Home Vegetables Scientists strive for times longer, of course. The elixir of youth or the secret of eternal life is unknown. Are there human pheromones

Scientists strive for times longer, of course. The elixir of youth or the secret of eternal life is unknown. Are there human pheromones

Thanks to modern cosmetology, it is easy to get rid of various signs of aging. However, it is better to delay their appearance.

Great power of thought. Scientists from the University of Oslo (Norway) argue that the mental attitude towards longevity is very important. Sighing heavily and pondering a question from the series “where will they soon bury me, poor little girl?” Means to shorten your years by the simple power of thought.

Great power of thought Scientists from the University of Oslo (Norway) argue that the psychological attitude towards longevity is very important. Sighing heavily and pondering a question from the series “where will they soon bury me, poor little girl?” Means to shorten your years with a simple power of thought.

© Mikhail FROLOV

Great power of thought

Scientists from the University of Oslo (Norway) say that the mental attitude to longevity is very important. Everyone knows the placebo experiment. A dummy pill is given to a patient and he, having believed in the power of the medicine, begins to feel incredibly better. The placebo effect has been proven to work on one in three patients. It is the same with a negative attitude. If a person thinks in advance that by the time of retirement he will become “not the same”, and rarely even live to 80 years old, then it will be so.

Scientists have disproved the hypothesis that stress is the cause of premature aging Presumably, stress helps the body work and renew itself at an accelerated rate, which is a kind of counteraction against the aging process. However, too serious emotional overload has the opposite effect. Scientists consider various meditation techniques to be one of the most effective ways to relieve stress.

Rejuvenation by the power of the subconscious! You can slow down aging. The body has mechanisms through which we can It took time to learn how to control the forces of our subconscious. We can consciously begin to interact with our subconscious.

It turns out that our body is sensitive to such self-programming. Changes at the cellular level occur neatly according to the schedule that a person sets for himself. Hence the simple conclusion: every new birthday after fifty should be greeted with optimism, with the mindset that there is still a lot of important and interesting ahead, and not count down the remaining days. Sighing heavily and pondering a question from the series “where will they soon bury me, poor little girl?” Means to shorten your years by the simple power of thought.

Work all the way, but what kind?

Geriatricians and their affiliated gerontologists (physicians who study aging) often enjoy observing groups of people for decades. Recently specialists Stanford University (USA) published their findings. It is curious that research on longevity at this university began at the very beginning of the twentieth century under the leadership of psychologist and researcher Lewis Termen. Responsible and stable work is named as one of the main reasons for longevity.

Not everyone agrees with the phrase “My years are my wealth”. Many people do not need such wealth for nothing - they dream of returning youth.

Great power of thought. Scientists from the University of Oslo (Norway) argue that the mental attitude towards longevity is very important. This is because the power of inner conviction can work miracles. Everyone knows the placebo experiment. A dummy tablet is given to the patient and

The power of thought of innovators and clinical studies have proven that natural chemistry can be more effective than artificially created

The study emphasizes that workers who work into old age undoubtedly live longer than those who seek to retire early. But even among the "workaholics" there were leaders. These are people with higher education, occupying an important, but not the most important position - for example, the head of a department. Moderate psychological stress and the ability to show creativity mobilize the body, it is always in good shape, but does not work to the "wear and tear". But those who are the most important "big bump" - the head of a company, plant or government agency - often experience a strong overstrain with a rigid framework for self-realization. And this, of course, does not pass without a trace. Big bosses are leaders in heart attacks and strokes from overuse.

Physical education dosage

Consciousness is more dependent on external factors than internal. We look at what is happening around, and hardly notice what thoughts arise at the same time. This is how nature created us: we are attentive to what we see, but we almost completely ignore our internal processes. At the same time, thoughts and emotions are sometimes no less dangerous than external threats. Self-awareness or awareness of oneself as a thinking person was born not so long ago. If you imagine the history of evolution in the form of clocks, then it happened at 11:59. Modern civilization gives us the means to realize how many thoughts, pictures and memories are made up of intellectual experience.

We can use the power of thought, conviction, the power of inner wisdom and subconsciousness to rebuild the processes of our body so that it In any case, scientists from the University of Michigan think so. How to extend life by ten years or more This recipe is more than 10 thousand years old.

They go through life, bound by this restrictive thought, and do not even try to develop their higher abilities in themselves. Scientists say without hesitation that chemistry This hidden power can be specially developed with the right thoughts to avoid any

Physical activity throughout life is another factor in longevity. But the trick is in the "dosage".

A simple example. If in his youth a person was professionally involved in sports, and after thirty he stopped doing push-ups elementary, then, most likely, very serious health problems await him. In some cases, yesterday's athletes even get into a wheelchair. There is even such a thing - “former athlete syndrome”.

Therefore, measure is important in everything. There is no need to exhaust yourself with long runs, when the whole body is being tested for strength. The main thing is to find the optimal load. For some, this is cycling in the summer, skiing in the winter. Someone needs to play table tennis to maintain their tone. For some, it is enough to regularly arrange a general cleaning in the apartment. And, of course, an active lifestyle should be maintained after retirement.

Of course, determining the correct load by poking is not worth it - there are doctors for this. But you need to understand: a complete lack of exercise is a sure way to obesity and the development of all diseases on the list. But abuse of sports can lead to early death. Irrational and irregular physical activity (for example, if you go to the gym every two weeks, but at the same time try to complete the full program - from a treadmill to "iron") lead to a sad result. Rather than exercising muscles (and our main muscle, the heart), tear training knocks the heart rate down, causing the muscles (and heart) to burn from lack of oxygen and excessive release of lactic acid.

Have you ever seen a fish swimming in muddy water? She looks dull, she has little energy, and she barely moves her fins, as if they are in iron chains. Our thoughts and beliefs are like water. Negative life experiences form false beliefs, darken thoughts, and deprive you of vital energy. We begin to question our abilities, get stuck in unproductive relationships, and don't allow our full potential to unfold.

This is because the power of inner conviction can work miracles.

This is because the power of inner conviction can work miracles.

Caution: medications

Recently, all news agencies have posted news marked "urgent": there are patients in the world whose bodies have ceased to respond to antibiotics. Several people in the world have died from a super-bacteria that no medicine takes.

