Home Vegetables Educational alphabet for children 4 years old. Letters. The best age to learn the alphabet

Educational alphabet for children 4 years old. Letters. The best age to learn the alphabet

Despite the development of new technologies, video and online learning, it is impossible for a modern person to achieve success in any business without the ability to read well. Therefore, caring parents are so eager to teach their kids to read and write, and this must begin with the study of the Russian alphabet. But what if the child does not want to learn letters? Then we learn letters for children 5-6 years old, playing with the alphabet.

There are completely different opinions about the age at which children should start learning the alphabet, each of which is accompanied by convincing arguments. Proponents of early development urge to start as early as possible - at least a year. Other experts convincingly prove that such an early acquaintance with the alphabet is meaningless: the baby’s brain has not yet matured and it is unlikely that it will read at 2, 3 years old.

Even knowing the letters, correlating them with sounds, children are not yet ready to put them into syllables at 2-3 years old. Therefore, without going to extremes, teachers advise starting to introduce children to the alphabet at the age of 3. To do this at first simply by paying attention to them and naming the sounds that correspond to them. Teach by playing, without requiring the child to memorize.

You can start learning the alphabet and numbers from the age of 4, so that you can slowly, calmly master it and learn to read and write a little by school.

How to easily and quickly learn letters with a child?

From whatever age you decide to learn the alphabet with a preschooler, the main thing is not only to teach, but also not to inspire him with disgust for the very process of learning. Therefore, classes should be short and take place in the form of a game. Today, to help parents teaching children 3-5 years old the Russian alphabet, there are songs, educational games, cartoons, videos that can be watched online. All this helps to teach the child the alphabet and numbers in a fun and easy way. You need to do it right.

  • Do not try to learn the entire Russian alphabet with your child at once. It is advised to start with vowels and learn two letters for a week. When the children have learned them, move on to the next.
  • Introducing children to consonants, you need to say the sounds correctly, not as the letters are called, but as we pronounce them: B, not BE, V, not VE. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for a child of 4-5 years old to put them into syllables later.
  • When teaching the alphabet with children 4-5 years old, be sure to associate letters with words so that the baby hears them in a word, understands what they mean. For example, we introduce U and clearly say “U-litka”, “U-ho”, etc.
  • The best way to learn and remember is through the child's own actions, so let him sculpt, color, cut out the alphabet and numbers.
  • When teaching, use the association method, when each letter is associated with some kind of sound or picture.
  • When the child learns even a few letters from which you can add a word, start doing it.
  • Don't forget to praise your baby.

Educational cartoons for children. Learn letters ABC in verses Alphabet from A to Z

coloring pages

One of the easiest ways to associate a letter in memory with a child's personal action is to print out the ABC coloring pages and give them to him. You can do this for free by finding coloring pages on the relevant sites and downloading them.

Artists select pictures that will reinforce the association with this letter and thus help to remember it better visually. When the child traces and paints over a letter, he is simultaneously preparing to write it. Such educational coloring pages can be printed, or you can find coloring pages online.

Flash games

Learning is best done in real life, but today many educational games, cartoons, videos can be found and used online. This should not be done as the main way of learning, although developing cartoons and videos, flash games are very popular with kids. They can be a good addition to your usual learning activities - sculpting, playing with blocks, coloring, reading poetry and learning songs.

There are several types of flash games that teach children the alphabet.

  1. Search items for the desired letter.
  2. Put it in the right place.
  3. Find a letter.
  4. Find a pair of letters, etc.

When a preschooler plays online, parents should be there to help them. And also make sure that the baby does not play for too long.

Very tasty letters

It is good if the alphabet will be associated with something pleasant and fun, and not boring and difficult. One way to achieve this is to make the letters edible. There are many ways to do this:

  • Bake "alphabetic" cookies;
  • Cut out pieces from apples, bananas (sticks, circles, halves of a circle) and put the alphabet out of them together with the child;
  • With jam, condensed milk, draw the alphabet on pancakes or pancakes.

Board games with letters

Today you can buy different board games with the alphabet, from dice to lotto, puzzles or dominoes. When purchasing such games, choose with simple, clear pictures and clear writing of letters. The simpler, the easier it is for the child to remember them.

Do you want to know about the most effective way to teach your child letters and learn the alphabet in the shortest possible time? With our recommendations, it will not be difficult for you to teach your child the alphabet at 3-6 years old. In just a month of short lessons, you can learn vowels and consonants with your child and start reading.


Why teach a child the alphabet

Before you introduce your child to the letters of the Russian alphabet, answer yourself the question WHY you want to do this right now. Is your child 5 or 6 years old and you want to prepare him for school? He is 2 years old and you want to show off the successes of a little genius to your friends and relatives? The kid is 3 years old and you want to "invest in him the maximum" in all ways available to you, so as not to miss the optimal moment for all-round development? What?

