Home Vegetables Proper nutrition health benefits. Pros and cons of vegetarianism. You need to drink a whole liter

Proper nutrition health benefits. Pros and cons of vegetarianism. You need to drink a whole liter

Analyzing information on dairy products, for myself and my family, I decided that they do more harm than good. Have we given up dairy altogether? No. But dairy products are not in our daily diet. I don’t buy home, but I can afford to eat caprese in a restaurant when I really want to. Or a piece of aged hard cheese. It happens quite rarely, once every one or two months. Occasionally I can buy ice cream for children. And if they are treated to children's yogurt, I will not take it. But all this is not at home, and I will try to explain why.

High insulin index of dairy products

The insulin index indicates the ability of a product to increase blood insulin levels. The insulin index of dairy products is one of the highest (with the exception of cheese). If you add dairy, such as cottage cheese with berries or whole grain granola with yogurt, to a product with a low glycemic index, the glycemic index will become not just high, but prohibitively high. It's like eating a Sverdlovsk bun - a muffin with sugar.

Jumps in blood insulin by themselves are not harmful, it’s bad when insulin is constantly elevated, which leads to insulin resistance - when cell membranes lose sensitivity to insulin signals and glucose from the blood, it is very difficult to get inside the cell and go to build energy.

Quite often from dairy products there are hypostases. Fluid retention after consumption is due to the high insulin index of dairy products. High insulin stimulates the production of aldosterone in the adrenal glands - this hormone retains sodium, and with it water, which can lead to swelling.

In summary, I advise you not to combine large amounts of carbohydrates with dairy products - this is the path to obesity. Snacking on dairy keeps insulin levels high, creating insulin resistance.

Casein, caseomorphin

Casein is the main protein in milk and dairy products. There are different types of casein: alpha, beta and kappa. Beta-casein is subdivided into fractions A1 and A2. A1, unlike A2, when cleaved in the gastrointestinal tract, releases a special peptide - beta-casomorphin-7. The ending "morphine" indicates an opioid structure - that is, in fact, it is a narcotic substance that has a number of negative effects on the body. In addition, betacaseomorphine has a calming effect. No wonder a glass of milk at night is so good for sleep, especially in children. With the action of casomorphin in human milk, an increase in the attachment of the baby to the mother is associated. Milk also contains insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). It stimulates sebum synthesis and hyperkeratosis. The influence of dairy products on the appearance of acne is associated with this. There are also works pointing to the carcinogenic effect of IGF1.

The beta-casomorphin-7 molecule is large, therefore, with the syndrome of excessive small intestinal permeability, it easily enters the bloodstream, and also leads to the release of histamine, which contributes to allergic reactions.

The type of milk depends on the breed of the cow. Initially, all milk was A2. But several thousand years ago, European cows, unlike Asian and African cows, had a mutation that led to the production of the A1 protein. Therefore, there are different types of milk that differ in the content of A1 beta-casein. Accordingly, a distinction is made between A1 milk (relatively poor), A2 milk (relatively good), and mixed milk, with different ratios of A1 and A2 beta-casein. Almost all of our cow's milk and dairy products are A1, which means they have the possible unpleasant effects of beta-casomorphin 7.

Type A2 includes such types of milk: goat, sheep, mare, camel, buffalo, yak, donkey, Asian cows and, most importantly, female.

The ideal dairy product is aged goat or sheep cheese. The insulin index of cheeses is low, and goat's or sheep's milk is type A2 milk, that is, it does not form beta-casomorphin-7.

Aged cheeses are obtained as a result of propionic acid fermentation. In cheesemaking, the first stage of fermentation is lactic, that is, milk sugar is fermented to lactic acid, but a certain amount of lactose is still present. When this cheese ripens, lactic acid is fermented to propionic acid - thanks to this, holes appear in the cheese, and lactose does not remain at all. No lactose - no problems associated with lactase deficiency.

lactase deficiency

Initially, our ancestors did not have lactase, an enzyme that is synthesized by the epithelium of the small intestine and metabolizes milk sugar. The ability to absorb it is a genetic mutation.

