Home Vegetables Message put your planet in order. Competitive work. Get your planet in order. (Essay on a free topic). Some interesting essays

Message put your planet in order. Competitive work. Get your planet in order. (Essay on a free topic). Some interesting essays

1 Ecological project "Put the planet in order"

Russia, Volgograd

MOU kindergarten №300


Gulevskaya Elena Alekseevna

Ecological project "Bring the planet in order"

Rationale for the need to develop a project

Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it should carefully and carefully treat it, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.

Today we are not able to cope with the problems of environmental degradation, because. the system of values ​​of most people is still focused on consumption, on the subjugation of nature, on the reckless and irresponsible manipulation of the objects of the material world. Society continues to support those who create wealth by destroying the natural environment. As long as the priority belongs to the value of "useful", "economically expedient" and "scientifically calculated" in comparison with the value of human existence itself, it will not be possible to overcome the crisis by any technical, economic or legal means. Therefore, the question arises of preventive work, the formation of a conscious attitude to nature, its problems and needs, as well as to a healthy lifestyle. Propaedeutic work in this direction falls on the shoulders of not only teachers, but also parents.

The cooperation of the kindergarten with the families of children in the environmental direction, jointly organized events not only help to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but also bring into this process the special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child.

The most effective way to implement the tasks of environmental education is to organize project activities together with parents and children. Participation in environmental campaigns, subbotniks, gardening, work on environmental projects is a unique opportunity for children and parents to prove themselves, to benefit the natural environment of their native land.

The novelty of the ecological project lies in the use of information computer technologies. The main fact that ensures the effectiveness of the educational process is the personal involvement of children and parents in eventful life. Using new technologies that are exciting for a new generation, this inclusion can be ensured. The project allows children and parents to do what they love and at the same time benefit the world around them. Only by joint efforts can we solve the main task - to educate an environmentally literate person.

Project type:

group, parent-child .

Project typeresearch and educational.

Problem task: City street pollution.

Participants, project partners : staff Preschool educational institution, children of the preparatory group 11 people, parents.

Project implementation timeline : short-term (April-May)

Objective of the project: the formation in children and parents of a sense of belonging to all living things, a humane attitude towards the environment and the desire to take care of the preservation of the nature of their region.

Project objectives:

  • To bring to an understanding of the importance of the problem of the relationship of man with nature and the consequences of human activity in it.
  • To expand the ideas of parents that nothing in nature disappears without a trace and it is very important to teach a child to protect nature, love it and be able to protect it.
  • Raise the level of environmental culture and awareness of parents about the problem of waste management through information messages.
  • Encourage interest in creating a favorable environment for the city and microdistrict.
  • To form parent-child relationships in the spirit of raising interest and environmentally correct behavior in nature.
  • To teach parents by personal example to treat nature with care, protect and protect it.

Project product:

  • Development of action plan.
  • Publication of a book - self-written "The world in which you want to live!"
  • Participation in the city competition of children's creativity "I love you, planet!" in the district competition "How beautiful this world is"
  • Exhibition "Nature and creativity"
  • Presentation "The enemy of nature is garbage!".
  • Production of an ecological newspaper-poster
  • Release of leaflets

The most important result of our project is the formation of a real community of children, educators, parents who love their native city of Volgograd, making a feasible contribution to its cleanliness and prosperity!

Project principles

The project is based on five principles:

  • Respect: the child has rights (observance of the rights of the child). Children should be active participants in the project, and not just do what adults have developed for them. The older the children, the more actively they participate in the project. It is necessary to reflect the questions and ideas of the children, discuss with them what you are planning to do, find out their opinion on this matter.
  • Rethinking: people begin to appreciate what they did not appreciate before (revaluation of the value system). A new look at one's behavior, actions, relationships with peers and adults, and the environment.
  • "Reuse": old things can be used in new ways. Reusing things reduces the amount of waste, which means pollution of the environment.
  • Savings: More can be done with less (saving materials, resources).
  • Recycling: unnecessary things will become useful to someone again (collection, recycling, recycling)

Project motto:There is a hard and fast rule. You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Stage task: analysis of the situation; definition of its main goals: the formation of ecological consciousness, ecological culture, kindness and mercy as the basic qualities of a person.

Stage 2 - organizational: planning and forecasting future work.