What happened? In fact, the drugs themselves are to blame, primarily antibiotics. Especially if people themselves take them often without the appointment of doctors, with or without reason. The result - the immune system is undermined, harmful bacteria are used to modern drugs. Now they almost crave new portions of drugs, because they will become even stronger.

To prevent this from happening to your body, you need to follow a simple rule: drink medicine only on the recommendation of a doctor and strictly observe the dosage. When prescribing antibiotics, be sure to follow the entire course prescribed in the prescription. If the disease is not cured, already "trained" disease-causing bacteria that are resistant to drugs will appear, says immunologist Elena Milovidova.

Well, what does longevity have to do with it? An organism that has tested a small fraction of modern drugs during its life will very actively respond to a drug "new" for it at both 70 and 80 years old. A dangerous disease will not lead to death; a person will receive many more years of a full life.

Getting rid of the thorns Most live as if they have a huge thorn in their hand. This is how we build our whole life with this thorn in mind, and it seems that we live normally. But is it? Your life can be completely different: bright, rich and happy, if you cope with fear and pull the thorn out of your hand.

Scientists from the University of Oslo (Norway) argue that the mental attitude towards longevity is very important. And all because the power to sigh heavily and ponder a question from the series “where will they soon bury me, poor old woman?” Means to shorten your years with a simple power of thought.

Killing dream

No, a full, uninterrupted 8-hour sleep is definitely wonderful and very rewarding. But how is it possible if a city dweller at any time of the day can be woken up by urgent road works (drrrr - jackhammers) or the sirens of an ambulance?

Anyone living along a busy highway knows: in a city apartment sometimes he sleeps for 10 hours and gets up broken, and at the dacha 6 hours of quiet rest are enough. Of course, if the smartphone does not start up in the middle of the night, notifying of an urgent message from social networks.

The reasons are clear: the brain does not have time to rest, it is constantly "kicked" by extraneous stimuli.

But lack of sleep is even more dangerous. It suffers from hyper-responsible people who, for the sake of a career, are ready to sleep 5 or even 4 hours a day. And not once a month, but two or three times a week. They develop chronic fatigue syndrome. Soon unpleasant surprises appear: excess weight, metabolic disorders, headaches, exacerbation of chronic diseases. To eliminate all this somehow, you need a lot of pills. Such people even live up to retirement as old people.


To look good even in old age, it is important to follow simple rules even in his prime.

Don't squint. This addiction leads to the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. You need to choose the right medical glasses, if necessary. And in sunny weather, do not forget about sun protection.

Don't sleep with your face in the pillow. The skin of the face not only wrinkles, but also sweats. And these are extra microorganisms that can lead to improper metabolism.

Before going to bed, be sure to wash your face thoroughly with soap or a cleansing gel. From the skin, you need to remove excess fat and dirt particles that have managed to settle on the face during the day.

Do not use so-called anti-aging creams under the age of forty - they can age the skin ahead of time. Don't overuse scrubs and trendy cleansing masks. When used daily, they stop the natural processes of skin renewal.

The path to longevity. 7 factors contributing to the prolongation of an active life.
When it comes to the problem of longevity, they usually mean proper nutrition, adequate physical activity and giving up bad habits. But it turns out there are other ingredients to longevity that we just don't know about. A healthy adolescent weight protects you against heart disease and type 2 diabetes for life. These data are cited by the American Heart Association, which examined a group of adolescents aged 14 and over 28. In those whose weight was normal at the age of 14, the listed diseases were 4 times less common than in those who were overweight.

Option No. 6145376

When completing tasks with a short answer, write in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, word, sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Answers to tasks 1-26 are a digit (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the variant is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the assignments with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the uploaded answers to the assignments with a detailed answer. The points given by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The neon or fluorescent lamp, which was invented by Arthur Compton in 1934, is more modern than the light bulb, and the halogen lamp is even brighter.

2) A variety of lighting devices: street lights, special lighting for factories, schools and other premises, car headlights, home lamps - thanks to scientists and inventors, they are becoming more and more bright and economical.

3) Scientists and inventors create more and more advanced lighting devices: a neon lamp consumes less energy than an electric one, and a halogen lamp is brighter and more economical than a neon lamp.

4) First, scientists and inventors came up with an electric, then a halogen and, finally, a neon lamp.

5) The result of the work of scientists and inventors in the field of improving lighting devices was first an electric lamp, then a more economical neon lamp, and finally a brighter and most economical halogen lamp.


Which of the following words or word combinations should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text?

Vice versa

Despite this


Despite this


Pro-chi-tai-te fragment of a slab-var-noy article, in which a swarm of pri-ve-de-ny means the word SCHOOL. Define-de-whether-those meaning, in which-rum this word is used-pol-zo-va-but in the pre-lo-ze-ny 1. You-write-shi-those number, with -from the venerable to this notion in the quoted fragment of the word-of-the-art article.

SCHOOL, -y, well.

1) You-uch-ka, attained experience in anything, as well as that which gives such you-uch-ku, experience. School of Life.

2) Direction in the field of science, art. Create your own school in science.

3) Educational-no-vos-pi-ta-tel institution; the building of such an institution. Comprehensive school.

4) Sy-ste-ma of obligatory exercises (in fi-gur-ka-ta-nii). Get off school.

(1) Scientists and inventors have a lot of different lighting devices: street fon-na-ri, special lighting for factories, schools and other places mash-ni-til-ni-ki - and pro-continue to work in this on-right-ley.


In which word was there a mistake in staging the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted? Write this word down.




One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

This is a completely ill-mannered young man, rude, absolutely ignorant.

I was punished for an OCCURRENCE I did a week ago.

The majestic mountain landscape was admirable.

A THANK YOU letter was solemnly presented to the headmaster.

Sergey was from the breed of LUCKY people for whom everything was easy.


In one of the words below, do-poo-shche-ka mistake in the form of the word. Correct the mistake and for the pi-shi the word is correct.

anybody PRO-FES-SO-RA

more IN-SEVEN-HUNDRED mil-li-o-nov

Brighter than the sun


fashionable EARRINGS


Usta-no-vi-those co-answer between gram-ma-ti-ti-ti-ti-s-ka-mi and pre-lo-same-ni-i-mi, in which-ryh they are available: to each position of the first column under second-ro-th column.