Of course, you can teach a child the alphabet at any age. You can show letter cards from the cradle, but... Let's put parental ambitions aside and focus on the object - the child. Why does he need to know letters? Right to read! Are you sure that right now he is READY to learn the basics of reading? Read what conditions are necessary in order to teach a child to read in our articles and only after that make the right decision:

Any knowledge should be put into practice. You must clearly understand that the study of letters and the alphabet is teaching the child to read. Otherwise, there is no point, there are a lot of other effective ways to develop memory, thinking, speech. It is not necessary for this to learn letters with a one and a half year old malupas, who is not yet able to pronounce them correctly. If you start learning the alphabet too early, there is a high chance that the child will simply forget the letters by the time he is ready to learn to read. Or the second, more "terrible" moment. Having learned “be”, “ve”, “de”, the child will not be able to read, because other rules work when reading. To merge syllables and turn them into words, you need to pronounce sounds completely different. Relearning is always harder. Be careful with the choice of talking toys and books: they do not always pronounce the letters correctly!


By itself, knowing the alphabet will not give the baby anything. He will simply memorize it like a song or a rhyme, but this will not teach him to read. Therefore, leave the study of the alphabet for children 5-6 years old, who will need it at school, and with toddlers, just learn the letters without adhering to the alphabetical sequence.

  • The alphabet is not just all the letters, it's the letters in a CERTAIN sequence.
  • The alphabet is the basis of any language.
  • The alphabet is the key to all dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, and other documents where order and systematization are important.
  • Knowing the alphabet saves time.

Learning letters: where to start

In what order do you learn the letters? Do I need to learn the alphabet? Start with vowels or consonants?

Let's be clear, then:

1. No need to learn letters in alphabetical order.

2. Do not learn letters mixed up: either vowels or consonants.

3. Be the first to learn with your child 10 letters for vowel sounds.

The most important thing at this age is to pay attention to CORRECT SPEECH. If necessary, contact a speech therapist to help put the right sounds, because success in school education directly depends on this.

A common problem at this age is sound R. You can work with your child on your own by doing it regularly.

ABC is an educational and educational game for preschoolers 2-5 years old, with which kids can quickly and fun learn the alphabet, letters for children, and learn how to write them.

ABC features

  • Learning letters for children in Russian, in English (learning English letters, as well as the English alphabet to learn letters), in Spanish and Portuguese;
  • The alphabet will teach you how to pronounce vowels and consonants correctly, syllables;
  • The alphabet for preschoolers includes assignments for writing letters;
  • Speaking alphabet for kids will develop phonemic hearing;
  • The alphabet game for children contains many cards with different subjects, the study of which will replenish vocabulary;
  • Educational alphabet game will train fine motor skills.


  • Learning the alphabet is 100 bright and memorable pictures to illustrate words that begin with different letters for kids.
  • The alphabet game is a sequential study of each letter for children in Russian: we hear, pronounce, write capital and capital letters, guess and learn words that begin with a given letter.
  • The alphabet includes tasks to consolidate the learned letters: contour puzzles, as well as a quiz.
  • Learning the Russian alphabet with voice acting: a fun alphabet for kids has a professional voiceover, thanks to which the baby will learn to correctly perceive all sounds by ear and pronounce them.
  • ABC is an opportunity to learn the alphabets of 4 languages ​​- the Russian alphabet (the Russian alphabet for the smallest and the Russian alphabet for preschoolers), the English alphabet (the English alphabet to learn letters with pronunciation for the smallest and the English alphabet for children), Spanish and Portuguese alphabets.
  • You can download our children's educational games for free for 2 years from 5 years.

Suitable for children of what age

  • alphabet for children 3 years old;
  • alphabet for children from 4 years old or alphabet for children 4 years old, as well as learning the alphabet for children from 4 years old and learning letters for children from 4 years old;
  • alphabet for children 5 years old or alphabet for children 5 years old for free, and we also learn letters for children from 5 years old.

How to play alphabet for toddlers

  1. The ABC offers a consistent study of letters. Playing the alphabet for children, the kid will be able to gradually learn each letter, namely: its pronunciation, spelling, and also hear and see examples of words that begin with this letter. Starting to learn the alphabet for kids with the letter A, we consistently learn letters and sounds with the child and open all the letters for him, while we learn the alphabet for children from 3 years old!
  2. Children's alphabet learning letters: Learning to write letters. Having started to study the children's alphabet with the letter A and having mastered it, the child will be able to play an exciting game of learning letters by painting the outline of this letter drawn on the fence with yellow paint with a finger. The alphabet shows the child the correct technique for writing letters. After successfully completing the task of the game “learning letters”, the child will hear words of praise.
  3. Learn the alphabet for kids: A fun game with the alphabet. We study the alphabet and consolidate knowledge by playing children's educational games and completing tasks - the baby is given 3 contours, into each of which you need to transfer the corresponding letter.
  4. Children's developing and learning games and applications for children from 3 to 5 alphabet in the form of a fun quiz will help your child remember what letter words begin with and replenish their vocabulary!

