Home Vegetables The universal tarot key of the minor arcana. The meaning of the cards from the tarot deck is the universal key. Features of the interpretation of Tarot cards Universal Key

The universal tarot key of the minor arcana. The meaning of the cards from the tarot deck is the universal key. Features of the interpretation of Tarot cards Universal Key

Tarot Universal Key is a very good deck for deciphering any situations and questions. The fact is that the Universal Key Tarot cards are modified in such a way that their values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be used for a wide variety of layouts.

What is the deck good for?

Tarot Universal Key was created by a talented magician, artist and Tarotian David Krosi. Leaving the classic foundation behind, he made some changes that turned every card in the deck into a truly universal key. There are no names on the maps, and only a digital system is used. The Major and Minor Arcana are very interestingly designed. Simple symbolism allows the one who is guessing not to concentrate on the picture, but to look at the situation through energy mental images. Therefore, with the help of such a deck, it is easier to connect to the energy of the Universe and find really right answers.
Tarot cards of the Universal Key are used both for large-scale layouts, in which at least half of the deck is involved, and for short layouts for one, two or three cards. Due to the fact that each Arcana contains a lot of information, they fully answer the questions asked, describe situations and give advice.

Card interpretation

Such a deck is interpreted depending on which alignment is chosen. Each card has a lot of meanings. They depend on combinations, and on provisions, and on questions. Therefore, it cannot be said that at least one card from the deck is unambiguous. All meanings change and this confirms the fact that the deck is really strong and suitable for looking for answers to very serious questions. In this deck, the interpretation is not so attached to the names, which is another big plus. Looking at the cards, the Master, first of all, sees and feels its energy, and not a literal expression of meaning and symbolism. Almost every Light Mage has such a deck, as it helps to deal with the most difficult situations.
If you want to find out any information about yourself, loved ones, past, events, future, financial, love issues and much more, then you should contact the Master for advice and order a layout at the Universal Key College. The most optimal variant of the alignment will be chosen for you, and you will be able to find out everything you wish.

Tarot cards are of all kinds. Their difference lies in the designations and areas of use. Tarot cards The Universal Key were invented by D. Corsi and D. Berti. They represent the original reincarnation of White's classic deck.

Tarot Universal Key designed using computer graphics

One of the primary specifics of the Universal Key is an unusual, artistic design of cards using graphic, computer drawings. The progressive design seems to bring the characters to life, making them even more interesting and real. The spatial graphics and the traditional symbolic pattern of Tarot cards, the universal key, is quite famous in the circles of fortune-tellers.

Structural part of the deck

Tarot Deck Universal Key invented in the classical style. She has 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana, which are divided into 4 main suits:

  • wands;
  • pentacles;
  • goblets;
  • swords.

Their main feature is the complete absence of inscriptions that can indicate the name of the map or the degree of hierarchical significance. That is why the interpretation becomes universal. There is no binding to linguistic and semantic card barriers. The entire Tarot deck is marked with Roman numerals, which allows its use by people of any nationality. Consider some examples of the designations of the Minor Arcana of court cards:

  • the page symbolizes the warrior's helmet;
  • knight - head of a horse;
  • queen - domed crown;
  • king - crown on the background of the rays.

The presented type of cards is suitable for use by both beginners and professional magicians. They are easy and convenient to use, the Universal Key Tarot Gallery attracts with its aesthetic appearance, thereby charging the fortuneteller with some magical energy. In addition, with the help of cards, a person will be able to get an answer to any question of interest.

Tarot Universal Key has traditional suits

Feature of the Major Arcana Tarot

The first 22 cards in the Tarot deck are the Major Arcana. They play a major role in the divination process. The Major Arcana are endowed with the ability to reflect the most important and significant events in a person's life, to identify all the causes of failure, grief and joy.

Most tarot readers use the Major Arcana exclusively, neglecting the Minor Arcana. However, do not forget that in the life of any person, not only epoch-making events, but also small troubles can occur. To get a complete answer to the question, you should use the Major and Minor Arcana in full.

The Major Arcana reveal the past and the future with the help of plots, figures and symbolic signs presented on the card deck. So that the interpretation does not present difficulties, it is necessary to study the basic and general meanings of the cards.

Then they will reveal the truth of knowledge and help explain any life situation, more clearly assess their own capabilities and consciousness.

