Home Vegetables Oncological diseases cancer treatment folk remedies. Methods of treating cancer with folk remedies. Oil with vodka

Oncological diseases cancer treatment folk remedies. Methods of treating cancer with folk remedies. Oil with vodka

Have you ever wondered how effective natural cancer treatments are? Josh Akse writes“About 20 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was crazy for my family at the time, because my mom was a gymnastics teacher, swimming instructor and always considered "healthy".

After being diagnosed, she followed the advice of her oncologists in Cleveland Clinic and had a mastectomy and then many rounds of chemotherapy. I still remember how my mom's hair fell out and how I thought she had aged 10 years in just a few weeks of chemotherapy.

Thank God, after all her treatments, she was diagnosed as "cancer free" and is healthy. But over the next few years, she felt worse than at any time in her life and struggled with constipation, candida, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Then, about nine years after her first diagnosis, a terrible thing happened - she was diagnosed with lung cancer. By this time, I already had enough experience in the field of restoring health with natural methods, so when I flew home, we prayed together and talked about the best strategy for restoring her body. She decided to pursue natural cancer treatments, focusing on diet and lifestyle changes.

My mom started following a natural plan that included vegetable juices, probiotic foods, immune boosting supplements, stress reduction techniques, and prayer. It wasn't until four months later that the tumors on her lungs shrunk significantly, and a year later she was again diagnosed as "cancer-free" and healthy. Now it's been 10 years and my mom recently turned 60 - and she's in the best shape of her life, regularly water skiing, running and still strong.

I want to be very clear: I'm not saying that what we did with my mother is a cure for cancer. But I believe that these natural therapies, used on their own or in combination with conventional medical treatments, can support the body in its recovery process.

Most Effective Cancer Treatments

I am often asked: “What exactly did your mother do?”. Here are the natural treatments for cancer and the strategies she followed to heal her body.

1. Gerson Therapy and Juices

I see in him one of the most outstanding geniuses in the history of medicine. Many of his main ideas were adopted without tying his name to them. Nevertheless, he achieved more than seemed possible under adverse conditions. He left a legacy that still attracts the attention of many to this day. Those he cured now testify to the correctness of his ideas.

~ Albert Schweitzer, MD (Nobel Peace Prize winner, 1952)

Who was Albert Schweitzer talking about?

He was referring to Dr. Max Gerzon, a German-born American physician who developed one of the most effective natural cancer treatments over 90 years ago. Inventing the "Gerson Therapy", Dr. Gerson has helped hundreds of cancer patients activate the body's extraordinary ability to heal itself by:

  • Organic, herbal products;
  • raw juices;
  • coffee enemas;
  • beef liver;
  • natural additives.

According to the Gerson Institute:

With a holistic approach to whole body healing, Gerson Therapy naturally restores your body's magnificent ability to heal itself - without any side effects. This powerful, natural treatment boosts the body's immune system to treat cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative conditions.

How does the Gerson Therapy work?

The Gerson Therapy targets the most important metabolic needs in your body. How? Believe it or not, this therapy allows you to reap the benefits of eating 7-9 kilos of organically grown fruits and vegetables every day! Let's go through this in order:

  • Gerson Diet Consists of eating only organic fruits, vegetables and sprouted grains. The Gerson diet is exceptionally rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It is very low in fat, protein and sodium. The meal plan recommends that cancer patients drink 13 glasses of fresh juice, eat three plant-based main meals, and snack on fresh fruit. In addition, the traditional Gerson Therapy recommends eating raw beef liver as it is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet and is extremely high in vitamin B12.
  • Juices- According to Gerson Institute, "freshly squeezed juice from raw foods makes it easy and effective to provide the body with a large amount of high-quality nutrients." The Cancer Control Protocol encourages patients to drink fresh vegetable and fruit juices daily, including carrot, apple, green leafy and leafy vegetable juices. To preserve nutrients, juice should be prepared hourly using a two-stage juicer or a hydraulic press juicer. This helps prevent denaturation - when vitamins, minerals and enzymes are destroyed. (Most juicers spin so fast that they heat up the juice to the point where it's pasteurized!).
  • Detoxification– The Gerson Therapy uses coffee enemas as the primary method of detoxification. It is recommended that patients with cancer take up to five enemas each day. The importance of keeping the body free of toxins is emphasized by Dr. Gerzon's daughter, Charlotte:
    The moment a patient begins 100% use of the Gerson Therapy, the combined effect of nutrition, juice consumption, and medication causes the immune system to attack and kill the tumor tissue, and coffee enemas help flush accumulated toxins from body tissues.
  • Taking Dietary Supplements– The Gerson Therapy recommends the following organic medicinal supplements:
    • Lugol's solution;
    • pancreatic enzymes;
    • Potassium;
    • thyroid hormone;
    • Vitamin B12.

2. Joanna Budwig Anti-Cancer Diet (Budwig Protocol)

I've also been given a lot of different advice over the years, so when I found out about Dr. Budwig's protocol, I was also very skeptical until I tried it. Numerous independent clinical cancer studies published in major medical journals around the world support Dr. Budwig's findings. More than 40 years ago, Dr. Budwig provided clear and compelling evidence that has been confirmed by hundreds of other related scientific studies as essential fatty acids are at the heart of the answer to the cancer problem.

~ Robert E. Willner, M.D., author of "TheCancersolution"

In 1952, Dr. Joanna Budwig was the German government's senior expert on lipids and pharmacology and was considered one of the world's leading experts on fats and oils. During her research, she discovered that many of the common processed fats and hydrogenated oils disrupt our cell membranes and this causes diseased cells and toxicity.

Having developed a diet (in this case, Joanna Budwig's Anti-Cancer Diet) to counteract this cancer-causing process, Dr. Budwig claimed that over a 50-year period, patients following her protocol had over 90% success rates in treating cancer!

How the Budwig protocol works

When you replace deadly processed fats and oils with healthy unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, your cells are repaired and rejuvenated. Dr. Budwig found that consuming cottage cheese, flaxseed, and flaxseed oil produces the best results.

When cottage cheese (rich in sulfur-containing protein and saturated fat) and flax (rich in electron-rich unsaturated fatty acids) are combined, your body can absorb these vital nutrients more easily and quickly.

Updated Budwig Recipe

Due to changes in agriculture, Josh Akse offers an updated version of the 21st century Budwig protocol:

  • 170 grams of fermented dairy products (cottage cheese, goat milk kefir or natural yogurt);
  • 4 tablespoons sprouted and ground chia or flax seeds
  • 1 tablespoon linseed oil;
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder;
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper.

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl or blender and consume once a day.

3. Proteolytic enzyme therapy

In 1906, John Beard first suggested that the proteolytic enzymes of the pancreas represent the body's main defense against cancer. Beard focused on high-dose enzyme therapy using porcine pancreas and a holistic diet to create an internal environment in which the body can more thoroughly heal itself.

Although proteolytic enzyme therapy was not explored for much of the 20th century, several scientists took up the concept in the 1960s. But it wasn't until Nicholas Gonzalez (M.D.) began evaluating the concept in Cornell University Medical College in 1981, people began to seriously consider this natural approach to cancer treatment.

How does proteolytic enzyme therapy work?

The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic ("fight" or "flight") and autonomic ("rest" and "assimilation") nervous systems. Based on the research protocol of Dr. Francis Pottenger in the 1920s and 1930s, Gonzales' work focuses on balancing these two systems, as they are believed to be one of the main causes of cancer.

He found that a vegetarian diet suppressed sympathetic function, while a meat-rich diet had the opposite effect. Therefore, after dividing patients into different categories based on their metabolic differences, genetic and physical make-up, the following recommendations are given:

  • People with epithelial tumors, such as lung cancer (see Treatment of lung cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies), pancreas, colon, prostate, uterus (see Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies) - a mostly plant-based diet is prescribed with a minimum amount protein of animal origin.
  • People with cancer of the blood and lymphatic tissue such as leukemia, myeloma, or lymphoma, a diet high in animal protein and fat with minimal to moderate amounts of plant foods is prescribed.