Stage tasks: ecologization of all sections of the program of education and training of preschoolers; creating an ecological environment in the group, questioning parents, involving them in the upcoming creative work in an innovative mode; development of work plans with children and parents on the formation of environmental education through environmental campaigns, selection of literature and information on the project.

Stage 3 - Practical activities

Stage tasks: the formation of elementary environmental knowledge and ideas of children and parents, as well as the beginning, the foundations of environmental education through the conduct of an environmental action.

Stage 4 - final

Stage tasks: generalization of experience and determination of the result of the practical activity of the teacher

Forms of work on project implementation:

Observations and ecological excursions; Creation of presentations, slide shows; Informative reading; · competitions and quizzes, · productive activity, protection of posters, projects; leaflets; · issue of ecological newspaper, · dramatizations and dramatizations; · environmental, mobile, didactic, simulation games, travel games. ecological and educational holidays and entertainment. The content of the project includes the activities of all participants in the direct educational process in the environmental campaign, which goes through four stages:

  • environmental anxiety
  • Environmental signs
  • ecological trail
  • Ecological newspaper
  • Final event

Forms and methods of work with parents:

  • Round table "Education of kindness to nature"
  • Consultations and messages of an ecological orientation for the parent's corner. Conversations with parents about the importance of this problem,
  • The design of the folder "Love and protect the environment."
  • Production of photo albums.
  • Participation of parents in various competitions on environmental topics.
  • Participation of parents in subbotniks.
  • Carrying out joint ecological excursions.
  • Questioning of parents in order to identify their environmental competence.

Plan - a map of actions for the implementation of the projectfor children 6-7 years old.

The action "How can we not love this Earth!"(April May)

Purpose: formation of ideas about the cleanliness of the environment as an important component of human health and all life on earth.

Action stages

Joint activities of the teacher with children

Interaction with family

environmental anxiety. "Clean Yard"

Solving problematic situations: what needs to be done to reduce garbage on the streets of the city?

Viewing and discussion of the presentation "The enemy of nature is garbage!"

Reading literary works: “Respect the work of others”, N.A. Ryzhova “How people offended the river and others.

Drawings of children "Streets of our city".

Labor landing (subbotnik) for cleaning the territory of a preschool institution

- "Waste as a resource" (involving parents in the collection of plastic waste).

Environmental signs

Production of environmental signs "Do not litter!", "Keep clean!"

Lesson with elements of theatrical activity "Earth Day"

Round table "Education of kindness to nature"


"The second life of the box",

"Magical transformations of wire".

ecological trail

Photo booth using photos of the subbotnik "That's how it got clean!".

Ecological game "Save the Planet"

Family competition for the best crafts made from recycled material: “Mom, dad, I work miracles”;

Family photo album "We rest without harm!"

Environmental newspaper poster

Acquaintance with folk wisdom: proverbs, sayings about caring for nature.

Drawing an ecological poster for proverbs and sayings.

Competition for parents for the best leaflet on the theme "Let's make our city cleaner."

Parent meeting together with children “Enter nature as a friend!”

Exhibition "Nature and creativity"


1. Deryabo, S.D. Ecological pedagogy and psychology / S.D. Deryabo, V.A. Yasvin. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996.

2. Evdokimova, E.S. Pedagogical support of the family in the upbringing of a preschooler / E.S. Evdokimov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

3. Zhernevskaya, T.V. The system of cooperation with parents as a condition for optimizing the environmental education of preschoolers /T.V. Zhernevskaya, L.A. Maltnova //Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2007. - No. 3.

4. Zvereva, O.L., Krotova, T.V. Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution: a methodological aspect / O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

5. Zinovieva, M.V. The influence of the style of parenting on the development of the prerequisites for the worldview in preschool children: dissertation for the competition. scientist step. cand. psychological sciences: (19.00.13) / M.V. Zinoviev. - Moscow, 2001.

6. Martynovich, V.A. Introducing children 6-7 years old to nature: the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family / V.A. Martynovich //Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2005. - No. 2.

7. "We". The program of environmental education for children / N. N. Kondratieva et al. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003.

8. Ivanova A.I. Living ecology: The program of environmental education for preschoolers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

Take care of the Earth! take care
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
Sunshine on the path...
Take care of young seedlings
At the green festival of nature,
Sky in the stars, ocean and land
And a believing soul in immortality, -
All destinies are the connecting threads.
Take care of the Earth! Take care...