Features of the Minor Arcana Tarot

The Minor Arcana are able to foresee a variety of life circumstances. During divination, they, together with the Elders, explain all the details, which leads to a more understandable interpretation of the card that has fallen. Consider in more detail the symbolization of each suit:

  • the rod speaks of initiatives, authority, new ideas and willpower;
  • the goblet is a reflection of a person's experiences, his feelings;
  • the sword is the suit of logic and calculation;
  • pentacles reflect the material aspects of all human concerns: money, property, business, health.

Swords - logical suit

The right choice of cards

The purchase of Tarot cards must be treated with special care and caution. An acquired magic deck can last for decades, and the longer it is used, the more powerful its energy force becomes.

Before you go shopping for the Tarot Universal Key, a beginner should have a special book that clearly indicates the training.

To purchase quality products, it is better to resort to the services of specialized stores, large supermarkets or Internet resources. Visiting dubious newspaper stands will not give the expected results.

When buying a Tarot Master Key in the store, check the deck offered. Drawings must be clearly marked on the cards; prints of colorful fragments on the fingers are unacceptable. Count the deck. If she has 78 cards and two empty ones, then this means that the product is not defective.

Never buy a printed tarot deck. Touching the cards of strangers can leave a number of negative energies on paper. If, for some reason, you have to buy cards without packaging, then when you get home, you should clean them.

The drawn images on the Tarot Universal Key should be accessible and understandable. If this deck suits you, you will feel it in your heart and soul. Always listen to your own intuition and foreboding, react less to the advice of the seller.

The tarot deck must be new, you cannot buy a used one.

Deck Features

As mentioned above, the Universal Key Tarot is an analogue of White's deck. But, with a thorough examination, the changes are still noticeable. For example, in White's deck, the Four of Swords card shows a warrior lying on his tombstone with his palms folded in a prayer position. Three swords hang over his head, and the fourth is located at the coffin.

In the Universal Tarot Key, the image of the knight on the card is significantly different from its predecessor. The warrior stands at the tombstone with his head bowed, lightly touching the stove with his hands. Swords are attached to wall church structures.

The images depicted on the Universal Key Tarot cards are realistic and colorful, and the spirit of past ages is observed.

Tarot Universal Key is a unique deck with which you can learn to see the future. So that the energy power of the cards does not disappear, purchase a special bag for storing card accessories.

2015-04-22 22:51:39

The Universal Key Tarot will appeal to those who want to learn how to work with the Tarot cards of the Waite system, but I don’t really like the artistic design of the Waite Tarot deck: I want brighter colors. And also to those who are already working with Tarot Waite, but again, the images of the deck do not find an emotionally positive response in the soul. But the mood for cooperation with the deck is very important!

There are many decks based on the classic. And drawn "live", and created with the help of computer graphics. The latter include the Universal Key Tarot, created by artist David Korzi. In addition to this deck, he drew the Tarot of the Elves, the Tarot of the Ghosts, the Tarot of the Vampires of Eternal Night. Images created with the help of computer graphics, at first glance, may seem artificial, puppet, or something .. but you should take a closer look - and you will see that these images can tell a lot to both the novice tarologist and the professional.

If you are new to Tarot, then when purchasing the Tarot Universal Key, buy a book right away - any Tarot textbook of the Waite system will do. For example, Tarot. Key concepts. Textbook and layouts "by Hayo Banzhaf or his own -" Tarot is a good adviser. 24 keys to the interpretation of 78 cards, or Waite's Tarot as a system by A. Kostenko, or Waite's Tarot. Bronze Book for the New Generation” V. Zaichenko. In esoteric stores, sellers will surely recommend Waite Tarot literature to you.

The Major Arcana of the deck are very peculiar: The jester is not accompanied by a dog - there is no one to keep him on the edge of the abyss from a wrong step; The Empress is not at all pregnant, but young and feminine; Death is very similar to the Hierophant: she, illuminated by the bright sun, sits on a throne between two columns, and in front of her are two novices awaiting instruction. Death is the best mentor: only when we lose something or someone, do we realize the value of what we had ... “What we have, we don’t keep, if we lose, we cry.”

But the deck's most stunning Major Arcana is the Moon. Instead of a cancer carefully crawling out of the water to admire the Moon (a symbol of the lunar phases), we see a terrible toothy octopus, symbolizing our subconscious desires, fears and everything that we manage to hide and suppress with a sound mind and sober memory. "Still waters run deep". In addition, the octopus also symbolizes magical effects.