According to Dr. Josef Beuth:

Research related to this natural cancer treatment showed that systemic enzyme therapy significantly reduced tumor-induced and therapy-induced side effects and problems such as nausea, gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, weight loss, and anxiety, and apparently stabilized quality of life.

4. Vitamin C Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy uses chemicals or natural compounds to remove toxic metals from the body. The word "chelate" means to capture something, which describes the ability of chelating agents to capture toxins.

Generally, only holistic physicians and naturopaths use chelation therapy because it is not an approved therapy for most diseases in medicine today. However, when used in the medical system, it is most often used to remove calcium deposits from the arteries.

In a study published in the journal Free Radical Biology & Medicine, it was found that vitamin C chelation therapy was highly pro-oxidant after only one hour of treatment. This benefit lasted over 16 treatments in the absence of nutrient supplementation and even provided "beneficial long-term antioxidant effects."

Prooxidation is not always good, but in this case it is good.

It was found that “pro-oxidant effects appear to be responsible for the destruction of tumor cells. These pro-oxidant effects may also induce endogenous antioxidant systems in normal tissues that provide protection against carcinogenic damage!

Along with vitamin C chelation, consuming more vitamin C-rich foods may also prevent and fight cancer.

5. Frankincense Essential Oil Therapy

Frankincense essential oil is an effective folk remedy for cancer treatment. Dr. Budwig recommends frankincense essential oil (especially when it comes to fighting brain tumors). And now, research on the potential cancer-fighting properties of frankincense essential oil is filling the medical journals. In particular, Indian frankincense (Boswellia Serrata) has been clinically proven to be a potentially effective treatment for:

  • brain cancer
  • breast cancer
  • bowel cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • prostate cancer (see Treatment of prostate cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies)
  • stomach cancer (see Treatment of stomach cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies)

According to the researchers Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, the potential cancer-related effects of frankincense essential oil are partly due to its ability to influence your genes to promote healing. Researchers emphasize that this power makes Indian frankincense a candidate for natural remedies for cancer prevention and treatment!

How does frankincense essential oil therapy work?

Rub frankincense essential oil on your neck three times a day. Also drink three drops of this oil, after diluting them in 240 ml of water - three times a day.

6. Probiotic Foods and Supplements

Probiotics are microorganisms that promote a natural balance in the intestinal microflora (known as beneficial bacteria). The best way to include probiotics in your diet is to consume raw dairy products such as cheese, kefir, and yogurt.

Recent studies have shown that probiotic supplements can stop tumor growth. And that makes sense, because 80% of your immune system is in your gut. In addition to supporting your immunity to disease, research has also shown that probiotics can improve digestive function and mineral absorption, and help heal a leaky gut, which helps prevent cancer!

7. Sunlight and Vitamin D3

Science continues to support the fact that high levels of heart-healthy fat-soluble vitamins and minerals are the key to preventing the development of cancer in your body. And recently, significant progress has been made in understanding the role of fat-soluble vitamin D3 in cancer prevention.

A 2007 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial suggests that vitamin D may be a very effective cancer prevention tool.

Study published in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is truly groundbreaking in that it evaluated approximately 1,200 postmenopausal women over four years and tracked how calcium supplementation at 1400-1500 milligrams versus calcium supplementation plus 1100 IU of vitamin D3 was able to prevent cancer.

The results were amazing. After just one year of vitamin D3 supplementation, the risk of developing all types of cancer was reduced by 77%! Compared to a 0 percent improvement in the placebo and calcium groups.

What is the best way to get vitamin D?

Researchers have found that to better prevent breast cancer, you should get your vitamin D3 levels at least 40-60 ng/mL and up to 80 ng/mL.

The golden mean is the level of 50-70 ng / ml. Here is the best way to boost your vitamin D3 levels to this level:

  • Get Vitamin D3 Through Sunbathing- Stay 20 minutes in the sun. This is best done by exposing 40% of your body to sunlight from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  • Take a vitamin dailyD3 supplements containing 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3. Since this vitamin is fat soluble, make sure you take it with some healthy "fatty" foods or probiotic-rich drinks like kefir.

It can be difficult to find a high-quality supplement in today's market, so try to find a combination of astaxanthin, omega-3 fish oil, and vitamin D3.

8. Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric is a well-known folk remedy for cancer treatment. While the link between curcumin and disease reversal has been extensively studied, the use of turmeric in cancer treatment is one of the most extensively studied topics.

A number of laboratory studies that have studied cancer cells indicate that curcumin has antitumor activity. It appears to be able to fight cancer cells and prevent their growth. Curcumin appears to be most effective against breast cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer and cells skin cancer.

In fact, a 2007 lab study found that combined treatment with curcumin and chemotherapy eliminated more colon cancer cells than chemotherapy alone.

Other laboratory studies have also shown that turmeric and curcumin inhibit cancer development, growth, and spread. The researchers also reported that curcumin blocked the production of cancer-causing enzymes in rodents.

Outcome: Evidence suggests that turmeric is generally good at stopping cancer and is particularly effective in treating breast cancer, colon cancer, and skin cancer.

9. Oxygen therapy and hyperbaric chambers

Absolutely all normal cells need oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - this is the rule without exception. Deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it can become cancerous.

~ Otto Warburg, MD (Nobel Prize in Physiology, 1931)

Dr. Warburg made it clear that the main cause of cancer is the lack of oxygen, which contributes to the acidification of the human body. He also discovered that cancer cells do not breathe oxygen and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, in which the human body is in an alkaline state.

We have all heard that antioxidants kill free radicals in the body and reverse the oxidative stress that causes chronic disease. This is one of the reasons why I love using blueberries in my morning berry protein shake (says Dr. Josh Akse)! But is eating blueberries enough to cure cancer?

Probably no. This is why the addition of oxygen therapy and the use of a hyperbaric chamber is very beneficial for people looking for the most effective traditional cancer treatments.

Because the air pressure inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber is about 2.5 times the normal pressure in the atmosphere, it causes your blood to carry more oxygen to your body's organs and tissues. This therapy heals everything from infected wounds to radiation injuries, and many people claim to have cured themselves of cancer. So far, this type of therapy has not yet become widespread, but now an increasing number of hospitals are acquiring hyperbaric chambers to help their patients.

10. Prayer and creating a sense of peace

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.

~ Proverbs 17:22

In addition to the many studies that have been done on the healing effects of prayer, maintaining mental peace and a positive outlook is absolutely essential to cancer prevention and treatment.

Some people use oriental methods, such as practicing tai chi or simply feeling grateful, which is very effective in itself. My favorite forms of meditation, however, consist of prayer, gratitude, and reading the Bible (says Dr. Josh Akse).

Whatever your preference, make sure you focus on a stress-free life filled with peace and joy!

Bonus Therapy: Immune Boosting Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years, and research into mushroom species such as cordyceps and reishi in cancer therapy has been encouraging. These mushrooms:

  • Increase survivability;
  • Help reduce tumors;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Reduce the side effects of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, such as nausea and hair loss.

Of course, these results depend on which extracts you choose and their concentration. Some sources even suggest that an extra dose of vitamin C is also needed.

Statements in the material " Treatment of cancer with folk remedies - the most effective methods and means» are not a guide to action and are published for review. You need to treat your disease only under the close supervision of a doctor. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

For many people, cancer is a death sentence. Is it necessary to react in such a way to a terrible disease? Indeed, cancer is a serious diagnosis caused by dysfunctions of the body. Therefore, in the fight against this disease, specific methods of treatment are used. The sooner a patient can be diagnosed, the more effective the recovery will be.

In the fight against cancer, all means are good. Not only modern means of medicine, but also knowledge of traditional methods of treating oncological diseases will help restore health to patients.

Modern science is constantly moving forward in the fight against malignant neoplasms. Carrying out preventive measures in the treatment of oncological diseases can reduce the number of sick people in the country and better educate doctors about the true cause of cancer.