Children up to a year digest milk sugar well, and then the activity of the enzyme drops. The rate of decrease in lactase activity depends on ethnicity. Why do you think there is almost no milk on the shelves in China? Most likely, this is not economically feasible, because by the age of three or four, 90% of the Chinese lose the ability to absorb lactose.

By the way, the higher the fat content in a dairy product, the less lactose it contains. In this regard, butter, ghee and aged cheeses are quite tolerable foods.

Lactase deficiency is genetic and secondary. The first is when the small intestine practically does not synthesize lactase. Secondary lactose intolerance is a temporary intolerance to milk sugar due to a disease or condition that affects the small intestine. Symptoms disappear as soon as the cells of the small intestine are restored.

Typical symptoms for adults: diarrhea 30-120 minutes after eating a meal containing lactose, bloating, nausea after eating, pain, cramps, abdominal cramps. Atypical symptoms: chronic fatigue, depression, pain in the limbs, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, lack of weight, irritability, depression, tension, sleep disturbances, skin problems.

To determine the true lactase deficiency, you will need to pass a genetic test. The blood will be tested for the presence of the MCM6 gene (C(-13910)T). “Intolerance” means an inability to digest lactose, often due to a lack of the lactase enzyme.

Some modern doctors, with an aplomb worthy of better use, argue that vegetarianism is a “mental illness”, that it is harmful to health, etc. a thousand years!

reference. Indian philosophers-sages developed a detailed and detailed system of human self-improvement. We know about yogis mainly in connection with their physical training, which creates real miracles - from inhuman dexterity and flexibility to healing from serious illnesses.

It is much less well known that these achievements come with a nutritional system - a very elaborate vegetarian diet. Yogis have something to say about people eating meat, believing that there is nothing but harm from it. Vegetarianism, on the contrary, is declared by them to be a natural and extremely useful approach to nutrition.

On the other hand, consistent vegans prove with the same intolerance that the human body is not adapted for eating animal products and that man is not a predator.

Then the question arises: why does this same organism need B12, which is not found in plant foods? And in general, after all, the genome was deciphered, and now it is known for sure that “we, gentlemen, are animals”? ..

Poll in the United Kingdom. Recently, a survey was conducted in the UK on an interesting topic: why, despite the growing popularity of vegetarianism, the advantages of which are becoming more obvious, people still remain wary of him?

The results were surprising: most of the respondents answered that it was all about emotional intolerance, even fanaticism of vegetarians. Adepts of plant foods are too arrogant, confident in their moral superiority over meat-eaters, and too peremptory in their conclusions about the dangers of animal foods. This is what turns away those who have not yet decided or are not going to be determined and change their eating habits.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a real scientific sensation. It used to be thought that cutting down on animal fats in the diet was negligible, but still resulted in a drop in cholesterol levels. However, the situation is more optimistic than it seemed, and the more radical the rejection of meat and meat products, the more consistent the transition to vegetarianism, the more pluses for the vessels. Undoubtedly, the benefits of vegetarianism for diagnosed atherosclerosis.

Finally, plant foods - vegetables, fruits and grains - contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and phytoncides.

It should be noted that when we practice mixed nutrition, as a rule, we lack vitamins and phytoncides. The transition to vegetarianism immediately changes the situation, and we no longer need to take pharmaceutical preparations. The thing is that we eat a small amount of animal food and do not need anything else. Switching to a plant-based diet leads to the need to eat more food and eliminates the deficiency of beneficial nutrients. When, relatively speaking, instead of 1 apple, we eat 1 apple, 1 kiwi and 1 cup of currant, we get at least three times the variety of phytoncides ...

So is there any benefit to being a vegetarian?

Cons of vegetarianism: the harm is exaggerated?

We must make a reservation right away that vegetarianism also has disadvantages, and they are fatty, but only if the vegetarian diet is not balanced.