A) disruption in the construction of the preposition with a partial revision

B) disruption in the construction of the preposition with the non-co-gla-co-van

C) disruption of the connection between the under-lying and ska-zu-e-my

D) a mistake in the construction of a complex proposition

D) violation of the vi-to-temporal co-relation of the vocal forms

1) The letter says that a re-visor is going to the city, who is in charge of Skvoz-nik-Dmu-ha-novsky.

2) Blah-go-da-rya-ri-o-di-che-mu for-ko-nu D. Men-de-le-e-va there was a possibility of volume a single thread in a strict system a huge number of facts related to chemistry and physics.

3) I have not yet decided whether I will go to university this year.

4) Fi-zi-ka, in the opinion of many, leads its na-cha-lo from the experience, which was carried out by Ga-li-lem several centuries ago.

5) Zhur-na-list be-se-do-val with co-man-doy foot-bo-lists, taking part in something-pi-o-na-those of the world.

6) He was one of those who did not love to talk about the waste.

7) Pi-sa-tel na-chi-na-et and finished the rass-tale of rass-de-ni-i-mi about the role of childhood in the life of man.

8) Re-po-ta-tsion Re-pi-na as hu-dog-no-ka, who co-united-nil in his work the best features of the Russian re -a-liz-ma, was formed during his lifetime.

9) Kar-ti-na-pi-sa-na on os-no-ve scene-no-che-sko-ra-for ge-ro-i-no opera by N.A. Rim-sko go-Kor-sa-ko-va "The Tale of the Tsar Sal-ta-ne" based on the same one-named tale by A.S. Push-ki-na.

For-pi-shi-those in response to numbers, ra-in-lo-live them in a row, co-with-vet-stvu-yu-you-you:



Identify the word missing the unstressed alternating vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.


g .. horizontal

to ... reserve

step up


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr.. believe, pos..last year;

pr..interesting, pr..beast;

to .. drive, head .. to live;

be .. tactical, in .. to puff;

by..deal, oh..hew.


redhead ... out,

heat ...

take possession ...



Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

meaning ..th

consolation ... clean



Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

His love is (not) better than ours.

We are walking on (un) cut grass.

I (not) have to explain to him.

She is (not) from-ba-lo-va-na life.

(Not) pro-chi-tan-naya, but only that the purchased book drew his attention from not-in-te-res-noy work.


Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(C) CONSEQUENCES I often went into that old square, THAT (WOULD) plunge into my memories of first love and again feel the sweet taste of happiness.

(C) DURING the day, the rain did not subside, that is why it became damp and chilly in the house (SAME).

In many of Ostrovsky's plays, a separate city (often provincial) is portrayed as NOT (CFE) a specific, closed and self-sufficient place, the image of which is the embodiment of Russia (B) IN WHOLE.

“(AND) SO, today we will sum up the results of our work,” the director said with a smile at the BEGINNING of the meeting.

Having been more than thirty years (IN) PLACE, the spouses (BY) STILL loved each other, treated each other with tenderness and respect.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which НН is written.

The sun gilded in the east, behind the dark blue (1) blue of the distant (2) forests, behind the white snowy lowland (3) awn, which the ancient Russian city was looking at from the low coast.


Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) I liked to wander for a long time in the streets or in the park or along the seashore.

2) In dry and clean air, it smells like wormwood and compressed rye, buckwheat and field cloves.

3) The saving light of the lighthouse appeared and disappeared in the fog, then it was again seen in the distance.

4) The grandmother read a fairy tale to the little ones and surreptitiously examined the new guest.

5) The torn boots were taken to the workshop and repaired there.


In the evening, Tom appeared to Aunt Polly (1) who was sitting by the open window in (2) the bedroom and dining room (3).


Place all not-up-to-a-hundred-th -s pre-p-n-nia signs: indicate the number (s), in place of the swarm (s) in the preposition of the should (s) stand for the fifth (s).

Mar-ga-ri-ta (1) to so-zha-le-niyu (2) could not come to the evening of the meeting-chi-start-nikov (3) one-to-one (4) promise to teach your teachers immediately after the summer session.


Arrange all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

In the 80s of the XIX century, Shishkin (1) creates many paintings (2) in the subjects (3) of which (4) he still turns to the life of the Russian forest, Russian meadows and fields.


Arrange all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

Everyone is so used to them (the clock) (1) that (2) if they disappeared (3) by some miracle from the wall (4) it would be sad, as if a native voice had died and nothing could not shut up an empty space. (Bulgakov)


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Scientists are urging to abandon the production of GMOs.

2) The goal of science is to fight evil in any of its manifestations, even with the unknown.

3) Scientists must be humanists and strive to make the world a better place.

4) In science there is a place for subjective assessment.

5) The development of science is closely linked with the development of ethics.

public action.

(According to E.P. Velikhov *)

* Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov


Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Proposition 3 presents the reasoning.

2) Sentence 18 contains a description.

3) Sentences 15-16 contain a narrative.

4) Proposition 10 provides a deduction from the content of Proposals 8-9.

5) Sentence 9 explains the content of Sentence 8.

(1) The development of science has repeatedly posed the most important ethical problems for scientists. (2) Today they are associated with responsibility not only for what has already been done, but also for the choice of new directions of research - for example, in modern biology. (H) The possibility of manipulating the hereditary material of cells, which was provided by genetic engineering, the extrauterine development of the human embryo, the problems of organ transplantation - these examples demonstrate situations where ethical problems are decisively intertwined with the planning and implementation of experimental research, with new ways of practical use of scientific discoveries.

(4) It is no secret that among natural scientists the prevailing belief is that science does not have its own specific system of values. (5) But this, in my opinion, does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes that ethics should develop certain moral norms that could guide researchers in the course of their work.

(6) It is hardly worth repeating that the main criterion for the scientific character of a researcher's conclusions is objectivity. (7) This is really so, and in science there is not and cannot be a place for the subjective factor. (8) But science is not only new knowledge. (9) This is the area of ​​application of collective efforts, the area of ​​doubt and value assessments, the area of ​​social predilections - in short, everything that is filled with any human activity. (10) This means that it, science, does not belong to the last place in the formation of that complex of universal human values, from which the concept of "humanism" is formed.

(11) Scientists cannot close their eyes to the danger of the destruction of human civilization, they cannot fail to see poverty, chronic hunger and illiteracy of hundreds and hundreds of millions of inhabitants of our planet. (12) As researchers, as humanists, they can and should contribute to the solution of these acute problems of our time.