The Minor Arcana of the deck is practically a copy of Waite's Tarot, only drawn more vividly, colorfully and modernly; Court cards differ in some elements that emphasize certain nuances of meanings. So, for example, on the Knight of Pentacles card, only half of the horse under the rider is visible. Thus, the artist emphasized the slowness, solidity of the Knight of Pentacles, as if saying: you ride more quietly - you will continue (In the classic Tarot Waite, the horse under the rider is almost completely visible).

Butterflies flutter around all the cards of the Court of the Suit of Swords in the Universal Key Tarot (birds in Waite's Tarot), symbolizing the element of air - and the fact that, despite their stern appearance, severity and coldness, the characters of the Court cards have vulnerable souls hidden deep under armor and attributes of power.

The only inconvenience for beginners is the lack of inscriptions on the cards. On the Major Arcana - only Roman numerals; on Junior cards - Arabic numerals and symbols of suits, on Court cards - symbols of their hierarchy and suits. But regular practice with the deck will ensure that the cards and their meanings are quickly memorized.
Elena Ledney.

The Universal Key Tarot deck is designed based on classical traditions, but has some modern features. In addition, there are features in the interpretation of the cards, as well as the illustrations with which they are provided.

The Universal Key Tarot was developed several years ago, based on the Rider-White system, the most popular Tarot divination system to date. The developers were Giordano Berti and David Corsi. The original name of the deck is Tarot Pictorial Key.

Like all other decks, the Universal Key consists of 78 cards, 22 of which are the Major Arcana, and 56 are the Minor. Standard card sizes are 66x120 mm. This size leaves confidence that the set will be convenient to shuffle and lie in the hand.

As with most other sets, the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits - Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles. Court cards have designations. So, all the Pages are marked with military helmets, the Horsemen - with horse heads, the Queens - with domed crowns, and the Kings - crowns with rays.

The peculiarity of the deck, as can be understood from its name, is versatility in every sense of the word. The point is not only that the cards are suitable for any layout. They are not provided with inscriptions, there are no names on the maps.

They are numbered in Roman numerals, and only beginners, as well as those who are not yet used to the new deck, can navigate by them. The idea of ​​the authors is that people of any nationality, native speakers of any language can use the cards. Whatever language you are used to calling the Major and Minor Arcana, this deck will suit you.

Tarot Universal Key - photo gallery

When creating illustrations, computer graphics were used, and this feature is considered rather controversial. On the one hand, the images, judging by the Universal Key Tarot gallery, turned out to be quite high quality and aesthetically attractive.

On the other hand, many tarologists believe that a computer image is not capable of energy operations. In other words, they are sure that such cards are not capable of absorbing the energy of a fortuneteller. This is a controversial issue, because numerous reviews call the deck alive and capable of communicating at the energy level.

These cards combine three-dimensional images with traditional symbols. Despite the use of modern technology in creating illustrations, they remained canonical for the Rider-White school.

The drawings are made in the style of romanticism, which makes the cards more attractive from an aesthetic point of view. Some conservatives considered the design of the deck too bold, but it still gained popularity among connoisseurs of versatile Tarot variants with an attractive appearance.

High quality images allow you to better understand the deep meaning inherent in them. Thanks to modern technologies, following the traditions of the classical Tarot, as well as the presence of figurative painting, the cards have become voluminous, lively, but at the same time they have remained in the classical format.

Despite the fact that the illustrations are based on the Ryder-White school, there are still differences. Almost every author unconsciously changes the essence of maps in the process of creating them.

For example, Ryder-White's Four of Swords depicts a knight lying on a tombstone, over which three swords hang, and another one is fixed on a tombstone. In the same version of the deck, the knight does not lie on the tombstone, but simply folded his arms and head on it. The swords are attached to the wall of the temple.

The plots of the Moon Arcana, as well as the King of Cups, Ten of Wands and some other drawings have been slightly changed.

The Universal Key is a kind of variation of the Ryder-White system, whose divination system has served as the basis for many modern decks. Therefore, it is not difficult to interpret it, standard interpretations for all decks of the Rider-White school are suitable for this deck.

The interpretation of the Tarot of this system can seem rather difficult for beginners, since the cards are not provided with inscriptions or clues, as in some other varieties. This is the idea of ​​the authors - to make universal cards that can be used by representatives of any nationality.