What is it, read in a detailed article about ways to eliminate possible deficiencies and harmonize a vegan diet.

However, let's go in order.

1 Vegans can become victims of iron deficiency anemia. There is iron in plant foods, but it is not heme, that is, it is poorly absorbed. And this is a question that, if not kept under control, can lead to sad consequences.

2 One of the most serious cons of vegetarianism- this is the "problem B12". This vitamin is not found in plants, it is only found in animal products. Without developing serious and irreversible diseases of the nervous system. When they talk about the dangers of vegetarianism, they mean this circumstance first of all.

3 Animal proteins have great advantages over vegetable proteins, including. Meanwhile, proteins are the building material for cells and tissues. Without it, hormones and enzymes cannot be produced.

4 In the body of a vegan, there is often a deficiency of iodine, vitamin D and zinc, and this is also a minus of vegetarianism, which must be calculated.

5 Refusal of fish entails a lack of important vitamins and minerals, especially - which cannot be replaced by vegetable ones. This failure has two consequences:

  • Possible development of cardiovascular disease
  • Development of cataracts and clouding of the lens

6 It is known that fiber is very useful: it removes glucose, toxins. However, its excessive consumption can harm health, as it interferes with the absorption of protein, and this is also a minus of vegetarian food.

7 Vegetarianism is harmful, even contraindicated for people suffering from asthenic syndrome, weakened, recovering from surgery.

8 Many doctors believe that the disadvantages of vegetarianism do not allow it to be recommended to pregnant and lactating women. Firstly, women in this position need to constantly replenish those useful substances that they give away. Secondly, a child may be allergic to some fruits and vegetables.

9 There are cases when a strict vegan diet led to menstrual dysfunction and the development of infertility in young girls. However, there is no evidence that this is due to the harm of vegetarianism, and not some other, albeit concomitant, cause.

For each of the above list items, vegetarian nutrition experts have something to answer. And they do it so convincingly that the cons turn into the pros of being a vegetarian.

If we draw the most important short conclusions-instructions, then they will be as follows:

with a properly organized diet, a strict vegetarian will take care to take in the form of supplements B12, omega-3 fatty acids and possibly calcium.

All other nutritional components in a vegetarian diet are present in the required amount.

However, since people are different, and not all the nuances are known to science, it is not worth reducing food strategies to a single denominator. For some, vegetarianism is "just right for the size", but for some it is an unbearable hungry existence. And in this matter, tolerance is very appropriate.

But probably the best way to tell about the benefits and dangers of vegetarianism is the reviews of his followers.

Reviews about vegetarianism, the pros and cons of the diet

"Good health

I have been eating very little meat for a year now - for example, at the funeral of relatives I will join a common meal, but I never buy it home and, if there is an option, I choose vegetables. I haven't lost any weight, but I feel much better. Looks like I'm slowly becoming a vegetarian. And someone will tell me about the dangers of vegetarianism?

No headaches, increased energy and overall well-being

I stopped eating meat and drinking milk a month ago. I am 47 and I feel very light, as if I had lost 20 years. I myself am surprised, maybe it won’t be so great in the future? I am afraid that I will be left without B12, I see injections of this vitamin in pharmacies and have not yet decided how to take it in the future. The best part is that my head stopped hurting (because of which I went on a vegetarian diet) and my mood improved a lot. I have energy after work and I enjoy going to the fitness room (before it was “I can’t through”). Now I have enough sleep less and much more general well-being. And I lost 1 kg. I am now reading books about the benefits and dangers of vegetarianism, I am inclined from my own experience that there are much more advantages. ”

"All the time I wanted to eat

I sat on a regular cleansing diet for 14 days, the first time in my life on such a long-term vegetarian diet. I am a meat eater, so this is a feat for me. Well, what can I say? I survived, even lost 1 kg 800 g, but I can hardly repeat such a marathon. The fact is that I always wanted to eat, and now I want to, and I eat all the time, and I have already returned everything that I lost. In general, it doesn’t work for me with vegetarianism. ”