(13) John Bernal, an eminent scientist and public figure, reflecting on the fate of science, wrote that the first and most difficult step is to use our knowledge against removable evil. (14) And the second step is the search for means of combating evil, against which we are still powerless today. (15) Continuing and expanding scientific research will open our eyes to the evil that we do not yet distinguish. (16) And therefore, scientists must tirelessly create new and useful things: new materials, new technological processes and, above all, new effective foundations of organization.

public action.

(17) What John Bernal said actually means that the work of a scientist should ultimately lead to a change in the world in the interests of man. (18) The combination of the power of knowledge with the principles of scientific humanism is the basis of true progress - progress that does not subjugate a person, but faithfully serves him.

(According to E.P. Velikhov *)

* Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov(born in 1935) - Russian scientist, theoretical physicist.

Source of text: Unified State Exam 2013, Ural, option 7.

(8) This is the area of ​​application of collective efforts, the area of ​​doubt and value assessments, the area of ​​social predilections - in short, everything that is filled with any human activity. (9) This means that she, science, does not belong to the last place in the formation of that complex of universal human values, from which the concept of "humanism" is formed.


Write out a phraseological unit from sentence 15

(1) The development of science has repeatedly posed the most important ethical problems for scientists. (2) Today they are associated with responsibility not only for what has already been done, but also for the choice of new directions of research - for example, in modern biology. (H) The possibility of manipulating the hereditary material of cells, which was provided by genetic engineering, the extrauterine development of the human embryo, the problems of organ transplantation - these examples demonstrate situations where ethical problems are decisively intertwined with the planning and implementation of experimental research, with new ways of practical use of scientific discoveries.

(4) It is no secret that among natural scientists the prevailing belief is that science does not have its own specific system of values. (5) But this, in my opinion, does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes that ethics should develop certain moral norms that could guide researchers in the course of their work.

(6) It is hardly worth repeating that the main criterion for the scientific character of a researcher's conclusions is objectivity. (7) This is really so, and in science there is not and cannot be a place for the subjective factor. (8) But science is not only new knowledge. (9) This is the area of ​​application of collective efforts, the area of ​​doubt and value assessments, the area of ​​social predilections - in short, everything that is filled with any human activity. (10) This means that it, science, does not belong to the last place in the formation of that complex of universal human values, from which the concept of "humanism" is formed.

(11) Scientists cannot close their eyes to the danger of the destruction of human civilization, they cannot fail to see poverty, chronic hunger and illiteracy of hundreds and hundreds of millions of inhabitants of our planet. (12) As researchers, as humanists, they can and should contribute to the solution of these acute problems of our time.

(13) John Bernal, an eminent scientist and public figure, reflecting on the fate of science, wrote that the first and most difficult step is to use our knowledge against removable evil. (14) And the second step is the search for means of combating evil, against which we are still powerless today. (15) Continuing and expanding scientific research will open our eyes to the evil that we do not yet distinguish. (16) And therefore, scientists must tirelessly create new and useful things: new materials, new technological processes and, above all, new effective foundations of organization.

public action.

(17) What John Bernal said actually means that the work of a scientist should ultimately lead to a change in the world in the interests of man. (18) The combination of the power of knowledge with the principles of scientific humanism is the basis of true progress - progress that does not subjugate a person, but faithfully serves him.

(According to E.P. Velikhov *)

* Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov(born in 1935) - Russian scientist, theoretical physicist.

Source of text: Unified State Exam 2013, Ural, option 7.

(1) The development of science has repeatedly posed the most important ethical problems for scientists.


Among sentences 11-14, find the one (s) that are connected with the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number (s) of this offer (s).

(1) The development of science has repeatedly posed the most important ethical problems for scientists. (2) Today they are associated with responsibility not only for what has already been done, but also for the choice of new directions of research - for example, in modern biology. (H) The possibility of manipulating the hereditary material of cells, which was provided by genetic engineering, the extrauterine development of the human embryo, the problems of organ transplantation - these examples demonstrate situations where ethical problems are decisively intertwined with the planning and implementation of experimental research, with new ways of practical use of scientific discoveries.

(4) It is no secret that among natural scientists the prevailing belief is that science does not have its own specific system of values. (5) But this, in my opinion, does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes that ethics should develop certain moral norms that could guide researchers in the course of their work.

(6) It is hardly worth repeating that the main criterion for the scientific character of a researcher's conclusions is objectivity. (7) This is really so, and in science there is not and cannot be a place for the subjective factor. (8) But science is not only new knowledge. (9) This is the area of ​​application of collective efforts, the area of ​​doubt and value assessments, the area of ​​social predilections - in short, everything that is filled with any human activity. (10) This means that it, science, does not belong to the last place in the formation of that complex of universal human values, from which the concept of "humanism" is formed.

(11) Scientists cannot close their eyes to the danger of the destruction of human civilization, they cannot fail to see poverty, chronic hunger and illiteracy of hundreds and hundreds of millions of inhabitants of our planet. (12) As researchers, as humanists, they can and should contribute to the solution of these acute problems of our time.

(13) John Bernal, an eminent scientist and public figure, reflecting on the fate of science, wrote that the first and most difficult step is to use our knowledge against removable evil. (14) And the second step is the search for means of combating evil, against which we are still powerless today. (15) Continuing and expanding scientific research will open our eyes to the evil that we do not yet distinguish. (16) And therefore, scientists must tirelessly create new and useful things: new materials, new technological processes and, above all, new effective foundations of organization.

public action.

(17) What John Bernal said actually means that the work of a scientist should ultimately lead to a change in the world in the interests of man. (18) The combination of the power of knowledge with the principles of scientific humanism is the basis of true progress - progress that does not subjugate a person, but faithfully serves him.

(According to E.P. Velikhov *)

* Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov(born in 1935) - Russian scientist, theoretical physicist.

Source of text: Unified State Exam 2013, Ural, option 7.

(11) As researchers, as humanists, they can and should contribute to the solution of these acute problems of our time.

(12) John Bernal, an eminent scientist and public figure, reflecting on the fate of science, wrote that the first and most difficult step is to use our knowledge against removable evil. (13) And the second step is the search for means of combating evil, against which we are still powerless today. (14) The continuation and expansion of scientific research will open our eyes to the evil that we do not yet distinguish.


