner. 3) Ownership of the message (to whom it belongs, source of the message) look, in my opinion, according to a proverb, in your opinion, according to rumors, from the point of view of (someone), they say, they say, they say, as I think, as they say, as I remember, as it is known, as it was indicated, as it turned out , as they said (once), etc. In my opinion, it will rain soon - “in my opinion” is separated by commas They say that treatment cannot be delayed. 4) Remarks on the ways of shaping thoughts In other words, it is better to say, in a word, in other words, in a word, roughly speaking, in fact, in fact, directly speaking, or rather, directly speaking, in short, easier to say, how to say what is called, so say, etc. Roughly speaking, I need to finish this assignment by next Monday. - “roughly speaking” is highlighted in a sentence with commas. It's easier to say, you need to submit the original certificate to the university that you most want to. 5) The order of thoughts, their connection Firstly, secondly, thirdly, so, so, therefore, therefore, in this way, on the contrary, by the way, for example, on the contrary, in particular, for example, moreover, moreover, besides, in addition, moreover, on the one (other) side, however, in general, in addition, the main thing, by the way, therefore, by the way, etc. I often visit your coffee shop. For example, most often I take a latte. - "for example" is separated by commas. By the way, will you bring my book the day after tomorrow? 6) Evaluation of the measure and degree At least, at least, to a large extent, to one degree or another, etc. At least you came on time. - "at least" is isolated. The heat in the summer, to one degree or another, is felt throughout Russia. 7) Attracting attention to the speaker Do you see, how do you see, do you know, do you believe, do you understand, allow me, can you imagine, imagine, listen, believe, confess, do not believe, notice, if you want to know, agree, remind, emphasize, I repeat what is important, essential, etc. Would you believe it, after I had slept for 10 hours, everything was gone. - "do you believe" is isolated. Imagine, yesterday I stood waiting for my trolleybus in the rain for about an hour, but in the morning I did not get sick.

We hope that with the help of the table we have quite clearly explained the punctuation marks in sentences with introductory words and constructions.

Introductory deception words

Do not forget that there are homonymous constructions that usually confuse when studying the rule. In many sentences, introductory words are members of the sentence. Let's see in what situations they are part of the grammatical basis. Compare the following examples:

  • The doctor's decision was undeniable. The doctor's decision was undeniably correct.
  • To my happiness, a sense of satisfaction was added. Luckily for me, the project was delivered on time.
  • Everything seemed so boring. Everyone seemed to be bored.

As you can see, we cannot at first glance determine whether this is an introductory word or part of a grammatical basis. Be sure to read the sentence in order to understand the meaning, and then highlight the members of the sentence. Commas do not separate words that form a grammatical basis.

Define Syntax Function

So, you met introductory words in a sentence, but there is no comma after them, although the source is very reliable. And so you asked yourself: are the words “generally”, “really”, “however” distinguished by commas or not?

The answer is simple. It is necessary to track their syntactic function in the sentence. It depends on this whether a comma is placed or not. Let's look at some examples:

  1. The word "in general" is isolated if it has the meaning "generally speaking". Compare: I generally do not eat dairy products. I am not allowed to consume dairy products at all.
  2. The combination "in any case" is introductory, if it has a restrictive-evaluative value. Compare: Anyway, you did the task first. I must at least help you with the test.
  3. The word "probably" is introductory, if used in the sense of "probably". Wed: There will probably be a thunderstorm in two hours. I know for certain (=certainly, undoubtedly) that there will be a thunderstorm in two hours.
  4. The word "really" is introductory if it means "true, exactly." Cf .: Indeed, I have already seen this picture. I'm really (=really, really) smart, according to the results of the test.
  5. The combination "really" is not introductory in the meaning of "really". Wed: You are really smart. Why is he really mad at me? (meaning of bewilderment, indignation)
  6. If the word "however" can be replaced by the union "but", then a comma is not needed. Wed: However, I will try to get into the budget with my points.
  7. The combination “in my opinion” (note that the spelling is separate) is not isolated if it is a preposition and a pronoun. For example: A play was staged according to my script. In my opinion (introductory word, written with a hyphen), it turned out well. - here "in my opinion" is separated by commas.

Important note

Identical to the introductory words, interjections and the words “yes”, “no” are distinguished by commas in the letter. Look at the following examples:

  • Oh, how long do we have to go.
  • Wow, it's raining!
  • No, I will not eat this soup with meat.
  • Yes, somehow the weather did not work out today, we will have to cancel the trip.