“Get rid of diverticulitis, acne, stratification of nails, excess weight

I have always been embarrassed to call myself a vegetarian, because I am afraid that they will laugh at it. Although I think that I am healthier than many of my peers, probably because of the diet. I was very fat and lost a lot of pounds over the years, I can't say how much, but I'm leaner now than I was when I was in high school. I think it's hard to live without a glass of cold milk and cheese, so I allow myself them 2 times a month, otherwise I will dream of them. But I can't afford more. Today I have practically no problems with devirticulitis, I have clean and beautiful hair, nails, skin, especially facial skin, which used to be terrible. My nails are no longer exfoliating and acne is almost completely gone. These were such huge problems in my life that it is unpleasant for me to even remember, and they are no more. Acne and red meat are closely related.”

"Remission of multiple sclerosis

I have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I am 33 years old. After reading several books and studies that show the link between illness and eating habits, I quickly switched to veganism. It's only been a few months and I'm not ready to scream, I'm cured, but I feel much better, even good, my attention has improved and most of the symptoms have disappeared. My neurologist says it could be a remission as a result of medication. But I'm still encouraged, because this remission somehow coincided with the fact that I changed my diet to a vegetarian one. Previously, for some reason, it did not come, but here it immediately and rather quickly.

"Meat-eating and processed foods are a mistake

I came to vegetarianism two years ago. I am 42 years old, within five months my life completely changed, I lost more than 17 kg and my outlook on life changed. Now I consume only raw vegetables and fruits and sometimes cheese and low-fat kefir. I don't eat cooked food anymore. I eat raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals, honey, juices and smoothies and don't need processed foods. It's a mistake to cook food on fire, just a mistake of people that makes them unhealthy."

There is a group of people for whom it is normal to consume only raw natural foods, mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and honey. And this is not just a whim, but a necessity, a way of their life. These people know that obesity and lack of vitamins and microelements give rise to a number of serious diseases, especially in conditions of constant stress and tension. Therefore, they try to protect themselves as much as possible from this. About how to eat right with a raw food diet, as well as what are the main pros and cons of natural products, and will be discussed below.

People who practice a raw food diet are called naturists. They follow a diet consisting entirely of raw foods. Their regular menu includes fresh raw or dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, germinated wheat, grains, seeds and honey. They consume freshly squeezed juices, and also never drink coffee, do not smoke, and alcohol is also a taboo for them.

Is raw food a cure for all diseases?

Fans of natural products believe that it is impossible to eat something that has somehow undergone heat treatment or freezing, as these processes destroy any valuable substances, vitamins and minerals contained in food products. Only drying is allowed, but only in a completely natural way.
This trend has quite a few supporters who argue that, first of all, the use of drugs, stress impact and electromagnetic waves of various devices, pollution of the environment and water significantly shortens life. And it's hard to argue with that. Naturists try at least through the consumption of natural products to reduce the negative impact on the body of all kinds of "chemistry". But this trend has its pros and cons.

Have you heard the proverb: “We are what we eat”? This is not without reason, because a smart person who attaches importance to his physical health, regularly exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle, of course, excludes fried foods, sugar, salt and preservatives from his menu. They refrain from bad habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption and increase their intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seafood and liquids.
So, eating right with a raw food diet will not only improve your health, but it can also be a safe prevention of the most serious diseases of our age, such as heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, cancer, etc.
Skeptics say that the abuse of natural products can also be unsafe. Examples are given of people who, for many years, eating only fresh food, died from terrible diseases. Frightening statistics are given about people with metabolic disorders who denied themselves everything “unnatural”. Perhaps, to some extent, these statements have the right to life, taking into account the fact that most of the pathological diseases are caused by a violation in the metabolic process. But on the other hand, the usefulness of heat treatment can hardly be completely rejected. It is true that carcinogens are formed during the process of frying food, and during the baking process, by the way, too. But modern man, due to these negative consequences, tried to avoid the use of this type of food.
An alternative in this regard is the method of steam cooking, which retains most of the nutrients in food. The advantages of this cooking method are obvious - the method is very useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as for young children and pregnant women.
It is important to note that thermal processes also destroy many harmful substances for the body. This should not be forgotten, because it is not for nothing that people began to cook food on fire. In addition, the human body simply needs animal protein, which is found only in meat. Will you eat raw meat? Well, then you are depriving your body of this valuable compound. Yes, and fish is also no less useful. And not everyone will eat it raw, and it’s not safe, even in the form of “sushi” that is now fashionable. So you need not to go to extremes and eat right - a raw food diet in this case will become an ally, not a worst enemy.