However, they are still suitable for beginners - there are numbering on the cards. In addition, when buying in Russian stores, a brochure is included in the kit, which contains explanations, as well as the meanings of the symbols of the Universal Key.

The absence of inscriptions can also confuse a professional fortuneteller if he is not yet accustomed to using a new deck. Regarding the images, the plots are developed on the basis of the Ryder-White school, so the search for the essence of the answer in the illustration of the card is possible, as well as meditation to understand the deep meaning of the signs.

Despite the lack of explanations and inscriptions on the cards, the deck is considered easy to use. Reading Tarot cards The Master Key will become easier with experience - any new deck needs to be made friends, and this takes some time. These cards will be both a good option for an all-round deck for a professional, and a first deck for a beginner.

There is also another nuance. The authors felt that the names of the cards sometimes get in the way. For example, the negative attitude of most people to the lasso Devil is known. So, according to the deck developers, the lack of names makes people concentrate on the meaning of the cards embedded in the images, without being distracted by the names, which only help to put stamps and develop stereotypes.

To work with these cards, you can choose absolutely any layouts - it is universal and suitable for any fortune-telling. With its help, you can find answers to questions about feelings and relationships, work, business, spirituality and better understand any situation. This deck is also good for working with your own consciousness and introspection.

Tarot Universal Key is a good choice of universal divination tool, suitable for use by both a professional fortuneteller and a beginner. They are also not bad as the first Tarot deck, which is suitable for any scenario and will help solve any issue.


If you have been working with traditional Wyeth cards for a long time, but the usual images are tired and you want to buy a new deck that preserves the classic symbolism, pay attention to the Universal Key Tarot. It is about these cards that we will talk with you today. My personal review will undoubtedly be of interest to beginner tarologists, as well as to those who are interested in various author's creations for purely educational purposes.

History of the deck

The author of the Universal Key Tarot was David Corsi, already known to the world of tarot readers for the Eternal Night of the Vampires, Draconis, Ghost Tarot and Elf Tarot decks. It was co-authored by Giordano Berti (Tarot Dante, Golden Florentine, Rituals of the Order of the Golden Dawn). Corsi himself worked on the creation of illustrations.

The idea of ​​the author was to rework the traditional images of the Arcana, familiar to everyone from the Waite deck, but to do it in a modern way, using computer graphics while maintaining the classic meanings of the cards. What happened in the end, the author himself calls "the quintessence of traditions and sensitive perception." As a result, the deck, in my opinion, turned out to be more like a set of 3D pictures, although it is very easy to interpret the cards.

The first edition of the deck was released in 2008 by the Italian Lo Scarabeo, in 2010 a Russian-language version was released by Avvalon, and then in 2012 the baton was continued by the Llewellyn publishing house. In 2016, a set was released from the deck and book by Isa Donelly called "Tarot for All".

Key features of the deck

As such, the deck does not have any features by which these cards could be called exclusive. It's still the same good old Waite, just more "modernized". In the Universal Key Tarot, we see the same suits, the same numbering, the same characters of the court cards - in a word, nothing outstanding. The only thing that caught my eye is that the Major Arcana are not signed, there are only Roman numerals on the card corresponding to the serial number of the Trump, while the figure is duplicated both above and below. Why this dubbing was needed remains a mystery to me personally. However, with the Minor Arcana and court cards - the same story.

The frames framing the images are stylized as wooden picture frames, but at the same time, in my opinion, they somehow do not really fit with the illustrations themselves. Personally, I expect to see a picture in a wooden frame, and not computer graphics. In general, this design idea somehow did not find a response in my heart. But any work, as you know, has its fans, so I do not exclude that someone, on the contrary, will be delighted with such stylization.

Symbolism of the cards

If you look at the Universal Key Tarot gallery, you won’t find anything new in terms of symbolism either, so those who like to delve into the smallest details and those who look for hidden meanings, astrological, cabalistic and numerological references, are clearly better to pass by.

Yes, the author did a great job with the background of the images, and the computer graphics certainly create a visual effect of volume, but I always pay attention to new ideas first of all, and in this deck, they, in fact, are not. Well, perhaps quite insignificant, but I will talk about them a little later. And so the High Priestess still stands between two columns, the Hanged Man dangles upside down on a tree branch, and the usual symbols of suits are located around the Magician. Everything is as it should be.