So, today we have taken a few steps forward and overcome illiteracy in terms of introductory words. We hope that now you can not only write correctly, but also explain why “in my opinion” is highlighted with commas. Learn and respect the Russian language!

Verbs, names and adverbs in a sentence can act as introductory words, which in one way or another - grammatically, lexically, intonationally - express the speaker's attitude to what he reports.

Compare two sentences:

This question, it seemed troubled the guest.

Face his seemed calm .

In both examples, the word seemed , but only in the second case is this word included in the members of the sentence: there it is part of the compound nominal predicate.

In the first example, the word seemed serves only to express the attitude of the speaker to what he reports. Such words are called introductory; they are not part of the sentence and can easily be omitted, for example: This question ... made the guest difficult. Note that in the second sentence, skip the word seemed impossible.

Compare a few more examples in the table:

Take with you By the way, our books.
This phrase by the way reminded me of an old joke.

These words are spoken By the way.

This phrase was spoken by the way.

Words separated by commas can be removed from a sentence without destroying its meaning.

By the way, from the first sentence, you can ask the question HOW?
To the phrase BETWEEN OTHERS, you can put the question WHEN?

Many words can be used as introductory words. But there is a group of words that are never introductory. Read two sentences:

There will obviously be a good harvest this year;
There will certainly be a good harvest this year.

The first sentence uses the word obviously, in the second - certainly . Although these words are very close in meaning, only the word from the first sentence is separated by commas and is introductory. The words below must be remembered: they are very similar to introductory words, but they are not and commas are not separated:


Introductory words can convey five different types of meanings:

    Most often, with the help of introductory words, the speaker conveys various degree of certainty in what he says. For example: You will surely do well in the exam. or You seem to need to do more. This group includes the words:


    Introductory words can also convey feelings and attitude speaker to what he is talking about. For example: Unfortunately, you didn't do well in your exam.


    Sometimes introductory words indicate on the The source of information reported by the speaker. Introductory phrases in this case begin with the words BY MESSAGE, BY WORDS, BY OPINION. For example: You, according to doctors, need to interrupt training for a while.

    The source of the message may also be the speaker himself (IN MY OPINION, IN MY OPINION), or the source may be indefinite (SPOKEN, HEARD). For example: You, they say, will have to interrupt training.


    Introductory words are also used for ordering thoughts and indications of their relationship with each other. For example: Firstly, this participle was formed from a perfective verb; secondly, it has dependent words. Therefore, it should contain two letters N.


    There are also sentences where the introductory words indicate on the way of thinking. For example: In a word, everything went well.


Introductory words also include words that serve to attract attention interlocutor:


The same meanings can be expressed not only by introductory words, but also by similar predicative constructions (introductory sentences). Compare: Snowfall likely to end soon And The snowfall, I think, will end soon. In addition to commas, brackets or dashes can be used to highlight introductory sentences. This is done when the introductory construction is very common and contains additional comments or explanations. For example:

Here we pass once through our village, years will be - how to tell you not to lie - fifteen years. (Turgenev)
Alexey (the reader has already recognized it) meanwhile he gazed intently at the young peasant woman. (Pushkin)

The rule of isolation of introductory words and sentences has several very important notes.

    If the introductory word is preceded by the union A or BUT, then a comma is not always placed between the introductory word and the union. Compare a couple of sentences:
    The doctor has finished but of course, look at a seriously ill patient.
    He gave his word and consequently, must restrain him.

    The introductory word can be rearranged or removed without a union only in the first case, so a comma is required between the introductory word and the union. In the second sentence, this cannot be done, which means that the comma is not put.

    Very often, difficulties arise in sentences with the words HOWEVER and FINALLY. The word HOWEVER stands out only when it cannot be replaced by the union BUT. Compare two sentences:
    but we understand that this figure is still low(HOWEVER = BUT) . Bye, but, we still don't have a clear picture of what's going on(HOWEVER - introductory word) .

    The word FINALLY is introductory only when it has no spatial or temporal meaning, but indicates the order of thoughts. For example:
    I hope this project will be completed soon. finally will be implemented. AND, finally, The last thing I would like to pay attention to.

    Introductory words can begin with a separate construction, for example, a clarifying phrase. In this case, a comma is not placed after the introductory word (in other words, the comma, which was supposed to “close” the introductory word, is transferred to the end of a separate turnover).

    I saw, or rather felt, that she was not indifferent to me.

    In addition, a comma is not placed before the introductory word located at the end of a separate turnover.