Read the excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the spaces of the blanks.

“The author accurately, logically and emotionally substantiates his position, using a syntactic means of expressiveness - (A) _____ (in sentences 9, 16), a technique - (B) _____ (“ new materials, new technological processes and, above all, new effective foundations organization of public actions "), lexical means - (B) _____ (" excludes "-" suggests "in sentence 5). A (D) _____ ("extrauterine development", "human embryo", "organ transplantation") help the author to emphasize the special relevance of the problems discussed for a number of modern scientific directions. "

List of terms:

3) contextual antonyms

4) terms

5) parceling

6) rhetorical appeal

7) rows of homogeneous members

8) dialecticism

9) lexical repetition

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) The development of science has repeatedly posed the most important ethical problems for scientists. (2) Today they are associated with responsibility not only for what has already been done, but also for the choice of new directions of research - for example, in modern biology. (H) The possibility of manipulating the hereditary material of cells, which was provided by genetic engineering, the extrauterine development of the human embryo, the problems of organ transplantation - these examples demonstrate situations where ethical problems are decisively intertwined with the planning and implementation of experimental research, with new ways of practical use of scientific discoveries.

(4) It is no secret that among natural scientists the prevailing belief is that science does not have its own specific system of values. (5) But this, in my opinion, does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes that ethics should develop certain moral norms that could guide researchers in the course of their work.

(6) It is hardly worth repeating that the main criterion for the scientific character of a researcher's conclusions is objectivity. (7) This is really so, and in science there is not and cannot be a place for the subjective factor. (8) But science is not only new knowledge. (9) This is the area of ​​application of collective efforts, the area of ​​doubt and value assessments, the area of ​​social predilections - in short, everything that is filled with any human activity. (10) This means that it, science, does not belong to the last place in the formation of that complex of universal human values, from which the concept of "humanism" is formed.

(11) Scientists cannot close their eyes to the danger of the destruction of human civilization, they cannot fail to see poverty, chronic hunger and illiteracy of hundreds and hundreds of millions of inhabitants of our planet. (12) As researchers, as humanists, they can and should contribute to the solution of these acute problems of our time.

(13) John Bernal, an eminent scientist and public figure, reflecting on the fate of science, wrote that the first and most difficult step is to use our knowledge against removable evil. (14) And the second step is the search for means of combating evil, against which we are still powerless today. (15) Continuing and expanding scientific research will open our eyes to the evil that we do not yet distinguish. (16) And therefore, scientists must tirelessly create new and useful things: new materials, new technological processes and, above all, new effective foundations of organization.

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is rated 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) The development of science has repeatedly posed the most important ethical problems for scientists. (2) Today they are associated with responsibility not only for what has already been done, but also for the choice of new directions of research - for example, in modern biology. (H) The possibility of manipulating the hereditary material of cells, which was provided by genetic engineering, the extrauterine development of the human embryo, the problems of organ transplantation - these examples demonstrate situations where ethical problems are decisively intertwined with the planning and implementation of experimental research, with new ways of practical use of scientific discoveries.

(4) It is no secret that among natural scientists the prevailing belief is that science does not have its own specific system of values. (5) But this, in my opinion, does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes that ethics should develop certain moral norms that could guide researchers in the course of their work.

(6) It is hardly worth repeating that the main criterion for the scientific character of a researcher's conclusions is objectivity. (7) This is really so, and in science there is not and cannot be a place for the subjective factor. (8) But science is not only new knowledge. (9) This is the area of ​​application of collective efforts, the area of ​​doubt and value assessments, the area of ​​social predilections - in short, everything that is filled with any human activity. (10) This means that it, science, does not belong to the last place in the formation of that complex of universal human values, from which the concept of "humanism" is formed.

(11) Scientists cannot close their eyes to the danger of the destruction of human civilization, they cannot fail to see poverty, chronic hunger and illiteracy of hundreds and hundreds of millions of inhabitants of our planet. (12) As researchers, as humanists, they can and should contribute to the solution of these acute problems of our time.

(13) John Bernal, an eminent scientist and public figure, reflecting on the fate of science, wrote that the first and most difficult step is to use our knowledge against removable evil. (14) And the second step is the search for means of combating evil, against which we are still powerless today. (15) Continuing and expanding scientific research will open our eyes to the evil that we do not yet distinguish. (16) And therefore, scientists must tirelessly create new and useful things: new materials, new technological processes and, above all, new effective foundations of organization.

public action.

(17) What John Bernal said actually means that the work of a scientist should ultimately lead to a change in the world in the interests of man. (18) The combination of the power of knowledge with the principles of scientific humanism is the basis of true progress - progress that does not subjugate a person, but faithfully serves him.

Sochi. We are the only residents of the Olympic Village abandoned by people after the Games. The sea was fenced off from the coastal strip with an impassable fence (probably in case the terrorists get out of the deep sea), but the beach is not drawn. Here I want only one thing - more and more to listen and ask the audience how to prolong our young years.

Who, if not them, know this - the conference "Genetics of Aging and Longevity" brought together 200 scientists from 31 countries who have devoted themselves to the study of aging, attempts to slow it down, and, if possible, stop it and even reverse it. It turns out that they are good at it: simple organisms like yeast and worms have learned to prolong life tenfold.

With laboratory mice, who are always the first to try what is subsequently in store for humans, success is much more modest: their life has so far been only doubled. However, if my life was extended twice, I would call this achievement not modest, but the greatest in history. But in humans, everything is much more complicated - first, many years of preclinical preparation of therapy, then no less lengthy clinical trials.

Are we going to be the last generation destined to die before even lasting a miserable hundred years? Or is there still a chance?

How nature does it

There is a round table.

Aging is the development of endogenous pathologies late in life that intensifies over time, says David Gems of the Institute for Healthy Aging, University College London.

Other participants have their own definitions, no worse, but no one argues that aging is a pathology, not a norm. There is no healthy aging. Until recently, there was no scent of such unanimity.

The only reason people try to find something positive about aging is despair, says Ian Weig of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and gets applause.

A debate begins about the main mechanisms of aging. It seems to be clear that Darwin and his evolutionary theory are to blame for everything. The variability of species is accelerated as a result of the rapid change of generations, it is beneficial for evolution. It is not clear only which mechanism triggers aging. Maybe it's a simple accumulation of errors in the body? But up to a certain point, breakdowns are successfully repaired, cells are renewed, and the lifespan of different species varies too widely.