Major Arcana

As I already said, the plots of the cards are almost completely identical to Waitov's, only they look more voluminous, alive. The 3D effect seems to draw you into the image. Here are a few cards for comparison: High Priestess, Hermit, Strength.

As you can see, small differences are still present: the Priestess presses the scroll to herself, and does not hold it on her knees, the Hermit does not stand on a snow-covered peak, but in the middle of withered grass, and the wreath that the girl holds on the Waite Strength Arcana is in the Tarot Universal Key put on the neck of a lion. It is precisely such small nuances that can be found on almost every card, but it cannot be said that they can significantly affect the interpretation.

Separately, I would like to dwell only on those Trumps, which the author nevertheless showed in his own way - these are the Sun, Moon, Death. Look, on the nineteenth Arcana, not one, but two whole children, and on the seventeenth - instead of cancer, some marvelous sea monster. Why all this, I never guessed.

No, of course, I understand that in the author's decks any new details may be appropriate, but if a person initially creates a copy of existing cards, trying only to modernize the original illustrations, why do you need to add notes of amateur performance only to some Arcana? Mystery! On the other hand, Death looks beautiful and unusual in the author's way, but at the same time it does not lose its essence - you can’t say anything about it.

I also really disliked the Chariot Arcana. Personally, I have this card caused a slight bewilderment. Waite's Chariot moves, and the sphinxes harnessed to it are alive. Here we see a strange wagon, which, apparently, mysteriously rushes by itself, without any control, and is about to fly into two stone statues blocking the path. The question immediately arises: Is the charioteer blind and did not initially notice that it was impossible to drive over the bridge? Or is this another variation of the author's interpretation, meaning, in this case, apparently, the impossibility of controlling the movement in any way at all?

In a word, the original meaning is clearly lost here. And when I opened the MBC, it became even more “fun”: about this card, it says that you need to follow your own path, resist the temptation to turn off the path, and constantly look ahead to see the goal. It turns out that our Charioteer saw two stone statues, but decided not to turn anywhere and quickly fly straight at them. Not the best example of managing your own life, is it?

Minor Arcana

Here on this cheerful (or vice versa sad) note, let's move on to the Minor Arcana Tarot Universal Key. And here is already a classic, a classic and nothing but a classic. It's not even interesting to talk about. Do you recognize familiar stories?





As you can see, in the Tarot Universal Key, the meanings of the cards of Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles completely repeat the traditional ones, however, as well as the plots themselves. The only difference is the visual volume, which, as I said, was created using modern computer graphics.

court cards

But on the images of curly cards, in my opinion, the author did not work very well. Yes, the characters are beautiful, no doubt, but why do they look somehow the same? Look at the King of Wands and Pentacles! Don't you think that this is the same person, just disguised and moved his throne from the palace to the street?

With the Queens, a similar story, and with the same suits. Maybe it's just two twin brothers marrying two twin sisters?

What can be said about Knights and Pages? The knights were very successful, almost all the Pages too, but one - the Page of Swords, in my opinion, looks strange - it turned out to be too warlike! And what kind of butterflies surround him? No way, did you accidentally fly from the Suit of Cups?

For those who draw parallels between the cards of the Court and the sixteen socionic types, I would advise you to think carefully before buying the Universal Key Tarot - after all, it is not possible to intuitively judge the character of the characters from these author's illustrations.

Features of the interpretation of cards

Even a beginner can cope with the interpretations of the Major and Minor Arcana without studying additional literature. But you will have to work with curly cards, because, as I said, the residents of the Royal Court turned out to be rather flat. But in general, this is Waite, and if you work according to this system, you will definitely succeed in finding a common language with the deck.

What issues is the deck suitable for?

The deck is absolutely universal - it can handle any questions. Ask about personal, career, future or past events - I think you will get quite clear answers, as if you were holding a traditional Rider-Waite in your hands.

Who is the card for?

  • For beginners
  • Computer graphics lovers
  • For those looking for a classic Waite deck with more modern illustrations

For collectors who collect unusual Tarot decks, I would not advise Tarot cards to acquire the Universal Key: you will not find anything new and anything that can cause admiring “oohs and aahs” in these cards.

Since this is a classic, it is recommended to use any literature on traditional Waite, plus the one that comes with the MBK deck, as a guide. You can also buy Universal Key Tarot cards complete with Isa Donnelly's book. However, it seems to me that in this option, the cards themselves will cost you more than buying the deck and book separately.

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