We can say that today the paper primer for little ones and the primer for preschoolers for free is a thing of the past, because the game that allows you to learn the letters of the Russian alphabet is full of bright colors and funny virtual toys to make learning the alphabet fun. In addition, children's educational and educational games and applications for children from 2 to 3 years old have a simple interface that a child can understand in a minute.

Here you will find the Russian alphabet for children from "A" to "Z" in pictures with tasks for each letter. Colorful pictures and funny letters will not leave your child indifferent! In each task, the child will be asked, of all the pictures that are on the page with the letter being studied, to circle only those whose names begin with this letter. The tasks are more suitable for children who have already practically learned the alphabet and have an idea of ​​which letter in a word is capitalized.

Before you start learning the alphabet, try to clearly explain to your child the difference between a letter and a sound, as well as their relationship with each other, so as not to create confusion in the baby's head. To facilitate the task, make a transcription of several words and clearly show the child how these words can be painted with sounds.

Russian alphabet for children - All letters from A to Z

Before you start learning the Russian alphabet for children and complete our tasks, in which all letters are studied in order from "A to Z", you need to conduct a transcription lesson with your child. Using the example of transcription, it will be easier for the baby to understand why there are more sounds in the alphabet than letters, because the child will see that in some cases, one letter can mean not one, but two sounds. The kid should also know that the soft sign serves to soften the consonants, the hard sign makes the sound hard, but these letters themselves cannot transmit sound.

It is best to start learning the Russian alphabet with vowels, and the sequence here does not matter. You should not try to cover all the vowels at once, it will be very difficult for the baby, start by learning 3-4 letters. Classes should not be long, it is better to conduct them more often, at least 5-6 times a day. Start learning the next letters no earlier than 3 days later, making sure that the baby has firmly remembered the previous letters.

After the child has learned all the vowels, invite him to complete tasks with these letters, which you can download in the attachments at the bottom of the page of this material. Put all the tasks with vowels on the table in front of the baby and ask him to name which letters he is familiar with. When you make sure that all the letters are named by the child correctly, read the condition of the first task to him and ask him to complete it, then the next one, and so on.

Russian alphabet in order - Find pictures for each letter

Here you can view and download all pictures with tasks in which the Russian alphabet is presented in order. In the process of studying the Russian alphabet, it is necessary to explain to children with examples that very often in Russian we pronounce one sound in a word, but in writing it is a completely different letter, for example: we hear "abezyan" and write "monkey", "karova "- "cow" and so on.

If all tasks with vowels are completed, and you are convinced that the child has mastered the material well, proceed to the study of consonants. Just before that, I would like to note the following: now you should introduce the baby not to the name of the letter, but to its sound, it is very important that parents understand this and do not make mistakes that will then be difficult to correct.

Let's explain why: in the future, when you start teaching your baby to read by syllables, it will be very difficult for you to teach your child to connect syllables, because a baby who has learned the name of the letters "EN", "EM", "KA" will be confused - why connecting the letter "EM" and "A", it turns out the syllable "MA", not "EMA" ... Therefore, during classes it is necessary to use only sounds: if it is the letter "EN" - use the sound "N", if the letter "DE" - sound "D" and so on.

You can download the Russian alphabet for children with letters in order from A to Z in the attachments at the bottom of the page

After the child has learned all the consonants, proceed to the tasks!

Letter A and B in the Russian alphabet

Help the little mermaid Ariel find objects - words that begin with the letter A, circle them. Words: window, glasses, cucumber, pineapple, orange, shark, monkey, nuts, octopus, watermelon. Help the kitten to find among the pictures the words with the letter B, circle them in a box. Words: bees, butterfly, gift, drum, briefcase, alarm clock, squirrel, bow, bananas.

Letters C and G

Help the wolf find the pictures that represent the words starting with the letter B, circle them in a triangle. Words: wolf, pyramid, sparrow, train, camel, grapes, lamp, bicycle. Also help the dwarf find words that start with the letter G and circle them. Words: gnome, pear, dove, mushroom, eyes, owl, guitar, harmonica.

Letters D and E

Help the girl find the words that start with the letter D, circle them: tree, tiger, house, cake, phone, blackboard, dragon, girl. Help the puppy find pictures that start with the letter E: puppy, raccoon, dolphin, seahorse, blackberry, Emelya, spinning top.