Is there a slow suicide program? “We carry the seeds of death within us,” said the evolutionist August Weismann, who put forward this hypothesis. Or are we aging and dying from the same mechanisms that provided us with growth and development in our youth? It's just that evolution did not take care of turning them off in time, and they begin to work for destruction.

For me, the key question is not so much what aging is, but how nature generally regulates life expectancy, '' Vadim Gladyshev, a professor at Harvard University Medical School, explains to me. - After all, the lifespan of different animals is not the same, from several days to several centuries. A shrew and a whale are mammals, have a common ancestor, but a shrew lives for a year, and a whale lives for more than 200 years. It is believed that the lifespan of mammals is related to the rate of maturation of the organism and to body weight. The more mass, the longer the organism lives. But a mouse and a naked mole rat are about the same size, while the mole rat manages to live 10 times longer than a mouse - more than 30 years. We are trying to study such pairs of species that are as close as possible to each other evolutionarily. For example, the common bat and Brandt's bat - this one of them, is found in Russia as well and lives for more than 40 years, at least not less.

In the world of anti-aging fighters, Gladyshev became famous for deciphering and first beginning to study the genomes of two main celebrities: the naked mole rat and Brandt's bat.

The moth is one of the smallest mammals, weighing about 4-8 grams. And at the same time it flies, which is generally unique in terms of life expectancy, because a huge amount of resources is spent during the flight. How does nature do it? How can we do the same? We studied her genome and found two surprising changes. One is the growth hormone receptor, the second is the insulin factor receptor. These two genes are very well known in connection with the study of aging. If you act on these areas, turn them off, then the organisms become smaller and live longer. The mouse, which was blocked by the gene for the growth hormone receptor, became dwarf, but lived twice as long.

Planet of the Old

The conference, meanwhile, continues.

Thanks to the development of medicine and the improvement of the quality of life, the proportion of people over sixty years old will constantly increase. If nothing is done, it will be a disaster, even from an economic point of view, says Brian Kennedy, director of the Buck Institute in California.

People over 65 are the fastest growing age group in the United States, according to UN forecasts in some developed countries in 20 years they will make up about a third of the total adult population. There is only one way out: to make older people healthy and active. Governments, corporations, and public organizations advocate this, but for some reason no one has the money for research. Our conference was organized by the Science for Life Extension private charitable foundation. Its head, Mikhail Batin, has for many years, with rare stubbornness, been financing, organizing and raising money for research aimed at combating aging.

The main cause of human suffering is old age and death, - he convinces with the energy of an evangelist. “But science carries the good news: human aging can be slowed down. Only one message is not enough - something still needs to be done to make it come true! In the field of life extension research, only a thousandth of what would be worth doing is done. Meanwhile, now a radical extension of life is a solvable technical problem like a flight into space after the work of Tsiolkovsky.

Old age is like a phony tune

Among the scientists at the conference there are many Russian professors working in the best universities in the world, mainly in the United States. As if you are attending a meeting of a secret society of progressors, whose members in different parts of the planet serve a common purpose. They gathered in Sochi largely thanks to the efforts of the conference program director Alexei Moskalev, head of the laboratory of genetics of life expectancy and aging at MIPT.

Is it fair to say that you are fighting aging?

I am more of an explorer, an observer of nature, not a fighter. But to fight aging, you need to have a weapon, and I am one of those who create it. We can say that our weapon is a scientific method.

What is aging from the point of view of modern science?

If you ask a biologist what life is, he will surely get confused in words. This is similar with aging, although there is, of course, the classic definition from textbooks that aging is a progressive decline in the body's vitality with age. Scientists are trying to identify criteria that allow judging the degree of aging regardless of age, for example, by the amount of DNA damage. If we list these criteria, it seems that aging is a set of completely different processes occurring at various levels of organization of living matter: molecular, cellular, at the level of cellular interactions, the level of functional systems, such as respiratory or circulatory.

For example?

For example, with age, more and more cells lose their ability to divide, tissue regeneration is impaired. Some cells go into a suicide program. Evolution has provided that if the DNA is severely damaged, the cell self-destruct program is launched so that its descendants do not degenerate into a cancerous tumor. Communication between cells is also disrupted. If a cell receives the wrong signals, then it either begins to divide rapidly, or stops dividing, or gives rise to the wrong type of cells. And at the level of the circulatory system, such changes as thrombosis, atherosclerosis are already occurring, the blood supply to the heart muscles, the brain, strokes, heart attacks are disrupted.

It turns out that these are some kind of disparate processes, but something unites them?

We can say that the main thing in aging is a violation of internal balance in a living system, when self-regulation mechanisms break down, which normally compensate and repair all failures in the body. The DNA of the cell, its "brain center", is damaged, errors accumulate in it. Cells send each other the wrong chemical signals, enzymes that regulate the activity of genes stop working correctly. DNA is such a piano, and enzymes seem to play music on this piano - this is how the life of a cell proceeds. But as we age, the melody becomes more and more fake.

What exactly are you doing?

I am studying the effect of stress factors such as radiation on lifespan. I was able to show that radiation in small doses does not decrease, but increases life expectancy. This does not mean that everyone needs to run away to be irradiated. It is not worth playing with radiation, it is unpredictable even in small doses, and can lead to cancer.

And what is this mechanism?

I was able to show that, most likely, a small dose of radiation leads to the selection of cells that are resistant to radiation. And these are the very cells that will be resistant to other stress factors. They will age slowly and the entire body will age more slowly. Then I began to try other stress factors, and it turned out that moderate short-term overloads prolong life. For example, exposure to high or low temperatures encourages cells to heal after damage. And most importantly, if the stress was moderate, the system not only recovers successfully, but also moves to a higher level of protection. It's like hardening. It is easy for some organisms to extend their lifespan by limiting caloric intake or by exposing them to regular temperature influences - this is how we turn on the mechanism of dealing with stress.

Centenarians often drink and smoke for themselves - is this also about moderate stress?

There are the lucky ones with the lucky genes who can live to be 100 years old without leading a healthy lifestyle, simply because their stress-fighting enzymes work better. This is a phenomenon of family longevity, passed down from generation to generation. But this does not apply to most of humanity.

Genes - sounds like a sentence.