Cancer - what is it?

A cancerous tumor is considered a dangerous and terrible disease in which cells grow at a tremendous speed, while cancer cells destroy healthy ones.

Currently, medicine has a hundred types of this disease. The symptoms of cancerous tumors in different human organs are different, there is no unambiguous definition. Cancer treatment is complex: chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are performed if the tumor is operable. Cancer, which is treated with folk remedies, can be cured if it is detected early.

How to recognize the disease?

It is very important to identify the disease at an early stage. After all, the sooner a tumor is detected and treated, the more likely it is to defeat this disease and be healthy. A tumor of some organs can be detected independently during an examination of your body. But, unfortunately, many people resort to the help of a doctor when they themselves already feel cancer.

Tumor treatment should be started immediately. In medical practice, there are many cases when a terrible diagnosis is detected during a routine routine examination of a patient. Therefore, there is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor until later, especially if this is a planned event organized by the head of your organization.

To make an accurate and final diagnosis, a complete examination of the patient is necessary. The doctor classifies the disease and prescribes cancer treatment. Feedback from other patients about your doctor is of great importance. Remember, if your doctor does not confirm the diagnosis, and you do not have signs of cancer in some organ, be sure to consult another specialist.

What are the methods of treatment?

Cancer has several stages, the initial of which can be treated. To do this, in modern medicine there are methods of cancer treatment, which include a whole range of procedures. They are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease.

The use of medical, surgical and radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy cure the disease completely or dull the pain if the tumor has spread metastases.

With the disappearance of symptoms and signs of cancer, the disease is in remission. If for five years this disease does not manifest itself, this indicates a complete cure for the patient. Unfortunately, there are incurable types of cancer. Patients with this diagnosis receive supportive care that reduces pain and prolongs a person's life.

There is such a thing as substitution therapy. When a person is diagnosed with cancer, treatment does not always offer hope for recovery. It is very important to support the patient emotionally and psychologically.

When a person is ill with cancer, its last stage radically changes the whole life. How to brighten up his last days a little? For this, there are medical institutions for special purposes - hospices. Everything is allowed here, even smoking in the ward. The staff at the facility use a variety of cancer treatments to help alleviate pain for patients.

Uterine cancer

This disease is accompanied by a malignant tumor that can spread to other organs if left untreated. Most often, uterine cancer is found in women after fifty years. What is the cause of this disease? This is not currently known.

Numerous studies have identified the causes that contribute to the development of uterine cancer. These include:

  • Hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
  • Addiction to smoking and alcohol.
  • AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Menopausal disorder.
  • Early sexual life and childbirth.
  • Frequent change of partners in sex.
  • Scars after birth injuries and erosion.
  • Obesity.

Early diagnosis gives hope for a full recovery. If uterine cancer is detected, the treatment of which is impossible, in a woman who is expecting a child, then the pregnancy is terminated. This is necessary in order to save the life of the mother.

When prescribing treatment, the general condition of the body, the age of the patient and the stage of cancer are taken into account. During the operation, along with the uterus, the ovaries and fallopian tubes are completely removed. If the disease qualifies as a late stage of development, radiation and chemotherapy are prescribed. Some patients undergo combined treatment with anticancer drugs. All women aged forty years and older must undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist.

Mammary cancer

This malignant tumor is the most common disease in women. Its danger lies in aggressive development and the ability to quickly metastasize. Millions of women around the world suffer from this disease, which is characterized by high mortality. What can cause breast cancer, treatment of which cannot be delayed? The causes of this disease include:

  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Contraceptive and hormonal drugs.
  • Early onset of menstruation and late menopause.
  • A long break between births and a belated onset of the first pregnancy.
  • If once there was cancer of another organ, and the tumor was exposed to radioactive irradiation.
  • When the patient is diabetic, obese and suffers from high blood pressure.
  • Addiction to bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and malnutrition.

Breast cancer is difficult to detect. It can be confused with simple inflammation. However, if the breast begins to hurt, itch, the nipple is drawn in or swollen, the skin on the breast turns red and covered with yellowish scales, consult a doctor immediately. It may not be a simple inflammation, but a cancerous tumor.

Treatment of breast cancer begins with an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination with modern methods and tools. Breast cancer can only be removed by surgery. If the tumor is less than 5 cm in diameter, it is removed along with the surrounding ducts and tissues. And if it is more than 5 cm, the mammary gland is completely removed.

Breast cancer treatment is not complete without chemotherapy. This procedure reduces the size of the tumor, which allows more healthy tissue to be preserved during surgery. And after it - to stop the spread of metastases.

To avoid this disease, try to keep yourself normal: do not gain excess weight, exclude alcohol, tobacco and red meat. Eat vegetables, fruits and other natural products, lead a healthy lifestyle. And most importantly - regularly visit a doctor for a preventive examination.

Liver cancer

The disease is characterized by malignant tumors that develop from the very structure of the liver. The association of this disease with chronic hepatitis has been established. Cancer cells develop gradually over many years after infection with this virus. Under its influence, healthy cells die off and scars (cirrhosis) form in their place, which leads to the development of cancer. The disease of chronic alcoholic hepatitis is another cause of the development of the disease.

A liver tumor has virtually no symptoms. Loss of appetite and weight, fatigue, weakness, pain in the right side may go unnoticed. It hurts and stops. And this just might be caused by the growth of cancer cells.

Liver cancer treated with surgery can only be cured if the tumor is completely removed! Liver surgery is very difficult and is performed in large clinics. During its implementation, the area of ​​the liver affected by the tumor is removed, if necessary, half of the organ. But this does not pose a danger. The liver quickly recovers to its original size. The most successful treatment of cancer in Israel.

If the tumor is too large, located near large vessels and has spread to the entire organ, the operation is useless. In this case, rehabilitation treatment is used to alleviate the general condition of the patient and prolong his life. If left untreated, liver cancer can lead to death very quickly.

Stomach cancer

Gastric cancer is an oncological disease that ranks second among the most common malignant tumors. The cause of the development of a malignant tumor, unfortunately, has not been established. But modern medicine has identified factors that contribute to the development of cancer cells in the stomach:

  • Monotonous food, the presence in the menu of pickled, fried and smoked foods, salt, animal fats.
  • The composition of the soil in the area where you live. The widespread use by gardeners and gardeners of fertilizers, which include nitrogen, nitrate, copper, cobalt and molybdenum, increases the likelihood of stomach cancer.
  • Living conditions matter. If a person lives in a private house and heats it with a stove, then the product of combustion of coal or firewood - ash, entering the body, contributes to the development of the disease.
  • Addiction to smoking and alcohol, especially vodka.
  • The likelihood of acquiring this disease increases if someone in the family had cancer.
  • Patients with stomach ulcers, polyps, atrophic gastritis are susceptible to cancer.

Cancer manifests itself in different ways, and it depends on the location of the tumor. The patient quickly loses weight, he is tormented by vomiting, nausea, pain in the stomach. He does not eat or drink anything, his body is dehydrated and depleted. Only a complete examination makes it possible to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment.

The patient painfully endures such a disease as stomach cancer. This disease is treated with surgery. During the operation, a part of the stomach affected by cancer cells is removed. If the tumor has spread to the entire organ, the stomach is removed completely. And when the disease has metastasized to other organs, they are also removed. Before and after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are performed. These procedures do not cure cancer, but only reduce the severity of individual symptoms of the disease.

Pancreas cancer

This organ is very small in size, only 15 cm long. Therefore, during the examination, it is almost impossible to detect any changes caused by the tumor. And at an early stage of development, a person does not feel any signs of the disease. If they appear, they are attributed to another disease.

To date, the cause of this disease has not been established. Several factors can help you identify pancreatic cancer that requires surgery. These include: pain in the back, loss of appetite, respectively, weight loss, discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes, which happens when bile is released, discoloration of feces, staining of urine and itching of the skin.