Letters Y and Z

In this task with the Russian alphabet for kids, you need to help Dale the chipmunk find among the pictures the words starting with the letter Y: honey, plane, Leopold the cat, brush, Christmas tree, hedgehog, ice. Help Dasha the traveler find pictures starting with the letter J. Words: hat, ball, beetle, toad, bumps, giraffe, pearl, acorn.

Letters Z and I of the Russian alphabet

Help the bunny to find items starting with the letter Z among the pictures: hare, zebra, sun, snake, umbrella, elephant, castle, sugar, candle, star. Help the heroine of the cartoon to find words starting with the letter I. Words: girl, hut, fishing rod, needle, toys, turkey, figs.

Letters Y and K

Help the cricket find words starting with the letter Y among the pictures: cricket, raccoon, spruce, hedgehog, chocolate, yogurt, iodine. And also help to find objects - words starting with the letter K: hippopotamus, cat, crocodile, bread, books, pencils, mole.

Letters L and M in Russian

Help the lion cub find words for things that start with the letter L: lion, moon, fox, lemon, plum, frog, oar, bow, ladder. Help the bear find pictures with words starting with the letter M: plasticine, thread, little Muk, hammer, ant, mouse, carrot, bear.

Letters H and O

We continue to learn the Russian alphabet for children. Help the boy find words that start with the letter H, cross out the rest. Words: rhinoceros, notes, scissors, threads, magnet, barbell, knife. Also, children should help the monkey find pictures starting with the letter O, underline them with a line. Words: monkey, glasses, cucumbers, tomato, cow, dandelions, donkey.

Letters P and R

Children need to help the hippo find word items that begin with the letter P: hippopotamus, steamer, pepper, birds, deer, mittens, spider, gift, piglets. In the second picture, help the little fox find the words starting with the letter P: robot, shell, rainbow, pen, fish, mermaid, ghost, armchair, rose.

Letters C and T in Russian

Help the owlet find words whose names begin with the letter C: owl, birdhouse, compass, balalaika, elephant, nipple, candles, violin, chair, matches, plum. Help the bunny find words starting with the letter T among the pictures: a notebook, a dolphin, a trolley bus, tiger cubs, a telephone, a thermometer, a tractor, a cake, an ax, a beetle.

Letters U and F

Help Snow White find all the words starting with the letter U in the picture: cube, pointers, duckling, iron, fishing rod, top, snail, caterpillar. In the second picture, you need to help Pinocchio find pictures starting with the letter F. Among them: a lantern, a T-shirt, a camera, watercolor, a flag, an apron, a lantern, a cherry.

Letters Х and Ц - Russian alphabet for children

In the first picture, the child needs to find all the items that begin with the letter X. Words: pencil, persimmon, refrigerator, bells, clown, hamster, chameleon. And also help the lion cub Simba find words starting with the letter C among these pictures: salute, candle, saddle, chickens, table, king, flowers, chain.

Letters H and W

You need to help Cheburashka find all the words starting with the letter H among these pictures: compass, suitcase, garlic, brush, teapot, turtle, cups. In the second picture, the children should help Sharik from Prostokvashino find words that begin with the letter Sh. Pictures for searching: Balls, ball, hat, cones, globe, wardrobe, barbell, chess, scarf, cap.

Letters Щ and Ъ

In the first task, you need to help the gnome find words that start with the letter Щ among the pictures: brush, shield, puppy, watch, ball, pike, garlic.

Second task: Do you know that there are no words that start with the letter b - a solid sign? It also does not appear at the end of words. The hedgehog found a few words where this letter occurs in the middle (entrance, hug, ruffle, detour, volume, flaw, eat, explain, announcement, injection. What words do you know?

Letters Y and b

Did you know that there are no words that start with the letter Y? You will meet them only in the middle of a word. Help the squirrel to find objects with the letter Y in their names. Words: flowers, book, cheese, bones, skis, mouse, chicken, soap. There are also no words that begin with the letter b. Help Dasha the traveler find pictures that have this letter in their name: skates, rings, hero (or Ilya Muromets), ant, frog, oranges, deer.

Letters E and Yu

In the first picture, the children must help the mouse find words that start with the letter E among such pictures: hedgehog, raccoon, excavator, elf, popsicle. In the second picture, you need to help the students find everything that starts with the letter U and underline the pictures found. Words: cabin boy, iron, whirlpool, duckling, skirt.

Letter I in the Russian alphabet

Help the bunny find the only one out of all the drawn pictures that does not contain the letter I - cross it out. Words: monkey, frog, snake, cherry, lizard, ball, eggs, candle, apple.

You can also supplement reading training with other materials on our site:

If your child has already learned the entire alphabet and is interested in reading - don't waste your time - download our unusual and exciting tasks in which you need to make a word from given letters.

Find a word by spelling - Picture assignments for kids

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