One September day off in search of mushrooms, I go to the nearest forest. I wander along familiar paths, admire the beauty of the surrounding nature and enjoy the silence. The birds have already flown away to warmer climes, only in some places you can hear the crackling of branches and the tapping of a woodpecker, our forest orderly. Leaves cover the ground with a multi-colored carpet. With high spirits, singing cheerful songs, I rake in the leaves with my foot and observe the autumn landscape. Beautiful autumn forest! Lines from a poem by A.S. Pushkin immediately come to mind: “I love the lush nature of withering, the forests dressed in crimson and gold ...” It’s good to go along the forest path!

I climb to the top of Karagay-tau and see that a small island between the Kigi River and a birch grove looks like an autumn fairy-tale corner, and I feel the joyful thrill of my heart from the wondrous beauty: crimson, golden, yellowish, green, gray, brown and red leaves swirled in the water, they also do not sit on trees.

And here the river is narrow, but cheerful. The current carries bright leaves that rush about like boats from one coast to another, hurrying somewhere ... A little further, some leaves slow down their swimming, moor to a fallen tree, while others rush, hurry to swing on the waves.

Suddenly the breeze subsides, and then the rain subsided. The sun comes out, as if rejoicing at the meeting, inviting you to walk along the forest path. I respond with pleasure, but as soon as I take the first steps, I notice a large dump on the ground covered with leaves ... I wonder - where does it come from, because there is such a beautiful fairy-tale corner here? Who dared to throw so much rubbish here? What were these people thinking when they threw all the rubbish into the forest? What was not there, in this heap of dirt in the "paradise island"? There are plastic and glass bottles, and polyethylene, and candy wrappers, and cans - you can’t list everything ... Struck by what I saw, I stood there, perhaps for a long time. My thoughts were occupied with nature. She brings so many benefits to people, but what does she get in return? Is this our gratitude to her? Why do people treat her so cruelly? But we were told from a young age that kindness must be repaid with kindness ...

Indeed, our planet is threatened by a global ecological crisis that looms menacingly over the world. The Aral Sea dried up, constant spills of oil and pesticides kill millions of birds and fish, a third of forests dry up from acid rains, crop yields are significantly reduced.

Poisonous substances, dust and smoke from industrial enterprises are spreading in large cities. People inhaling the air causes respiratory disease. The number of patients with cardiovascular and cancerous diseases, as well as diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys is increasing. In recent years, the ecological situation in our area has deteriorated sharply, many species of plants and animals are becoming rare, entire forests are disappearing, which are cut down by thousands of hectares. For several years in a row, trucks loaded with wood have been rushing along our central road day and night.

Nature protection is one of our main responsibilities. Nature decorates our life, gives us a lot of joy. With what pleasure we listen to the singing of birds, the murmur of a brook, the mysterious whisper of the forest! With what pleasure we admire the expanse of fields, the mirror-like surface of rivers and the majestic bulk of mountains!

A person must, simply must think and ask himself the question: what will remain on our planet if everyone starts to treat nature so disdainfully, consumeristically? Will our grandchildren be able to go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, will they be able to swim in the lake on a sunny day, and then hide in the shade of a birch grove?

In order to protect nature from destruction and preserve its wealth, every person needs to understand that nature is our home, for which we are all responsible. And everyone should put in order the corner around him, everyone should be able to truly love, understand, protect nature, treat nature as a living being, which also needs care and protection like a person.

Yes, nature is in trouble! She is unable to correct the evil that man does, unable to save dying animals and birds, clear the air of smoke and burning ... Nature cannot destroy as much garbage as man has scattered on earth ... It would be nice to once again be on this island , not to see this dirt ...

A large dried branch that fell from a nearby poplar brought me back to life. It seemed to me that its withered leaves against the background of still green grass look colorful and mysterious, but a little sad. It got dark. Time to go home!

Ecos (Greek) - home, habitat, world in which we live

Over the past century, human pressure on the environment has increased enormously. Currently, there is a combination of adverse cosmic impacts on the planet and man-made human impact.

Changes have taken place in all layers of the planet - air, earth, water, vegetation, the Noosphere are so infected that the problem of clean land, water, air becomes the most important.