The raw food menu includes:

  • HONEY. It is preferable if it is together with wax, that is, in honeycombs. According to the canons of the raw food diet, honey is dissolved in water in combination with freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is the ideal tonic for maintaining good health and mood.
    In ancient times, Avicenna recommended honey as a food product that improves the tone of the body and prolongs life. We cannot admit or deny the correctness in this regard, but it seems to be true. However, honey also has its drawbacks - it often causes allergies. So if the body shows signs of an allergy to honey or any of its components, you should exclude it from your menu.

  • NUTS. Completely consumed raw, the only exception is almonds, which need to be further processed and cooked. Nuts are good on their own, but when combined with honey and garlic, they become the best way to maintain immunity and fight diseases.
    On the other hand, they are especially useful for vegetable salads. The crushed raw nuts added to them are a real cocktail of vitamins and minerals, also containing nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, substances with antioxidant activity. From a culinary point of view, it is better to combine vegetables with peanuts and walnuts. But this is where improvisation comes into play. Even if other nuts are combined with other vegetables, this will not reduce their usefulness for the body.
    A 2003 study shows that eating a handful of nuts a day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%. This is because most of the fats in nuts are mono- and polyunsaturated, thus lowering bad cholesterol levels in the body.

  • ROOTS AND ROOTS. Here the question is somewhat different. It is true that they should be in their raw form, but some of them can lead to adverse effects in the body. Potatoes are a typical example of this.

  • WHEAT, RYE, BARLEY, SOYBEANS AND CORN. These products should only be used in their natural form. Only in this case they retain all the nutrients. They are found here in a high consistency due to the oils, sugars, etc. contained in these products. Even doctors recommend the use of raw salads from cereal germs, but knowledge is needed about their preparation and about which grains can be eaten.

Raw food slows down the aging process!But how?

According to experts, when consuming fresh food, the body spends only ¼ of the potential of internal organs, while the consumption of food that has undergone heat treatment requires up to 4 times more energy. And this greatly complicates the work of the human digestive system.
Eating natural foods has been proven to slow down the aging process through several main mechanisms:

  • connects to carbon dioxide;

  • reduces the number of free radicals, which are the main "culprits" of the aging process of cells;

  • a large amount of biologically active substances is consumed;

  • improves the functioning of the urinary system;

  • there is a cleansing of the body of toxins, as a result of taking a large amount of vitamin C.

The problem is that most of the canons of a raw food diet are not compatible with the concepts of nutrition of a modern person, but, on the other hand, they can find their place in the system. nutrition of any healthy organism. Many foods cannot be eaten raw, but there is a significant proportion of those that are not only permissible, but even obligatory, to be eaten raw. Because such a living product is valuable in itself and contains everything necessary for life in general.
If you decide for yourself to choose a style of eating, according to a raw food diet, you should definitely seek the advice of a specialist. You need to study the material on how to eat properly with a raw food diet. You will also need the help of doctors, because before starting the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a course of purification from toxins from the body, again under the constant supervision of competent specialists.

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Summer, heat, you don't want to have lunch... It seems to be better to grab a pie, sausage in dough, or even a delicious hamburger or hot dog on the go. Lidia Veniaminovna Timoshenko, a doctor of the highest category, head of the department of the Oryol Regional Hospital, talks about the pros and cons of such food.