Only until gene therapy really got on its feet. For example, we are very interested in stress-resistant animals - such amazing long-livers as the naked mole rat and Brandt's bat, gray and bowhead whales. We are studying their genomes to use this knowledge to create new drugs. Someday their stress-resistance genes in the form of additional copies will be inserted into the human genome and prolong our life. This year, the Chinese made a virus that injected mice with one of these genes, and their lifespan increased by 20%.

What funds can we hope for in the near future?

According to one of the main models, aging is a chronic inflammatory process. And some of the most promising drugs are now considered to counteract inflammatory processes. But the problem is not only in inflammation - there are different, relatively independent mechanisms of aging. Therefore, we began to look for combinations so that one substance affects one mechanism, another on another, and indeed, sometimes we manage to achieve a more pronounced effect of slowing down aging.

I here asked various researchers whether they themselves take any "medicine for old age." I have already been called rapamycin, metformin, small doses of soluble aspirin, melatonin. What do you think about it?

All of these substances can have serious side effects. For example, aspirin is not suitable for me: asthma syndrome develops. And with regard to melatonin, it is known for sure that it can cause tumor formations in some people. Therefore, for now, I am limited to hormetins - substances that stimulate stress resistance. They are found in green tea, turmeric, in some berries, fruits, herbs.

That is, you just consume certain foods.

Yes, and besides, I know which foods to limit. There are a large number of experimental studies showing that an excess of methionine reduces life expectancy. And this is red meat, tuna, egg, milk, rice. I also switched from sunflower oil to olive oil: there are fewer polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How do you feel about fasting? For some animals, restricting calories allows them to live longer.

The effects of fasting are largely due to the fact that the overeating person restricts the use of foods that are not that healthy anyway. Fasting by itself does not prolong people's lives.

How important is sleep? For example, I often go to bed closer to three or four in the morning, all the time it somehow comes out by itself. It is harmful?

Probably yes. The release of the hormone melatonin reaches its peak around eleven in the evening, and if you sit out, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep for the next two hours. Then a new peak, and so on every two hours. If you do not sleep at this time, desynchronization of internal rhythms occurs. When you sleep, stem cells emerge from their niches and start looking for damaged areas in your body - where you need to regenerate. This only happens during sleep. Sleep rhythms are very important, but with aging they break down, and perhaps this is one of the causes of the diseases of aging. Therefore, by artificially disrupting your rhythms, you can accelerate aging. But this topic has not been sufficiently studied yet.

How do psychological factors influence the rate of aging?

The hormonal background largely depends on our mood. For example, stress hormones such as cortisol play a very important role in aging: they cause diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis. If we constantly keep cortisol at a high level, then, in fact, we are simulating the processes of accelerated aging.

As a scientist, you are fighting aging, and can we ordinary people help you with this in any way?

It is very important to create public opinion that aging is not normal, that it can and should be eliminated. Public opinion influences decision-makers which areas of science to fund.

Focus question

The fifth day of the conference, I am about to fly away, but I cannot tear myself away from the reports. In Moscow, the familiar objections of my acquaintances await me. One often hears from one flank: "Why, if they learn to prolong life, then Putin is forever!" For some reason, people are much less concerned about their own fate. From the other, it is heard: "God did not conceive us like that, man has his own time." And from both flanks a friendly chorus: “But what about overpopulation? After all, if people begin to live for a long time, there will be no place left. " One might think that overpopulation is the main Russian problem.

I finally leave the conference venue, but in the corridor I meet Petr Fedichev, head of the laboratory of systems biology at the MIPT pharmaceutical cluster, and scientific director of Quantum Pharmaceuticals. This is exactly the person who develops and launches new "anti-aging" drugs on the market. Fedichev, as always, is surrounded by a team of guys who have buried themselves in computers wherever they are.

What are they doing?

They analyze data on all kinds of age-dependent genomes to find effective markers of aging. After all, we cannot give a person a pill and wait fifty years to see how it will slow down aging. To shorten the period of clinical trials, we need to find markers that would show in a short time how a particular drug affected the aging process. I think this problem will be solved rather quickly: such things always depend on practical necessity. As soon as humanity really wants to start testing drugs that extend life, many smart people will get together and make a normal biomarker.

Are not people now engaged in the creation of such drugs?

You see, no matter what spiritual practice a person follows - a health improvement system, diet or gymnastics - he will not even live up to one hundred and fifty years. All we can try to do is push our deadline back from sixty to one hundred. In our company, we conditionally distinguish all potential drugs into strong and weak protectors. The ones that are weak improve your condition within that forty-year interval as everyone ages. We try not to deal with them.

Why? It's not bad either ...

These therapies do not work to dramatically prolong healthy longevity, but rather to slow down the aging regimen. But a world in which old age lasts twenty years longer will not be able to sustain itself purely economically. Pension systems in many countries are already bursting at the seams. The number of visits to the doctor grows rapidly with age, as does the cost of treatment, and people stop working. The last year of a person's life in developed countries now accounts for the same expenses as for his entire previous life, and the result is negligible. The only practical way is to turn off the aging regimen so that medical costs stop increasing with age, and the person remains productive.

When else will we be able to turn it off ... We should somehow hold on to this. For a start, it would be nice to live a hundred years on weak geroprotectors.

It seems to me that this is primarily a matter of focusing efforts. If the whale and the mole rat, our close mammalian relatives, managed to switch the aging mode, then for humans this is an engineering problem that must be solved. It is necessary that a sufficient number of intelligent people understand that a significant extension of life is possible. And then they thought and did. It is likely that a preclinical drug that seriously changes the lifespan of mammals is already available - at least some of the reports at the conference gave me such hope.

When life extension becomes the same routine as a clinical examination in a polyclinic

Fighting aging is one of the most popular areas in modern biology. The Elixir of Eternal Youth has become a topic that hundreds of laboratories are working on. Scientists are trying not only to overcome this or that "age-related" disease, but also discuss the possibility of overcoming old age as such. The "RR" correspondent met with one of the most famous fighters against aging - British gerontologist Aubrey de Gray

I go to the office of the Science for Life Extension Foundation, which organized Aubrey de Gray's visit to Moscow. Solid renovation, modern furniture - the furnishings of the most ordinary commercial company. You wouldn't immediately think that this foundation is dealing with such a scientifically-fantastic problem as the victory over aging and, perhaps, even death.