Pancreatic cancer is treated only with surgery. There are three types of operations:

  • Only part of the gland is removed, while maintaining exocrine and endocrine functions.
  • Not all of the iron is removed, but the outflow of the digestive products of the organ is not preserved either.
  • The pancreas is completely removed. This operation requires hormone replacement therapy.

A cancerous tumor spreads metastases to nearby organs, bones and peritoneum. To rule out pancreatic cancer, prevention should not be neglected. To get started, stop drinking and smoking, stick to a diet. In the presence of other diseases and benign tumors, treat them in a timely manner.

prostate cancer

This disease is male, otherwise it is called carcinoma. The tumor affects the prostate gland, which negatively affects the sexual function of a man and can threaten his life. Prostate cancer, which needs to be treated immediately, is more common in men over forty years of age.

There is no single answer to the question of the causes of this disease. Specialists in the field of oncology have established a connection between the appearance of cancer and certain factors. This is, first of all, age and heredity. As a man gets older, his body goes through a stage of hormonal changes.

The prostate gland is also involved in this process, which can lead to a bad disease. But in some cases, the cause of the disease must be sought in heredity. Scientists based on numerous studies have identified the gene. If it is inherited, the risk of a malignant tumor of the male gland increases many times over.

Carcinoma is a very dangerous disease. Its insidiousness lies in the active spread of metastases when a person does not feel any signs of the disease. Therefore, men of mature age need to carefully monitor their health. And for this you need to know what are the signs of prostate cancer. Treatment should be started immediately. Contact your doctor immediately if you are concerned about:

  • Painful urination with blood.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Pain in perineum and bones.
  • Weight loss.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the patient's concomitant diseases, his age and desire to recover. Currently, there are many methods and methods for treating prostate cancer:

  • No treatment is given. This method is applied to elderly cancer patients with a severe form of some other disease. If you prescribe a treatment against a tumor, it can harm the patient even more.
  • The surgical method is used when the tumor has not gone beyond the gland and has not allowed metastases.
  • Brachytherapy is used to reduce the growth of cancer cells.
  • And finally, when other methods of treatment are not possible due to a severe form of the disease, hormonal therapy is performed.

Lungs' cancer

This disease in oncology is considered the most common, since the initial stage of lung cancer does not show any signs. The formation of a tumor on the lungs often occurs in people who once had chronic diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis. This disease affects people employed in hazardous industries, where they have to inhale tar, coke and various essential oils. Smokers, miners, workers in metallurgical, asbestos-cement, phosphate industries get lung cancer more often.

Symptoms of the disease may be characteristic of other diseases. When a person coughs, shortness of breath takes him, sometimes he coughs up blood, experiences pain in the chest area and loses weight, you need to urgently see a doctor. If the temperature rises for no reason, you should also think about it. Under its slight change, cancer can be masked, posing as pneumonia or bronchitis.

What to do if you are diagnosed with cancer? Treatment of a lung tumor is carried out by conservative and surgical methods. The first includes chemotherapy, radiation exposure and combined treatment. All procedures are carried out on modern equipment and with the use of effective drugs. Unfortunately, the conservative method is inferior to the surgical one. According to statistics, only every fifth patient with such a diagnosis lives for more than a year. The rest of the patients took only a few months to live.

In medical practice, there are cases when this disease at the last stage of development was completely cured using alternative treatment for lung cancer.

  • The most effective folk remedy is red capsicum. An extract is prepared from it. Crushed pepper, along with seeds, is poured with any high-quality oil, closed tightly and refrigerate for about a week. The contents of the jar should be shaken daily. After the infusion time has elapsed, the extract is filtered, bottled and the course of treatment begins. You need to take the extract 1 teaspoon five times a day before meals. You can drink pepper tincture with kefir, milk or eat bread. Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of pepper and oil.
  • Cancer cells are considered a fungus that can poison the entire body. To neutralize it, you need to use soda, as it contains alkali. In a malignant tumor, soda cancer treatment is used. Prepare such a solution. One teaspoon of baking soda dissolves in a cup of warm water. Take three days in a row, twice a day. Take a ten-day break and repeat the treatment.

Rectal cancer

This disease usually affects people over the age of fifty. The tumor develops slowly in the rectum. When she completely embraces her, she begins to spread metastases to organs located in the neighborhood. Rectal cancer usually begins to develop after injury to the mucous membrane. What could hurt her?

  • Polyps, colitis, proctitis and other inflammatory processes.
  • Excessive consumption of spicy, salty foods and insufficient vegetable leads to damage to the mucous membrane.
  • Anal sex.

What should I pay attention to not miss the disease?

  • Intestinal disorder, which is accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, fecal incontinence.
  • Discharges: bloody, purulent and mucous.
  • Sensation of pain in the rectum.
  • Sharp weight loss, manifestations of anemia, pallor.

Like no other disease, rectal cancer causes a lot of inconvenience. Treatment of this disease is carried out surgically. There are several of them, depending on the size of the tumor and metastasis, one or another operation is performed. Irradiation and chemotherapy are done before and after it. This is necessary to reduce the size of the tumor and reduce the risk of negative manifestations of cancer after surgery. At the slightest suspicion of this disease, immediately consult a doctor!

Skin cancer

The formation of a malignant tumor occurs with the uncontrolled division of a somatic cell and its introduction into human organs. Cancer is dangerous because such a division cannot be noticed. The tumor can affect any organ, and the skin too. Skin cancer is different, and it is treated in different ways.

A tumor on the surface of the skin is called melanoma. This disease develops as a result of the consequences of chronic dermatitis, prolonged exposure to the skin of the sun and radioactive radiation.

First, small nodules form on the skin. When there are few of them, it does not cause pain. And when the nodules stick out like a plaque above the skin and grow, the pain becomes noticeable. Finally, the tumor grows to such a size that it covers the entire skin and penetrates deep into it. Skin cancer, which is treated with folk remedies, can be defeated, as healers did many centuries ago.

  • Veselka ordinary mushroom is ground into powder. Previously, the plant is dried and ground. An ointment is prepared from a mixture of powder and propolis oil and lubricated with tumors on the skin. For 10 g of powder take 100 g of oil.
  • Juice is squeezed out of a medicinal plant of celandine, mixed with petroleum jelly. This ointment lubricates the tumors. For one part of the juice of the plant, you need to take four parts of petroleum jelly.
  • Tampons are made from the juice of the golden mustache and applied to the affected areas. Once a day, the lotion is changed.

In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes that help in the fight against skin cancer. Now this information is available to anyone. Study it, heal and be healthy!

Brain tumor, stage 4

Cancer is not always a curable disease. And if a malignant formation develops in the brain and has reached the fourth, final stage, this is terrible. Hope for a full recovery collapsed. But there is a chance to extend the life of a sick person.

Treatment for stage 4 cancer depends on many factors. The main question that interests a patient with such a diagnosis is: "How long to live?" With brain cancer, patients over 65 can live 2-3 years. But middle-aged people live with such a disease longer. The body joins the struggle for life, as the young have motivation and more strength. Surgery, radiation therapy and drug treatment prolong the life of the patient for many years.

"ASD. Faction 2"

Officially, this drug is allowed only in veterinary practice. It has not been studied in humans, and if you decide to be treated with this remedy, all responsibility will fall solely on you.

For the manufacture of the drug "ASD. Fraction 2" use the tissue of long-lived animals. The tincture is a tea-colored liquid and has a specific smell. Scientists have proven the antibacterial properties of the "ASD" agent. The drug is involved in the metabolic processes of the body, provides the desired content of hormones and manifests itself in the formation of the immune system. The drug "ASD" has an effect not on some microbe, but on the whole organism as a whole, which in the future will itself destroy this microbe.

In oncological diseases, the "ASD" remedy is used. Treating cancer with this drug reduces pain and stops the progression of the disease. Advanced stages of cancer are treated with a non-general dosage. Use five milliliters of the drug "ASD" per 100 milliliters of water. The drug should be taken twice a day, and only with the approval and under the supervision of a doctor.