The population is growing, the level of culture and education is falling. Under these conditions, the struggle for resources flares up, conflicts arise between people and peoples on international grounds. The threat of annihilation hangs not only over humanity, but also over the entire planet, which can be destroyed instantly by all accumulated weapons.

Everyone participates

The existence of an ecosystem - planet Earth - depends on all the participants in this ecosystem. And the state of the planet, in turn, depends on the health of each of us.

Therefore, taking care of the harmonious and healthy functioning of the ecosystem is a task not only for special state or public structures, but also for every person.

Our duty is not only to pay taxes to the state, so that it provides through ecological safety and environmental protection, and to be a passive contemplator of this process.

It is to be an active participant who, by his mental, sensual aspirations and actions, constantly maintains the balance of the system in which he lives.

It is necessary to realize the unity, the interconnection of everything with everything in all layers of a multi-level reality.

We need to take responsibility for what is happening on the planet, and to the best of our ability and ability to participate in its life and get out of the usual form - to live only by the personal interests of consumption, tribal ideology, small-town beliefs.

Disease history

The peculiarity of man is to unite in the face of danger. The time has come when small, personal, tribal, national and state interests should be subordinated to a common global goal - the salvation of the planet with its world and humanity.

The disease can be cured only by eliminating the cause. The causes of the disease of mankind and, as a result, of the entire planet are in the created non-ecological attitude of a person towards himself (personal negative programs), surrounding people and the natural world.

Wrong values ​​adopted in social life have been reflected in the social life and culture of recent centuries, and a sharp leap in technological progress has exacerbated the trends that have led to the sad circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Holy world

What are these negative programs that dominate the consciousness of man and mankind? First of all, it is the lack of knowledge about the unity and sacredness of the world.

Everything living and non-living has a single source, interpenetration and interconnection, which is manifested in the unity of matter and information (consciousness). Therefore, the attitude to the world as a living, conscious, feeling, reacting one can be expressed by the word sacred.

A person is able to improve the ecological situation not only by his actions (which are certainly necessary), but also by his thoughts, meditations and prayers, by expanding his consciousness to the planetary level.

Such a person does not just cognize his unity with the world with his mind - he experiences it with all the layers of his psyche and physiology, generating in himself light spiritual energies, spreading them around him. In other words, he develops ecological consciousness in himself.

“There is such a firm rule,” the Little Prince told me later. “I got up in the morning, washed my face, put myself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

How often do we think that our house is not only an apartment, but also a porch, courtyard, streets, parks, forests, fields, rivers. All our land is our home. In our apartment, we wash, scrape, clean, and everything outside of it does not concern us. An indifferent person, the owner of the land, will not allow himself disgrace in relation to the surrounding space. From childhood, they taught me, and today I am raising my children, that you can’t throw garbage on the ground, you just need to bring it to the trash can. Purely not where they clean up, but where they do not litter.

The other day, my daughter told me with surprise about how a man walking a dog in the yard put everything in a special bag for his pet and took this bag to the garbage container. This is the master's approach and culture!

The earth must be respected, the earth must be valued, and not littered with it. Our ancestors took care of the mother earth, called it Mother-Cheese-Earth, nurse. So it turns out that with such a careless attitude to the earth, we should be called savages - people of the 21st century.

For several years now, my family has had a tradition of collecting all the waste paper in a box on the balcony, and then twice a year taking everything accumulated to the lyceum, where competitions are held to collect waste paper between classes (thanks to our director for these useful events). We very quickly and easily got used to the fact that cardboard packaging, drafts, checks, labels, etc. must be kept in a separate place.

Recently I started collecting plastic: milk bottles, glasses from sour cream, cottage cheese, vitamin jars and much more. At first, my daughter and I needed all this for crafts, and then, this “wealth” had to be put somewhere. We really did not want to pollute the nature with this plastic, so we found a recycling center in Yekaterinburg at the address: Artinskaya, 22 (tel. 361-15-97). You can also donate waste paper here. It doesn’t matter that we were paid 20 rubles for 2 kg of plastic, the most important thing is that we helped nature at least a little.

Why is there still no sorting of household waste in our big city with the help of specialized containers in the yards? While there is no answer to this question, we are trying to solve environmental problems on our own. I often take note of ideas from the “Second Life to Things” section.

It is known that 100 kg of waste paper saves one tree. I think that our family has already saved several trees and will not stop there. It may sound rude, but I don't want to be "assholes", I want to be OWNERS.

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