De Gray rises to meet me. Unlike the office, it is fully consistent with the image. Dazzling white sneakers, a wide smile and, most importantly, a long biblical beard. Probably, it is with such that our distant descendants will walk, who will live up to several hundred years, preserving a young body and no less young spirit.

Di Gray looks sleepy: the program of his visit to Moscow turned out to be rich - two public lectures at the House of Scientists and Moscow State University, meetings with Russian gerontologists and journalists. It is understandable why so many people want to talk to him: Aubrey de Gray is a renowned gerontologist based in Cambridge, organizer of a large-scale international program to combat aging. Author of the concept of SENS ("Strategy for Achieving Negligible Aging by Engineering Methods"), Chairman and Senior Research Fellow of the Methuselah Foundation, one of the key figures in the global fight against aging.

From talking with my wife to the gerontological revolution

Like any scientific theory, the idea of ​​rejuvenation is heavily criticized. Many scientists consider de Gray's ideas extravagant and partly fantastic.

- Do you really think that aging is now the biggest problem of humanity?

- I think yes, aging is the number one problem.

- What brought you to this idea?

- The realization that almost no one is working on this problem. The first time I realized this was talking with my wife. She is also a biologist and much older than me. When we met, she was already a prominent scientist - we talked about her work every day. It surprised me that we never discuss aging. It turned out that she, like most biologists, believed that it was uninteresting and unimportant. But aging is killing! I decided that I would become a gerontologist.

Aging - a program or a byproduct of life?

In modern gerontology, two main concepts of aging can be distinguished. Some scientists understand it as a program originally embedded in the body: at some point, a clockwork mechanism seems to work, and processes that lead to disease and aging are triggered. Others are convinced that this is a side effect of life, the result of accumulated damage. Just as a car has wear and tear on parts, the body wears out with age.

Dee Gray is a supporter of the second approach. For him, aging and death are a completely solvable problem. The scientist identifies seven main "damages" that make our body unusable. For fighters with age, this list is almost like the biblical commandments: "nuclear DNA mutations leading to cancer", "mitochondrial DNA mutations", "cell loss", "unnecessary cell accumulation", "extracellular debris", "intracellular debris" and "extracellular cross-links ".

Each damage has its own "repair" technology. Some techniques have already been tested on mice, some still exist only in theory, but Dr. Gray is sure that all ideas can be realistically realized.

Take, for example, cellular debris that accumulates with age in the body:

“I figured out how we can beat the garbage problem,” says de Gray. - The technology that I propose to use was originally developed to purify the environment. Bioremediation is the use of bacteria to break down pollutants. For example, we have found enzymes that break down chemical compounds that lead to blindness. Other bacteria break down compounds that contribute to cardiovascular disease. We are also close to decomposing the amyloid plaque responsible for Alzheimer's disease.

According to Di Gray's calculations, it will take 20 years to create and refine the techniques. During the first half of this period, the main research will be carried out on mice. The costs are approximately $ 100 million per year. When it comes to testing the techniques on humans, incomparably more money will be required, but De Gray is calm about this:

- If our technology works on mice, everyone will understand that it is possible to extrapolate to humans. And there will be more investments. I'm not worried about the future. It is important to get adequate funding right now.

Methuselah Mouse Prize

To fund research in the biology of aging, de Gray, together with American businessman David Gobel, created the Methuselah Foundation (named after the biblical forefather, famous for his longevity).

The foundation established the M-Prize, which is awarded to scientists who have managed to extend the life of a mouse. You can also get a reward by rejuvenating the mouse. Long-lived animals can be bred by methods of selection or genetic engineering - it is only important that they maintain health, both physical and mental.

Several laboratories have achieved amazing results! In early 2000, scientists from the University of Michigan School of Medicine presented the first long-lived mouse, Yoda, to the scientific community. As a result of genetic modifications of the pituitary gland, thyroid and pancreas, the rodent lived for more than four years, which corresponds to 136 human years. The poor fellow, however, was freezing all the time and was three times smaller than his brothers, but until the end of his days he was distinguished by mobility and amazing sexual activity.

Later, in 2004, Yodu's achievement was beaten by Charlie, who lived 1,551 days. But the absolute record so far belongs to the mouse codenamed GHR-KO 11C. Its creator, Andrzej Bartke from the University of Southern Illinois School of Medicine, turned off the growth hormone receptor gene in the mouse, so that the rodent lasted 1819 days, that is, almost six years, which is almost twice as long as the normal lifespan of a house mouse.

In the same 2004, the Foundation noted a unique experiment by Professor of Biochemistry Stephen Spindler from the University of California. He managed not only to prolong the life of the rodents, but also to rejuvenate them. They lived less than the record holders (an average of 3.5 years), but analyzes showed that the mice not only did not age, but also became younger, which undoubtedly improved their quality of life.

The second cosmic speed of escape from old age

“The methods of therapy that we will be able to develop in the next 20 years will extend the healthy life of a person by 30 years,” says de Gray. - However, it is too depressing: health will improve, but old age will not recede. True, nothing prevents us from carrying out the same treatment again, although the second time it will give less result. Therefore, it is necessary to create more effective therapy. I call this "the second cosmic speed" or "the speed of escape from old age." In 20 years, we will be able to keep people healthy for an unlimited time.

According to Di Gray's plan, when their technique is fully introduced into scientific use, the entire rejuvenation procedure will be reduced to several injections. A person will always look and feel like he is thirty-five years old, the brain will also be rejuvenated - but this will not affect the acquired knowledge in any way. Of course, the scientist does not expect to completely defeat death - after all, there will be a lot of diseases that are not related to age, and no one has yet canceled accidents.

The era of "serial careers" will come

If everything goes the way de Gray plans, society will be mothballed - the birth rate will automatically decrease, an era of serial careers will come. People will be able to retire and return, receive several specialties in a lifetime, and realize themselves many times.

- By preserving the population, we are depriving it of the influx of fresh blood. What about natural gifts? Indeed, in recent years, neither Shakespeare, nor Einsteins, nor Leonardo da Vinci have been born.

- We do not see these geniuses because we did not recognize them. Many of the living people could be Leonardo da Vinci, but they work as plumbers: they have not had the opportunity to open up. And in the new society of serial careers, many more people will be able to discover their hidden talents.

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