The fight against cancer folk remedies

Healing herbs and products of natural origin are widely used in the treatment of cancerous tumors.

  • The most common remedy for cancer treatment is garlic. It prevents excessive division of the somatic cell. This stabilizes the development of the tumor or cures it. It is enough to eat 1 tbsp every day. a spoonful of garlic boiled in honey. Reception limit 3-4 times. Honey (500 g) and garlic juice (200 g) are mixed and boiled for 40 minutes in a water bath with the lid closed. The foam formed on the surface is removed.
  • Cancer treatment with folk remedies is used to strengthen the patient's body. To do this, prepare a tincture. Common juniper is poured with white grape wine. Insist two weeks in a dark place. After that, chopped garlic is added there and insisted again for 10 days. Filter and take up to 50 g after meals 1-2 times a day. Ingredients: 100 g of juniper fruit, 2 liters of wine, two heads of garlic.
  • The crushed oak bark is boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. Add honey, ground garlic, bring to a boil. Cool, filter and rinse with throat cancer. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. spoon of bark, 1 liter of water, 4 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of garlic.

Treatment of cancer with folk remedies is carried out according to the recipes of traditional medicine. There is now a lot of information available on this topic. You can always get it if needed. Heal and be healthy!

Cancer treatment is a set of measures aimed at getting rid of the disease, improving the patient's well-being and his speedy recovery. Cancer is a dangerous disease, which is a malignant tumor that rapidly increases in size and metastasizes in the later stages of the disease. This is one of the most common diseases, and according to statistics, over the past hundred years, it has risen from ninth to second place in terms of mortality and morbidity, second only to cardiovascular pathologies. There are 4 stages of the disease, characterized by the severity of the course of the disease and the damage that the tumor causes to the human body. If in the early stages it is possible to completely cure this disease, then in the last stage it is an almost incurable disease.

However, recent studies by foreign and domestic scientists indicate that cancer is curable, and already at the moment there are innovative methods that allow you to get rid of this disease forever.

Is it really possible? Is it true that stage 4 carcinoma can be cured? What is the most effective cancer treatment? Let's try to answer these and other questions in the article below.

Modern methods of fighting cancer

Carcinoma is a dangerous and, in many cases, fatal disease. And if cancer of the first and 2nd degree is treatable, and for the most part the patient gets rid of this disease forever, then in the last stages of squamous and other types of cancer, with a strong lesion with metastases, the prognosis is disappointing.

In such cases, radical experimental treatment comes to the rescue, most often abroad. Indeed, progress does not stand still, and modern technologies have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of carcinoma. New discoveries and innovations, both abroad and in our country, open up promising prospects in this area, making us believe that we will defeat cancer.

Innovative treatment of carcinoma includes various methods, including nanotechnology, laser surgery, genetic engineering, targeted therapy, oxygen treatment, and others.

Using every opportunity, scientists are trying to find an alternative treatment, instead of traditional cancer therapy - radiation and chemotherapy, which cause many side effects. Of course, in the most developed countries, the development of the medical industry has stepped far forward and is at a very high level, so many patients seek to receive high-quality and effective treatment abroad. Moreover, they take on even the most hopeless patients and use a variety of ways to fight cancer to achieve positive results. Reviews of many patients who underwent treatment abroad indicate that such therapy really helps to get rid of the disease, even in advanced stages.

Radiotherapy in oncology

Radiotherapy, nuclear treatment or radiation therapy is the treatment of cancer with ionizing radiation. Radiological irradiation is used both to destroy malignant neoplasms and to alleviate the patient's condition and relieve symptoms of the disease. Cancer is afraid of radio exposure. The essence of this method is that various kinds of radiation destroy cancer-affected cells by stopping their division and damaging DNA.

There are three types of radiation therapy:

  • contact;
  • remote;
  • radionuclide

Contact, or brachytherapy, is performed by applying a radiation source directly to the tumor itself. Such irradiation affects only superficial types of cancer, since the treatment is carried out intraoperatively. This method, although sparing enough for healthy tissues, is used quite rarely.

External radiation therapy is used much more often, although it entails many side effects, since there can be many healthy tissues between the radiation source and the tumor, and the more there are, the more difficult it is to deliver the required dose of radiation to the focus of exposure.

Radionuclide therapy is carried out by the introduction of intravenous or oral drugs, which selectively accumulate in the tumor tissues and gradually destroy it. Thyroid cancer, leukemia and some rare types of carcinoma are treated in this way. Also, isotope treatment is used to relieve pain in secondary bone cancer, affecting the area near metastases and the nerve endings surrounding them.

Radiation therapy is often indicated, both after surgery and before it:

  • to reduce the size of the tumor before surgery to remove the tumor;
  • to destroy the remaining cancer cells after surgery.

Since the treatment with radiology, in addition to the tumor itself, also affects nearby tissues, there are two groups of possible side effects that have negative consequences for the body: local, caused by exposure to radiation, and systemic, caused by the decay of cells exposed to radiation.

The local ones are:

  • radiation burns;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • small hemorrhages;
  • the appearance of ulcers.

Systemic ones include:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • hair loss and brittle nails;
  • oppression of hematopoiesis and changes in the blood picture.

Laser therapy for oncology

Photodynamic therapy or PDT is a gentle method of treating oncological diseases with a laser and sensitizers - substances that destroy cancer-affected cells under the influence of light.

The therapy has the following steps:

  1. Introduction to the blood of a drug-sensitizer.
  2. Accumulation of drugs in tumor tissues.
  3. The impact of laser beams on the affected area.

As a result, killer cells are formed, which have a detrimental effect on diseased cells.

Indications for such therapy are:

  • melanoma and other types of skin cancer;
  • tumors in hard-to-reach places;
  • cases of refusal of the patient from surgical intervention;
  • early stages of cancer of the mucous membrane of the cervix, tongue, pharynx, larynx, stomach and bladder.

The advantage of this therapy over radiation exposure is the preservation of nearby tissues. So, for example, with lip cancer, under the influence of radiation, the bone tissue of the jaw atrophies and teeth begin to fall out. With laser therapy, all this can be avoided.

The main side effect of this therapy is increased sensitivity to light. The drug, having a cumulative property, can remain in the body for several days and even weeks. At this time, even a slight exposure of the patient to the sun leads to pain and pain in the eyes, blisters on the skin. However, the use of various cosmetics can significantly improve the patient's condition, which can be seen in the photo.

Medications for the treatment of carcinoma

Cancer medications can be divided into:

  • anticancer drugs;
  • immunosuppressive agents;
  • analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hormonal agents;
  • cytotoxic drugs.

Some of them are shown in the table.

Medications for the treatment of carcinoma
Tradename Active substance Pharmaceutical group
Avastin Bevacizumab
Interferon alfa Interferon Antivirals
Iressa Gefitinib Anticancer drugs
Lomustine Lomustine Nitrosourea and triazene derivatives
Mummy Mummy Drugs affecting the digestive system and metabolic processes
Roncoleukin Recombinant interleukin-2
Tamoxifen Tamoxifen citrate Antiestrogens
Timalin Bovine Thymus Extract Drugs that stimulate the processes of immunity
Todikamp Milky Walnut Extract Anticancer and anti-inflammatory drugs

In folk medicine, they practice the treatment of oncology with Chlorophyll, Trichopolum, as well as the drug ASD-2 fraction. For the same purposes, traditional healers recommend using hydrogen peroxide, treating cancer with wormwood and iron, and other measures. But we will take a closer look at the drug treatment of the disease offered by traditional modern medicine.

Biotherapy in oncology

Biological treatment is the therapy of malignant neoplasms using substances derived from living organisms.

Some biotherapies may use a vaccine or a variety of bacteria to stimulate the body's immune system to fight cancer cells. For this reason, biotherapy is often referred to as immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy is used at all stages of cancer, as an additional tool for surgical operations, and as an independent treatment. There are two types of biological drugs used in oncology. This:

  • cytokines used in cytokine therapy;
  • monoclonal antibodies.