I cannot say that the so-called "fast food", that is, fast food, is categorically harmful. Sometimes it is more dangerous not to eat anything than to have a snack in between times. Moreover, we even recommend that some of our patients make sure that there are no large intervals between meals. However, we must remember: snacking cannot replace a normal, nutritious diet.

"Fast food" is categorically contraindicated for those who have diseases of the digestive system. The most appetizing sandwiches, hamburgers and cheeseburgers should be abandoned by everyone who knows firsthand what gastritis is, who has colitis or has gallbladder disease.

Well, those people are in the minority.

Don't tell. Approximately thirty percent of children have a complex lesion of the stomach and duodenum. With age, the number of patients increases. The reasons are in ourselves, in our indifference to what we eat. How many chewing gum, cookies and all sorts of food in beautiful packaging are on the shelves. What products, dyes, food additives were used to prepare them - no one was interested in this. And the stomachs reacted instantly to harmful chemicals. Besides, we don't have a food culture. We all strive to intercept on the go, dry ration. We eat almost the same thing, without thinking that it is bad for our health.

- What unpleasant consequences can lead to a passion for "fast food"?

Heavy, cooked with a lot of fat, this food is difficult to digest and assimilate by the body. When too much of it is eaten, food intoxication and even food poisoning can occur. If you get into the habit of replacing a full meal with occasional pies, intoxications will recur frequently, and as a result, an inflammatory process may begin. This is a direct path to gastritis. Notice we are talking about healthy people. What will happen to a sick person when indigestible food gets into the place of an already existing inflammatory process is easy to guess. The second danger of "fast food" is that we never know how fresh the products were used to make pies or, say, chebureks. Even if the seller assures you that the pie was literally just made, we do not know under what conditions and for how long the products from which it is made were stored.

- There are powders and tablets that improve digestion, such as festal.

Indeed, enzyme preparations - pancreatin, mezim-forte - can be useful. But the fest is not for everyone. It contains bile, so it can only be prescribed to those who do not have vomiting, heartburn, or belching. Sometimes, after poor-quality food, nasty nausea or even infrequent and mild vomiting appears. In these cases, I would recommend drinking Cerucal or Raglan. They enhance the tone and motor activity of the digestive organs.

- And if after "pies with kittens" diarrhea and abdominal pain appeared?

Take coal. This is first. Then you need to rinse or at least "flood" the stomach. Now on sale there are many different powdered preparations such as glucosalan. Do not be afraid if vomiting occurs after taking them. It's good. You can advise smect. And if you are in such conditions that it is impossible to buy medicines, I recommend salted water: a teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water.

- Is it necessary to drink a whole liter?

Certainly. Especially with nausea or vomiting. If it is difficult to drink the entire dose at one time, you should try and master it in small portions. It is impossible to leave the body without fluid. Salt solution can be replaced with natural mineral water. If the pain in the abdomen does not go away, it is necessary to take no-shpu.

As a rule, problems with nutrition, and therefore with digestion, occur on vacation. What medicines would you recommend to take with you?

To be on the safe side, it's a good idea to grab furazolidone or besalol. Sometimes pentalgin or citramon may be useful. For most people, they relieve not only headaches, but also many other types of pain. And yet it is more correct not to grab the medicine, but to consult a doctor. In all cases, when acute pain in the abdomen does not go away after washing and two or three tablets of activated charcoal, it is better to call a doctor. You need to make sure that the cause of the pain is not appendicitis or an obstruction that requires surgery.

- And yet you can't do without fast food - on the road, for example, or on the beach.

Absolutely wrong. When going on a trip, do not rely on pies of dubious quality, but take something dietary with you. Kefirchik, say, and the most ordinary bun. It will be safe and helpful. On the beach, it is quite possible to refuse sandwiches with smoked sausage from a summer buffet or sausages poured over with some unknown sauce. It is better to bring fruit with you, but before eating, peel hard fruits - apples or pears - from the peel. Such nutrition is balanced and healthy. It is suitable for children and adults, sick and healthy.