    For the holidays, we decided to go somewhere, to Kolomna for example.

    If the introductory word is in the middle of a separate construction, then it is separated by commas on a common basis.

    I decided to declare my love, feeling, it seems, in my heart that she, too, was not indifferent to me.

    If the introductory words are located before the turn, beginning with the words "how" or "to", then they are separated by commas.

    The day she lived seemed meaningless to her, in fact, like all life.
    He thought for a moment probably, to find the right words.

The exercise

  1. The portraits hung in front of the mirror.
  2. On the contrary, he did not even change his face.
  3. On the one hand, I completely agree with you.
  4. On the one hand, a double-headed eagle was depicted on the coin.
  5. The truth is always better than a lie.
  6. I_true_ was somewhat surprised by this news.
  7. In spring, flooding is possible.
  8. There will be a flood in the spring.
  9. Everyone in our city is already talking about it.
  10. In Greece_ they say_ everything is there.
  11. Maybe_ you deigned to express yourself in this way for the beauty of the style? (Gogol).
  12. The weather forecast says it will be colder next week.
  13. As scientists say, global warming awaits us.
  14. The train leaves in an hour_ therefore_ we need to leave the house.
  15. Fortunately, Pechorin was immersed in thought (Lermontov).
  16. We have gathered here _ firstly_ in order to resolve the issue of the timing of work.
  17. He didn’t want to shoot himself_ thank God_ he didn’t want to try ... (Pushkin).
  18. Of course, you have seen the album (Pushkin) of the county young lady more than once.
  19. In one word, you got off lightly.
  20. So_ now we can conclude.
  21. You do not interfere with me in the least,” he objected, “if you please, shoot, but_ by the way_ as you like; your shot is yours; I am always ready at your service (Pushkin).
  22. She suffered for a very long time after separation, but_ as you know, time heals any wounds.
  23. The wind, however, was strong.
  24. Fedya brought flowers_ however_ Masha did not like it.
  25. A strong yet warm wind blew through the window.
  26. A good upbringing, as you know, is obtained in boarding schools (Gogol).
  27. However, there are various improvements and changes in methods ... (Gogol).
  28. You must certainly come to us.
  29. I took from the table_ as I remember now_ the ace of hearts and threw it up (Lermontov).
  30. However, even General Khvalynsky himself did not like to talk about his service career; he seems to have never been to war (Turgenev).
  31. You become wild - you know - if you live locked up all the time (Gogol).
  32. Probably_ he was a man of gratitude and wanted to pay this for good treatment.
  33. You supposedly were supposed to come to his office and report on the trip.
  34. Yes, I confess, I thought so myself.
  35. Anyway, I decided to do things my own way.
  36. Ivan Petrovich_ you know_ was an extraordinary person.
  37. Nobody went to him, of course, (Turgenev).
  38. Gleb, as far as I knew, studied well at the Bryansk gymnasium (Paustovsky).
  39. But_ perhaps_ the reader is already tired of sitting with me at Ovsyannikov's one-palace, and therefore I eloquently fall silent (Turgenev).
  40. My arrival - I could notice it - at first somewhat embarrassed the guests.
  41. However, the political process began to develop in a different way.
  42. In my last report, I hastened to inform you that we finally managed to solve this problem.
  43. The experiences of transformations that were around us had, no doubt, a strong influence on the thoughts of most of the people involved in them (M. M. Speransky).
  44. A group of border guards led by an officer went to the violators with the intention, as it_ happened_ earlier, to protest and demand that they leave the territory.
  45. Finalization of the agreement will probably take several more months.
  46. Secondly, there are many abuses in the field of international tourism.
  47. However_ if you remain committed to the spirit and letter of this document, it could not be otherwise.
  48. We all know very well, and everyone here knows well that on the western, or, as they say, the second front, about 1.5 million Allied troops and about 560 thousand German troops were concentrated.
  49. This modest, symbolic gesture_ seems to me_ full of deep meaning.
  50. Luckily, the examples mentioned above are the exception, not the rule.
  51. Extra value luggage_ can be claimed for certain types of items.
  52. The reason for this is obvious: when the mind begins to recognize the price of freedom, it dismisses with negligence all the children's toys, so to speak, with which it amused itself in its infancy (M. M. Speransky).
  53. Pravda_ spoke to me politely, did not force me to do anything, and I remember that I had the impression that he did not take all these accusations seriously.
  54. But in our case, the truth quickly came out, and we were soon released.

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