Once in the human body, a monoclonal antibody or cytokine has a pathological effect on malignant cells and blocks the tumor nutrition system, thereby blocking its growth, and hence the entire oncological process.

Side effects of biotherapy:

  • nausea and weakness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • low blood pressure;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes.

The main groups of biological drugs used in the treatment of cancer:

  • treatment with cytokines that transmit information between immune cells;
  • monoclonal antibody therapy that detects and destroys cancer-affected cells;
  • the use of gamma interferons, which have a detrimental effect on cancer cells;
  • treatment with dendritic cells derived from blood stem cells, which, when interacting with infected cells, disinfect them;
  • the creation of anti-cancer vaccines derived from tumor cells, which, when introduced into the human body, provoke the development of anti-tumor antibodies;
  • use of TIL cells;
  • the use of interleukins that carry information about cancer cells;
  • treatment with T-helpers.

Often in such cases, treatment with Interferon, Roncoleukin and Timalin is prescribed. Most often, this therapy is used for cervical cancer, stomach cancer, prostate carcinoma, melanoma and lung cancer.

Also, to fight cancer, proteolytic enzymes are used, which also contribute to the destruction of pathological cells.

Gene therapy in oncology

Gene therapy is one of the newest therapies in the fight against cancer cells. In essence, in-vivo genetic treatment is gene transfer, in other words, the introduction of various genetic drugs into diseased cells or nearby tissues. And there is also ex-vivo therapy, in which cancer cells are initially harvested from a patient, then a healthy gene is inserted into them, and the mutating cells are introduced back into the body. Such treatment is carried out with special vectors created by genetic engineering - viruses, nanoparticles or stem cells.

Such therapy is indicated for various types of cancer at any stage.

But this method also has its side effects:

  • erroneous introduction of a gene into healthy cells;
  • transmission of the virus to other people;
  • damage to healthy tissues due to overexpression of the introduced gene;
  • the appearance of secondary cancer;
  • flu symptoms.

Chemotherapy for oncology

Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer by administering anticancer drugs. Chemotherapy drugs help destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy for oncological diseases can be used both as an independent treatment and in combination with other methods. Most often, oncologists prescribe a complex combined treatment, which uses radiation therapy, chemistry and surgery.

Chemotherapy is used for different purposes:

  • adjuvant chemotherapy is a postoperative cancer treatment aimed at destroying remaining cancer cells in the body;
  • Non-adjuvant chemotherapy is used to shrink cancer before surgery or radiation therapy.

For these purposes, treatment with tablets, capsules is used, the drug is administered intravenously. Used in such therapy and hormonal drugs. In hormone therapy for cancer, Tamoxifen or its equivalent is often prescribed. Chemotherapy is most often used after surgery or radiotherapy to prevent possible recurrences. However, this method of treatment has a lot of side effects and entails negative consequences:

  • development of osteoporosis;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • hair loss and baldness;
  • changes in the condition of nails and skin;
  • nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and intestines;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • increased swelling;
  • memory impairment.

This method is proposed for the treatment of heart cancer, since surgical intervention in such a disease is excluded.

Surgical intervention

Surgery for oncology is one of the most common and effective methods of cancer treatment. Surgery is used at various stages of cancer and includes both the removal of the primary tumor and possible metastases.

Such operations are performed with a scalpel and depend largely on the size of the tumor and its localization. In some cases, only minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery may be needed, in others, they resort to the removal of an entire organ or part of the body.

The following types of cancer are most often treated in this way: breast carcinoma, stomach cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, prostate carcinoma and others.

Complications and side effects of this therapy:

  • infectious complications due to improper use of antibacterial drugs;
  • bleeding during surgery;
  • possible damage to nearby organs and tissues;
  • postoperative pain syndromes.

In the early stages of oncological diseases, methods such as cryodestruction, hyperthermia, laser surgery or ultrasound surgery are used.

Surgery is most often combined with radiation and chemotherapy.

The treatment regimen is prescribed by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Alternative medicine in oncology

In the treatment of cancer, there are many alternative methods. Let's briefly consider some of them.

diet therapy

With cancer, proper and rational nutrition is very important. Therefore, patients at any stage of the disease are shown a balanced diet that helps restore body tissues and cells, improve well-being and metabolism, and prevent inflammatory processes. This is a very important component in the complex therapy of oncological diseases and their prevention.

General recommendations in this case are as follows:

  • eat more vegetables;
  • eat yellow and orange fruits;
  • give preference ;
  • eat, bow and;
  • eat citrus fruits, rich .
  • use complex vitamin preparations, especially.

Austrian doctor Rudolf Breuss offers his method of curing cancer in 42 days. It was based on the treatment of hunger, in which you can use only juices and herbal infusions. This treatment is most effective in the early stages of the disease.

Some traditional healers suggest fasting or a raw food diet, but the effectiveness of such methods has not been scientifically proven. So whether you do it or not is up to you.


Another method of alternative medicine is urine therapy. Many traditional healers talk about the miraculous cure of cancer with urine and even camel urine. But it is not recommended to consider this method of treatment as a panacea for cancer. This is best done as a preventive measure after traditional treatment options. Trying on yourself various methods of alternative medicine, do not forget about the most important thing - your health is in your hands.


Leech therapy is also quite developed as an alternative way to get rid of cancer. But it is better to use this method after surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or other traditional therapies, in order to prevent relapses.

Cold treatment

Cryotherapy along with hyperthermia are also among the alternative options for cancer therapy. Treatment with cold or heat can help in the early stages of the oncological process and such therapy is performed only on localized areas of the body. Freezing or cauterization is best used to treat skin cancer, as well as some internal tumors such as cervical cancer or prostate carcinoma.


Ultrasound treatment is widely used in the treatment of cancer. Ultrasonic waves generate cavitation and thermal energy aimed at destroying cancer cells. This therapy is most often used for bone cancer - tailbone, spine, leg bone tissue and others, breast cancer, pancreatic carcinoma, prostate carcinoma.

Palliative care

Palliative care is a therapy aimed at alleviating the patient's condition in cases where the disease has passed into an incurable stage. Such treatment allows to improve the quality of life of the patient and increase its duration through palliative surgery.

Palliative surgery is a surgical method in which the patient is not completely cured of cancer, but through such an operation can significantly improve his life. If the tumor has grown significantly into nearby organs and there is no way to remove it without hitting them, then such a neoplasm is subject to partial removal, which leads to a significant reduction in the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and a significant decrease in pain.

Summing up

The treatment of oncological diseases in both children and adults requires a long time and considerable effort. Although cancer is a serious disease, and in its advanced stages it is practically incurable, scientists are currently developing new modern methods of treating the disease, which have favorable prognosis and give hope even to hopeless patients. Nanotechnologies, genetic engineering, targeted treatment and others stand out among them.

Many people resort to non-traditional therapy methods for such a disease: treatment with the ASD-2 fraction, urine therapy, treatment with leeches. But such techniques should by no means become an alternative to the standard complex treatment of oncology.

Many nations have learned to treat cancer without resorting to official medicine. Sometimes, the possibilities of folk remedies are surprising. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian healers treated cancer easily and simply, and did not consider it some kind of special, serious illness.

In the past, diseases such as scurvy, cholera, plague, smallpox or measles, etc. awed anyone, because people knew well that no medicine could cure this disease. The only prevention and salvation from these diseases was fire and people burned the houses of the dead, their utensils, clothes and food. But time passed, and humanity learned to get rid of these diseases. The name of the disease, which, allegedly, modern medicine today cannot cope with is “cancer”.

At the same time, many nations have learned to treat cancer without resorting to official medicine. Sometimes, the possibilities of folk remedies are surprising. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian healers treated cancer easily and simply, and did not consider it some kind of special, serious illness. Only later, with the coming of the Bolsheviks to power, when most of the traditional healers were shot, did cancer become “incurable”. From all of the above, we can conclude: Russian folk healers knew the nature of cancer and knew how to deal with it.