There are many ways to prepare food. To choose the most suitable one, you need to decide what we risk losing and what we can get by choosing one or another cooking method.


Pros: no need to stand over the stove, it will cook itself.

Minuses: increases the amount of glucose in carbohydrate-containing foods (vegetables, root crops). If you are losing weight, and this is a matter of principle, choose steam.

Subtleties: to minimize losses - take as little water as possible, keep the lid closed tightly. It is better to cook vegetables not to softness, let them crunch a little.

For a couple

Pros: Most of the vitamins are preserved, the glycemic index almost does not increase.

Minuses: Not everyone likes the taste of steamed food. Foods that need to be cooked for a long time - potatoes, root vegetables, red meat - in a double boiler are much less tasty than we would like.

Subtleties: best used for the most delicate products - green vegetables, young small carrots, fresh fish. Steamer vegetables won't taste bland if served with sauces rather than just salt and pepper after cooking.


Pros: An excellent compromise: frying and adding oil allows you to get a dish with a "real" taste, while the loss of nutrients is not so great.

Minuses: The process requires your active participation.

Subtleties: for vegetables, the same rule is true as when cooking - better damp, slightly crispy pieces in the middle than a softened mass. You will need a deep-bottomed skillet with a tight-fitting lid. You can do without oil at all: pour in a couple of tablespoons of water, vegetable broth, soy sauce (or dilute the sauce with which you will serve the finished dish - tomato, sour cream, etc.). Put the pan on a small fire. As soon as the liquid boils, add vegetables and stir quickly for several minutes, then turn up the heat, add a spoon or two of the same liquid, and cover with a lid. After a couple of minutes, reduce the heat and bring the dish to readiness.


Pros: even faster and more practical than sautéing. Does not require fat.

Minuses: vegetables lose more vitamins and become more caloric than when steamed. Many people like meat, fish and poultry more fried.

Subtleties: the cooking process is similar to sautéing, but without preliminary frying. You can stew fish or meat in vegetable broth with the addition of spices, garlic, ginger, lemongrass and wine - you get a delicious sauce, you won’t want any mayonnaise.


Pros: A very convenient method, especially for thick-skinned or large-sized products such as pumpkins. It is convenient to cook many servings at once.

Minuses: During baking, fats are oxidized, and free radicals (these are active harmful molecules) are added to the dish. The higher the temperature and the longer the cooking time, the higher the glycemic index becomes.

Subtleties: it is good to bake without oil, such as potatoes, lean meat and fish in foil or on a thin slice of bread (some people use Armenian lavash).


Pros: It is familiar, tasty and nutritious.

Minuses: But it’s harmful: fats are oxidized, and the number of free radicals increases (which is not good for anyone), carbohydrates turn into an easily digestible form (not for those who want to lose weight).

Subtleties: for frying, it is better to use butter (saturated fats) or olive (monounsaturated fats), and avoid polyunsaturated ones - sunflower, corn and soybean, as they oxidize when frying. It is better not to heat them, but to add them to salads.


Pros: does not require fat, convenient for a large number of servings.

Minuses: it is important not to overdo it - the darker the crust, the more free radicals in the product.

Subtleties: it is best to cook fatty meat and juicy vegetables - eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes.


Pros: Fast. Since foods are cooked in their own juices, water-soluble vitamins B and C are preserved.

Minuses: A recent study by Spanish scientists showed that microwaved broccoli lost most of its antioxidants (these are the substances that help get rid of free radicals) compared to steamed broccoli.

Subtleties: when cooking in a microwave, the fatty parts of the product are especially hot, so do not cook oily fish in it - useful fatty acids will be destroyed.

If you prefer the microwave, use it at the lowest power and temperature, even at the cost of saving time. Cover the dishes so that the food is in the steam - although there should be a small gap for the steam to escape. Cook only in glass or ceramic dishes.

It is better not to use plastic dishes at all, even for heating, and you should not use cling film (for example, as a lid). If you don't have a lid, use baking paper or a flat plate, napkin, or paper towel.

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