Only recently it became known to official science that cancer occurs for two reasons. The first reason is a reaction to a lack of vitamin B17 in the body. The second reason is that during a deficiency of this vitamin, the immune system is extremely weakened in the human body.

The catalyst for the onset of a cancerous tumor is the fungus Candida albicans, which lives in any human body and is the causative agent of candidiasis. Therefore, in order to infect any person with a malignant tumor, two factors are enough: the lack of vitamin B17 and a weakened immune system that cannot neutralize the action and reproduction of the fungus. Vitamin B17 is the main moment that inhibits a malignant tumor in the body. If this vitamin is enough, then even a weakened immune system copes with a fungal disease.

American approach to cancer treatment

Video about vitamin B17, which is found in apricot kernels and that wild captivity and animals never get cancer, centenarians (on average 160 years) about healthy bread, recommended literature, how to deceive the body by giving it poison, how advertising makes associations about the usefulness of poison (cigarettes, beer), and at the end an interesting answer to the question: How do you know, if you have not tried it, that you will not like it (Vitamin B17 against cancer 8 min. 1 sec.).

Amygdalin (from Greek - almonds) - gentsibioside of mandelic acid nitrile C20H27NO11, a glycoside contained in the bones of many plants of the genus Plum (from lat. Prunus), giving them a bitter taste.

Plum (lat. Prnus) - a genus of plants, includes such species as house plum, cherry, peach, apricot, almond, sweet cherry and others. About a hundred species of plum are known, distributed mainly in the northern temperate regions of the globe.

If you try to type vitamin B17 in Google search (google.com), you can see an advertisement for Cytopharma (cytopharma.com), which manufactures preparations containing vitamin B17 in Mexico. The high content of amygdalin is aimed at fighting cancer. Amygdalin begins to act 3 hours after administration!

Amigdalin B17 (500 mg) 100 tablets cost about 6000 - 8000 ross. rubles

Amigdalin injection 10 ampoules (3 g) cost about 7000 - 8200 ross. rubles

Novodalin B17 100 tablets (100 mg) rubles

Apricot Kernels (1 pound = 0.45359237 kg) cost approximately 900 - 1700 Russian. rubles

Under the trade name laetril, amygdalin is promoted by representatives of "alternative medicine" as a vitamin-like drug (so-called vitamin B17) and an anticancer agent. As such, it is categorically rejected by the scientific and medical community, in particular the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American Cancer Society, and the American Medical Association (AMA) as toxic and lacking antitumor activity. Cases of poisoning with "laetrile" are known, including when taken in combination with high doses of vitamin C, which reduces the level of cysteine ​​in tissues, which binds hydrogen cyanide in vivo.

A video about medical politics with a focus on cancer…many are better off with a disease than those who are curing it. Scurvy, pellagra, cancer. Only pets get cancer. How nature itself defeats cancer. Proportion Tips: How Much Apple Seed Can You Eat? How much surgery is needed for cancer? References are made to doctors and literature that can help in the prevention and treatment of cancer. (Edward Griffin - World without cancer / Edward Griffin - World without cancer 55 min. 28 sec.)

What vegetables and fruits contain vitamin B17?

It turns out that it is not found in tomatoes, cucumbers, or any other cultivated plants in our garden. It is contained only in the berries of the boyarka along with the seeds, in the seeds of the ranetki, cultivated and wild apple trees, in the stones of the pear, apricot and plum, and in bitter almonds.

That is why a number of corrupt scientists began to write dozens of articles about the dangers of plum and apricot kernels.

Here are some of them:
What is the use of apricot kernels for our body and what is their harm?
Harm of apricot kernels from the standpoint of biochemistry
Why is there harm to apricot kernels in human nutrition?
Harm of apricot kernels from the position of Ayurveda

It will be useful to know:
The benefits and harms of apricot kernels
Elizabeth II accused the guards of stealing nuts

Allegedly, in all these seeds, there is too much poisonous cyanide, which "poisons the human body, destroys its liver, pancreas and blood-forming organs." It is clear that this was an order in order to create a deficiency of vitamin B17 in the human body.

Considering that a modern person lives in constant stress, and stress, as you know, destroys the immune system, in addition, the immune system is destroyed by GMOs and food chemistry, then it is not difficult to guess where we have so many cancer patients. One detail is interesting: three centuries ago, in vegetables, and in apples, and in pears, in the pulp itself, this vitamin was present, but with the creation of new varieties, vitamin B17 remained only in the bones of these plants.

That is why, back in the 17th century, cancers were inherent only to urban residents, and even then, quite rarely.

How did Russian healers treat this disease? There have been several treatments for cancer...

1. The recipe is taken from the official website of Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov from the article “Treatment of an “incurable” disease”
Traditional healers understood that the main thing in the treatment of any disease is the human immune system. Therefore, at the beginning of treatment, we tried to strengthen it as much as possible.

To do this, they took May or June honey, 1 kg, dissolved it in 1 liter of grape wine or vodka, scrolled 1 kg of scarlet tree (agave) there, sometimes put 2 ficus leaves. Be sure to add 50g of dry forest or meadow horsetail and 20-50g of celandine to the composition. Sometimes celandine was replaced with raw meadow buttercup.

The poison of celandine and buttercup served as a killer for a cancerous fungus, and all other herbs strengthened the human immune system, in addition, they served as an internal balm for healing wounds caused by a tumor.
When the composition was assembled, it was placed in a dark place and insisted for 12 days. Then this infusion was drunk 3 times a day, an hour before meals. Some folk healers added a dry or fresh birch leaf, 50g, to this composition, they put the same amount of St. John's wort or thyme. All this increased the effectiveness of the balm and helped the body get rid of the disease as soon as possible. But this is only the first half of the treatment.

The second half consisted of eating 20-50 kernels of plum, apricot, almond or peach pits 3 times a day. It is important to know that all these seeds are taken from fresh or dried fruits that have not undergone heat treatment. Folk healers were well aware that these bones contained a powerful poison, but they also knew something that modern science has only recently learned about.

The fact that this poison, cyanide, has absolutely no effect on the human body, since it is associated with substances that neutralize it. This poison acts only on a disease-causing tumor, but not on the human body. It turns out that the seeds of plums, apricots and peaches not only give the body vitamin B17, but also destroy cancer with their poison.

Such therapy made it possible to completely cure a person from a malignant tumor within six months. In addition, the patient was recommended to take a steam bath and then douse with ice water, ride in the snow. Sometimes he was forced to douse himself with water after sleeping, and then rolled up in a warm fur coat. All this was done to maximize the strengthening of the immune system.

There is another way to get rid of a serious illness. It is even simpler, but requires a strong will from the patient. Usually Pomors were treated in this way. As you know, people did not breed bees on the coast of the White Sea, especially since they did not have southern plants, such as scarlet or ficus. Therefore, in those places, Russian people, having become ill with cancer, ate boyarka berries along with seeds, which also contain vitamin B17, drank a decoction of chaga with milk, ate wild apple fruits in large quantities along with seeds and did physical exercises, and for everything muscle groups.

Instead of dumbbells and barbells, stones, sandbags, millstones and iron rods were used. What does it give? It turns out that during physical exertion, human muscles lose a huge amount of protein, so much protein that a sick person cannot replenish it through food. Therefore, the body began to act in its own way.

It produced killer cells that ate the tumor protein, converting it into amino acids to build muscle. That is why modern fitness and bodybuilders almost never get cancer, although they do not eat foods containing vitamin B17.

2. The recipe is taken from the site dedicated to “Traditional Medicine and Oncology.” Anikeev Gennady Ivanovich - Treatment of cancer with honey wine, recipe A. R. Taraban”

Tarabanovskoye honey wine is desirable to combine with the following anti-cancer infusion.

Recipe for anti-cancer infusion:

  • 3 tablespoons of St. John's wort;
  • 2 tablespoons of blackberry leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon of lungwort officinalis.
  • 2 tablespoons of deaf nettle flowers;

Tarabanovskoe honey wine

Grind all components, mix and pour 1-1 cups of boiling water. Infuse like tea and drink 1 glass 3 times a day, when convenient. In this case, the interval between taking honey wine and infusion should be about 1.5-2 hours.
If there is no whole collection, then you can brew blackberry and strawberry leaves and use it instead of tea.

To prepare honey wine according to Taraban, you need to take a copper basin and an earthenware jug.

Thirteen liters of well or spring water should be fired into a copper basin and brought to a boil. While the water has not yet boiled, pour 6 cups of high-quality natural flower honey into it and simmer for 1.5 hours, removing dirty foam from the surface from time to time, so that later there are no complications when the wine ripens. Pour the boiled honey solution into an earthenware vessel and let it cool in this vessel to the temperature of warm soup, in which the fat has not yet solidified. Here is the warmth of honey water is poured into a wooden wine barrel and, without nailing up holes, they put it in the cellar, moreover, where it is warmer. You can tie a barrel with batting or a woolen shawl, a blanket.

Fermentation begins in different ways, depending on the microclimate of the cellar: sometimes, after a week; happens, and after three weeks - you need to follow. The first period of fermentation usually lasts about two weeks, after which the young honey wine is poured into another similar wooden barrel, leaving all the sediment in the first barrel.

Under the same conditions, it is necessary to control the secondary fermentation so as not to overage the wine. Usually the second fermentation period also lasts about 1.5-2 weeks. At the end of the secondary fermentation, the openings of the wine barrel must be urgently tightly corked.
Tarabanovskoye honey wine will be ready in 4-5 weeks. Then it is poured into small (0.5-1 l) clay jugs or any clay vessels, put in a cold place, where it should still foam. It is during this period that it is considered very useful for patients with cancer.

They drink it as much as the body takes and regardless of the condition, but you should not abuse it.

Russian people knew a lot more ways to treat cancer, but we will not describe these methods, since they are associated with the use of heavy metal salts (mercury chloride, sublimate,), although they are simple and reliable. That's why you can't buy mercury chloride in modern pharmacies, although other poisons are sold there. This is because it was not at all difficult for Russian folk healers to cure cancer with sublimate.

3. The story that was told at a seminar in Latvia on September 10, 2013 from Alexander Gennadievich Khakimov about a woman who was cured of grade 4 cancer. In short, the heroine of this story began to recover only as soon as she began to look for her new destiny in the ministry .... 5 minutes. 19 sec.

4. Prescription soda treatment.

5. There is a note on the Internet about Kunitsyn's journey. V.K. (circa 2012). Having visited the Barguzin Old Believers, they were told that all diseases were from the head, he looked like a 60-year-old old man, but in fact he was the oldest and was 118 years old. In addition, the long-liver gives a clear scheme for the treatment of any disease:
- a person understands, together with his loved ones, what thought or what feeling, what business could cause illness. That is, he tries to understand what is wrong in his life.
- then begins to starve, pray
- after the above, he drinks herbs, infusions, is treated with natural substances.

6. In recent years, the anti-cancer effect of carrots, beets, cabbage has been proven. And the meat, on the contrary, contributes to it. Fifty years ago, in Sweden, stomach cancer ranked first in mortality statistics. Today, this figure has decreased from 60% to 17% for men and 8% for women. This is due to the fact that earlier the diet of the Swedes was predominantly meat, and now vegetables and fruits predominate in their diet. And here is what T.P. Garnik, head of the Department of Phytotherapy at the Kiev Medical Institute, advises: “Eat an apple with grains every day, and you will never have a tumor.”

7. In 1997, it was found that resveratrol prevents the development of skin cancer in mice when exposed to carcinogens. In experiments with mice and rats, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar lowering, cardioprotective and other positive effects of resveratrol were revealed.

Resveratrol is found in:

The skin of red grapes (not in the pulp of grapes, but in their skin, seeds and a little in leaves and branches), and white grapes contain little resveratrol.

Strawberries, blueberries and other berries and fruits

Asparagus broccoli and broccoli sprouts

Spinach and cocoa

Peanuts and other nuts

Highlander Sakhalin and other medicinal plants

Tinctures and dishes not subjected to strong heat treatment (no more than 7-45 degrees, for each product individually) and made from the previously listed products.

Highlander Sakhalin (Polygonnum cuspidatum Family: Buckwheat) - is one of the important sources of resveratrol and its glycoside. It is found on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and in Japan (the islands of Hokkaido and Honshu). Grows on mountain slopes. T. published

Dr. Leonard Caldwell has developed a unique system for healing any type of cancer in up to 4 months.

During his practice, he published 19 books, of which the most popular were those that dealt with the treatment of malignant tumors. He has saved 35,000 lives. The indicator is simply incredible, because Dr. Caldwell cured 92% of the people who turned to him for help. Official medicine makes it possible to recover only 2% of patients.

What is the secret of Dr. Caldwell's amazing technique? In his opinion, for a cure, you need to take only 4 steps - get rid of the hyperacidity of the body, consume natural vitamin C, switch to a vegan diet, change your mindset.

STEP 1 - alkaline environment and oxygen

Cancer cells actively develop in an oxygen-free environment.

All patients show acidification of the body. According to Dr. Caldwell, if the body is saturated with oxygen, then the malignant tumor will stop growing. Alkalinization of the body lasts from several days to several weeks - for each patient, the process proceeds individually. If the pH value is 7, then it is said to be neutral. A value of 7.36 is considered ideal, and for cancer patients it is necessary to raise the pH to 7.5 and above.

To make the environment alkaline, Dr. Caldwell recommends drinking 4 liters of water every day and consuming half a teaspoon of salt. Be sure to take sea salt. Food for 2/3 consists of sand and glass, which only scratch the vessels from the inside and they begin to bleed. There is an active influx of cholesterol to damaged areas to heal micro-wounds. The vessels become narrower, the pressure rises and no one gets better from this. Also, alkalization of the body is helped by special supplements with the necessary trace elements.

According to Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Martin from Germany uses a method of oxygenating the blood. It removes blood from the body and enriches it with ionized oxygen.

The procedure is done 12 times. After it, there is no trace of the original black blood - it becomes pink and clean, like a baby's. This eliminates oxygen starvation.

STEP 2 - natural vitamin C

Vitamin C has a miraculous effect on the human body, but only if a natural product is introduced. Dr. Caldwell suggests giving intravenous injections three times a week for 100 cc daily. He is sure that thanks to vitamin C, a cancerous tumor can disappear even in a few days. Artificial vitamin C no longer has this effect.

STEP 3 - vegan and raw food

The first step, according to Dr. Caldwell, when a cancerous tumor is detected, it is necessary to abandon all animal products. That is why he talks about veganism, which does not allow the consumption of milk, dairy products and eggs. Ideally, you should switch to a raw food diet. Especially Dr. Caldwell pays attention to the use of green vegetables and fruits. They contain chlorophyll, which means they help saturate the body with oxygen, which is detrimental to cancer.

STEP 4 - thinking

Hope should never leave the sick. He must know and understand that it is enough for him to change his lifestyle in order to cope with the disease. Only nature can suggest a solution to any problem, therefore, without proper nutrition and natural vitamin C, according to Dr. Caldwell, it will not be possible to cope with the disease.

The methodology may cause controversy and doubt, but it exists. Just like there are real people who have already got rid of cancer.

Water after magnetic treatment is soft, with the desired acid-base balance ( pH = 7.1 - 7.5 ). And at the same time it is a STRONG ANTIOXIDANT, and this is the prevention of ONCOLOGICAL diseases.

After activation, the water becomes biologically active.

Aging and the bouquet of diseases you have already acquired can be stopped in the only way - by daily use of activated (biologically active) water, as close as possible to cellular water in the body!


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